Charmed [Nicobay Commission]

Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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A young man runs into a trap set by a mischievous scientist and spends a... unique night with a small family of pokémon. Adult, lots of sex, lots of pokémon, lots of... personal growth (and thus 18+).

This was commissioned by Nicobay. It was not intended to be as long as it got, but I started having a lot of fun - hope you enjoy as much as I did!

And then, the kid was a charmander.

I guess you could say it was my fault, and be one hundred percent accurate. What can I say? I'm a nerdy druid. If I want to make a magically-enhanced drug to transform people into pokémon, I'll do it, and since there aren't exactly regulatory bodies for this sort of thing, it'll only go tested via convenience. Can you blame me for trying to advance technology?


Well, that's all the introduction you need. He's a charmander now. I'll back up the story and you can see what happened to him yourself.

Victor walked idly through the woods that encircled his small town, to pass the time. He'd gotten out of school early, and his burgeoning case of senioritis bade him avoid home and thus homework for as long as was reasonable. He wasn't a terribly remarkable or unremarkable guy - dark blond, shoulder-length hair, roundabout 5'10", gawky and ungainly, but clearly a soccer player from the muscle in his legs, green eyes covered over by thick eyelashes and thin eyebrows, and a small mouth and chin. He hummed a bit as he walked, and there was a sort of distracted look in his eyes. He knew that delaying going home meant he had less time with his quilava, Zha, and the little badger was basically his best friend, but he really, really didn't want to hear his mom nag about cleaning his room or triple-checking college applications or anything like that, so he took what he deemed the lesser of two evils and meandered through the thick pines.

His thoughts wandered as he did. High school would draw to a close next semester. He desperately needed to know what he was doing. University was appetizing, but with his grades, it would be expensive. A tech school was even more appetizing - relatively cheap, and it would let him pursue welding. A bit of an outcast on the soccer team for his nerdy quirks, he'd gained respect among the true nerds in chorus, orchestra, and marching band for his steampunk-themed gadgets - a smartphone dotted with gears and fitted with a clockwork, uh, clock; pins and belt buckles; and when he was feeling particularly bold, boots with copper pipes and a pressure gauge. However, welding wasn't considered a really glorious profession, and he wasn't sure he wanted to put up with the poorly-timed smiles he'd get for saying it was his goal. So maybe that on the side, while going into architecture or something...

The verdant towers around him got older and older as he went into more and more ancient parts of the woods, lost in his thoughts. Some people had said there was a crazy old hermit who lived out there, though he had never seen one. It was rumored to be a wild man with white hair, purple eyes, and a penchant for... strange science and magic. Victor wasn't sure if he believed in magic beyond the as-of-yet-unexplained pokémon abilities, but there was still plenty of reason to be nervous about a batty scientist, so he drew his jacket a little closer around him as the air got damper and colder. The ground sloped upwards, being near the base of a mountain range, so a short hour of walking away reminded him that his mother was not only a source of nagging, but also of food.

As he turned to go, a strange sight caught his eye - a donut, hanging from a thin wire that itself was hanging from one branch of a pine that wasn't of particular note. He blinked at it, reasonably startled. It swung calmly, like a pendulum. With ponderous articulation, he uttered, "Uh." It was a singularly surreal sight. His green eyes cast around for signs of anyone else - someone guarding this obvious trap - before settling back on the bait. It wasn't a great one, either. Who wanted to eat a donut that'd been hanging out in the woods, getting stale? And it was misty, which would make it worse. He had been pondering this for an hour before he realized he was walking towards it, stomach growling voraciously.

It was a dumb idea, to tear it and pluck it down, and start contentedly munching as he dropped his backpack on the ground and leaned against a tree to relax. Objectively, he understood that this was stupid - the donut had no good reason to still be delicious, the frosting smooth and sweet, the glaze just barely crunching as though recently baked, the dough decidedly reminiscent of Crispy Cream, the happily un-trademarked donut store in town, and he certainly shouldn't have finished the whole thing and slurped the residual sugar from each finger. However, he was thinking these thoughts while doing these things, and by the time he realized that, it was nearing full dark and the thick, black smoke of burning pine needles was biting at his nostrils.

Victor gasped and darted to his feet, turning as he did. Thankfully, it was a tiny fire, so he stamped it out, and immediately stumbled backwards, oddly off balance, to thump down on his butt when he realized he was barefoot. Not only was he barefoot, but also most of his foot was awkwardly tangled in his jeans (damp enough to quench the flame) and his shirt covered him like a tent. Victor became confused. He tugged at the shirt to see if it would tighten, and instead ended up quirking an ironic eyebrow - naively assuming he still had eyebrows - at how it hung off his shoulder like a toga or a blouse. There was a yellow glow from somewhere behind him. Assuming that whatever prankster had pulled off whatever this was was behind him with a... torch, from the heat... had finally arrived, he gave a snort, and nearly fell flat on his back when thick, gray smoke curled up from his nose. In a sudden panic, he wiped at his nostrils, only to find a short, stubby muzzle where it should have been, and slits, and the sensation of pawing at his lips. In short order, he was scrabbling his way out of his clothes, having spent enough time getting pantsed by his teammates not to care anymore, and looking at his arms and legs with wide, agitated eyes. "What."

Like I said: and then, the kid was a charmander.

While he had been buzzed by whatever source of cannabinoids I'd had on hand at the time, a relatively rapid change had been wrought on his body, one whose description is about to bring any biologists in the readership either to tears of laughter or mortified silence. His skeletal structure had shifted and shrunk, his periostea thickening as it went, his thoracic spine sprouting ribs, portions of his skull decalcifying and dissolving away, his thumbs retreating into his hands, and all that extra mineral depositing itself in a rapid proliferation of spinal elements and the extension of his coccyx - that is, a tail. His arms felt more rigid, and when he moved them, he felt an odd wiggle in his hips, like they were connected. His thighs and trunk had thickened proportionately, to support squatting a bit when upright, and his feet had spread and lengthened, gaining muscle and innervation. His skin had become taught and rubbery, lost all its hair, and was slick with the rising mist. Some of his organs had shifted as new ones came into being, and he felt a constant, pleasant warmth, like his own personal hearth in his chest. On the sexual front, he would eventually realize his genitalia had retreated into his groin and, because any transformative effort requires a significant release of growth hormones, though they had shrunk proportionately with his body, were stirring with a brand new shot at puberty - like it or not. Finally, the capstone of the transformation: a small flame was burning silently at the tip of his long, slender tail, neither seeming to dry out his skin nor burn him, and aided in not setting the forest floor on fire (beyond the small pile of nearby needles) by a short, upward curvature (a few tight cartilaginous connections, for the anatomy nerds).

Victor took in as much of this as he could with a slow-dawning mixture of horror and excitement. How long would it last? Could he do what other pokémon could do? What "level" was he? God knew Pokénomics had spent enough time and money trying and failing to define levels. How did he do it? Where would he go? What would he tell his mom? Who had done this? It was dark out - were charmanders prey? How could they be? They didn't live in forests, for obvious reasons. Did he need shelter? And, good Lord, what was he supposed to do with his clothes and backpack?

After a few long minutes of soul-searching, he decided he was okay with this. He would need answers to all of those questions and a way to reverse it, but... hell. This was goddamned cool! An inventor's innovation struck him, and in short order he had fashioned his jeans and belt into a poor man's harness and was awkwardly waddling along on all fours with his newfound, swinging gait, dragging his pack behind him down the slope of the hill. He wasn't entirely certain how he was supposed to convince his parents of his identity, but he wanted desperately to see if he could talk to Zha, he was practically grinning in excitement at the prospect of trying to weld things with his tail, he was hungry as hell, and his teenage libido was wondering what masturbation would be like with his gripping pawpads and slick skin.

The thought of it sent a tingling into his nethers, and he slowly stopped waddling. Hm... He was out here alone, he had his own light source, and there was no reason to go home and masturbate where his mom could walk in on him when he could do it out here where no one could at all. A vague memory from a past biology class reminded him that pheromones where things, but again - he had a natural advantage against anything living in the woods but diglets and the odd sandshrew, so what the heck did he care if something took interest?

Careful not to singe his backpack, the teenage charmander undid his "harness" and sat up on his haunches. He realized swiftly with a flash of gut-wrenching despair that his arms were by no means suited for this unless he hunched awkwardly over himself. His tail, however, did in fact need a place not to accidentally immolate the woods, and was pleasantly prehensile...

The young man grinned to himself in gleeful, youthful anticipation as he swung the muscular appendage around, perpetual fireball and all, and, after verifying that he was immune to his own flame, put the burning tip to a slightly parted, slightly drooping, horizontal slit, praying his manhood hadn't left forever. It responded to the sudden burning heat far better than he had anticipated, and a jolt of pleasure shot up his spine from his loins as a surge of pressure washed through them. A tapered tip of deep, ruby-colored, slick, gleaming flesh pushed its way into the light, growing steadily and throbbing with each swift beat of his heart. A few blue veins were visible under the surface, one or two bulging vivaciously out. He gave a disappointed snort, this time smiling in nervous excitement when the plumes of smoke curled out, to notice he could no longer quite see his balls, but he could feel them, slowly roiling in response to the heat, and could barely see small, healthy bulges under his tail when he craned his neck awkwardly to look around his muzzle.

"Oooh..." He curled the slender tip of his tail around the similarly tapered length and gave a shudder of pure, relaxing bliss at the sensation. His tail had its thin sheen of moisture, but his shaft was wet with it from its moist confines. Sure, it was maybe a bit under half the size he had been before, but he was also standing at almost a third his original height - a fine trade, and the blurry mental math he tried to do put him proportionate to a human eight inches, the realization of which made his arousal pulse with triumphant vigor. He looked down, the strength of the throb almost concerning, and noticed the midpoint of the rod had bloated a little thicker, and tiny ripples of ridges that might develop in adulthood were visible.

Somehow, the searing heat of his tail tip was more pleasurable than he could have ever imagined and it took his mind from the details. It took a few moments of slipping and sliding, but he eventually sat back, hands relaxed at his sides, breath stirring the air with heat waves, as his tail tugged and stroked up and down, eliciting small gasps and moans. This... this had been a good idea. For long minutes, he just sat there, sometimes with a thought of... learning more about Zha, sometimes trying to imagine what this would be like with a human, being so slick as to slip into any orifice, then swell up and plug it, but most often just exploring and enjoying each new nerve ending. Precum leaked out steadily to keep the shaft wet, and curiosity made him lick it off his tail once - thin traces of salt, a little sticky sweetness, and it was warm as a fresh-cooked meal. Half an hour passed, then an hour, while he lost himself in his little huddle of fire, lust, and discovery, hidden from the moonlight by the thick, verdant shield of pine.

"Gah! Chah... mmm!" The climax hit him unexpectedly, and his body jerked as sudden thick spurts of jizz spat out in front of him, a rush of heat and a storm of pleasure burning through him. He moaned and gasped, the sounds reptilian and childish, and when he had the chance to open his eyes, fairly giggled to see the spunk sending up steam where it landed. It was thick as honey, but had still managed to arc out two feet in front of him, and he marveled at his own apparent libido while the pleasure aftershocks trembled through him. He used his tail to bring a thin trail of the stuff from his oversensitive member - yipping when he touched it - to his mouth. Usually, he didn't try this, but in case the transformation didn't last, he lapped at the stuff and found it... oddly pleasant. Smoky, flavorfully enough, and rich, and salty. And most had landed on the forest floor, so no need to clean up. This had been by far his best and easiest experience jacking off, possibly ever.

After a few moments more of basking in his personal afterglow, he hooked up his jury-rigged harness again and began waddling. As if on cue, the shriek of an owl cut through his senses and a new reaction sent him scurrying up a tree, tossing his pack and the clothes stacked on it on the forest floor. He blushed, embarrassed by the instant response, but a little impressed by his new body's speed and good Lord, he could climb vertical surfaces.

He tried to think. Noctowl. Very large. Not known for kindness. However, nocturnal, as the name suggested, and probably not fans of bright lights, like the one he now brought with him everywhere he went. No reason to be afraid.

A sharp stinger jammed its way into his finger and he yelped, a human reaction making him pick up that paw and overbalance backwards, only catching a glimpse of the retreating yellow creature that had done it, the weedle's horn now tipped with charmander blood. Victor became poisoned. He was light enough, now, that the fall wasn't really so bad, but the cowardly instincts of a creature in its larval stage - another side-effect of going back to prepubescence, sadly - were fighting with his more rational, human urges, and even those were beginning to fail as he writhed to all fours. Weedle stings were mostly annoyances to adults, but could make children sick for a few hours if they weren't treated, and high enough doses could kill small animals. He cursed and sucked on the finger, trying to get a hold of himself while his little heart raced, and visually pinpointed all his clothes in his little sphere of light before he caught sight of a large pair of gleaming yellow eyes and the ivory glow of long, dangerous claws got an "Oh fuck," from his human mind and blotted out all reason in the rest of it. Sandslashes were relatively hulking bundles of quills and fury and were not to be trifled with, even for grown adults. He bolted.

The world blurred around him as he raced away. Something in the back of his head was shouting, "Up! Up! Get up! Up is safe!" but he fought it, having absolutely no desire to get stung again. So, against all reason, he ran up the gentle slope of the landscape, ever upwards. He could hear the whisking and rustling of the needles under his feet, the snaps of twigs. His tail remained at roughly the height of his head as he scurried forward on all fours, twitching and changing paths in the swinging globe of light at every outside sound, and time swiftly lost meaning.

When he caught his breath again, he was clinging to a rock face that jutted up from the ground at a sharp angle, a precursor to the looming mountain range above him. His tail was burning low and he had it hidden in a small opening in the rock, knowing he was doing the opposite of camouflaging with the granite, but having no idea where to go or what to do. He panted there for a while, his right hand-foot throbbing with every wickedly quick beat of his heart and swollen, though happily not discolored. The stone was clammy and cold, but his feet had excellent grip on it, and he could survey at least most of the landscape from where he lay.

Finally, he decided there were no immediate predators, and then laughed sheepishly to himself. If he were human, the idea of predators in these woods would be ridiculous. Sure, there were big pokémon and bears and moose that every now and then wandered these woods, but it took a true idiot to not only raise one's ire, but also not be able to slip through the thick pines and get away. He slowly clambered up the rock, wondering if there was any way to determine where he was.


"FACK." The crimson salamander darted down, around, and under the rock before remembering to breathe. Who had said that? Was he destined not to have a quiet moment to himself the rest of the night? Who had snuck up on him? And the voice had been weirdly sonorous... and was currently erupting into deep, bell-like laughter.

"You misunderstood me, little one. It was an introduction."

"Don't be an ass!" he snapped, and blinked at his own ferocity. Backed into a corner... huh. Animals did become dangerous. He swung his tail around beside his head and, with a contraction of muscle through his diaphragm and tail he didn't quite understand, bade the flame burn brighter as a threat as he poked both out from under the stone. "Who's der? There?" Hm. His tongue wasn't particularly suited to talking.

A massive, smooth, scaled body stepped in front of him, with thick, powerful claws and legs like tree trunks. It was the color of sand, mostly, and glinted in his light. The knees bent as the animal went into a crouch and a massive tail flattened to the ground for balance. Victor swung his gaze up, to meet a deceptively innocent roundness of face and feature gazing at him with intelligent eyes. "You mistake me," it rumbled. "I was attempting to warn you - I'm a dragonite. Usually my size alone terrifies things, so around here, I've tried my best to announce when I'm landing."

"Charmed." Victor's voice came out scratchy and threatening, but he tried to relax. If it was a dragonite, and if wanted him dead, he'd be dead. "Sorry. I'm. Not local."

The beast whuffed to get a scent, and snorted it out, wavering the charmander's flame. "You smell local. But you're damn right - a fire type has no place in a pine forest, even in autumn. Where are you from?" He idly stretched his wings. The opal, membranous things spread out nearly twelve feet in total - not nearly big enough to hold something that size aloft, though they were bound to his shoulders by wing muscles that bulged and showed veins from his recent flight.

It was occurring to the boy how eloquent the creature was. Certain highly-evolved pokémon were indeed known for their intellect, but not for using language, except the psychic types. Maybe this one had specialized in that area, somehow? More likely, it was his brain interpreting sounds and body language - he had been sensitized to such things, as a necessity among creatures without spoken word.

He finally answered, "I'm from that town down the hill. I'm, uh..." He saw no reason to lie, but also didn't want to explain that he had happened upon a donut hanging on a string and eaten it. The premise simply baffles. "I belong to a family there." His own voice sounded childish to him, as his lips stumbled through sounds his conscious mind wasn't trying to make. Also, he was more than mildly distracted by the sheer size of the slight pocketing of flesh that he knew, from having seen his own body and anatomy textbooks, housed the other male's equipment. Something primal washed through him.

"Oh! Got loose, did ya? And you young folk can be pretty skittish - I'm guessing you got startled, started running, and wound up here."

He licked his lips and shook his head, mortified he had been staring and sure he'd been caught. "Y-yeah. I'm... pretty embarrassed." He smiled and chuckled sheepishly, his flame cooling a little.

"Aaaah, that's alright." The dragon gave a warm smile. "You managed to land pretty close to my den. Come on and spend the night. Won't mind at all, and you'll hardly put a dent in dinner."

Dinner. Victor's stomach gurgled. "Y... you're sure? I'd love that. I'd, um, I didn't know what I was going to do, really, heh."

Another big smile. "Suuuuure, come on! We're right over here."

And he meant it. When Victor slithered out from under his stone, he found himself not a hundred feet from a huge opening in the rock face. He had been so focused on getting home that he hadn't even looked behind him. He started waddling over, then remembered he could stand upright and did so, more than a little intimidated that his head came up barely to the other's thigh.

"So, they give you a name? Surprised you don't have a collar. Surprised I can understand you, too."

"Victor," he answered without thinking. Huh. Sounded enough like a pet's name, anyway. "They have a quilava I hang out with." His story was coming easier and easier, the more truth he put in it. What with his odd hobby, unwarranted physical reactions in the locker room, and questionable internet history, Victor had learned how to determine what parts of the truth to tell. It was a good skill. "What's uh... What's your name, sir?" He found himself using the honorary without meaning to. Eh, what harm could come of it?

"Droon. Cute name you have there, Victor. Living up to it? Or do they keep you at home, mostly?"

The dragonite was so sure, in the way he spoke and moved. Victor found himself feeling completely secure in his presence, like he was being absorbed into that confidence. "I've won a few matches. Not all of 'em," he said slowly, speaking from his soccer experience. He thought for a moment before the next thing he said. "I stay at home a lot, though. The son likes to weld, so I do that a lot."

"Aaaah, a fine occupation for your kind! I knew an old charizard who worked with a weaponsmith back in the sixteen hundreds." Victor's mouth gaped as he mouthed the word. The dragonite clearly noticed his disbelief, because he waved one massive claw and said, "Yes, yes, I'm a hundred and fifty. Your masters never tell you how long-lived dragons are?"

"I guess... I guess I just never understood..."

"Ah, yeah, human language is confusing. Here we are." He bellowed out, "I return again, my queen, and I bring you a page!" They stepped into a narrow ingress, dim, but lit with torchlight from further within.

"I will throw the entire goddamned book at you if you brought back another stupid jarhead for Nina to gape over!"

"Moooooom!" whined a teenage voice from within while a slightly older one guffawed.

Droon snorted. "You're lucky," he murmured in a rumble that seemed to shake the earth, "The whole family's home tonight." His voice was tight, and they stepped into the light and heat of the cavern.

It was a huge place - cavernous, one might say - with a ceiling several stories high, walls covered in animal skins both mundane and pokémon in origin, and the floors similarly stacked with a series of pelts, from dirty, small ones in the entryway to finer ones in the middle. Some were familiar, others foreign - bears, plenty of deer, ampharos, stantler, dozens upon dozens of rabbits. It was clearly a collection of decades. The center was cleared of rugs, as it hosted a fire pit dug into the earth, above which turned a tremendous animal of some kind. A yak, perhaps. Above that was a relatively small hole in the sloping roof, which, from the black spots of smoke around it, must have been a chimney. Victor's jaw hung open, his eyes riveted on the meal, which dripped fat into the fire, making it crackle and hiss. His stomach growled again, and he found himself back on all fours, making his way to the fire.

A hand caught his tail and suddenly he was airborne. "Why did this follow you home, Dad? A snack?" A massive, purple maw opened suddenly under Victor and he struggled frantically, feeling powerless as hot, damp breath wafted over him and he was slowly lowered towards the waiting, dripping jaws.

"Bite it and lose a limb," Droon rumbled, and a soft chattering Victor had not quite heard suddenly went dead silent. Victor became paralyzed. He felt himself slowly lowered to the ground and released, and sat back up on his haunches to reorient himself.

"Yeah... sorry, Dad." The voice was penitent, but had a mild edge to it. This was an argument that had been had before, apparently.

"Everyone," the dragonite boomed, "this is Victor. He wandered away from his owners in that little town down the hill and got lost. We're having him over for the night, and I'll wing him back home in the morning." He curled his tail around the charmander in a gesture that was at the same time protective, welcoming, and possessive. Victor felt like without Droon, he might have swiftly become someone's appetizer. Then again... if these were the apex predators they appeared to be from their collection of pelts, he might not yet be safe.

"Oh, fun." The one who had picked up Victor crouched down, a mass of bulky, purple muscle padded over with a healthy layer of fat. He somehow looked much stronger than his father, like he could lift trucks, but was shorter, and very clearly subservient, if in a very familial way. His head was a mass of jutting horns the same color as his skin, and set close together above its muzzle were two deep blue eyes. "Heya, buddy," he greeted in a growl. "I'm Dane. Sorry 'bout that. I was honestly only messin' around - we don't eat the smart ones." He made a toothy grin and extended a paw that dwarfed Victor's, but the lizard didn't think showing fear was a good plan, here. He met it with his and shook, never dropping his gaze from Dane's.

"No worries, heh. I, uh, I'm jittery tonight. It's been... been a long night."

"Aw, well sorry to make it worse. Here, meet Nina."

"I'm already meeting him," that same teenage voice griped. An azure rabbit the size of lion leaned down awkwardly on three legs and offered him the fourth to shake. He took it, meeting her purple eyes. A nidorina, then, living with her nidoking brother and dragonite father. Odd, but... not unheard of, and more reasonable than other pairings he'd seen. "Hi. Nina. Dane's a jerk." Her brother elbowed her, and she opened a fistful of wet claws near his face. Ah. So that was what it looked like when you didn't get them de-venomed. They were perfectly shaped, and as Victor kept looking, he realized that her fur was flawless. He had seen worse-groomed nidorina as guard animals in major cities. He found himself staring, and just barely managed to swallow and open his mouth to answer.

"Heh, it's fine. Thanks for having me. I... I was pretty worried."

"Weeee'll take care of you. Dad's a good guy - he looks out for pets that get lost out here sometimes." Her voice got a little louder and she cast her gaze over to a corner, where a second fire was burning under a tremendous iron pot. "Usually not at night, usually not instead of bringing me a date, or sending me out to find one..."

"Your father's tired, Nina. Tell her, m'lady."

"Your father's tired, Nina," mumbled a basso, feminine voice from that corner. Victor looked over to see Droon with his arms wrapped around a sapphire pillar of oh... nidoqueen. The two had their lips pressed together and were holding one another quietly, clearly lost in their own world. Dane grinned once before looking away with a flash of longing in his eyes, while Nina snorted with unabashed bitterness.

"Stop being gross!"

The two sighed, lips barely parting. Droon murmured, loud enough to hear, "I told you to never send her to the city, never let her see how people act in 'civilization,' and what do you do? Parade around Kanto with her for a year getting shot at and almost caught. This is what you get, woman." He was clearly teasing, but his wife socked him in his ample gut all the same, eliciting an oof.

Finally, the great nidoqueen, who was shorter than her son, but broader, and not because of fatty tissue, turned and regarded Victor. "Hey there, hon. Glad you're not out in the cold. I'm Dora. Dinner will be ready in a while - sit tight and try not to let the kids bother you too much."

"I'm not a kid!" Nina complained.

"But you are a nuisance."


The smell of spices and cooking meat was all but driving the poor boy insane by this point, but he knew his manners, and animals though they were, these were apparently civil pokéfolk. Nina was absorbed in alternating between grooming herself and slathering butter on the animal on the spit and Droon stared into the fire and turned it when he wasn't teasing his wife, who was completely occupied with whatever was boiling in her kettle, so Victor waddled over to Dane, who seemed to be scratching marks into a section of the cave wall with his claws. Besides... Nina, despite her petulance... Well, she was gorgeous, and a lot of it seemed like affect, anyway... If he were at school and she were just some teal-haired girl... He shook his head and turned his attention to her brother.

"So..." He thought through his words. "What do wild pokémon... do? I thought you all spent most of your time, well..." He blushed, embarrassed as he realized there was no polite way to say it.

"Hunting, eating, sleeping, and screwing? Hah! Yeah, that's usually about it."

Nina called over, "Gross!"

"Shut up, you prude! Anyway." He settled into a seated position with his legs crossed. His massive back was furred and had a mane of spines going down it. Victor considered it, and then, with a flash of instinctive curiosity leaping on the idea, found himself hanging off Dane's shoulder, having skittered up his back. Admittedly, it wasn't much of a climb, but there it was.

Dane smirked at him. "Hah! Cute. You pet pokémon can be standoffish to wild types like us - glad you're not like that." He rubbed Victor's chin with the back of a knuckle. It was... wonderful. The boy found himself closing his eyes. "Like I was saying, we mostly do that, and we're mostly happy with it. Our family is both loyal and, if you've noticed, large, so we don't have trouble finding food. Dad can snipe anything Nina can't run down, and that gives us a lot more time than others have for thinking, being picky about mates, mom's hilarious idea of 'agriculture,' Nina's grooming, and so on and so forth."


While they talked, Dane went back to his carving. It was hardly artwork - it seemed more like something to occupy the time than anything else. Victor felt his stomach gurgling away the whole while, but despite that found himself almost drifting to sleep from the constant rubbing on his chin. The nidoking went quiet after a while, probably out of boredom. As with Droon, Victor felt himself developing an odd loyalty to the other pokémon. His strength and the easy comfort he gave just... relaxed the little charmander.

Eventually, dinner was done, and the family gravitated towards it, swiftly. Victor hardly even remembered it. He ate, and ate, and ate, until his belly was actually swollen from the food. The family talked and teased one another. They didn't intend to leave him out, but they did all the same, just as a matter of course, though he hardly minded. Each of them ate well more than twice what he did. Victor noticed they could get pretty, ah, inappropriate, in their topics, with Droon openly leering at his wife. Even Nina eventually let down her pious show and talked about the males in whom she was interested and their assets. The area under the giant dragonite's slit swelled, though it didn't open, but Dane's sticky, crimson member peeked into the open, and instead of being horrified, his parents laughed and playfully scolded him.

It was around that time Victor came to understand he had a rock-hard, throbbing erection in his lap, ignored in his blur of satiation. He was in a relaxed, squatting position, leaning back with his tail supporting him, his eyes bleary from simple contentment, and then his cheeks began to turn redder.

"Oh look, he noticed!" Nina pointed out, and they all shared a round of hearty laughter. It wasn't harsh, and it wasn't mocking - it was just laughter. It left the salamander confused, and blushing even deeper.

Droon followed up with, "He's so tired - look at 'im. Dane, he seemed to take a liking to you, and I imagine he's very nice to sleep with, except that tail." The little pokémon remained flushed, embarrassed to be talked about like he was some adorable little thing... and even more so that he knew he was. But he let himself be scooped up and carried back to Dane's corner, drowsy as he was, without complaint, while the others cleaned up the remains of the meal and made sure the fire would burn through the night. Within moments, the hazes of fatigue, satiation, and warmth blurred over his vision, and he hardly even remembered being put down. Victor fell asleep.

Hours later, Victor woke up. He felt... hungry. Surprised, he sat up to find himself curled up against the great Dane's side with his tail fire burning low in sleep. He nearly singed the massive creature before realizing he was moving his tail about, but managed to avoid it just in time. His stomach rumbled quietly in the dark cave, and his nose swiftly picked out where the leftovers had been kept, salted heavily and placed on ice - probably Droon's doing. He waddled over to it on all fours, certain they wouldn't even notice the little he'd need for a snack, and started chowing down on a few ribs, again blushing faintly to realize he had half an erection wobbling beneath him on the way over.

Midway through the third, he sniffed, and detected a new, but familiar fragrance in the air. It was Dane's, but... meatier. His arousal responded immediately. His senses became muggy. The cracked open bone fell from his fingers and he slunk over to the tremendous creature, eager to find the source of the smell. Excellent. It was immediately obvious: the nidoking was sprawled on his back, with a fat, gently pulsing, ruby shaft arching elegantly over his massive gut, up to his belly button. For an animal, it wasn't terribly long, but it was easily bigger around than Victor's coupled fists, and it drooled viscous precum like syrup onto his shell-like skin, already dribbling in a glimmering rivulet down his side, though the creature appeared to be fast asleep.

Victor felt strangely comfortable with the situation, and without even thinking anything of it, climbed up onto Dane's chest and sprawled on it, nose an inch from the tapered, almost conical tip and its steadily opening and closing slit while Dane's breathing moved him gently up and down. He carefully opened his lips around it and, wondering if the heat he had enjoyed so much was equally pleasurable for this beast, let out a small hum of pleasure from the taste and the answering rush of pre into his maw. He swallowed slowly, letting the salty, thick liquid drain pleasantly down his throat, and pushed his rounded muzzle experimentally forward. The reward was immediate, as Dane subconsciously groaned and flexed again, making his cockhead flare and once again spurt a drizzle of pre into the waiting charmander's maw.

For minute upon minute, lit only by his faintly glowing tail, they lay like that with Victor calmly fellating the much larger male. Only the rise and fall, rise and fall of Dane's deep breathing and the quiet, wet suckling of Victor's lips and occasional swallows. He pushed a hand forward to massage Dane's scrotum, a half-visible, soft pouch of distended flesh under his groin with two clear egg-shaped outlines that churned almost idly. The older male gave only the occasional pleased rumble, deep in his sleep, until finally, he flexed his groin muscles and suddenly overflowed Victor's small mouth with pre as he bucked his hips. He was close.

Heart beating swiftly from the sudden movement, Victor backed up, only to feel Dane's warm breath suddenly heating his exposed rear. He spun around and backed up again, so he could keep an eye on the nidoking's face, and this time, predictably, found his rump pressed firmly against the hot, slick nidoking member. The sensation was... oddly inviting, and before he'd fully made a conscious decision, Victor found himself making muffled moans and doing his best to bury that thick cock in himself. It didn't cross his mind to wonder why - he only knew he wanted to pleasure the more dominant male, and to feel filled, completely. There was no way he could fit even half of it in himself, but he pushed until he couldn't take anymore, a spark of enjoyable pain writhing through him from the stretch, and then found he didn't need to do anything else - in his sleep, the great beast of a nidoking began rocking his hips.

When he looked behind him, Victor could see the sway and heave of the great balls that were about to unload into him. He felt his mouth go dry, despite his liquid meal, at the thought. A steady river of pre was leaking from his rear where the tip now and then pulled completely from his warm passage. His little member had drooled copiously on the nidoking's chest while he had been sucking, and now he found himself pushed into that pool over and over again, humping the slick flesh whether he wanted to or not - and he wanted to.

Over the course of the next half hour, Victor's moans became progressively louder, though they remained little more than tiny yips of pleasure and pain. The smoothly slipping member eased past his prostate over and over again, until his noises were punctuated by first one muffled, yelping orgasm, then many minutes later a second, each time spattering Dane's body with heavy spurts of steaming, white cream the creature hardly seemed to notice and each time clenching his rear around the beast of a cock in him and driving Dane to push deeper, ever deeper. And each time, he got hard instantly afterwards. He even felt... bigger. Stronger, somehow. He tried to reach down to feel his member, having forgotten he couldn't reach it, but this time, the tip of one claw managed to brush it. He blinked. Impossible... his cock had grown just from being made to cum. Finally, with a straining groan, Dane's lower back came up off the ground and Victor found a new use for his sticky pawpads as he was nearly dislodged from his seat from the force of the nidoking's explosion. He clenched his teeth while his ass was filled, then overflowed, with spunk even thicker than the pre had been, and then he... felt something.

His body... hardened, in the midst of Dane's climax. His muscled clenched and his cock throbbed almost painfully, like it had before, but worse, so much worse and so much better. It was like the experience was bringing him to some sort of... new level of strength. Or, it would have, if Dane had been weaker, but Dane was a fully-evolved, well-traveled, and horny as hell nidoking. His orgasm lasted for a solid three minutes, and each individual burst of seed took long seconds to end. Victor almost cried out in pleasure. He started to feel bloated from the cum, but then his body clenched again, and again, as he was taken ever to higher echelons of ecstasy, higher and higher levels of that tight, invigorating clenching of muscle and flaring of his senses. His pectorals and abs burned from the strain and his hips and thighs could be seen visibly swelling. When it finally ended, he felt like he had just woken up from hibernation. Dane was spent at least for the moment, but when Victor finally opened his eyes again, he looked down to see his cock, crawling towards twice the length it had started as, hot and hungry for action again. He was hung, like a rapidash. _ He realized his shoulders and hips still felt tight, and gave a little yelp of pain as a shudder ran through his body. He found himself able to move a little bit more easily, though not much, especially with... had _he done that? Dane was fairly drenched in charmander spunk, from his belly to his horns. Victor was no bigger, but when he sat back - with no reservations, mind you - on the pillar of cock in his rump to get a better look at himself, he saw deep lines sculpted into his belly - were those his abs? He looked at his biceps, triceps, forearms. They were bigger around, and he could see the expanded musculature and vasculature in them, straining out against his dense, rubbery skin. He'd never been cut with muscle like this before, and he just gazed at himself in wonder for several minutes.

"So, two questions."

Victor jumped, startled back into reality. A paw landed on his hip, and he saw the white teeth of Dane's grin ahead and below him.

The massive creature chuckled, but quickly sobered into a sort of awestruck tone of voice, behind his attempt at nonchalance. "First, how long to you plan on sitting there like it ain't even a thang to have something half as wide as you are halfway up your butt? Second, ah-ah." He cut off the charmander's sudden splutter of an attempt to explain himself. "That was too damn good for you to try to apologize for. Anyway, second, did you just... level up, from riding me?"

"I... I don't..." I did, though. "I don't know."

"No one told you what it was like, huh." He sat up with a squelch of juices that had gathered under the two of them and a soft, rumbling groan as it changed the angle at which Victor was caught on his member. "Well, if that's what happened, you're probably hella close to just evolving right here, though how..." In wonder, he cupped the salamander's raging hard-on in his paw, eliciting a high-pitched moan of pleasure. He grinned. "I wonder..."

He looked over Victor's head and gave a slow shake of his own, though the smaller male didn't notice at all - not with that powerful paw clenched around his seven inches and swiftly, relentlessly, smoothly stroking over and over and over it. He was embarrassed by how short a time it took, but in a few quick minutes, he was growling out little chirping sounds of bliss and once again splattering Dane's form with his jizz. Then, the real change happened. His consciousness quite nearly vanished. He felt the pillar in his rear shrink, then felt his hips make contact with Dane's as it sank into him, and out, and in again as Dane began thrusting hard, sparking that spear of wonderful agony again and again, and again, torturing and pleasuring his insides. A quiet voice gasped behind him, "What...? Victor is evolving! Mom! Dad!" All over his body, changes were happening. His shoulder and hip girdles popped on both sides, freeing his arms and legs to a wider range of motion. His thighs swelled tremendously and he suddenly, deep-down, knew that leaping high up a wall and clinging to it was not only not a problem, but natural. His tail bloated with muscle and Dane let out a surprised roar as it flared and singed his foot. Victor's claws encased themselves in several new layers of horn and his muzzle pushed out to be sharper and fiercer. He felt two powerful hands on his back and felt Dane thrusting rapidly in and out of him as his glutes tightened and swelled as well. Finally, he felt the musculature around his face compressing, shifting, and splitting, until he suddenly realized he had to individually control his two eyes.

Victor the charmeleon blinked those eyes open in wonder at the instant Dane roared out in orgasm, having just had the unique pleasure of mounting an evolving pokémon. The jump in pleasure was still there, but far less this time, and when that second, still-extensive and mighty climax ended, Victor watched his abs seize and gain definition. Dane grunted and lifted the now much-heavier chameleon off him to stand uncertainly on the cool ground, while the nidoking leaned back on his hands, drenched and panting. "God. Damn. Check that off the fucking bucket list."

His dad, whom Victor noticed with a start was very much awake, snorted and rolled his eyes at the pun, but Victor couldn't help but see the head of the family lick his lips and idly drop a mountainous arm to his glimmering, ivory, heavily ridged member. "Everyone, to bed. I need to speak with Victor outside."

"Bullshit," Dane muttered through a chuckle, though he obediently dropped down on his back with a whuff of air. His father arched an eyebrow first at him, then his wife and daughter, and then put a heavy hand on Victor's back and pushed him warmly, but unquestionably, to the exit. The charmeleon had no choice but to do as he was ordered. He was finally only half-erect again, but found that he no longer felt embarrassed about it. If he was hard... well, then he by all rights should let everyone know. He looked behind him at Nina and gave her body an appraising look. Still pretty much covered in fur, unlike her brother... he wondered how that would feel as he pressed into her, chest to chest with the azure creature... Well, now he was back to a full erection again, that was for sure. Better: she was blushing eagerly. He winked at her before his view was hidden and he found himself in the cool night air again.

"I won't even pretend," rumbled Droon. Two feet of ivory cock that started slender and intriguingly contoured for the first few inches, passed by a number of increasingly swollen ridges, like speed bumps, and ended in a knot-like bulb the size Victor's head had been only minutes ago were in the open, and a sparkling bead of pre waited tantalizingly beneath the charmeleon's chin. The dragonite smiled and said with very real sincerity. "I brought you out here to fuck you. I hope you don't mind. You seemed interested a few hours ago when I brought you in. It's too hot in there, but I sure as hell want to take you after seeing what you can do."

"I'll make it hot out here for you, sir," Victor quipped before he knew what he was saying.

Droon's warm smile brightened into a grin of tremendous pleasure. "I like what I hear. On your back."

Victor first grinned and bowed, the motion letting him deliver a long, spiraling lick around the tremendous cock before him. In some corner of his mind, he was panicking. He had never done anything like this before. Ever. And yet here he was, acting and talking as though he'd been practiced in lovemaking for years. He gaped his jaws wide and let the tip of Droon's cock taste the embers in the back of his throat, drawing a hiss of pleasure from the massive male, and reluctantly let go the sweet, succulent snake before him, before finally complying. The dew-damp, moonlit grasses felt good on his back, and the vision of Droon against the backdrop of the night's celestial bodies was... stunning. That lineage had been invented to be seen in moonlight. He was gorgeous, and he lowered his tremendous frame over Victor with surprising delicacy. He didn't pretend at romance, though. This was friendly lovemaking. He nuzzled Victor's cheek, but didn't kiss him, and Victor felt... better that way. Better not to pretend at love with someone he had just met.

The dragonite pressed himself into Victor's already slick hole with little effort, an inch, two inches, four, and then the first ridge. Victor yipped and bucked his hips in excitement. The family man backed up his hips so the ridge again crossed the boy's threshold, then thrust again, this time bumping two of the ridges into him. He continued at that depth for ten, fifteen, twenty minutes, sometimes changing angles left, right, up, or down, sometimes sliding Victor backwards along the grass, now and then lifting his rump with a flex of his member, always leaking his potent preseed into the boy while Victor's own spilled and pooled and flowed on his belly. The dragonite was thinner, both in his member, at least at that point, and in his precum's viscosity, than his son, and it made it feel like the man was gliding in and out of his rear - infinitely more pleasurable, with those ridges bumping over his sphincter, over and over again.

Without more warning than a rumbling moan, Droon shoved himself in deeper, rocking Victor nearly onto his shoulders with the force of it and drawing a long, tenor growl out of the charmeleon. Ridges one, two, threeeeee, and four slipped into him, each one as thick around as an apple, and Droon teased him with the even larger swell of the bulb of his knot. He backed out then, fourrrr three two one, and treated Victor now to the full range of his member's adornments with each long thrust, each one an adventure of sensation. Victor clung to the dragon's massive chest, adding his own groans to the night, his breath coming out as steam that made the air waver, his body a furnace against the older male. He felt so alive inside, as he was taken, and wanted to be filled again, wanted to feel that growing, burning sensation of power, especially since it came from this incredible coupling.

An hour must have passed, he felt, ever accelerating, before Droon finally decided it was time. The dragon gave no warning. He simply slammed his hips forward and slipped the massive knot of his cock into Victor, then stood, holding the charmeleon aloft with just the power of his member and one arm, and crooned a single, shimmer, silver note up to the moon. Victor was confused, and pressed his palms to the powerful chest, to feel the entire body tensed with strain. After the note began, Victor suddenly felt the member sunk into him flare with power and he shouted a growl of surprise and victory to feel a single, massive, continuous spray of dragonite seed firing deep into his bowels. It was like a valve had sprung loose. Somewhere in the dragon, pressure had been building for that entire, unbelievable hour, and it was released with the force of a geyser.

Once again, Victor felt his body clench up. He ground his teeth together in a grin and gripped Droon's body hard as his muscles bunched and swelled, gaining mass and definition until he looked like he'd been swimming his whole life. Once, twice, three four five six times, his cock fired off, drenching Droon's chest and both of their hips, and then, a minute later, another climax compounded on the first, his member each time starting to go limp, but remaining the same size as when it had been hard, only to flare larger and harder again and blast again, overwhelming Victor's senses.

Then, Droon's cry changed pitch, and he slammed Victor bodily against the wet grass, thrusting with his hips over and over again, seemingly as hard as he could. This new tone was lower, and wavered on each thrust, but still seemed to be, incredibly, in the same breath. Each wild collision between his groin and Victor's rear blasted another, shorter, but more powerful explosion of seed into the boy, beginning to bloat his now-ripped belly again, but still, Victor's body drank it in, his own orgasm now soaking his face with its power while a hefty, thirteen-inch member, sporting a spiraling pattern of ribbing, throbbed with endless virility in front of him.

Minutes passed in this ecstasy before Droon, again without warning, gave a sharp tug and pulled out - an adventure in itself - and sent Victor into a new realm of disbelief by lowering the pitch of his crooning, beautiful call, to a clear, deep, golden tone, while a deluge of Droon's splashing, thin, fragrant seed, the stream thick as that from a firehose, coated Victor from head to toe, indisputably marking him. Victor would have cum again from the visual alone at that point, and the warm shower of seed swelled him to nearly orgasm-bent again. He looked up at Droon, who opened bleary, smiling eyes at him from where he stood over the boy.

"Sir..." Victor breathed.

"For reasons that should be clear," the dragon said in a tone so soft and warm it seemed to come from the earth itself, "My kind don't climax often. That's something you may not see again in your life time." He gave a little smile, and picked Victor up by his hips. "Unless you visit again in a few months."

The charmeleon was running his pawpads all over his body, but perked up at the last few words. "But... your wife...?" He shook his head, spattering the area with seed.

"You may or may not know, but one gender doesn't have to climax for the other to." He winked playfully. "Come inside." He put a paw around Victor's shoulders.

"Should I... dry off?" The lizard suddenly checked to make sure his flame hadn't been put out. He was surprised dragonites weren't classified as water types... his mind was still reeling. A climax that lasted ten minutes and came in phases, and the ability to hold his breath that long? Then what on Earth would a gyrados' climax be like? Or... a charizard's...

"Heh, no worries. The kids are used to seeing Dora like this, and everyone knows by now what happened. Everyone for probably the next several miles." It struck Victor that he would never view the oft-described 'haunting peel of a dragon's cry' the same way again. At the same time, even though he wanted, in half his mind, to go back in and pin Nina against a wall, the still-human portion of him had taken hold. He wanted a reprieve. He wanted time to think.

"I... think I'll stay out here for a little bit, sir. I want to... think," he finished lamely.

Droon gave him a curious look, then nodded understandingly. "Sure. Hope this hasn't all completely ruined you for your master. I promise, if it hadn't been clear you were enjoying yourself, I would've stopped Dane and wouldn't have brought you out here."

"Thank you," he murmured quietly, and tried to pretend he didn't feel lonely when the dragon's arm fell off his back. Once Droon was out of sight, the boy hopped a few meters up onto the rock face, as he had imagined doing before, and stuck to it, looking up at the stars with his belly pressed against the pleasantly cool granite. He felt at peace, but was troubled by the fact that he knew he shouldn't. He should be terrified. He should be ashamed and disgusted with himself. He shouldn't have ever felt so willing to submit himself to those other men, and he had never entertained fantasies of mounting Nina like he so desperately wanted to.

He attributed it all to that stupid donut. Well... really, blessed, but it had at least one downside. It'd muddled his mind. He liked things to work precisely, like clocks, like his hobby - to which he'd given not a single thought in the past hours of sex, sleep, and food. And this... this didn't make sense. He was gaining muscle mass, flexibility, and libido just by having orgasms or being the object of someone else's. If the shimmering pond of juices he could see below him was any hint, he wasn't absorbing the fluids in any way. Droon and Dane certainly seemed to still have plenty of drive left to them, so he wasn't taking that energy. The energy had to come from somewhere, but where? So it had to be the snack he'd had, even though how that worked was well beyond him.

I really hadn't expected it to work that way, either, and I was watching from a safe distance the entire time, faithfully ignoring the raging erection in my jeans. I'd expected to make a pokémorph, yes, but one that leveled up via sexual encounters instead of beating other ones up? Really had not been in the plan. I attribute it mainly to my still-shaky grasp of earth magic. It tends to carry with it fertility wherever it goes, and I haven't been able to distill that out completely.

Back to Victor. He eventually heard faint footsteps again. Somehow, he could detect they were padded with fur. Velvet? No, it was longer... his heart jumped, at first, irrationally, thinking it might be Zha. Lord, he wanted Zha, he realized. To be able to chat with his pet? Understand him? Uh, explore him? But then: Nina! He picked his head up suddenly, then flattened himself against the rock again. No... he was thinking about her as though she were some sort of long-time friend, with whom he'd been waiting too long to meet. But she was a... snooty teenager who took time to comb her fur in a world where the length of her horns was the surest indicator of her power and status. Well, kind of. She was also silly in her own way, and seemed like someone who'd be fun to hang around without her parents coloring her personality. Regardless, he knew, objectively, it was senseless to already have feelings for her.

But she was pretty, and she was available, and there was no telling when he would have this chance again.

He slithered down the side of the mountain again, spying the telltale azure fur, but he stopped almost immediately - he'd been wrong. Eh, maybe his ears weren't as good as he'd thought. But... oh... oh god... his nose was working perfectly, and Dora was ripe with lust. She stopped him the instant he approached with an extended paw. "Hold it, Victor. I know you can smell me." She nodded a glance down at his - again?! - virile, throbbing shaft, and snorted, turning away. "Sorry about that. But as you can imagine, hearing my husband reach climax is a turn-on for me; I came out here to cool down." Victor swallowed, having some difficulty reconciling the almost painful ache in his loins with the idea of hearing about a middle-aged woman's frothing snatch. Well... she's certainly be experienced, and hells of muscular...

Before he knew what he was doing, the words came tumbling out of his mouth. "I know about a quarter his size, ma'am, but maybe I could help you with that."

She quirked an eyebrow, clearly bemused. "Hmm." Instead of giving him any indication of whether that was a positive or negative noise, she simply walked a number of yards away from him, sat down, and reached into her lap to begin, Victor could easily surmise, "cooling down."

He decided to try to be civil. He had come out there to think, so that's what he would do. Besides, it could hardly be easy for the woman, what with her husband's smell so thick in the air around Victor - hell, he could hardly smell anything past it, himself, except for her raging pheromones. So, he started back up the mountain, walking awkwardly with his stiff rod poking out in front of him, trying to shut out the smell of her. It was so new, and enticing, and awoke so many giddy feelings to which he was completely unaccustomed. A low moan issued forth, and he shuddered, a sudden rush of pre slipping down his shaft and gathering under his balls. Maybe if he just... got far enough away, and pawed off, he could get it to go down. He walked off maybe twenty yards to attempt to accomplish just that, and sat down on the cool rock face.

Now that his arms had a little more movement, he was far better able to wrap his paw around the member. He needed time to look at it, anyway, he realized. A thick ridge now began spiraling from the underside of the head down to his base, making two full loops before the spiral tightened, looping two more times around in only a few inches of length before connecting back up to the top. It seemed to him that that should make the shaft itself bend or curve, so he felt carefully along the slick flesh with his sensitive pads. At the stimulation, he felt another throb, and a deeper-set rib going the opposite direction made itself very slightly visible, such that the base of his member looked like a mass of interlocking roots. He had no idea how it could be relevant to mating, but he knew how to find out nnnno. He should leave Dora on her own. Besides, he wanted to explore this new beast... It was by now larger than he had been as human, and now he was only slightly shorter than he had originally been. And the ridges, as he traced around them delicately, were incredibly sensitive. The night began to get chilly, so he summoned up a deep breath, felt a different organ than he'd ever consciously used relax and open, and breathed out a wave of fire to his groin, bathing himself in it. The stream stopped when he gasped and nearly cried out from the pleasure of it, squeezing his cock tight in both hands and watching the pre form again the instant it was no longer boiling away, a near-constant stream that, when left on its own, traced the fleshy bumps down his length. It poured out, letting his paws fly up and down while pulse after pulse of pleasure surged through him, like ramps of heat, multiplied a thousand fold when he again spewed flamed across it, until with a scratchy roar, he flattened his tail against the rock for balance and bucked his hips, sending boiling seed raining down yards and yards out in front of him.

Jaw gaping somewhat and chest heaving, he cast about to either side to see if he'd been observed - an action that didn't require his head to move at all, due to his chameleon eyes, mind you - then swiveled his head to the right, down the mountain, to find a swiftly darting blue figure vanish back into the entrance of the cave. Nina... had seen. Well... that couldn't possibly be a bad thing, actually. His old human self would have been mortified, but now... he was well-endowed, incredibly virile, and the animal part of his mind was telling him that anything he could do to get her horny was a good plan.

And then he heard a long, low groan from Dora, and his mind, again, was shot. It was a sound full of longing, frustration, and pleasure, and it called out to him on a primal level, coursing through and swamping his brain. There was a woman in heat. He was made of fire. They needed to spend some time empathizing.

In no time at all, he found himself approaching her. She was seated, with her trunk of a tail curled slightly on the damp grass, and had her regally crowned head tilted up at the night sky. Her scent buzzed through him, and he crawled forward, tail and loins ablaze with flame and lust, until he was within inches. She lifted one leg slightly to lean back, either having heard him or merely reacting to her own ministrations, and he immediately curled his body around her waist, nose racing along her inner thigh until his nose was buried in her drenched womanhood, and ever so carefully, breathed.

The titanic woman gave a start at first and looked to see what this small creature was climbing over her thigh, and almost before recognition dawned, pleasure dawned in its place, bursting through her from that sudden heat. She threw one thick paw down to the earth, making an imprint in the soft grass, and shoved the first two inches of Victor's muzzle into her glistening lips. He wriggled, but her grip was unbreakable and he didn't dare react with fire here. Instead, he unfurled his long, sticky tongue deep into her, slipping it along her moist walls and coiling it, hardly knowing what he was doing. This had happened so fast! Her passages were fleshy, but the muscles behind them were hard as rocks. Her hips bucked against his muzzle and her juices rushed along his face until he almost couldn't breathe, her bellows of pleasure echoing into the night, before she let him go.

"The rest of it, then," she rumbled huskily, and Victor looked up at her in confusion, half his muzzle wet. His tongue flicked out to clean it. She drew a growl of sudden pleasure out of him and a thrust of his hips by taking his manhood in two thick fingers. Heat was in her eyes, and he didn't dare to question her.

She leaned backwards, and he took to cue to place his two hands firmly on her breasts, shuddering as he aligned his newly throbbing, ruby shaft along her labia. His first time with a woman was to be with this queen... He reared back and plunged deep into her, letting out a scratching groan of bliss as she accepted him.

"God that's hot...!" she moaned. "Drive it home. Hilt me with that pyre of yours." Victor was more amazed that there was any tightness at all, with their differences in size, than by how easily he followed her command. She still arched her back and groaned, one paw on his back and urging him ever deeper. He knew from the start this would be far different than it was with Droon, and in no time was drawing out the veined, ribbed length of his shaft in counterpoint to the rhythm of her hips, each contour of the intricate piece treating her insides to a veritable buffet of sensation. "God that's new... fuck me, fuck me hard!" And so he did. She wanted the whole thing, each time, tugging on his tail if he didn't move quite right, and helping him thrust back into her. He felt emasculated, like he was being used, but at the same time, he felt so... so powerful, that this woman was whimpering from his thickness, sweating from his heat, dripping from his virility, when she lived with someone as mighty as a dragonite.

Eventually, he decided it was time to take control. He grasped one of her breasts with one hand, hard, slammed in, presssssed his chest against hers sensually, and closed his lips over her opposite nipple. She gave a start, then bellowed again in pleasure when he gently, gently, bit, and washed the heavy orb in heat. The queen writhed and groaned her adoration. His tongue lashed out, curling around the sensitive flesh and tugging on it, and he used that weight - combined with her demanding hand - to ram home yet again. An ember flashed from his maw, and he recoiled in fear that he'd hurt her, but instead it seemed to set her off again, and a rush of her juices flooded his groin, setting him off in turn. He roared out, bucking into her, and felt himself, as always, beginning to swell, harden, and bulge. Her eyes shot open as his gyzym fired deep into her. His heat flooded her, his length throbbed and shoved even deeper into her than before, spreading out her muscular walls and making her cry out as another climax hit her, washing over the other like a wave upon a wave and blasting away everything but the pleasure of the beast that was mating her.

Victor, on the other hand, was shouting his pleasure to the night while a corner of his mind registered Nina's scent nearby. He could feel the transformation taking him. He was going to be a charizard, soon - was going to be pounding the woman underneath him with a hundred times more strength, was going to actually feel like he was in control - if he let himself transform, within her. He could feel his body swelling, could feel a ripping sensation starting on his back in the midst of the ecstasy of the climax that seemed to pour from him, endlessly, but he wanted to save it for someone else. His hips felt like they were positively bloating, his tail shooting out behind him, heavy and ponderous with muscle... but he didn't want it. Not yet. He wanted to do this with Nina. He wanted her. He didn't know why, but he wanted her. Somehow, he registered:

"Huh?? Victor stopped evolving!"

He mashed his lips against Dora's in a swift, but fiery kiss of thanks, then slipped free of his conquest and looked up at her, loins ablaze, passion pushing nearly everything away as every iota of his being sought to mate, and one of his wildly searching eyes landed on Nina. She brightened on the spot and hopped away from the cave's entrance in a rush. Her body slammed into him and they tumbled to the ground, desperate to couple. In short order, she was crying out with the strain of fitting his incredible girth into her, whimpering in need from every texture that stretched her hot, needy passage, and riding him. He bucked into her once, twice, three times to hilt in her, giving a sighing moan of desperate need, lips finding hers and catching them in a kiss, before pulling out, sliding her to the ground, scrambling atop her, and mounting her for a proper mating. Nothing was in his mind but her.

"Fuck me, Victor! Love me."

"God yes," he crooned, and thrust inside her, climaxing on entry and flooding her insides with heat and spunk, making her scream with pleasure. With the endurance that had been growing along with him all that night, that was hardly the end, though. For a solid half-hour, he held back his evolution, filling her to the brim and over, over and over and over again, while she shivered, gasped, and shouted in response, losing count of her own orgasms. Finally and all at once, he felt the last burst coming, and knew he could hold back no longer. With a climax that bloated her belly, Victor's body flashed through a swift series of transformations, nearly doubling in height. Her smaller body could only take a fraction of the fat rod that bloated inside her, but she dug furrows in the earth in her effort to accommodate it, pussy practically dripping over it, if it hadn't already been spraying out his seed from their joining. He bellowed as wings tore themselves from his back, muscles burgeoned and thickened, and bones cracked and grew to give him horns and a new muzzle. All the while, he held himself over her, breeding the nidorina, until at last, he was moving only in gentle thrusts, riding out the last of his volcanic passion.

He gathered the exhausted girl in his arms, not even aware of the other members of the family, and curled around her for the night, his entire body rumbling like an earthquake. He smiled as he watched her snuggle in against him, and stroked his claws through her beautiful, silken fur, chuckling quietly that the rear half of her was matted down in his juices. She fell asleep nearly instantly, and he followed shortly afterwards, with a staunch refusal to address what humanity was left to him. Tonight was for this. He would worry in the morning. The others watched for a while, smiling, before retiring themselves.

Victor awoke several hours from then to find himself buried in azure fur. His mind was fuzzy, but it recalled quite well that that was strange... he knew for a fact that he had been several times larger than his mate. He looked around, quickly finding that he was not quite as small as he had anticipated, but not quiet as... orange, either.

His normal skills of rhetoric had returned to him, though. "Um."

"Mmmmmmm?" his lover answered, slowly stretching. Her eyes flickered open, and he had a brief moment of appreciating that he had, in fact, spent a night with something beautiful, before she slashed at him and threw him bodily away.

"Ow! Nina! It's me!" He clutched his bleeding arm and scooted away from her. "It's Victor."

"You're awfully small and cuttable for a charizard, fucker. Where's my man?"

His heart swelled in time with a jolt to his groin. Her man? What a nice thought... And good Lord, was she feisty. He shook his head to clear it. "I'm Victor!" He... could still understand her. There was at least that. "I don't know what happened. I was a charmander last night. For most of last night. Until we..."

She threatened him with another gleaming claw, and this time, he realized, it was glistening with venom. Before she could strike, though, a bellow silenced the scene. "Nina! Use your head. Since when can humans understand us?" Droon came trudging out of the cave entrance. He seemed far less regal in the gray of dawn, but just as indomitable. Victor felt another wave of lust wash over him at remembering the sight of the dragon standing over him in the moonlight, cumming and cumming... "Besides, he clearly did _some_thing with the lot of us, given his, ah, reaction."

The boy flushed bright red, and turned to block his shame with his thigh. His... disappointingly human-sized shame. "I... I don't know what happened..."

Droon shrugged. "Neither do I, but either way, I'm late getting you back home, and I don't have time to argue. Figure it out with Nina when you visit again - you will be, or I imagine she'll hunt you down and take you in your sleep. For now, let's go."

"But-" the two of them protested at the same time. They looked at each other longingly. Really? What he knew would be the best sex of his life and it was suffering the threat of becoming a one-night stand?

"No. Come." Victor's submissive response to the command in that voice had remained, and he found he couldn't resist. The dragonite continued, "We'll get your clothes - I imagine Nina can follow the smell. Quickly."

It happened in a blur. The three of them moved at a jogging pace through the trees until they found Victor's clothes and pack, still scattered around. Droon located a slight clearing not far away, clutched the young boy to him, and launched himself into the air. Before he could even truly appreciate the magic of that flight - the wind blasting through his hair, the insanity of being so far aloft with only the providence of a pokémon keeping him from his death, the suffusing warmth of seeing Nina watch them go - he found himself on the ground again, not a hundred yards from his home.

The dragonite seemed to finally empathize with the boy's desperate confusion and sense of loss, and wrapped his powerful arms around him in a warm embrace. "Come back, and let us know what happened to you. We all want to know. We're all looking forward to seeing you again - maybe we'll actually be able to get to know you, a second time around." He winked and unabashedly palmed the boy's rear, getting a yip and a blush. "For now, this has to be quick - I don't want to be hunted and you don't want to have to explain more than you already do. Farewell." With that, he turned and blasted off again, quickly winging his way back up the mountain.

Victor was left standing there, watching the beast go. Eventually, he would learn from the crazed druid in the woods what had caused his transformation; he was sure of it. He walked back to his home and somehow managed to slip in and under his covers without alerting his parents. A few calls to close, trusted friends bought him an alibi at the cost of demands to tell him what had happened. Zha, his quilava, hopped up on the bed and began sniffing him with a mistrusting look - particularly his loins. The boy flushed cherry red as he realized the smell would be on him for days - he had been... literally bathed in dragonite seed. Helooked at the clock by his bed - one he had made himself - to see how long he had and looked into the pokémon's eyes. "Zha," he said. The creature perked up its small ears and padded towards his head. Victor smiled. His heart fluttered in his chest. If this worked... if this worked... he started shaking. "Zha. Want to... help me out in the garage some time?" The human could only hope he had said it in the right "language." He also only hoped Zha would catch the second, unspoken suggestion that was clearly communicated by the tent in the boy's sheets.

The creature blinked at him and tilted its head. Its back flared briefly, releasing a puff of smoke.

"Do you?" He waited with bated breath...

and waited...

Zha touched its nose to his, and the little badger pokémon's lips curled awkwardly up into a mimicry of a smile.

"Do I ever."

Empty the Sieve

"You live in the world, Damien. Spirit-child." "What does that _mea-!"_ "in the world" "in the the world" "in the" "world in" "in the world world" "in in the world" "world" "in the world" "the world" "in the world, Damien" "in the" "Damien" ...

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Empty and Full: Opening Chords

Outside the cave, through the firelight, Damien can see Tatrix's huge form, glimmering in the moonlight from the emeralds cascading motionlessly down his body. The green seems to have spread, and darkened, and somehow it has soaked his tail as well,...

, , , ,

Body Sushi

Dim light and muffled echoes, and the creature asleep on my table. I sighed out deeply, luminescent eyes dull as the hanging, yellow lamp in my private, curtained dining room. Body sushi, for the fourth time this month. The catch must have been...

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