Chapter 10: Revelations and preparations.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#10 of Pokemon Rangers 2: Eddies: A pokemon story.

Many things about the entire situation remain confusing, even to this day.

As an example, after the initial fallout following their arrival had subsided, where did the creatures go? Given only speculation remains as to their eventual fate, was the government involved, or had they simply vanished as mysteriously as they arrived?

Or are they living amongst us still, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace by those sworn to protect them?

Perhaps we'll never know, just as it's as unlikely we'll ever be told the real truth as to their mysterious presence in our world. The government has covered it up, the people involved remain mute, and the creatures themselves; these pokemon; are the biggest enigma of the lot.

At least their presence here has answered one important question that's plagued humanity since the dawn of its creation.

We are not alone.

Perhaps we never have been.


Chapter 10: Revelations and preparations.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Eddies 10

The next few days passed without incident; a blessing for Skyy and Chris who'd both had more than enough "adventure" to last them a lifetime. The other trainers and pokemon slowly became acclimatised to Raikou's presence in the centre, although the feeling of awe surrounding those who approached near him never quite abated. In return, the big pokemon treated their deference like he treated everything; stoically. Not much at all seemed to phase the legendary, and his manner remained calm and mild; ignoring the many clandestine comments he heard when people thought he couldn't overhear them.

Towards Shyy and Chris, he even became friendly; almost affectionate. Chris sometimes had to remind himself this was basically a wild creature, who could rip them all a new one if he felt like it. Lucky for the pair, this seemed unlikely, although Chris did see the occasional dry look Raikou gave him, when he reacted to some particular bizarre pokemon passed, clearly curious at his lack of knowledge in the area. The topic wasn't brought up between them; not because it was taboo, but mainly as Raikou just didn't seem to be that curious about it. Something Chris was more than glad about.

It was Raikou's attitude towards Azil that drew the most attention. Not because he disliked the charmander. Indeed, the opposite was true. Raikou became overly protective of him; perhaps as a by product of the Team Galaxy incident, or just because he wanted to. Azil took it well enough at first, but when the opportunities to train his skills were up, as other trainers approached shyly and asked Chris to participate, the charmander was repeatedly frustrated by Raikou's glowering presence. Clearly intending to prevent any such actions, the legendary's negative attitude towards training was clear. When the other trainers backed down fearfully, refusing to continue, Azil began to fume. Finally, on the fifth incident where his interference sent a trainer packing, he rounded on the surprised Raikou, waving his arms madly, and barraging him with a long rant in pokespeech. Eventually, he stormed off in a huff; arms folded angrily and tail flame burning high.

Turning to the somewhat shocked legendary, Chris raised an eyebrow, to see the big face go from surprise, to anger, then finally embarrassment. When Raikou looked to him with a sigh, the pokemon said "Well, I guess we differ in opinion there. I'd better have a talk with him". As the huge cat wandered off after the irate charmander, Chris grinned at Skyy, and said "Well, someone's been put in their place, huh?" to which Raikou rumbled as he left "I heard that!", causing the pair to chuckle in amusement.

Jasper was as good as his word, using the gym's resources to finding a way to permanently release him. The group had been at the gym nearly a week before a harried looking gym leader met them for a late lunch in the near empty cafeteria, dropping besides Chris with a groan.

"Well, that was a bitch!" he said, taking a long pull from his coffee mug. "Thankfully, I got some good and bad news. The good is I have a way to free Raikou...I think..."

Chris stared at him, and said "What do you mean, you think?"

Jasper shrugged, taking a bite from his sandwich. "Exactly that. I think it'll work. The problem is that no one has ever done this before. Normally, it's not needed. You press the recessed button, and the pokemon is permanently released. In this case, we need to alter the entire ball's function, making it perform something it's not designed to do. So, it's an "I think" situation"

Chris looked at Raikou, who was studying the gym leader intently. "So, if it works, I will be free?" At Jasper's nod, he rumbled "What if it does not work?"

Jasper sighed again, leaning back in the chair and studied Raikou carefully. "That's the bit we don't know. It might do nothing. It could destroy the ball. Hell, it could even kill you. We just don't know"

Raikou stared at him unblinking, before letting out a heavy breath. "Show me?" he asked, and Jasper poked his fingers into his shirt pocket, removing a small ruby lens-like device, which he presented to the legendary wordlessly.

Chris stared at it, somewhat confused. "So, what's it do, then?" he asked, as Jasper placed it on the table top.

"Well, our best guess is it filters the coding of the pokemon as it is converted into energy by the pokeball, so it's no longer recognised as a captured. The concern is that it might alter something else, causing a corruption of the coded DNA. Obviously, this would be bad..."

At Raikou's snort of agreement, Jasper shrugged. "This is the only thing anyone's been able to find that might work. The master balls were created centuries ago. As I told you before, they were rare when they were created. One of the reasons I didn't recognise it when I first saw it. Now, they're impossible to find. How the hell those moron's got hold of one is beyond me, but still; here we are."

Raikou bent down to sniff the small device doubtfully. "I do not want to die" he rumbled, causing Skyy to chuckle. Turning to the legendary, the lucario said "No, that would definitely fall in the "bad" category."

Chris gazed at Raikou thoughtfully, before saying "It's your choice, my friend. You're happy to continue with us as long as you choose. Equally, I understand totally why you would want to take the chance. It's your decision"

Raikou dropped to his haunches with a sigh, staring at Chris intently. "I would like to consider this further. Until then, I would choose to accompany you." Chris grinned, patting the big head and received a rub against his arm in return. Asking Jasper, who were watching them in amusement, he said "Do you want to keep it for the moment?"

Jasper shook his head, holding up his arms negatively. "Oh, hell no! This may be the last one of these in existence. We don't even know what it's made of, let alone how it works to duplicate it! So, you keep it"

Rolling his eyes, Chris reached below Raikou's head, releasing the pokeball from its cradle and looking at the legendary for permission. After he nodded, Chris fitted the device over the ball's button, where it fitted perfectly with a loud "click". Shaking it thoroughly, it clearly wasn't going anywhere, even when he attempted to pry it loose, so he returned the ball to Raikou's belt.

"Guess that's that then!" said Chris, as the legendary stared at them in thought.

Jasper glanced between the two, and then returned to his coffee. "On another note, I received a call from the Rangers HQ this morning. Apparently, they're ready to mount an expedition to that portal you came through".

As Chris nodded, Raikou stiffened besides him. Head turning to regard the gym leader, he glanced between the two humans with an unreadable expression on his face.

"What portal?" he rumbled, brow dropping as his gaze hardened.

Skyy exchanged a loaded look with Chris, and said "The one Chris came through" before slapping his head. "Crap, with everything that's happened, we haven't had a chance to tell you everything."

As he related the story to Raikou, interjected with commentary from Chris whenever he missed something, they both failed to notice the tightening of his facial muscles, as he took in their explanation. Skyy's story dropped off suddenly as an involuntary growl rumbled deep from Raikou's chest, his lip lifting over long fangs in anger.

Worried at the abrupt chilling of the mood, Chris looked at Raikou in concern. "What...?" he began, but was stopped as Raikou rose abruptly, snarl echoing through the room as he glared at the four, before turning and bolting through the open doorway.

Jumping to his feet, Chris was quick to follow, trailed by Skyy, Jasper and Azil. As they raced through the corridors from the meals area, they passed several stunned trainers picking themselves up from the floor, where they'd been shunted by the charging legendary.

Making it to the pokemon centre entry, they glanced around wildly, seeking the huge cat, which had vanished from view.

Panting from the sprinting exertion, Jasper said "Shit" somewhat helpfully, grabbing Chris by the arm as he was ready to start searching for Raikou.

"You have no idea where he's gone, mate, so let's think this through rather than chasing after our shadows. Why would he have acted like that?"

Chris looked at Skyy in confusion, as the lucario shrugged. "No idea" he said, "He's never shown any of that sort of aberrant behaviour before, so I'm stumped".

Jasper dropped to sit on the concrete stairway to the centre. "Hmm, I noticed he was getting stirred up when you mentioned the portal. Why do I have a sneaky impression he knows something about it we don't?"

Chris gazed off into the streets below, searching absently. "When we find him, we can ask him. Until then, no point speculating. Hmm, he didn't seem to have any objective to running off like that, and he doesn't really know the town well, given he's been with us when we explored the place. So, how about we split up? You take your team, and search downtown, while we'll head to the parklands".

Nodding Jasper released several of his pokemon, which followed him as he walked swiftly down the sidewalk. Chris, Skyy and Azil went in the other direction, down the long hill towards the gardens. A swift half hours walk later, and they ended up near the lake. Skyy stayed with Chris on the main walkway, as the charmander tore through the undergrowth, searching for the legendary. It took a while, but eventually they found Raikou lying in an isolated area of the gardens, high up on the hill overlooking the lake and trees. Chris signalled for the two pokemon to wait, while he approached Raikou cautiously, mindful of his angry frame of mind earlier. He needn't have worried; the only acknowledgement of his presence was a twitch of the big ears, and a deep sigh. Dropping to his side, Chris scratched the neck absently, receiving a rumbling, albeit reluctant, purr in response. Nodding to the other two, they joined the pair, resting in the shade as Chris continued his caress of Raikou's neck.

"Tell me?" said Chris, dropping to the ground to lean against the furred shoulder. Raikou glanced at him, before turning away quickly. Another deep sigh left his chest, and Chris could feel the rise and fall of his breathing from where he nestled against him.

Finally, after gathering his thoughts, Raikou said quietly "You are not of this world?"

Chris shook his head as the legendary stared back at him, before groaning. "This is not a good thing"

Raising an eyebrow, Chris grinned dryly at Raikou. "Never promised it was, mate. I assumed... Well, I assumed wrongly, it seems. I didn't realise this would be an issue for you"

Glaring at him suddenly, Raikou hissed "Why did you not tell me?"

Chris shrugged. "Because it never came up! Honestly, I didn't think it that important. We've had such a fucked up time since I arrived here, it was kind of nice just sitting back and letting things stay pleasant." Sighing, Chris put a hand on the legendary's cheek, turning his head to face him in the eye. "Raikou, I wasn't trying to hide anything from you. I just didn't think...and I apologise to you for that."

Raikou stared back, before blinking and nodding.

Chris pondered his initial response. "I'm beginning to gather you know something of this portal?"

Raikou returned to staring at the distant mountains. "I was there when they arrived. Everything changed then."

Confused, Chris asked. "Who arrived?"

Turning back to the human, Raikou said "When your people arrived; the humans; they came through the portal, bringing their pain and their destruction with them. While they were initially small in numbers, it only took a few centuries for them to breed, and expand. They took the land for their own, and treated us like vermin. Our world reeled from the calamity of their presence." Eyes narrowing suddenly, he said quietly. "Your kind was like an infection that spread across the world, contaminating everything it touched."

Chris froze, comprehension dawning slowly as the facts cleared. "Are you telling me humans here came through the portal from my world?"

As the legendary again nodded, Chris whistled out a breath, stunned at the implications of this new information. "But... the language is the same? People speak English here!"

Raikou narrowed his eyes again thoughtfully. "Do you? I know not of this English of which you speak, but I doubt it is what we are speaking. Why do you assume we're all speaking your language? That would be completely improbable. It has been said the portal changes a being; it brings with the traveller comprehension. Clearly this is one of the ways you have been changed. It is you speaking our language, Chris, not the other way around."

Shit, thought Chris. This is fucking huge!

"So, why didn't Jasper tell me this?" he said, receiving a raised brow in reply.

"Do you believe these humans care about their origin? Do you think they remember? Do you think it would make a difference, that they have invaded our world as they have?"

No, thought Chris sadly. No, it wouldn't make a difference. They were here, and they would stay. Nothing would change that now.

Telling Raikou as much, the legendary let out a grunt of agreement, eyeing him with new respect.

A sudden thought struck Chris. "When did this occur, Raikou?"

Slitted eyes meet his own, as the large pokemon said quietly "Around six thousand years ago".

Chris eyes widened in amazement as he considered the profound implications of the revelation. Without thought, he blurted out "How old are you then?" wincing suddenly at the lack of subtlety in the question. When the body beneath him began to shudder, he tensed, until realising Raikou was laughing, his body shaking as his frame rocked in amusement.

"Old enough, young human" was the dry reply, and Chris grinned in response. It seemed Jasper would need to wait to hear the outcome of that particular question till another time.

Chris considered the explanation for a moment. His world had been turned upside down for the second time in a week, and the implications of it all were staggering. He suddenly felt a great deal of trepidation in discussing this with the other humans here, and looked towards Raikou, who continued to regard him intently.

"They're planning to undertake a journey to my world, Raikou" he said softly, and when the big head nodded, he continued "I don't know how wise it would be if they knew all this. I also wonder what my people will do when we arrive."

Raikou blinked, and said "I'm surprised you managed to activate the portal. It isn't something that should have been possible. Only a discharge from a particularly powerful electrical pokemon should have been able to do that; not a human!"

Rolling his eyes suddenly, Chris groaned. "The yellow rat! The pika thing! It was there in the tunnel to the portal, and pushed me through!"

Raikou nodded, dropping his head to his paws. "So the portal is open, and has been for an unknown period of time. That is disturbing. I wonder what else has gotten through to your world, apart from the pikachu?"

Startled, Chris said "What? You think...?"

The legendary shrugged, causing Chris to jump. "I do not know. I assume we will find out soon enough."

"You're coming with us?" said Chris in surprise, and grinned as the legendary nodded. "Oh, this could be interesting. I can't wait till my parents get to meet you!"

He received a droll look, before breaking out in laughter.


With Raikou's permission, he filled in Skyy on what he'd learnt. Azil listened on, but didn't comment, although Skyy grilled the legendary on a few particulars which Raikou clarified.

After advising his friends it'd be better if this information went no further, they returned to the pokemon centre to find a relieved Jasper, as well as Scott and Storm, the two rangers they'd met earlier. Finding an isolated section of the lounge, the small group began discussing the decision made by the Rangers HQ regarding Chris's journey home. When curious eyes and ears of other trainers came too close, they were warned off with a menacing look from the typhlosion, who cracked his knuckles in warning after giving them a toothy grin.

Pointing a thumb at the pokemon, Chris asked "Is he normally like this?" to which Scott laughed, and said "Oh you have no idea!" A reply that set his partner to chuckling evilly.

The plan was simple. At 6.00am the following morning, they'd be picked up outside the centre, and transported to the area where Chris arrived. From the directions given Scott by the two at the initial discussion, they'd narrowed things down pretty closely. For the initial journey, the group would consist of the three humans; Scott, Chris and Jasper, and their pokemon. While a larger force had been considered, it was decided that this might cause undue alarm; something that had Chris bark in amusement.

"Yeah, no shit on that" he said. "It's like the Joker said: Wait till they get a load of you!"

Receiving a blank look in reply, Chris slapped his forehead and said "Jesus, whatever else happens there, I'm going to take you guys to the DVD store STAT, for a proper education!"

As for their wider plans, Scott shrugged. Storm chuckled, and said "Oh, we'll play things by ear, as usual", and received a grin from his partner.

Chris was surprised, and asked "You have that authority?" at which the pair nodded.

"We are rangers" said Storm simply, and Chris was left to ponder the implications of an organisation with so much autonomy. Clearly, the rangers were more than just pokemon police, and he realised he'd need to be cautious around the pair. Regardless of how friendly they seemed, he had no idea whether they had a hidden agenda, and he didn't want to start a war here because all the facts had yet to become clear.

Keeping his thoughts to himself, Chris looked to Skyy, who nodded thoughtfully. "We'll be ready for tomorrow" said the lucario, and received a heavy slap on the back from the typhlosion, knocking the wind from his lungs with a whoosh.

"That's the spirit!" said Storm, getting up as his partner rose. Reaching out an arm, Scott shook their hands warmly, and the pair departed, promising to see them bright and early the next day.

Once they'd gone, Jasper glanced at his 'dex, groaning as he realised the time. "Shit, late again! What is it about you two that totally screws with my calendar?" he joked, tossing the pair a salute as he sauntered towards the exit to the stadium.

Chris chuckled, giving him a wave, before leaning back on the couch with a sigh. Turning to the three pokemon, he considered carefully, before asking "Well, that was interesting. Do you think we can trust them?"

Raikou simply blinked, while the charmander stayed mute. Only Skyy shrugged, and said "Do we have a choice? I kind of like them, but I think there's a lot they're not saying. We need to be cautious."

Chris agreed, thinking the lucario had it right. He had to assume Storm and Scott were feeding them what he wanted to hear, regardless of his personal feelings otherwise. There was a lot at stake here, not just his desire to head home.

At that, Raikou rumbled he needed to attend to "personal things". He was followed to the latrine facilities by Azil, who seemed a bit bewildered at everything. Nice kid, thought Chris, but a bit green. He then chuckled inwardly at his thoughts, describing a small orange lizard with a flaming tail as a "kid". He was becoming too accustomed with this world, he thought, when he stopped batting an eyelid at such things.

Finding himself alone with Skyy, he threw an arm over the startled lucario's shoulders, giving him a friendly hug. At the raised eyebrow, Chris said "Least I trust you, dude".

Skyy blinked, and said "You do?" As Chris nodded, he smiled toothily. "Yeah, I trust you too."

As the pair waited for the other pokemon to return, Chris said sombrely "Let's hope our trust in these others doesn't end up being misplaced"

The lucario nodded grimly.


Chapter 11: Home and away.

**Eddies** **Chapter 11: Home and away.** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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Chapter 9: Azil

**Eddies** **Chapter 9: Azil.** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated...

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Chapter 8: Legendary.

**Eddies** **Chapter 8: Legendary.** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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