A City Boy and A Country Girl (4)

Story by SurryKitten on SoFurry

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#4 of A City Boy and A Country Girl

The Fourth Chapter! It's for adults because of the ending of course. There will be more to come if you all like it. Votes, Comments, and Favorites are ALWAYS appreciated. If my story isn't good, please tell me. I'm always looking to improve!


It was a beautiful day to have a bake sale, and the library had rented out a bouncy house for the children to play in while the parents bought the goodies or donated money. The library was inside an old building. It had been built in the late 1800s out of large rocks from the neighboring creek. The rocks had been cemented together to make a beautiful stain glass design, but instead of tiny little rocks, they were massive. There was not a cloud in the sky, and the flowers were starting to bloom. In early April, everything started to come alive again after the long winter, and of course, allergies started to spread too. Trixie was at the bake sale with her mother, and she walked up to Sarah after running her paw over her nose a few times.

"Ew, get away from me. You could be carrying the plague!" Sarah said as Trixie sniffled.

Sarah was only joking, but Trixie made a scowling face at her.

"Oh, ha-ha, you're so funny I forgot to laugh."

"No you didn't. You just laughed."

Adam was not there, because he had gone to get them some lunch. After cooking dozens of cupcakes and sneaking a few for themselves, they didn't want anything else to do with sweets today, and Sarah suggested a cute little burger place just down the street. Adam insisted to walk down himself, and he had left twenty minutes earlier to get some burgers.

"Technically, you're being raped by trees right now. They're inserting their pollen into your nostrils and making you sick. That's real kinky stuff." Sarah said with a smile.

Trixie just rolled her eyes. "You're too smart for your own good. I don't care what trees are doing to me. I want them to stop." Trixie's face went from playful to serious, and she leaned forward to get closer to Sarah. "Did you hear about Lacy?"

Sarah looked a bit confused. There were several people with the name Lacy in their school. Trixie could see her confusion, and she continued talking.

"You know who I'm talking about. It's Lacy Whitmore! She's the girl who is always complaining about the school food!"

"Everyone complains about the school food Trixie." Sarah replied.

"I mean the one who petitioned to have nothing but salad in the cafeteria."

"Oh, yeah, that never would have worked out. She was a bit on the stupid side. What happened to her? Did she get caught having sex with a football player again? No, wait, it was the baseball coach this time wasn't it."

Sarah was giggling a little. She was partially joking and expected at least a snicker from Trixie, but Trixie simply looked at her and replied.

"She disappeared. She was going to meet her friends at a party yesterday night and never showed up. Her brother said she left the house around nine, but her friends say she never even made it to the party. She was kidnapped! Oh, it's easy for something like this to happen in a town so small. The guy could be anywhere! He could be doing anything to her! What if he gets me?"

Sarah raised her paw and put it to Trixie's lips. "Calm down. You're going to scare everyone. I'll go see my dad today and ask him about it. Maybe she eloped."

Trixie crossed her arms over her chest. "Whores don't do that Sarah."

Sarah was about to reply, but she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist. The smell of hamburger meat filled her nose, and she turned around to see Adam's handsome face and his bright blue eyes. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips before he handed her the bag he was holding.

"Here you go. I was really hungry and ate mine on the way back. You're lucky I saved you one."

He gave her a charming smile and kissed her forehead.

"I'll look after the cupcakes. You can go eat your lunch." He said.

Trixie's mother called her to the car, and Trixie waved goodbye. Sarah waved to Trixie and walked off to the refreshment table. Since the first day Adam and Sarah had been spending a lot of time together, Adam had grown very protective of her. She really liked it though. Her father had been protective too until he decided to leave. Was she really going to go see him? He called once a month to check up on them, and even though he lived in the same town, he never came by their house to even say hello. Her mother had mentioned that he had another girlfriend, but Sarah had not tried to see if that was true. She would go by and see him after the bake sale. She sat down at one of the picnic tables and unwrapped her cheeseburger. Who would want to kidnap Lacy Whitmore? She may have slept around a bit, but she was a really nice house cat overall. It was a really scary thought.

Sarah finished her burger in less than ten minutes, and she walked back to Adam. She told him about Lacy, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry. They won't come after you."

She smiled at him and put her hands on his chest. She thought he was trying to be romantic, and she replied.

"Why is that?"

His smile turned into a playful smirk. "No one will ever take you, because your mouth is too big. They'd pay me to take you back."

He began to laugh, and she laughed with him. It was funny, but she playfully slapped his shoulder.


This was it. Sarah sat in her mother's car and stared at the large white building in front of her. She had already driven through the large metal fence with spiraled, barbed wire on the top, and now, she just sat in the car. She looked over at Adam, and he gave her a reassuring smile.

"No offense, but I think it will be better if you stay here. My dad doesn't like me around guys much. Even if he never comes around."

Adam nodded. "Sounds good with me. I'll be here."

Sarah left the keys in the car, and she walked in the front door. There were policemen moving frantically around desks, phones ringing off the hook, and criminals sitting on benches just waiting to be processed. She could feel some of the males looking at her as they sat in cuffs, and she hurried on to her dad's office. When she got to his office, she knocked on the door frame. A large stallion sat behind a desk that looked way too small for him. He was on the telephone with someone, and he held up one finger to tell her to wait a minute. She slowly walked in and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. She could see last year's school photo of her sitting beside his computer, and he hung up the phone.

"Hey hun. What can I do for you? Are you ok?" She smiled a bit at him and shook her head yes.

"I'm fine. I just heard that a girl was kidnapped, and I thought I would come ask you if you knew anything about Lacy Whitmore."

Her father looked down at the file on his desk and closed it so she couldn't see.

"She seems to have vanished. We don't know where she is. All I can tell you is that we don't have any leads."

Her father's eyebrow twitched a bit, and Sarah smirked.

"Dad I know when you're lying."

He smiled at her and nodded. "We have one lead. We found her wallet on the sidewalk. We're not sure if she just dropped it on accident or dropped it while she was being taken. That's all I know. So how is school going?"

Sarah was about to answer when a woman just walked through the door. She was a tall golden retriever. She walked straight to Sarah's father and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. Her father pulled away and smiled at Sarah.

"Sarah this is Natasha. She is my fiancé."

Sarah felt the breath knocked out of her in one instant. He never came to see her and never cared about how she was, but now, he was engaged. She grabbed her purse from the floor and just walked out the door. She could hear him calling her name, but the tears were already starting to swell up in her eyes. She couldn't stop now. She ran out the door and to her mother's car. Adam had moved into the driver's seat, and she got into the passenger seat quickly.

"Drive! Please, just drive."

Adam didn't question her. He cranked the car and backed out of the parking space. He started driving down the road and looked over at her with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?"

She was wiping the tears from her eyes, and she took a deep breath. "My dad is engaged. He is engaged to a woman who can't be much older than I am! He never comes around me, and now, I find out about her. It just hurts."

Adam drove them home, and they curled together on his couch to watch a movie as she calmed down.

After watching several movies, Sarah looked over her shoulder to see that Adam was asleep. He was sitting up on the couch, and she slid one of her legs over his lap so that she could straddle him. Leaning forward, she kissed his lips and pressed him back into the couch. His eyes popped open and a smile came over his muzzle. The continued to kiss, and she slowly began moving away from him. He stared at her with a questioning look, but she only smiled back at him as her fingers unbuttoned his blue jeans. His smile got wider, and she slowly unzipped his pants and began to pull them down. He raised his hips slightly to help her take them off and slipped off his briefs as well.

She had never seen a sheath before, but she could see that he was getting hard for her. The tip of his member was just starting to poke out of the sheath. She had been trying to get all the tips on how to give a blow job from Trixie, but she wasn't sure if they would work or not. She positioned herself between his legs and kissed the tip of his exposed member. He was getting harder for her, and she kissed the shaft with her soft lips and rubbed her hands over his exposed thighs. His natural musk smelled amazing, and she looked up into his eyes.

"I've been wanting to do this for you." She said with a smile on her face as she kissed his shaft once more. She could feel him watching her, and she opened her mouth to slip him inside. He slid right past her lips and into her throat. He tasted wonderful, and she could not understand why any girl would complain about giving her boyfriend a blowjob. Keeping a mental note on her teeth, she made sure to keep her jaw open wide and her lips tight around his shaft. Slowly, she began to move on his shaft. She tightened her lips around his shaft as she pulled her head up and opened her lips a bit as she slipped back down onto him. He didn't make a lot of loud moaning noises like she did, but she could see the pleasure on his face. His eyes were closed and he was gripping the couch cushions.

She took his paw in hers, and she slipped it through her hair. She let out a loud moan with his cock inside her mouth when he gripped a hand full of her hair hard. She loved the feeling and it just made her suck harder. She started sucking on him and moving her head up and down, but he took control of her motion. His paw gripped her hair tight, and he began to push her down onto his cock and pull her back up too. She found herself letting out small moans as she tasted him, and one of her paws slipped down in-between her legs. She slipped her paw into her panties and began rubbing her already wet lips. He pushed her down all the way onto his cock, and she moaned loudly as she tried to keep her gag reflex under control. She managed to control herself, and he began moving her head a little faster. Her tongue rubbed over his shaft and she could feel his legs moving a bit in pleasure. The head of his cock began to flare, and he pushed her head down onto his cock. His knot had grown at the base, and she opened her mouth even wider to take in his knot. She tightened her lips around the thick knot and heard him howl loudly. His whole body tensed, and her mouth was filled with his cum. It was a bit bitter, but she actually liked it. It had a very unique taste to it. She swallowed every drop happily, and when she pulled off, she looked up into his eyes.

"Was that good for my first try?"

He was panting a bit, and he nodded happily.

"Hell yes!"

A City Boy and A Country Girl (5)

It was early May now, and the woods were in full bloom. Sarah was sitting in the passenger seat of her mother's car and staring out the window. Everything was so green, but it was summer after all. Sarah could hear the radio faintly, and she smiled...

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A City Boy and A Country Girl (3)

3 Half an hour had passed since he went to sleep. She couldn't lay there anymore. ~I have to get up!~ She moved her body away from his very slowly, because she didn't want to wake him up. She managed to get out of the bed without so much as a twitch...

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A City Boy and A Country Girl (2)

2 Sarah had moved back into the lab portion of the classroom where there were tables lined up in rows with built in sinks and drawers for supplies. They were very old, and if someone was to actually lean on them too hard, they could possibly break....

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