Clyx - Chapter 14 - Coming Attractions
#5 of Clyx
Leaving the affairs of Dae'nin for another time, the adults paid for her to remain around the next day and help watch the children as the whole family strolled the streets. The children ran from booth to booth, tinkering with toys and baubles, amazed at everything they saw. Seti couldn't blame them and was happy to escort them through. She remained close to keep a measure on Xilo as well, making sure she never overflowed.
Kiir, on the other hand, wasn't nearly as impressed. The dozens of different races meant nothing if they were off limits thanks to the social restrictions. She had no interest in the material things like jewelry and clothes and toys, so there was nothing for her on the streets. And she made this very clear to Rael.
Rael was happy letting Seti and Dae'nin take care of the children. She had been through these streets many times before, so there was nothing new for her. The tugging and poking about her tight pants Kiir had been doing for the past half hour, on the other hand, was becoming quite a nuisance.
"What?!" Rael glared down.
"I wanna get out of here." Kiir had to step back to see past Rael's chest, even though it was held down with a fairly tight-fitting shirt.
"Why? I thought you liked seeing all the bodies about?" Rael motioned to the line down Kiir's front. The strip of leather that ran between her breasts was stuffed full.
Kiir scowled. She rubbed the strip a bit in hopes of calming it down. "It's all 'look but don't touch' though. It's getting annoying. I wanna actually do something. If I don't do something soon, I feel like I'm gonna rip right outta this thing. I envy Xilo, so lucky."
Rael couldn't help but chuckle. She knelt down to get closer to Kiir's height and patted her on the head. "Aww, poor baby. Do you need a wittle welease." She patronized Kiir. Kiir stepped away, peeved. Rael's smile diminished. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease."
"Yeah you did." Kiir shot back.
Real grinned. "Okay, okay, so I did. I'm still sorry though. We don't want any more accidents, so howabout I take you somewhere fun. I've never tried it myself, but a bunch of friends suggested it highly. It should keep you busy for a bit."
"Alright." Kiir started to smile again. "And what about them?" She pointed to the rest of the group, still going through a vendor's goods, talking and giggling away.
"I think they are happy doing what they're doing. It can be just you and me. I'll just give Seti a heads up so she doesn't think we got lost." Rael stood up and walked over to the group. She spoke quickly with Seti. Seti frowned a bit and looked at Kiir, then looked back at Rael, smiling and motioning to Dae'nin. Rael nodded and returned to Kiir. "Alright, Dae'nin and Seti should be able to handle the kids on their own. Let's go."
Rael took Kiir's hand and they started walking down the street. Kiir looked like another child of Rael's with her hand reaching far above her head to meet Rael's. However, Kiir's leather outfit completely belied that image.
"So, where exactly are we going?" Kiir asked after a few minutes walking.
"Well, from what I've been told, it's a place where you can try out different lifestyles. It makes an illusion of being somewhere else and you take the role of someone from that place. At least, I think that's how my friends described it."
"I've been many places though, how is this any different?"
"Some are nearby places, some are from far, far away. Some places you can't even get to unless you're a certain race. We'll see what they have available when we get there."
"Ok!" Kiir started grinning, thinking about all the places she might have not been to yet.
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"There it is." Rael said, several minutes later. It was on the street with all the other peddlers; a desk open to the street and built into a large building behind it. Rael guided Kiir up to the desk.
"How may I help you?" Said the trilling voice of the person behind it. The vendor had a long beak and feathered wings, with tiny hands at the tip of the wings. He(?) wore a little cap and jacket, matching the colors of the sign in front that read 'Adventures Now'. He spoke quickly and concisely.
"Um, yes, we were interested in one of these 'Adventures'." Rael said.
"Today's 'Adventures' include 'Down on the Farm' and 'Cave Story'." Spouted the vendor. Rael had to repeat the options to Kiir they went by so fast.
Kiir whispered to Rael. "I've already been in plenty of caves, never to a farm though. I wanna try that one."
"Okay." Rael turned up to the vendor. "We would like to try 'Down on the Farm', please."
"Very well ma'am." He continued to explain the costs, which Rael easily paid for. "Come this way please." He curled a wing to follow into a door.
Inside the door was a foyer. There stood a burly, tough-skinned fellow with a couple of horns on his face. The vendor nodded to the fellow and walked back to the door. The fellow smiled at the two. "We have a room open. Just follow me and I will take you to it." He said in a low voice.
He opened a door that lead into a hall and started walking down it. There was half a dozen doors through the hall plus another at the very end. The doors on the sides were spaced fairly far apart. The fellow lead them to one of the side doors and opened it.
"Here you are. I hope you enjoy your time here." He snorted. "There is a buzzer inside to call us once you are finished or need anything, we offer much privacy to our customers."
Rael and Kiir both thanked him and cautiously walked into the room, not knowing what to suspect. They were shocked. There was nothing in the room but the button by the door that was the buzzer. The walls were completely white, along with the floor and the ceiling. They looked back to the fellow.
"It will begin shortly; the décor will change soon after. Once again, have a good time and I hope you enjoy your stay." The fellow gently closed the door.
"Now what?" Kiir said, her eyes scanning the room.
"We wait?" Rael answered, unsure.
Only a few moments after Rael spoke that a white gas permeated the top of the walls, slowly filling the room. It sparkled slightly in the ambient light with no source.
"Hey, I've seen this stuff before." Kiir stated.
"Oooh, pixie dust. That must be why this is so expensive. You can't find this stuff easily." Rael said.
"Oh, ok. Not quite what I thought it was, but still cool." Kiir grinned.
Soon the entire room was flooded with the white, sparkly gas. Kiir and Rael couldn't see anything for a bit. Some seconds passed and the fog lifted from their eyes. They blinked a few times before they understood what they saw. Before them was fields upon fields of rolling hills covered with crops. A bright blue sky held some wispy clouds with the sun raining down rays of light. Where they stood was just a field of grass, outlined by a fence and a barn in the distance.
"Woooow." Kiir was in awe of the change in scenery. "So this is supposed to be a 'farm'? I've never even heard of one."
"Farms are places where people grow lots of food and raise domesticated animals. We don't see them around us since we have everything we need so close. Plus, all the trees and uneven land makes it hard to grow much of anything." Rael explained.
"Ooooh. So where's all the animals then?" Kiir looked around.
"Well, where we are standing is where they are supposed to graze. Like Penkarr, Xilo's father. But there seems to be none around..." She joined Kiir in looking around.
Kiir came to a halt as she stumbled forward. She had lost her balance just standing there. "What the hell?" She said confused. She turned her head around to see her once long tail shrinking, already at half its original size. "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Rael looked to Kiir, noticing the change. "Hmm... seems as though the landscape wasn't the only thing to be changed. You seem to be too." Rael chuckled.
Kiir's tail completely disappeared. She fell forward onto her hand and knees without the help she normally got from her tail to remain standing. "That would have been nice to know ahead of time..." She looked at Rael and grinned. "Seems as though I'm not the only one changing."
Rael looked down at her chest. She felt it straining against the tight shirt she was wearing. Her breasts were swelling once again. "That's nothing new... although it is going a little-" ::sttrrrrtttcchhh::
Rael was interrupted by her shirt starting to tear. Before she could do anything about it, Rael's shirt was torn asunder, plowed through by her breasts. Her nipples emerged from their homes, extending outward. "I liked this shirt too..." was all she could say.
Kiir's focus, on the other hand, was redirected to herself. She suddenly felt something filling up her leather panties, crowding about and making them tighter. It felt... hairy. She started to turn her head to see what was happening, but wrenched it back in pain as the leather panties crushed her waist. Another rip tore through the air and the panties fell about her legs, dangling by the latches to the top.
With the tearing, the pressure was lifted from Kiir's waist, her clitoris throbbing from the blood being cut off for those few moments. She gasped for air and finally turned her head to see what had happened. A long-haired, bristly tail bobbed in the place where her original tail had been. Not only that, but her thighs seemed to have grown larger, along with her butt. It was strange. Her thigh muscles were much more defined now.
Kiir was interrupted by Rael shouting "What the-!" Rael's hands hovered around the lower half of her belly. It had begun to swell, a large lump forming from under her waistband. The nipples on her breasts were still growing, almost surpassing their length after she had given birth before. The lump at her belly bowed over the waistband, a similar thing happening below as seen by the outline in the pants. Rael's hands frantically went for the button to get her pants off before it was too late, but the waist band was too tight already, she couldn't get it through the hole.
Rael's posture started to bend over as she was completely focused on removing her pants. She barely caught herself as she fell over onto her hands and knees as well. Kiir watched as the same thing that had happened to her happened to Rael. Rael's hips widened, her butt growing larger. Before long her pants tore to shreds just as Kiir's had. Her thin panties quickly ripped as the lump on her belly fell down after being released from the pants.
Rael's naked butt revealed a new feature growing, another much thinner lump extending above it. The new lump quickly grew longer and longer, into a thin tail. Her pelvic bone continued to widen and change, making her bottom look more square. The lump on her belly had grown to become a sac that hung in the air, more bumps forming on it. The nipples on her breast, now about eight inches long and an inch thick, were accompanied by two more of the same bumps.
Before Kiir could see any more progress, she remembered her own. She looked at her bottom to see the muscles now very well defined, along with a thin layer of coarse fur growing on it. The tail swished in the air, all reflexively to changing sensations around it. Kiir had barely noticed the swelling in the leather strip at her front until it started to become painful. Her head went down as she stared at her front. The outlines of her breasts started to disappear under the leather while the strip throbbed. It was too dark to see what was happening inside through the hole by her head, but that didn't matter. She shut her eyes in pain as the swelling became unbearable. In no time, more tearing was heard as the strip ripped open.
The pain had caused Kiir's arousal to disappear. She looked down to see a much thicker clit... or what was her clit, drop towards the ground, shrinking back towards her waist. It had grown a layer of fur near its base, and the tip had widened and flattened to look more like... a penis? Not just any penis, but a... horse cock?
Before she could dwell on it further, Kiir was interrupted by more tightening. This time it was her top piece, the last of her outfit. This time she gritted her teeth and prepared for what was to come. Soon enough, another rip tore through the air.
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They stood there, eyes dancing between themselves and the other. Both Rael and Kiir had finished transforming. Both their outfits were a mess of fabric below them. Both their faces had become slightly elongated, not quite full muzzles but definitely enough to get the idea across. The legs of both had shortened so they were no longer on their knees. Their butts were propped up into the air, the same height as their shoulders. Their feet had become a sort of large hooves, extending forward slightly as their feet originally had. They still had hands at the ends of their arms, but their fingers were now tipped with a hard, black material, very similar to their hooves.
Rael's breasts hung below her. Her nipples scraped the grass. They were accompanied by 2 more nipples on each breast, adjacent to the original ones. They were all as thick and as long as the originals, and they all leaked milk. Not only that, but the sac at her belly was equipped with four, spread apart, nipples of its own, or more precisely "teats". The sac, which was obviously an udder, was large and engorged, dripping even more milk through the teats. Rael's tail had grown out long and thin, tipped with a tuft of hair. As it wagged through the air, it revealed Rael's vagina underneath. It wasn't quite like a normal cow's, it was still quite pink, but large with an equally large clit donning the front of it. Beyond the hair on her head, she was completely nude.
Kiir, on the other hand, had a large pair of fist-sized testicles at the front of her vagina. They had grown from the base of her clitoris, or now cock that had retreated into it's sheath. Kiir's torso was wide and muscular. A layer of the coarse brown hair that had started at her bottom encroached its way halfway up her back, where it met a small mane. The hair did not pass her sides at all, leaving her front nude. Her breasts had become flattened against her front, being only small mounds topped with hardened nipples.
Kiir let out a whinny. "Hey, why don't you moo for me?" Her already pointy ears were now quite larger and perked up into the air. Kiir was still less than half the height of Rael.
Rael's ears had maintained their foot-long length, but were now much wider. "I already felt like a cow with these tits as it was... I don't need to be more like one."
"Aww, come on. Get into the mood." Kiir said as she started a slow trot towards Rael.
"Fine." ::Mmmmooooo:: Rael let out. Her half-muzzle turned up its lips in a smile. "That actually feels pretty good." ::Mmmmoooooooooo:: She did it again.
"Yeah, it looks like it would feel pretty good to let the milk out of all those nipples. They look huuuge. But right now, I just feel like ruhuhunning." Kiir started to whinny at the end of her sentence. She started into a gallop, her hind legs taking the lead and her hands patting the ground to keep up.
Before Kiir got very far, she noticed some figures being formed from nothing in the direction of the barn. "What's that?"
The figures grew larger as they walked closer. One was half the size of the other. They both had a humanoid form, but were entirely featureless with only a grey exterior. The taller one had on a pair of grey overalls and was carrying a grey bucket. The shorter one wore tight grey pants and a black jacket, with some black boots and a black cap.
Rael and Kiir could only stare at the figures as they came closer. The taller one broke off towards Rael, the shorter towards Kiir. Rael just watched as the taller figure dropped the bucket to the ground right next to her and started to bend over. Kiir watched the shorter one pull what seemed to be a seat from out of nowhere behind it. The shorter figure began equipping the seat to Kiir's back.
Rael let out a long ::Mmmooooooo:: as the taller figure grabbed onto the teats of her udder. Milk sprayed into the bucket below. Rael sidestepped closer to the figure, allowing it to easily milk her more.
Kiir let out her own whinny as she started to gallop across the field, the smaller figure guiding her on her back. The figure barely weighed anything, only a small pressure on Kiir's back. Kiir ran forward, faster than she had ever run before, with the wind blowing through her short hair and mane.
Kiir pranced about the field for nearly an hour until she started to notice the bouncing between her hind legs. She slowed to a halt near Rael as she looked down to see what was bouncing. She once more realized that she sported a pair of testicles. They had been going back and forth, up and down, and now she relished the strange feeling they provided as she simply walked around.
Rael was finally completely milked and she let out one more ::Mmmooo::. Her breasts had shrunk slightly, the teats no longer dragging across the ground. She brought up a hand to one breast and weaved her fingers into the group of three teats. It was quite a strange feeling to have two more than normal. They weaved very well between her non-thumb fingers. The figure at her side faded into nothingness, leaving the bucket full of milk below her. She was also left with a feeling of arousal after all that milking.
Kiir reached her head forward to find her neck had grown long enough to lick her own testicles. She had to lift a leg to get to them, but she could do it. Her now rough tongue sent a thrill up her spine as she licked herself. A wet bump greeted her nose. She was becoming erect. She licked the head of her newfound horse cock until it was too long to reach. She licked at the shaft, all the way up to the sheath, until she was fully hardened. She stretched her tongue out, desperate to get back to the tip, but to no avail.
Kiir looked longingly up to Rael, who had taken to fondling her udder with a hand. "Hey Rael, you think you wanna... you know."
Rael looked back up to Kiir. Kiir was sporting an extraordinarily large cock for her size. "Oh my. I think I just might." Rael turned her whole body around, holding her thin tail off to the side, revealing her pink flesh. It throbbed open and shut, but didn't prolapse as it usually had. "I think you might just be able to pleasure me like this."
Without saying another word, Kiir galloped forward, her cock bouncing up and down, almost hitting the ground and pole-vaulting her into the air. Instead, she leapt high into the air, right at Rael's backside. Deftly, her large horse cock dived into Rael, while the rest of Kiir grabbed on with her arms, her hands wrapping around Rael's waist and grabbing large chunks of the udder. Kiir's legs were stiff and pointed out to the side, with nothing to do but hang there. Rael held herself up, one hand still free to grab a group of teats, milk running about her hand.
Kiir thrust as hard as she could, penetrating deep into Rael. The wide, flat head of her horse cock worked like a plunger within Rael, pumping in and out. Kiir's testicles slapped against Rael's large clitoris, forcing a stuttered moo from Rael. Kiir was going fiercely, all her muscles tense and in motion, so strong that she forced Rael's entire body into a swinging motion, forcing more milk to spray from the non-restrained breast as it swayed.
Kiir felt something begin to build up at her crotch. Her testicles squirmed and her muscles tightened. She let out a loud whinny as she shot within Rael. The stream of cum pulsed through her cock, making a squishing sound as the head of it plunged the stuff inside. Rael matched Kiir's whinny with her own wailing ::MMMooooooo::, and it continued, even when she ran out of breath with no audible sound.
Kiir pumped into Rael a couple more times, her muzzle resting on Rael's back. She finally noticed Rael's tail twitching between her testicles and a thigh as feeling returned to the area. Kiir relaxed some more, slowly sliding to one side. She didn't bother to catch herself as she fell from Rael's back into the soft grass below. Soon after Kiir was off, Rael's legs and arms buckled and she collapsed, the bucket below disappearing before she hit it, along with all the milk it held. Instead, Rael fell into the grass with a splash as her breasts and udder cushioned the fall, spraying the last drops of milk in the air.
"Whew... That was AWESOME!" Kiir shouted. Her hooves split, returning to toes. Her horse-hair tail was engulfed by her original one as it grew back and the testicles shrunk to nothing. The cum dripping from her cock turned to wisps as the cock became a clit once more.
"I see why my friends recommended it so much. That was quite exhilarating." Rael's muzzle flattened back into her face, as did the udder on her belly.
A few more minutes of relaxation and the two were back to their original bodies. The landscape around them broke up into white blotches and receded into nothingness once more. All that was left in the room was the two girls, the pile of clothes they had torn to shreds, still in shreds on the floor, and the door and buzzer.
Rael stood up, her flesh dropping out from between her legs and smacking the floor before she was fully upright. She inspected the clothes. "Now what are we going to wear? These are completely ruined. It was one of my favorite pairs too..."
Kiir also started to stand. "I don't know about you, but I don't feel like putting on clothes right now. I'm not quite done yet." Her clitoris snuggled between her breasts, fully erect after the ordeal.
"Hmm... I guess I'm not done yet either." Rael grabbed the flesh that hung down between her legs.
A knock came at the door. The voice of the fellow came from the other side. "Excuse me ladies, but it seems as though your session is over. If you would please, we would like to have the room ready for others. I will come back in five minutes unless otherwise called."
"Oh no." Rael said to Kiir. "We can't go out like this."
"I know, I wanna keep going until I'm done too." Kiir held her clit against her chest.
"No, no. I meant we can't go out naked. This just won't do. I'll see if he can help." Rael walked over to the door and pressed the button, buzzing the fellow to the door.
The door started to open, but Rael caught it before it opened too far. She leaned forward to the opening to see the fellow through it. "Excuse me, sir, but our clothes ripped from the 'Adventure'. Is there anything you can do for us?"
The fellow started to speak but choked as red tinged his face. His eyes spotted the nipple and some of the areola from Rael's breast that had swung to the opening along with her face. He grunted a bit and shook his head, his eyes returning to Rael. "Were you not informed to remove your clothes when you ordered the 'Adventure'?"
"No, no we weren't." Rael tried not to grin. She had noticed the fellow's eyes wander, the exhibition making her flesh pulse from behind the door.
"Oh, that bird-brained son of a-." He paused. "I am terribly sorry. The 'Adventures' aren't the same every time, and there's no telling what the pixies will see as fit, so sometimes things happen that can cause damage to clothing being worn, so customers are supposed to be warned. I have some large towels in back that you can use, and don't worry about the clothing, you will have a full refund of what you paid as reparation. I'll be right back"
"Thank you sir." Rael said as the fellow quickly walked away, so flustered he forgot to shut the door.
In a minute he was back at the door, knocking lightly to alert them. Rael took the towels from him and shut the door while they "changed".
"There's three towels here. Two should be able to cover me and one for you." Rael told Kiir.
"Hmm... I've got a better idea..." Kiir said
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Rael walked out of the door, wrapped in towels. The fellow let out a grunt in surprise. "Customers are supposed to be rendered completely infertile during a session. How did you-?"
Rael laid a hand across her large belly. One towel had covered her breasts, another her legs (and flesh), and a third had covered her pregnant-like belly. "Oh, don't worry about it, all is well." She started to walk down the hall.
The fellow looked around and back into the room, then back to Rael. "Where's the little one?"
Rael giggled, her belly jiggled a bit. "Don't worry, all is well. Can I get my money back please?" And with that they soon departed from 'Adventures Now'.
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Rael entered the room at the inn, still clad in towels. The rest of the family were back home, the sun having gone down already. They were preparing for bedtime when Rael returned with her big belly. Seti smiled and watched, nodding for Rael to drop the towels. Rael's belly was still jiggling about, the flesh dangling below.
Seti slithered toward Rael and tapped on Rael's belly. "Alright Kiir, time to come out now."
Rael let out a moan as Kiir descended through her flesh. Rael had to brace her hands against the wall to prevent another collapse. The others watched as the mound went from her belly in front and then out of the hanging flesh angled behind her legs. Kiir plopped out onto the floor, completely wet with a pile of cloth in her hands and a satisfied smile on her face.
"Do I even want to know why you were in there? And why aren't you wearing clothes?" Seti asked, holding back a smile. Dae'nin eye's were wide behind her, blown away by what she just saw. The girls on the other hand continued with what they were doing, giggling a bit.
Rael started to speak, but was cut off by Kiir. "I toootally have to go with you to where we just were tomorrow." She grinned at Seti.
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Kiir managed to keep Rael's mouth shut about the torn clothing to the next morning. She was going to make sure Seti gets the same "surprise" they did. The night before, Kiir explained to Seti that it would be good for the two of them to enjoy some alone time, just like Rael and herself had. Seti was hesitant at first, not wanting to leave the children, but Kiir wouldn't take no for an answer. Rael eventually assisted Kiir, saying that Seti should enjoy herself while she was here in the market as well. So, Seti had no choice but to go.
By now, it was becoming more and more likely they were going to keep Dae'nin around. She was just too helpful. They rented her again to assist Rael with the children for the day. It was to be another day of wandering the streets for them, all the meals and pleasantries to be had there. Seti told Dae'nin at least four times to keep check on Xilo's sack.
"Yes mistress, I will be sure Xilo does not embarrass herself. Now, you should get going before all the daylight is gone." Dae'nin winked at the anxious Kiir.
"Okay, okay. You be good to her Xilo." Seti picked Xilo up and gave her a kiss. "You too girls." She bent over and kissed Lily and Lilu. They all nodded in response.
"Let's goooo." Kiir nearly tugged Seti's slip right off her member.
Seti pulled it back up and rolled her eyes. "You really need to learn some patience." She aimed at Kiir, then headed out the doorway.
"I'll get right on that." Kiir grinned. Then she reached out and grabbed onto Seti's slip once more as Seti moved, lifting herself up and mounting Seti's back. "Yehaw. Get going!"
By Kiir's reigning, Seti was directed straight to 'Adventures Now'. Seti didn't say a word the whole trip, focused on following Kiir's directions of "Right" and "Left" from behind. They were there in half the time it took Rael and Kiir to get back.
"Here we are." Kiir jumped down and approached the desk. The same feathered vendor stood ready. "Hello again. I'd like another adventure for me and her." Kiir pointed back to Seti.
The vendor craned his neck up to get a full view of Seti. "Uh..." He looked back down to Kiir. "Today's 'Adventures' include 'Desert Debacle' and 'Under the Sea'."
"Wait." Kiir said. "What happened to yesterdays options?"
The vendor responded quickly. "I'm am sorry ma'am, but the pixies are fickle and change there preferences on a day to day basis. I hope there is no inconvenience."
"Hmm... alright." Kiir looked up to Seti. "Which one do you think sounds good?"
"Oh... I don't know... 'Desert Debacle' sounds like it might be hot... 'Under the Sea' sounds interesting though." Seti answered
"Ok then." Kiir turned to the vendor. "We'll take 'Under the Sea'. Here's the payment." Kiir tossed the currency onto the desk before the vendor could say another word. She already started for the door.
The vendor jumped to keep up. "Very well, ma'am."
The tough-skinned fellow that was in the foyer yesterday was there again. The vendor stepped in behind Kiir and instructed the fellow.
"It is good to see you have returned." The fellow told Kiir. "Right this way, you seem to need no introduction." Kiir nodded her head in affirmation. Seti just dazedly followed.
The two were led to another room on the side of the hall. The fellow opened the door and let them in. "I hope you enjoy your stay." He said and Kiir waved him off.
The door shut behind them and Seti and Kiir were left alone in the large white room. "Now, what is this exactly?" Seti asked, looking about. She placed the pack she had worn down beside the door. She always wore it when out in the market.
"It's a simulation thingy. There's pixies who use their dust and change the room to something else. Don't worry, you'll see soon enough." Kiir pointed at the white gas already drifting out.
"Oh..." was all Seti could say as the room filled with the gas. It grew denser and denser, forcing them to breath in the stuff with the air. Their vision soon became completely obscured. Denser still the gas continued. Their movement was soon hindered slightly by it. They could hold out their arms and the gas would hold them aloft it was so dense. As their vision returned, they could see their new environment. They were surrounded by water.
Seti wrenched a hand up to her mouth to cover it, trying to hold her breath. Kiir pushed off the sandy, barren sea-bottom, floating up through the water. She did a quick twirl and turned to Seti. She tried to speak, but found the water made such sound impossible. So instead, Kiir motioned to Seti to breathe as Seti began to turn blue in the face.
Seti held onto her breath until she no longer could. She removed her hand and started to try and cough. A few bubbles escaped through the water, floating upwards to who knows where. As she breathed back in, she found a pleasant surprise. The water filled her mouth, but as she breathed, rather than choke and drown, Seti instead found her lungs fill with air, just as though there were no water to begin with. She, too, tried to speak, but found it to be inaudible. Luckily, she could still see Kiir, so she wasn't afraid.
Kiir swam towards Seti, her tail making broad strokes in the water. Her hair floated about her, dancing with her movement. She grabbed Seti's hand to comfort her. Seti smiled, her hair having bobbed upward and sprawling out into an elegant crown. Kiir pulled her hand upward, indicating Seti to try and swim. Seti's tail had still been grounded in the sand.
Seti nodded and let go of Kiir's hand, trying to balance herself in the water. Rarely had she fully immersed herself like this, and never in such deep water, so she wasn't sure what to do. She pushed up on her tail more and more, ascending through the water. With the last bit of her tail, she sprang out into the water, letting it hold her aloft.
Seti's arms thrashed about as she started to twist and turn unintentionally in the water. Kiir dove forward and caught Seti by the shoulder, righting Seti. Kiir was a much more experienced swimmer. Seti smiled again. She turned her head while Kiir held her, looking down her tail. Her slip was matted against her tail, but that didn't matter here. She sent a wave down her tail, making it bend back and forth. Seti pushed herself and Kiir forward through the water. Kiir let go and watched as Seti passed overhead.
Seti's tail was far larger than Kiir's, providing her with far more power behind each stroke. With more power came more care not to barrel out of control. A few more minutes passed until Seti got the hang of swimming.
Before Seti could have fun with her new-found skill, the environment began to change once again. The two swam out of the way as the once barren sea floor started to grow some large rocks. The rocks turned into coral and expanded further. More and more it went, until the sea-floor was almost completely replaced by a giant reef. Buds started to appear around it, blooming into anemones. Out of gaps and holes came schools of brightly and wildly colored fish, swimming out and about. In no time at all, Seti and Kiir's sea had come to life.
Both Seti and Kiir hovered above, amazed. They stared for several minutes at the wondrous beauty before them. Then, Seti started down, her hand outreached to a large, multicolored fish. Before she could reach it, she came to a halt as her tail started to ache. She looked back at it to see it stretching the slip she wore.
Confused, Seti looked back up to Kiir. Kiir waved back, perfectly happy in the sundress she had from the twins. Kiir's legs began disappearing up into the dress as they shrank. Kiir just smiled at Seti and nodded in reassurance.
Now frantic, Seti's attention returned to her tail. She could no longer feel the larger member that normally resided at the end. Instead, it felt as though her entire tail was splitting apart. However, she could see nothing through the slip. She could only watch in terror as she saw the outline of her tail fragment into long strips, running the whole way down. She clenched her eyes shut, fearing what she'd see, and gritted her teeth as the pressure built up.
::Sssttttrrrrttccchhh:: Seti's slip ripped open in eight different directions. After the pressure released, Seti opened one eye. She saw pieces of the fabric float through the water. She opened her other eye to inspect the damage. They both went wide. Where she once had a tail she now had eight separate, long tentacles. They squirmed about through the water, her mind unable to comprehend what was happening. Seti saw the underside of each tentacle was speckled with suction cups, and she could even fell them as her tentacles crashed into each other and stuck together.
Kiir watched through the collar of her dress as her breasts started to expand. Rather than filling out, the end of each breast flattened, slowly growing into each other. Her nipples flattened most of the way into her now larger areola. Once her breasts had completely covered her front from waist to neck, from side to side, they started to harden. Kiir brought around a fist and knocked on the breast formation. It was quite stiff. She could still feel her breasts, the hardening even seemed to make them easily stimulated.
Kiir didn't get to explore her new front before she felt her tail begin to curl up on itself. She saw it coming up towards the dress, towards her back. Kiir decided now was a good time to ditch the dress. She lifted her arms and dropped through the water, allowing the dress to slide past her. She drifted nude as her tail crawled all the way up to her neck. Normally, this would have hurt, but instead the tail seemed to disconnect from her pelvis and spine, allowing it to bend in such an awkward manner. This greatly exposed her bottom, but that didn't matter since her tail now too was flattening. It stretched out towards her sides, meeting up with the edge of her connected breasts. The tail turned a deep green and hardened. Kiir tapped on that as well, finding it to be hard as a rock.
Seti finally got a hang of her tentacles, managing to untangle them from each other. She started to swim towards Kiir, awkwardly waving her tentacles. She found that spreading them away from each other and then pushing them back together pushed her forward through the water. After a couple strokes, she was on her way to Kiir.
Again, Seti was interrupted. Her top started to slide over her shoulders as she swam. She stopped to inspect why, considering the top was well secured to begin with. She was astounded to find that her shoulders had actually collapsed under the straps, and were purple! She poked her shoulder. It squished inward like jelly. She almost screamed, were it not for the water preventing the sound. Both of her arms soon became like this soft flesh. The new flesh encroached further across her torso. Her top could no longer hold her breasts as they squished out from beneath it.
Rather than become more frantic. Seti closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the watery air. She realized it was just part of the simulation thingy, just like her tail. She opened her eyes to find that all her skin had been replaced by the soft, purple flesh, even her member. She easily slipped out of her top, letting it float off on its own. Her breasts bobbed in the water, bending and warping to the light currents of the water. She still had full movement of her torso as she did before, only with a more listless feeling. She floated in the water a bit longer as she watched her change continue.
Seti's waist, member and all, started to twist downwards towards the tentacles. She could see the member begin to grow longer, but not thicker, before it disappeared underneath her. She felt her vagina take position in the middle of the eight tentacles, growing slightly larger in size. In another few moments, her member reappeared, its barbs dangling around it, and this time much, much longer. The only reason she was able to see it was because it had grown to the length of her tentacles and gained the same sort of control, allowing her to twist it out from the mess of tentacles and up to herself, much like what the twins could do with their appendages.
Seti reached out and grabbed it. The member was soft like the rest of her torso, squishing in her grip. Seti looked closer at it as she felt it begin to push against her grip. It started growing thicker, but before it got more than half its original thickness, it started to split right down the middle. It separated into two as it continued to grow. Where there was once one long member now waved two identical ones, both equipped with her limp barbs.
Seti waited a few more seconds to find nothing else changing. She started forward towards Kiir once again. Now, her movement was much more fluid, her tentacles moving as one with the two members gently waving through the water in the gap between them.
Kiir was stuck circling about in the water. Her thighs had disappeared, her legs becoming short, thick fins with only one joint up by her waist and spread far apart. Her tail had disappeared to form a shell with her breasts that engulfed her torso. Her neck was a little longer to extend out past the shell. Her arms maintained their original shape, but were much shorter now, barely able to feel her hardened breasts, the nipples poking out.
Kiir's twirling was stopped by Seti's soft hands as Seti caught her. Seti twirled Kiir around so that they were facing each other. They both took several moments to look the other over. Then Seti smiled, waving her tentacles tauntingly with their mobility. Kiir rolled her eyes, trying to wave her back flippers. With Seti's help, Kiir managed to at least move forward with her short arms and flippers in unison.
Kiir twisted her head back over her shell and smiled at Seti. Then, she broke from Seti's grip and swam down towards the reef. Seti smiled and dashed towards Kiir. The two of them rushed into the reef, swimming and dancing with the fish that dwelled there. They split up as they began exploring the wonders of the reef. Kiir even tried catching some of the fish in her mouth.
Seti swam about, gently petting anemones and looking at the detailed coral. She saw a bright anemone deep in a hole that was much smaller than her arm. Curious, Seti still tried to stick her hand through. Her soft skin collapsed within the coral, becoming small enough to reach the distant anemone. Seti pulled her arm back out and explored her "squishiness". She dived through cramped gaps and looked into narrow crevices.
Seti came upon a low shelf. She leaned back, letting the suction cups on her tentacles pull her forward under the shelf. The shelf was only two inches high and she was amazed at how easily she fit. Further and further she went until she was up to her chest. Her breasts looked like they might pose a problem, they were still quite large compared to the rest of her body, and seemed to be ballooned. Nevertheless, she slowly pushed forward. Her breasts stretched upward, forcing the ballooning to the nipples, with no pain. A little further and Seti felt the let-down reaction overcome her as milk squirted into the water, forming a white cloud in front of her face. Seti giggled and continued on, emptying a good portion of her breasts until she was fully under the shelf and finally out the other side.
'I don't even want to know what would have happened if I were still pregnant...' Seti thought. The thought brought her to remember the great hunger her slit had when pregnant, wondering about it now in this form. As if triggered by that thought, she felt her slit open wide below. She couldn't see what was happening past the tentacles. She could only feel her vagina begin to inhale as it had long ago. Seti was caught by surprise as she saw her belly begin to expand. She poked it. It felt like a giant water balloon. She hovered in the water as she engulfed more and more of it, her belly becoming larger and larger. It was quite arousing.
Kiir found that in this form, catching a fish was a completely different affair than before. She had to pull her head into her shell and then dart out as a fish passed if she had any hope of catching one. One such fish was coming closer and.... ::Wwoooosh::
Kiir was pulled back through the water, away from the fish. A couple of tentacles grappled her shell. A few of her nipples were being sucked by a tentacle in front. She craned her neck around to see a flower of tentacles blooming before her, with two rounded ones darting at her. Kiir could barely see the engorged ball of purple flesh behind the tentacle but couldn't go inspect further, instead having to flinch as the rounded tentacles dove into her slit and butt at the same time. Barbs spread out within her, becoming hard and taut against the walls. They, along with the tentacles stuck to her shell, pulled her backwards towards a gaping hole in the middle of the tentacle ring. At the last moment, the tentacles twisted her around so she was driven head-first into the maw.
Kiir blinked and looked out from her prison. The barrier before her was quite translucent, allowing her to look straight out at the sea with a purple hue. Seti's face popped into view, upside-down from above. She grinned. Kiir realized where she was.
Kiir scowled and shook her arms, demanding Seti explain herself.
Through a series of hand motions, Seti basically said: "You - swimming - legs - far apart - you - wide open - me - aroused."
Kiir rolled her eyes. Then she looked back at Seti and grinned. She reached out and petted the inside of Seti's womb. Seti's face disappeared as she bucked back upwards. The tentacles on Kiir's shell squished and suctioned away. One held her back firmly while two more sucked at her flat breasts. Kiir saw a few more tentacles dart up outside, groping Seti as well. The barbed members started to pump up and down within Kiir, thus simultaneously pumping through Seti as well through the maw below that had clenched shut.
Kiir rubbed against Seti's womb from all the thrusting within her. After nearly a half hour of the motions, the tentacles on her breasts had sucked the area raw, leaving many hickeys. Kiir had already climaxed four times. She could feel Seti finally convulse as she began to orgasm. Kiir barely caught a glimpse of a mound go through both of Seti's members before they disappeared into her. Then, an entire chain of them started to flow through.
Kiir could feel inch-wide orbs being deposited within her intestines and womb. More and more came. Kiir could feel herself beginning to bloat. The eggs just continued on. Pretty soon, Kiir felt her body being squished against the shell as her belly expanded. Without the extra room, the expansion went all the way up to her chest. Finally, the flow of eggs slowed down. Then it stopped. Kiir could hear and feel Seti heaving above. The tentacles latched onto her shell one last time. With aid from the barbed members, Kiir was pulled out by her shell, slit, and ass all at the same time. The purple skin slid over her as Seti gave birth to Kiir.
Kiir was absolutely bloated when Seti left her floating in the water. Seti was completely flushed, her purple skin looking more pink now. Below, the coral and fish started to disappear in the water. The two started sinking back to the barren floor. Seti just had an arm over her water-stuffed belly. Kiir fell into the sand on her back, unable to move. The sandy bottom turned into a white floor. The water level dropped, revealing a white ceiling above. It drained away slowly, leaving Seti and Kiir on the ground, depositing the remnants of clothing about the white room.
Seti's skin started to return to its normal color and texture. Her belly began to tighten. Her tentacles were sprawled out around her. In the center, a puddle started to form, water splashing onto the ground from under her. Before the puddle got far, it evaporated to nothing at the edges. Seti's belly slowly returned to it's original state. The puddle then completely evaporated. The tentacles rolled off to one direction, forcing Seti to lie down on her side. Her twin members started to spiral back towards her waist, returning to the original size, and finally merging back into one. Her waist twisted back to its original position as the tentacles grouped together. The tips of the tentacles quickly expanded, outlining the larger member they had replaced. The tentacles merged into one, the large member left bare until the foreskin descended from the tail. As one final motion, the large member pulsed out a large gob of pre-cum that dripped to the floor.
Kiir was still on her back. Her tail had swerved out from under her, returning to it's original position. Her legs grew back out to their original size and form, along with her arms. Her neck shortened to normal. Her breasts bounced back to their soft mounds, dotted everywhere with hickeys.
Kiir rolled up to a sitting position, looking sick. Her body was still bloated. She cautiously balanced on her feet and tail. She squatted down and began to push. From both holes shot out inch-wide orbs, a translucent red with a purple core. They bounced off the floor once, turning to mist in the air before they bounced again. Kiir grunted as she pushed out more and more of the load. A few more ::plinks:: and she slowed to a halt.
Kiir stood up, dazed. A hand went to her belly. Her lips clenched and a belch echoed within her. Her cheeks puffed up. She swished around something in her mouth. She opened her mouth and spit out another orb. It turned to mist before it hit the ground. Then, she spit out another. Finally, she let out another burp, this time not accompanied by any upcoming eggs.
Seti let out a burp of her own. "Parden me. I guess I filled up a little of both ends." She giggled. "I have to admit Kiir, that was great."
Kiir shook her head out of her daze. "I'm gonna be sore in the morning." She rubbed at a reddened nipple. "I thought I was gonna burst from you filling me."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Large, orby eggs feel much different from normal semen. I just lost myself there." Seti tried to feign guilt, but could only giggle more.
There was a knock on the door. "Excuse me ladies, but it seems as though your session is over. If you would please, we would like to have the room ready for others. I will come back in five minutes unless otherwise called."
Seti blinked back to reality. She saw the shreds of her slip across the floor. "I can't go out like this!" She motioned to her lower member. It was only half covered by the foreskin, as it was still fairly erect.
Kiir chuckled. "Don't worry, I knew this was going to happen." Kiir walked over to Seti's pack that was still by the door. She opened it and started pulling out a large piece of cloth, another of Seti's slips. "I put this in your pack while you weren't looking. I wanted to make sure you were completely surprised by this, so I couldn't let Rael tell you why our clothes were ripped before."
"Oh... Well, thank you. I think." Seti raised herself up into the air. She gathered up the pieces that was her old slip, along with her top. She stuffed the pieces into the pack and put the top on, then taking the new slip from Kiir and donning it.
Kiir walked over to the sundress she had taken off and picked it up. Despite having been soaked earlier, it was now dry once more. She dropped it past her arms and let it fall down. She made sure to remember to lower her tail when walking, no matter how difficult it was. Once they were out, she would just jump back on Seti anyways.
"Alright, let's get going. I'll have to keep this place in mind if I ever come back to the market." Kiir started off for the door.
"Yes, definitely. And I hope Rael gets home soon... I don't want to spend the whole night like this..." There was a large wet blotch at the end of Seti's slip.