Tales of the Convenant, Finale

Story by MichaelGrey on SoFurry

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#5 of Tales of the Covenant

The finale is here! The rogue members of the Vore Clan shall be hunted down and disposed of...but the greatest threat of all still looms. Can Naniyo be beaten at it's own game?


Rogue was quite confident in himself. And why shouldn't he be?

He and his other "Rogues" had a good thing going as they sat in the enormous underground mansion that was their home, sipping delightful wines as they sat around a table, finishing off some roasted breast.

"Aww, this one's not a natural breast." Stegra complained, holding up her slice on a fork.

"And you can tell HOW?" Queenie laughed.

"It's got that silicon-y aftertaste,that's how." Stegra told her.

"Put some salt on it and you can't tell at all!" Said Ayvuir Blue, a large hermaphrodite Birdo creature who had blue skin and sharp claws. He adjusted his bow tie and slurped up his dinner. "Now then...when are we going to be able to go out hunting again? I'm anxious for some fresher meat, I'd like to sample a little "older women", actually..."

"What, 14's not old enough for you?" Stegra joked. That got them all laughing as the chandelier swung back and forth.

Rogue then blinked. Chandelier. Swinging back and forth...

He looked at his glass and saw that the wine in it was shaking...the whole TABLE was shaking slightly. And soon the entire MANSION began to shake!

They all gasped as the roof collapsed, and THEY appeared. Strong members of the Covenant...with Justice Staccato at the front.

"Rogue...you've been sentenced to death for mass murder, conspiracy against the government, assault and rape of ten women and three dogs. BRING 'EM DOWN!" The justice roared out, pointing upward.

Stegra tried to slither away. But she soon found herself facing down King, and she smirked bravely. "You don't stand a chance against ME, baby. Girl, guy, furry or not, they all make the same bulge in my stomach..."

King clapped his hands and Stegra found herself tied up by mystic bonds that were made of fire, burning into her body. "You gloat too much. One is down!" He called out.

"I got this other one!" Sparky said, tying up all of Queenie's legs, forcing her on her stomach and sitting atop her spiderly body.

"This asshole's not going anywhere either!" Ahinahina growled, lying atop of Ayvuir Blue, his taloned feet digging into his back and ruining his nice black tuxedo.

Meanwhile, Rogue had run for it and was now hiding inside of a dark room, standing perfectly still as he hid behind a column. Justice Staccato entered the room, crossing his arms.

"You're thinking that you can escape, right? That I'm going to let my guard down and you'll kill me? Or maybe that I can't do anything to really HURT you..."

The justice's words cut through Rouge like a hot knife through butter. "But I ASSURE you, Rogue, that I am not joking and you are not leaving alive. You have my word as a gentleman. Now..."

He flicked the light on and held up his plasma buster on his left arm. It shot out a chain made of thick black titanium and shot through the column, grabbing ahold of Rouge's throat. He was forcibly tugged back to the robotic justice, and he whimpered as the robot looked him over.

"This...this isn't fair..."

"Oh?!" The justice looked angrily into his eyes. "How many other innocent people said that exact same thing? How many did you eat alive, even as their eyes pleaded for mercy?! HUNDREDS! Not even children were spared...I saw the videotapes, I've seen the horror. And you'll be punished for your cruelty. You see...we've developed an ultimate punishment for sickos like you who have no honor or sense of mercy in your bodies..."

Staccato reached down to his belt and pulled out a vial of strange, rainbow-colored liquid, forcing it onto Rouge's body. The wolf-like being coughed and spluttered as he felt his body change...

And in a true indignity to his nature, he had been turned into a female human, and not even one of the sweet-looking ones that he normally enjoyed eating...he'd become a blunt-nosed, muddy-brown eyed woman with mousy hair, various acne on her body and an extremely flat pair of butt cheeks and breasts.

"Now I finish you forever." Staccato snarled. He opened his mouth and suddenly Rogue felt it...FELT a horrid, cold chill running up and down her body. It was like she was being spiked to the ground and her flesh was being pulled from off from her body. She screamed over and over but she couldn't close her mouth as a wispy white form rose out from her mouth into Staccato's, and the horrid peeling feeling continued to surge through her...

Soon that feeling was becoming a dreaded numbness...all feeling was gone. Rogue let out a horrid death rattle as the last white wisp was slurped up into Justice Staccatos' mouth, who tossed the dead woman that had once been a furry to the ground. "You aren't worthy of being reborn. With your soul obliterated in my robotic stomach your threat will be gone and you'll be sent to Hell where you belong." Staccato announced, turning and going out the door.

The other Rogues were being dealt with the same way. Stegra had been turned into a blue and white-haired European woman with a long ponytail, Avyuir Blue was now a black-haired woman with a blue Birdo tattoo on both butt cheeks and Queenie had been turned into a fat, large-breasted woman who needed to lose at LEAST fifteen pounds. All of them were going to be soul vored by Justice Staccato, and all WERE. They died screaming as he clung hard onto their necks, ripping their souls from their bodies like you'd rip a piece of Teriyaki Beef off a stick with your teeth. Their whispery souls were slurped and sucked up into the bioroid as the other Vore Clan members watched.

Soon there was only a light glow in his stomach to show where they had been. Justice Staccato nodded at the others. "I will digest them soon. But they aren't the only ones we should worry about."

"Not if the reports are true." Ranger said, dropping in from the ceiling and folding his wings as he held up a manilla folder. "This "Naniyo" is a big threat as well. Apparently Rogue calls him the TRUE "God of Vore"...says he's actually a deity."

Staccato looked the file over again and nodded, handing it back to the dragon. "The difference between a God and a Monster is that a MONSTER can be killed. Rogue thought he was a god..." Justice Staccato pounded one fist into his palm. "Naniyo will meet the same fate if he is just as twisted as Rogue was. On this, we of the Covenant must swear...to hunt him and any disciples he has down...and slay them!"

"We swear it!"




...and so...with that...the greatest challenge they'd ever faced began...




Naniyo. God of Vore. But who was he? None of the Covenant members knew SPECIFICS, only vague myths. Luckily there was one person in the city who did. Going to the condo apartment complex where Master Omega himself lived, our protagonists walked down the peach-colored hallway and looked left and right.

"Which room, which room?" Ranger mumbled, his red scales glittering.

"I think it was 34." Sparky told him.

"Lemme check." BlackArachnia said, going to door 34 and opening it up.

They were treated to the sight of a blond-haired woman with brown eyes, a flat chest and NO clothes on being ripped out of her bed by a large monkey of some kind that broke in through the wall.

"Do you think we're interrupting something?"

"It's GEORGE. UGH." King frowned as George stuffed the woman in his mouth and began to chew vigorously with large crunches, an eyeball popping out. "I was hoping to catch him in the act, but not this...late..."

Needless to say, George gasped in horror at seeing King and began to beg, but too late! King was not a master magus for nothing. George was soon shrunken into a small, brown-haired woman...hello GEORGINA! And before she could do anything, King opened up his serpenty maw and slurped her down with a SLCHUP and a SMACK of his jaws.

"Stop grumbling." He complained to George, who began beating against the walls of his stomach. "You'll be dead soon enough and then you'll get reborn...in JAIL." He added with a smirk. "And you were wrong, it's room 35."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because he's standing right in front of it."

A draconic being in a big black cloaked robe waved at them and smiled. "Come on in." He told them. "The stones told me you would come. You wish to know of Naniyo...I will tell you ALL..."




...he was a wanton god, they learned. A sick, evil thing that delighted in destroying civilizations. And furthermore...he was a rabbit. Dark green, almost black. Carried a popcorn bucket...

That was always filled with shrunken people. For you see, Naniyo could change his size and the size of beings around him who were "prey types", like humans generally were.

"A BUNNY?!?" BlackArachnia complained. "How...demeaning that the God of Vore is a bunny."

"It's ironic, perhaps...but he is also cruel and immoral and VERY dangerous. Entire civilizations have died due to him. And he's here. On this planet. He's hiding somewhere but he'll come out eventually to try and turn one of you to his side..."

Omega took a deep breath and sat back in his chair as King passed around some more green tea. "I know not who it will be. But you must inform all members of the Covenant of his danger and be READY for when he comes..."




...Ahinahina tossed out the pieces of French bread he'd brought with him to the birds, sighing happily as his thick brown hair was blown in the gentle wind. He scratched his grey, furry belly and smiled at the many pigeons who were pecking at the ground.

"Feeding the pigeons?" A rabbit asked, sitting next to him. Ahinahina looked the rabbit over. "You keep doing that, you know what you get?"

"I don't know, what?"

"FAT PIGEONS!" The dark green, almost black rabbit laughed. "Mary Poppins was a bloody BRILLIANT movie. SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIUS!" It cried out happily, clapping it's paws together.

Ahinahina rubbed his neck. "Wait...what's in the popcorn bucket?"

The rabbit held it up. "Want some? They're fresh."

"They-OH." Ahinahina turned sickly white as he saw what was INSIDE

People...HUMANS, and all of them naked and screaming and trying to claw their way out of the bucket somehow but all failing. The rabbit apparently felt Ahinahina didn't want any and he stuffed his paw into the bucket, picking up a handful and GLOMPING on the humans, gulping them down. He then grabbed another handful and began hungrily chewing away, blood dripping down his large incisors.

"Dear God, stop that, that's...that's HORRIBLE..."Ahinahina gasped. "You're...you're..."

"Why are you whining about meat?" The rabbit asked. "I see you like to feed the pigeons...well I have bird friends too." He whistled and green/black birds suddenly flew overhead, their beaks glistening in the sunlight. Ahinahina gasped as the rabbit tossed the rest of the people in the popcorn bucket up into the air and those who didn't get snatched up and gobbled down on the spot fell to the ground, becoming squishy red plotches.

"...you're...Naniyo..." Ahinahina whispered.

"And you're Ahinahina. Your name is a color in Hawaiian, specifically "Gray". It's not very IMAGINATIVE I suppose BUT I got my name from the first thing I heard, so ha-ha-ha!" Naniyo laughed.

"Why...why did you DO that?" Ahinahina asked, horrified.

"One, I was hungry. Two, it was fun. Three, they were there. FOUR...you WANT me to." Naniyo ended seductively, tracing a furry finger on the experiment's furry chest, making a circle.

"KANAPIPIKI!" Ahinahina swore in Hawaiian. "Kokoahele ia paka!"

"Such HARSH language. Did you REALLY, in your HEART OF HEARTS, want me to stop?"

Suddenly it happened. A horrid, angry look appeared in Ahinahina's gaze. "You...sicken me...you claim to be a GOD. But you are simply a selfish monster who thinks that because he has a unique power he can do whatever he wants to those who can't fight back. You deserve no pity..." Ahinahina growled. "And luckily for you, we of the Covenant have been preparing for your arrival!"

Ahinahina grabbed Naniyo's throat and before the rabbit could do anything he felt Ahinahina's FANGS enter his neck...and the transformation occurred.

In a matter of minutes, Naniyo had been turned into a pink-haired woman with a cute button nose and freckles, peach-colored skin, hair that went down in two long ponytails and ruby red lips, though her deep violet eyes remained. She gasped as Ahinahina held her flailing form in his clawed hands and he snarled, gazing at her eyes as one hand reached for a cell phone in his pockets...

Well, it didn't take long before the Covenant had reached her. Now they were debating what to do with her. They had decided...

"What-WHAT? Up the BUTT?!?" "Nani" gasped as Ahinahina dropped trou and turned around, opening up his anal hole. Sparky and Ranger held her up as Esmeralda laughed.

"One for the money!"

"Two for the show!"

"Three to get ready!"

"Four to GO!"

FWUUUUP! Into Ahinahina's butt Naniyo's flailing form went. Her legs kicked wildly as her arms were pushed against her side and her head, followed by her chest, was pushed into a foul-smelling chamber with gooey brown slime on the walls. There was a large pile of poo in the center of the chamber, like a bed, waiting for her to fall in.

Her screams were muffled more quickly as the rest of her legs were shoved all the way into the anal hole and soon she was totally inside, being submerged in scat and sinking down into the brown recesses of the experiment's butt. Her body sloughed away as it was filled with excrement, and her very soul was scattered away...never again to plague the Universe.

The Covenant members cheered as Ahinahina was carried away on his shoulders, and they led him, along with a great deal of "Bounty", to the bushes...




...Naniyo awoke to find herself staring down a blue-scaled imp. He had gloves upon his three-fingered hands, red horns that were wavily curled back, a big, fanged smirk and taloned feet. "The Emperor..." She whispered.

"Hello Naniyo." The Emperor laughed softly. "I've been wanting to get you down here for a long time. Welcome to the place where those who fake mercy and sympathy go...the place where the cruel and the evil are punished. Places for monstrous-minded vore lovers like you. Welcome to Vore Hell...we hope you enjoy your stay..."

He grabbed her neck as his tail went up. "And if there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to SCREAM!" He laughed as it thrust down...


Voremon, Part 4

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Tales of the Convenant, Part 4

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Tales of the Convenant, Part 3

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