A Long way. part 2

Story by The Trickster on SoFurry

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#4 of A Long way.

Like I said, I originally wrote 'chapter 1' out of boredom, with no intention to carry on.

But you seemed to like it so I thought I'd keep it going. So here's some more.

And don't worry, I'm still doing my other stories as well, just thought I'd try to alternate every now and then.

[P.S, go ahead and point out any errors, I can't fix them if I don't know they're there.]

Scott woke up slowly. Blinking to clear the sleep from his eyes before looking around. It was still dark.

"Of course it's dark." He whispered sleepily. "It's winter."

He tried to reach over and pull the thick blanket over him, but struggling to move the heavy weight. He jumped when it moved, opening his eyes completely as he saw the sleeping beast in font of him and remembered last nights events.

Dusk is a...my house is gone. He was on the verge of tears when he felt the furry embrace around tighten.

Dusk unconsiously pulled him into a strong but gentle embrace, Scott felt his worries fade away. As Dusks arms surrounded him and pressed him into the soft warmth of his body, Scott automatically nuzzled into Dusks fur before looking at his face.

This was the first good look he'd had, despite the darkness. Dusk looked largely as he had as a dog. Grey and White with long fluffy fur. But now he seemed more wolf like. And obviously larger and more human like.

Dusk began to stir then, ears twitching and tail moving.

Cute Sott thought, giggling.

At the sound of Scotts laughter Dusk opened his eyes and looked down at him, smiling warmly.

"Good morning Scott!" _ The smile faded. _"...Are you okay?" He asked, remembering the events of yesterday. Concerned.

Scotts smile faded too. "I...I think so. It's just a lot to take in." He nuzzled into Dusks fur again. "And you have some explaining to do." Dusk nodded.

"That I do, but it'll have to wate until later. We have more pressing matters to atend to right now." Scott was confused at this.

"Like what?" He asked. At this Dusk burst into laughter.

"Well for starters you need some clothes." Scott looked down and blushed at the fact that he was half naked, wearing only a shirt and briefs. "And I noticed you never ate yesterday, I won't let you go anywhere until you've eaten."

Dusk had a point.

"But where are we going to get clothes and food?" Scott asked desperately. Dusk seemed to ponder the question.

"I'll find something, maybe a house or some tourists." He saw Scotts distressed look. "I'll only take what we need, I promise." He unravelled himself from Scott and slowly stood, leaving Scott shivering on the ground.

"You need to keep warm until I get back, here. Pull your legs up and hug you knees." Scott did this. "Now pull your shirt down over your legs and tuck it under your feet. Good, now pull your arms in and hug them to your chest. That should keep you warm for a while."

Scott looked up at him, greatly embarressed. Whch prompted another chuckle from dusk.

"I know it looks stupid but it works. Trust me." Dusk glanced around. Stay like that, I'll be back soon."


True to his word, Dusk returned soon. Carrying a bundle of clothes and a couple of rolls.

"Here, put these on." He said tossing the clothes to Scott. "Then you can have something to eat."

Scott blushed at the clothes, Dusk immediately understood.

"Come on. You've changed in front of me before." He chuckled.

"But you were a dog!" He protested.

"I've never been a dog. It hasn't bothered you before." Scott saw no point in arguing, and started to strip off. He thought he saw a glint in Dusks eye.

As Scott finished up Dusk threw him one of the rolls, "Sorry I couldn't get more, I didn't want to take too much."

Scott just nodded as he tore into the bread, "So, are you going to explain now?"

"Yes, but it will have to be as we're moving." Dusk answered walking away, Scott following. "Ask away."

"Well, where are we going?" Scott asked, almost nervous.

"That's the first question you ask? Really? No 'What are you"? or "What happened?"? Well, Scott. We're going somewhere safe. That's all I really know about where we're going."

"So...what are you then?" Scott asked now, as they continued to walk.

"I think you already know, I'm one of what humans call 'werewolves' or 'lycanthropes'. And before you ask, most of the legends are wrong. I'm not human, the full moon has no effect on me and I have no desire to 'devour the souls of the innocent'." Dusk seemed slightly angry when he said this, after all this didn't paint his kind in the best light.

"So, you don't harm people?" _ Dusk looked away at this, _"You haven't hurt me."

"Yes I have." He whimpered on the verge of tears. "Remember when I woke up in your house and bit you?"

"Yes." Scott answered. "You got me on the shoulder, I still have the scar."

"I was going for your throat." Dusk said bluntly. Causing Scott to stop walking, forcing Dusk to turn to him.

"You...you tried to kill me?" He whimpered, starting to move away from Dusk. Who only stepped closer.

"I was scared, instinct kicked in. To me you were just another human trying to kill me." He took another step and pulled Scott close. "Then I got to know you, I wanted to stay with you, protect you. I swear I'd never hurt you now." He stared into Scotts eyes at those last words, Scott could see that he was sincere.

"I believe you." He answered. Allowing Dusk to release him.

"Um...Scott. I have something to tell you. It'll be hard you'd better sit down." Scott obeyed, his sense of dread increasing. "Before I grabbed you last night, I heard those two hunters speaking.-The hunters are trying to exterminate my kind.-, they said that they'd 'tied up the lose ends'...Your mother, she's...she's dead."

Scotts firdt reaction was denial. "No, no you're wrong...you're wrong she's..." At this he simply burst into a fit of sobbing and fell against Dusk, who immediately wrapped his arms around him

"I'm so sorry pup." Dusk was also crying now, but not sobbing. His tears ran steadily down his face. He stood up, picking Scott up with him, still clutching at his chest.

"We need to keep moving, you don't have to walk. I'll carry you."


Several hours later, Scott had managed to stop his tears. But still remained clutched against Dusks chest, refusing to let go. Even when they sat down In a clearing.

"Please don't go." He whimpered as Dusk stood up, leaving him on the ground.

"I'm not going far." He said in reassurance. He walk only a few steps away before raising his head to the sky and howling. Long and loud. Scott could only listen, mesmerised.

"Now what?" he asked Dusk, when he finally stopped.

"Now we wait." he answered.

And wait they did, for hours into the night. Neither could sleep.

Scott stood up to stretch his legs, walking to the edge of the clearing.

A growl broke the silence, long, deep and loud. Scott froze, like deer in the headlights he could only watch in horror as a beast detached itself from the shadows, snarling. A werewolf, like Dusk, but this one jet black crept forward. Regain some of his senses Scott began to walk backwards. But he wasn't quick enough, within an instant the beast lunged forward, ready to kill him. And it would have if not for Dusk, who managed to pull him out of the way of the snapping jaws just in time.

He now stood in front of Scott protectively. Scott could only cower behind Dusk as the other Werewolf spoke.

"Ulf?...What is the meaning of this? Get out of my way now!" It growled.

"It's Dusk now, and no...I won't." Dusk answered He stood defiantly_._

"Wha...What are you doing? Why are you protecting it?"

"HIS name is Scott. And you shan't hurt him." Dusk continued. "I owe him my life. And I will protect him from everyone, even my own brother Aelric."

Aelric growled at this, softer this time. "If you won't allow me to kill him, at least send him away so that we may speak."

"I can't do that either Aelric, his home is burned and his family lie dead. I'm all he has left. Allow us to enter your home so that we may discuss it further?"

Aelric growled once more, staring straight at Scott. Who tried to hind behind Dusk.

"Fine." He said finally. "Follow me."

A Long way. part 3

Scott and Dusk followed Aelric, Scott rather reluctantly. Every time he walked to close to him, Aelric would let out a growl forcing him to retrat to the safety of Dusks protection. _"So...your name is 'Ulf'?"_ He asked Dusk, careful to keep away from...

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A long way.

_"It's a long way to Mukumbura. It's a long way to jawl." _Scott sang loudly as he made his way through the front door. Dumping his bag on the ground as any self-respecting teenager would do. _"It's a long way...from your home town. But you can have...

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Worthless part 5.

**Not so long ago."** I was still only semi concious when I began to regain some senses, I was lying on a bunk. Little more than a table of wood with a sorry excuse for a pillow. I couldn't see, but I could smell the odour of stale disinfectant and...

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