Little Drummer Dog (2)

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#2 of Little Drummer Dog.

Here is Chapter 2.

Little Drummer Dog. (2)

By Wolfie Steel.

The long walk home would give me time to think about everything that has happened today, and as drunk as my mind is it needs all the help it can get, the walk would also help my mind to sober up a little, and that is something that I really need to happen, because tomorrow morning not only will I meet a new set of musicians, but I dare say that there will be a bit of a jam session too so I need to be as sober as a judge.

As I walk I notice all the different smells of the town, smells that you never really smell when driving through it in your car, there is the smell of the nearby burger van, the awful smell of sweat, oh wait that is me, hehe, then I sniff the air again, and I notice a slightly damp kind of smell, and its getting stronger, crap I'd better get home soon because looks like it's going to... (A sudden cloud burst opens up)... rain, just my fucking luck.

As I arrive at my front door, the cloud burst is now a full on raging thunder storm, and I am one drowned dog, I look up to the heavens as I fumble for my keys, God please give it a rest, I've had a shitty day and now I'm soaked through, don't you think you could just give me a little fucking slack?

Finally I get my door open and I squelch inside, I close the door and lock it and then I switch on the entrance hall light, which predictably blows a bulb, I sigh as I lean against the wall, fucking typical, God when you hate me this much is it any wonder why I don't go to fucking church?

I slowly remove my soaking wet shoes and leave them on the mat; I then fumble around in the dark for the beginning of the hand rail for the stairs. Once located I begin the journey to my bathroom and the salvation of a set of dry towels, I switch on the bathroom light, merciful heavens this bulb does not blow, I raise my index finger to the heavens, you missed one old man, you're slipping up in your old age, I then decide to keep my muzzle shut as if he hears me he is more than capable of plunging me into darkness yet again.

I begin the task of peeling my wet clothes from my fur, suddenly my nose is assaulted by the smell of damp dog, oh yeah we've all smelt that joyous smell I'm sure, once I am out of my clothes I switch on the shower and wait for its temperature to increase.

After a few seconds the shower is steaming and so I groggily climb in, the warm water hits my fur and instantly begins to bring my body heat back up, there is something just so damn wonderful about a hot shower, I mean yes its water and god knows I have had enough of that tonight, but it is also heat and oh gods does it feel good.

Finally my body feels like working again and so I wash my fur thoroughly, getting rid of the grime of the day. As I shower my mind is now 70 percent sober and begins to think back to what I had been through today, a sudden thought brings an evil smile to my face, well if the guys in 'Sound as a Hound' want a fight, then by fuck they will get one, I will get the job with the new band and I will give Shaun a bloody nose when he realises the mistake that he made by dumping me.

Once I finish my shower, I turn off the water and climb out, I wrap a fluffy white towel around my waist and then I head for my bedroom turning the bathroom light out as I go, my paw fumbles for the light switch to my bedroom and then finds it, suddenly my room is bathed in a soft light.

I stand at the side of my bed and quickly set to work drying my fur, being a Border Collie is a pain in the ass when you shower, so much long fur that you need a shit load of towels to dry off, maybe one day I will invest in a fur dryer, it would certainly cut down on my fucking laundry bill.

Having used three towels to get completely dry, I throw them in the hamper with the rest of my wet clothes, I turn off the light and then get between the sheets of my bed, I lie there and look at my alarm clock, the digital figures show 01:45, great in just over 6 hours I gotta be up and ready to go again, jeeze I hope these new guys are worth it. With that final thought sleep takes hold and my eyes finally close.

I wake up at 8am and realise that I have slept in longer than I wanted, I know that if I want to make my 9am meeting, I gotta get dressed and head out to catch the bus, I guess there will be no breakfast today.

I drag a brush quickly through my fur not caring how much it hurts when I find a tangle, I then throw on some clean and dry clothes and a pair of sneakers and I'm out of the door making sure to lock it before I leave. Fortunately there is a bus stop about fifty yards down the road from my flat, I quickly sprint to the stop and wait for the bus.

Fifty minutes later and I'm standing outside the now closed bar, I look at my watch and realise that I have made it with just five minutes to spare, talk about cutting things fine, suddenly I'm brought out of my thoughts by the arrival of a large BMW, it pulls in to the side of the road and the passenger window lowers.

"Hey Sam, are you ready to go?"

If it's with you sexy, I'm always ready to go.

Damn it Sam, mind on the job not the dog. I quickly get into the passenger seat of the car and we begin our journey towards the meeting, my belly decides to make its complaint about not having breakfast, Steve gives out a chuckle as he hears it.

"It sounds as though someone got up late and didn't start the day right, good job we're meeting the guys at a fast food place"

Do the guys really meet at a fast food place every time, jeeze if so I'm going to lose my youthful figure, and I don't want any sniggers because I WILL bitch slap you.

We arrive at the fast food joint and head inside, the place is pretty packed but it doesn't take too long for me to place my order, meanwhile Steve is off to my right talking to a bunch of guys, I'm guessing these are what are to be my new band mates. I overhear what one of the guys, a huge Great Dane, says.

"Hold the fucking phone, Steve how come you just walked in here with Sam Vine?"

I hear the Rottweiler chortle a little and then he takes me by the paw and leads me over to the group.

"Guys, as Trigger has already noted, this is Sam Vine, ex-drummer with Sound as a Hound, hopefully he is going to join us as our drummer, now guys our breakfasts are ready so why don't we take them to a table and then we can eat and make introductions"

We all collect our orders and then head to a large empty table, we all squeeze around the table, and I get the added bonus of being squished between a huge Doberman, and Steve, oh fuck it's like a gay guys ultimate wet dream.

Before we start to eat Steve begins the introductions.

"Okay Sam, the Doberman you are squished against is our bass guitarist Max Landers, the Great Dane who so eloquently announced you earlier is Ricky 'Trigger' Dawson our keyboard player, we call him Trigger because he has a hair trigger if you know what I mean, and then we have Leo Wilson who as you can see is a German Shepherd, he is also our lead guitarist and also helps with the backing vocals. Now guys I want there to be no secrets within this band so I will tell you all now, Sam here is gay and I kind of have the hots for him, so paws off"

There is a series of giggles that travels around the table. Its then that Trigger speaks up.

"Okay, seeing as how we are to be an open minded band I guess that I can announce that Leo and I are involved"

Leo instantly shoots Trigger daggers and I'm pretty sure I hear a yip from Trigger's muzzle as he is undoubtedly kicked under the table by Leo.

Leo then closes his eyes and just nods his head.

"Okay yeah the big goof ball is right, he managed to hook me when we first met, what can I say, I fell for his forward charms"

With the introductions complete we all begin to tuck into our meals. I have to admit right now that I had never even considered hooking up with Steve, I mean yes he is drop dead gorgeous, and has sex oozing from every pore, but whatever would he see in a no hope Border Collie like me?

I blush a little as it now dawns on me that I have several sets of eyes resting on me, it is now time to hear the deep voice of Max.

"So Sam, how come you parted company with Sound as a Hound, you seemed like a happy bunch of guys"

I bare my teeth a little though hopefully not enough to be seen.

"I guess you would call it musical differences, I built that band up from the ground and built it around a traditional drummer, in my view nothing beats the sound of a proper drum kit, all this electronic stuff is all well and good but it doesn't have the soul and passion of a traditional snare drum, or the presence of a set of well balanced cymbals"

There are knowing nods all around the table, like what I had just said resonated with each and every single one of the guys, Steve is next to speak.

"Right guys, we will finish our breakfast and then I want you guys to head back to the studio, while I take Sam to pick up his car, we'll then join you back at the studio and then maybe Sam can show us what we have been missing"

Again a dark red blush shows up under my fur. We all finish our meals and then clear the table of all of our trash which ends up in the bins, we all then head out to our respective transport. It seems that most of us have cars of varying types and newness, but Max it seems loves his motorbike, as his frame straddles a massive and powerful bike, I drool a little as I watch him pull out of the parking lot, his tight jean clad ass sitting snugly on the bikes saddle, I know, I know I'm supposed to be with Steve, but if things between me and Steve don't work out then maybe there will be a chance with Max.

Steve drives me to the parking lot where I had parked my car the previous morning, I see a note is stuck under one of the front windscreen wipers and that I now have two front flat tyres, this has all the hallmarks of Shaun. I sigh as I clamber from Steve's car, he also gets out and walks over to mine, I pick up the note and begin to read it.

Mr. Vine, as you are probably already aware it is pointless trying to contact the lawyers acting for Sound as a Hound, they are under contract to the band and as such will not be taking any calls from ex band members who want to stir up some sort of hornets' nest, I have also now dispensed of the services of AJ, as he too was of the same mind as you, he is now probably in a dumpster somewhere but I couldn't care less, Sound as a Hound will get bigger and better without you both holding us back, have a nice life.

_ Yours, Shaun Marks._

_ P.s. I hope you have decent breakdown coverage because it looks like some dirty asshole has left you with two flat tyres. Chow._

Steve can now see that I am seething with anger, he takes the note from my paw and reads it for himself.

"Sam, ignore this, tyres can be repaired or replaced, I know that you want to bury Shaun so let's do it through our music, and whilst we are at it we can get another new member of the team, what is the guys name, ah yes AJ, I take it you have his number?"

I nod a little but say nothing, and then Steve continues.

"Okay, call him while I get your tyres sorted out, tell him that there is an open spot in a new band that you have joined, and then tell him that you will pick him up from wherever he is"

Again I nod a little and take out my cell phone, I scroll down the list of names on my contact list until I find AJ's name, and I click on call and put the phone to my ear. After ten rings the phone is finally answered by AJ.

"Sam, thank fuck it's you, I don't know what to do, Shaun went crazy on me and then threw me out, he even took the guitar that I paid for away from me so now I have nothing, what the fuck man"

I slowly calm the Panther down and then I give him the news.

"Okay AJ, I want to know where you are right now, because I will come and get you and then we can both begin our fight back with a new band that I have joined"

AJ's mood seems to improve immensely as he tells me where he is, not a dumpster as Shaun had said, but a local park. I assure AJ that once my car is repaired I will be there to collect him, I end the call to the Panther and head back towards where Steve is standing to wait for my tyres to be replaced.

Little Drummer Dog (3)

# Little Drummer Dog. (3) ## By Wolfie Steel. Once my tyres have been replaced I drive to the park where AJ is waiting. I stop the car in the parking lot and I look out through the windows to see if I can spot the Black Panther, after a couple...

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Little Drummer Dog (1)

# Little Drummer Dog. ## By Wolfie Steel. I sit on a barstool nursing a bad day and a JD 'n' coke, a now unwanted Border Collie by the name of Sam Vine. To be fair my day started out rosy just like always, you know, get out of bed, get ready...

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Slave Hunter, 8

# Slave Hunter, Chapter Eight. ## Written by Wolfie Steel. With the solemn duty now over the funeral party all heads back to a church hall that has been hired so that we can give Christopher a decent wake, somewhere where his friends and family...

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