Proper Tutoring – Lesson Two (w. art collab. by Linkin Monroe)
Why is Tyler always picked on? What did he do wrong? Why do the bullies keep telling him that he's a wimp? How could he stand up to those bastards? And why does Kevin, the hot Dobie jock, seem to be all too interested in helping him out to do just that? See and find out, in this first time ever Gruffy story-art collaboration, with Linkin Monroe!
_ Story by Gruffy . Idea by
Gruffy &
Linkin Monroe . Cover art by
Linkin Monroe_
Hehhey, folks! Guess what?
After a long deliberation, the second part of my collaboration with Linkin Monroe has finally seen daylight - and it's heeeeere! *chuckle* That's how art sometimes work - it makes you wait a bit, and I must say, Linkin and I are probably the two people most glad to see this one finally come out to our screens in full HD definition. The first instalment was such a success, and I really hope that you guys will enjoy this second part as well. For those of you who never read the original, you should click here Proper Tutoring (w. art collab. by Linkin Monroe) to catch up - and see the cover art, too! :P
I'd like to thank Linkin again, for hitting me up and suggesting that we should do this collaboration together - it is fun to try new modes of work every now and then, and this was my first collaboration, so it was something even more special for me as well. I am very pleased with how this turned out, and I'm very glad that it was popular. Thank you, Linkin! Hopefully we'll work again in the future!
Have a fun read!
The Dobie's quick fingerpad rubbed the corner of Tyler's muzzle and he immediately felt better about it, if only for the sudden warmth of the touch and the somewhat gentle look coming from the tough jock. It sure was the kindest touch he'd ever gotten from a jock, Tyler thought.
"Why don't you get rid of those clothes, then, pup?"
Tyler's ears flew up with surprise at the sudden words. Now he was expected to undress? Weren't they supposed to start practicing kickboxing moves now that they'd fooled around?
Kevin saw the quizzical look and winked and batted a tall ear.
"Go on. I have to see what I'm gonna work with," the Dobie mused. "I'll go first, if you like."
He didn't wait for the reply before he simply pulled his tight-fitting T-shirt over his head and sat there, pants around his ankles, but the entirety of his ripped torso in plain view. Tyler could barely survive another look on that before his own tail started to wag rapidly again. The jock sure was fit and looked great...simply perfect, for his age, size and breed, and being a cocky high school footballer dude.
"Come oooon..."
Tyler didn't waste too much time in removing his own T-shirt, though it took a bit longer for him to negotiate his jeans and his boxers. He felt shy to show his boner to the jock, knowing that it was definitely much smaller than the Dobie's own impressive meat, but maybe...just maybe Kevin wouldn't say anything nasty about it, unlike those other jocks who always leered at him and swatted his ass with towels at the locker room. He knew that he was being watched, sure, the Dobie sat there, curiously following every movement the terrier made as he undressed, and took an especially good look around the time Tyler drew a deep, deep breath and tugged his boxers down.
"Heheh, that's nice! And all hard too, man!"
Tyler blushed again and hurried to remove his socks and shoes before he stepped out of his jeans for good. The sound of belt buckles clinging brought his eyes back from the floor he had been staring for quite some time now and revealed that Kevin had removed his own pants, too, and now sat on the edge of his bed fully naked.
"Hmm yeah...I was right," the Dobie grinned, rubbing his chin, "A bit of a workout routine and you'd be kicking ass in no time...speaking of which..."
Tyler's tail slapped quickly from side to side.
"Turn around. I wanna see the back too."
Tyler, his cock throbbing and leading the way, gave a "what the hell" shrug and then slowly turned around, to show his modest body off from all angles, including the butt adorned by the whip-like tail that swung down instinctively now that he was baring all of him to the Dobie's hungry, observant gaze. He felt his heart thumping while he looked at the opposite direction and wondered just how long he was expected to stand like that, posing with his ass in plain view and not moving.
"Looking nice, Ty."
Tyler almost jumped at the rough voice in his ears again, but it prompted him to turn to face the Dobie again, slowly. Kevin was still sitting on the edge of the bed, but he had his right paw around his big cock and was slowly rubbing it up and down over his rock hard bone. The sight of such a private act being performed in front of Tyler's surprised eyes sure made it seem extra naughty, and made Tyler's own cock throb. His balls already felt almost sore from being aroused for so long without as much as a bit of friction from his jeans.
"We can sure do a great deal with you, Ty," Kevin smirked as he still kept on staring at the smaller, less developed male. "But there's one more thing before we can get to seeing about that."
Tyler scratched his belly and gave the Dobie a quizzical look.
The Dobie leered and winked.
"Still got that other end to sample before I know if you're up to the challenge."
Tyler's tail jumped up and slapped his own back, his muzzle opening in shock.
Kevin folded his paws behind his neck and leaned lazily back on the bed. His cock had not lost any of its hardness, either, and kept dripping over his toned belly with the pace of his heart.
"Part of the routine, pup. A great way to relax after a workout, too," the Dobie rumbled confidently.
Tyler snorted.
"I might've just sucked your dick but I'm not sure that what you're offering is worth getting THAT dick up my ass!" the terrier growled.
Kevin chuckled and winked.
"Top class training from a top class top," the hunky doggie grinned.
He got up from the bed, suddenly, cock bouncing ahead of him as he sauntered over to the terrier standing there a couple of feet away, and caught Tyler's cock into his paw. Tyler's eyes went wide and snapped to the Dobie's, who just grinned, and gave a couple of tugs on the firm dick pulsing against his palm. Kevin grinned and continued stroking, listening to the pup rumble and breathe heavily at the feeling such sudden, but welcome stimulation on his overdue cock. Kevin simply smiled and then leaned over to lick over Tyler's lips.
The gasp was a spontaneous one, and made Tyler's lips tingle, and his heart seemed to race again as he felt the Dobie's paws on him, on his cock and then on the small of his back, above the base of his swinging tail. He was rumbling deeply and looking at the smaller doggie with such warm eyes, and rubbing his back and his dick...and then his tongue was on him again, rubbing over his lips and marking them with his own taste. Tyler moaned again.
"Come on...I'm gonna train you really hard...and we can make out when you do really well...would you like that, pup?" Kevin crooned.
Tyler almost shuddered at the thought of kissing with the Dobie, and thrust his dick into the slick grasp of Kevin's expert paw, and felt his balls churn with the pleasure caused by the simple stimulation. Even the jock's paw rubbing his butt now felt so good and distracting, he wanted to wag his tail and bark out with pleasure and...
"Just have to help me out a bit, too...and I know you enjoy it...look at yourself...damn hard, too..."
The hot fingers squeezed down on him and made Tyler grunt again, and bare his teeth.
"Hot pup..."
The tongue slithered over his cheek and left a wet trail.
"Just a little more fun for both of us..."
The Dobie's firm fingers rubbed over the cleft of Tyler's rear and then into it as well, down to where his ball sac lay, and then upwards, towards the furrow of puckered flesh that could not be avoided once his fingers arrived to their destination. Tyler whimpered and stared into Kevin's confident, big eyes, and the Dobie winked, and rubbed his own tool against Tyler's sweaty hip.
"And we'll make your muscles grow and you'll bulk up and nobody is ever going to mess around with Tyler Walker again, believe me, pup..."
The teasing from both sides continued, with fingers rubbing up and down, over and around, and the Dobie's seductive tongue slithered over Tyler's lips once more and then entered his maw.
The heat caught him off guard and made Tyler whimper into Kevin's muzzle, hotly, and his cock expelled pre over the Dobie's knuckles, overcome by the sexy feeling. The rub on his butt didn't feel bad at all, either, and being held by the Dobie's muscular arms felt so damn good, too.
Tyler was so taken by the kiss that he barely noticed when he was being led onto the bed and then gently pushed onto it by the Dobie, first down to his knees and then onto all fours, by paws pressing between his shoulder blades. The haze of the kiss only really subsided when Kevin let go of the terrier's cock and stepped to the side, to leave him on his paws and knees on the bed, fully exposed to the Dobie's eyes. Tyler's tail still swung from side to side, slowly, but he was now feeling more nervous when he realized his position, and what it implied.
Kevin moved over to a big dresser on the other side of the room and then rummaged through the top draw for a few moments before he returned to the side of the bed, holding a small tube in his paw.
"This is nice stuff, dude, I nicked it from my parents bedroom," the Dobie winked and showed off the tube.
Tyler gave the tube a quick look and felt his tailhole clench automatically at the thought of the exact purpose of the substance contained within. Kevin flicked the top open with one of his claws and squirted some of the stuff onto his paw.
"A bit gross to think that my parents have sex lube in their night table but hell, they didn't notice it's gone, I think," the Dobie with the big boner grinned.
Tyler snorted at the remark, but was much more concerned with the sight of the Dobie rubbing that slick paw over his erection before he added some more onto his palm and then stepped closed, and got onto the foot of the bed. Tyler's tail slapped down between his butt cheeks with an audible sound that made his own ears flick rapidly.
"Shit..." the terrier bit his lip and rumbled as the bed creaked upon the Dobie adjusting his position.
" really have a nice butt," Kevin grinned as he eyed the buns on display, "better than some girls I've seen..."
Tyler snorted.
"Shit," he muttered.
Kevin caught the terrier's tail into his non-lubed paw and lifted it unceremoniously to reveal the softly furred butt crack, complete with the little pucker he could see as a wrinkle of pink high near the very base of the tail now caught in his paw. Tyler let out an audible sigh.
"HMmm...cute too..."
"Cut it," Tyler snorted.
"You ever had anything in there, pup?" Kevin whispered as he eyed the cute tailhole with hungry eyes and licked his lips.
"We'll see about that soon, huh?" Kevin grinned and ran his slick fingers straight to the point, so to speak, pressing them against Tyler's hole.
The terrier's tail jumped in the Dobie's grip and his butt swung forward, to avoid the sudden pressure, but Kevin's fingers were swift and followed, to keep their place against the terrier's virginal pucker. The Dobie growled and massaged the ring-shaped tight muscle, spreading lube over it and admiring his paw work with every move he made against the terrier's tender flesh.
"You better be a really good teacher, Kevin..." Tyler rumbled as he felt himself being violated by those fingers prodding against his anus of all places.
"You bet, pup, with rewards like this," Kevin replied with a rough, almost panted chuckle. "Damn you're hot back here..."
The fingers pressed against the muscled ring again, causing it to flex and close up automatically, which prompted another order from the Dobie.
"Try to relax a bit, like when taking a crap."
"Not the mental image I need!" Tyler huffed, but tried to do as he was told, since he knew that he sure was going to need all the lube and preparation he could get to take the teen hunk's impressive meat anywhere near his ass.
Kevin chuckled and kept pressing and poking until he felt some give, and then successfully, if with some grunts, managed his whole index finger inserted into the terrier's butt before he bottomed out and simply stopped moving.
"How're you doing buddy?"
Kevin began to move the slick finger in and out of the little hole, one inch at a time, to get it at least a little bit used to the fact of having something in there, and to spread the lube properly, before he carefully aligned his middle finger with the very same tight opening and began to press, too.
This time it hurt a bit, being spread open wider than before, but Tyler, pressing down and trying to relax as much as he could, soon found out that he managed to take two fingers without too much trouble, if he remembered to breathe when it was going out and not in, as he soon learned when the dual digits pushed into his body and brushed against something within his ass that made his cock jump and his balls tickle.
The terrier's head flew up and he stopped moving at all, and so did Kevin, his fingers well buried inside the young male's ass.
"You alright?"
Tyler took a deep breath and nodded.
"Yeah, just...felt okay."
"Heheh, it ought to, hah," Kevin chuckled, and added another inch of fingers.
The third finger needed an extra bite of Tyler's teeth, and he wondered whether biting the pillow really was just a phrase or something furs actually did, though he wouldn't have been surprised, if the sensations from having something in his ass were going to build in intensity the way they already had done with the addition of extra fingers. The three fingers were rolling in and out relatively easily, and Tyler was almost starting to enjoy it, too, kinda, the slippery motion and how his tailhole didn't feel too bad, being stretched out like it was.
By the time he was slowly beginning to press his hips backwards to meet the fingers worming in and out of him, Kevin muttered that Tyler seemed to be ready to go.
The terrier quickly looked at the kneeling Dobie over his shoulder and saw him there, cock at full mast, and glistening fingers currently emerging from Tyler's stretched rump. The Dobie grinned and wiped them onto Tyler's butt and licked his lips.
"Time to go, pup," the Dobie smirked and moved forward.
Tyler felt the Dobie's paws grapping onto his hips and pulling on them a little to get his ass onto proper height to meet his dick. The terrier's tail flapped against Kevin's wrist and he yelped.
The Dobie's paws stilled.
"Huh, pup?"
Tyler was sure that Kevin could see the heat on his cheeks, but spoke anyway.
"Be gentle, ok?"
Kevin shoved his hips forward and hot-dogged his cock between Tyler's buns with a couple of rocking thrusts against the terrier's bottom. The terrier moaned at the sudden feeling of heat on his ass and wondered whether this really was it...right now.
"Sure do, pup. Now get ready and try not to move too much, ok?"
Tyler muttered something and then decided to face the wall, and not the leering Dobie, while Kevin prepared to take one terrier's butt virginity on the comfort of the jock's own bed. The Dobie gave him a couple of extra dry humps before he simply slipped a paw down and guided his slick tip against the terrier's small pucker.
"Niiiiice and steady, pup..."
The pressure soon increased and became painful, and Tyler felt his claws push out and onto the bedspread, grasping on it as he tried to steady himself. The Dobie's big cock pushed into him, against his pucker and once the resistance faltered, then it was going into his body, slowly but surely with the constant pushing of those toned hips.
Tyler couldn't even mutter that, he was pressing his muzzle against the bed and trying not to whimper when the thick inches passed into his back passage. He was spread right open, and the lube did just as much job to keeping the discomfort down to a bearable day, and it still hurt a lot in the beginning, until the sensation turned into one of fullness and heavy heat throbbing out of his speared rump and making it no unclear to him just what was happening in there.
"Damn you're tight..."
Kevin gave a couple of experimental bucks of his hips and rumbled deeply when his shaft slipped in and out of the terrier's pert rump, all the while the ring-muscles on the opening squeezed down on his dick. The combination of feelings was turning him on immensely, and soon he was thrusting in and out, using all six inches above his knot to pound into the moaning terrier.
The Dobie braced himself on his knees and put his weight behind his thrust, pumping in and out rapidly and taking the terrier's clenching hole with a mad grin on his face. His tongue lolled out of his muzzle and spewed saliva over the terrier's heaving back, and the cute moans and whimpers only added to his pleasure while he humped the terrier's butt with his thick dick.
Tyler soon noticed the effects of the prostate stimulation, unspoken and unnamed and undiscovered besides all those rumors on the internet, but now coming into fruition somewhere under his spastic tail. The Dobie's cock was huge and filled him up to the brim, but it was also poking him in all those interesting places, deep within, and the little spurts of pre and the joyful whimpers coming from the pleasured dog's muzzle were more than enough to tell that he hadn't gotten the worst of it when it came to buttfucking with the hot high school jock. Tyler was amazed at how hard he was, despite not touching his cock, and every time the thick prick pumped deeply into him, it almost felt like having a one tenth of an orgasm that lasted for the fraction of a second before the big cock made his tailhole clench and brought another feeling to pass through his loins.
They panted, sweated and grunted at the roll of Kevin's hips, he filled the pup up and then pulled back until only his tip remained inside, before he went right back in, all the way to the knot, and interspaced the simple few-inch thrusts between the all the way pumping actions that kept his balls swinging against Tyler's taint.
The knot started to measure soon afterwards, rubbing against Tyler's asshole with every deep thrust dicking into him. Kevin kept humping the upturned rump hard, not caring for the tingling in his balls or the hot feeling slowly growing inside his belly...but he knew a lot about the need to really sink himself into the tight pucker and tie his bitch before giving him another warm load.
"Uhmmm...hmmm...pup...gonna want that...huh?"
The humped pup ruffed and bucked his hips backwards to meet the Dobie's thrusts, his own cock swinging wildly against his belly and spraying gobs of doggy pre onto the sheets and the fur of his thighs. The extra hard thrusts made his tip rub against the bedspread and sent another burst of pleasure through the panting male.
Kevin's hips slammed and ground against the terrier's rear, grinding hard.
The flesh quivered and stretched under the assault, but didn't yield yet.
The big fucking knot pushed through Tyler's pucker and locked him to the jock, his cock going down to the root now, and their balls smashed together one, twice, countless times while Kevin roared out and slammed his hips to the terrier's smarting rump.
Their orgasm trashed through them in a flash of heat, pouring from their straining dicks and their bodies filled with tension that had built up for this moment. Now it all started to come out, in the rush of pleasure and musky cum spurting in copious amounts, on the bedspread, Tyler's neck and chin, and a seeming Coke can's worth of contents also pouring into the terrier's springy bowels. The Dobie kept humping rapidly even when he was cumming, to push himself deep into his bitch and to fill him up good, his muzzle spelling out every dirty word he knew in the book while he reveled in the feeling of seeding the poor ass with his hefty load.
Tyler stayed on all fours until his paws simply gave over and he slammed down onto his belly, splashing into his own puddle of cum and taking the heavier male with him as well, still tied to him with that huge knot deeply plunged into the terrier's butt. The cock throbbed and gave the occasional spurt or twitch even well after Kevin had collapsed down on Tyler's back, panting against one shoulder of the well-bred terrier.
His ass still felt damn stuffed, and the cum all over his belly was going to dry onto his furs very soon, but for now, Tyler was content in the sweaty post-buttfucking haze, collapsed onto the jock's bed. Even Kevin had stopped talking shit for the moment, and for a little while Tyler wondered whether he was going to do this regularly just for that purpose. Hell, Kevin was almost likeable now, the cocky attitude aside, now that he wasn't saying anything and only laid panting over Tyler's battered rump and spit-soaked back.
"What is it, pup?"
"How long do you know...?"
Kevin chuckled and nipped Tyler's ear.
"Don't tell me you need to take a leak, I'm not gonna get up for that!"
Tyler snorted.
"Not that!" the terrier huffed. " know..."
Kevin put his arm around the terrier's midriff and let his muzzle rest against his shoulder.
"Anything from ten minutes to half an hour if I've been extra horny, heheh."
Tyler snuffled and nestled his chin against his arm, for comfort. He knew that judging by the Dobie's performance, this was going to be one of those times. The massive thing lodged up his ass throbbed and made Tyler's tail flap back and forth.
"Yo, Tyler!"
The terrier was just getting his chemistry book out of his locker when he heard his name being called up. His perky ears jumped in the direction of the familiar voice coming from his side, and soon he faced a busy-looking brown bear, who was looking back to him excitedly.
"Hey, Mike."
"Dude," the bear just couldn't even take a breath it seemed, he was so excited, "dude, have you heard that Dylan's been suspended for a week?"
Tyler's tail jumped towards the ceiling upon hearing the bear's excited words. Mike really seemed like earnest talking about it. The chubby teen's ears wouldn't stop flicking!
"No, I didn't hear anything," the terrier rumbled.
"It's all over Facebook, man, and Amanda knew everything that's happened," Mike chattered on, "They suspended him because he trashed a mirror in the guy's locker room."
"He did?" Tyler's brow jumped. That sounded even more stupid than the stuff the bully usually did.
"Ohhh yeah, he went total psycho," Mike sounded awfully excited at the prospect, "the principal told him to go home and threatened to call the police if he comes back until his suspension is over."
"Wow..." Tyler muttered. He couldn't believe it. He knew that Dylan and his best bully buddy Jesse had done all sorts of stupid shit over the years, but this was the first time he had heard of that something like this had actually been done to punish him.
"And it gets better, dude," the bear said, "they're all saying that Dylan went psycho because someone phoned Dylan's parents and told that he'd been bullying kids at school and scaring junior high kids for their lunch money, and his parents went crazy and took away his car kids, cut his allowance to 20 bucks and are going to take him to see a child psychologist and the family priest."
"Oh, wow..." Tyler didn't know what else to say, really. Such an epic downfall for a bully seemed almost too good to be true. He looked at the bear's busy face and wondered whether he had come up with half of the details himself. It all seemed like so much gossip.
"Dude, I've no idea who tipped them off, but I'm so gonna come to school wearing my A Song of Ice and Fire T-shirt tomorrow!" the bear rumbled happily. "The evil prince's reign is over!"
Tyler chuckled politely at the bear's geeky glee. The loud ringing of the bell told him to just grab the chemistry book and close his locker.
"Well, gotta go," he said.
"See you at lunch, dude!" Mike grinned.
Tyler joined the throng of lategoing furs going to their classes. For some reason, it felt like his footpaws were floating a few inches above the ground. Could it really be that he could spend an entire week at school without having his backpack upturned over the toilet or something. His tail began to wag at the thought. Oh yes...oooooh yes...
And oh damn. Tyler did practically jump off the ground when he realized that he'd been so busy daydreaming of joyful Dylan-free days that he had actually walked into a head-on collision with someone tall, dangerous, and wearing a letterman jacket.
"Watch out where you're going, pup," Kevin the Doberman rumbled, looking and sounding as threatening as he ever could in his jock-like ways.
Tyler, frozen to the floor, didn't move even when the Doberman skirted to the side, brushed shoulders with the little dog, and, then, to his surprise, winked as they passed, and Kevin disappeared into the rush of furs.
"Hooo damn," Tyler thought.
That perma-boner in his pants was going to be fun during class. The terrier dropped his chemistry-book holding paw down over his lap and hurried on.
Thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed your time with this story, and hopefully you'll lavish me with comments, votes and faves and watches. All attention helps these stories to get onto the front page, which means that other people will have a chance to find them to enjoy as well.