The Long Weekend - Friday

Story by toucanplay on SoFurry

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#1 of The Long Weekend

I've written this story over the last couple of days; I'll just post what I've got so far and see what people think.

If I should add in tags for what will happen in subsequent stories then I will, but I kind of want to leave some things secret for now. That way you get to be surprised. Though there's at least one spoilery tag.

Also there's some seemingly non-consentual sex that happens and some people might not like it (and "seemingly" will be explained in a later story). Some people might not like that, so just be aware of it if it might make you uncomfortable.


Jay fell through the apartment door, utterly exhausted from work. It had been a rough, tiring week at the office, and he had only had enough energy to stumble through and weave through the boxes and bags scattered about the kitchen-slash-living room before flopping onto the couch.

The sound of Dion's usually deep voice singing falsetto came from the other room. The singing paused, and Dion poked his curly, dark-haired hear around the corner. "Hey, Jay Jay! Ready for a night out?"

"Sorry," Jay grunted, feebly flailing on the sofa. "I'm completely shattered from work. I don't think I could manage making it to the bedroom let alone trying to keep up with you."

"Aww," Dion pouted, sauntering around the corner. Jay noticed Dion was bare except for a pair of black socks and some black, snug-fitting briefs with a large bulge in the front. The thick pubic bush bristling out of the top, and the unusually heavy stripe of body hair trailing upwards over the centre of his smooth, firm abdominals, told Jay that Dion hadn't waxed or shaved in a while.

"Going for the otter look I see?" Jay inquired, idly trying to work his shoes off using his feet. "I'm guessing your HMG likes that look?" Dion had told Jay about a month ago about HMG - Hot Mystery Guy - about a month ago, a long-term relationship in Dion's world, and he'd just been informed earlier in the week that Dion was going to be moving in with the guy. "I'd still feel better if I got to meet him."

Dion headed over to the couch, lifting up Jay's prone body; Jay grunted and Dion started to massage his shoulders as Jay sagged into his flatmate. "You've got to come out tonight! Last Friday night, you know."

Jay shrugged, "I know, and I'd like to but the body just isn't willing." He moaned; Dion was great at giving massages, and although he was still tired, he could feel the tension from work draining out of his shoulders and back as Dion kneaded his body.

"You're not still upset about Eric, are you?" Dion inquired.

"A bit," Jay admitted, "but I really would have gone out tonight, honest. But this last week was a killer."

Dion's massaging paused as he squeezed Jay in a tight hug. Dion replied, "Well, I'd say you were lying, but I know you too well. That, and you really do look awful."

"Thanks, Charles," Jay retorted sarcastically. Using Dion's original, and in his words "boring", name was always a good way of needling him.

"You bastard!" Dion playfully slapped him across the back of the head. "Saying things like that makes it much easier to move out, you know." Then, returning to hugging, he replied, "I will miss you a lot, though."

Jay nodded, then shuddered as he added "Well, at least you'll be taking Archon with you."

Dion eyes lit up, and he slid off the couch. Exclaiming, "I'd better feed him before I go out, since you won't do it," Dion vanished back into his bedroom, leaving Jay to sink back down into the couch.

If Jay had more energy, he'd have shuddered. That snake made him horribly nervous. Every time he'd been able to pin Dion down to talk about it, something had come up: Dion would be off on another international trip, or he'd be heading out to a club to meet with another celebrity the public relations company he worked for represented, or Dion would have a man - or men - over. But that was Dion - always partying, or heading off to have an interesting experience, and rarely at home. He often took the snake with him when he travelled, so it wasn't that bad; at least until he'd be home for a week or so when business had Dion doing something locally.

"Well," Jay thought, "that's not going to be an issue any more." Forcing himself to his feet, Jay slowly inched his way into the kitchen, bending over to scoop up a bottle of bear, before sliding back over to the couch. Lifting his feet up on to the end table, Jay sighed tiredly.

Dion returned, now dressed in dark, blackish jeans and a deep purple silk shirt, the front unbuttoned with his chest poking through. "If you like, I could bring a little something home for you."

Jay grinned, feeling more relaxed, and replied, "Somehow I get the impression you're not talking about food."

Dion grinned widely, running his fingers through his thick, curly locks. "You really do need to get back in the game. I'd rather not go away and leave you lonely, or at least without having had a good time. I know some great guys - cute, hung - you'll love them."

Jay sighed, "Cute and hung? Last time you mentioned those words, you'd set me up with Eric."

Dion frowned - not something he did often, which Jay knew meant he was really concerned - and replied, "I'm sorry, blame my youthful naivete. I wish you'd tell me what happened between the two of you. I see Eric occasionally, it'd be nice to know whether I should slap him about or not."

"I'd really rather not talk about it with you," Jay grunted, downing some more of his beer as an end to that part of the conversation. "I just think I need a break from going out with guys for a while, and I don't suit the fun stuff that you do."

"Not from what I remember, at least if you get drunk enough," Dion countered, arching his eyebrow.

Jay blushed; remembering his first gay sexual encounter - which had been with Dion - back when he still went by Charles and had come home that evening after being dumped by his girlfriend. "Hey, last time I did that I ended up living with the guy for almost ten years."

Dion winced, "Ten years? That's makes us sound so... old!"

"Well, then you'd better go out and get all the youth vibes then," Jay chuckled, playfully waving him away. "Besides, HMG may not like you playing around behind his back, so you might as well get in as much as you can while you're a free man."

Dion grinned, "Well, if you must know, he's more than happy with the way I act now. Speaking of which, if you really don't want to be bothered with naked gay men tonight, you may want to stay in your room because I'll definitely be bringing home some bright young things to play with. At least until I get them into the bedroom."

"Didn't know you could be under thirty and still be a lecherous old man," Jay grinned. "Okay, thanks for the heads up, though after knowing you for as long as I have, I don't think I really need the advance warning."

Dion pouted dramatically, "You make me sound like some kind of slut!"

Jay observed, "Well, you are. Sorry."

Poking his nose in the air, Dion corrected, "I prefer the term 'connoisseur of men'. Anyway, I'd better get going. It's good to be fashionably late, but not when you're helping to host. I'll catch you tomorrow, okay?"

Jay nodded, finishing off his beer, "Sure thing; have fun!"

Dion strode over to the door, fidgeting with his belt. Jay waved as the door shut behind him, then he got up, dropping the empty bottle in the recycling bin before grabbing another.

Alone, Jay mused. It had been two weeks since he and Eric had broken up. Dion hadn't been around - he'd been away with some work stuff when it had happened - and Jay hadn't really wanted to talk to him much about it. Dion meant well; with his energy and personality, most people expected him to be shallow and flighty, which Dion could leverage when it was convenient. Jay knew better; the morning after their first encounter, he'd promised not to let on if Jay didn't want him to. That had meant a lot, as Jay had felt the need to do some serious thinking afterwards. Then, when he decided to come properly out of the closet, Jay had been there to introduce him to enough other people to make at least that part of things quite smooth. But Dion, who was very good-looking, well-built and well-endowed probably didn't have to worry about a lot of the things Jay felt he had to.

Another beer later, and Jay was feeling a little more refreshed, though a little more upset. Dion had started sending him pictures of some of the men he was looking at, asking Jay if he wanted any of them to be brought back. Jay chuckled, then headed off to his bedroom, yawning.

Passing by his desk, he unplugged his notebook and tossed it onto the bed, before unbuttoning his shirt and slipping out of his jeans. He'd have to do laundry tomorrow, but for right now he didn't particularly care; instead he was probably going to head to bed early, after having a quick browse for some porn.

Although he wasn't too tired to have one of Dion's "one-time friends" come over to play with him, he did feel somewhat aroused and definitely felt the need for a bit of a wind down. Especially as he'd not still gotten over what he'd heard Eric say about him, and definitely didn't want anyone else thinking the same way, at least for a while.

Waiting for the computer to boot up, Jay returned to the kitchen to get another beer. "He's... well, he's okay. Just a little smaller than I'd want."

A little smaller than I'd want.

He'd confronted Eric with it later, and Eric had gotten rather angry about it. Then Jay had gotten angry when he'd found out Eric had been sleeping around on him; Eric had been caught telling one lie too many and that had been it.

He slowly drained the beer as he massaged his dick. It wasn't small, but definitely only average; much like the rest of him, Jay thought bitterly. He looked down at his body, and thought that he should really get more exercise. He was starting to gain weight, and with a pretty sedentary nine-to-five job he definitely wasn't particularly active during work hours. Jay definitely didn't want to see any of the fit, athletic guys Jay was going to be bringing home tonight.

A little smaller than I'd want.

Slamming the computer screen down, Jay placed the computer on the bedside table; heading out to the kitchen for another beer. "Eric's words are going to be on repeat in my mind tonight," he thought, annoyed.

The thing was, Eric hadn't even been that big either; sure, he hadn't been with as many men as Dion had, but he'd seen Dion's over the years, and Dion had always brought home plenty of men, and he'd seen his fair share of them. That and porn, well, that meant he'd seen enough of them. "Who the fuck was he to judge?" Jay exclaimed, to nobody in particular.

Another beer disappeared; Jay was starting to feel tired again, but not tired enough to get that stupid, stubborn voice out of his head. He wobbled into the kitchen, bringing back a couple; leaving one on the kitchen bench.

A little smaller than I'd want.

The next thing Jay knew, his phone was in his hands and he was ringing Eric; he'd taken his number off the cellphone earlier, but they had been going out for quite a while, and Jay could dial the number on instinct. He vaguely noted Dion had sent a whole bunch of messages, and he'd gotten a few from some other friends who'd probably gone out that night; but Jay wasn't really interested.

"You fucking slut," he slurred into the phone when someone - probably Eric - answered. "I hope you fucking choke on all those monster cocks you love gobbling down." Lobbing the phone against the wall, Jay drank down the rest of his beer.

Or at least he thought it was beer; it certainly didn't look like one of the bottles he'd gotten from the kitchen earlier. This looked more like one of the liquors Dion kept about when he needed to entertain. "Shit," Jay groaned, before calling out to the empty apartment, "Sorry, Dion!"

A little smaller than I'd want.

Suddenly a large, warm hand wrapped around his right ankle; Jay looked down, and couldn't see anything. "Hey ghost," he said.

Another hand closed around his other ankle, and Jay felt himself sliding down the bed. He felt something hot, muscular and male pressing down on his body; he couldn't see anything, but his vision was blurring and small sparkles were starting to accumulate in his vision.

"Ghost, you don't want me," Jay moaned; invisible lips pressing against his, and a jalapeno-spicy tongue worming its way around his mouth. Jay felt good; despite his heavy inebriation, he felt his cock swell with blood, uncomfortably angling down as it was trapped by the invisible mass lying on top of him.

A little smaller than I'd want.

"Well, I don't want it either, you fuck!" Jay cursed as the ghost pried his legs apart, spreading his buttocks wide as the thick head of what Jay had felt earlier as an incredibly large penis probed his rear. He chuckled, "It's not going to fit, I don't really do anal. Eric always wanted to. That fucking slut. His ass could probably fit an elephant inside it now."

Jay giggled. That idea seemed very humorous, but his laughter-jiggling body didn't seem to stop The Big Buff Ghost from stopping. "It's not going to fit," Jay repeated. "You're probably looking for Dion. Everybody looks for Dion. He's the hot one." His clenched ring seemed to burn; he'd not tried anal before. Jay wondered why Dion would bother with it; it seemed like a really uncomfortable waste of time.

The hands, now incredibly hot, reached around his waist, pulling him hard down against the heavy erection near his hole. Jay moaned, and flailed about; the heavy ghost penis just pressed into him painfully.

"No, no," Jay giggled. "Go visit Eric. He'd love you, with your huge prick." His own erection bobbed around; he wondered how he was staying hard. This certainly wasn't particularly comfortable.

Jay's head lolled to the side; his alarm clock's display had gone crazy, LEDs cycling around forming every number and no number seemingly at once. His crotch bucked forward; the ghost slid him down the bed, Jay's legs wriggling about in the air, his ass hanging over the edge. One of the ghost's hands left the tight grip of his leg and instead wrapped around Jay's penis.

Jay wasn't sure how, but when the ghost stroked him off, it felt as though his cock was being deep-throated: wet moist feeling slid around his hand, and a spicy oil drooled down his shaft. Even though part of Jay felt the whole thing was slightly unpleasant, the alcohol in his system seemed to flame and grow within him.

"Oh my god," Jay moaned; the fingers around his cock rhythmically clenched, slowly milking precum from his shaft, mixing in with the ghost's spicy oil. The ghost thrust forward again; Jay suddenly felt annoyed he'd ignored Dion's suggestion about trying out a dildo; he hadn't liked it at first, but the ghost's forcefulness was starting to grow on him. Now he felt a strong desire to accommodate it's huge cock in his ass, feeling its fiery fluids filling him and dribbling over his bare body.

Jay focused: relaxing his sphincter, he kept that fantasy playing throughout his head. Suddenly, the alcohol seemed to burn away, and everything about this obsessive idea came into sharp focus. There he was, bent over the bed, hands clenched so tightly onto the edge of the sheets, his knuckles were white. Only it was some supremely perfect version of himself: his muscles rippled, their twitches and movements beneath his nicely tanned skin easily visible; an incredibly long, thick cock dangling between his legs; his heavy set of testicles swinging backwards and forwards as he was fucked, his hole slick with juices that trailed down his muscular legs. His own monster of a cock would flick up and down, splashing the carpet, his face and torso, and the end of his bed in a hefty spray of precum. It throbbed and urged to be touched by the heavy, equally-strong and equally-endowed man ramming into him, tightly gripping onto his shoulders and using it as leverage to plunge deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, his cock shuddered: the ghost had fully penetrated his rear, which throbbed in pain; the ghost's penis felt like someone had managed to fit their entire arm inside his unprepared body, and yet part of Jay enjoyed it. It must have: his cock squirted and jolted about, spraying and throbbing, yearning for the continued squeezes it was getting. The grip on it tightened, and Jay's body seemed to lock up; his muscles seeming to tense in unison.

Jay felt the ghosts' fast, steady thrusting reach a crescendo; his legs slapped against the invisible muscled body as he rode the giant cock, which he could tell was squirting fluid deep inside him. Suddenly the hand around his cock released, and he felt heavy hands clamp around his torso, large fingernails digging into his flesh.

The ghost's hot jism squirted deep inside Jay's body, bubbling with heat, and seeming to worm their way into his insides. His body slammed hard repeatedly into the bed, the bucking force causing the wooden frame to shriek. Jay's body felt rock hard; even his joints had seemed to stiffen into fixed positions as he was slammed up and down, the wet sounds of the cock in him slipping in and out quivering over him.

Something then happened to his own cock: it felt as though all the blood in his body was flowing into it: Jay's mind willed it to grow, to expand to contain all the blood that was pouring into it as it became painfully erect. His teeth shrieked against each other as he tried to open his mouth to moan in pleasure. His body could feel the orgasm held frozen inside, locked up and caged just like the rest of him seemed to be.

All at once he relaxed; his body slumped, muscles growing limp. The hands enclosed around his cock again; it only took one more hard squeeze and he erupted. Jay's vision cleared: his bedroom faded away into a brief burst of light, before fading back into a complete darkness. He felt a huge stream of ejaculate squirt out of his agitated erection, flailing about and spraying him in the face and torso with a huge, thick load of semen.

Jay felt the cock slide out of him, his insides shifting back to fill in the empty space created by the retracting penis. His head throbbed; the fatigue and soreness, and the after-effects of sex, were building up. He struggled to stay awake for a moment, when he finally was able to catch a glimpse of the figure who had fucked him; barely visible, he seemed the sense the hulking, large outline. But then his body and mind could take no more, and Jay passed out on the bed.

  • a story by toucanplay -

Aliens Invade!

Steve stumbled out of his old bedroom, dressed in nothing but boxers, charging for the kitchen. The morning was half-over, but he'd spent the night driving home from university after the last day of his exams. This had meant partying with his friends,...

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The Messenger of Monsters

With a vague path in mind, the creature headed off on its course. Its body did not like being out of the water: there was no wetness here to cover his skin - the water dripping off its body provided a little comfort, but even that was quickly...

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The Birth of Monsters

Dorn glanced out over the icy waters of the lake. If he'd been a poet, he might have related the beauty of the cloud-greyed, still waters to a smoky diamond or the eyes of some exotic northern maiden. If he'd been a farmer from one of the...

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