Spirit Bound: Chapter One Hundred-Five

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#107 of Spirit Bound

This chapter was edited by Lycanthromancer

Today was the day of the Alpha's supper and Geoff and Faelen's soccer match. Earlier in the afternoon, Nicholas had come home from school very aroused and caused a... scene. While things seemed to get smoothed over reasonably quickly, there was an interplay that began between Alpha McDougal and Nicholas that was greatly bothering Nathanial and Micah. Even during supper, which Nathanial believed transpired with little trouble, there seemed to be a measure of tension or discomfort present amongst different people. Now that the meal has finished,Liam is en route to Nathanial's to visit Faelen and everyone else who is there.

Chapter 105: A Consequence of Sex

Liam trotted up to Nathanial's front gate at five-thirty Wednesday afternoon and was about to hit the button to ring the house when the gate rattled open. "Thank you, Nathanial."

He heard his friend's voice in his head while he headed down the drive. *No problem, Liam. Den and the other adults are up on the third floor, and the rest of us are in the basement. I saved a bit of food for you; um, I actually packed you up a bento box for tomorrow, too. I can get the food in a few minutes. I'm -- heh -- indisposed right now.*

Liam chuckled and, as the gate closed behind him, shifted into a long, loping stride as he went around the house toward the back door. *Take your time separating from Geoff, my friend. I hope to be tied before long, as well. You sound most relaxed, even considering your post-orgasmic bliss. Dinner was a peaceful affair?*

He was perplexed by the extended pause before receiving an answer. *Yeeess. Um, dinner was peaceful. Really, considering my luck with these things, the whole afternoon was kind of peaceful, but 'affair' is a good word for what happened.*

Liam opened the back door and was silent while he wiped his hindpaws clean. That phrasing increased his confusion. Nathanial should know that he would not be upset by Faelen's dalliance with others. Liam knew Faelen had sex with someone this afternoon, and really enjoyed it, too. He had assumed it was with Nicholas, particularly when he considered how aggressive Faelen felt, but perhaps not. He shook his head and moved toward the living area. Nor was it like Nathanial to talk of such things; the Akita would allow Faelen a chance to speak, first. *Oh? Do tell.*

Nathanial 'sighed' mentally. *Nick was, um, worked up when he got home from school. More than he was on my birthday.*

Oh. Oh, dear. *Was anyone...harmed? Den? Garret? Alpha McDougal? I speak not just of physical harm.*

He crossed the living area and entered Nathanial's room. A naked Faelen left the gym and followed him; the Wolf was only slightly sweaty, so he had either just started working out or he had been engaged in lighter aerobic activity. Liam smiled over his shoulder at his boyfriend as he walked beyond the doorframe and turned toward the bed.

Nathanial and Geoff were indeed tied. Geoff was spooning the smaller Dog; the Akita's tail was curled up over Geoff's hip and was slowly batting the Wolf's arm. The Spirit grinned sleepily and gently nibbled on Nathanial's ear. Nathanial also basked in his afterglow and rubbed Geoff's paw where it lay on his stomach.

Liam paused where he was and smiled fondly at the lovers; they made a most wonderful couple and a beautiful picture. He smiled up at Faelen when his own lover wrapped him within a hug. Liam spoke, "Good afternoon, my friends, my love." He reached up and back to pull Faelen's head down over his shoulder so he could kiss him. Faelen did not resist; in fact, he began undressing the Rottweiler while actively participating in the kiss. Liam stopped before his boyfriend could unfasten more than a half-dozen buttons. "In a minute, Faelen. I wish to hear what Nathanial was going to say of today's occurrences."

Faelen grinned, but let Liam talk to Nathanial. He did not relinquish the Ancient One, but continued to undress him while nibbling on his ears. It was most distracting.

Nathanial sighed heavily, then flexed his abdominal muscles around Geoff's member, prompting a moan and a few gentle thrusts. Nathanial smiled momentarily before resuming his near-gloomy countenance. "I've never felt Nick's pheromones like that. My Mind Ward spell was useless. I know the pheromones are only partially mind-affecting, but they usually take the edge off." He sighed again. "Nick gave the alpha a blow job and Micah...seduced Conor and Den. I think Den is...hurt. He was a little upset right after the pheromones began wearing off, and Conor explained what happened to them, but...I think he's being a 'good O'Conall' and hiding how he really feels. You may need to--" Nathanial cut off suddenly and his eyes widened. "Nick gave the alpha a blowjob. He swallowed. Well, he didn't have a choice since the alpha's dick was halfway down his throat, anyway, but wouldn't that much...yin, I think, hurt Nick? Earth is yin, just like Dark, right?"

Liam nodded. "Yes. Alpha McDougal is yin-aligned, like Geoff, though Earth is not as yin as Dark. The difference is more than made up by their comparative strength, however. Was Alpha McDougal's emission copious? More or less than Conor's when he took you."

Nathanial shook his head. "More, much more. He made Nick's stomach bulge in one orgasm. It took Conor two, for me, and it wasn't that visible, either. What about Micah?"

Liam stepped out of the pool of fabric around his hindpaws; Faelen had completely undressed him while they spoke. "I shall see. It is to be hoped they are as resistant to swings in chi as you are." He turned around and pulled Faelen's head down for a quick kiss. "I shall be delayed a few minutes, my love. I shall return soon and--" He reached down to trace his finger over the exposed tip of the Wolf's penis. "--enjoy being possessed by this." He kissed Faelen again. "I wish to be taken by you today, if it pleases you."

Faelen grinned and rubbed his nose over Liam's. "Being with you pleases me, Liam. Top or bottom, or just cuddling. All that matters is having you in my arms."

Geoff grinned and rolled his eyes. "Gods, you two. You don't need to be so sappy about it."

Nathanial laughed and lightly smacked Geoff's paw. "Hey, it's better than 'I want you to fuck me today.'" He dropped his voice in a rough approximation of Faelen's. "'Eh, sure. Fuck me, fuck you, it's all good. Just so long as there's some fuckin' goin' on.'"

Everyone broke out laughing, even Liam. It was quite unusual for Nathanial to play the fool in such a manner, and to judge by his embarrassment -- and pleasure -- it was a role he was most unused to. Liam was almost as surprised by his own reaction as he was by Nathanial's jest. He very rarely laughed so freely, as he took pains to control his reactions at all times -- not always successfully -- but he felt so at ease around these three that he subconsciously dropped almost all of his guards. It was...refreshing.

Liam and Faelen left the room and went to Micah's. They slipped into the room, and Faelen closed the door behind him. Nicholas was in the midst of taking his little brother; Micah was curled up with his rump in the air, while Nicholas was arched over top with his paws on the headboard of the bed and driving his shaft downward into the little Dog's rump. Judging from the sounds, it appeared both were close to orgasm.

Indeed, after but a minute Micah gasped and quivered, followed shortly by Nicholas. They then began sorting themselves out. Nicholas rolled backward, holding Micah firmly by the waist, so the little pup ended up straddling Nicholas.

Micah waved happily at them. "Hi, guys!" Nicholas tipped his head back with a frown that quickly turned into a grin almost as wide as Micah's, though it quickly vanished. His tail did not cease wagging, however.

Liam nodded and resumed his walk to their bed, his half-unsheathed penis bobbing ahead of him. Faelen's fully exposed -- and much larger -- member swayed more than bobbed, attracting lustful stares from the two Markses. Liam hid his smile. "Good afternoon. Am I to understand you dallied with some Spirits today?"

Micah's face lit up in excitement, but Nicholas nodded and spoke first. "Yeah. So?"

Micah jumped in, almost literally. "Yeah, yeah! It was awesome!" His bouncing drew out a loud moan from Nicholas and the teen grabbed the pup around the waist in an attempt to hold him still. "Sorry, Nick. Or I could keep going and we can have another. I'd like more."

Nicholas panted. "Not now. Sensei needs to see if our chi is out of balance; it can be dangerous, remember? It almost killed him and Faelen."

Liam shook his head, not in disagreement, but in memory of the event. He had never experienced the like, and it was most frightening; it happened so quickly. "Indeed, this is not something to be trifled with. The ramifications of an imbalance in your chi, even minor ones, can be profound. Even small changes can greatly affect your energy, how you store and use fat, or even how quickly minor wounds heal. Alpha McDougal and Conor are not weak Spirits, nor is the energy in their semen paltry. They are easily twice as potent as Geoff, and he could prove harmful to most people. I need to check you both."

Both tails picked up speed, and a slow grin spread across Nicholas's face. "So what's the treatment, sex with a hot Spirit of the other alignment? I get Conor or Faelen? Micah gets...Geoff or Dirk? Maybe Den again, if he's yin?"

Micah's tail could not decide whether to droop or stay excited. Its speed varied drastically as thoughts popped through his head. The pup sounded hesitant. "I...um, don't think Mr. O'Conall would want to. He was kinda upset. He liked it when he got into it, but after the pheromones wore off he started feeling worse and worse as time went on. Conor helped a little, but I think he's still hurt." He lit up in glee. "Though Dirk would be awesome as long as he's not rough. Geoff would be cool, too."

Nicholas bucked his hips up a little. "What? No thoughts on the alpha?"

Micah's ears flipped back as he lowered his head so he did not meet his brother's eyes, and his tone was ice cold. "No."

Liam felt his eyes widen in shock before he caught himself and schooled his features. Faelen also betrayed his surprise, and Nicholas's jaw dropped. The Demon Mage spluttered, "Wh-What? Why not?! He's totally hot, his dick is huge, and he's...well, he's awesome!"

Micah looked away, then reached back, grabbed his Goomba, and hugged it. "Just...no. Not him."

Nicholas looked set to pursue the conversation despite the anxiety it caused in his little brother, so Liam stepped forward. "Nicholas." The pup tensed and looked back at the Rottweiler with an eager expression. His tail, which had stilled upon his brother's slight toward his new idol, set into motion once more. "You ingested Alpha McDougal's semen, yes? Oral sex? You engaged in no other sexual activity with a Spirit?" Nicholas nodded rapidly, as if pleased to serve Liam, even insofar as just answering a question. Liam placed a paw on his stomach, just below his ribs. "If you would lean back, Micah, please... No, I will require you to separate, as I need to do a more thorough check on you."

Nicholas reached down toward Liam's hindpaws and grabbed a crusty towel with many wet spots on it. "Well, this is going in the hamper after this." He passed it to Micah. "Here, Sprite." Micah held it close to his rump and began sliding off Nicholas's knot. All three penises not currently buried in someone jumped as the lump of flesh began sliding free; it was a rather erotic sight, as usual.

Liam ignored the extrusion of penile tissue and focused instead on determining the power and quantity of semen within his current patient. He was impressed -- if not awed -- by what he found. Alpha McDougal was, well, very virile at the moment, but he had also either been very pent-up, or produced copious amounts of semen rapidly. Un_surprisingly, the semen was emitting a very large amount of yin-aligned energy. Liam knew that Alpha McDougal exuded high amounts of energy naturally, enough to be immediately useful to the Rottweiler in maintaining his chi balance and recovering his energy, so this was to be expected. Unfortunately, Nicholas did not share his elder brother's resistance to its effects. Liam already found signs of how his body was being affected -- fat deposits were being broken down, the food he had recently consumed was being digested incredibly fast, and there were even faint signs that some muscle tissue was beginning to be cannibalized. Yet only _half of the energy within the alpha's emission was already processed. To be fair, even once that was processed it would be unlikely this single affair would result in lasting damage, but it was most assuredly a warning.

Nicholas was looking at him with wide, fearful, eyes. "What? Why are you frowning like that? Am I in trouble?" Even Faelen and Micah looked worried.

Liam mentally checked his expression, then smoothed out his creased brow and removed his deep frown. "You require the same treatment I prescribed Nathanial. However, you are required to fellate Conor, as you need to immediately counter what is in you. Put some shorts on and go to Conor's room." Liam glanced over his shoulder at his concerned boyfriend, while Nicholas bounced off his bed and searched for his shorts.

Faelen spoke first, however. "I don't think Garret would like that, Liam, especially since he'd need to know why. Wouldn't it make sense for me to balance him out? Nathanial can make a dense bank of fog for me to manifest in -- he could fill the entire basement, if need be."

Liam shook his head; he had already considered -- and discarded -- that idea. The quicker the semen in the pup was countered, the less of a swing his chi would experience as he was becoming more yin as time went on. Faelen would need two or three orgasms to do what Conor could do in one. "No. Time is of concern, and Conor is far more powerful than you are. The energy obtained from Alpha McDougal needs to be countered as soon as possible. Faelen, tell Nathanial to relay this news to Conor; the tub will need to be full and he must be manifested." He looked back at the panicked Akita, who was slipping on his boxers. "Nicholas, I absolutely forbid you from engaging in sexual activity with the alpha again -- at least, sex in which he ejaculates within you. Go." Nicholas and Faelen ran out of the room. Having Conor in a tub of water and manifested should overcome their difference in power and the fact that Conor had recently ejaculated and would produce less semen than normal -- which was already less than what his father produced.

Micah knelt on his bed and was curled around that plush mushroom he treasured, whimpering. "Me? What about me?"

Liam arched an eyebrow. "I can hardly examine you while you remain in a ball, Micah. Stand before me."

Micah bounced off the bed and uncurled in mid-air to land upon his hindpaws in front of Liam. It was rather impressive, but likely spoke more to the pup's fear than anything else. The healer ran his paws over the small pup's stomach, detecting a sizable amount of Den's energy, and then ran his paws down to his lower abdomen, just above the pup's flaccid sheath. There lay a larger, more energized pool of Conor's semen. Conor was the stronger of the two, and had produced more semen -- which Liam hypothesized was the natural state of affairs, as Conor would have almost certainly had sex prior to leaving Ireland. Perhaps Den pleasured himself last night or Conor had enjoyed himself more with Micah and released more as a result... Liam shook his head at the irrelevant course his mind took; it did not matter in the slightest whose reproductive glands produced higher quantities of semen at any given point. Micah also showed signs of imbalance: he was storing much of the energy acquired through his much slower digestion of supper as fat, his growth was accelerated (though this imbalance was likely short term, so he was only likely to gain an extra fraction of a millimetre as a result), his muscle development had also stepped up, and the flu virus in his system was also energized. The semen was affecting him, but yang -- in the short term -- was less detrimental than yin, and Micah was far less out of balance. Micah also had a naturally high metabolism, meaning his natural 'resting point' for chi balance was slightly yin. Care still needed to be taken, however.

"You are now on a diet, Micah. You are out of balance, but far less than Nicholas is. You will digest food a lot more slowly over the next few days and store much of it instead of burning it off. If you exercise, with care, you can get a small jump on muscle development; however you are barely into puberty, so you are incapable of building much muscle. Thus, no sweets, lower your intake of fruit and starches, and increase the amount of vegetables and protein." Liam shook his head; this was something to be told to Nathanial, not Micah. "Short version, Micah: NO candy, carbonated beverages, or other junk food. No desserts. If you feel very tired, have a small amount of fruit juice every ten minutes until you start feeling better, or some crackers or a slice of bread. I will give Nathanial your dietary restrictions. You are also to take it easy when on the aerobic machines; you will have difficulty maintaining your energy, so take it a little slower and make up for it by including another round at some other time during the day."

Micah, as usual, recovered from his fright quickly. He pouted. "No sex?" He kicked at an imaginary stone on the floor. "Nuts."

Liam shook his head. "Micah, there is a reason why non-Spirits should not mate with Spirits wantonly. It is dangerous. Alpha McDougal is highly powerful and produces vast quantities of semen to compound his danger. Conor is less dangerous on both of those counts, but he is still enough to threaten one's health on his own. Den and Dirk are a lesser hazard, but still greater than Geoff or Faelen... Hmm, Geoff is less powerful and produces..." He trailed off, knowing he was rambling on. He sighed. "You know what I wish to say." Micah nodded. "Let us speak to Nathanial. He must be about to separate. And then...I will likely need to speak to Den. He will worry about harming you on top of his likely horror over dallying with you. I hope to be able to assuage his fears."

They walked over to Nathanial's room and entered in time to see Nathanial lying on his stomach while Geoff began pulling up and out of him. Their legs were splayed wide, giving Liam and Micah a clear view of Nathanial's entrance and of Geoff's pink shaft as it emerged from within the Akita. The large knob of flesh stretched Nathanial's ring wide, drawing forth a stifled grunt of discomfort, then it passed its widest point and popped free along with a gout of semen. Geoff pushed forward in reaction, and then withdrew to the tip of his penis before slowing down again. He grabbed the towel Faelen passed him and cleaned his member off, as well as Nathanial's rump, before drawing out the last few centimetres.

Nathanial sighed, voicing the regret all those who enjoyed being penetrated often felt at being left empty. He spoke drily right after, however. "I'm glad you all enjoyed the show. I'm getting used to it, sadly, but that doesn't mean I like people watching me when we're having sex or when we separate."

Micah laughed and even Liam felt himself grin. The Rottweiler walked over and sat on the bed beside the two lovers, noting he was erect once more. To avoid angering Geoff he patted Nathanial's back as opposed to the rump he dearly wished to play with. "It is highly erotic, Nathanial. Geoff is a very fine specimen with a very attractive penis and scrotum, while you have a most pleasing backside. To see you both in action is...arousing, to put it mildly."

Geoff, on being flattered along with his boyfriend, appeared uncertain as to whether he should feel jealous or not. He grumbled, nonetheless. "Yeah, well," He noticed the erections on the three observers as he rolled onto his back, leaving his own erection free to flop on his thigh. "That's obvious." He stroked his knot and then his scratched his balls. "So, Nick's in a bit of a bind? What about Micah?"

The intercom crackled to life; Garret sounded most wroth. "Nathanial! I want to talk to you, now! I don't care what you're doing, stop and get up here!"

Liam arched an eyebrow. "I will inform your father at the same time, then, Nathanial. Let us put some shorts on, at the least, and attend to him."

They pulled on their undergarments; Liam his grey boxer-briefs, and Nathanial his black silk boxers. Neither garment hid their erections, but they hastened to the third floor regardless, assuming their erections would have subsided by that time. Liam was rather impressed by the décor and the balance it struck between displaying wealth and tastefulness.

Nathanial showed highly elevated stress as they approached the second storey, but it faded some as they reached the third floor and proceeded to walk around the stairs to the door that lay behind them. Liam was quite taken by the wood railing surrounding the stairs and ran his paw along it as they went. He would like to see the rest of this floor if it maintained this quality of construction. The door leading to what appeared to be a private pub was also pleasing. It was solid wood, cherry, in fact, and matched the wood on display elsewhere, but it had a window in the upper panel that was set with small diamonds of smoked glass. The diamonds were pine green, slate blue, and grey. Liam opened the door and preceded Nathanial into the large room.

On his left lay a home theatre that had a projector displaying some soccer game on a large screen. A dozen recliners were placed before it so Garret could have a rather large crowd on paw to enjoy whatever was being played. The sound system appeared to be high quality, but Liam was not knowledgeable on such matters and the sound was off. Before him lay a large billiard table, and beyond that a few poker tables. To his right were a few dart boards, in the far right corner was the bar, and the near right corner was an enclosed area that appeared to house the men's washroom. The atmosphere created by the décor was one common to an early afternoon in a public house in Lowell's London, before the after work crowds flooded it and filled the room with the noise and smell of many Furs seeking to unwind after a day of work. Liam was torn between being highly impressed and revolted by such an unnecessary addition to a house. Particularly one that had likely lay unused for a decade.

Garret was standing beside the billiard table facing Alpha McDougal; Den was submissively standing at Luke's left shoulder, in obvious distress. Garret was in the midst of shouting when the door opened, "...fucked my boys when I told you, in no uncertain terms, that the lot of you weren't to lay a paw on them! How could you stay in my house and do that!? No, staying here or not, you fucked my boys! Pups!"

Luke seemed torn between retaliating and apologizing, but Den recoiled as if struck. Liam stepped in before anyone could say anything, hoping to draw attention to himself and, thus, prevent tempers from rising further. "Good day, lads. I bring tidings on the health of your pups, there, Garret, and a reminder of the natures they possess."

Garret whirled on him. "Fuck off, Liam! I don't give a damn about their natures; I care about his!" He jabbed an accusatory finger at Luke. "He. Fucked. My. Boy. I don't give a shit about anything else."

Liam noted that Luke was being singled out and 'boy' was singular; the brief flicker of emotions crossing Nathanial's face showed he noticed it too and wasn't happy. Liam arched an eyebrow. "Nick gave Luke a blowjob, not his ass." Garret swelled up, but Liam clapped his paw on the distraught Akita's arm and sent a trickle of chi in to begin calming him down. "Sorry, sorry. It's a small distinction and doesn't really matter. However, the nature of your boys does matter. You remember the last time Nick's pheromones ran amok and the blowjob that resulted, I'm sure."

Garret immediately deflated and slumped against the table, his paws on his knees. He turned haunted eyes to his eldest son and whispered, "Yes."

Liam pressed his point. "Is this about the Spirits, then, or your feelings of guilt? Worry that Micah and Nick were hurt the same way you hurt Nathanial?"

Garret looked down at his paws where they braced him upright; his claws dug into his pants underneath his knees. He stayed silent.

Liam patted the father's shoulder and ceased manipulating his emotions...directly. "Micah was, and will be, fine. Nick wasn't hurt by the act at all, or if he was, then the energy he got from the roughness let him heal himself immediately. He probably wouldn't know he was even doing it, other than the pleasure the pain gave him."

Luke opened his mouth to comment, but wisely decided to shut the fuck up; Liam didn't even have to glare at him. Nathanial went over to Den and got him to sit down at one of the poker tables.

"Your youngest son is half-Nymph, and his nature is what it is. He needs sex regularly. And your middle son has been changed by a Succubus, Garret. He wasn't fully in control, and Luke wasn't in control at all. You probably heard more of what went on than I did, but just look at your own experience and learn from that. In the Spirits' defence, it wasn't their sons they got blowjobs from. If you couldn't stop yourself when it was your own boy who resisted what was going on, how could they stop themselves when Micah and Nick were more than willing participants?"

Garret's chi suddenly roiled and he clapped a paw over his mouth as he ran for the bathroom. Liam shook his head; perhaps he pushed too hard. Regardless, the matter was now closed.

Luke stood where he was, nervously shifting his weight from hindpaw to hindpaw. "Um, Lowell? The pup is okay, right? I didn't hurt him?"

Den looked over with a stricken face, one that also indicated he was close to joining Garret in the washroom. Liam nodded to Den, first. "Micah is fine, Den. The lad was lucky you spit-roasted him--" Den clapped his paw over his mouth and heaved a few times, but managed to keep from being ill. Nathanial rubbed the Wolf's back comfortingly. "Sorry, lad. Conor countered your energy completely, and a bit more beside. Mike will have to watch what he eats for a week or he'll pack on some pounds, but that's about it." Den relaxed so suddenly that he nearly collapsed; he began muttering what looked like prayers of thanks to every god under the sun. Liam looked at Luke. "Nick isn't so lucky. You're a lot more powerful than Conor or Den, and your balls are a lot more active." He was tempted to crack a joke about wanting a shot at them himself, but now wasn't the time. "I hope Conor will be able to put him back in balance, or close enough to it. His body was starting to break down his muscles, a sure sign of early yin-degradation. The body naturally does that during prolonged periods of starvation, but a highly yin chi causes the body to believe it's starving... In fact, it often is, since it burns off energy so fast that it's required to break down muscle tissue in order to function. The next stage would have the organs start to suffer the same fate."

Luke looked close to despair brought on by self-recrimination. He shook his head and leaned against the billiard table. "This is what faggotry leads to, I guess. I shouldn't have let myself engage is acts that were even similar to it."

Liam arched an eyebrow, noting with curiosity that Nathanial appeared furious, though he had reacted strongly to such language before. "Lad. Dirk tried acting straight and sired a pup; it resulted in a woman dying. 'Tis nothing to do with homosexuality, just the difference in natures of Spirits and other beings." Garret walked out of the washroom clutching his stomach and smacking his lips in disgust. Liam knew he should attend to him soon; the poor Mage was highly susceptible to nausea and may succumb to a second bout. First, he was puzzled by Luke's comment. "And what do you mean by 'acts that were even similar to it'?"

Luke huffed and shook his head. "You know, the 'rules.' I got a blow job but it wasn't gay because I didn't suck him off in return, or kiss him, or let our balls touch." Garret froze, incredulous; Liam was having trouble believing his ears, too. Luke was convinced this was true. "I made sure of that. I may've been horny and let the bi...boy blow me, but I ain't no poofter."

Garret snorted, then burst out laughing so hard tears streamed from his eyes and he had troubling standing. He managed to gasp out, "Oh! Athena preserve us from the gullible fools!" He doubled over again, waving his paw at Luke. "Wh-Who told you that load of tripe?"

Nathanial curled up, his ears and the end of his muzzle bright pink as he blushed furiously. He lifted a shaking paw. "I-I did. I thought he would've heard it before, so it was a joke more than anything, but, um, he hadn't heard it."

Luke looked back and forth between the two of them, aghast, and then stared at Liam as if to ask, 'say it isn't so.' Liam pushed Lowell aside and smiled lopsidedly. "Indeed, Alpha McDougal, it is a load of tripe. It is merely a set of excuses created by men who engage in sexual acts with other men as they attempt to hold on to the belief they were fully straight." The alpha clapped a paw over his stomach and turned to glare at the embarrassed young Akita. Liam continued, hoping to let the Elemental preserve some 'dignity.' "A blow job doesn't make you gay, especially when it was under the influence of Nicholas's pheromones. There is a whole spectrum of sexuality. Hetero- and homosexuality are merely the two ends of the spectrum; you may be, perhaps, just slightly off fully heterosexual. There are many theories about the nature of what fully straight is, if such a thing exists. Some theorize it means that the hypothetical person is completely turned off by the sight of the genitalia of their own gender -- including their own. I hope you enjoy your own body enough that the sight of your penis does not disgust you."

Alpha McDougal snorted at that. "Hells, no! I have a damned fine cock, and I ain't ashamed or disgusted by it! Who the hells would be so stuck up on some stupid title to not like their own cock? It's your first bloody toy and you play with it your whole life! Gods! What shite! I'm totally straight so that throws that theory right out. Fuck, my whole body is the pinnacle of virile and hot masculinity; I love the whole package."

Liam arched an eyebrow. It appeared the alpha was either highly insecure about his body and sought to convince himself of his own self-worth, or Narcissus had some competition for title of 'the most vain person to ever exist.'

Garret's eyes twinkled in malicious humour. "Nah, sorry Luke, but I got you beat. You're too big and muscular; ladies prefer someone they don't feel so threatened by. I exude masculinity: strong, able, dependable, and understanding, approachable, and kind. Someone who can protect them without looking like the type of person they need protection from."

Alpha McDougal barked a laugh. "Hah! Fuck that! Masculinity is all about strength, courage, and size. I got you beat on all three!"

Garret's evil grin widened; his prey must have walked into a trap. "What good is a tree trunk between your legs if you're never able to use it? I'm big enough to please any and every lady who wants some love without scaring them off. I'd rather have less to show off to other guys in the locker room, but more female company in bed, thanks."

That was most definitely a trap, and a very good one at that. However, amusing as it may have been, it was not useful. "Micah." Garret looked around in surprise for his youngest son, stopping the exchange of barbs instantly. Liam continued, "I have not informed you of Micah's predicament, Garret." That got his attention, and he trotted over to listen to the shortened report.

Nathanial watched Alpha McDougal walk over to him while Liam gave Dad a rundown on Micah's condition and answered some more questions about Nick.

Alpha McDougal looked a little angry, ashamed, and embarrassed. Hopefully he didn't think he was intentionally tricked. "So, pup. There are no gay rules around sex?" Den seemed amused, but hid it to avoid antagonizing his boss.

Nathanial shook his head, embarrassed. "Ah, n-no, sir. Liam was right; those are just *ahem* 'rules' made up by straight guys so they can let themselves get a blowjob from another guy or have anal sex without feeling threatened. There's no reason you can't enjoy the act of sex, regardless of who's giving you the pleasure, and still consider yourself mostly straight. Like you said, it's just a title and really doesn't change who you are. It's nobody's business who you have sex with...except your wife's, I guess, unless you've agreed to have an open marriage."

Both Spirits seemed confused by the term. Luke asked, "A what?"

"Um, an open relationship?" That did not appear to help. "Where you both agree that you can have sex outside your relationship under pre-agreed-upon situations. Geoff can have sex with Liam whenever Liam needs to put his chi back in balance, and I can do the same with Faelen if I need to. Liam and Faelen are pretty relaxed about their relationship; they just like informing the other person first as a courtesy -- I don't know if they've actually sat down and discussed it." Nathanial shrugged. "It works for some couples, and it's a disaster for others."

Den shook his head. "Not my thing. I'm very satisfied with Tuathla, and she's happy with me. The only time I have trouble is when we're separated for a while, like her kayak trip." He grinned. "But even if I keep my trousers on, that doesn't mean my eyes can't wander. I enjoy a nice Vixen in a bikini as much as the next guy." He laughed at Nathanial's expression of disgust. "Next straight guy, okay?"

Alpha McDougal grumbled and shot a dirty look over at Garret. "Yeah, well, I prefer larger...taller ladies." He briefly tipped his head to Nathanial. "Your da was right about the problems with big cocks. They're impressive, but they seriously limit your choices." He shook his head. "Yeah, you've both seen the 'tree trunk' I haul around between my legs, so you know what I mean." His eyes flicked to the pool table, then back to the Akita. "So, Nathanial, you play billiards?"

Nathanial shook his head. "No, sir, I never learned how. But, um, I actually just came up here because Dad called me. I promised Micah to help him make cookies while I do my homework. I got him started while I'm up here, but I should be watching him."

Liam finished speaking to Garret. "Now, I would have a few words with my grandson, and then I wish to attend to the reason I actually came over here for -- Faelen."

Garret nodded a little uncomfortably, as usual. It would take time, but he would become used to it. Nathanial paused at the door as Nicholas and Conor entered, and then followed them back toward Liam. Conor appeared somewhat embarrassed -- likely due to everyone knowing he had now had sexual relations with all three of the Marks boys.

Nicholas stopped in front of Liam with fear haunting his features. "S-Sensei? Will I be all right now? I sucked him off and swallowed it all."

Garret's hackles rose at the same time Conor's ears flipped back and his tail curled up. Liam waved a paw dismissively at the adults. "Do not start, Garret. You know full well this was required. Conor, you do, too." Liam placed his paw in the puppy fluff over Nicholas's stomach. Conor's emission was far less than the first dose he had placed in Nathanial last month, but it was still a pleasing quantity and sufficient for this purpose. "You are within tolerable limits. I anticipate no further effects on your body from this, though most of your supper has already been digested. You will become quite hungry within the hour, but the energy from your meal is still in your bloodstream. You should exercise to burn it off before it converts to fat, and then eat a small meal later when you get hungry." Liam nodded his head to everyone. "Now that everyone can relax knowing there was no physical harm done today, I will speak to my grandson for a minute."

Den smiled wanly. "I caught that, Poppy. I'm fine. No mental harm was done, either. I..." Liam still walked over and sat at the poker table beside him. Den sighed. "I know what happened." He tapped his head. "Here, but..." He tapped his chest, over his heart. "Here is another matter. It'll just take time for my heart to catch up to my head." He leaned forward, his head resting on his paw. "I can't get the images out of my mind. I... I thought nothing could ever make me lose control like that, would make me do that. I'm a da, I protect pups."

Liam shook his head. "And you did nothing to harm one. The reason you lost control was because of those pups -- both of them. Micah is no innocent, Den. He is half-Nymph, and I know he has a supernatural ability to bend those around him to his will. I highly doubt he is aware of this and fear what he could do if he were, but he makes himself more attractive to those who see him. He makes those around him desire to see him happy and to protect him. And I am almost entirely convinced that he saw you getting aroused by Nicholas's pheromones and used his innate charms to make both of you release your desires upon him. You may very well have sated what Nicholas aroused with your own paw or with Conor, otherwise. We will likely never know what may have been, but what was was not of your doing. Believe it and forgive yourself, if you still need to."

Den nodded reluctantly. "All right, Poppy. I was told Micah was half-Nymph but not the rest. It...helps, a bit."

Liam stood and clapped Den on the shoulder, smiling softly at the sight of the pup's oversized ears. They were just like Danny's when he was that age, but Aeden grew into them eventually, so Den might, too. His heart swelled with the love he held for his grandson. "That's my boy. Now, lad, I have things that need doing, so be good. I'll see you in a bit."

Den smiled broadly and his tail wagged the way it always did when Lowell praised the pup. He was an adorable young boy; it was hard to imagine that in a few years he'd be getting his first trousered school uniform. "Yes, Poppy, I will." His face suddenly morphed in Liam's eyes to that of a mature, serious adult. "Thanks."

Liam nodded, feeling the vague sense of vertigo that occasionally followed losing track of who and when he was, and began walking out. He paused by Nicholas. "I know you heard that; do not tell Micah what I said. Understood?"

Nicholas hesitated but nodded. "Yes, Sensei."

Liam clapped Nicholas on the shoulder as he had Den's. "Good lad." He walked on, knowing Nicholas was beaming and his tail wagged rapidly.

Spirit Bound: Chapter One Hundred-Four

**Chapter 104: The Alpha's Formal Supper** Nathanial was putting the final touches on some of the dishes he was making for supper, but he had to shake his head _many_ times during his preparations because of what had happened. He had _no_ idea...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter One Hundred-Three

**Chapter 103: Micah Entertains Some Guests** I lay on my bed, naked, and waited for Nick to come home. Naked? Well, _yeah_! I _love_ being naked and I wanted Nick to be able to sex me as soon as possible. I ran my paws down through the black...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter One Hundred-Two

**Chapter 102: Trouble in the Kitchen** Liam sought out Ahjeet Jhansi, the editor of the school newspaper, during Wednesday's lunch period. Granted, it was not a difficult affair; he merely asked Nathanial where the Cobra was and went, alone, to...

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