She's Leaving Home
#1 of Musical Muse
A tale of one of the hardest things to do: leave home
Hello everyone, and welcome to my first story in my "Musical Muse" idea! Wrote this in about an hour all together, with about a 5 minutes read through, it is rather short, and I apologize for that. I hope you will all find it enjoyable! I will put a link to the song the story is based on at the end if you wish to listen, and I hope you all enjoy!
Wednesday Morning at 5 o'clock
Sarah let out a shaky sigh, trying her best to keep her voice down as she closed her bedroom door, silently closing it as she stepped out. Normally she would not wake at such an early hour but was much different. Clutching her pink handkerchief, the one her mother gave her so many years ago it seemed, she padded her way downstairs, the arctic wolf having trouble keeping her sobs inside as her tears flowed.
This decision had gone through her mind countless times over the months of planning and thought she put into it. Yet, no matter how prepared she could be, the tears still flowed forth. This was the hardest move she has ever made in her 18 years on Earth, a soft whine escaping her muzzle as she made it further down her stairs, making it into her rather small dining room.
The feud had been a few months ago now, though all of it seemed like yesterday. "Pull it together...pull it together." Sarah muttered to herself, dabbing her handkerchief against the corners of her eyes, her cheeks still wet with her tears. In her shaky paw she held a note, a note that had taken these past months to write, to think of, to even gain the courage. Another sob, another tear.
Her white paw gently placed the sheet of paper onto the dining room table, somehow trembling even more now that the act was done. I am doing this she thought to herself I really am doing this. This scene had gone through her mind countless times ever since the very thought of it entered her mind. A soft sniffle was expelled into her handkerchief as she pulled a strong wooden chair out, taking a seat for a moment.
This would be it. The very last time she would see this room. The last time she would see these yellow painted walls of her kitchen and dining room. The last time she would hear her parents voices, asking if she needed anything. She shook her head. Why was she doing this anyways? There were so many pleasant things her, so many memories. Her grip tightened around her piece of pink fabric as she sighed out. This needed to be done: there was no other way in Sarah's mind.
Slowly pushing up out of the chair, she turned her head once more, glancing at the pleasant environment, the overall warmth and happiness, to never see her again. Quietly, she turned to the back door, unlocking it and pressing it open with her paw. Catching it, only to close it quietly, she turned to the soft spring morning awaiting her outside. She was free, in the worst sense she could be in her mind.
Jess stirred in her slumber, her golden eyes slowly opening as she saw the rays of light pierce through her bedroom curtains, the light breathing of her husband, Jack, ringing through the room. A soft smile reaching her muzzle as she kissed him on his forehead lightly, slowly standing herself up.
Slowly, the female wolf pulled her dressing gown over her body, a soft sigh leaving her as she stretched afterwards. Jess was always a morning person; with the birds chirping, the sun shining, how could anyone not like such presence? Cracking her bedroom door open as to not disturb the rest of the house, she made her way downstairs to brew her regular morning coffee.
Jess's ears tilted as she looked to her dining room, noticing the small piece of crumpled paper and the light still on. "Strange..." she muttered, walking over to the table to inspect the note. Trying her best to read through the creases and smudges, she read through the note:
Mom and Dad,
I am truly sorry it had to be this way. I am sorry that I could not think of a better way to do this. When I said I was fine, all those times I was okay, I lied. Every since the...incident a few months ago, I could never feel the same.
I have to leave. I need to. It is the only way I can be happy somehow. I pray one day you will accept me for how I am. Until that day, I can't be here. I am so sorry...I love you both.
Jess's tears were almost instant, a soft whine escaping her. Jake had to know what was going on, she had to go wake him. Her heart sank to her stomach and beyond, shakily turning around and trying her best to climb the stairs again. Her choking whine echoed through the stairwell as she collapsed at the top of the stairs, fully crying in her sadness. Her baby left her, what did she do wrong? She didn't know it was wrong! Ever since Sarah was born Jess tried her hardest to keep her happy, living pay cheque by pay cheque to give her everything she wanted. Why was she gone?
Jake stirred in his rest, snorting as his ears perked up. Opening his eyes, his vision blurry as he looked around; Jess wasn't there. "Hmm..." he hummed to himself, before a loud cry reached him. His ears perked in an instant, a horrified look on his features. He literally leaped out of bed, the air whistling by him as he ran to his door, looking down the hallway.
"Jess? Hon, what's wrong?"
Seeing his wife in so much pain broke his heart, what happened? He knelt slowly to his wife's side, cradling her crying form in his paws, his ears pressed to his head. He softly petted his paw against her own lowered ears, softly holding his love in his arms.
"It's okay hon, it's okay..."
Jess whimpered in his arms, shakily handing him the note that she had just read not 2 minutes ago. A confused bending of Jake's brow accompanied his look at the paper, slowly taking it into his own paw. He read it, a look of shocked horror on his features soon arising. His grip on his wife tightened, comforting her as best as he could in such a harsh situation.
He didn't know how to feel. Of course he was sad, his own daughter just left home, without a word or goodbye, but anger filled his conscience at the same time. Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly? How could she do this to me?
"I'm sorry hon, so sorry..."
There they stayed, in each others arms, comforting each other the best they could. Nothing could make this situation better, but at least through it all they had each other.
Friday Morning at 9 o'clock
Sarah sat in a window seat on the Greyhound bus, her eyes looking through the window, the scenery of the city passing by her. She was far away, as far as she had ever been away from home. All these large buildings she barely recognized from pictures she had seen, it was all so intimidating. Her fear consumed her heart, but also the light of hope of something better.
She had risked it all, thrown her whole life away. Even thinking what she had done only a mere two days made her want to break down, even in front of all these strangers. The thought would intrude her conscience constantly, the fact that she could just turn tail, go back to her room and forget about all of this. She needed to stay strong, for herself, and for her.
The screeching of the Greyhound's brakes embraced her ears, her heart suddenly racing faster than ever: she had made it. Days of trekking and heartbreak had got her to here, the heart of the city, where she needed to be. She picked up her small bag full of her possessions in between her footpaws, slowly standing up. The rush of busy people getting off the bus drowning her ears as she kept her head low, entering the mass wanting off.
The cold air rushed across her, a shiver rushing through her as she looked around. The city was so much busier then what she was use to, but she did not have time to think about that. She had to find her, she said she would be here.
Panic quickly settled in Sarah's heart, a soft whimper leaving her as she looked through the crowd. She had to be here somewhere, she had to be! Her eyes darted from person to person, her paws nervously scanning the crowd along with her eyes. There was no sign, she was about to give up, head back on the bus, when a waving white paw caught her attention.
"Em..." she whispered, barely hearing her herself. Quickly she ran to her, tears running down her cheeks as she did. The owner of the white paw, a snow white rabbit smiled back at her, her own arms extended out for her as Sarah crashed into her. The woman of Sarah's dreams, finally in her own arms after 2 years of being apart.
"God...I missed you..." Sarah whimpered, laying her head on Emily's chest, enjoying the warmth of her once more. They had been together for two and a half years, two of which were long distance because of Sarah's parents. They never accepted her being with another female, saying it was wrong, that she must find a man like everyone else. They never understood why she loved Emily, why she needed her, and why she had to leave home.
"No one will split us apart Sarah, not anymore, I am here for you, my darling." Emily kissed her mate's forehead, softly holding her as she slowly walked away from the bus. Finally they could be together, be at peace. Sarah had sacrificed everything she knew, for the one person that deserved it more than anyone. Her darling, her Emily.
Thank you for reading my tale! The song link is right here:
As always, I hope you all enjoyed the tale. Comments and anything else you may wish are always welcome, I wish you all the best.