Twilight Hours

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The last week of summer vacation was always hard on Summer. September was right around the corner, which meant that days would grow shorter, the weather would cool down, and worst of all school would start again. It also meant that he would have to give up his part time job at Mr. Booker's store. He loved the work as much as he loved being around the books and was quite enamored with Mr. Booker himself. Every other evening after the store closed, they would shed their clothes and have sex, often experimenting with different positions, techniques, and sometimes toys. He had learned a lot and had fun with the older rabbit, so the reality of it coming to an end sat bittersweet in his heart.

Summer was knelt between Mr. Booker's knees, lost in his own enjoyment as he sucked the rabbit off. They were each wearing nothing but their socks, which was a thing they did quite frequently. Mr. Booker was moaning softly as the fox cub serviced him, reclining in the large, overstuffed chair that he used for Reading Time in the Kit's section. He gently rubbed the pup's ears, marveling at how good Summer was at sucking cock. The fox cub had taken to it like a duck to water but his was the only cock he had sucked before. Mr. Booker's dick was only three and a half inches long and it fit perfectly in the kit's muzzle.

Mr. Booker gently held the back of Summer's head as he neared his orgasm. Summer worked the shaft with his tongue skillfully, burying his nose in the musky mound of graying pubic fur. The rabbit breathed in sharply and gripped the pup's head a little firmer, signaling the peak of his climax. Summer felt the gush of hot, bitter seed in his maw as the rabbit came, swallowing the hefty load eagerly and milking the throbbing, pulsing meat with his lips. He kept suckling it until it shrank in his maw, his tail wagging softly as the adult gently stroked the back of his head. He slurped off the spent meat and straddled the rabbit on the chair.

Summer put his paws on his shoulders and kissed the older bun deeply. Mr. Booker moaned softly as he tasted his own essence on the pup's tongue, feeling the pup's warm cocklet stiffly pressing into his belly. He reached around and gripped Summer's asscheeks, giving them a playful squeeze.

"Sexy little fox," Mr. Booker said with a sly grin.

Summer grinned back at the rabbit. His smile faltered and his gaze turned downcast as he leaned down and rested his head on the rabbit's shoulder. He nuzzled his neck softly and sighed.

Concerned, Mr. Booker asked, "Everything alright, Summer?" He gave the fox's back a gentle rub with his paws, feeling like he already knew what was bothering the pup.

"I don't wanna quit," Summer mumbled, sulking softly into the lapin's neck fur.

Mr. Booker smiled softly, gently running his paw down the fox's back. "I know you don't, Summer. But that doesn't mean you can't come back, you know?" he said warmly. Summer looked up at the older rabbit with sad but hopeful eyes. Mr. Booker smiled back down at him and gave the fox a quick peck on the lips. "You can come around after school and help out anytime. I can close up shop a little early and we can have our fun."

Summer nodded with the ghost of a smile on his lips, gazing down at the rabbit's white chest.

The rabbit added, "And there's always work next year, too."

Summer's grin blossomed as it fully restored. The rabbit chuckled and held the pup closer, resting his head on his chest as he kissed between Summer's ears.

"Thanks, Mr. Booker," Summer murmured softly, nuzzling his chest.

"Anytime, Summer," Mr. Booker replied, giving the pup a gentle hug.

They were quiet for a moment, sharing the silence between them as they reflected on the season they had shared together. They both knew it wouldn't last forever and that every moment had to count, especially with Mr. Booker approaching the twilight years of his life. Summer had his whole life ahead of him.

"I have a friend I'd like you to meet," Mr. Booker said, lifting Summer up off his lap and on the floor. He got up and went to his desk, "Do you know Mr. Bader?"

Summer nodded, "He's our P.E. coach."

The rabbit grinned, pulling out a book he had specially kept for the cub. "Well Mr. Bader really likes cubs. And if you tell him I sent you, he'll know to treat you right." He set the book down on the checkout counter.

Summer and Mr. Booker got dressed as the sun was bleeding red through the shutters on the windows. Mr. Booker knelt down in front of the pup and gave him one last passionate kiss. He handed the fox the book and said, "I want you to have this. Read it, but don't let your parents find it, okay?"

Summer nodded and looked down at the cover. It was the book that he had been caught reading that fateful Wednesday, "A Gentlemen's Guide to Gay Sex." He grinned up at the rabbit, who returned a mischievous wink back at him. The rabbit patted his rump and chuckled, "Go on and get home before your parents start to worry."

The fox slipped the book in his backpack and set out for home, turning around once to wave at the rabbit who was still standing in the doorway watching him go.

That night, Summer pulled out the book to take under the covers before bedtime. As he opened the book, a little note fluttered out and landed on the floor. He picked it up and saw that there was a phone number written on it and beneath it a note that read, "In case you ever need someone to talk to, Mr. B."


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