Father's Day Breakfast

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Sunlight slowly leaked into the bedroom, casting a reddish glow across the bed. A large, grown wolf was sprawled out on his back on top of the covers with a young, black and white bunny cub curled up next to him, the sheets lying forgotten and kicked to the end of the bed. The temperature was already in the 80's outside and the heat was slowly starting to creep into the room.

Lynn, the bunny, woke up first. He yawned wide and smacked his lips softly, snuggling into the soft, dense wolf fur. He opened his eyes and looked up at his sleeping daddy, watching his chest rise and fall rhythmically.

He rolled away from Autumn, his adoptive daddy and master, and stretched out on the bed. His morning wood poked out, stiff as a rock over his belly. He purred and smiled slightly, aroused and slightly lethargic from the heat of the morning. The smell of hot sex, wolf and young bunny musk, still lingered in the air from the night before. He could still taste dried cum around his lips.

He finally sat up and stretched his arms, letting out another yawn before hopping off the bed carefully and slowly as to not wake the sleeping wolf.

He made his way to the kitchen, still completely nude save for the collar around his neck. He planned on making his daddy some breakfast in bed that morning since it was Father's Day. He pulled out the eggs, some cheese, ham, milk, hash browns, and bacon. He pulled out a large bowl and started to crack eggs into it when Autumn appeared in the doorway.

Autumn smiled and scratched his belly idly, his cock hard and bobbing outwards enticingly, "Mmm...morning, baby..."

Lynn drooped his ears, "Daddddyyy! You ruined the surprise!"

The wolf just smiled and chuckled softly, padding over the kitchen tiles to him, "It's okay, baby..." Lynn squealed slightly and giggled as Autumn picked him up and hugged him close. Lynn wrapped his legs around the wolf's waist and they pressed noses together. "We can make breakfast together." Autumn said, his voice rumbling softly.

Lynn's tail wiggled happily, "Hehe, okay, daddy!"

Autumn set him down and they began to prepare breakfast together. Lynn opened up the bacon and hash browns and cooked them on a separate skillet. Autumn whipped the eggs in the bowl and got out the ingredients for omelets. He looked down at the cub and noticed that his little cocklet was hard too. He smiled and paused what he was doing, "Pet?"

Lynn smiled and looked up at the wolf holding the mixing bowl. He set the bowl down on the floor and looked up at Lynn.

"I need a little extra ingredient for our omelets, baby." He said with a sly grin.

Lynn's eyes lit up and his tail wiggled excitedly, knowing exactly what Autumn meant.

Autumn began stroking his sheath; coaxing his cock to come back out, "Finish the bacon first, bun. And put it in the oven to stay warm."

Lynn nodded and obeyed his orders, finishing the bacon and hash browns. He put them in a serving bowl and covered it before putting it in the oven.

Autumn kneeled down on the floor in front of the bowl, now stroking his growing wolfmeat. Lynn got down as well, excitedly stroking his cocklet. They smiled at each other, sharing a loving, intimate moment as they pawed together. They gazed up and down each other's bodies, pawing in tandem with one another. They synchronized their stroking, feeling the heat picking up quick.

Autumn reached his orgasm first. He squeezed behind his knot and shot cum across the bowl and onto the bunny's soft belly. His first few shots coated Lynn's belly and groin before he tipped his cock down and shot the rest of his load into the waiting mix.

Lynn drooled and moaned as he watched his daddy cum, using the seed as lubricant on his cocklet. He let out a light whimper as he reached his own climax and shot his load into the bowl. Lynn shivered as he milked his cocklet with his paw, dumping the last few drops of bunnymilk into the mix with his daddy's seed.

Autumn leaned down and lifted the bunny's chin, giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Mmmm...clean up the mess on the floor while I make the eggs, pet." He said softly, smiling lovingly at the cub.

The bunny smiled, nodding eagerly and obediently, "Yes sir!"

Lynn got down on all fours and licked the puddle of wolfseed up off the clean kitchen floor, making sure he got every drop.

Autumn started making the omelets, one for each of them. He poured the egg/cum mixture into the pan and added the cheese, peppers, and ham slices. As Lynn finished his job, he turned his nose up to the air and sniffed at the cooking food. His maw filled with drool as he crawled up to the cooking wolf.

Autumn looked down at the bunny and smiled. Lynn flashed a smile back up at him as he reached up and took the wolf's twitching, semi-erect member in his paw. The wolf grunted softly as Lynn opened his maw and began cleaning the cocktip. "Mmmf...careful, sweetheart. Don't want to get hurt while I'm cooking."

The bunnycub sucked his lips off of the wolfcock and grinned up at Autumn, stroking the shaft slowly and licking his lips, "Hehe, okay daddy."

"Go set the table, pet," the wolf said, turning the omelet over on itself. Lynn set out placemats, plates, napkins, and utensils as Autumn poured the last of the mixture in and made a second omelet. The bunny cub sat down at his place next to Autumn's seat and waited for the food to arrive.

"Daddy?" Lynn piped up softly.

"Yes, pet?"

"I love you." He said with an adoring smile.

The wolf turned and grinned, scooping the eggs onto his plate, "I love you too, sweetheart."

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