Finding the Wrong Drake

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Short story for Zala Soothsayer. My female gryphoness is out looking for a drake to satisfy her heat, only to run into the wrong drake, who will take from her what he needs!

Finding the Wrong Drake

It was hard being a female gryphon in heat in this region of the world. It was nice that the rarity of the species meant the locals practically worshipped gryphons and often held them above as though they truly were the kings and queens of all, but it also meant that finding a mate in a female's seasonal lust was hard and often required days of flying before seeing one of their kin.

Ceylon was struggling through this ordeal once again as her nethers longed for the sensation of a thick gryphon knot inflating inside her. Her lips were tender and moist constantly, and would be for days unless she was satisfied.

It had been days since she had started her heat, and Ceylon was getting increasingly desperate. She'd tried pleasing herself with her own paws and tongue, but she knew nothing came close to the warmth of an eager gryphon drake with his belly on her back, maybe biting down on her neck and thrusting into her slowly but firmly. Gryphons were known to be very sensual lovers despite being associated with felines and avians, two families of creatures known for quick, rough mating.

Last season, she had met up with a caring male in the forests north of her normal hunting ground, so she thought perhaps she would find him again. He may have been a touch smaller than she was, but he was known to be rough and eager to please, and not likely to give up his territory. After all, gryphons are known for holding territory for years before moving on. High in the sky she flew, wings spread wide to catch the thermals as she hovered over the sprawling forests that were dotted with meadows and lined with rivers. It was a glorious place to hunt and live; no wonder that gryph-drake claimed this territory as his own.

Once she was sure she was in the male's territory, she angled her wings and flew downwards in increasingly tight circles until she was able to stall and float down to the middle of the meadow. She liked spending her days in open meadows; all the prey of the forest but the freedom to kiss the sky at will.

The gryphoness trotted about in a circle as she fluffed her feathers and folded her wings on her back. She kept her ocean-blue eyes to the sky as she angled her ears to catch any hints of another gryphon in the area. Her tail was raised slightly and swaying gently back and forth to spread the moist scent that emanated from her swollen, puffy nether-lips. If there was a gryphon in the area, be it male or female, they would smell her and be drawn to the scent. She didn't care who pleasured her, as long as some warm flesh was thrust into her.

Ceylon knew that it would take time, perhaps hours, before a gryphon showed up, so she occupied herself by chasing butterflies. She'd lay down in the long grass, sure to rub her folds over the vegetation to smear her scent, then when a butterfly landed on a flower or other stalk she'd hop up, claws outstretched in an attempt to grab it out of the air. When that failed, she'd keep hopping after it, trying to catch the poor bug in her beak, but she never once caught one. She really didn't need to kill bugs, as they weren't her food. She wasn't too worried about actually catching anything, she just liked the chase and it was part of her feline nature to do so.

Every time she'd squat down, she'd arch her back ever so gently as she pushed backwards, letting her engorged vulva slide gently across the blades of grass. After doing this about a dozen times, she found herself needing something more substantial. She loved the sensation of the stalks ticling her nethers, but she wanted something that would fill her! She kept looking around until she found something that interested her: a pile of incredibly smoothe rocks that were stacked a half dozen tall. Her curiosity piqued, she spun around to place her nether lips on the top of the pile, imagining the rock was an egg or a knot. She kept grinding against them, letting them slip into her so she could quickly lay them back out. Each of the rocks was completely devoid of any texture, like it had washed up on a beach or been polished, so they slid effortlessly in and out of her, gliding across her tender velvety flesh. Taking this opportunity, she pushed down on the pile and wiggled her hips until three rocks atop the pile had forced their ways into her confining walls, grinding and clacking around inside her; it was a sensation that sent shocks of pleasure through her and she had to force herself not to clench down, sucking the rocks deep into her.

As she felt the orb slip into her, she tensed up and flexed her muscles, extending her claws and talons while her clit winked and her canal tightened, forcing the rocks out of her to clack on the pile behind her, a stream of her lubricating fluids trailing from them each to her lips. Her clit winked again, forcing a small spurt of her pheromone rich fluid onto the rock pile.

She was purring, enjoying the post-laying sensation of having pushed the largest of the rocks back out as a shadow dashed over her. Immediately she looked up to see a large winged form flying through the midday sky; a silhouette flying in circles around the clearing.

Getting excited that her drake had found her, she got to her feet and ruffled her feathers out, displaying her beauty as her lips pursed another few times in rapid succession, spewing a series of streams to the rock pile behind her and the grass around it. She was ready to be taken. Her beak was held agape and her tongue was lolling out; her tail was lifted high and her legs were spread out just enough to gape her canal ever so gently.

The silhouetted form hovered in circles, descending slowly as it neared Ceylon. As it grew closer to her, she noticed a few key features, most notable being the drake's size! He had to be twice her size, at least! Wait, this wasn't her drake. Suddenly she wasn't as eager, and was ready to fold her tail down between her legs and fly off. She was going to leave, but the prospect of an even bigger drake stuffing her full was an enticing one, so she decided to stay, tail swaying more to spread her scent. That was, until the blur from staring up to the midday sun faded and she could make out more details of the creature's form. There were no wing feathers and the head was too big and rounded to be a gryphon.

She was piecing together the bits of information she was getting right as the dragon tucked in his wings and dove down on top of her. Ceylon spread her wings wide and hopped up, but no bird taking flight had an advantage over a swooping predator! She managed to catch a proper glimpse of the reptilian drake just as he tackled her to the ground, his teeth wrapped around her neck to hold her still. She struggled, pushing up against the aggressor and trying to turn her head around to bite at him, but to no avail. He was an absolutely massive dragon, with scales of a gentle red hue with slightly darker almost blood red speckles all over him. He had a pair of long, pointy horns sticking out the back of his skull and expressive frills in front of his ear holes; each of the frills was splayed in an act of dominance. He had golden cuffs on his front legs and two on his long, thick tail. His wings were a regal golden color that complimented the darker red perfectly.

He growled angrily at her, bits of drool trickling over his teeth and matting her neck feathers. She didn't move, aside from weakly flapping her wings to perhaps disorient him enough to make a getaway.

The massive red dragon kept the gryphon pinned to the ground as he pressed his hips down onto her. His meaty black shaft slowly slipped from his slit to press against her rump. The thick musky scent filled the clearing with the drake's pheromones.

If Ceylon were a dragon, her ass would be in the air, tail lifted and pussy winking to soak him with her juices, but she was a gryphon and wanted nothing to do with the draconic cock that was poking roughly at her rump cheeks and the back of her thighs. She kept her hind end laid down flat against the ground, tail lowered and between her legs to prevent him easy access to her honey pot.

But the dragon kept arching his back to thrust his hips forward, jabbing his member at her furred backside again and again until the pointed tip slipped between her tail and cheek, using her own lubrication to betray her as his member slipped effortlessly into the warm moist confines! She could feel his thickness poke at her soaking wet vulva and slip past into her cherry pink canal. His massive cock - which was almost as big around as her leg - forced itself into her, jerking inch by inch through her pussy,tugging on her flesh with each withdrawal before forcing itself back in. The throbbing, ridged member slipped inch after inch through her body, parting her flesh and spreading her wide, making her feel like she was being spread open as her flesh was being stretched taut. She tried clamping down to push the not-fully-erect member out of her, but that only intensified the beast's pleasure and urged him to put more effort into ravaging her.

The red dragon gaped his maw open a bit as the pleasure of the gryphon's tight canal coaxed fluids from him, sending waves of pleasure through his body. He continued to drool.

Ceylon saw an opportunity to escape, so she pushed off with her back paws and bolted out from under the dragon, feeling his ridged girth pulling out of her with a wet slap as the suction of her pussy didn't quite want to release him. She managed to get out from under him completely, but was stopped abruptly as his massive talon swiped at her flank, knocking her to the side. She did manage to get up to all fours again, but was stopped by the red dragon.

Before she could get up to escape, the massive red speckled drake was already back on top of her, pressing his front talons on her wing shoulders to force her chest to the ground. She looked up with a hearty caw, but he ignored her, keeping his head down near the nape of her neck as though he was threatening to bite; the warm moist breath on her neck was a constant reminder that this beast could take her at any time. She lowered her chin to the ground and whimpered a bit, submitting to the dragon that clearly wasn't letting her go, at least not until his urges were satisfied.

Once he was firmly atop the gryphon, the dragon spread his wings to cover his 'prey' as he arched his back, prodding at her nethers once again with his cock which was now slicked up and dripping gryph-mare goo off the tip. The sensations of individual drops trickling down the underside of his shaft tickled his sensitive member, making the dragon's claws curl up as he prodded.

It only took a moment of poking before his tapered tip found its mark; he could feel the bulbous end part her lips to slip into her canal, and as soon as that first bit disappeared into her he lifted his tail and thrust violently, forcing every inch of his length into the gryphon's cunny.

Ceylon let out a shriek as she felt the beast's cock explode into her. She felt her lips stretched to their limits to accommodate the thick, ridged member. His ridges pulsed inside her, each throb and heartbeat accenting the lines of firm cock inside her. His massive bulge that was about midway up his cock was so big and thick that she could feel her belly pressing down against the ground. She winked her pussy, hoping the muscle contractions that flowed through her canal would push him out or at least gain some elasticity and control to counteract the heavy stretching she was experiencing. She could feel his pointed tip pressing on her cervix, even poking into her womb a bit; the sensation was both uncomfortable yet immensely pleasant, forcing her beak to gape open with tongue lolled out, followed by a steady stream of gryphon drool.

The dragon could see her complacent, so he tugged himself out of her, letting each of the ridges on the underside of his cock slide over her most sensitive spots before jerking out of her with a spurt of her fluids, letting the firm rim of each ridge tickle her clit before slipping out into the warm midday air so he could push back in and repeat the process.

Much against her will, Ceylon found herself wiggling her hips back and forth to get her legs directly beneath her, pushing her hips up to meet the dragon's. She wanted to run, to escape, but her body betrayed her. That cunny was ravenous and wanted to be filled whether it was dragon or gryphon. To her slit, a cock was a cock and this cock was immensely fulfilling; the shape and texture constantly rubbing up and down her canal was the most she could hope for, and in spite of feeling like she was being stretched well beyond her limit, she knew how malleable she was, and she knew that she could take it.

There was a throaty chuckle as the dragon laughed, a deep bellow that sounded more like a growl than a laugh. He let out a deep exhale that tickled the feathers on the back of Ceylon's neck, sending a shiver down her spine that forced all of her feathers and strands of fur to stand on end, her canal tightening in anticipation of a proper knotting.

Before she had time to pull away or wink her cunny lips, he thrust deep into her again, relishing the sensations of her tight canal stretching wide for the cock that was clearly too big for her, at least in his mind; to him he liked the idea of being too big and making her accommodate his girth! Her rippled inner walls were spread taut to the point it felt like she was going to burst! He kept thrusting at her, feeling his ridges tugging on her smoothe walls only to push back into her, spreading her wide and thick.

He could feel his member poking at her belly as the tight rim of her cervix cradled his pointed cock head. Her insides quivered with each thrust as his girth pounded at her flesh, spreading her wider with every push. As he ravaged her nethers, he could feel her flesh loosening to accommodate him better, the rippled walls growing swollen and tender to smother his own throbbing thickness as he pushed in and out of her. Each thrust was met with just a bit less resistance as his member sucked and slurped at her loosening canal.

Ceylon's cunny was on fire! His vigorous thrusting in her copiously yet not adequately lubed canal was shooting friction pains through her, warming her backside with a blend of burning pain and warm pleasure. Every time the dragon's thick member plowed through her, she could feel her flesh stretching like elastic to accommodate his girth, but it never felt like enough! His member was as thick as her thigh, and every time he pulled that bulge out of her it was like she was laying an exceptionally large egg, only to have it forced back into her as her cunny lips swallowed it!

Every tensing of her muscles resulted in a powerful wink that squirt a single stream of cum all over the underside of the red speckled dragon's black-fleshed member, further moistening him up to aid his ravaging of her cunny walls. His cock was sliding effortlessly through her with each thrust, his cock tip prodding at the opening to her womb before being tugged out, the suction pulling on her insides for only a moment before being roughly stuffed again.

He pushed back in yet another time and this time she reciprocated, arching her back and pushing down on the assaulting member, keeling back to let her rump slide along the dragon's pale yellow belly scales to meet with his hips. She felt another bulge press against her lips, then pop in with a wet slap!

The estrus gryph-mare let out a howling screech as the beast's massive knot bulbs jerked into her, forcing his pointed tip to puncture into her womb. Her clenching muscles sucked on his member and urged the knot deeper, trapping him inside as it inflated. She could feel the twin bulges of his tie expand within her like a balloon, pressing out against her already too-stretched walls. She could feel the expanding knot resting against the inside of her hips, tugging on her as he tried to thrust in and out. It was no use for him, he was stuck!

The red-splotched dragon growled again as her cavernous depths clamped down on him, her winking clit and vulva tightening around the base of the knot to force him deeper. The sensations were so intense he lost himself in ferality, leaning down over the gryphon's raised rump to dig his claws into her hips, thrusting violently into her nethers as his jaws got a hold of the skin and feathers on her neck, holding her in place as he proved his dominance. His wings remained splayed out so that no others could see his gryphon-bitch.

Ceylon pulled away from the drake, giving no mind to the teeth that were clamped down on her neck or the knot that was stuck inside her. She winked her pussy again, the pressure from the knot making the spurt of femcum jet out and splatter against his legs and inner thighs. She could feel his hot breath tickling her neck and the back of her ears as she tugged and winked, massaging the base of his knot with her pussy. She knew how to make a drake cum, and the sooner he did so, the better! With a rhythmic pulse, she tugged forward, arched her back, and tensed her muscles culminating in yet another powerful wink to rub the inside of her lips on the base of his knot, only to start again. She tugged, arched, winked, and pushed back, letting the dragon's knot shift inside her ever so gently with each motion. She could feel his ridges get firmer as they pressed out against her walls, his cock pulsating with pleasure every time she moved.

It wouldn't be long at all, now.

The dragon thrust in deeply, letting the gryphon's sopping wet lips smack against his own slit; his knot pressed up against her cervix as the rest of his shaft slid with a series of lurches into her womb. He felt his cock get more tense as he arched his back, a spurt of cum erupting from the tip to splash against the wall of her womb.

She felt this warmth filling her, and she instinctively clamped down as hard as she could, the first half dozen inches or so clamping down on the shaft between the base of the drake's knot and his slit, locking him in place to ensure he could no longer move. She stopped winking as she craned her neck up and let out a pained screech, feeling his knot resting heavily on her open cervix, the rest of his length in her womb, stretching it out and forming a bulge in her belly.

Every pump of the dragon's heart tensed his cock, making it throb and pulsate quickly; each expansion was met with another hot jet of cum that preceded the retraction. Each explosion of fluids was as powerful as the last as it filled her womb with his creamy draconic concoction. He could feel his cock tip resting in a pool of seed inside her, but he kept filling her womb until the fluids enveloped the shaft of his member. He could no longer feel the walls of her womb smothering him, instead he felt only the warm cream that he'd filled her with.

Another jet of cum erupted from his cock tip, her womb bulging out in her belly like a balloon as the pressure built. He could feel streams of his own seed forcing itself past the tight rim of her cervix to fill her pussy, but his knot blocked the fluids from seeping out of her. The more he came, the more pressure was put on his knot, forcing it out of her like a cork on a champagne bottle; even her powerful muscle contractions and restrictive hip bones couldn't keep him inside her.

She felt his knot forcing itself out against the inside of her hips again as her bones compressed the firm but still malleable flesh of his knot bulbs, the pressure building up and her tender flesh filing in the gaps between the bulges of his knot that cum would seep out of. Still holding down her muscles, she waved deeper into herself to press on the top of the knot rather than the base, hoping to push him out.

With a massive rush of seed and gryph-mare fluids, The drake's knot was forced out with a wet pop followed by the sloshing of cum rushing from her cunny. His cock slipped from her with a series of jolts as each of his ridges popped out of her folds, sucking more of his seed out with it.

Ceylon was panting hard, beak agape and tongue lolling out even as the drake's teeth remained buried in her neck feathers, holding her down. She lowered her backside to the ground, clit winking as more fluids oozed out of her; the pressure in her womb was receding as it deflated and she could feel her lightly distended belly return to form. Her winking vulva kept at it, pushing more and more of the drake's thick seed out of her and onto a puddle on the ground. Her wings were floofed and splayed out for balance, as her legs were weak with exhaustion from keeping her rump in the air with the dragon's form on top of her.

The red speckled drake let out a gentle growl as his knot deflated and his cock slipped back up into his slit. His ear frills vibrated in pleasure as he let go of the gryphon's nape, walking backwards to get a good look at the moist, wrecked opening that he'd ravaged. He got a good sniff of the damage he'd done before licking his chops and walking away, head held high and chest puffed out in a display of pride. He swayed his long tail back and forth before finally leaping into the air to fly away.

She was still stuffed with his seed, so she crept away from the puddle she'd made behind her and rolled to the side, raising her legs and lower body up to let the cum pool in her womb, trickling into her innermost depths. She needed eggs, and this drake's seed would make them with ease. With luck the eggs would represent the massive drake that had bred her, and they'd be far too large, giving her an excuse to spend an afternoon coaxing them out.

With a happy grin on her face, she rolled in the grass, legs in the air and ravaged rump end exposed to the world. There was a lingering scent of drake in the air, and it only made her wish he'd never left.

She'd love to go for another round.

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