A Friendly Help

Story by foxy_harris on SoFurry

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An entry for a writing contest, and also a training to get my story mood back. Please enjoy >.

A Friendly Help

by Foxy_Harris

Alex was stressed under the pressure of the school imposed upon him. His friend then Twi took him to Sam who then introduced Hypnosis to Alex. The two dragon's relationship was not the same after that fateful night.

Tags : M/M, Hypnosis, Nudity, Friendship, College, Dragon, Riding, Contest, characer development, story progression

Disclaimer : The story contains consensual sexual encounter between two males. If you are under the age of consent stated in the law of your country, please refrain from reading and turn back at once.

The snow had fallen, coating the entire Martheiless University with a decent blanket of snow. Winter had come, and that means the year was drawing to a close. It also marked the advent of the most dreaded thing, feared even by the most fearless student. The one tiny little thing called Finals.

Library suddenly filled by more students than ever. Hallway conversation had shifted from latest games, fashions, and food to education. Friendship and commitment were tested, one can either choose to study for himself or sacrifice his time to teach his friends. Many prides swallowed as they begged for rivals and enemies to teach them in subject they are weak in. Not few had fallen before the trial even started, as they felt powerless before the adversary that was about to come and gave up entirely.

Martheiless University, as the topmost academic institutions of the entire continent was especially merciless. Passing the entrance exam of this university could be compared to chopping your own arm and legs in term of the hardships the entrant must endure. And by the end of each year, anyone who fell below the standard imposed by the university will be expelled. This rule was meant to filter only the best of the best students that can continue their study.

Alex was one of the students who are in danger of being expelled. The upcoming finals will decide whether he stayed of expelled. The black dragon missed that one tiny rule when he applied for this university, that's why he took his study leisurely. He thought, being the first year and all, he deserves a little break.

Luckily, Alex was diligent enough to keep his marks on average level. But in order to continue to the second year, he had to get at least over 80% in every subject. A task so monumental he almost decided to gave up there and then.

But fortunately, what he lacked in diligence was backed up by good friends. One in particular was Twi, Alex's own roommate. The Green Dragon was one of the most brilliant minds among the first years, as if making up for his lack in physical posture. Naturally, he was the first choice for Alex to ask for help from. And to his delight, the green Dragon agrees immediately.

Twi was kind enough to set up a study schedule for Alex, what he should study and on what time to maximize effectiveness. As expected, the sudden change from a lax lifestyle to a scheduled one wasn't easy. But Twi always encourages his friend. He even hung up some reminders on Alex's bedroom. Especially a reminder about the black dragon only has one month to improve his academic before the finals.

That evening, Twi and Alex were studying Calculus in their dorm. Twi tirelessly repeated the formulas for each solution. He even explained some shortcuts Alex could take when solving some special mathematic problems. But the black dragon suddenly crumpled the paper he was working on and threw it aside.

"Forget it, I won't be able to do it. I am finished!"

Twi was surprised by the sudden movement. But his surprise turned to worry when he looked at his roommate. He understood that Alex must be in utter despair right now. Reaching at least 80% score for every subjects is no walk in the park, especially for one like Alex. "Alex..."

"Just forget about me, Twi," Alex groaned, "Just think about yourself. There's no way I can do it. Just don't waste anymore of your precious time for failures like me."

"Alex!" Twi suddenly slammed the table. His sight was focused on the black dragon, "You are no failure. You just made a mistake, that's all. And aren't we trying to fix it right now?"

Alex could feel him temper rise. He slammed the table back, "I only have three weeks left! There's no way i can cram a year worth of knowledge in just three weeks!! I am not one who passed as the third highest mark ever recorded in history of Martheiless entrance exam like you, Twi!"

Twi was quite shocked by the sudden burst of emotion. His eyes widens as he backed a bit from Alex. He didn't say anything. The green dragon just changed his expression from shocked to worry once again.

Alex also realized what he just did. He sat back down while holding his forehead, expressing regret. "I, I am sorry, Twi. I didn't mean to lash it out at you. I guess... I guess I am just tired."

Twi sat closer to Alex. He put his paw over the black dragon's shoulder, trying to calm his room buddy. "You are stressed, Alex."

"I guess I am..." Alex acknowledged Twi's statement, "I guess, who wouldn't? But mostly I blamed myself. Why did I thought that I could just breeze my first year? I kept telling myself what's so hard about first year? and that I should enjoy it more. But I forgot I am in Martheiless. I should've known better. Sometimes I wonder if I really should be here. Someone like me in a place where the brightest minds gather."

"You are here, I think that's proof enough of your skill." Twi gently tapped Alex's back to calm him down, "You have a firm grasp on the basics. Heck, you could stay at above average mark when you are lazying around. If you are serious, I am sure you could surpass even me."

"You are joking, obviously." Alex smiled. He knew Twi just making him feel better, but he appreciated the feeling. No matter what he feels, Twi always found a way to make it better. And he really appreciates that from his green scaly friend.

Twi smiled as he shook his head, "That remains to be seen. Though... We need to deal with that stress of yours. We can't continue as long as you feel crushed like that."

Alex shrugged, "I think it's perfectly normal to be stressed for someone in my situation, right?"

"If you think like that, you are right." Twi then continued his sentence before Alex could reply, "And when you think otherwise, you are also right."

Alex raised his eyebrow. Wondering what his friend getting at, "I don't follow. What do you mean?"

"Whether you can be stressed or not, it all started by your mind, Alex. If you think you don't need to be stressed, then you won't. It's all in the way you think."

Alex shrugged again, "What? So i just think i don't need to be stressed and my stress suddenly and magically gone?"

Twi thought about that a bit. He was pretty sure Alex would need something stronger than a mere suggestion to calm his nerves. Twi had found the answer. But it was quite risky, not for Alex, but for him. But the green dragon decided to go with it. "Alex, dress up. You are going with me tonight."

Alex let out a flat, "What?" But his desire to ask further was denied as Twi already headed to his own room to dress up. Alex decided to do the same. Being a dragon, he lacked the warm blood needed to counter the harsh cold of winter. That's why they have to wear extra layers of clothing when going out, more than the white shirt and jeans he wore right now.

Twi was already waiting at the front door when Alex came out of his room. As always, the green dragon didn't care about fashions. His dark green thick sweater combined with his black pants and dark red scarf looks out of place with Alex who wore all black to maximize heat absorbtion.

Twi didn't say anything as he opened the door and told Alex to just follow him and save the questions for later.

Being told like that, Alex couldn't help but wonder if Twi might be involved in some shady business, like cracks. The university staff found out about some students who had crack party and they got expelled before morning. And crack sounded like a viable answer to ease his stress and worries.

To Alex disappointment, the path both dragons took actually lead up to the senior's dorm. Twi's expression looked happier and chirper the closer he is to the dorm. Alex wondered what could be achieved by going to the senior's dorm. Asking for their help for his study sounds viable, only if not for the fact that they are here to cure his stress and worries.

Finally they reached a room number 527. Twi knocked the door a few times before someone answered. A fox with thick glasses opened the door. His expression told Alex that he had been expecting Twi, but not him. Rather than annoyed, the fox showed the friendliest smile Alex ever seen, "So, Twi, may you be kind enough to introduce this fella with me?"

"Ah," Twi slapped his forehead before introducing both soon-no-longer strangers, "Sam, this is Alex, my roommate. And Alex, this is Sam. You might wonder where I went every Friday night. It's to visit Sam."

Sam opened his door to let the two dragons inside his room. As expected from a model student of Martheiless, Sam's room looked like it was cleaned regularly. If there's one spot that could be called messy, it was Sam's work table. Papers and books about his major are scattered all over it. That was all his research, his final contribution before he graduate this year.

Sam poured two cups of tea and put them on the table in frnt of Alex and Twi. Sam took his own cup that was placed on his work table and then sit in front of the two dragons, "So, what brings you here with your roommate, Twi?"

Twi looked aside for a bit. It's as if he was still thinking if bringing Alex here was a great decision or not. The green dragon inhaled a bit to gather up his courage, "The reason we are here is because Alex needs help, Sam. The same help you gave me since the beginning of the year."

Sam raised his brow and smiled, as if he understood what Twi meant. "I see, so you are stressed to the point you can't study anymore? It's a good decision to come to me, considering finals are just a stone throw away."

"Wait, wait," Alex interrupted the two, "I just want to clarify this... We are not talking about crack right? I don't want to get in more trouble than I am already now."

Sam almost coughed out the tea he was drinking. The fox put down the tea he was holding before laughing, "Crack? Twi, you didn't tell him why you brought him here?"

Twi blushed a bit, embarrassed, "Well... I guess that slipped my mind."

Alex frowned, getting more and more confused about what happened and what the other two meant. Alex stood up to show that he want to be taken seriously, "Alright, the curiosity is killing me, what are you going to do to me?"

"Ah Alex," Sam still talked calmly, "What do you think when you heard the word 'Hypnosis'?"

"Hypnosis?" Alex was caught off guard. he didn't expect that one, "Well... It's one where one hypnotized the other one. The hypnotized will do anything he was ordered to. Including uhh... The stuff..."

Sam was about to laugh again, but decided to keep it down a bit. He was quite amazed at the black Dragon's simplicity and honesty. "You saw too much porn, Alex. Hypnosis is much more complex and yet a lot simpler than that you described." Sam put down the cup he was holding and then stood up. He walked to his bookshelf and picked a thick red book. Sam opened a marked page at the book and handed it to Alex, "Popular media had suggested hypnosis as a state where the victim will be sleeping and unaware of what actually happened. But as you can see from that book, it was actually the contrary. Hypnosis is a state of ultra awareness. Only all that awareness are focused on one single subject while blocking everything else."

Alex read through the marked words in the book. All Sam words were there. But he was still unconvinced. "Then what do you call when the hypnotized did everything the hypnotist said, as if they had no will on their own."

"That's called suggestion." Sam smiled warmly, "A person in a hyper-awareness state is very suggestible. If i suggest your tail is heavy, then your mind will perceive it and make your tail feels heavy. There's one catch though, a hypnotist can't suggest something the hypnotee refuse to do subconsciously. So if I hypnotize you right now and suggest you should swim in the campus' pool naked, you won't do it. Unless you really want to do it deep inside your heart."

"Also, it requires you to trust the one hypnotizing you." Twi butted in.

Sam snapped his finger, "Ah yes, I forgot to mention that part. The hardest part of hypnosis is to make the hypnotee trust you enough to be hypnotized. And from your expression, you didn't trust me at all, Alex."

Alex scratched his head, "I am sorry but, it's just... I don't know. I didn't expect the answer for my trouble to be hypnosis."

During Alex's confusion, Twi approached Sam and whispered some words on his ear. Sam expression was flat out 'are you really sure?' which Twi answered by nodding. A shade of pink appeared on the side of Twi's scaly cheek.

Sam sighed, "Alright. Twi here will show you that it's completely harmless to be hypnotized. To show you from the third person perspective what it looked like to be hypnotized."

Twi smiled, appreciating what his friend had agreed to, "Thank you. I hope I am not bothering you with my selfish request, Sam."

"Think nothing of it. I just can't turn my back to my friends. Oh, and you can discard those extra clothing. I have set the room heater so you guys can dress comfortably without freezing to death."

Sam led the two dragons, who had discarded the extra layers and just dressed in how they dressed back in the dorm, to a new room. The room is smaller than the other room in the dorm. And it only has two chairs. Sam brought one extra chair for Alex to sit beside him. While Twi sit on the chair opposite to the two chairs.

"I call this room Hypnosis room." Sam smiled proudly as he presented the room to Alex, "When hypnotizing someone, we can't afford distractions. That's why this room is completely bare save for chairs. Now please sit on this chair and please don't make any noise till Twi is in stance, understood?"

The black dragon nodded. He was about to take witness of his roommate being hypnotized. He didn't know what to say or feel. Alex just followed Sam's advice and took a seat.

Twi was already on his chair, excited and ready. Looking at Alex reminded him of his first trial with Sam. The green dragon was also very distrustful. But Sam managed to get him see how useful the hypnosis session is for him. "I am ready, Sam."

The orange furred fox then sat on the chair right in front of Twi. Sam took a relaxed stance. "Alright, Twi. Please close your eyes." Sam's voice was calm and soothing. "Relax your body. Don't think about anything else. Just focus... Focus on relaxing your body. Focus on relaxing your mind."

Twi did as he was told. The green dragon then closed his eyes. His breathing was calm and composed. He took to the heart what suggested to him as the first step of a successful hypnosis is accepting.

Sam continued his hypnosis suggestion, keeping his voice soothing and calm, "Just feel your legs relax, feel your legs relax. Your hips relaxing, your waist relaxing. Your chest, your arms relaxing. You can feel your shoulders, your neck and your head relaxing. You feel calmer and more relaxed. For each words i spoken, you feel more and more relaxed."

Alex held his breath. He was supposed to watch the progression without making a sound. But the black dragon found himself unable to make a sound even if he want to. He was too fixated on the procession in front of him.

Sam's suggestion got more direct little by little, he read Twi's body language and decided it's time to use stronger words, "You can feel yourself relaxing now. You can feel a heavy, relaxing feeling coming over your body as I continued to speak. That heavy, relaxing feeling will get stronger and stronger until it carries you to the peaceful state of hypnosis."

Alex gulped. It's as if something will happen if Sam used stronger and stronger words.

"Now, you are resting comfortably in a peaceful state of sleep. Going deeper and deeper, faster and deeper all of the time until i bring you back. You will accept these suggestions which are for your own benefits, and that you are willing to accept."

Twi's breathing become calmer and calmer. It's as if he was asleep. Yet he wasn't. Twi has entered the state of hypnosis.

Sam knew this is the time to test Twi's condition. "When I count to three, you will flap your wings once. One, two three."

After the three had been spoken, Twi flapped his dragon wings once, as suggested. This is enough proof that Twi is in stance.

The sudden burst of wind just made Sam smile, one more successful hypnosis for him. "Very good. When I say your full name, you will be fully asleep, and wake up tomorrow morning fully refreshed. In the meantime..." Sam tapped Alex's shoulder, "You will answer Alex's questions truthfully. Nod if you understand my instructions."

Twi nodded as soon as Sam finished his words. He understood and accept the suggestions.

Alex on the other hand was flustered, he really didn't expect Sam to pull that stunts. "S, Sam. Are you sure it's really ok for you to suggest that?"

Sam sighed, "Truth to be told, Twi asked me to do it earlier. I guess he really want to convince you to take hypnosis. So much as to put himself in risk like this. I mean come on, now you can even ask who his secret lover is and he will answer truthfully. That's pretty risky for someone like Twi."

"Alright..." Alex turned toward Twi, thinking about what he should ask, "Twi, do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, I don't have." Twi answered quickly.

"Ever have sex with a girl?"

"No, I never have." Twi answered as quick as the question being asked.

Sam giggled, "Haha, you really need to reduce your porn consumption, Alex. Can't you ask more educational questions? Like math?"

"But Sam," Alex turned to the older fox, smirking naughtily, "Twi is answering all my questions truthfully. Why wasted it on math questions?"

Sam smiled back, "Just remember, Twi is fully aware you are asking him such questions. Just get prepared to get his wrath in the morning."

"I know, I know," Alex turned back to the tranced green dragon, he was preparing his ultimate question, "Do you have someone you love so much and want to have a relationship with? If yes, who?"

"Yes I have. His name is Alexandriandir Magmalith."

The name that escapes Twi's mouth shocked Alex. The name Twi said was his full name. The revelation made him and Sam got an unified "WHAT?!"

"So... Twi is in love with you, Alex?" Sam turned to the similarly surprised black dragon. Totally not expecting such revelation.

"I, I didn't know. I never know." Alex turned to Twi, "Twi, Explain!"

Twi nodded, "I love him since the beginning of the year, when we first met as roommate. It was love at first sight, and only grows the more time i spend with him. But i was afraid. Afraid of his rejection if he knew I loved him. That's why I never told him my feeling. I just stand by his side. I want to support him in everything he do. Just being by his side is enough for me."

"Twi... Do you really feel like that?"

"I do feel like that. I love Alexandriandir. But my love brings me fear. I want to spend more time with him, but he said he will be expelled by the end of the year. That's why i did everything i could to help him. I sacrificed my own study time for him, just to be with him longer. I don't want Alexandriandir to go away."

Alex slumped back on his chair. Twi's confession was too much for him. So Twi had been in love with him for a year and he never even notice it.

"Alex," Sam put his paw on the black dragon's shoulder, "I had suggested Twi to tell us the truth and that's what he said. So, what are you going to do now after you know about his feeling?"

Alex looked back at Sam, Confusion was clear in his expression, "I don't know, Sam. It's not that I don't like him. But I just can't. But... Twi had done a lot for me. Not just today, but multiple times over the year. I just thought he was a pretty cool bro, I didn't know all that because he was in love with me."

Sam sighed a bit. "Then, it's fine for you to give him something in return right? After all he had done?"

"What are you implying, Sam?"

"Have sex with him." Sam smirked, stated such thing as if it was the norm.

Alex frowned, "You gotta be kidding."

"Think of it as you are paying him for all his kindness through the year for you."

Alex turned to Twi. He approached the trance dragon and kneel, holding his paws. "Twi, do you want to have sex with me?"

Twi took some time to answer, but eventually he answered, "I do want to have sex with Alexandriandir. I don't want to put a burden on him. I don't want to do something he doesn't want to."


Sam smirked, "I will be outside. The room is soundproof, make any noise you want." Then the fox closed the door behind him, leaving the two dragons alone.

Now that he is alone, Alex removed all his clothes and tossed it aside. "Twi, I want to have sex with you. Show me how much you want to have sex with me."

Twi nodded quickly before shedding all his clothes. The green Dragon finally showed himself bare for Alex for the first time. Twi was smaller and shorter than Alex who has more defined muscles all around his body. Twi's cock had poked out of its protective glands, which was forced to come out further with Twi stroking it.

Alex placed Twi's other paw on his slit, encouraging the green dragon to do what he must, which Twi did. Alex couldn't decide if it was hypnosis or pure instinct that drives Twi to act like this tonight. But either way he loved every moment of it. To close deal, Alex gave the ultimate order, "Twi, do whatever you need to do. Make the two of us enjoy this to the fullest."

Twi responded to the order by locking both his muzzle and Alex's together. The smaller green dragon pinned the bigger black dragon on the floor. Their unsheathed cock firmly rubbing each other, building the pleasure both dragons soon felt on their loin.

Twi then moved down slowly, till he reached Alex's erect cock. The green dragon then put it in his mouth, licking and suckling the massive meat. Despite it being his first time to do that, Twi managed to force Alex to moan out loud with his service. He lapped, licked and leave no part un-licked. He wanted Alex's cock to be thoroughly lubed for the next part.

After making sure everything is lubed, Twi pulled out of Alex's cock and get on all fours. He raised his tail seductively, as if inviting Alex for the next part.

Alex understood clearly what the green dragon wanted, as he get up and prepared himself. Alex then held both sides of Twi hips and prepared himself to de-virginize his roommate. Thanks to Twi's lubing, Alex only need a few tries before he managed to shove his cock all the way inside.

Both dragons moaned lustfully as Alex started his humping. None of them talked during the sex. All the noises that could be heard are moaning and the sound of flesh meeting flesh. The sounds got louder and louder as Alex increased his pace.

Soon, Alex found himself pretty close to orgasm. And with one last hard thrust, Twi no longer a virgin green dragon. That night, Twi has lost his virginity to someone he truly love.

A few months later, the results of the finals were announced.

Alex managed to pass to the second year. Even though it was truly a borderline edge-of-the-chasm score. But he managed to do it. And he knew who he owed this achievement to.

Twi was waiting outside. He already took his report card. And as expected, he passed his first year with amazing scores. As soon as he laid his eyes to Alex, the green dragon approached the black dragon and they kissed passionately.

There was awkwardness the morning after the hypnosis night. Twi especially was too embarrassed to remember what he did last night. About how bold he was, especially in the sex. But Alex managed to calm him down. And Sam also helped in making the green dragon accepting the fact that he and Alex just had sex.

After that, the two got closer than before. Until one day right after finals, Alex made it official. Alex and Twi are now officially a couple.

Twi wrapped his hand closely around Alex. For him, there's nothing that could make him happier than finally to get his feeling returned. "Congratulations, Alex. Now we can have one more year to be together, and the years after."

"In the end, I don't need the hypnosis." Alex smirked, "In the end, all I need was a former-friend turned lover to take away all my worries and stress."

The two new couple than shares one more kiss before heading back to the dorm. It seems a celebration is in order for both Dragons.

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