keeping warm

Story by hillbilly guy on SoFurry

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#1 of from my roo

a story about a good way to keep someone ya care about warm on those cold nights that my roo wrote me for my birthday a fue years ago

a birthday gift from my roo

"I still can't believe you have never seen snow before."

"What's so hard to believe about it?"

A pickup truck ambled its way up a winding mountain road, navigated by its skilled driver.

"I'm just sayin' that everyone has seen snow in person at least once." Said the driver, a handsome blue tick hound with a charming southern accent.

"Well I haven't." Said the passenger bluntly, an eastern dragon with slight frown and his feet propped up against the dash board.

"Aw c'mon, don't be like that." The hound said with a chuckle, placing his paw on the dragon's head and mussing the streak of yellow fur between his horns. "It's alright that you haven't seen any yet, that's why we are going to see it now"

"Oh stop it." Said the dragon, cracking a smile as he tossed the paw off his head. "You make me feel short when you do that."

"But ya are pretty short Daro." The dog said, leaning over for a quick moment to lick the dragon's cheek affectionately before giving most of his attention back to the road before him, the black pavement already showing signs of slickness.

"Yeah, yeah." Darokko said, gazing out the window at the green and brown blur. "So how far we go till we get to see this 'snow' thing?" joked the dragon.

"Might be a while, its normally an hour drive but I don't wanna rush." The hound looked down at the thermo-sensitive sticker at the base of the windshield, its color changing from a deep red to purple with the steadily falling temperature. "Hey, you gonna be okay in just that?"

Darokko was wearing just a long sleeved shirt and jeans. "Ah, I'll be fine." He said with a dismissive wave.

"Ya sure? I can pull over so you can get your jacket out the back."

"Brant, I'll be okay. Fire breathing dragon if you forgot" Darokko chuckled and patted his friend on the shoulder before slumping farther in his seat and placing his hands over his head. "But your concern is sweet though."

"Aaaalright then." Brant said with sigh and roll of his eyes."

The duo drove though the twisted mountain roads, chatting idly about things young men their age chat idly about; video games, sex and more video games. As they traveled farther up, the temperature began to drop slowly, but steadily and it started to get to the once indomitable dragon. Darokko eyed the thick, fur lined coat Brant had on over a flannel button up, thinking how warm it looked with each falling degree. Subtly, the dragon sat up and inched his way bit closer to Brant, savoring in the little heat the hound radiated.

"I told you that you were gonna get cold with just that on mister fire breathing dragon." The dog said with a smug grin, noticing Darokko's gradual movements toward him.

"Okay, okay. You were right mate, I'll admit it this time. Now could you please pull over so I can get my coat?" The dragon said in defeat, clutching his arms in a poor effort to keep himself warm.

"Nah, don't think I can." Brant said without any emotion.

"What!? Why ca-" The dragon was ready to start shouting in anger before the hound interrupted him by wrapping a strong arm around his shoulder and pulling him across the bench seat, minding the stick shift.

"But, we can share mine." Lovingly, Brant took the edge of his coat and tugged it around Darokko before he started shivering.

"Oh...Thanks mate." The smaller male had now felt silly for wanting to yell as he cuddled himself to Brant's warm side, hugging the hound's chest as he drove with one paw, the other holding the dragon close

"Yeah, no problem." The hound said with a kind smile, giving the dragon another quick lick.

" much longer?" Darokko asked, laying his head on Brant's chest and closing his eyes.

"Maybe another half an hour, you don't mind do you?"

"No." A sly smile crept along Darokko's black and scaly muzzle as an idea formed in his head. "I just want to thank you for this." The dragon's paw that rested on Brant's chest slid down to his belly, petting the spot over his belly button lightly.

The hound's brown eyes lit up with the same spark of mischief the dragon had, causing his foot to push the gas pedal a bit harder.

"Really now, and how would you do that?" Brant said with a toothy smile, squeezing the dragon a bit closer.

A grin was plastered on Darokko's face as a claw tip lightly traced the fabric over the small indent of Brant's belly button and steadily moving downward to his belt buckle.

"How ever you want mate." The dragon chuckled, looking down at the significant bulge starting to grow within the hound's pants. Brant kept his eyes on the road as Darokko went on, tossing away any notions of teasing he might have had and brusquely groping the hound's crotch, feeling the stiffening sheath and heavy sac under the layer of clothing.

"Oh jeez, Daro." Brant yelped quietly, his tail beating against the seat hard as he nudged the small reptile closer, his houndhood held rather firmly in Darokko's grip. "Can't we wait till I'm not driving so I don't wrap us around a tree?"

"Pull over then." Said the dragon seriously, massaging the growing tent in his paw. "I really don't want to wait till we get to your place."

"Ah, eager boy ain't ya?" A little bit of the dog's southern accent slipped out Darokko gave him a particularly hard squeeze around Brant's junk. "Can't wait a few more miles? I'm not too fond of freezing my balls off out here"

"Agh, fine then." Darokko huffed in faux frustration, letting the growing member free and resting his paw back on the hound's chest and rubbing along it lightly.

"Look on the bright side, you'll have somthin' warm waiting for you once you get there." Laughed Brant, able to pull a smile from the dragon cuddled against him.


The two males franticly burst though the door of Brant's mountain home, locked firmly at the lips as they slammed the door behind them, the tall hound carrying Darokko by the waist. They kissed each other fiercely, the few miles of no sexual contact after such a bold display of it on Darokko's part only stoked the flame of lust and passion between the two. Hastily, Brant placed Darokko on his living room couch, tossing away his coat and fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, struggling to keep kissing the dragon though it. Loud and unhindered moans and growls were the result of their frenzied making out. Darokko had finally broke their kiss, panting hard as he hadn't had a decent breath of air since he was carried from the truck were their tongue wrestling had started.

"Come 'ere you." The hound commanded with a low tone, lapping and nipping at the dragon's neck tenderly as he tore his shirt off, leaving him bare chested as he pressed himself against Darokko's body. Darokko let out a shallow growl, his eyes closed as he rubbed his paws though the dog's blue ticked fur on his neck and back.

"Good lord..." groaned Darokko, leaning his head back in the growing pleasure, his horns threatening to rip two holes in the cushion. Brant's paws were busy feeling up the dragon's sides, pulling his thin shirt up a ways and letting his paws roam over the black and white scales energetically. Darokko writhed in delight under the bigger male, enjoying being lead instead of him doing the leading. Just a suddenly as it started, Brant stopped mid-lick, pulling himself up and sitting on his knees as he studied the dragon lying between his legs.

"What's the matter?" asked the dragon with a concerned look on his face, doing his best to stay focused on the dog's bright brown eyes and not the massive lump running down the leg of his jeans.

"Got an idea." The hound said with a wide smile, standing up quickly and walking to another room. "Think you can start a fire!?" he yelled across the house, the sounds of him shuffling thing around were apparent.

Darokko glanced over to the fireplace, a log was already prepped and ready to offer a nice blaze. With a soft and slightly disappointed groan, Darokko went over and spat a stream of near liquid flame on to the log, instantly causing it to burst into a nice, crackling flame.

"Guess you weren't lyin' 'bout that fire breathing thing huh?" Said Brant as he walked back into the living room, carrying a bundle of blankets and pillows under each arm and worn cowboy hat on top of his head. Darokko giggled and gave the hound a lop-sided smile.

"What's with hat mate?" asked the dragon, stepping aside to let Brant spread out a thick fur blanket in front of the fireplace.

"Makes me look manly." He joked, settling down on the blanket he just laid out, patting the spot next to him while looking up at Darokko. The dragon simply obeyed, happily sitting cross-legged next to the hound as fire radiated the chilled air with warmth.

"Here." Brant said, taking the hem of Darokko's shirt and tugging it over his head, leaving them both in their pants, the dragon being the most tone but the hound appearing to just look stronger out of the two.

"So by the fireplace huh? What made you think of this?"

"I dun know." Said Brant thoughtfully, inviting himself to lay in the dragon's lap, an invitation that was gladly accepted. The hound tugged his hat down over his eyes as he laced his fingers behind his head. "Seemed like a pretty good idea, with you being cold an all."

Darokko tugged Brant's hat back up and leaned down to kiss the sweet dog laying on him. "It was mate."

"Know what's and even better idea?" Brant said with a grin.

"What's that?"

The dog made and stiff motion downward to himself, the thick bulge running down his pant leg looked even bigger then the last time Darokko saw it.

"Oh I get it, the puppy wants to get pet does he?" Asked the dragon coyly, knowing the answer already. Brant nodded energetically, a broad smile on his face as he settled in, making himself more comfortable in the dragons lap. Darokko's finger tips brush the dog's cool belt buckle as they slid down to peak at Brant's crotch, finding the zipper and tugging it down, each metal tooth making a slight grinding sound along the way. Both of their hearts were pounding in their chests, the shear excitement getting to them.

"Take it out." Brant huffed, his chest rising and falling quickly. Darokko just chuckled and slipped his paw into the hound's fly, instantly feeling the warmth underneath the denim barrier. A short gasp escaped Brant as the dragon's dexterous fingers wrapped around the base of his thick member, holding the blood engorged shaft gingerly.

"Damnit...I forgot how big you were." Darokko said, amused that his fingers tips

barely touched when wrapped around the blue tick hound's cock. Brant let out a shallow whine, bucking his hips a little when the hand squeezed his still sheathed but growing knot.

"Oooh Daro..."Sighed the hound, looking up at the dragon quite pitifully, his brown eyes opened wide. Darokko simply reached down with his other hand and hastily undid the belt and button keeping the beast restrained. With a satisfied huff the hound's member was freed from its prison. The shaft stood easily at nine inches and threatened to become longer with the thickening knot at its base.

"Wow..." said Darokko, stoking the hard and throbbing cock, a few veins running just under the flesh made it appear strong and even more masculine. Brant let out a low growl as righted himself and sat next to the dragon again, a kind smile on his muzzle as he leaned back on his paws, his entire front exposed. The dragon took the less then subtle hint, leaning down to the hound's crotch and giving the head a few tentative licks before slipping his lips around it. The act drew a loud gasp from Brant, his hands instantly gripping the furred blanket as the thin, forked reptilian tongue lashed and trailed over the bulky head while it was suckled lightly within the dragon's maw. The canine's heady scent was only made stronger by the fire's warmth, which made the dragon enjoy it all the more.

"Oooh gawd...Darokko." Brant moaned, watching the dragon sink lower on his houndhood, coating it with slick layer of saliva. Darokko held a little less half of the huge shaft in his muzzle, taking both hands and using one to rub and stoke what wasn't trapped in lips while the other fondled the golf ball sized testes. Brant bucked his hips in need, thrusting into the little dragon's poor muzzle as he was being slowly pulled closer to the edge by Draokko's ministrations. The hound let a low coo slip from his muzzle as he was serviced, the knot still held tight in it's sheath but the dragon was starting to coax it out with soft suckling and rough stroking.

"Aw hell Daro...I'm close." Whined the dog, placing his heavy paw on the dragon's shoulder and kneading the scales tenderly. Darokko lifted himself off the fat member, thin strings of pre and saliva connecting his lips to it.

"Already?" Chuckled Darokko, wiping his muzzle with his forearm before sitting himself close to the hound, his paw still wrapped firmly around the thick cock.

"You've gotten better at suckin' dick" Brant whispered, leaning down to lick Darokko's lips clean before kissing him. Darokko just shook his head and smiled up at the hound, rubbing the thick stalk of flesh in his paw slowly.

"You're a real sweet talker, mate." Said the dragon, resting his head on Brant's chest, watching his paw slide up and down the dog's cock.

"Mmmh, keep the up and you're gonna have a mess on your hands." Sighed Brant, bucking his hips slowly into the loving paw. Darokko made a small noise before stoking harder, his paw running head to base in one in swift motion. Brant swore under his breath, tilling his head back and gasping in short, random bursts as the small dragon's paw fondled him. The dog's climax inched closer, pleasured moans spilled from him as pre-cum trickled down on to the rapidly jerking fingers. Brant lifted his hips and thrusted feverishly into the pumping hand, emitting the slick sounds of their heavy petting.

"Ooooh, h-hold m-my knot." Brant panted loudly, his eyes clenched tightly as he dribbled even more pre. Darokko mercifully followed the tense dog's request, wrapping his hand tightly around the knot at the base, now fully free from the furry sheath, the swollen mass throbbing with blood in rhythm with his quick heartbeat. The simulated tie finally sent the hound over the edge. The hound let free a deep, soulful howl, the paw wrapped around the dragon's shoulder gripped him tightly as Brant bucked his hips hard, shooting white volleys of cum in the air in a wide arc. Darokko watched as the thick jets of hound seed landed on the hardwood floor in front of the blazing fire place a few feet away in a sticky puddle. The hat perched on Brant head fell to the floor as he rode out his orgasm, the flow of semen didn't show signs of halting after a few seconds like most males.

"S-shit." The hound gasped when the dragon squeezed and massaged his knot, pushing the already overloaded nerve endings to their limits. After several minutes of impressive ejaculating, the steam of dog cum wavered, dibbling over the head and Darokko's paws.

"Wow...A bit stronger then I remember. You could have put out the fire if you came any harder" Darokko mused, lifting his cum coated fingers to his muzzle and carefully licking them clean, the musky, masculine taste blooming over his tongue. Brant was resting heavily on the paw holding him up, panting and recovering from his climax. The dragon looked back at the dog and smiled at him warmly.

"That all you got dog? I've I remember correctly you could cum four times with out resting before." The dragon teased. Wordlessly, Brant leaned forward and locked the dragon into a deep kiss, sharing his seed that Darokko had cleaned off his hand. The broad canine tongue danced playfully with the thinner reptilian one in their open muzzles, soft murrs and moans escaping both of males.

"Nah." Brant said confidently as he broke the kiss. "I've gotten better myself, I can go five times without stopping now. Think you can keep up?

Darokko glanced down at the hound's cock, messy and glistening with a mix of saliva, pre and cum but standing just as hard as when he pulled it from it's denim prison.

"You really think I'm gonna say no?"

Brant just chuckled and reached behind him to place his hat back on his head, tilting it forward to hid is eyes a bit and grinning wide as he stood up and yanked his jeans down all the way. Darokko followed suit, quickly tossing his pants away, his stiff violet colored cock springing out before the strong hound scooped the nude dragon up in his arms. They locked eyes for a moment, Brant's kind, brown eyes meting Darokko's more intense red ones, both looking as each other lovingly. Slowly, the hound kneeled and gently placed the dragon on the furry blanket, minding his horns and long tail.

The motions they took looked well practiced and common place between the both of them, Brant situating himself over Darokko as the dragon relaxed and lean his head back. The hound examined the smaller male under him, leaning down to run his nose though the tuff of yellow chest fur, running down to the dragon's happy trail. Darokko giggled lightly as he watched the dog sniff him lightly before letting out a surprised groan. The wide canine tongue had found the tip of his warm member and began to bathe it gently. The dragon's body twisted and contorted in pleasure as he was teased so shamelessly, short huffs and gasps coming from him as Brant lapped along the underside.

"Ooh! Fuck Brant!" The Darokko shouted a little louder then he wanted to, jerking his hips up when the hound hit a sensitive bundle of nerves. Brant smiled and simply moving down to the scaled sack, lapping and caressing the two orbs with his slick tongue, getting a small gasp from the dragon.

"Heh, I guess it is true that dogs like balls." Darokko muttered though the maddening ecstasy. The hound laughed, pressing his damp nose under the dragon's testes and toying with them gently.

"Know what I like more then balls?" Brant didn't wait for the dragon to answer him as he lifted his hips up, kneading Darokko's rear tenderly before spreading the cheeks apart. A sharp gasp escaped the dragon when he felt that slick muscle lap over his tail hole, spreading warm saliva over it the tight ring.

"Ooogh...Br-Brant." The dragon shuddered, his tail twitching wildly as he tried to relax himself, the sensation of the tongue trying to penetrate his tight ring making him want to give in to the pleasure but forcing him to resist a bit longer.

"Gonna need some actual lube this time." Brant whispered before leaning in to sweetly kiss the muscled ring then feeling around in the bundle of blankets he brought before yanking out a bottle with clear fluid in it. Skillfully, the hound flipped the cap open and poured the cool lubricant in his free paw then spread it over his stiff shaft liberally, sighing as he humped his hand a few times to coat himself fully. Thankfully, Brant poured a bit more out onto his finger tip, pressing the cold fluid under the dragon's tail and causing Darokko to gasp loudly, a string of cloudy pre spurting from the tip of his dark colored cock as his tail hole had lube massaged on to it with a gentle touch.

"Think you're ready?" Brant asked with a concerned look on his face as he scooted between the Darokko's legs, the dog's member standing at attention.

"Yeah, I think I am" said Darokko with a nod, sighing deeply as he closed his eyes and mentally prepared for the well hung hound to finally penetrate him.

Brant's movements were slow and calm, taking hold of the dragon's hips in his strong paws, positioning him until the warm head of the hound's cock was pressed against the dragon's tight pucker. The dog watched Darokko give a confirming nod before he started pushing himself forward. The dragon let out a deep and savage growl when Brant's thick cock head sunk into him, his jaw clenched and teeth bared as he was taken.

"Should I stop?" The sweet hound asked, worried for the little dragon comfort.

"N-no....Keep g-going." Darokko gasped, his paws gripping at the blanket he was laying on.

The hound followed what he was told and pushed himself deeper into the velvety orifice, cooing his pleasure as he leaned over to nuzzle the dragon. Near deafening groans spilled from Darokko's muzzle as the enormous cock was buried deeper, each inch sending spikes of pleasure up his spine as the pain quickly faded away. Brant growled as he pushed pass the second ring, the tightness almost becoming unbearable to his sensitive head but he continued to slide deeper. The lube made the passage that much easier for the both of them, the warm gel allowing the final few inches of Brant's cock to sink inside Darokko. The dragon let free a low gasp when he felt the thick knot push at his tail hole, the dog had driven almost all of his member inside the submissive male under him.

"Fuck Daro...You're tighter then hell." Whimpered Brant, leaning himself over the dragon and licking the scaled lips lightly before readying himself. Slowly, Brant began thrusting; pulling himself out until only the pulsing head remained inside the dragon's rear before pushing himself back in much faster this time. Darokko body struggled to adjust to the massive invader, twisting and writhing in pleasure, his cock dribbling pre cum over his pubic fur.

Their love making was wet and noisy, a collection of low moans, growls and whine tumbled from their open muzzles as Brant sped up his humps, loud and rhythmic squelches being emitted as the well lubricated dog cock, thrusted in and out of the hot tail hole. Darokko swore and clenched at the pillow under his head, watching though half closed eyes as Brant pound his rear. The hound's heavy balls thumped against the dragon's ass, still rather full despite the strong orgasm he had earlier.

"Fuuuck, I'm c-." Darokko was cut off by a particularly hard thrust, gasping in a mix of anguish and ecstasy. Sexual energy and smells of mating permeated the fire heated air as the two males made savage, primal love together. Brant's knot pounded against Darokko's wet and well stretched tail hole, the bulb of flesh desperately wanting its way in. The dragon reached up and wrapped his arms around the hound's neck to keep him from sliding away from his lover and to make his trusts shorter and faster. Brant grunted as he did the same, curling his strong arms around the pent up dragon, pulling him off the blanket and sitting him in his lap, his cock still buried deep inside the silky cavern.

Darokko took this the new position as an opportunity to display his own dominance, thrusting himself downward with each of Brant powerful upward humps. The dog's knot shoved harder and harder against the tight ring as Darokko rode Brant, their hips moving in near prefect unison.

"Augh..d-dammit. Lemme tie with ya baby." Brant cooed softly, holding the dragon's sides tightly in his paws, massaging and kneading tenderly. Darokko nodded and let out a long, drawn out moan as he tried to relax himself, preparing to let the hound's knot slip into him. They thrusted together, each consecutive drive of their hips bringing them closer to each other and their climax.

"FUCK!" Darokko shouted as he shoved himself down and around Brant's fat knot, being stretched to his limit for a few seconds before the overwhelming pain was replaced by a satisfying delight. Brant growled loudly as he tied to the dragon, hugging the scaly body closely as he pounded the dragon's ass with short, feral humps. Darokko leaned his head back and roared feebly as he was heaved over the edge. Gouts of thick dragon cum was shot along the hound's belly in hard jets, matting the fur down as Darokko clenched around the primed blue tick hound dick. Brant lovingly pressed his cheek to Darokko's as he let out another long howl, the new tightness causing him to climax along side the dragon. The hound's previous orgasm didn't affect his new one, thick sprays of warm cum painting the insides of Darokko's rear a milky white, pooling around the huge, throbbing member before leaking out, making a sticky mess over both of them.

Darokko clutched Brant's muzzle and pulled him into a deep kiss as the rode out their climaxes together, the hound's lasting longer and making a much bigger mess. Slowly, the orgasmic high faded, leaving both males panting and taxed but with huge satisfied smiles on their faces.

"Damn, you're one hell of a partner Daro." Brant sighed, releasing the dragon from his grip as he flopped on his back, cowboy hat falling off once again.

"Heh, you aren't so bad yourself." Said Darokko, clearly the more tired of the two as he laid himself on Brant's messy chest, nuzzling his cheek and nibbling the hound's floppy ear gently.

"Hey, look." Brant said happily, pointing up at the wide living room window. They could only see the tops of the trees from where they were but they were covered in a fine layer of white powder. "Now you can't say you have never seen snow in person."

"Hey, what do ya know." Chuckled the dragon before he pushed himself to look down at the hound beneath him. "We can play in the snow later though, we have other things to worry about right now."

Brant tilted his head to the side and looked up his lover, a bit of distress clear on his face. "What's the matter baby?"

"Nothing, heh. You said you could cum five times without needing to rest, I only counted you cumming twice mate." Whispered the dragon seductively, taking the cowboy hat and tossing it aside.

Brant grinned up at Darokko and flexed the still hard cock that tied them together.


The two males lay close together in the hound's bed, basking in the warm afterglow of mating. Their sweat and cum made the sheets damp but neither of them care enough to change them. Brant had his arms around Darokko, hugging him tightly from behind, the blue tick hound's knot keeping them locked until it softened. Darokko's long tail was coiled around them loosely, helping to keep them warm. Their night was filled with thunderous and passionate love making, Brant fulfilling his promise of five consecutive climaxes while Darokko kept his word to keep up.

Brant leaned in close to the spent dragon and whispered something to him, licking the smaller male's cheek lightly then finally letting sleep take him.

Darokko smiled and whispered something back, his eyes still closed but reaching behind him to scratch behind the hound's floppy ears, before joining him in sleep.~

Die fightin (part 1)

Intro Lightning streaked across the sky and thunder chased after it like a stamped. The only thing that gave any light in the pitch black night was the flash of a lightning bolt, showering the forest floor with blinding light turning the area white...

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