Character Reference: James Finch

Story by Faustus723 on SoFurry

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A Character Reference of James Finch mostly made for myself to flesh out the world and it's characters. The website I used for the profile template was from Very helpful and fun to use, the best I have found so far. Will be doing these for all of the main and major supporting characters, so expect to see more of these. As far as an update on why I haven't uploaded chapter 3 yet, I was on the last section of the chapter when I decided to work out the kinks of the plot, character, and world so that I have no trouble with continuity in the future and the writing is more streamlined. The next Character Reference that will be uploaded will be Kyle Anderson.

Basic Statistics

Name: James Finch Nickname: Jamie/Jamey, J Meaning of name: Supplanter, or "heel" in Hebrew Origin of name: Hebrew Age: 26 Gender: Male Blood type: O+ Nationality: North American Ethnicity: Caucasian Race/Species: Human Sexual Orientation: Straight Current status (marital/dating): Single, Uninterested Political Party: Independent Police/Criminal/Legal record: A number of trespassing charges as a child and teen, record wiped clean as account of his occupation. Social class as a child: Upper-Class Social class as an adult: Middle-Class Birth date: February 14th, 2034 Birth place: Springfield, Virginia Current residence: Arlington, Virginia Occupation: CIA Information Officer Title/Rank: Information Officer Hobbies/Pastimes: Parkour, Firing Range, Running, Piano Talents/Skills/Powers: Supreme Agility/Speed, Skilled Tactician, Skilled Interrogator, Excellent Shooter

Past History Hometown: Springfield, Virginia First Memory: His little sister, Lucy's, birth. Most important childhood event that still affects him/her; how/why: The Bombing of 2044 Other memories/events that still affects him/her; why/how: Meeting Kyle Anderson. Recruitment early out of college as a field operative for the CIA. The Purging of Jerusalem. First panic attack after the 2044 Bombing. Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why: Vulnerability to panic attacks. "Failure" in Jerusalem during the Purge. Biggest role model and why: Kyle Anderson, due to his affability, physical, and emotional strength. Biggest disillusions from childhood: Innocence of man. Dream of becoming a pianist. His father's working habits.


Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'9 Weight: 165 Posture: Slouched. Build: Lithe and Athletic. Skin: Fair. Hair: Brown, Medium length Widow's peak: No. Ears: Rounded and small. Eyes: Brown, larger. Nose: Small and supple. Mouth/Lips/Teeth: Supple lips and very clean teeth. Face shape: Soft yet angular. Describe their smile: When genuine it is soft and reserved. Glasses/Contacts: None. Tatoos/Scars: Scar running from right shoulder down to his hip. Ambidextrous, left or right handed?: Ambidextrous. Distinguishing features: Soft facial features, Young looking. Who does s/he take after; mother or father?: Both, but more from Mother. Mother: Hair, Facial Structure. Father: Eyes. Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): Preppy, Reserved. Other outfits one might find in their wardrobe: Work outfit consisting of black suit . Jewelry and/or other accessories: Platinum watch from his Father. Never wears. Weapons: 10mm Pistol. Neck Knife. Health: Physically healthy, if not under-worked recently. Hygiene: Very clean.

Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes Intelligence level: Very High. Known languages: Hebrew, Arabic, English, Spanish Long-term goals/desires in life: Protect loved ones and innocents. Triumph over his PTSD. Short-term goals/desires in life: Take down Al-Qaeda. See the MCN under a stable, un-oppressive government. Secret desires: Attach to someone intimately. Reconcile with father. How self-confident is s/he?: Unsure. How do they see him/herself?: See's himself as weak and unreliable. How do they believe s/he is perceived by others?: Believes he is underestimated due to his young looks. Looked at as rude or brash. What is the character most proud of?: Tactical Sense His career Shooting ability What does s/he like least about his/herself?: His people skills/inablitiy to connect with others. His short height. How do they express themselves?: Rarely genuinely expresses how he feels. When he does it is reserved and embarrassingly. Is this character generally dominant or submissive?: An outer coat of domination, but naturally submissive. Describe their level of patience: Close to none. Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: Ruled by logic, with emotion haunting him in the background. Most at ease when: Listening to classical music, Firing a gun, or watching the stars. Ill at ease when: Things go to shit. Emotional encounters with others. Thinking of the past. Describe his/her sense of humor: Sardonic, sarcastic, and deceptively harsh. If granted one wish, what would it be and why?: To raise his dead mother and sister from the grave. If they could be described with one of the seven virtues, which would it be?: Dilligence If they could be described with one of the seven sins, which would it be?: Wrath Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): His capacity for emotional attachment. Optimist or pessimist: Pessimist Greatest fear: Losing Kyle Anderson Other fears/phobias: Spiders, Bombs, Needles Biggest regret: Not saving his mother and sister. Other regrets: Not saving more in Jerusalem. Not being a good friend toward Kyle. Biggest accomplishment: Preventing the potentially catastrophic Purge of Jerusalem. Minor accomplishment: Becoming one of the top shots at the Northern Virginia shooting range. Musical talents/instruments: Mediocre to Average Piano skills. Character's darkest/deepest secret: His PTSD. Does this character have a deep/dark secret?: No. Does anyone know about it?: No.

Likes/Dislikes Favorite...: Color: Light Green Clothing: Long sleeve shirt with light jacket and khakis. Place and why: On essentially any roof. Room in the house and why: His Bedroom, he can be alone and himself. Food/drink: Food: Sushi Drink: Rum and Egg Nog Music genre: Classical Song and Singer/Band: Prelude in C Sharp Minor; Rachmaninov Movie/Tv Show/Performance: CNN Actor/Performer: N/A Book: Good Country People Historical figure: Alexander Hamilton Subject in school: Goverment Animal: Shark Simple pleasures: Listening to classical pieces, Climbing, Runnings, Shooting Greater pleasures: Playing the Piano, Relaxing Where does this character hang out?: At work... Where is this character's dream place to live?: Springfield, Virginia Motto/Personal quote: "You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake." - Jeannette Rankin Mode of transportation: Audi Hover car Most prized possession and why: Kyle, due to him being the only friend he has.

Family Immediate family members and their ages: Caleb Finch - Father - 44 y Charlotte Finch - Mother - 28 y (Deceased) Lucy Finch - Sister - 6 y (Deceased) Ethnicity and/or species of the mother: Caucasian Ethnicity and/or species of the father: Caucasian Birth order: 1. James Finch 2. Lucy Finch Extended family: N/A Any important/infamous/famous ancestors?: Yes. Whom?: George Finch - Australian Chemist How have they affected this character, or their life?: No Describe their ancestral history, if anything of particular note: After George Finch and Peter Finch, the next most accomplished Finch is his father, Caleb Finch, who serves as Secretary of State. Birth parents: Did this character know their birth parents?: Yes. Are the parents still alive?: Yes. Have the parents been separated either by choice or otherwise?: Yes. What happened to separate the parents and why?: The bombing of 2044, his mother was killed during. How old was this character when this happened?: 10 y. What effect did it have on him/her?: Mentally scarred him and attributed to his violent, ever present PTSD. Was this character raised by someone other than their parents?: No. How did the parent(s)/caretaker(s) treat him/her growing up versus now: Father - rarely at home. When he was he attempted to pay attention to his children, but always failed. Mother - Kind, caring, and nurturing, Charlotte made the perfect mother. How did this character treat his/her parent(s)/caretaker(s) growing up versus now?: Quiet and caring growing up, his mother raised him to be kind and he returned the teachings. After the bombing he put much distance between him and his estranged father even while living with him. Siblings: Did/does s/he have any siblings?: Yes. Name the siblings and their age difference to this character: Lucy Finch - 4 y younger. Have any of the siblings died?: Yes. Who, why, and when?: Lucy Finch, During the bombing of 2044, May 20th, 2044. How has this affected the character?: Alongside his mother's death, his sister's death ravaged his beliefs at a young age. Describe his/her relationship with the sibling(s) growing up and now: A deceptively antagonistic relationship involving joking and rough housing. Very close. Describe the family dynamic growing up: Close, apart from the father, and loving. An idyllic family if there ever was one. Describe the family dynamic now: Estranged and distant, the two surviving members have not shared contact since James returned from Jerusalem. Family history (the family they were born and/or raised with): Finch Familly Has this character ever been married?: No. Does s/he have a family of their own now?: No.

Spiritual Characteristics Religion: Atheiest Does s/he believe in a god/goddess?: No. What are his/her spiritual beliefs?: Next to no beliefs. Is religion or spirituality an important part of this character's life?: No. Superstitions: None.

Misc What if...: ...s/he was an animal? What would they be and why?: An eagle because he would be able to fly through the sky. ...s/he were the opposite sex? What would they do?: Not much would change, he(she) would probably continue the same way he(she) has been. ...s/he could be characterized by an object; what would they be and why?: A car because he is driven and always is in full throttle towards his goals. ...s/he were confronted with someone with an identical personality as themselves? What would they do?: Most likely get along very well. Would occasionally get into fights regarding who was smarter or more agile. ...s/he became physically handicapped? What would they do?: Go into depression for a bit before trying his best to continue to meet his goals. ...s/he were placed in a new and unfamiliar environment/country/planet/etc? What would they do?: Immediately search for a way of surviving as he simultaneously searched for a way back. ...s/he was proposed to (if they haven't been already)? What would they do?: Go into a huge mental struggle with himself, most likely running away from the situation entirely. ...s/he had a child (if they don't already)? What would they do and how would it affect them?: As much as James would love to be there for it, he would get tied down at work and mirror his father's relationship with himself to a key. What song best fits this character?: The Pride - Five Finger Death Punch If you could compare this character to an existing character (physically or personality-wise), who would it be and why?: James T. Kirk (Drive wise) If you could choose an actor/voice actor for this character, who would it be?: Shia LaBeouf


**SOS** James Finch sighed as he stepped out of the shower and into the steamy bathroom. His brown eyes sleepily wavered as the young man reached for a pure white towel. James slowly brought the towel up to his short brown hair and began to ruffle it...

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**Catalyst** _Running._ Frank's footsteps hit the cold, metal floor of the corridor. The emergency pod was in sight and he was closing in on it fast. The man's eyes widened at the sight of freedom. _ _ _I just have to keep running!_ ...

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CH11 C:Session:1

**C:Session:1** "How is our 'friend' doing, Sibly?" "Fine enough, sir. The effect of the draught of drowse seems to be fading though." "Good, I'd rather get this done quickly so I can get back to my reports." "Yes sir." "That was sarcasm,...

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