The Party

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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Sometimes life seeks you out...and has fun along the way

To all, This is my first M/M story. Written as somewhat pure smut to play (and tease a certain omega). Hope you enjoy. Comments and thoughts always appreciated

As a note, this was intended for Halloween...yeah, that didn't happen. PotP+1 is next up.

Dear Reader,

You are cordially invited to attend The Party. You need bring nothing, all refreshments, beverages and costumes shall be provided by your humble host. This will be an adult party so I must ask that you leave your children at home. There is also the potential for more...explicit activities between the parties. If you are at all a prude or do not wish to see sexual acts please find other pursuits.

Otherwise, enjoy The Party.

It'll change your life.

Your host, Aacid

I turned the strange note over and over in my hands. Never had I been invited to a party since I graduated high school, not even the simple Halloween parties that dominated this season. A sense of curiosity filled me and made me wonder as I looked at the elegant map and handwritten ticket, straining to read the tight script on it.

This coupon entitles the bearer to enter into my home and be given his selection of our costumes for the ball. The bearer agrees upon presentation that he will hold no ill-will, anger, animosity or blame upon the host for incidents at the event.

That was odd...maybe the guy was a lawyer or something. I shrugged, still figuring it couldn't be worse than spending Halloween on the couch with a beer and bag of chips. There was no phone number, just a map to one of the nicest neighborhoods in town. Tossing the invitation onto the cluttered counter, I set about cleaning up from dinner, well, throwing away the microwave tray and fork.

I look around the counter. Nothing here says that I should be invited to a swanky party, but...what the hell.

Two weeks later...

My battered car puttered past the rows of houses, no, mansions that lined the tree laden street. To my right I saw the house number 66 and chuckled as I saw the other six painted on the sign for the night before my eyes slid up and thru the wrought iron fence to the palace beyond.

At the top of the lawn, what had once been a large, brick manor house, now adorned with faux broken windows, cobwebs and fog drifting from unseen ports. It was like some millionaire had gotten bored and wanted to see just how stereotypical of a haunted house he could make.

Wheezing into the driveway, my old beater looking completely out of place. I pulled around the side and parked behind a couple other cars and trucks. Looking up at the mirror, I saw muddy brown eyes staring back at me, slightly obscured by shaggy brown hair. Grabbing the invitation from the cup holder, I stepped out, shivering slightly in the cool air.

My nerves were still acting up on me and my legs shook slightly as I unconsciously smoothed over the polo shirt and jeans I was wearing. Baggy and rather plain looking, they hung over my unassuming, twiggy body, yet they did the job. I was never going to be the haute couture model of the week. Taking a deep breath, I started over toward the garage, following what almost looked to be bloody footprints on the ground.

"Heh, whoever had put together this party had some attention to detail," I commented to the empty yard.

"Yeah, you can say that again," came a soft, cheery voice.

I nearly jumped, my worry about being taken advantage of coming back as I looked around for the owner of that voice. My eyes fell upon a young man about my own age. At first glance, he was dressed all in black, almost like a stagehand in a play. There was something I couldn't place about him, a smell or a look but I just couldn't put my finger on it in the darkness of the yard.

"Follow me," he says as he walks in front of me.

His boots crunch along the lawn as we walk toward the garage before stepping into the dimly lit hall. I can see some nondescript shapes around me, almost like chairs or boxes covered in plastic and gloom. For a moment I thought I saw a strange shape that I thought could have been a person in the shadows but just as I had spotted it, it disappeared.

"This is the perfect place for a Halloween party. Feels like I'm being watched." As I said that, my guide chuckled softly, opening the door for me and ushering me into a room small hallway flanked by a pair of doors on either side with a small card table at the start of the hall.

"Now, let's get you ready," my guide said as he turned toward me, his hand out.

In here I could finally see him, his piercing green eyes, black eye mask across his face and wearing that dark outfit that had made him blend in so well with an old cowboy hat on his head.

Zorro, my mind registered.

"Hold on, what do you mean ready?"

Your costume, silly," he chuckled. "You gotta have a costume for a Halloween party. Now let me explain something." He stopped for a moment, trying to find the right words for what he wanted to say. "My boss sorta works in the costume business, teaching people how to don a second skin, so to speak. Really one of the best in the business. We want to give the regular folks a chance at seeing what we can do before we open up some retail in town."

"So you're doing a costume trial?"

"Well, sorta," a strange smirk crossing his face. "There's a new technology that we want to try out. We can use a new holographic technology to map a body to the wearer. We haven't perfected it yet, but we want to give you all the opportunity to try it out. Think of it like a public beta."

"What, you work for them?" I chuckle at him.

"Name's Mitchell." He sticks a hand at me, grabbing mine in a firm grip as something else feels strange about him...something I still couldn't place. "I'm the lead technical designer on the program."

"Tim Rodgers," I shook his hand back. "You? Lead technical designer? You're too young. You can't be older than I am."

"Heh heh heh." His chuckle is a little deeper and growling than I would have expected and I step back. "They work well, don't they?" He smiles wide at me. "I'm actually thirty-five."

"Damn. Why'd you choose that look?"

"It's actually another trial. I'm actually about six foot but this 'costume' has me at about five and a half. Here," he grabs my hand and moves it over his head where I feel short hair. "We still need to get all the kinks out of it, though. If I duck it looks kinda strange."

I chuckle at his grin. That's amazing; I've never even heard of this type of technology...and now I'm supposed to test it?

"What's the catch? I mean, this stuff is lightyears ahead of the rest of the stuff you see, so what's the catch to trying it out?"

"Pretty much none. You can try it out here and we'll give you an option to be on the early adopters list for your costume if you like them. Come on, let's get you suited up," smirking and quickly turning.

His grin was infectious as he led me into a side room, almost a walk in closet. A strange, chemical smell filled the air as I looked over the rows of clothing, items from superhero outfits to uniforms to general everyday wear like tee shirts and jeans, and even a couple costumes that would raise eyebrows...and other appendages. I even noticed a couple of dog collars out in the back.

As Mitchell swept through the clothing, I saw him flipping through a rack, looking at the name on each hanger that held up the plastic bagged costumes, softly muttering to himself. It was almost as if we had been assigned the costumes rather than being allowed to select our own or getting one at random.

My pulse was racing as I was waiting to see what I would be given. I really didn't care, just the idea was almost intoxicating...the ability to almost completely become someone else visually.

My body had never been something to gawk in awe at; I'd let myself go through school and after I got out and couldn't get any work except for that minimum wage gig at the local supermarket that I was living on. I knew I deserved more, but I didn't have the courage to go up to my boss and go get it. My hair was just as unkempt as it always was and I just always wore a look of some underfed kid who did nothing. Maybe this technology could help that...

"Ah! Here we go, Rodgers, Timothy S. Oooo, nice. You've got the 'Biker Alpha' costume. Been wanting to see how this would work,." as he pulled out a plastic wrapped hanger filled with a bunch of clothes before turning and grinning wide at me.

"You're gonna love this. It's our most advanced model. Gotta warn you, though. There may be some glitches and side effects since it's the newest model."

That sent a slight chill through me as I raised an eyebrow. "Will it hurt me?"

Waiving off my obvious concern with his left hand, "Not a chance. Just may have some faults that we haven't worked out yet. The height and motor functions are not really human so we really want to see how everything works. Come on, try it out!"

"Not human?" That caught my attention.

"Just try it on, you'll love it." His grin was just as infectious as it had been before and I meekly extended a hand for the costume.

As he handed it to me, I peered through the thin plastic, seeing what looked appeared to be a leather vest, jeans and boots along with a couple other pieces of clothing in a smaller bag that I couldn't really make out.

"The way this all works," started Mitchell, "Is that you simply wear the clothes. There is a small microprocessor and sensors embedded inside that will monitor your actions, motions, feelings and so on. All of them will be translated into appropriate motions for your alter ego." He shooed me away back towards my left, "Go. Go try it on. There's a curtain over there you can change behind."

I smiled at his enthusiasm as I walked back toward the curtain, feeling his eyes never leaving my back. Pulling the curtain behind me, I felt that strange sense of being watched again but shrug it off. Settling in, I see a small set of hooks on the back wall and use one to hang up the costume. Unzipping the bag, I first pull out the smaller bag as the smell of leather and mild musk fills the room. It's not actually smells kinda good.

"Why does it smell?" I called out.

"We add a set of scent dispensers for the costume. Wouldn't do for a woman wearing a male costume to smell like perfume, would it?" Mitchell answers, chuckling at my question.

Damn, they're really going whole hog. Sniffing the air again, I caught the scent coming from the bag and smiled. This could be interesting. Opening the smaller bag, I see it's got all the little accoutrements that should make the costume. A dark blue bandana falls into my hands, quickly followed by some simple socks and a black ball of cloth. Unraveling the cloth, I see it's a pretty no-frills jock strap and I'm kinda surprised. Never worn one before but I figure there's a reason for it.

Going back into the bag, I pull out a pair of black jeans and a heavy leather belt to go with them along with a thick leather wallet chained to one of the belt loops with thick, silver chain. Pulling out the leather vest, I saw a couple of small patches adorning it. The only one I recognize is the POW MIA patch on the chest.

Stripping out of my own clothes, I toss my jeans and shirt onto the pile and grab the jock. I feel a thrill running down me as I touch the formerly forbidden material, wondering just what I will look like when this is all done. Sliding the material up my legs I feel the familiar sensation of myself growing hard...from what, I don't know, but I smile at the sensation as I snug the jock into place, feeling it cupping my balls and cock real tight to my body.

Damn, but it did feel kinda good! I looked down and saw it made my small package seem just a tad larger, leading to a small surge of pride...a feeling that I hadn't felt about myself in a long time.

"Heh, may need to try these for everyday wear," thinking to myself as I grin and grab the jeans. Slipping them on one leg at a time, I marvel at how well they fit. They come down much too far, covering my feet but with a slight tightening of the belt they fit amazingly snug on my body. Of course the wide legs swallow my skinny twigs and look like I'm swimming in them, but I actually kinda like the look. May need to go that way later, too... just with better fitting jeans.

Smiling at just how good I think I look, I sit down on a small, brownish leather chair in the dressing area and pull on the socks and the heavy boots. As I slide the leather boots on, they feel almost like they form to my feet, very tight and sturdy. Standing, I kinda feel myself leaning forward a bit, almost like I'm standing on my toes, not my heels. Finally grabbing the vest, I pull it on, my smooth, lily white chest looking markedly out of place against the rest of the costume. The vest is actually rather soft and supple against me, though, quickly warming up to my own body temperature. It's a bit big on me, but not horrible.

Finally grabbing the bandanna, I feel something fall out of the folded cloth. Looking at the ground, I see a small, silver cross necklace and put it around my neck. Never been one for jewelry but if it's supposed to be part of the costume, why not.

Looking at the final piece of the costume, the bandanna, I try to figure out how to actually put it on before I just go for it. It almost feels like something clicks in my mind as I fold and manipulate the bandanna onto my head. My hands quickly moved to fold and tie the cloth into shape so that it sat on and around my head properly. Running my hand over it quickly, I felt a pair of gaps on the top, but it was close enough.

Standing a little unsteadily, I looked down at the strange feeling of seeing my gangly body in jeans, boots and a vest. Walking out the curtain felt a bit strange, the boots making me feel a little odd, but still doable.

"Damn. Fits you pretty well," Mitchell smiled "Now let's get everything active," he finishes as he pulls out a small remote from a pocket on the inside of the cloak he wore. As he swept it over me, I heard the beeps and blurps of the device as it scanned over my body.

"Hmm. Suit systems functional... adaptive emitters charged... motion translators within required parameters... Scent dispensers active and running..." He sniffs softly. "Damn I like this one." He locks his eyes on mine, for a second a strange flicker catches my attention before he smirks gently.

"The suit's ready to roll. You ready to rock?" He grins and takes my hand gently and places my thumb on one of the multitude of buttons on the remote. "All you gotta do is press it."

I smile as I push my thumb down, the previous trepidations rapidly having fallen aside by just how cool this whole thing was. I push down with nary a thought left and wonder what I was gonna see.

As soon as I pressed down on the button, a strange, woozy feeling shot through me, causing me to blink and shake my head. As I opened my eyes, I was rather shocked as what could only be described as a clawed hand...err...paw maybe covered in black fur on the remote.

"What the hell?" I stepped back in shock at the sight, and even more as I was surprised by the deeper, almost growling tone my voice was speaking in.

"Take a look, T" I smiled as he said that and pointed at a mirror beside me. What I saw dropped my jaw in surprise.

Looking at the mirror, I caught the eye of a tall, strapping black furred anthropomorphic wolf. From the tall, proud ears, striking green eyes and gleaming teeth in the muzzle currently open in shock I slid my gaze down the body as the wolf in the mirror followed my movements. That leather vest that had hung off my lanky form was held tight against the wolf's body, thick black fur filling the space between the flaps of the leather as two powerful arms filled out the sides of the vest, a flash of white on his right shoulder and plump left bicep. I twisted around to see a howling wolf head outlined in while on the wolf's bicep and turning around and peeling the vest back a spot I saw a nice tat of a flaming motorcycle tire surrounded by a series of wrenches on the wolf's back.

"Damn," I growled softly, loving the sound of the costume's voice as I saw the ears in the mirror twitching and moving at the sounds of the room. "This is so cool."

Letting my gaze fall farther down the costume, I saw those loose jeans well filled by the wolf's powerful legs as the stance actually looked sorta digitigrades, standing on his toes and the balls of his feet, much like the boots felt like to me. I saw the wolf's tail slowly wagging behind him as I looked down and realized that it was being controlled by my emotions as I really, really liked the look. Turning my gaze to the mirror wolf's face, I saw that silver cross tight around its neck, almost looking like a little choker as it and the bandanna perched wrapped around his ears and head stood out vividly against the fur.

My fur, some unbidden thought flickered through my mind, as I wished I could actually try out this body fully. Maybe go and take a ride down the road on a bike, feel the wind on my body...but it was just a hologram. It wasn't real.

I saw the costume's ears flatten against its head in the mirror, a downcast look on its face and I couldn't help but smile in awe as the costume's ears came back up. "I wonder what else it can do."

"Looks like you like it. You look great," he almost breathed as he leaned a little closer to me, "Pretty damned hot. I wish..." He sighed before I raised an eyebrow and unconsciously quirked my head a bit. "The only thing these models can't do is fuck. Well, let me rephrase. I'm not allowed to activate that option for this test. Too much liability."

"You mean these are fully functional?"

"Why don't you unbutton the jeans and take a look. Don't worry, I won't look," he grins as he turns around. My hands inch down to the belt, unclasping the silver buckle and popping the button. In the mirror, I see a thick, furry sheath that looks like it belongs on a dog...and no jock. 'My costume is going commando', I think and grin at the thought, seeing a sliver of deep red start to poke out as the thought gets me hard. My hand slides against the lycra jock on my real body and feels my cock getting somewhat hard as I see a thick red pointed rod start to escape that fleshy tube in the mirror.

I grin and sigh softly before I pull the jeans up again and enclose my cock back into darkness and buckle the belt back up...I definitely like the look.

"So, what is this party gonna be like?" I ask in the costume's gravelly voice.

"You'll see," Mitchell answered with a knowing smirk. "But first, the omnipresent paperwork." I growled softly as he pulled out a small stapled stack of papers with my name already typed and started explaining the legalese to me.

Five minutes, and a dozen or so signatures later, I signed the last page where I pledged not to release any trade secrets and that any cases of acne, third arms or headaches were not the fault of the company.

"Well, looks like you're all set. You can head right through those doors at the end of the hallway. I think you're one of the last folks to get here." He grinned at me with cheerful eyes through that mask as I started toward the door at the end of the hall, holographic tail wagging behind me. "See ya in a bit."

Opening that door, I was met by a good sized smattering of costumed folks. More than I had expected were in animal costume forms like mine. I think most of them were some kind of video game character. A blue vixen and red furred fox chatting in one corner, a couple Disney, DC and Marvel character costumes and even one of those blue things from the alien Pocahontas movie from a few years back. Making my way between a pirate costumed couple and a pair of guys, one as a guy whose skin was paler than mine had been and apparently bought hair gel by the tanker and the other as a buff Adonis who also overdosed on hairspray, I crinkled my nose, causing the costume to softly chuff at the strong smell of the pirate couple and, honestly swaggered between the two.

Striding up to the bar, I turned my back toward it, looking out over the assemblage. My eyes swept over the crowd, seeing dozens of couples chatting before I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

"Enjoying yourself, T?" Turning to look over my shoulder, I saw my caped friend standing beside me, his hand on my shoulder as the bartender ambled over, his uniform crisp and well tended as possible.

"What'll it be, gents?" The bartender's crisp, English tongue stopped me before I could respond to Mitchell, a slew of my questions on my tongue as I hesitated, not really well versed in alcohol. I drank every so often, but usually just a beer or two, dirt cheap swill, generally. Today, though, I wanted something different.

"Two glasses of Jack on the rocks." Mitchell's voice cut me off before I could even think about my response. I assume my surprised reaction caught his eye since he gently rubbed my shoulder. "Don't worry, T. You'll love it. Just the right amount of bite for a wolf like you." His deep chuckle served to set my own off as the barkeep pulled out a pair of small tumblers an a black labeled bottle from below the bar. Dropping a couple cubes of ice into the glasses, he upended the bottle with a flourish, the strong, woodsy smell of bourbon filling my nose as the brown liquor filled the glass before he handed on to me and one to Mitchell.

"To new roads." He raised the glass to mine before tipping it back and drinking a healthy slug.

"New roads," I replied, tipping my own glass up, feeling the biting liquid flowing over my tongue, the sharp, sweet taste of the bourbon slipping over my tongue as the smell filled my senses. I coughed at the first sip, but after that first sip, it was surprising just how easily the alcohol went down. "Damn, that's strong...but damn good." Wait...since when did I swear?

"Like I said, T. Fits you well. Glad I added you to the list."

"Wait, what?"

Looking to the bar, I saw the bartender had already poured another glass of bourbon. My hand slid over to it, the sight of the thick, black-furred arm reacting to my commands still odd to my mind, but I liked it. I saw it clasp around the glass, claws soundlessly hitting the glass, reminding me that the claws were...not really mine as I raised the glass to my lips, sipping at the brown liquid this time.

"I saw your resume a while back. You didn't fit our needs then, but I felt sorry for you. Plus I see you every so often at Publix. You've got a degree in mechanical engineering, but you are drowning in debt and work minimum wage to ring up my groceries. You gotta be more aggressive, T."

"Wait, so because you felt sorry for me you had me come here? To tease me?" My anger was flashing, my voice getting louder and almost tinged with an angry snarl. "I'm doing my damned best you bastard!" My finger pointed at his chest before he reached up and wrapped his own hand around my wrist, pulling my finger off his chest.

"I know, T. That's why I invited you. Figured you'd be as good a target as any of those plastic pretties that we normally get, but you can learn."He downs his drink quickly, his mouth breaking into a quirky smile. "What do you think?"

"What do I think? What do I think? I don't fucking know what to think!"

"T, calm down" He pulls me into a side room, all of the eyes on us from my outbursts. "I wanted to know how you liked the costume...I...I wanted to give you a choice if you liked it."

" wanted to give me a choice? What do you mean?" I step back, quirking my head as I see him pulling closed the door, only then noticing that he'd pulled me into a small bedroom, where I had pinned him against the wall before I had stepped back..."Why am I doing this?"

"You're pissed at's understandable. But what do you think. What are you feeling right now?"

I huff. "What do you mean, what do I feel? I'm confused...I'm angry...I'm pissed and I never felt this way before. What did you do to me?"

"Nothing, T. This is you, just you when you are not ashamed of yourself. That's what I want to offer you. Watch,T." He produces one of those remotes to activate the costumes and waves it over himself. A shimmer passes over his arms, the tanned skin being replaced by what looked like thick, rusty, fur that spread from the shoulders of his cloaked vest, ending in neat little brown gloves. Short, stubby claws pushed out of his hands as the fingers shortening slightly. My voice caught in my throat as I looked into Mitchell's piercing green eyes, my mouth gaping in shock as I saw his nose blackening and growing moist, pushing forward. His teeth started sharpening, becoming made to rip and tear, rather than grind and crush.

"What are you?"

Mitchell's eyes bored into me as I stared at him, my eyes and mouth agape in shock. "I'm like you, T. I made a mistake." His face finishes its push into a long, slender vulpine muzzle as he smiles, his ears quickly fuzzing over as they grew taller and pointed, tipped in black fur and the rest of his face covered in that rusty red fur and a white stripe down his nose. "I tested a costume too far"

"Hold on, what?" I snarl as I shove him against the wall, my hand around his furry throat, a deep growl emanating from my chest as my eyes tighten, the amber eyes of the costume tight with rage as my betrayal makes itself known. "Did you take my humanity, you bastard?"

"No,no" I hear his whimpers as I dig my fingers into the soft fur of his throat. "This is why we cannot allow any sexual activity with the costumes. We don't know why, but the biofeedback mechanisms we need to let the different organs you have feel 'right', well, they cause the body to assume the form of your costume. It's up to you. It always was." Mitchell rubbed his newly revealed paw over my shoulder.

"What do you mean, Mitchell?" I ease my grip on his neck, my chest heaving, the costume's chest following mine. "You''re ...Are you asking me out?"

"Two things, T. First, a friend of mine is looking for another pair of hands at his shop. He does custom motorcycles and is starting on some new routes. I gave him a look at one of your resumes on Monster. He likes you. Second, I want to offer you the gift of that body. I was like you once. I was looked at like nothing. I was just another coder, dime-a-dozen. I got lucky when I found Mr. Carten. I had been working odd jobs and building toy holograms in my spare time. He liked them and he took me on to start producing them. We came up with the idea of these costumes a few years ago. I figured you'd be a good candidate for a new skin, and figured this one would be pretty good for you." He grins coyly. "As for your last question...I am single." He smirks as he swings that white tipped tail behind him. "You wanna stay like that?"

"So you wanna give me a job?...and this body...? Are you nuts?"

"Your tail betrays you, T." Mitchell chuckles as I look beside me at the armoire mirror, the costumes thick tail gently wagging behind me...almost happily. "And yes to the first two, no to the last one. You willing to say no?"

"Just how much does your friend know about us?" I smile, the costume showing a muzzleful of teeth as I started to consider the offer. "Don't wanna hide this if you're offering it." I flex my arm, grinning as I see the costume's generous sinews moving beneath its fur as it moves its own arm, the thick muscle of its arm bulging as I grinned.

Mitchell chuckled as he came closer, his own musk tickling my nose as he licked at mine before wrapping his arms around me. "He knows enough. You like, T?" He chuckled.

"Me like" I growl back.

"So do I," He purred back, running his paws against me as I raised an eyebrow. "Why do you think I made this costume for you? Figured I'd take a chance." He grins fangily at me, licking his lips as his eyes roved over my body.

"Heh...maybe I'm ready for a chance." I grin back happily. "How do I make this permanent?"

"You just let me take care of that." With a grin, Mitchell produced a small remote from his cloak; the same remote that he had used to activate my costume. He waved the small remote over my body, a strange tingling following the device's path across my body. "I think you'll like the method, T." He smiles as he leans down toward the costume's groin, slowly unzipping my jeans and leaning in towards the costume's sheath as he smiled looking up at me.

"I know I like it."

His long, pink tongue snaked out of his mouth, running up my sheath, sending a shiver down my spine as the pangs of pleasure shot into my mind, the feel of his tongue on...on my fur made me growl happily as my hands wrapped around Mitchell's head, gently petting between his flicking ears as I tossed his hat to the bed.

"Mmmmmm, T." Mitchell purred as his slender muzzle nuzzled against the costume's sheath, sniffing gently, "You smell good ...You taste good." I yelped quietly as I felt a sharp nip on my groin, a thick, red rod quickly growing, beautifully contrasting the thick black of that black, wolven chest.

"Damn, you're good," I growl happily as I rub the back of Mitchell's head as he nips at me.

"You ain't seen nothing yet, T" With nary another word, Mitchell wraps his mouth around that red cock, the feeling of that thick, flat, long tongue rubbing up, down and around my sensitive underside as I pulled at the back of Mitchell's head, reveling in his talented tongue.

The seconds stretched into minutes before an evil grin crossed my face as I wrapped my hands around Mitchell's head, pulling him tightly to me before I push him onto his back, swinging around so I can repay the favor that Mitchell was giving me. As I wrap my legs around Mitchell's head, holding him in my musky groin as he nuzzled and sucked, eliciting a happy growl from me as he gently dragged his fangs along my length before I pushed my face down on Mitchell's erect rod, the taste exploding onto my tongue as I drank in that vulpine musk as I pushed my face down his cock, enjoying it filling my mouth.

With each passing second, I felt Mitchell's cock grow harder, thicker and pulse, his tongue and mouth becoming more frenzied as time passed. My hips ground into Mitchell's face as my thighs held him close, his own hips following suit as his musk grew even stronger,, even. I felt my mouth encompassing more and more of Mitchell's rocket.

With a thrust after thrust, everything felt more and more surreal. It was almost like each thrust felt harder than the last, took less effort than the last...was stronger than the last. I felt myself growing closer and closer to that final eruption, a heat bubbling from my tensing balls before I felt that final jerk.

I felt my mouth fill with hot, salty seed as Mitchell came, flooding my mouth with his taste as jet after salty jet coated my tongue, setting my own eruption off, filling his maw with my own seed, eager to see whether it was to be my new wolven seed or if it was still that human seed of that frail body. Suckling down each spurt of Mitchell's tangy, vulpine seed, I smiled happily as it slowed down, pulling off as a small dribble slipped out my lips. Without even thinking, my tongue darted out, long and thick to slurp up the tasty seed as I smiled, realizing that this was now my body.

Loosening my legs from Mitchell's head, I grinned toothily, enjoying the thick, black muzzle standing in my field of vision as I felt ears twitching atop my head, zeroing in on every sound as I felt the tug of that lush, black tail wagging behind me. My tail.

"Thank you, Mitchell." I rub my hand, no paw, across his exposed belly as he slowly pulled off my cock, the throbbing red flesh standing hard and proud..."That's mine?" I grin as I see the thick globes at the base of my cock holding that thick sheath back...the thin glob of cum drizzling down the side, heading toward the heavy, fuzzy sack.

"You bet, T. I think you wear that well." Mitchell's vulpine maw broke into a smile as his arms reached to my vest, slipping the supple, warm leather off my shoulders, running his paws over those two tattoos, licking at my muzzle, that thick tongue feeling amazing on my new skin as he grins. "Now let's see what else you wear big bad wolf."

I growl happily as I step back, flexing so he can see my new body. My pecs jump, bouncing with my flexes as I flex them, smiling as Mitchell's eyes follow my every move, mentally undressing me as I do the same to him. I smile as his tail waves behind him as he walks toward me slowly.

"Feel like some fun, T?" His eyes glitter mysteriously as he wraps his arms under my arms and around my chest, nuzzling against my chest as he licks happily, searching for my nipples in that thick fur. "These parties bore me to death." He turns around and grins at me lecherously. "I've been feeling empty for a while..."

I smile and growl as my hands reach and pick him up, throwing him onto the bed as I leapt atop him, my teeth digging into the back of his neck as I unbuttoned hi s vest, kicking off my shoes remarkably easily before I leaned up to growl in his ear. "This answer your question?"

Mitchell's happy growl met mine. I guided his paws to his waist, having pulled off his vest, revealing that red and white furry body as I helped him pull down that waistband, popping off the snaps holding it to his tail as I slipped it down his hips, running my claws through his fur as it was revealed, paying special attention to the base of that tail before my own paws pulled down my jeans, revealing my own thick, digitigrade legs and paws. I smiled as I looked over at the mirror, seeing my new body mounting this fox, my thick, black fur standing proudly against Mitchell's red as my heavy arms and legs held me atop him. felt kinda strange...almost right.

I smiled as Mitchell pushed back against me, grinding his ass against my groin as he looked back smirking. "Come on, new blood...I'm soooo empty."

"I'll warn you, Mitchell, I've never done this before. I don't want to hurt you. I - " My sentence was changed into a snarl as Mitchell pushed back, pushing my tip into his dark hole, the thick, red tip spreading him easily as my hips involuntarily thrust forward, forcing me into that tight, hot tunnel. From there, it was all over as I thrust hard, slamming myself into Mitchell time after time, my mind reverted to a thought of only 'fuck' as I bit down on the scruff of his neck, my thrusts getting harder and harder.

I felt sweat starting to drip down my back, my brow, my side as it filled the room with the scent of horny wolf, the thick scent driving my lust even higher as I slammed my hips forward, feeling a delicious pop, but I yelped when I tried to pull back, my cock stuck within Mitchell's hot, tight ass.

"I'm stuck!" I jerk back again, feeling something holding me back, causing me to hammer him quickly, each thrust and jerk sending a thrill of pleasure up my spine, my jaws clamping around Mitchell's neck and shoulders as I growled in pleasure.

"It's...It's your....gaah....knot.... Soooo gooood" Mitchell panted as I pounded him, each thrust sending another drop of his pre onto the growing wet spot on the bed as I felt myself getting more and more excited, each thrust sending another spurt of pre into Mitchell's already rapidly filling bowels before I latched onto his shoulder, my fangs sinking deep into the muscle there, blood slipping into my tongue as a howl welled up from my chest and into Mitchell's furry shoulder as I slammed my hips forward hard.

Spurt after spurt of hot wolfseed filled Mitchell's tight ass as I felt the growing pressure against my knotted cock as I wrapped my arm around my fox and dropped us to the bed as his own cock spurted again, creating a small pool of cum into which we fell, smearing his cum across his chest as I rolled us to the side.

Nip after nip, pant after pant, spurt after spurt, time could only be measured by our bodies as we lay tied. was heaven for me. As I looked down at the happy fox, I wondered what could come in the future as my tongue licked at the bites that I had inflicted on the fox as I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close to my heavy chest as I snuffled and licked at the fox.

"Maybe we should get together more often?" I chuckle as I wiggle against the fox, still trapped in his ass and eliciting a slew of moans as my wiggling tip stimulated the fox's prostate, causing to clench around my wedged and sensitive knot. "Should have at least gotten you dinner."

"We can use your starting bonus, big bad." He smiled as he rolled me onto my back, rolling and twisting so he was sitting atop my chest, his covered in come as he grinned down at me.

"My what?"

"Your starting bonus...assuming you join Bill's crew...but I got one from me first." His smirk grew even lewder before he waved his paw over his cum-covered chest before reaching my head and pulling me toward his chest, bending me farther over than I had ever expected to be able to bend, until my nose was filled with the scent of sweaty, horny fox and foxseed.

" taste good." My tongue lashed out, lapping at the fox's wet seed, lapping up that salty goodness, my tongue and teeth migrating to the fox's nipples. "Very good." I nip sharply at the fox's perky nipples as I roll the two of us onto our side as I pull out with a schlorp, my half hard cock quickly retreating into my new sheath. "Uhh...quite the sensation there."

"You'll have a lot of new sensations, T...You wanna learn them all?"

"Hopefully you're a good teacher." I pant as I stand beside the bed, stretching my newer frame, my claws scraping the tall roof as I stretched, growling happily as I enjoyed the new feelings. "What was that you were saying about a bonus?"

"Bill sent something to whet your appetite, T. You're gonna love it." A short shower...and long drying session later, I finished pulling my vest, admiring the, my tattoos, the snarling wolf on my bicep and the flaming tire on my back. Beautiful designs and beautifully done. Maybe need to get more, I mused as I tossed the bandanna back on my head, the machinations feeling almost...mechanical and learned.

"Mitchell, why do I feel like I know what stuff I didn't before?"

"Each costume has a few simple skills that are embedded with it. mode that we both enjoyed was supposed to endow the costumer with certain skills. Clothing is one of them. Some others are how to use the costume as your body, while others have special skills that fit the body. Let me show you another one." He grabbed my paw and started to pull me through the room before I stopped him.

"You fucked with my mind?" I snarled, my teeth bared in a rather ferocious growl as my eyes burned into his. "Is that why I was so willing to fuck you?" Part of me was royally pissed, but another part didn't care.

I had liked it...and I think I wanted more.

"These suits do nothing to that...All I needed was to get you to cum to get you to merge. You decided to experiment. I won't hold it against you if you're confused, but don't take it all out on us."

I let out a huff, knowing that Mitchell was right, but just needing time to think. "Ok, Mitchell...I believe you, just guess I never realized how...willing to experiment I was. We'll need to see what comes...Now what was this starting bonus you were going to show me? Maybe that'll temper my anger at your meddling."

"Follow me." He grabbed my paw, almost dragging me back into the garage, flipping on the light as we hit the door before he led me to a large tarp covered mass before he turned to me. "Just one condition...I want to get to try it with you." He laughed as he licked at my nose.

Without further fanfare, he pulled the tarp off the mass. From the shapeless green lump emerged a beautiful chopper, covered in gleaming chrome, a snarling wolf gracing the front along with the perfectly located starter, pegs and handlebars for my new form. Claws, digitigrade paws and all. The gleaming black paint job stood proud on the bike, perfectly complementing the chrome as I see the beautiful grey lines accenting it.

My jaw dropped. My tail wagged. "It's beautiful."

"Personally, I think it's sexy," came Mitchell's voice as he handed me a small piece of paper. "Here's the terms from Bill. I think you'll like them."

Travis, I hope you enjoy your new company ride. Figured you could use it. Saw some of your drawings and your school designs. Looked like you had real chops. Mitchell thought you'd be a great choice for getting a second skin, and he offered to make sure you knew how to ride. If you want to discuss your future with us, call me. I look forward to it.


"So you two were in cahoots...Sounds like he knows what I am now."

"Yeah. Hell, he helped choose that tat on your shoulder. He's actually gonna be one of our next longterm customers...although he's thinking more bull. Actually, he wants to start building bikes with these emitters built in. Yours is the first run, will project an image of a human facsimile when you ride for now." He chuckles as he smiles at me. "We're gonna make a public announcement soon about the program, but your paperwork is all legal. Feel like a ride, T?"

I straddle the bike, the entire thing feeling almost custom made for me...although, I guess it was...but it wasn't the old was the new me. Tim 'T' Rodgers. A wolven mechanical engineer, following a dream of building the next generation of bikes. The sense of power and presence I now had was so fulfilling and enticing that I could not help but enjoy it. With a kick of a powerful paw, I start the bike, feeling...reborn....feeling free.

"Let's ride."

Hope you enjoyed. Comments, thoughts, votes and faves much appreciated. Also, if you wanna play with this idea, have fun

Preying on the Past - Ch. 4 The More Things Change...

A/N - Sorry for the delay. Enjoy. All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 4 - The More Things Change...** "Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - William Faulkner **New...

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Just Another Day

A/N - This piece is a request from Arctickit...I mean :iconArcticF0x:. Basically I was given the task of making up a back story for one of his side characters, a family of wolves who see a wolf and human coming into town together. The environment is...

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Preying on the Past - Ch. 3 Demons and Angels

A/N - Another chapter for Y'all. Enjoy. All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 3 - Demons and Angels** "Things do not change. We change." - Henry David Thoreau **New London, NH** **August 6, 2012** I still hadn't gotten used to my...

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