My werewolf life Chapter 2
Here is Chapter 2 of my story.
Chapter 2
As we came into the city we found a parking spot. We all got out and walked to the arcades. Even though I don't play games no more, I more or less hang outside. AS we walked other humans gave me weird looks. I was much bigger than the others. They all were from 5 feet to 6'8. I'm 7'6; I'm a much larger werewolf. People never had seen a werewolf that looked like me. AS we came up to the arcade place I kept on walking and stopped to a voice.
"Shadow!!! Where are you going the arcades are over here?" Silver said.
"Nah.... I feel like waiting out here ok. I'll be over here."
Silver shook his head no.
"No I said I keep an eye on you. You need to come in here with us."
I gave a grunt and followed him inside and sat down at a table as Liki came over and brought food over. I just sat there and ate some pizza, as the others played and ate food back and forth. A girl saw me sitting there and came over to me and smiled. As l looked up I smiled back as she spoke to me.
"Hi there."
"What's your name?"
"Uh... Shadow."
Nice to meet you Shadow. My name is Sasha.
"Nice to meet you." I stare at her with my deep red eyes.
She sat down and was looking at me like I was being checked out.
"Did you need something or help?"
"No.... I saw you and you looked alone. So that's why I came over to you."
"Well it's very nice to meet you but I'm married."
"Oh.... .Well that's ok it was nice to meet you anyways. Maybe someday we will cross paths again." She smiled.
"Maybe.... Just maybe."
She walked away as silver my alpha came up to me.
"She is checking you out?"
"Yeah..... But I'm married I don't cheat."
"I know....." He giggled.
I rolled my eyes as he went back to playing. A few hours have passed and I was starting to get very bored since I don't play games no more really. So I got up and started to head on out right as Silver saw me leave he shouted my name out and I turned to him.
"Where you going?"
"I'm bored and I'm going home. I'm very tired and want to go to bed."
"Well then let's all head back to your place. We can play on your Xbox why you sleep."
I smiled with a nod.
"Just don't play on my Skyrim account okay."
Silver walked to get the others as I headed back to my truck and waited for them. I start the vehicle as they started walking back. Kira holding onto silvers back starting to fall asleep. I smiled in hopes when my wife gets back we plan on adoption. They open the doors and climb on is as the doors shut I pulled on out and headed home. The drive was long so Kira slepted as the others talked quietly to themselves about stuff.
I pulled into the drive way as I open the garage door and pulled in. The door shut as everyone climbed out and headed on in. Silver put Kira into the guess bed and went to play on my Xbox. I went to my bed and went to sleep for the rest of the night.
Silver, Liki, and Caylenn played some Halo as Lycan watched. The rest of the night was them up playing games and watching TV.
As night turns to day I wake up in my wolf form and walked up to my wives mirror and looked at myself.
"This... this is what I look like. A look I have not seen in a long time."
I saw a few scars that didn't get covered by my black fur. These marks were from some vampire attacks that happen to me. I then notice my red fur mark. I still don't know what I mean and why I have it. I was turned and a month later I get this mark. Silver never told me yet and I think it's about time I get my answer."