The Rape Machine

Story by KayTee on SoFurry

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It was an almost comical situation, Carter thought, that the creation of the newest line of Multi-Form Companion robots should occur in a lab and in a storm that mimicked the famous scene from Frankenstein. Carter grossed his legs and put his feet up on the desk pulling his workstation keyboard onto his lap. He reached behind his head and scratched his dangling coyote ear. The final layers of SmartSkin were being applied to the fluid matrix bodywork of the Companion 308 as it floated in a sea of blue liquid held in a 9 feet high class cylinder. Computer readouts, monitors and lights flashed, whirred and clicked detailing a variety of statistics, chemical levels, anatomic specifics and other information about the floating semi-humanoid automaton.

The Companion 308 was the first of its kind: A humanoid robot with an extremely flexible core skeleton surrounded in fluid matrix muscle-like synthetic tissue that allowed it to increase the size, shape colour and texture of any part of its body. With the 308 there was no need to shell out more money for different models with altering features, dimensions and species, when this one can 'morph' into whatever form you needed. This way, the Companion could fulfil several different tasks, from home assistant, to childminder to security guard to bedroom companion. And it was no secret that the latter function was the more popular choice.

The Companion's Adaptive-Behaviour-Computer System, or ABC-System, was being installed. The robots CPU was made up of specially dedicated areas in the Fluid matrix that could spontaneously disassemble and re-form in different areas of the body. Essentially whatever programming material and computer control systems the robot needed were comprised of the same material as its musculature. Meaning that the only solid structure was the multi-jointed endoskeleton which dictates the creatures four-limbed appearance.

Carter raised an eyebrow as he compared the amount of programming space given to languages, household actions and speech interpretation to the amount dedicated to 'Private Interactions'. It was like comparing a kindergarten 'ABC' book to the Large Print version of the Iliad. His musings were shaken however with a large bolt of lightning that flashed outside... Carter had barely chance to count to one before the room was shaken by the thunder. The sex ed would have to wait, it was too dangerous to keep the lab running at high output during a storm. A single jolt in power could cause the ABC uploading considerable damage. Before Carter had the time to consider knocking on wood to ward off the potential jinx of his statement, than a single jagged spear of pure white lightning smashed through the glass dome roof of the lab and pierced the Formation Cylinder.

The explosion sent carter flying back to the far corner of the lab, taking several desks with him. Pulling himself out of the rubble, he had time to see sparks and flames bursting from the ABC Upload mainframe. Strings of white light were flowing up the connectivity wires into the ports on the Formation Cylinder. Inside the cylinder the body of the Companion robot was convulsing wildly. It's Fluid Matrix musculature forming and reforming in wild random shapes, where the RealSkin texture formation was rotating randomly through furs skins and textures. A sudden bulge from the Matrix would be suddenly covered in a mixture of dense soft brown fur, to thin hard black-tipped spines to smooth yellow and red scales.

Carter ran to the control console, but before he could reach it a secondary blast of energy shot through the roof directly into the Cylinder, shattering it to pieces and spraying suspension fluid gushing over everything. The console, now overcharged and soaked suffered a fatal short, taking the system down and shutting off the lights for the whole room.

Pitch black. Carter dared not move for fear of shards of glass, live wires and pools of fluid. After what seemed an age a deep whirring started up and slowly the orange-red glow of the emergency lighting system lit up the room. Checking his surroundings, Carter stood up. There was a smell of burning steel, fused rubber and charred wood all over the room mixed with the sharp stink of carters own burned fur. In the centre of the lab, the remains of the Formation Cylinder encircled a blue-grey mass. The Companion has seemingly been melted. Carter sighed and leant back against the console, gathering his thoughts and preparing an explanation to his investors.

Several minutes passed, and nanobot repair mites finished the basic systems checks to the buildings main power supply. Carter blinked his canine eyes and shaded them under a large brown-furred hand as the room's main lighting flooded the lab in a sea of white. The damage was'nt as severe as Carter had thought, in fact he was surprised as the console he was leaning against, the ABC mainframe upload point, blinked and bleeped back into life. A single shot of blueish energy lept from the consoles output port, across the floor to the slumped, amorphous robot. There was a shudder,and a strange humming noise, and to carters utter amazement, the robot began to reform and stand.

The robot pulled itself into a rough humanoid shape, slightly hunchbacked and with legs that seemed too short, but definitely bipedal and, well, man-shaped. It's face had an unfinished canoid look to it, two small bumps represented vestigial ears atop a rough cone-shaped skull. Two dull blue eye-lights shone beneath the smooth blue-grey undefined skin. The robot stood motionless for a second, before another spark up the connection lead prompted a sudden reflex reaction. Looking almost offended, the robot pulled the uplink cord from itself, and began to scan the room with its dimly glowing formless eyes.

Carter stood up, and addressed the robot. "308 alpha, acknowledge and respond."


"308, Direct order, , acknowledge and respond."


Confused, Carter paced up to the robot, and reached up to press his paws in the specifically located deactivation area that forms just left from the left eye. Built in to all Fluid Matrix robots, this area must be pressed in a specific pattern with specific pressure, doing so shuts the robot down and causes it to form several 'i/o' ports in its flesh, allowing for software repair and reprogramming. But as carter reached up, the robot's arm shot up spouting a psudopod tentacle from its wrist-stump. The tentacle wrapped around Carter's wrist like a smooth blue snake.

Even more confused now, Carter stared down the robot. "308, Deactivate!" The robot did not respond, however, and carter was lifted off his feet until he was eye-level with the glowing blue orbs in the robots semi-formed face.

The eyes suddenly flicked from Blue to red.

Carter was flung to the floor; he landed on his hands and knees, facing away from the robot. Carter tried to scramble top his fee, but he then felt two thick hand-like appendages grip him around the waist. The appendages warped and reformed becoming functional hands that then gripped the shocked scientists' belt and began to pull the coyote's lab pants down. Panicking, Carter began to struggle, pulling away. To stop the robots advance, he kicked off his sneakers and pulled himself free from his pants and scrambled to his feet. As he tried to run he felt the robot grip again at his shorts. There was a tear and carter was left naked from the waist down.

Not looking back, nor caring for his condition, carter tore through the lab heading to the door out into the street. The rain had stopped and the sky was clear, as carter tried to put as much distance between the lab and him as he could. As he ran his pumping legs sent his tail and his cock flapping wildly from side to side.

The Robot leapt out of the roof of the lab. It somersaulted through the air and landed on all fours facing Carter. The terrified coyote skidded to a stop, his bare foot paws scraping on the tarmac. Carter turned and tried to run again, but he felt the same pressure around his waist. Looking over his shoulder he watched as the robot held him still and spread his legs in a stance Carter quickly realised could mean only one thing. The robots groin area began to swell and reform, an erect definitely canine shaft began to take shape. The organ swelled and grew, pressing further and further forward until it began to press against the clenched pucker below Carter's tail. The shaft began to glisten and the robot's Smartskin began to produce a slippery lubricant. Carter screamed as the robots cold, blue length pressed into him. Slowly the robot pressed closer, it's penetrating organ swelling and pulsing inside Carters warmth. The robot began to rock back and forward, sliding itself in and out of Carters being.

Carter clenched his eyes shut against the intrusion, screaming for all he was worth. As the robot began to rock, Carter felt a brushing against his testicles. Looking down he saw a secondary appendage forming below the robot's penis. At looked like a long snake like appendage with hundreds of tiny writing tendrils that brushed and massaged Carters ball-sack. The tentacle grew, and curled round on itself before twirling around Carters slowly swelling cock.

The psudopod curled around carters length and began to pulsate, then it began to stroke. Slowly at first, then speeding up, it spread itself out so that it encompassed Carter's dick completely. A semi-transparent ball of blue flesh slowly pulsating around Carter's penis, and the coyote felt a rush of sexual energy shoot up from his loins.

Carter could do nothing, he closed his eyes and shut off his emotions, experiencing only the physical sensations the robot was providing. A thick throbbing member pounding up inside of him so smoothly, while a soft, warm, feeling enclosed his penis, the rocking of the robots hips sliding Carters dick in and out of the embrace of the psudoflesh. Slow, fast, deep, shallow, the robot altered its penetration and stroking to keep the coyote in a state of perpetual bliss before his body could take no more. His crotch spasmed and the robots embracing psudopod was filled with a thick white liquid.

Carter passed out, and the robot withdrew. It laid the bottomless scientist on the floor, as its Fluid Matrix dissolved and analysed the coyote's 'deposit'. A few seconds later and analysis was complete. At that point, the thing that stood over Carter's half-naked body was a fully formed, naked Carter clone. The robot took a moment to examine itself. It turned its hands over and over in front of itself before letting both drop to its new penis. The organ swelled with a single electrical command from the ABC's physical-control centres, and the robot gripped its new erection tightly, giving it a few slow strokes.

With its hard cock in hand the robot headed into the city

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