Presenting Margarette (Tarin 4)

Story by Jon Girard on SoFurry

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The following story is the forth installment in the Tarin series. This story contains m/m as well as m/f yiffing with oral and anal. If this is not your bag then please do not read any further. The characters represented here-in are completely fictional and any resemblance to actually people is purely coincidental. Again, should anyone wish to use Tarin in a story please email me and I will relay any information you should need about him. * * *

Presenting Margarette (Friday) As I sleep I dream of many different things. The first things I can coherently see and hear are many possible outcomes of the presentation I have to give at work tomorrow. I dream of what I could do with the money I would be making with the promotion, any of them truthfully would be great. Though to lead the programming division is the most logical step. The next thing I can remember is dreaming of what will transpire that evening with Margarette. The comment that she made on the phone still playing over and over in my subconscious. The final thing I see is me and Francis. We are once again having fun with each other. Of course by fun I mean sexual sports. It does not take long for my dream to start to rub off on reality, as my tiger cock begins to swell. The sleeping Francis wakes to see my hard cock in front of him. He grins, not knowing if I am awake or not, but he decides to help me out. He moves slowly and carefully, not to wake me if I am sleeping. He moves his muzzle to my cock and begins to lick and suck at it. Shortly after my dream changes to me getting head from the sexy fox. My body starts to shake as since I think it is a dream I am not trying to hold back the orgasm. Just as I reach this height in my dream I open my eyes and notice that it is not a dream after all. It is to late at this point though as I blast my load into his waiting mouth. Unlike last time, the seed is the normal creams color. He murrs as he swallows my spunk and suckles the remaining from my tip. After I come down from my sudden and unexpected orgasm I grin and speak. "Now your naughty, playing with me while I'm asleep huh?" He licks his lips and smiles, moving back to lay next to me. "Well Tarin, I saw you were ready.. Wasn't going to let it go to waist. You must have been having a very nice dream." I pull him close to me in a affectionate hug. "I was dreaming about you silly." He smirks and we kiss for a while before we both finally realize we need to get up and get ready. I let him shower first while I make us some eggs for breakfast. I am not the best cook in the world, but when it comes to eggs and cheese... I can come close. He finishes and I grin at his puffy fur. I take a quick shower and quickly groom myself. I will need to take another shower tonight before Margarette gets here anyway. We eat our food and gather our things, well mainly my things. We get in my car and head out. It takes us a good 40 minutes to arrive at the bar, which is closed at this time. Francis gets out, turning before leaving. "Okay Tarin, I will call you soon. If you want feel free to call me, my number should be in your phone." I hadn't thought of that, but it would be. I slip it out and quickly save the number and clear my call logs. "Have a good day you fox." "You too kitty." He grins and laughs as he closes the door and heads to his car. I wait until he is in and started before I pull out and head to my office. I am not as early as I normally am, but none the less I head to my desk and gather my information for my proposal. I check the messages and learn that they will be done after lunch and until then we can take the time to finalize anything we need to. I take this time to think of what movie to watch tonight with squeaks. Grinning to myself as I use the name I know she hates. The first half of the day goes by dreadfully slow, the whole time I am worried about weather or not I have everything I need to sound as convincing as I need to. I need this promotion. With Francis in my life, having a sound job would make life nearly purrfect. Finally lunch comes and I make my way to the cafeteria. I get the usual for a Friday at work, a nice big calazone and some soda. I sit down and take my phone out, normally I get a call or two now, for most of the people with my number know when I take lunch. Sure enough just as I finish eating my phone rings with the theme of mission impossible. I open it and stop as I see Margarette's name. I hope she isn't going to cancel on me. "Hello?" "Hey, Tarin? This is Margie." Margie was the name she went by most of the time, it is much quicker to say then her full name. "Hearing from you two times in one week, now I feel lucky. Just please tell me your not going to cancel on me for tonight?" I hope she didn't notice the seriousness in my voice. I have been looking forward to this all week. I relax a bit as she giggles. "No no kitty, your not getting rid of me that easily. Just letting you know I might be a bit late. My roommate needs me to help her with something." "That's fine, It will give me more time to find a few movies to watch. I will see you then." "Ok, bye kitty!" I grin. "See ya squeaks." Hanging up before she can say anything and laughing to myself. Causing a few people to give me odd looks in the cafeteria. I make my way back to my desk and I wait patiently for them to let us know when to come up for the presentations. It doesn't take long before the message appears. "All who are to be giving a presentation today in regards to the open positions should head to the presidents office now." I gather my things and make my way to the elevator. I share the elevator with a few of the others and we head to the top floor. Once there they have us sit in the waiting room, near the secretaries desk. I sit and wait, knowing... at least hoping, that I am ready for this. I turn my attention to the secretary who is a rabbit, a very cute rabbit at that, with creamy tan fur. She informs us of our order, and of course I am last... being the newest. The others go in one by one, each taking about 30 minutes before coming out. One had an angry face on, apparently being outright rejected. When it is just be I turn and smile to the rabbit, not wanting to be rude. She smiles. "Hello there. I have to say it is nice to see a feline. It is rare... especially to see one as attractive as yourself." She blushes a bit, and I pretend not to notice. "Thank you kindly miss, I have actually been hearing that a lot lately. The fact that felines are rare at least." She smiles. "Felines themselves are not rare, but to resemble a big cat is rare. Especially a white tiger. I have to say you are the first I have seen, let alone met. My name is Leli, but most just call me Lee." "My name is Tarin, It is nice to meet you." About then the intercom beeps and a voice comes over it. I find it familiar for some reason. "Lee, please send in the last candidate please." She pushes a button and replies. "Yes sir." She then turns to me. "Your up, go get em tiger." She giggles to herself and I cannot help but laugh as I walk to the door, my things in hand. I walk into the large office. There are about 15 or so people in here, all sitting at a corporate style table. The president obviously the one at the end. The char is currently spun around and I cannot see what they look like. Only a arm up, as if rubbing their head. I assume things are not going to well. A few of them are whispering about me, and finally the one closest to me speaks up. "Okay, you're the newest, and the youngest of our candidates. Let us hope you are not a waste of our time as most of the others were." I swallow hard as I get out my things and set up the presentation using a computer program I made which works very well for such things. After a few moments I clear my throat and begin to speak, feeling a bit uneasy with all the strange eyes on me. Not to mention the fact that the president isn't even watching. "Well I have heard that this company is seeking ideas for a new game. A game that will revolutionize the way people play and feel about games. I believe that I have just the game for you, actually two. I am sure, being in the business that we are in, that you all have heard of massively multiplayer online games yes?" I pause as they nod. "My idea is born on that foundation. A world where many different players can gather to enjoy a vast world far different from the one we deal with in every day life." One of the others speaks up, a male canine of some kind. "That has been done, many times. There is nothing new to be done in those line of games." "Forgive me for saying, but you are severely incorrect. Now let me speak about VR, or virtual reality. Thus far all VR games are simple one-person shooters, or some kind of primitive sports game like darts or bowling. But what if we incorporated VR into a MMRPG (Massively multiplayer role-playing game.)?" I actually start to relax a bit as they seem to be very interested. "Go on..." says the same canine. "The game I have in mind will be completely done in VR, incorporating the post popular world set available. The world of Dungeons and Dragons. Not only will the players be able to play a game and see their character walking around, but actually be their characters. See what they see, hear what they hear, and feel what they feel." This is the first time that I hear the president speak, his voice sounds irritated.. Not with me, just in general. "Seeing and hearing VR can do... but one cannot feel a game." "Normally you are right, but I have been working on a product for some time now on my own and I believe it is ready. I have had thoughts of this game for years, but never had the chance to put anything into action. I have devised a special suit and VR helmet that has special Neural connectors built in. Weather sitting or laying down while you play. The suit will inhibit movement while the game is active. Actually reading the body electrical signatures to make the character move and act. This will not be a 'turn on auto attack and walk away' game. You will actually have to fight. Of coarse there will be ways to increase ones skill with different fighting styles, once more controlled by the helmet. Not everyone knows how to use a sword effectively... but the game can 'teach' the character, by feeding them electrical impulses on how to react in a fight." I finally come back to myself, instead of rambling about ideas I have had for years. As I look around I see a few of the CEO's are open mouthed. I over hear one comment with my feline ears. "Where did this kid come from..." This is where me and the president get our big surprises. The president once again speaks. "you are young, and very new to this company. Yet you have given us the most unique and advanced game idea the industry has heard of. I cannot say anything officially, but you will certainly receive a promotion. Id also like you to speak with the legal division and tell them what rights we will need from TSR to get started on this game. As the chair finally turns forward my mouth drops open, as does his. Francis is sitting there, dressed in a fancy suit and tie that looks brilliant over his fur. I am to shocked to speak, and I am sure that he is as well. The canine speaks once again. "Alright...." He pauses to look down at the paper that has my name on it. Something the 'president' obviously didn't see. "Tarin. We will notify you on Monday about your promotion." "Thank you...." I'm still a bit out of it as I gather my things and leave the room. I notice the cute bunny has already gone home, as I make my way to the elevator and to my desk. I gather my things and head out. By the time I get home it is about 6pm. My guest will not be arriving until at least 9 by the sounds of things. First things first, I take a shower. I am sure to use my special shampoo to make my fur even softer then usual. Once I am dry and groomed I put on a plain black t shirt and a pair of running shorts. It is now about 7 and I turn my computer on to look over the ideas on my game. I actually have pretty much all of the programming for the game done. Many the all-nighters went towards completing most of it. It was sort of my way to vent from the world. I am positive I have at least enough of the game done to release a small portion of the world so that the players can learn the aspects of the game. Before I know it I am brought back to reality by my doorbell. I check my clock and it reads 8:43. I get up and make my way to the door. I open the door and see the back or Margarette. I cannot help but look her up and down slowly nearly getting caught as she turns around and smiles. "Hi Tarin. I'm here." "I can tell... Please come in." I step to the side and let her pass. She smells wonderful as she walks past my nose. I turn towards the door to close it and lock it. While I'm not looking the innocent mouse is checking me out, though I will never know because she stops before I turn around. We walk to the living room and I show her the movies I have that I have yet to see. She picks a action flick, which is fine by me. I put it in and head back to the couch. My heat rate speeds up for a moment as she is peeling her sweater from her body, giving me a nice view of her tummy. She is pure white everywhere, at least as far as I can see. I swallow and sit down, she takes a seat close to me as the movie starts to play. We have our laughs as well as moments where we are both on the edges of our seat. So far it is an awesome movie. About now things change as the two main characters begin to get a bit more... personal. The male is a fox, and so reminds me of Francis, which of course is enough to boil my blood. The female is also a fox, though a silver fox. I watch intently, somewhat forgetting who is next to me as my sheath begins to fill with blood, tenting my shorts. I start to catch a strange scent and suddenly realize that the mouse next to me is getting excited as well. I see she has her tail curled around her leg. Finally after what seems like a lot of foreplay the scene fades, thankfully they are not going to so the animalistic rutting the two are sure going to enjoy. That's when I hear it, a gasp from Margarette. I turn to look at her and she has a very odd look on her face as she is looking down at my stomach. I look down and gasp myself as I realize I am fully erect, tenting my shorts. My ears splay against my head and turn beat red as I quickly grad a pillow and cover my groin up. I stutter from pure embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry... I must have been enjoying the movie a bit too much." She giggle and slides closer to be leaning her head on my shoulder. "it's fine Tarin... your not the only one effected you know..." My cock twitches as I hear those words, thinking to myself. 'Is this really happening... is she really horny and willing to... play....?' I turn to look down at her and she looks up to me, a sexy smile on her face. I speak before thinking... which she seems to make me do a lot actually. "Your lucky you can beat me up, or I might be acting bad right now." She makes me jump as she moves quickly, straddling me, sitting on the pillow on my lap and looking into my eyes. "who says I would stop you kitty? Who says cats and mice can't get alone." I cannot resist as I rub my hand up her back slowly and pull her towards me. Our lips press together and our mouths part, letting our tongues dance. We kiss passionately for a while, forgetting about the movie. When the kiss breaks I move my mouth to her neck, nibbling on her playfully. She moans and murrs softly, squeaking from time to time as I nip at her. She whispers into my ear. "Don't you have a bedroom kitty?" I don't need any more incentive then that as I pick her up and stand, letting the pillow drop to the ground. I carry her to my room and somewhat toss her onto my bed. "I just need to visit the bathroom, I will be right back." I heard off into the bathroom and relive myself, I would hate to have to go during anything fun. Before I leave I take my shirt off. As I open then door and see her a jet of pre shoots from my cock. She is laying on my bed stark naked. Her petite body is so perfect. Her fur is indeed white everywhere. She speaks after giggling at me. "What's wrong kitty? Should I put my clothes back on?" I shake my head and moves towards the bed, stopping at the foot and taking her in for all she is worth. Her petals are slightly spread, saying she is very willing to be penetrated. "No.. of course not... its just you are very beautiful." As I speak I drop my shorts and my boxes in one movement, letting my cock spring free. She squeaks as she sees how large I am. "Well Tarin, you are very good looking yourself.... And your hung like a horse." She smirks. I climb up to the bed and lay next to her. Our lips meet again as my hand roams to her chest. I kneed and massage her breasts in turn before slowly dragging a gentle claw down her body. She gasps as the claw goes over her stomach and stops just before her opening. I run a finger around her wet hole before meeting it and rubbing at it gently. She breaks the kiss and closes her eyes, moaning. "I have wanted since I met you Tarin... I was just afraid you would laugh at me because I am so small." I continue to rub at her, but I respond. "your size is what makes you so sexy... I have wanted you too...." I kiss her before my kisses move to her neck, the side at first. Slowly I move to the front of her neck, under her chin. From there I start to move down her body, down her cleavage. Once I am between the breasts my kisses move to one, licking a slow circle around the base of the mound, making smaller and smaller circles before finally I am licking at and sucking on her hard nipple. I move and do the same thing, just as slow, to the other side before continuing my kisses down her stomach. She gasps and moans a lot during this, arching her back as my kisses land on her hot cunny. I lick at it slowly, not hard enough to penetrate yet. As my rough tongue finally pierces her hot depths and begins to lick her insides she yells out. "Oh Tarin!... your tongue... is so rough....It feels... wonderful." I merely smile and I continue to drive my tongue in and out of her wet pussy. Soon a sloshing sound can he heard as she is filled with her juices. I use my tongue as a spoon to draw some of it out, loving her taste. When I pull my tongue out and curiously lick around her tail hole and puts a hand on the back of my head. "Oh my god!...." I eventually start licking her rosebud for a while, before slowly sliding my tongue into her depths. As soon as I begin to flutter she pushes my head away. "Please... no more... I want you in me when I cum." I lift my head and smile at her. I am nearly at the foot of the bed. I hop off and she looks at me with a lustful face. "I think I can handle that." I grab her foot and pull her too me. Helping her move to her hands and knees. "Just... be gentle. It has been a while for me... and I've never had anyone as big as you..." I nod as I press the tip of my cock against her opening and press slowly until it pops in. She arches her back and moans out. I press forward slowly, amazed as she takes half and still not full. It takes a bit, going slow and careful, but she manages to take all of me. She feels my balls against her and gasps. "Am I... taking all of you." I am nearly quivering with pleasure. She is nearly as tight as Francis... except much warmer... and wet. "Y-yes... you are..." "Oh good... now please... rut me Tarin, fuck me like I need you to." I nod and slowly pull myself nearly out before sliding back in. I keep a slow pace, I do not want to risk hurting her. I cannot help but start to purr loudly. I can tell I am not going to last long at all, but I need to get her off with me. I pick up my pace, and she begins to press back against me. Soon I am hammering into her. The sounds of hard, wet, sloppy sex emanating through my house. It does not take long of this for her to stammer out. "T-Tarin... I'm....Cumminggggggg!" I feel a rush of fluid and her already tight hole clamps down on me as her orgasm hits her. That puts me over the edge and I blast me tiger seed into her. Her muscles squeeze my cock, milking it for everything it has. We are both sweaty, and our thighs are covered with our mixed juices. Without a word We curl up on my bed, her in my arms like I have dreamt in the past, and we fall asleep. Neither of us having the need to be up early tomorrow. * * * Well that's all, I hope no one minds the amount of non yiff .... But this story is hopefully more then just a yiffy series. Please leave me your comments, they are greatly appreciated.

Francis and friends (Tarin 3)

The following story is the third installment in the Tarin series that was my first story, 'Tarins First was the first, and 'Plans' was the second. I have been distracted as of late with friends wanting me to write them special stories and I have been...

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First heat

The following story depicts sexual acts between two consenting adults. Both are anthromorphic felines. All ideas and characters represented here-in are of my own creation and any resemblance to others works is completely coincidental. It this story is...

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The hunted

The following story is meant for adults only. It contains NC relations between a wolf and a rabbit anthro. These characters are mine and from my mind. Any resemblance to others chars or people is completely a coincidence. If you would not like to read...

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