Act XI

Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#12 of The Chess Master

This is the Chess Master novel, a work in progress. I've been working on this since March 16th, 2003. Unlike all of my other stories, I only added my name on the prologue. I even worked up a cover for the novel back then.

Warning: The Jansen Tanner parts of the novel are written in "first-person."

Act XI: Who The Hell Are You?

The next day, Mark and I were relaxing in Athens. I was still in a slump over having lost track of that damned Hogan Slade. Someday I knew his luck would end. I almost had him. Almost. Mark and I were shooting photographs at the Parthenon. I was actually starting to enjoy myself and become relaxed. But you know that something -always- screws up a peaceful day.

Mark and I were beginning to walk to the next photo view, when suddenly, some distance ahead of us, from around the corner of one of the columns, Shane Wayne stood. He was wearing some sort of strange white uniform. But it was undoubtedly Shane Wayne! I rubbed my eyes when I saw him.

"I must be overworked, Mark. That looks like my old friend Sheridan Wayne."

Mark blinked his eyes.

"But it can't be. He's in the Pacific with his Marine buddies."

Shane growled before he could stop himself.

"NEVER call me Sher-"

He stopped mid sentence. I blinked my eyes again.

"Oh my god, It -is- Sheridan! But why is he wearing that strange white uniform?"

Shane slowly approached us, then stopped again.

"Jansen. Mark. I realize this is unorthodox for me to be here, but we need to talk. And you may not like what I have to say. But I wouldn't be here otherwise."

Mark arched his eye at Shane. Something was just not right about what Mark was seeing. But he couldn't figure out what it was. I nodded my head at Shane.

"Okay Sheri-, um, I mean Shane. You've came a long way to find me and you rarely do anything of this nature unless it's very important. Where should we talk?"

Shane didn't smile.

"I am not here alone, Jansen. My team is awaiting me just around the corner. Like I said, you won't like why we're here."

I glanced at Mark, then back to Shane.

"I am already not liking this. You usually smile and joke around. Even when being serious. This must be life threatening."

Shane glanced off to one side, then back directly at me.

"It is life threatening. Your life."

Mark and I both gaped in some shock. Then, we followed Shane back around the column into an alcove where Shane's team was waiting. Shane took a small breath and gazed directly at the person who seemed to be their leader.

"I brought them."

Their leader was a man dressed all in black with dark secure leather gloves and dark sunglasses. He stood six foot four inches tall and weighed about 280 pounds. His short-length hair was brown and he had fair skin. He stood there looking very serious.

"Mr. Tanner? I am Dominic Vanlyone. I cannot reveal as to who we serve, but it recently came to our attention that a threat on your life was apparent from a transmission we intercepted. The contract on your life is to end at midnight in exactly two weeks. We are not here to protect you, as we have knowledge that you would not agree to be protected. Therefore, all we ask is that you allow us to travel with you on any missions during this two week period of time. Do you have any questions?"

I smiled.

"You've certainly done your homework if you knew that I wouldn't agree to be protected. Yet you still came. I must know, however, what is it to your mystery employer for me to stay alive?"

Dominic didn't smile back.

"I am afraid that information is likewise classified, Mr. Tanner. Were we meeting under more casual terms, I could tell you much. But for now, our goal is to capture the assassin; not to protect you. When we accompany you on your missions, we will not interfere in your affairs. Our presence publicly must remain as a touring group. You, publicly, are our guide. Your current employer, Danath Gaul of Chess, must likewise not be advised as to what our actual significance to traveling with you is. Surely I need not remind you about the need for secrecy."

I hummed to myself. Something stunk here. And something about this Dominic person reminded me of myself. This so-called team was just too haphazard a group to be a serious organization of secret agents. Or they were better at their jobs than they appeared. Besides Dominic and Shane, there were six other people, male and female, as well as a large draft horse.

"Very well, Mr. Vanlyone. Your team may accompany me. But don't think for a second that I won't be wondering who you people really are."

Dominic nodded his head.

"Rest assured. If we are successful, after two weeks you will never see our team again. Nor will we be traceable. Although the rest of us may not be locatable, I am sure you will be able to find Shane."

Dominic smiled at Shane.

"I happen to know that your next mission starts tomorrow morning, and you're to take the private jet from the airport here in Athens to Dikson Airfield in Gory Byrranga Siberia Russia. From there, you were to travel eastwards approximately 280 kilometers to the village of Helaliturku."

I stepped back, my eyes were wide. I hadn't told anyone about this mission. Not even Mark knew where I was being flown to.

"How... how... how...?"

Dominic remained calm.

"Our employer has infinite contacts, Mr. Tanner."

I was getting pretty mad. I started growling again.

"By rights, I should kill you for prying into my affairs."

Just at that moment, one his party was just simply behind me with a beaded hand over my throat, and with a blade of some sort pointed into my back.

"Do not threaten my employer, Jansen Tanner. Or the assassin will not need to kill you, for you will be dead already."

I was released quite suddenly. When I turned to see who had been there, the person was somehow back in Dominic's group. Neither Mark nor I knew how the person had done it.

"I see. Your team's appearance -is- misleading. You are all evidently better at your craft than you appear. I am impressed."

Dominic nodded his head again.

"I am sorry, Mr. Tanner. I do not like to have to make threats. It is in your best interest to not try to avoid us come morning. Although I would be disappointed if you didn't try."

I hummed at this apparent challenge.

"Very well. I'll meet your team at the airport come the morning. Now if you'll excuse me, Mark and I have a schedule to continue."

I led Mark away from the annoying group of people. For some reason, they had literally pissed me off. Mark could see it in my eyes. We resumed our photo shoot, then we met two local girls, and did some sight-seeing. Mark and I ended our day by having an early meal at Nicodemus' Tavern.

Back at Chess headquarters, I confronted Danath Gaul, with Mark as my witness, and told him about the strange encounter in the city. Danath look genuinely innocent. That made me calm down a lot. The three of us then accessed Chess' world population database and typed in the name, Dominic Vanlyone. Then, we waited for any matches. About forty seven minutes later, the computer spit out a response on the main screen. "Name: Dominic Vanlyone Status: Non-Existent"

We were all agape at the results. Now I was pretty mad. Who was this bastard? How come he knew so much about my mission? And why was Shane with them?

Danath did a confirmation search for Sheridan "Shane" Wayne and the results verified beyond the shadow of a doubt that he was in the Pacific Ocean with both the Marines and Navy on a joint training exercise. I hummed, then announced to Danath that I was going to leave tonight. It didn't take me long to get packed and even less time to get on the private jet headed for Siberia. Soon, I was on my way. This jet was a newer one, so I felt more at ease. I slept good.

With good weather, such a flight would have taken eleven hours, but there were delays due to snow and blizzards. My jet finally arrived in Siberia at the Dikson Airfield at 1:35 P.M. local time. When the jet finally stopped, I was pleased to see the clear weather. I had just barely departed the jet and had started towards the hangars, when Dominic Vanlyone and his party emerged from the hangar. I stopped in my tracks. There was -no way- they could be here ahead of me. Unless, they departed last night expecting me to try to outsmart them. A calculated risk, but they guessed right. In a way, I was pleased to have the company. But at the same time, Chess couldn't find out any information on the Vanlyone name at all. The man didn't exist. Yet, here he was. I smiled, grabbing my travel pack, and began walking over to Dominic and his party.

"Okay. I admit it. You guessed my actions correctly. Glad to have you here."

Dominic grinned.

"I am also pleased that your flight was uneventful. Hopefully we are still one step ahead of the man wanting you dead. We prearranged some transport for the team before you arrived. There are snowmobiles for all of us. And enough fuel for a round trip."

I smiled at that.

"In my eagerness to try to outfox you, I hadn't thought about how to get to the village. I just assumed my luck would hold out. In a way, it has."

Dominic nodded his head, then introduced me to his team by first names only. Shane, Stellea, Jago, Jonie, Diane, Damon, Gotaki, Garla and Brand.

"We will be able to cover the 280 kilometers in about four days. I have been to the village before, so I do know the way, making me the guide. But the village isn't that hard to find, so even without a guide, you would arrive at the village within a week, at least."

I hummed.

"You certainly seem worldly traveled, Dominic. Four days, huh?"

Dominic nodded his head.

"Four days."

The next four days proved uneventful, yet interesting. Diana and I both kept to our separate selves for most of the trip. Jago and Jonie took pictures of the landscape and monitored how the snowmobiles moved over the terrain. Stellea and Shane shared one snowmobile, while Damon and Garla shared another snowmobile. I was impressed with the short yet endurable Brand who continuously scouted ahead without a snowmobile. Brand seemed to never tire and always returned with wild game to feed the team. Gotaki was -never- seen, yet Brand often commented that she chatted with him during his scouting excursions. My most common quest during this trip was to try to get a glimpse of Dominic without those damned sunglasses on. Every time I got too close to getting a good look, one of the team members conveniently got in my way. At the end of the fourth day, the team arrived in the abandoned ruins of Helaliturku village. I blinked my eyes as I panned my gaze over the ruined village.

"Is this the right place?"

Dominic refolded his mini-map and pocketed it.

"This is Helaliturku. Or rather, what's left of it. Seems there was a battle here. But this is your case, Jansen. Can you tell us what fought here?"

I glanced over at Dominic.

"Something with extraordinary claws. The marks on several of the buildings clearly show that the slashes were not stopped by either the wood or the stone it struck."

Dominic tsked at me.

"That's all you can see? And you call yourself a Black Bishop?"

I flinched. This Dominic Vanlyone seemed to know how to push my buttons, in all the worst ways, and it was annoying me. I took a breath and released it.

"I am just getting started. There are two distinct kinds of claw marks here. I'd say all this was done by two creatures. Both with sharp claws, and both seeking food. The only thing I can't figure out is why they fought. Their scent is strong all over the village."

What I wasn't revealing was that the scent was arousing me and that in itself was making me slightly blush.

"Two creatures. Seemingly both male, but I cannot verify that yet. I'll have to track them down and find out from them why they did this."

Dominic nodded his head.

"That's a better evaluation. Here's the plan... My team will remain in the village and secure the perimeter as well as our food and fuel supplies. Jansen, you will search for the two creatures in your own special and lucky way. Any arguments about this plan?"

I arched an eye at Dominic.

"You're not coming with me?"

Dominic grinned.

"This is your mission, Jansen. I think it would be detrimental if I accompanied you. I cannot explain why. I do know that you won't die on this trip. You -are- a Black Bishop, after all."

I grinned at the timely praise.

"Yes, I am. But to travel totally alone seems odd seeing as how you've came this far with me and now, hang back while I travel onward."

Dominic hummed.

"If they are willing to go with you, I can spare Shane, Jago, and Jonie. But only if they wish to accompany you. Furthermore, they will not accompany you to answer questions. They will be your aides; nothing more."

I irked. Dammit. Dominic always seemed one step ahead of me. How was it that he always seemed to know what I was thinking?

"I would appreciate some company during this trip. And I promise... no questions about you or your team."

This time, I thought.

Jago and Jonie smiled. Jago started getting the equipment ready.

"We'd be glad to help him out. Someone has to carry equipment..."

Shane also spoke up.

"In that case, I better come along. If anyone gets infected, you'll need me to cu-, er, carry people back to base."

Shane got immediately quiet. I refrained hard from turning to look at Shane. I just knew that Shane had slipped up and revealed something but I really needed company on this part of the trip.

"I would surmise that our search should be conducted at night. That way, we can see the fires here in the main camp no matter where we are out in the wilds."

Suddenly, Diana stepped forward.

"I will accompany them."

Dominic nodded his head.

"I think that may be a good idea. Sometimes, a woman can discern things that a man cannot."

Diana smiled.

"Thank you, Dominic."

Diana turned to the others and I.

"Shall we begin?"

I nodded my head. I also had not expected Diana to volunteer to accompany us. Dominic had not specified her as one to come along. Yet, for some reason, I felt at ease having Diana along with us on the search. We were soon trekking outwards from the village under the cover of a cold and chilly night. I wasn't exactly sure what we would find, but I was glad for any moment away from the watchful eyes of Mr. Dominic Vanlyone.

After two hours, our team located an injured Siberian were tigress. She lifted her head at our team's approach, and almost immediately, our team was surrounded by several Siberian were tigers. Although they growled threateningly, they did not advance. Something seemed to keep them at bay. I showed my open hands to the were tigers and spoke to them in Russian.

"I mean you no harm. I am Jansen Tanner, Black Bishop of Chess. I am investigating the unusual activities in this portion of Siberia. I realize that this is your home territory and your own presence here is normal. But judging from the ruins of the nearby village, I have to assume you have been fighting a war against another species that is not native to this region. Is there any way I and my friends may help your tribe?"

The main were tigress settled down and nodded to her warriors to pull back and they immediately obeyed. Then, she lifted her head and replied in Russian.

"You have offered your help. This we will accept. I have been injured by a weapon that I cannot pull free from my hide, using neither claw nor fang. This weapon is small, foul smelling and was proceeded by a mysterious yet loud lightning sound, yet no heavenly bolts were seen. The people who used this weapon accompanied the other creatures we have been fighting. They speak a language unknown to us."

I glanced to Shane.

"Think you can remove the bullet from her wound? She's been shot and cannot heal properly. As for the other half, they are at war with non Russians working in unison with the other creatures. And if you already know what they are, I'd appreciate it if you told me ahead of time."

Shane sighed, and glanced to each of the others. Then, he turned back to me.

"This is the only time I am going to reveal something. Werewolves."

Shane approached the were tigress and knelt beside her. He opened his medical kit and began the process of removing the bullet. I sighed and turned away from everyone, then blinked my eyes at the odd shadowy image off in the night. It appeared to be a large caribou. Then, it simply vanished. I blinked my eyes again. "What the hell was that?", I thought. Diana placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Question not that which chooses to ally itself with you. Better on your side than against it."

I glanced at Diana.

"What is your involvement with this bunch? I noticed that you spaced yourself from all the others for most of the entire trip."

Diana grinned.

"I thought you promised Dominic not to ask those kind of questions..."

Jansen humphed.

"Don't give me that, Diana. I can tell you can't stand following Dominic's orders any more than I enjoy being badgered by his ever burning gaze."

Diana chuckled.

"The last time I heard that tone of voice was from Dominic. I think you deserve to know why I came along with Dominic and his team."

Jansen smiled. "Now we're getting somewhere.", I thought. Diana smiled.

"I am the fail safe of the team. If something goes wrong, I am the just in case modifier to pull the team out of the frying pan. Now be a good boy and don't ask anything else about -any- of the team members."

Diana affixed a dark gaze on me.

"Or else..."

I suddenly got the feeling of being neutered. -That- made me flinch. Leave it to a woman to get the 'point' across. I turned my attention to chatting with the were tigress about the werewolves and the weapon carrying associates of the werewolves. Soon, Shane finished retrieving the bullet from the wound, then showed it to the were tigress. Shane began applying a secure bandage to the were tigress' wound, being gentle just the same. The were tigress smiled and licked Shane's face; Shane smiled back. The were tigress turned to me and spoke in Russian.

"Tell your friend that I thank him. Also tell him that he tastes good."

I blinked my eyes and repeated the information to Shane. He grinned.

"Tell her that as a friend to most weres worldwide, that I thank her. Also tell her that I look forward to seeing her at an upcoming Tranquility Moonrise."

I gaped.

"What is the Tranquility Moonrise?"

Shane glared at me.

"You'll find out later. Just tell her please."

I again repeated the information to the were tigress, in Russian. The were tigress grinned and licked Shane again, hugging Shane somewhat tightly. Shane hugged her back. She released Shane and resumed telling me the rest of the information concerning the werewolves. Soon, I and my team were traveling northwards away from the were tigers. I turned to Shane.

"She told me what the Tranquility Moonrise was. I know I promised not to ask about your team, but how did you happen to learn of such a gathering?"

Shane grinned.

"Some of my Navy buddies are were otters."

She grinned as she started wondering who these people were.

"They sure know a lot about Jansen! That must have drove him crazy trying to find out who they were. And how did they get to Siberia before him? They remind me of Linda Star. We haven't seen her in forever. I wonder if she's still performing stage magic."

She placed a pillow into her office chair and resumed reading Jansen's agent history.

HM-03 The Mystery of Garm's Chain

Quote: Genie makes arrangements with Grim to take the team to Asgard where they might hope to solve the mystery about how Garm keeps getting loose. Hela okays the team's being there because they have solved so many other mysteries, thus far, so...

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Act X

Act X: Tale Of Two Werewolves When I arrived at the bunker in Leeds, my car phone rang. I picked up the receiver. "Danath?" It was indeed Danath Gaul. "Jansen? Good. I'm glad I caught you before you returned to Athens. Another mission has...

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Act IX

Act IX: Eldritch Pips and Unicycles A little over twelve to fifteen hours later, my jet landed in Leeds, England. I reported to the local Chess bunker and requested Emergency Pack B, as well as a sports car. I sat in the sports car looking over the...

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