TAFW Story Contest entry: A Taste of Night

Story by Dasher Cheetah on SoFurry

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TAFW story contest entry about Rich Masters, from my series Rabbit Test and a Bat Recomb he happens to meet, on Halloween night

Hello all! My friend Violet Tiger has started a story contest and asked if I would take part in it. I agreed and so, thought up this little story. The link to his journal desribing the contest is as follows:


I hope others will give it a try and I hope you will find my entry worthy of your votes. After all, I want to win the title of world's greastest writer! *chuckles* I know it is late for Halloween but it was on my mind when I thought of this so...

A Taste of Night

Rich Masters had thanked the Lapine family for inviting him to their Halloween party and was ready to walk the couple of blocks to his home. They laughed at that and told him, "As if we would not invite you." They all hugged him and told him they would see him soon.

Stepping out into the night, Rich zipped his coat up. The temperature was cool and quite windy besides. It hadn't rained but looked as if it might do so at some point. Leaves skittered down the street and the nearly bare trees rocked in a spooky fashion. The wind made moaning sounds as it blew thru the branches. All in all, a perfectly eerie night of All Hallowed Souls and he could believe that ghosts would be flitting about.

With a laugh at himself for thinking such thoughts, he still shivered a little. He was only a young teenager after all and not too sure things like ghosts did not exist. From one pool of light under the street lights to another, he made his way thru the neighborhood.

Past an empty old house with it's unkempt yard, he walked and a sudden gust of wind was followed by a sharp crack, then a thud and a high pitched shriek! His blood froze and he stood still with fright. Looking over, he saw a branch had broken off one of the old gnarled trees, to fall to the ground. He was very happy it had not been near enough to hit him and was about to hurry on when he heard it. Under the sound of the wind, came a soft whimper and moan.

Honestly, he considered running on home to the warmth and safety of his parents and house. He was about to do so when he heard again, the soft whimpers. Torn, he couldn't deny that the sound was of someone in pain and being who he was, he just couldn't ignore it. Wishing he had brought a flashlight, he stepped off the sidewalk and into the gloom under the trees.

Telling himself it might be nothing , he resolved to look around for a little bit and then go home if he found nothing. The leaves crackled underfoot and the cold bit thru his clothes but he peered into the shadows for the source of the soft, high pitched cries. It was so dark and hard to see anything! He wished he had night vision, like one of the Recomb races.

Closer to the old house, he heard it again and called out, "H-Hello? Is someone there?" Silence for a moment was followed by a tiny sob and then a plaintive voice answered, "Please, help me? I'm hurt . . ."

Rich barely paused to think that a ghost would not ask for help or be hurt as he moved further into the darkness, nearer the old house. The branch he had heard fall had left a big hole where the heavy broken off end had hit the soft ground. Moving along it, he searched as he called again, "Where are you? I can't see anything."

From very near, he heard a soft breathy gasp of surprise and it exclaimed, "A human! Oh no! Go away! Please, don't hurt me..." Sounds of struggling lead him to look further under the branch to something moving and Rich called out, "Hold on! I won't hurt you. I am friends with Recombs and don't want to hurt anyone. Please? Settle down and let me see if I can help."

The sounds of struggle slowed, then stopped. From the small dark shape came a timid query, "R-Really? Friends with who?" Rich's eyes were adjusting to the dark and he felt along the branch, trying to judge if he was going to be able to lift it or not. He told of the Lapine family on the next block and heard a breath of relief before the voice said, "I know about them. You must be the human I have seen going in and out of their house. Alright, I guess I can trust you but d-don't be frightened when you see me, please?"

This puzzled Rich but he said he wouldn't be scared. Standing, he told the unidentified voice to hold on. Taking hold of the tree limb, he strained and carefully lifted it a couple feet in the air before asking, "Can you crawl out now?" Sounds of struggle and small cries of pain came forth. It took a full minute before the voice called that it was free. It sniffles and tried to hold back from crying as it said, "I . . . I'm hurt. I can't stand up or walk. C-Can you help me up and to get inside, out of this cold?"

Rich set the branch down carefully and stood back up. He looked around, toward where he had heard the voice coming from and made out a very small form huddled on the ground. He moved toward it and thought it was so small, it must be a child! This alarmed him more than before and he tried to stay calm as he knelt down and said soothingly, "Of course I can. Where are you hurt? I didn't think anyone lived here. It's always dark and I never see anyone around here. Oh!" He put his arms under the the form and picked it up gently, astounded at how light it was and that he felt fur and an almost leather like skin. Cradling it, he moved cautiously to the porch and up to the door.

The little one was shivering, from fright or cold, he didn't know. Pushing open the door, he stepped into the darkness. The wind blew the door shut and he was in total darkness. His ears tickled as a sensation happened in them, then the little Recomb said, "It's alright, the floor is bare and there is nothing to trip over. Walk ahead ten feet and there is a sofa you can set me down on. *sniff* You smell nice! I can smell the Rabbits on you and *giggle* that you are really good friends with them."

Rich blushed, knowing she was smelling that he and Chrissy had had sex only hours ago. Recombs had such sensitive noses, it was almost impossible to hide anything from them. He walked forward as told and felt the sofa with his foot, setting the little fur down on it as directed. Standing back up, he heard it move and in a few seconds there was a flare of light as a match was struck. His eyes took a bit to get adjusted to the light and the soft glow of a lit candle, showed the room for the first time.

It was almost empty but for the sofa and the little form sitting on it. The windows were covered, which explained why it was so dark inside. Looking at the one he had helped for the first time, Rich saw a small, dark ball that slowly resolved into something that made sense. Wings wrapped around its body and a long eared, mouse like head of a Bat looked up at him. It blinked and was huddled in upon itself as if expecting him to yell or even strike out, now that he could see it.

Rich was surprised, to say the least. He hadn't seen a Bat Recomb before or even known there were any but there it was. He gave a little smile and cocked his head curiously, then asked, "Where are you hurt? Can I help you with it? Is there anyone I can call for you?"

The young Bat looked at him curiously and said, "Aren't you going to run away? You have already done more than most would and now that you know what I am, most everyone else would run away." Rich heard the loneliness in its voice and the sadness at expecting him to do just that. It touched the young human and he said softly, "I see no reason to be afraid and you need help. I'll help you, if you will let me? I meant it when I said I am not like most humans. Just because you are a Recomb, it doesn't mean you are not a person. Now, what can I do?"

The little face looked up with surprise, followed by a dawning hope that was pitiful to see. Rich remembered how he had helped Ben, the first time he had seen him being beat up by a group of human kids. The look he had got from the Rabbit was like this but this was even more so. The dark brown wings slowly unwound from around the huddled form and for the first time Rich saw how they were a combination or wing and arms. He also saw that it was a female, with breasts and painfully thin. Tho his friends the Lapines were not embarrassed by nudity, he wasn't sure about her and he averted his eyes with a blush as he stammered out, "Oh my! I'm s-sorry. You must be cold! Can I lend you my jacket?"

She looked at him curiously, She knew humans wanted Recombs to wear clothes and were shy about being without them. She had some but hadn't been wearing any as she had been out flying, looking for food and clothes would have hampered that, as well as being heavy. She wrapped her wings back around herself loosely and said amused, "I didn't mean to shock you. I can't sear clothes when I fly and didn't expect to get hurt, or be seen by anyone. I try to keep hidden most of the time." It was then that her stomach rumbled and she winced from the hunger pangs, giving a small moan.

Rich looked back with concern and took off his jacket. Pulling a candy bar from his pocket first, he put the jacket over her and held it out as he said, "Here! It isn't much but it is all I have at the moment. I can get more food for you and bring it back but I think I should make sure you aren't badly hurt first. Where do you hurt?"

She looked at the candy bar and made a face, turning her hear away as she told him, "I can't eat that. I would get sick if I tried." Rich put the candy away and apologized before saying, "I'm sorry. Do you need meat? I can run home and bring some back for you. What do you need? I'm afraid of you starving, you are so thin and light."

She looked at his earnest face and thought, 'Is this for real? He does not know what I am, that's obvious but do I dare? He is a human and ... Oh dear Goddess, I am so hungry and he smells so . . . delicious!' She knew she needed to eat and soon or she would be too weak to hunt or fly and then she would be in danger of being caught! The human was young but not a cub. Surely he could spare a little without harm?

The Bat decided then that she had little choice left, if she wanted to live so she hid her face and began crying. This distressed Rich, who was a very caring person and he sat next to her on the old dusty couch, put his arms around her and held her as he soothed and tried to calm her. So near. She could hear his heartbeat, feel his warmth and almost see the hot blood pumping thru his veins! Her tummy growled louder and she whimpered from the pain.

Rich begged her to tell him what was wrong and what he could do for her. He was nearly ready to pick her up and carry her out, back to the Lapine family's home where maybe they could help or he could call for an ambulance.

Before he could do that, she looked up and made her decision. Her long tongue came out and licked along his cheek, surprising him. As he looked at her, she smiled very slightly and sighed, then said, "Please don't be afraid but I have to show you something." After he nodded, she smiled wider and let her fangs show. The look of surprise on his face was enough to make her look sad and say, "You see now? This is why I can't eat your candy and your food won't help me. *sob* I'm so hungry! No one will help me either..."

She sniffled and moaned as her stomach churned on itself. Now he would run away and leave her, just like everyone did who knew what she was. She stopped and looked up as she realized he hadn't let go of her, nor was he looking at her with disgust!

Rich swallowed, then said, "I guess you are a V-Vampire Bat? That means . . . you drink blood?" She nodded with wide eyes up at him and he thought a second. He was afraid of pain and didn't like seeing his own blood but seeing how sad she was and knowing she needed help, his emotions warred within him until he held his fear under control and asked, "I-If ... I mean, you d-don't drink a lot, do you? You wouldn't kill me or drain me dry? I wouldn't turn into a...?"

For the first time in a very long time, her spirits rose and she giggled at him, which made him feel embarrassed and a bit foolish. She opened her wings, showing off her slight form and said, "Silly human. You believe those old stories about Vampires and the undead? Do I look or feel dead? No, look! I am so much smaller than you, I couldn't drink all you have if I wanted to. Where would I hold it?"

Rich looked down her slender body and realized that indeed, she could not drink even a liter without becoming bloated. He also took in her breasts and the bare edges of her sex, between her little legs. She made no move to close her legs or cover herself and it was making a certain part of his uncomfortable. He coughed and said, "Well... I guess not but what about rabies?"

She looked indignant and asked, "Do I look sick? I mean besides being thin. I assure you, I don't have rabies or any of those other diseases you are thinking about. *sigh* I'm just hungry and hurting from where the branch hit me. You have been very nice to me and I thank you for it but you can go. I will try and find something to . . . well, you know. There are little prey animals that I usually hunt." She looked sad again but was resigned to it. This was how she lived. Now, she would probably have to leave and find a new place to hide as well. A tear welled in her eye as she thought of how alone she would be once more.

Rich's voice came to her ears and he said, "I... I'm not sure I can just go, now that I know you and see how much you need help. Does it hurt? I mean, I guess it would but does it hurt a lot? When you bite someone? By the way, my name is Rich, Rich Masters."

The Bat fem looked up in wonder at this young human male. Could he really be offering... himself? She blinked but couldn't hide the joy she was beginning to feel within her heart. She smiled with lips closed over her fangs and said hesitantly, "Hello Rich. My name is Rose. This is so strange! No one wants to talk with me or has ever helped, once they knew what I am. I . . . I don't know how to feel about this but it feels so wonderful to meet someone who doesn't run away or scream at me to go. Umm, well, my teeth are made for it by the Goddess, to be as efficient as they can be. They are sharp so it hurts much less than it could if I were a meat eater. I also have a natural anesthetic in my saliva, so other than the first part no, it doesn't hurt. If it did, I would have a hard time holding an animal still. I don't want to kill anything, just get enough of their blood to live another day."

Rich thought that sounded reasonable, all things considered. He nodded and swallowed to wet his dry throat, then steeled his nerves and said, "Then, if you promise not to kill me or anything, I . . . I guess I..." He held out his arm and put his wrist before her mouth. He shut his eyes and tensed, expecting her to grab his hand and bite him!

Rose giggled softly and wiggled her butt against what she could feel had grown under her. In a more sultry tone, she told him, "I have a better idea. One that would feel better for us both and pay you back for being so brave and generous. . . I can feel you are interested in me and I already know you have had sex with your Rabbit friends . . . both the males and females." He blushed at being found out but knew most Recombs were not bothered by sex. He was still getting used to it himself. He said quietly, "Yes, I have but I don't think I would like being bit..."

Rose blinked and gasped as she got it and said, "Oh no! That isn't what I meant at all! Yes, it would hurt a lot if I bit you there and I would NOT do that. What I meant was, if you wanted to, we could have sex and I could bite you lightly on the shoulder, to drink while we enjoyed each other. I assure you, it would not hurt that way and we would both enjoy it very much. That is, if you wanted to have sex with me?" She didn't know why but for some reason, the idea of having sex with this young human was becoming more desirable to her than even the chance to feed from him. He smelled so-o-o good! Her pussy was already wet and her little nipples were standing up hard. She wanted him but was afraid of scaring him off by being too forward.

Rich relaxed, now that he knew she didn't intend to bite him on his most sensitive place. Looking down her body, he could see and slightly smell that she had become wet. Her breasts showed that tho she was small, she was not too young for sex and frankly, even tho her teeth were a bit scary, she was kinda cute. He let his fingers rub thru the soft fur on her back and cleared his throat, then said, "I AM interested but I don't want . . . that is, I don't think you have to have..."

Her wing top where the thumb emerged, came up and touched his lips. She looked happy and relaxed but excited too and she said, "I know I don't have to. I want to... You have no idea of how lonely I have been. How much I have wanted the touch of a male... Please? Help both of the hungers I feel?"

Put that way and being who he was, it would have been almost impossible for Rich to deny her. He nodded and she turned in his arms to face him with a look of delight. Her wings helped balance her and she pushed lightly as she told him, "This will be easier if you lay back and let me be on top." He laid down on the sofa and felt her feet begin to grapple with his belt and pants. They were quite dexterous and she quickly had them undone, pushing them down his legs to bare the rigid shaft of his cock.

Rose was bright eyed and breathing faster as she moved herself on top of him. He felt one of her feet grasp his cock base and hold it as she shifted again. Rose's voice went up as she grew more excited and told him, "Dear Goddess! Thank you for this gift!" He felt wet warmth touch him, then his head slid between her lips and she pushed herself down. It was so tight! Rich groaned and fought to hold still as he felt her envelope his cock, pushing down until he was deep with in her sex! Rose gave a little shriek of joy, sonar pulses tickling his ears as her insides clasped around him.

Rich groaned at how good it felt and his hands came up to cup her breasts. He fondled the small mounds, brushing a finger over the hard nubs of her nipples. Rose's feet gripped his waist and she rocked a bit on him, being sure she had taken all of it into herself as she looked down into his eyes. Yes! She was full of hard cock and it felt so good! Too good in fact. She had been careful but her control was weakening.

She leaned down and as she began riding him, she kissed him and his mouth opened. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and lightly brushed his tongue, along the roof of his mouth and against his teeth. They kissed, growing hotter as it progressed and he moaned. He was getting near and his balls ached to release their load!

He let his tongue enter her mouth and when he touched her fang, it cut him. The blood taste filled her mouth and Rose lost her control. The hunger took over and she sucked, drinking the little she could get. It was too little and she had been hungry for so long! Her nature, which she had been holding back, surged to the fore and took over. Rich looked up and saw her eyes sparkle, then he knew no more.

Rich woke on the sofa, groggy and tired. It was dark and smelled musty. He looked blearily around and did not recognize where he was. Weakly, he tried to sit up and held onto the back of the couch to steady himself. Looking around, he saw an old bare room, the windows covered and dust everywhere. How had he come here? What had happened? The answers were slow in coming to him. He saw a sheet of paper pinned to the back of the couch and pulled it free. In the little bit of light leaking thru the side of a curtain, he saw writing and made out the following;

Dear Rich,

I know you are confused right now and that will pass. I am sorry I could not be here to help you this morning but it is better this way. Last night I met the most wonderful male I have ever met in my . . . life. You, a young human are the best thing that has ever happened to me in a very long time. How long? Let me just say, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. You helped me, a stranger to you and were as selfless as anyone I have ever known. I thank you for that. For your help, for the brave gift of you blood that I needed so badly and most, for letting me enjoy your body. I haven't had sex in years and you were as good as any male I have ever had. So good . . . well, so good that I did something I should not have. I drank deeply from you and you will feel weak for a couple days but you are not in danger. I didn't take that much from you and wouldn't if I could, tho you were delicious. Sweet Rich, you will never see me again. I dare not stay here any longer, for both our sakes. I can't chance being found and I don't dare stay because I would be tempted to come to you again and continue what we did last night. If I continued to feed from you, you would become sick and die and I don't want to put you in such danger. I would also want to have sex every night with you and that would weaken you further, so it is best I flee from this place and go far away. You are so handsome and so tasty! But more, you are so good that I just cannot chance taking you from this world, where you belong. Thank you dearest Rich Masters. Thank you for showing me the world is not as cold and lonely as I once thought it to be. I left you a little present to remember me by. It is in your pants pocket and I hope you will keep it and think of me not too unkindly. I will never forget you, or the time we shared together. Be well and I pray the Goddess will bless you with her love, as I am unworthy to love you......... Rose Nightwing.

Rich remembered, everything! He touched his throat and felt two small bumps. Scars from where she had bitten him and the wound was completely healed! He reached into his pocket and felt something other than change and the little pocket knife he carried. It was a tiny box and he pulled it out. Black velvet covered, like the fur around her sex. He opened it slowly and inside, he saw a tiny bat figure. It looked as if it were hanging by its toes from the delicate gold chain, meant to go around his neck. Its wings were wrapped around itself and it smiled at him, with a pair of tiny garnet chips, blood red for eyes.

Rich looked at it for a few minutes, running over everything that had happened and now the note. He was not sure of how he felt about this. True, she hadn't really hurt him and he had wanted to help her but . . .

Closing the box, he put it back in his pocket and tried to stand. He was a bit unsteady but not too badly. Rich sighed deeply and looked around. It was silent but for the sounds that came from outside. There was nothing left to show she had been there but the note and his gift from her. Even the candle wax was gone and the only marks in the dust were ones he had made. Could it have been a dream? No. Dreams don't leave notes or necklaces. She had been real and now, she was gone.

Rich stood quietly for a couple minutes, then softly said, "Thank you Rose. I will never forget you either. May the Goddess grant you peace and may you find love for yourself." Rich walked slowly to the door, pulled it open and took one last look around. A lone tear slid down his cheek and he shut the door behind himself as he walked out into the morning sunshine.

Rabbit Test: Chapter Eleven

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