Bun Bun's Toys

Story by Ilkarin on SoFurry

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A fox is shrunk by a rabbit and becomes one of her new toys to play with.

Michael (C) Michael Higgs (aka) Tinyfoxtaur

*Bun Bun's Toys *

His body spun about, all four feet crisscrossing each other as he stumbled over and fell flat backwards on his rear end. The sensation of vertigo hit Mike pretty hard, stars started to spin along his eyesight and the images of the two females before him blurred and swayed as if he was in some drunken haze. After a minute or so, things started to collect themselves, the blurred outlines of the other vixen and the rabbit transforming into one solid shape. The foxtaur squeaked out a surprise yelp as he found his face to be about level with the women's knees.

"Aww, look how cute you've made him!" The now larger fox gently clasped her paws together and bent down to pet Mike on the head. Blush filled his cheeks at the new situation, strangely a sensual shiver went down along his spine as this new feeling of being small was somehow stimulating his mind and arousing his body.

Mike was originally a somewhat fit and slender foxtaur of about five feet and six inches tall. Red fur adorned his body as he had the usual black gloves and socks along his body and the white pelt on his chest. Daliah was similar, expect she was a biped vixen and stood all of five feet tall. The other one, Paula, slowly set aside the shrink ray gun that she had been tinkering with and again both watched the confusion and awe Mike was giving them at his new two foot tall size.

The room was rather plain for a bedroom. Just a simple desk lamp beside the king-sized bed on a nightstand, though beside the mirror dresser was a painter's portfolio area with multiple pencils, brushes and canvas's. Looking over at them, Mike blinked and found his glasses fell off of his face and onto the floor. Paula chuckled, picking them up and setting those aside.

"You won't be needing these for what's to come little Michael." She whispered to him, her face taking up almost the entire line of vision he had. His body moaned again and started to slowly reveal his masculinity from below at the sight of the two naked females. He gave each in turn a hug on their legs, smiling.

"Thank you for this, I have, been curious to want to try it out. I am happy you both seemed to agree on this." Little did he know that each had a small grin upon their lips.

Daliah was a slender vixen; she had a regular routine exercise schedule and contained her petite body within a stunning hour-glassed figure. Paula at times was a bit jealous of the vixen. Besides her stunning body and figure, she had a long flowing mane of brown hair that only highlighted her green eyes. And besides that, she was extremely well endowed within the bosom department. Paula kept wondering if Daliah had grown out horizontally instead of vertically. The vixen had at least a good-sized DD chest.

Paula on the other hand was a brown rabbit, and six feet tall in height. Her own exercise routines did little to help her figure. She was a slightly overweight person with bits of pudgy fat hanging here and there on her figure. Though she probably did little to complain about her generously sized D bosom.

Michael found a bit of drool slowly forming itself on his lips as the women were chattering about something from above while his mind began to wander along upwards at the beauties before him. He was a person of enjoying the full figure of someone, and found his mind slowly working its way into a sensual realm as he imagined himself sandwiched between those massive breasts, nuzzling and licking gently at the hardened nipples as well as stroking the soft areola's and finding himself in heaven.

His thoughts were cut short however as Paula slowly slipped her paws underneath his butt and his armpits as she lifted him up like a small child. "Alright Mike." The rabbit paused and giggled, as the little foxtaur was growing pretty solid, his cock rigid and very aroused as he felt like he was still lightheaded from the experience of the changing.

"Yes?" He almost seemed to purr, his eyelids partially shut as Daliah started to stroke a paw down his back and flank, making him shiver in pleasure. Daliah slowly settled her body down upon the soft flower-pattern covers on the bed and pats beside herself gently, mostly beckoning to Paula, but also to the little Mike who started to get his face nuzzling up against the rabbit's upper cleavage.

"Hey!" Daliah said and slowly pulled Michael free from Paula's soft and plushy bosom as she grinned and brushed down along his chest. Again his vision somewhat obscured by the very bountiful softness of the fox's pillows as he meeped as she slowly ran a finger or two down along his erect (if shrunken) member.

The foxtaur's eyes widened a bit as he arched his body upward and moaned loudly, feeling his tail sway very fast from the stimulation. Paula slowly settled down besides the vixen. Michael almost gasped; his very imagination was running wild, what if, what if they were to do what he had been dreaming of? Euphoria hit him like a lode stone and he almost melted as the two women sandwiched him between their muzzles, kissing and licking over his sides, chest, flanks and even down below to his excited cock, blushing as Paula got a small slurp of pre on her tongue from one of the licks.

Mike meanwhile just started to rub and caress what he could of their faces with his feet and his hands, soon he found himself slip and fall down between them, both turning their heads down and grinning. Paula looked to Daliah and she gave a soft nod as she turned Mike to face Paula, his nose smelling a soft scent of her feminine arousal in the air as more pre dripped off of his shaft. Panting he snuggled himself up close into Paula's ample bosom and kissed along the soft bouncing flesh.

Daliah however had her own part, by slowly running her own chest down along Michael's back, causing a squeak-like moan to escape from his lips as he shivered and felt her run a finger down his flank and along to his tailhole. She slowly started to rub and bump her finger against his butt, teasing him inside by feeling that area.

"Oh god!" He felt his toes clench and latched his mouth onto Paula's nipple as he began to suckle like a hungry kit. The rabbit giggled at this, smirking at how it tickled at first, but then was very arousing, as she watched the vixen, she felt that jealously rise up in her throat as she narrowed her eyes gently at the two, getting a second plan in her mind as she slowly reached back onto the desk table and turn the shrink ray's knob even lower.

The small foxtaur then turned his body around and began to suckle gently upon Daliah's nipples, murring loudly as she giggled at the small tickling and then stroked down Paula's thigh. Turning to face the rabbit though, she saw the bunny containing a bit of a grin across her lips and a brilliant blue light shooting out of the shrink ray at both her and Mike!

Daliah gasped, feeling the ray's energy swirl and sparkle around her and Mike, already starting to see the rabbit become larger in size than she already was with every passing second. "What are you doing?" She managed to squeak out, Mike still happily nuzzling her chest for the moment.

Paula growled; the vixen hitting two feet and still diminishing as she passed the rabbit's naval. "You were always the one getting the attention, the better body, the better frame, everything. Well, thanks to Mike's little invention, we can change all of that."

Mike then shook his head and squeaked in shock as he found the rabbit starting to appear like a titan to him, the vixen diminishing in body size with his own. Soon they were the same size and dropped beneath one foot tall.

"Paula..." He squeaked to her, whining softly as he hugged Daliah and found the rabbit had set the shrink ray's setting to a very small size indeed. He though could not help but feel as he was staring more upwards at the rabbit when she rose to her knees that his arousal was pounding stronger than ever before.

The rabbit gave a loud chuckle, leaning her muzzle down to the now three-inch tall fox and fox taur. "Well well well, looks like I have to find you two a job now that you aren't large enough to take care of yourselves. Hrm, I know, you two from now on will be my personal sex toys."

Daliah shivered, but Mike did not know whether to be afraid or faint. Paula then reached down, her massive paws slowly closing around both the foxes as she lifted them up and debated about how to use them properly for their first of many nights they would spend being her toys.

First she took Daliah and slowly inserted the tiny fox girl against her right breast, forcing her to suckle on the now massive and pert nipple as she whined again and moaned softly in the arousing process.

Mike however was gently taken and guided down into her awaiting sex. He scrambled, trying to get out of her fingers, but the grip was too strong. He saw himself entering her through the front and got his body stuffed. The foxtaurs shaft lurched again, so close to climaxing he growled inside, her fingers pinning down Daliah on the outside and giving a slow rhythmic pushing of Mike as a makeshift dildo.

Soon enough the foxtaur squeaked and released his "pitiful" load inside of her as Paula removed him, Daliah stuck and nuzzling softly against one breast as she kissed and licked Mike clean, churring to his smell and flavor as she let him use her second breast as a soft bed.

All the meanwhile, Michael blushed at this strange turn of events, but inside was excited to experience more, he was so glad he made that device.

Digimon Fanfic - Episode 1

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