AZ-02 Flight to Arvandor

Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#2 of Arcadia Zoe

This is one of my few series where the main character is a girl. Watch the granddaughter of Artemis as she dodges assaults from her granduncle Hades. With a little help from her friends.


_To get Arcadia's and Roger's lessons started, Gavin escorts the gang to elven Arvandor where Roger crafts his first spell book and Arcadia learns the basics of being a goddess. But upon their return to Richfield, the mysterious assassin arrives and gets more than she bargained for.

Coming up next on the second episode of Arcadia Zoe!_

**Arcadia Zoe: Episode Two

AZ-02 Flight To Arvandor By Darrel James Vanwinkle 12/10/2003**

Mr. Richards exclaimed, "You all should be safe here. I'll call the school, as well as Roger's parents, and explain what is going on. The school will excuse you all, due to the circumstances. Roger's parents, I hope, will appreciate that we're keeping him safe."

Roger said, "As long as they know that I am safe, they'll understand. Just don't lie to them. They hate liars."

Mr. Richards left the chamber.

Gavin turned to Arcadia. "I assume you have been practicing Focus and True Sight, haven't you?"

Arcadia sighed and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I wasn't sure how to use them." Arcadia then blinked her eyes at an image out the corner of her eye, but when she turned her head to look directly at the image, she only saw Irene standing there. Arcadia then turned back to Gavin.

Gavin smiled. "What did you see, Arcadia?"

Irene quickly realized what Arcadia had seen and spoke up. "I think Arcadia saw my true form out the corner of her eye and turned her head to focus on it. But when she did, her moment of concentration had been broken and she lost the image, seeing only my outward appearance."

Arcadia turned to Irene again. "Yes... I saw an emerald colored anthropomorphic dragon."

Irene grinned. "Be glad everyone can't see that."

Gavin smiled. "So, your powers are gradually coming into being. I think it's time you were taught another ability. An easy one. But remember, Arcadia... you really DO need to practice with your abilities. It could save the lives of your friends, as well as yourself."

Arcadia nodded her head. "I promise that I'll practice. What is the next ability?"

Roger was still seated on Gavin's back. Roger was silently thinking, (I have to be patient. I really wish that I could learn something to practice. I have to be patient...)

Gavin smiled to Arcadia, seemingly oblivious to Roger's thoughts. "The next two abilities to learn are Aura and Tongues. Aura allows a god to see whether the person, animal or thing he is focusing on is good, evil, or completely neutral. Aura will also allow you to discern mood swings in people and animals, much like the colors of a mood ring. People with an aura of goodness have what will appear to be a cascading ivory and softly glowing light blue effect all around their bodies. Evil people have an aura of bubbling purple and life-sucking black smoke all around their bodies. Neutral beings have an aura of reflective chrome, with a softly glowing silver radiance all over their bodies. I am sure you know the mood colors."

Arcadia smiled and nodded her head. "That sounds simple enough. I use my Focus ability to focus on someone, and when I see the colors, I'll know their aura."

Michelle then asked, "And what about the Tongues ability? I am sure Arcadia is perfectly happy having just one tongue in her mouth."

Gavin laughed.

Michelle growled a little. "What's so funny?"

Gavin grinned. "Tongues allows a god to understand, read and write every language. As soon as Arcadia hears a new language, she'll have a five percent chance, per minute of hearing the language, to learn it. If Arcadia 'focuses' on learning the language, her chances increase to ten percent per minute. The moment Arcadia learns the language, she'll retain it forever."

Arcadia exclaimed, "I have a feeling my head is going to be cluttered with languages."

Gavin laughed again. "For ease of use and understanding, I will tell you that all animals speak a universal language that only animals, and gods, can understand and speak. It is called Aninet, or Animal Network. I think that is the first language you should focus on learning. Animals can be enormous allies to you, Arcadia. They know a lot more than humans think."

Irene giggled, then hummed as she noticed Roger's boredom. "Gavin... I think you and Roger need to go bond or something. We 'ladies' need to powder our noses." Irene led her friends off into the bathroom marked with the 'female' symbol on the door.

Gavin blinked his eyes at Irene's comment, then he turned his head toward Roger. It was true; Roger looked pretty bored. He felt 'left out' of the events. Gavin petted Roger's cheek. "I'm sorry, Roger. I didn't mean to ignore you. Irene is right. I need to get your training started. I was so focused on helping Arcadia... she is just so vulnerable right now... she can't even summon godly attacks or raise divine defenses yet."

Roger sighed. "When will she be able to do any of that?"

Gavin kept petting Roger. "Well, she can't learn it from me. I'm not a god."

Roger replied, "You mean that you can only help her with the minor basics, but she'll need an actual god to learn the majors and super effects?"

Gavin nodded his head. "That's why I am so intent in getting Arcadia prepared so she'll know the difference between an evil god and a good one."

Roger sighed again. "And what of me? I've been trying to be patient, but... it just feels like... well... you didn't really want to teach me anything..."

Gavin lowered his head, his hand dropping to Roger's leg. "You're a pretty smart lad, Roger. Originally, I gave you the blank book to get rid of you. I hadn't expected you to figure out the book's secret so fast. However, I have to teach you now or I'll lose all of my powers."

Roger blinked his eyes. "You'll lose your powers? How do you mean?"

Gavin sighed. "When I accepted you as my apprentice, I pretty much made a spirit agreement. If I renege on this agreement, I'll be forced back into my true form and I'll lose all of my powers... permanently... so, you see... I have to teach you."

Roger also sighed at that point. "I...I...I'm sorry... I...I didn't know... I just thought..."

Gavin could see that Roger felt like crap now. "Please... it's not your fault, Roger. What's done is done... but I can't really teach you in Richfield... the environment isn't right for the things I'd be teaching you... that's another reason I told you to be patient... but I can see now that my telling you to be patient is hurting you. You were expecting to learn something right away, but instead, I've made it seem like you weren't as important as Arcadia Zoe."

Roger hugged Gavin and quietly sobbed.

Gavin hugged Roger back, then pulled out his spell book. "I think I better remedy the situation. But we can't leave the girls behind. Arcadia is my responsibility, as you are, now."

As if on cue, Irene and the others returned to the rec room. Irene noticed Roger's tears, then said, "Is everything okay, Gavin?"

Gavin replied, "We need to move our activities to another location. Only those who want to come along come stand close to me, otherwise, say your goodbyes and stand back. Arcadia... you are definitely coming with me."

Irene, Michelle and Karen all came to stand with Arcadia and Gavin.

Michelle grinned. "Leave us behind? Shame on you! Like we'd let you!"

Karen nodded her head. "If you didn't take us with you, Gavin, who'd entertain Arcadia while you and Roger did the teacher/student thing?"

Gavin smiled. "Point well made, Karen. Thank you for understanding." Gavin prepared the teleport spell, once again. The others, this time, could tell that the spell was taking longer to cast. The desired distance must have been great.

Irene quickly saw that Gavin was going to need help with this spell. Irene changed from her sweet human form into her emerald dragon form, and began lending a power flow to Gavin to use for the spell. Gavin was thankful for the help.

The surroundings of the Richard's rec room faded away, and was replaced by majestic white marble columns, pristine uncut forestlands and open meadows, and crystal clear gurgling streams and natural springs. The circular chamber they appeared in had tiled marble floors, with colorful silk-like curtains hanging from each column.

Gavin smiled, closing his spell book. "Welcome to Arvandor."

Michelle and Karen both, almost at the same time, asked, "What is Arvandor?"

Irene elected to stay in her dragon form, for now, as she giggled. "Arvandor is the divine plane of the Greek elven gods. Isn't that right, Gavin?"

Gavin grinned. "I am glad someone does their homework. Yes, this is that Arvandor. Currently, we're in my father's Summer home in the greater Silverleaf Forest. Ren and Circe often come here when they want to disappear for awhile. I've been here a few times to study my Sorcerer spells and to commune with nature. Come, I'll show you around the mansion. Worry not about intrusions. There is an aura field around the entire estate. No being of evil can pass through it. Corellon Larethian himself placed the field there upon Circe's request."

Roger smiled. "Gavin... my throat is parched. Where can I get something to drink?"

Gavin smiled back. "I'll take you to the central garden. You can drink all the water you want there. And yes, water is all we have here, for drink... aside from the elven wine, but I am not sure mortals can handle the taste, nor the side effects..."

Roger arched an eye, but he didn't ask. He wanted to find out later, privately. Right now, he was thirsty.

Gavin gave everyone the tour, showing his friends where they'd be sleeping, where the bathrooms and toilet was, the kitchen, and finally, the central garden itself. As they entered, they were surprised to see a cute little faun-boy playing his pipes for some woodland animals toward the back of the garden. Also in the garden, Gavin noted Rillifane Rallathil, the wood elven leaflord, and Lord Skerrit, the centaur forester, teaching a small class of young wood elves and centaur colts.

Gavin quietly said, "I almost forgot that Ren's Summer home is also used as a place for educational classes. You will often see good and neutral gods, and their students, here in the central gardens. Come, we will present ourselves, then give them the privacy that is due to them." Gavin led his mutant, dragon and human friends over to the two gods.

After the introductions, and some minor, though polite, comments, Gavin led his friends over to the center of the garden. "Okay Roger. Over there is the main spring. Go get yourself a drink. The rest of you may do as you like. As for me, I used a lot of power to transport us here, and must sleep to recover my power."

Roger hugged Gavin. "Want me to join you later, Master Gavin?"

Gavin smiled, hugging Roger. "What I want you to do is to go talk to the faun boy over there. Tell him that you are my apprentice and ask him to help you make a spell book. Fauns are really good at creating artistic magic items. And ask him about blood-locking a spell book."

Roger nodded his head and headed off to get his drink of water, as Gavin departed the gardens for the comforts of his personal chambers.

Irene smiled, and quietly moved back over to listen to the lesson that the gods were teaching.

Michelle, Karen and Arcadia walked around the garden. All the while, Michelle and Karen were trying to help Arcadia learn to use her new powers.

Gavin relaxed in his personal chambers, thinking about Roger. "What a nice youth, that Roger. He certainly interests me as more than just a student. I hope I didn't harm him when I had him inside my crystal neckband. Normal people aren't properly protected from the conditions of the inner crystal world's environment."

Gavin slowly sat up. "Irene certainly has some enormous potential as a dragon. I never thought I'd meet a real dragon. Richfield Virginia is much more than meets the eye."

Gavin arose to his hooves and gazed out into the forests of Arvandor. "Michelle and Karen... two mutants with the powers of thunder and lightning. I'll bet they can be dangerous. Especially Karen. The quiet ones are usually the most dangerous."

Gavin glanced down at his own spell book. "Poor Roger... having to live and grow up around these powerhouses. It's no wonder he wanted to learn some magic. And he turned to me. Do I have the patience to teach him? Aside from my assignment of helping Arcadia achieve her potential, Roger and I must stay together. I accepted him as my apprentice."

Skerrit cleared his throat at the entrance to Gavin's personal chambers. "Gavin... I couldn't help but to overhear your random prattling. I know that your mother would be proud that you've taken an apprentice. As for Ren himself, you are a lot like your father."

Gavin smiled as he turned to face Skerrit. "Greetings, my lord. How can I serve you?"

Skerrit grinned. "Offers like that you may not enjoy in the long run, young sorcerer. But all joking aside..." Skerrit set a stern gaze on Gavin. "Do you like Roger as much as I think you do?"

Gavin half-turned his gaze away. "I'd be lying if I said no. He just interests me to no end. And I think his interest in me is equaled to my own. Why do I feel as if this is wrong?"

Skerrit slowly came over and patted Gavin's shoulder. "Why should you judge what is right or wrong? Your father Ren often consorted with both males and females. There is nothing wrong with having fun, Gavin. Just remember to reserve your heart for he or she you find true. And if you're torn over Arcadia, I can assure you, that you best release her from the heartstrings that you believe you hold for her. She will soon be busy enough learning to be a goddess."

Gavin nodded his head. "Very well. Your council has always been most wise, my lord."

Roger winced as he gave his own blood into the process of blood-locking his new spell book to himself. Arcadia, Michelle and Karen had been watching, and they too flinched when Roger had to inflict the cut upon himself to get the blood out. Then, the faun guided Roger through the worded process of the enchantment spell for tying the spell book to Roger, and only Roger. The faun-boy knew his magic and artifact knowledge, as he helped Roger complete the ceremony.

Then, the faun helped Roger clean the wound and dress it with a clean bandage. The faun said, "Gavin will be pleased that your blood is so pure and strong for magic. How do you feel?"

Roger felt faint, but strove to stay conscious. "Very weak. Like I need lots of water and rest. Is this why Gavin often has to rest after casting spells?"

The faun replied, "Sorcery borrows blood for it's source of power to make it's spells do what the sorcerer wants the magic to do. Because your blood is so pure and strong, your magic will be very powerful when used. And Gavin will appreciate that. One ounce of blood is required for each circle of magic of the spell to be cast. This blood is automatically borrowed from your body, magically, during the casting of your spell. After the spell is cast, you will feel a weakness from the loss of the blood being taken, but this will be regained through meals and rest, as your body makes new blood to replace the lost blood."

Roger nodded his head. "No wonder Gavin feels so weak after performing a huge spell!"

The faun nodded his head. "Yes, and the more targets you include in a spell's effect, the more additional ounces of blood the spell will require. Therefore, if you want to shoot an arc-orb at one target, and an arc-orb is an attack spell that never misses, you will expend one ounce of blood. But if you shoot the same attack spell at 15 targets, you will expend 15 ounces of blood, and you will immediately feel the wave of weakness hit you."

Roger sighed. "That would explain why Gavin tried to dissuade me from wanting to become his apprentice. He knew that the blood borrowing would cause weakness in the caster."

The faun hugged Roger. "I think it would be best if you learned some cantrip orisons before learning any first circle magics. Cantrip orisons are magical abilities and skills that require almost no blood borrowing, at all. And in most cases, a single cell of blood is expended. One example of a cantrip orison would be Gavin's apparent ability to transform himself between centaur and human, at will. That is a cantrip orison. To become human, he actually gains blood cells in the exchange because he is losing body mass. But to become a centaur, he loses blood cells because he is gaining mass. Do you understand? Any spell-like ability that effects yourself is a cantrip orison. If it effects others, it is a spell falling into a circle of power. Of course, you will record all of your cantrip orisons and circle spells of power in your new spell book. I have empowered your spell book to expend one drop of your blood per extra pages you'll need in your spell book. Therefore, if a new spell requires 3 pages, you will expend 3 drops of blood, as the new pages appear."

Roger hummed. "Wow! I never knew how detailed being a spell caster was."

Arcadia grinned as she focused on Karen intensely. "I am seeing a golden glow mixed with the color of an approaching storm. There is silver involved, proving neutrality, but the golden glow is telling me that you, for the most part, are good." Arcadia stopped concentrating, looking flushed. "How close was I?"

Karen grinned back. "Not bad, Arcadia. Though I am not always so sweet, as Michelle can surely tell you. We're not twins for nothing, you know..."

Michelle laughed! "Amen to that!"

Irene also laughed, though softly. "Well, that's that, then. You have properly learned the Aura ability. And it just gets stronger the more times that you use it. Although... we can't remain in hiding here in Arvandor. We need to return to Richfield."

Roger walked over, holding his spell book. "So we're heading back now?"

Irene hugged Roger. "We really need to. I only hope that Gavin is ready for the return trip. And this time, I can handle the transport, as I will be taking us back to the Dragon Estate. My parents have been in contact with me. They want to meet with Arcadia."

Gavin then trotted forth. "It pleases me that you want to return to Richfield. I am sorely worried about Uncle Remus. I know that he can handle himself, but I still worry about him."

Irene said, "It's settled then. We're heading back. Is there anything we need to do before we go?"

Skerrit trotted over just then. "There is one minor thing, then you may leave. If I may borrow Roger for a moment..." Skerrit took Roger by the hand, leading him just out of sight away from the others.

Michelle arched an eye. "The centaur god and Roger? What could be up now? I'm still getting used to the idea of Roger as a Sorcerer."

Beyond the sight of the others, Skerrit stopped, turning his gaze to Roger. "I need to give you some starting spells. The faun told me what you needed, and I think Gavin would be pleased with my spell choices." Then, Skerrit began revealing these spells to Roger, as the spells magically appeared in Roger's spell book. "I am also going to give you three First Circle spells to practice with. Be warned that they might cause you weakness and exhaustion, at first, until you get used to using them. I am giving you Arc Bolt, Barrier, and Ally. Arc Bolt is an attack spell that never misses it's target. Only those who are magical can even see it in use. But all can feel it's effects. Barrier is a defense spell that erects an unseen movable shield around anyone you target. Again, only those who are magical can even see it in use. This will help you protect Arcadia from future attacks on her life. And finally... Ally is a general purpose spell that allows you to gain a familiar/follower every time you earn a new Sorcerer's rank. This familiar or follower will be absolutely loyal to you, and can even lend you their special abilities for limited use, at will. You will always be able to mentally speak with them."

Roger nodded his head. "Will I be able to shape change, like Gavin?"

Skerrit replied, "That is a cantrip orison spell. It's in your spell book, and I believe that you already have an explanation on it's usage. Now come, I will return you to the others."

After Roger had been returned to the others, Irene, in her emerald dragoness form, handled the the mass transport for the group from Arvandor to the Dragon Estate which was just outside of Richfield. Upon arriving, everyone saw a greater oriental gold dragon lift his head from where he had been resting, curled up around a large marble column.

The gold dragon exclaimed, "Irene. It is good to see you back. And these are your friends? Well met, noble friends of my granddaughter. Your father and Mr. Richards are in the back courtyard, Irene. You should lead your friends there right away."

Irene bowed to her grandfather. "Thank you for telling me, grandfather." She turned to the others. "Follow me, guys. I'd give you a tour, but that is not my place to do. We need to go greet our elders in the back courtyard."

The others followed Irene through a side corridor and into the open rear courtyard.

Standing in a gathered central marble center were an oriental sea storm dragon, Mr. Richards wearing an ominous costume, and a very large Norse wolf, with a bandage on one leg.

Gavin exclaimed, "Uncle Remus! You're hurt!"

The Norse wolf turned toward Gavin and replied, "The assassin and I fought hard, and though she left me bleeding with a nasty battle scar, I am afraid she got away from me. Some divine power does not want Arcadia to realize her full powers. How did it go in Arvandor?"

Gavin replied, "Arcadia has been practicing a few of the basics, as was planned. Roger has gained his first Sorcerer spell book and understands what is and will be expected of him. The others are willing to help Arcadia whenever she needs the aide and/or assistance."

Roger asked, "How did it go with my parents, Mr. Richards?"

Mr. Richards turned to Roger and replied, "I think they were shocked when I told them the truth and showed them my powers as proof. But they were pleased that you were among friends that they knew they could trust you to be with. As for being a sorcerer, they said that as long as it didn't interfere with your school work, you could be whatever you wanted to be."

Irene brought Arcadia before her father, then moved back to stand with Michelle and Karen.

Mr. Dragon examined Arcadia over carefully. "Yes, it does appear that you have the divine air about you, Arcadia. In a way, I was almost hoping you didn't have it."

Arcadia arched an eye. "Why do you say that, Mr. Dragon?"

Mr. Dragon replied, "As long as you still live, the assassin, or others like her, will come after you in some form or another. And Gavin cannot always be there for you. Once he finishes giving you the basics, you will have to seek out divine teachers to continue your godly training."

Arcadia hummed. "Why couldn't I have just asked Skerrit or Rillifane in Arvandor to teach me? We and they were just there, and no one, including me, thought of that possible avenue."

Gavin smiled. "Just because they aren't around now, doesn't mean that they always won't be around, Arcadia. Your suggestion is a good one and we might pursue that someday soon, when you finish learning the basics. I haven't taught you all of the basics, yet."

Michelle arched her eye. "You haven't? What else is there? I think the basics you gave her are pretty darned good, as is."

Mr. Dragon exclaimed, "The basics include over 20 various knowledges, Michelle. How many has Gavin taught Arcadia, so far?"

Karen grinned. "I've been keeping score. Focus, True Sight, Aura, and Tongues. That's four."

Arcadia sighed. "So I've only learned less than a fifth of the basics that I'll need. Wonderful... What else is there?"

Gavin said, "Now isn't the time to discuss them. We need to figure out where to take you each night so you can have uninterrupted rest and sleep. Not to mention, you have classes still. I am sure the school would only let you miss a few days based on the circumstances, and you've used those few days. Therefore, we need to focus on where to keep you so you aren't killed."

Mr. Richards then said, "I let you folks stay at my ranch for that one night, but we can't keep letting you stay there. My home isn't really built for centaurs... no offense, Gavin."

At that point, Roger, who had been keeping quiet, said, "I have an idea... why don't we take turns having Gavin and Arcadia at our homes? Or if not that, then perhaps Gavin and Arcadia can bunk up at my parent's place. I only mention that because I'll have to have access to my new mentor in sorcery lessons occasionally. As most of you know, my parent's home was remodeled from an old barn, so perhaps it is built for centaurs."

Gavin hummed. "I am glad you brought that up, Roger. You and I have to spend an hour together every day for it to count within the apprenticeship. Plus... I'll need to take you back to the island for a weekend so you can meet my parents. In fact, a weekend trip to the island might be the perfect outing for all of us, because the assassin wouldn't dare show her face there."

Irene thought about that. "A weekend trip to Circe's Island? Are you sure your mom would forgive you for bringing in a bunch of Richfield teenagers to her normally quiet island?"

Gavin laughed. "I am sure my mom would love to meet those I am hanging out with currently. Plus, Roger must meet with my parents, due to the apprenticeship."

Roger sighed. "This apprenticeship gets more and more complicated."

After some arrangements had been made, Roger, Gavin, and Arcadia found themselves at the Roger's home, which did indeed appear to have once been a barn. But it was redesigned in a very nice way, and unlike the Richard's ranch house, it was entirely on one level. There were no upstairs rooms.

Roger's father, Mr. Rogers, said, "So you're Roger's new teacher. Has he been good?"

Gavin blushed at the question. "Um, yes. Roger has been very good and patient. He's a fine apprentice student. I am pleased that I can call him my friend."

In the kitchen, Arcadia helped Mrs. Rogers prepare dinner while they talked.

"...and you grew up thinking that you were as normal as the other townsfolk? I can imagine your shock and surprise, Arcadia. But if you are Artemis' granddaughter, then what is your actual last name? I know it can't be Lockwood, because that's your adopted name."

Arcadia smiled. "My mother's name is Diana and my father's name was King Actaeon, both of whom lived on the Island of Zoe in the Aegean Sea. So, if I had a true name, like modern people would have a true name, then mine would probably be Princess Arcadia Actaeon of Zoe. But that's a bit much, wouldn't you agree? Therefore, I'll just call myself Arcadia and not worry about it."

Mrs. Rogers smiled back. "What do you think of Roger? I'm sorry if I am prying, but no one ever mentioned if you were dating anyone or not."

Arcadia chuckled. "Well, I'm not dating Roger. We're just friends. Besides, Gavin told me that Roger shouldn't be dating while he's learning sorcery. And with my divine studies, what would you guys say if I accidentally changed Roger into a statue or something?"

Mrs. Rogers laughed. "At least you'd have him where you wanted him! If I could've done that before I met my husband, there wouldn't have been a stag party before our wedding!"

Arcadia grinned. "For the record, Roger has a thing for Karen Richards. But don't tell him that I told you that."

Mrs. Rogers smiled. "I am glad it's Karen and not that rascal Michelle."

Arcadia grinned. "Michelle will someday end up with a boyfriend, but with her luck, it will be Kevin McVann."

Both women laughed out loud as they finished preparing the dinner.

Soon after dinner ended, Gavin, Roger, and Arcadia were in the backyard enjoying the fresh air.

Arcadia said, "Your mom is a good cook. I couldn't eat another bite."

And at that moment, the black-clad female appeared, standing on the railing of the fence!

"Don't give me any further trouble, Arcadia, and I can finish this job without spending anymore time in this dump of a town!"

Roger must have been practicing his sorcery spells, because Arcadia sensed the Barrier spell suddenly go up around her, and it apparently came from where Roger was standing.

Gavin exclaimed, "Just because the others aren't around doesn't mean we're just going to let you kill Arcadia, assassin! Who hired you? Ares? Hera? Or one of the other evil gods?"

Arcadia was aware that she was focusing on this female, when she noticed the silver glow around the black-clad female, indicating that the assassin wasn't, herself, evil... but neutral. "Gavin, she isn't an evil assassin. She's neutral. Which means that any god, whether good or evil, could have hired her." (Aura worked really well that time.)

The assassin replied, "That's right! I am a neutral assassin. As for who hired me, I can tell you now that it wasn't Ares. He's busy with Anhur in Missouri. But that's all the information I'll give, at the moment." She then raised her bow and arrow toward Arcadia. "Just hold still and this will be over with before you can say jackrabbit stew."

And with that, she fired the poison arrow directly toward Arcadia! Except, the arrow didn't reach Arcadia... it struck the Barrier, reversing it's course, causing it to strike the assassin squarely in the chest, knocking her backwards off the fence!

Gavin glanced at Roger. "You made the Barrier a little too strong, I think. My Barrier spell never causes that effect. But in this case... good job, Roger."

Roger smiled. "I had to protect Arcadia, right?" Roger then found himself sitting on the ground, as the Barrier spell around Arcadia simply vanished.

Gavin sighed. "And now you know why I said that you had made it a little too strong. Are you okay, Roger?"

Roger could barely lift his head to look at Gavin. "...yeah, I... think so... I feel really tired all of sudden..." And then, Roger slumped over, passing out on the ground.

Arcadia asked, "Is he okay?"

Gavin said, "He used a little too much power in that spell and he wasn't ready for the after effect. He'll be okay after a full night's rest. But first, we need to check on the assassin. I wasn't expecting the Barrier spell to be that effective. Roger's blood is pretty darned powerful."

While Gavin trotted over to check on the assassin's body, Arcadia picked up Roger in her arms and took him back into the Rogers' house, and into Roger's bedroom, where Arcadia put Roger to bed, covering him up. She was soon joined by Gavin, who bedded himself down next to Roger, saying, "You better get some sleep, Arcadia. The assassin died and I sent the body to Athena."

Somewhere in a darkened cavern under Athens Greece, a shadowy figure stepped away from his magical scrying mirror and began to pace throughout his chambers. "She failed. She was the best of her guild and she still failed."

The dark figure pondered the events of the slaying. "Her own arrow bounced back and hit her with deadly accuracy. But I didn't see Gavin Whitelaw of the Northern Herd cast any spells... but there was a spell around Arcadia, none the less."

He then walked over to gaze out over his pit of monsters. "Perhaps the time has come to send forth something a little more meaningful, right my pets?"

The monsters within the pit growled and roared in a frightening manner.

The next morning, Roger escorted Arcadia to school, while Gavin reported in to Eugene Remus about the night before and the events thereof.

While Roger spoke with one of his other school friends, who will be introduced next time, Arcadia opened her locker and began sorting through her school books for her classes.

It was while she was doing this when Kevin McVann walked up beside Arcadia and said, "Um, wanna go to a dance with me Thursday night?"

Arcadia stopped rifling through her books at looked at Kevin with a very pointed stare. "Kevin, I think it's sweet that you asked, but with all the crap I'm having to put up with lately, I might not have the time to go with you. I am sorry I can't give you a more direct answer. Maybe you should ask Michelle if she'll go with you..."

Kevin made a face. "The firebrand of the Richards' ranch? I want to live through the night, you know, hence why I asked you if you'd go with me. It's not a date, of course... just an escort."

Roger glanced over at Kevin and said, "With all due respect, Kevin, perhaps you should ask Mr. Remus for permission to take Arcadia to the dance. She is his ward, after all."

Kevin sighed. "I was trying to be nice, Roger. I'm also trying hard not to act like a jackass in front of Arcadia." He turned toward where Arcadia was standing, but she had already walked off with her books. "Great... there went my chance of showing Arcadia that I'm not a jackass."

Roger came over and patted Kevin's shoulder. "You'll get another chance. I'm sure of it. But you should be aware that Arcadia and Irene are studying together in the 4th period study hall, if you're wanting to try again then... Otherwise, you'll have to wait until either lunch time or after school when Arcadia and Irene head over to the library."

Kevin asked, "How come you're trying to help me? I thought you didn't like me."

Roger smiled. "Michelle is the one who hates you. I've been learning about Richfield."

**End of Episode Two: Flight To Arvandor

Stay Tuned for Episode Three: The School Dance**

Act IV

Act IV: Of Imps And Lions Come the following morning, Duffy packed us some fresh venison and beef jerky. Then, Shane, Luke and I bid Duffy goodbye and headed back towards Giannitsa to the south. All during the trip, I pondered over what Duffy had...

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AZ-01 Sagittarian Sunrise

Quote: _When a young teen aged girl discovers that she is the granddaughter to Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt, the secrets of her home town suddenly are released as the fantastic and the powerful match wits to protect the young lady from Hades,...

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Act III: Forget The Obvious; This Is Real A few days later, Luke and I found ourselves in Chess' home headquarters in Athens, Greece. We both wore the training outfits of Pawns. Neither of us liked that reference, but at least we were getting...

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