Two True Needs

Story by Mourning Zephyr on SoFurry

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#2 of Movix and Kyra

So after the wonderful reaction to my first story, I just had to write another one about Movix and Kyra. Thank you all for that, by the way. Hopefully this one's as good as the other one apparently was. Again, please tell me what you liked (or didn't like) down in the comments section. Even negative feedback is appreciated.

(Disclaimer: This story involves sex between a feral wolf and feral wolfess, and also a vixen pawing herself off. If you are under the age of 18 or simply do not like this kind of story, do not read it.)

All characters in this story are copyright to me.

Again, if you want to skip to the fucking, press Control+F and search for "folds". It only appears twice in the story, at the start of the first sex scene, and the start of the second one.

Two True Needs

When Kyra awoke, it was sunset and she immediately hoped that everything she thought had happened was, in fact, a dream. Unfortunately that hope was shattered by the feelings of Movix's flaccid shaft still buried in her aching pussy. She couldn't believe it. She, a vixen, had actually fucked a wolf! She felt sick, disgusted by what she'd done. Vixens...vixens just didn't fuck wolves!

Movix woke up as Kyra drew away and pulled him out of her. Both of them had matted patches where cum had dried and Kyra smelled more like a wolf than a fox now and the reverse for Movix. The two of them exchanged a glance, but neither said anything. They both padded over to the nearest brook and jumped in, each of them rolling around and about, just trying to unknot their fur and get back to smelling like, well, themself!

Kyra had to stick her tongue into her pussy to try and get all the cum, which was still heavy in her stomach too, out. It didn't taste sweet like it did when she swallowed it while horny, but bitter and metallic. She barely even paid attention to what Wolfy did, she was too focused on eradicating all trace of his seed and scent from her body.

Once she was satisfied, Kyra leapt out of the brook and began to pad away without a single word to the wolf.

"Kyra, wait..." said Movix just loud enough for her to hear. Her name sounded vile coming out of his mouth.

She turned and glared at him for a moment before her gaze softened. It was his fault they'd ended up fucking, but...he'd done that instead of eating her... Still, she didn't have to tolerate him. "What?" she asked, not hiding her annoyance.

Movix glanced away for a moment. "Is this something you'd like to do again? Or...consistently?"

Kyra was taken aback. She cocked her head, and looked at him questioningly. Had he really just asked that they meet regularly just to fuck each other? "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right, Wolfy."

He sighed, probably having expected that response. "I asked if you want to do what we did on a regular basis. At least until the wolfesses in my pack are out of heat."

Oh, so there was the reason. Kyra understood now. He was constantly horny because all the females were in heat, and if he wasn't getting some, then he was single and probably wanted to remain that way. So the only way he could satisfy his needs was her. Great. "So you're asking me, a female not even of the same race as let you fuck her on a regular basis for at minimum a few weeks?"

He just nodded.

Kyra thought for a moment. This was unusual, that much was sure. "You really need this, don't you Wolfy?"

"Yes," said Movix simply.

Did she want to agree? Kyra wasn't sure. Getting fucked by a wolf felt good, great in fact, but it was still getting fucked by a wolf. The only reasons she had to agree was that it would feel good and waste some of her plentiful time. Hell, he might even just eat her afterwards. But...she didn't think he would. And there was something strange about this wolf, something she couldn't place. Even though she hated wolves more than anything else, she couldn't just let him suffer...

"Fine, I'll do it. But don't you dare pull that forced knotting thing you did ever again," she said lowly.

"Thank you," said the wolf genuinely.

Kyra just grunted and turned around, padding off towards her den. She had no idea why she'd care about a wolf. She told herself it was probably just that he showed her mercy, and even though she'd let him fuck her once, a life was worth a whole lot more than that.

* * *

Once Kyra was out of sight, Movix let out a sigh of relief and hurried back to his pack's dens. He'd been gone long, and he knew that some of them would be suspicious if he was gone for more than a day. Not that any of them particularly seemed to care, given that every wolf was busy mating or trying to get their leg over a packmate.

He padded quickly down the crevice between two mountain faces towards the dens. They were exactly as he remembered them: On either side was a dense wall of trees, which hid the fact that there were steep hills just behind them. A wolf could go out that way, but not come up which made the only entrance the cramped crevice. It'd take ten packs to overcome them here, and that made every wolf feel safe.

Around the grass-covered center of the area, a number of caves served as dens. Movix's was the largest, of course, and it was several feet above the rest so he could look down and see almost everything that was going on.

When he arrived, however, he didn't notice any of this. He only noticed that the betas were fucking in the middle of the dens. His eyes went to the shaft pumping in and out of a wolfess for a moment before he averted his eyes. Of course they'd be fucking out in the open, since they always just needed attention.

Most wolves were watching, but one wolfess noticed Movix coming in and started to approach him. He responded by flagging his tail and growling at her to back off. It would have been rude if she hadn't already approached him several times and every time just to ask if he'd become her mate. She nearly jumped at his hostility and backed away, knowing her place.

Most interactions were like that during these days. He couldn't even really talk to his best friend Fiala, because he couldn't stand to see her in heat without a mate to please her.

Movix tried to slip off to his den, but halfway there he was stopped by three wolfesses he couldn't get to go away just by growling. They had bothered him more than anyone else, and they were 'top dog' among the unranked pack members. (The pack was structured with only alphas, betas, and deltas and omegas, with all others being unranked. The strongest wolf in the pack became the 'alpha' with their mate becoming the other 'alpha.' So any wolf could challenge Movix for his position.)

The lead wolfess, named Karinza, had tan fur. "Movix, will you be my mate?" she asked huskily, batting her eyes at him.

The white wolfess to Karinza's right, named Ruix, laughed and stepped ahead of her companion. "I'm already covered with white, Movix, but I wouldn't mind getting more covered with it by you..."

He blushed, and was thankful they couldn't see it. Still, he had to keep strong while denying them. They'd pounce any weakness they saw. "I have only the same answer for you, Ruix," he said firmly.

Seraal, who had brown fur and was the third wolfess, stepped forward.

"No," Movix said before she could ask.

Karinza opened her mouth again.

Movix snarled at her. "No means no, Karinza. And unless you want to become a lone wolf or challenge me, you'll accept that."

She looked like she wanted to snarl right back, but she didn't. Instead, she whimpered and her ears drooped. She lowered herself submissively, but still managed to make it look seductive.

He didn't spare another word to them, and finally padded off to his den. He off-pawedly wondered what Kyra was doing right now.

* * *

Kyra stared at the wall of her foxhole, her mind trailing off. Her residence was simple, but cozy and roomy enough. Beams of rising moonlight filtered in from a few holes in the ceiling and walls. The chill of the oncoming winter seeped in and made it difficult to simply nap.

After the excitement of the past day died down, Kyra found herself equally as bored as she'd been not too long ago. She'd already finished basically all that she had to do for the day: She wasn't thirsty, and she had a pile of berries in her den after a short bout of foraging. And so the dull day-to-day activities gave way to even duller waiting.

Was she simply bored because there was nothing for her to do, or simply just, dare she think it, lonely? She really had no idea, but she was beginning to get bored with her own thoughts, and if she had to go another several hours simply waiting for needs to present themselves, she'd go insane.

Luckily, she knew just what to do in a situation like this.

In her bed of moss and fallen leaves, Kyra rolled over onto her back. She pressed her front end against the wall so she was staring right down at her own white folds. The vixen gently ran a forepaw along her slit. She had to stretch to do it, but the spark it sent through her was worth it. Kyra was practiced with this, having done it on many a dull morning, afternoon, night, and any other time one could think of. That's all her life really was: Eating, drinking, and masturbating.

But such depressing thoughts had fled from her mind with the first touch of her slit. She gently traced a claw around her sex, and bit her lip not just at the sensations but also to keep from just thrusting her whole forepaw in and out of her now-dripping pussy. Pacing's the key to a satisfying orgasm, Kyra, she told herself.

Even that thought couldn't keep her from running it faster and faster until it was just not enough. She paused for a moment to rub her soft pawpads over her sensitive clit before she pressed a rounded claw into her nether lips. It was small and not that well-suited for pleasure or penetration, but the build up to it always made it wonderful. She paused to savor the feeling before she started to run it up and down the length of her slit. As she did, she started to think of the last time she had truly mated.

Kyra knew the time had come to mate. Her heat made her body warm, and her 'vixen parts' tingled like an itch, and recently she'd found herself rubbing her back end against trees and roots more than she'd like to admit. But now she had something much more satisfying to press inside her, and her eyes stared at the large foxcock bobbing beneath her mate. She had seen the size of his sheath more than a few times and it was good to see that he was as big as she though he'd be. He was grinning like the idiot he was, probably smug about his size.

_ She huffed and frowned as she turned around a lifted her tail for him, giving the full view of her engorged snatch. Kyra had really hoped she'd get a more romantic potential mate (her first one had been sweet and experienced, and had seemed to care more about her pleasure than making kits) but sadly had to settle for_ him. The male fox wasted no time and immediately mounted her, pressing his length into her with abandon.

Meanwhile, in the present, the vixen had stuffed her entire forepaw inside and was rubbing it around, trying to coax herself into orgasm. She was still going slow, and not enough touching her clit yet, but that'd change soon. Especially since she was getting to the best part of her memory.

_ The foxes' hips became a blur almost immediately after penetration. Kyra was doing just as much thrusting as her mate, slamming her hips back against his thrusts and moaning every time he hilted in her. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth from the sheer pleasure of it all. Her heat ensured he felt fantastic inside of her, and the vixen's foxhole was filled with the sounds of yips and growls of pleasure. This was the moment they'd both looked forward to for weeks._

Kyra's pace had picked up, her paw now alternating between pumping in and out of her cunt and simply stroking around in search of g-spot she knew she could just barely reach if she went as far as she could. She leaned her head down so she was staring directly at her clit, not really seeing it but imagining she was seeing a thick knot pressing against it. She stuck out her tongue and began licking and sucking the sensitive nub. She closed her eyes and plunged back into her fantasy. She tried to go fast, knowing that the memory was close to over, and she was still a good ways from her orgasm.

_ The knot at the bottom of her mate's cock was growing. It was already thick, and every time it popped in and out of her it was a little painful, but also far too pleasurable for the vixen to care. He was biting at her scruff now, even though she'd told him specifically not to since she was more dominant than him, but she was lost in pleasure like a rowboat upon a foggy sea. His knot grew and grew until it was stretching her pussy to the limit, and then he had to pull out._

_ Without even bothering to give her any warning, the fox slammed his hips forward and forced his knot in while he bit down hard on her neck. He almost drew blood, and Kyra's eyes clamped shut as he came. The male spurted and shot within her, driving the vixen to orgasm and milk his cock for all it was worth. Their coupling went on for some time, but too soon, she could feel the fires of her heat dying down, doused by his seed, which actually provided a pretty amusing mental image of a fox putting out fires by cumming all over them. And now she_ knew that the euphoria of their coitus was over because she nearly started chuckling like an idiot at her thoughts.

With that hardly-arousing thought, the memory was over. The part that Kyra wanted to remember, anyways. But the vixen's slit still pulsed with need and she couldn't get herself to cum just yet. As she searched her vixen pussy for that spot every female had, she reflected on the memory. At the time she'd felt so filled, but it was nothing compared to yester- Oh gods no! She was not going to think of Wolfy while she touched herself! ...Actually, why the hell not? I enjoyed it, she thought, I can't deny that...

Her thoughts turned first to the white wolf's tongue eating her out, and then to his massive cock slowly spreading her wide enough. Kyra immediately felt her arousal jump and lapped at her clit all the more. The feeling of that knot going inside her, even though she hadn't been willing, was unmatched. And all that cum rushing into her body, filling her like no fox had or ever could... Kyra's forepaw found her g-spot and she gently bit down on her clit, immediately throwing herself into an orgasm.

Vixen fluids covered her paw in an instant and rushed out of her as she thought over and over about Wolfy fucking her like she was a wolfess. She just wanted to lay there and bask in the feelings but she had enough discipline to keep stimulating herself even as her body twitched and jerked in orgasm. She drove herself further and further, even putting a second paw partly in to stretch herself more as her cum made a small pool around her. She drove herself to two more orgasmic peaks before she finally had to stop and panted heavily as her cunt continued to drip and leak onto her tail and the ground under it.

Still, it hadn't been nearly as satisfying as Wolfy screwing her. She had just enough willpower left to shift out of her fluids and curl up. If she was honest with herself, that hadn't made her feel any better.

* * *

When he was about to enter his den, Movix was surprised by heat pheromones washing over him. A wolfess was in his den! None of them had had the audacity to try this before, and he'd make sure they never did again. He went around the corner and into the gray cave, ready to snarl. But he only saw his friend Fiala when he did.

Her fur was black and sleek. Her pink pussy and her tongue going into it contrasted with it greatly. Movix immediately stopped and looked away, but he already had an erection. Fiala didn't even seem to know he was there, and he could hear the sound of her panting as she ate herself out.

"Fiala..." he said firmly.

She didn't notice and kept going.

"Fiala," he repeated, much more loudly.

No response.


She jumped and looked up at him. He finally turned back at her and saw her tongue still hanging out of her muzzle, covered in her own fluids. "Movix, I didn't notice you come in-"

"To my own den? Why are you here, don't you have your own?" Movix asked, trying to avoid talking about exactly what she was doing in his den.

"Ugh, yes," she said with annoyance. "But there's been these two males who keep trying to get inside me, and they always approach me and annoy me relentlessly to mate. They even dared to come into my den without permission."

Movix felt anger spark inside him. Fiala wasn't the strongest or most confident wolfess, and some males had tried to take advantage of that. He'd show them the error of their ways. "Who are these wolves that have been harassing you, Fiala?" he asked lowly.

Fiala glanced away. "...I don't want anyone to get punished. They're just mateless and horny, so they aren't thinking right..."

Movix knew better than to persist. Fiala never wanted anyone punished, she was too nice for that. But there was something he did need to know. "Speaking of, um...why were you, you your...?"

"Why was I licking my own pussy?"

Movix huffed. "Well, I was trying to be tactful, but yes."

"My heat is really strong this time around. I came to your den, and waited for you for as long as I could, but I just needed to get off so badly..." As she talked, he noticed her eyes going to a very specific spot on his body. Through their conversation, her scent had been washing over him, arousing him, and he was at 'full mast.'

He found his own eyes going down to the slit between her legs. It was engorged because of her heat, and its fluids shone in the little moonlight that made it this far into the cave as they dripped to the ground. He didn't notice that Fiala had stopped talking until he looked back up at her face. She was staring at his red cock with need.

"Movix..." Fiala finally looked away from his erection and into the depths of the cave, "I hate to ask this of you, I really do...but I need help..."

The first thought that popped into his mind he knew was right, but he hoped he was wrong. "Er...with what?"

"You know exactly what I'm asking."

The alpha male's ears fell and if it was possible to see a blush through fur, Fiala surely did. "We're just friends, not friends with...ah...benefits. And you're in heat, you'd...we'd..."

Fiala smiled seductively. "You're so cute when you're flustered, but that's not what I want. I want you to cum inside me, true, but I don't want you to knot me. I'll clean myself out afterwards, just please...I need this..."

Movix sighed. He couldn't say no to her, not when saying yes would mitigate her suffering. "Alright...let's do it."

Fiala looked almost ecstatic at his answer and was on her paws and nearly shoving her puffy folds in his face before he had time to react. He gave her a slow lick that made her twitch, and his taste buds confirmed what he already knew: She was in heat. He stood and mounted her quickly, wanting to get this over with as soon as he could. He aimed his tip and gently moved forward until he felt it rub against his friend's cunt. She shivered and thrusted back against him forcing a fourth of his length inside her.

"We're not being romantic, Movix, just fuck me hard."

He only responded with a grunt and did as she asked, forgoing any sort of pacing and just beginning to fuck her as fast as he'd fucked Kyra yesterday. Though why he suddenly started thinking about that was beyond him. It'd really been a strange day, indeed. Movix only realized he'd stopped thrusting when Fiala growled and did it for him. She was going fast and rough, her depths squeezing down on him like a vice. If he thrusted too, it'd be more painful than pleasurable, so he let her dominate him.

An alpha male being submissive to an unranked packmate, now that wasn't something you saw every day. But Fiala seemed to be enjoying it, her grunts and soft barks told him that. Just the fact that he was bringing her pleasure, even though she was doing all the work and he was really only there, made him feel warm inside. But it felt a bit tainted, they were only fucking, not mating. It was need, not love, that drove them.

As her pace increased, Movix found it difficult to keep from forcing her down and rutting her into the ground. It must've been the scent of her heat and pleasure that made him feel like that, and he was sure she'd appreciate him taking her like a mate, but he wouldn't be able to keep from knotting her if he did, so he held back. Every time she thrust herself down and against his full red bulb Fiala whined. With all the grinding and how hard she pushed against it, Movix almost thought she was trying to make him tie her. She probably was, actually, but only because of her heat.

It was a shock when Fiala's inner walls clamped around him as she came. He moaned as softly as he could. If anyone knew what they were doing... He'd never live it down. Movix felt his own peak coming on, and couldn't keep from giving a few light thrusts as Fiala impaled herself on him. He wanted desperately to tie her, to stuff his whole thick knot into her and make her his bitch, but they weren't mates. He had to keep telling himself that.

Movix began to thrust in time with Fiala's. His head shifted and moved as he held himself back. Fiala shuddered, another orgasm running through her and then almost immediately followed by another one. The feeling of her clenching around most of his length sent Movix over the edge.

His white-furred sack drew up against his body, and he felt his seed rushing down his length. Without his knot to plug it, his cum dripped out of the wolfess' pussy. Just like with Kyra, he kept thrusting as he sprayed her insides with cum, but unlike fucking the vixen, he wasn't knotted so his thrusts were long and hard, and sent his seed spraying out of Fiala's snatch almost in ropes. He was shivering, and his hips moved quickly as he went. He was almost trying to knot her now, but it was too late for that and he was content to just keep spraying his thick wolfcum inside her.

Without thinking, he bit down on her neck as he thrust in harder, not caring anymore that they were mates, and simply following instinct. Fiala moaned as he did, and she added another orgasm to the three she'd already had. Because of a lack of stimulation to his knot, Movix's orgasm was short, for a wolf, at least. His spurts soon reduced to a dribble, and then to a drip. The two of them were left panting and they both prayed that no one had heard them. Movix pulled out of her after a few minutes and padded over to his side of the den.

He couldn't look at Fiala. Even if she'd asked him to do it, he still felt embarrassed that they had. He didn't think of her in that way...

* * *

Strangely, in two separate places, an alpha wolf and a vixen found themselves anxiously awaiting the next time they'd meet and fuck.

An...Unexpected Outcome

**An...Unexpected Outcome** Movix was something very unusual for an alpha male: He was single. Not that he couldn't get a wolfess -- in fact they were practically trampling each other to get to him -- but he just didn't like any of them,...

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