Pushing Buttons

Story by TastesLikeGreen on SoFurry

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Eleanor and Olivia Whitfield are zebra sisters who have always looked out for each other, always been there for each other when things got hard, and now that they're college roommates, nothing about that has changed. What is new, though, is that one of them has a secret, a very large secret that could change things forever...

Okay! Feeling good about this one! Fills a gap in the incest spectrum that I never did before. It's also the first lesbian story I've written since Room Service back in 2009, yeesh. Funny thing about that; this story, like Room Service, happens to be a belated birthday present for my good friend Dogmeat-the-Conqueror, back on FA. It was very late indeed, but she didn't seem to mind when she saw it. :-)

Special thanks once again to Ronin Drake, without whom this story wouldn't look nearly this good. n_n

Pushing Buttons By Green

All was quiet in the simple dorm room. All was peaceful. It was a place of tranquility and calm. This was, of course, because there was absolutely no one there. Naturally, this peace was shattered when the door swung open, letting in some rather loud, if good-natured, laughter, as well as a pair of zebra females in rather good spirits. Physically, the two of them looked decidedly similar, as zebras often do, though these two looked closer than most, even though everything else about them seemed different. The older of the two girls was wearing a rather conservative outfit, a long sleeved shirt buttoned up to her neck and a skirt of a downright decent length. In addition, despite the rather impressive physical size inherent in equine species, she seemed rather shy, unsure of herself, hunching slightly and speaking softly. Her companion, though, seemed to bring her out of her shell a little, get her to open up, which was hardly surprising. The other zebra lass was slightly shorter, but much more outgoing, wearing a casual T-shirt and jeans today, though she was fond of shorts and skirts (the kind that were shorter than her sister's, anyway) that showed off her well-toned thighs and calves. As it was, she already seemed the athletic type, her exposed arms showing off that she got regular exercise and she gave off an energetic aura that was infectious to small crowds. Of course, the fact that the T-shirt was emblazoned with the logo of a charity marathon from the previous year was kind of a dead giveaway. The shyer zebra stretched to her full height for a moment, finally relaxing now that they were within the safety of what passed for home. Setting her purse down on the table on her side of the conjoined room, she sat down on the bed, opposite the identical one her companion slept in, and sighed as if she'd just released the weight of the world. "I swear, the subway gets less reliable every year." Her counterpart remained standing, pausing to look in a mirror and pick something out of her teeth, slightly distorting her reply. "You said it, Nora. They should make it more like the systems in Japan. Sure, people'd get crammed in like sardines, but at least you'd get where you're going on time." The other equine, one Eleanor Whitfield, looked less certain, frowning as she took off her glasses to try and clean up the lens with a sleeve. "I dunno, sis, they have all those perverts on the subway in Japan..." Olivia Whitfield laughed once, a defiant bark. "Oh man, I'd like to see someone try and play grab-ass with me. It'd be the kinda thing that ends up on YouTube." She turned her head to the side to briefly inspect her hair; zebra manes tended to grow into a natural mohawk pattern, and while most of their kind, including her sister, simply left it as it was, trimming for length as desired (Nora's was quite short, for example), Olivia had chosen to instead braid her hair into a vertical row of short pigtails running from the top of her head down her neck, a different colour ribbon adorning each braid, a personal rainbow to contrast with the stark black and white of her pelt.

Finding it to her satisfaction, she nodded to herself and stepped over to the plain oak dresser next to the mirror, fishing around in its drawers for something specific, continuing to talk as she searched. "Hey, sis? ...Thanks. I needed that, been cooped up in here for way too long. You're right, I need to get out more often." It was odd that Olivia was the one saying this, as normally she was just as extroverted as she seemed; she was usually the one trying to get her sister to come out of her shell. But extenuating circumstances had made it so that she hadn't left the dorm room except to go to class in almost two weeks now, with her mood before that not much improved, and it was Nora who had begged and cajoled her to leave the building to join her for dinner in the city tonight. Putting her glasses back on, Eleanor smiled at her sister's back. "Oh, it was no trouble at all; you'd do the same for me." Letting out a triumphant 'Aha!', Olivia stood up straight, producing a large, loose T-shirt, the kind she wore to be comfortable at night. Holding it up for an examination, she glanced over at her bookish elder sibling, who was still just sitting there, letting her legs rest. "You know, I'm not normally big into fish, but I really liked that place, the salmon steak was delicious! How did you find it?" Chuckling self-consciously, Nora pulled her legs up onto the bed and hugged them close to her chest. "Oh, it's no big deal, I went there with my study group last semester, Alice knows all the best places in town, she..."

The equine lass trailed off into nothing, amusing anecdote about her friend forgotten, as her sister casually peeled her shirt off over her head, revealing the sky blue sports bra underneath, and the distinctive stripes that covered Olivia's body even there. When the younger sibling freed herself from the shirt, she tossed it towards the bed, scratching the back of her neck, and then moved on to the bra. Even though they had lived together here for so long, Eleanor still felt rather embarrassed about shared nudity, and her cheeks darkened as her sister's somewhat small, though very perky breasts came into view. Olivia reached down, wrangled her belt open, and began to slide her jeans down her well-toned thighs, revealing the matching pair of panties she was wearing, before she looked up at her sister. "She what?" Jumping slightly as if startled, Nora's blush increased, and she tried to play it off cool, immediately looking down and starting on the buttons on her own shirt, more to hide her face than because she wanted to get changed. "S-sorry, she, uh, she runs a blog online about food and restaurants, so she's always going to new places and writing about the kinds of food you can get and the quality of the, you know, the 'dining experience'." "Oh." Stepping out of her pants and leaving them where they fell, Olivia picked up the loose nightshirt, which she'd left draped over the top of her dresser, and easily slipped it on, hiding her body from view and allowing her uptight sister to relax. "Ah, that's better. Aren't you going to get changed, sis?" Nora wasn't really a T-shirt-and-panties kind of girl, but she didn't want to seem odd, so she reluctantly got up as the other zebra draped herself over her bed, sighing happily as she stretched, flicking on the sole TV in the room, placed between their beds. Turning over onto her stomach, she supported her chin with a hand, bending her legs and the knees, hooves coming up to sway in the air above her butt, preparing to veg out a bit before going to sleep. As Nora unzipped her long skirt and let it fall to the floor (though she took the time to pick it up and put it in the small laundry hamper next to her bed), she glanced over at her sister's prone form and grinned. "You know, I'm really glad you came with me. I haven't seen you that happy in a long time now." Looking over her shoulder, Liv smiled back at her. "Well, I feel better than I have in a long time." Swelling with pride at being able to help her sibling, Nora giggled slightly, and then spoke without thinking. "You see? You don't need Scott to be happy!" Suddenly, there were no smiles, and it felt like all the warm, happy feelings had been sucked out of the room as though someone had opened an emotional airlock into the vacuum of space.

Sighing, Olivia let her head hang down for a moment, as if gathering up the strength to speak. Without looking, she switched the TV back off. "...Goddammit, Eleanor, why did you have to bring him up? This was a really good night, just hanging out with my sister, feeling like a normal person again, so why did you feel the need to remind me of that?" She was definitely mad. "I - I'm sorry, Olive, I wasn't thinking... but it's been more than a month now, and -" Sitting up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Olivia snapped at her sister, who still stood there in her long shirt and panties, too ashamed by her faux pas to turn around and get her pyjama pants from her own dresser. "Well I'm sorry if my moping around is too slow for your schedule, Nora, but it's going to take me a while to get over having my fucking heart broken!" "Liv, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to -" She stepped forward, jabbing a finger towards her sibling accusingly. "Didn't you? It's not like you ever approved of Scott in the first place! I don't think I ever once heard you say something nice about him! I bet you were stoked when you found out it was over!" With such aggression directed towards her, it wasn't that surprising that Nora reacted the way she did; by going on the defensive. "Hey, I'm not the one who broke up with you, dammit, I'm not the bad guy here! If I never said anything nice about that raggedy bat, it's not because I was mean, it's because I was right! You should be angry at him, not me! Instead of becoming a recluse, grieving over your lost freaking love, maybe get mad and bitch about him leaving to your friends!" Crossing her arms, Olivia laughed again, cruelly. "Oh, don't act like you have any idea what normal people do after a break-up. You're the one who locked yourself in your room writing poetry for a week after Amy moved to England!"

One of the (many) differences between the Whitfield sisters was their choice of companionship. Olivia was bisexual, and had had a series of both boyfriends and girlfriends in her past. Eleanor, on the other hand, was a lesbian, strictly preferred women when it came to romance and could only see men as friends. That jab about Amy had been a low blow, as they both knew that Nora had never been as close to anyone as she had been with the gentle deer, and that unlike Olivia's absent Scott, neither Nora nor Amy had wanted to end their relationship, but didn't see that they had a choice when Amy's family had to move overseas. She didn't quite tear up, but she did feel as though she had been slapped in the face. "You... you bitch! Maybe if Scott was half as good a person as Amy was, I'd feel sorry for you, but you're crying over a boring dirtbag, dammit! You should have been over his ass in a weekend, a week, tops!" Olivia looked really mad now. "I'll feel bad for a year if I want to! It's my fucking love life, Eleanor, why the hell are you so damned judgemental?! You know what, it's not just Scott. You never had a nice thing to say about any of them!" "That's not true!" "Come on, sis, think about it for a second: Ryan, Caitlin, Christie, Amanda, Stuart, Joseph, you hated all of them! Do you remember when I found out Mandy had been cheating on me? I was crying my eyes out, I'd never felt more betrayed, and you tried to 'cheer me up' by telling me I was better off without her." Nora threw her hands up, the sarcasm dripping off of her next words. "Fine, fine, I take it back, you should have stayed with the lying bitch, clearly she was your soulmate."

Olivia let out an impressively threatening growl for a herbivore, and the look in her eyes said it all: if you were anyone except my sister, I'd be beating you unconscious right now. "God, Nora, why were you always such a bitch about it? At best you were cold and snubbed them, why couldn't you ever even bite your tongue and pretend to be happy for me, why couldn't you trust in my choices?" "Because none of them were good enough for you, dammit! I don't know why you keep picking scumbags and morons, do you get off on being smarter than them?" Shaking her head, Olivia sighed. "Jesus Christ, big sister. You know, you're always more venomous about my boyfriends than my girlfriends? I swear, if you didn't hate them too, I would think you'd turned out to be one of those man-hating lesbian stereotypes." Genuinely hurt for the second time in less than ten minutes, the normally passive Eleanor looked like she wanted things to get physical, too. "How dare you! No, no, of course! You've got it, why didn't I see it before! I didn't dislike him because he was an idiot, or because he forgot dates and stood you up at least three times, or because he would blather on and on about freaking hockey when everyone around him was bored to tears, noooo, I didn't like him because he has a penis! It all makes sense now!" Stepping even closer and roughly poking her sister in the chest, Olivia took things a step further. "You know what? Why are you always so focused on my love life? You should be more worried about your own! You haven't been with anyone since you called things off with what's-her-name, that antelope - Vanessa! And that was what, two years ago? Three? And you know what? A blind woman could see that you were only with her because she reminded you of Amy. Did you ever really love her at all? How fucking sad." Now there really were tears forming in Nora's eyes, but she didn't back down one bit, grabbing hold of the other zebra's hand by the wrist and hissing her next words at her through clenched teeth. "Don't you dare talk about me like that." Leaning in so close they could feel each other's breath, Olivia sneered at the girl she'd been so happily talking with over a nice fish dinner a mere hour earlier. "No? What makes you so special? You seem to have no problem talking about me that way! Tell me, dear sister, why haven't you even tried looking for a girlfriend, huh? Afraid they're all going to bail on your ass? Why haven't you been looking for someone new?" Finally pushed to her breaking point, Nora bodily shoved, hard, against Olivia's shoulders, and while she wasn't as toned as her sister, she was still an equine, which meant her muscles were tightly packed and very powerful. As the younger sibling staggered backwards until she bumped into her bed and fell onto it unceremoniously, Eleanor practically screamed her answer at her. "Because I don't want to be with anyone else!"

The instant it was out of her mouth, a look of deep, devastating horror came over Eleanor's face, and she gasped out loud, stumbling backwards into the wall as she clapped both hands over her mouth, as if she could undo that last sentence just by pushing the words back in. For a few moments, she just stood there, supported by the wall as her shaking knees weren't up to the task, teary eyes locked on her sister. For her part, Olivia was extremely confused, her anger mostly burned off in that emotional explosion. She just couldn't stay mad at someone who looked as miserable as Nora did. It sounded like she was saying she didn't want anyone except Amy, but she knew for a fact that Nora and her ex still talked online almost every night; Eleanor still considered her a good friend, but one whom she was no longer romantically interested in. "Nora, what...?" The other equine whimpered, tears running over her interlaced fingers now, practically shaking, as though she'd broken some supreme confidence, betrayed something of incredible importance. "Eleanor, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to freak out at you like that, and I definitely didn't mean that stuff I said about Amy or Vanessa, that was lowly. Just... just tell me what you meant by that." Her sister made a meep noise, but otherwise didn't move or respond. Olivia continued. "I don't understand, because you, you know, haven't been with anyone in a few years now." She smiled weakly, to try to encourage her sister, thinking for a moment how quickly moods can turn around like that when you're dealing with a sibling. "Heh, the only person I can think of that you're 'with' these days by any definition is..." Suddenly her face fell. No. No fucking way. She can't mean that_, can she?_ As if compelled by some sorcerous incantation to finish the sentence, her lips moved and a single word came out, barely above a whisper, yet deafeningly loud to the sisters. "...Me."

There was absolute silence in the small dorm room for a moment, and then a sob escaped between Nora's fingers, and then another one, and then she slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, weeping openly and burying her face in her hands (which isn't easy, when you have as much face as an equine). Olivia just sat on the bed, stunned, unsure how she felt. No, no, this has to be a mistake, this has to be - I don't fucking know what, but it can't mean that - that Nora wants to - to be with me! That's incest! That's sick! But it was her sister, her sweet big sister Nora, and she was crying so hard... ...Isn't it? Figuring she should do something, she stood up and awkwardly walked over, wondering for a moment if she should put some pants on, suddenly acutely aware that she was clad only in her panties from the waist down - and then hated herself for thinking of Eleanor the same way she'd think of some leering perv at a club. Moving over near her sister, she squatted down to get at the same level, and then... then she opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out. She closed it again, looking and feeling helpless. What exactly was she supposed to say? She tried again, and got as far as 'Eleanor, I...' before blanking out again. Hoping that the third time would be the charm, she whickered, taking a deep breath and composing her thoughts for a moment, and then reached forward, gently placing a hand on her sister's shoulder. "Nora, it's okay." Peeking up from her hands, the other zebra shuddered and shook her head. "No, no, nothing is okay... I'm s-so sorry, Olive, I - I never should have - I never meant to - oh God, I'm so sorry..." Her words began to break up and soon she was crying again, the only legible word being 'sorry', appearing again and again. "Ohh, Nora..." Seeing her so miserable like that, Olivia put those intrusive thoughts and taboo theories out of her mind in order to comfort a family member in pain. Getting down on her knees and leaning forward, Olivia took her big sister in her arms and gave her a hug, holding her close. Nora gratefully returned the embrace, squeezing Olivia tight, as if her sister was her only anchor to reality. They stayed just like that for a time, with Eleanor just crying for a while, and Olivia silently holding her, rubbing her back the way their father had rubbed her own, many years earlier, on those nights when she'd had a bad dream.

Eventually, Nora had cried herself out, and she just sat there, holding her sister and sniffling. Finally, Olivia leaned back, still not sure what to say, how to address anything. Before she found an answer, there was a sharp knock at the door, and both Whitfields jumped slightly, instinctively turning towards the door as if it were transparent and they could see the source of the noise. Olivia quickly looked back at her sister as she stood up. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Olivia hurriedly grabbed a pair of sweatpants off the floor - one of the only benefits to being as messy as she was - and awkwardly stepped into them, trying to rush it but only succeeding in nearly losing her balance. Fully decent, she stepped forward into the alcove around the door, trusting that Nora would stay right where she was around the corner, out of sight. Unlocking and opening the door, Nora came face to face with a stone-faced lioness, their Residential Assistant. She looked a lot less happy than she had the last time she'd shown up, to inform them of a pizza party on the weekend. "Oh, h-hey Lisa. What's up?" The RA crossed her arms, her tail flicking back and forth in irritation behind her. "I've gotten some noise complaints about this room, apparently you and your sister were having a pretty impressive screaming match not long ago? Your neighbour said someone was crying, too." If she were a dog, Olivia would have lowered her ears, trying to look ashamed and pathetic. As it was, she just bowed her head a little and poked at the floor with the tip of a hoof. "Yeah, that was us. I'm sorry, Lisa, you know how it is, living with family. You know exactly how to push each other's buttons. We've, ah, we've stopped fighting, it's okay." A tense moment passed, and then the lioness grinned thinly. "I had two brothers and a sister. I know exactly what you're talking about." Olivia relaxed for a moment, but then the RA leaned to the side to try and see into the room, catching sight only of Olivia's bed and the mess that surrounded it. Lisa raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Is your sister around? There was that crying afterwards..." Shrugging and rubbing the back of her striped neck, Olivia tried to sound honest. "Well, we got pretty harsh, took it a bit too far. She left, actually, went for a walk to get some air." Nodding, looking satisfied, the feline gave her charge a stern look. "Alright. Just make sure you tell her I stopped by, and please, try to keep it calm and civilized from now on, okay?" "Of course. See you around, Lisa." Already walking away, she waved a goodbye over her shoulder, and Olivia gently closed the door, sighing audibly.

Returning to her sister, who had only moved to retrieve her glasses from the floor where they had fallen during her breakdown, Olivia offered Nora a hand to help her back to her feet. "It's okay, I chased her off." The room was small enough that Nora could easily have heard every word, but Olivia wasn't sure her sister cared enough at the moment to pay attention, and besides, she didn't know what else to say. Neither did Eleanor, it seemed, for they just stood there, shuffling silently, each zebra carefully avoiding eye contact. After what seemed like an eternity, Olivia coughed and reached up to scratch between two of her ribbons. "Well, this is certainly awkward..." Nora's shoulders sagged, and she sighed, a heavy, equine huff of breath. "I'm sorry, Liv. I never meant for you to know." Olivia felt her heart skip a beat, unable to shake the feeling that things were about to change, that she had bigger problems than an empty social life, that shit was about to get real. Taking a deep breath of her own, she forced herself to sound calm when she spoke up again. "Never meant for me to know... what?" Anxiously pawing at the floor with a hoof, her ears flicking as though a whole swarm of gnats was trying to land on her head, Nora swallowed hard, her cheeks burning with the strength of her embarrassment, but to her credit, the introverted zebra managed to make eye contact before she answered. "That - that I'm in love with you, Olivia."

Bombshell thusly dropped, she just stood there, trembling, no doubt forcing herself not to look away. For her part, Olivia was stunned, had never been that shocked before in her entire life. She took a single step backwards, feeling lightheaded, and brought her hands up before her, clasping them over her heart. "Oh... oh my. Okay, I..." She trailed off and closed her mouth. Nothing in her life had prepared her for this particular scenario, and she didn't know what to do. Seeing her hesitation, her shock, Nora looked away, on the verge of tears again. "Oh, Jesus, Liv, I can't even imagine what you think of me now, the dirty freak who has feelings for her own sister, I -" She interrupted herself with a sudden choking sound, somewhere between a cough and a sob, but she bit down on a knuckle, eyes clenched shut, shaking with the effort of forcing herself back under control. She looked up, startled, when she felt Olivia's hands on her shoulders. Her little sister was holding onto her, gently but firmly, and looking reassuring, not judgemental. "Nora, it's me you're talking to. Okay, this is kinda weird, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but it's not like you just told me you're into dead bodies, or you fuck little kids or something. Try to stay calm, okay? Just, uh... tell me how long you've, you know... felt like this." With a gentle push, she lead Nora to her own bed, where she'd feel most comfortable, Olivia sitting down beside her, one hand still up on her sister's shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. "O-okay, Olive. Well, for starters, it's always just been the two of us... well, the two of us and Dad, but you know what I mean."

Their biological mother had run away from the family one night a few months after Olivia was born, leaving behind no explanation and no way to follow her. Though their father had recently re-married to a lovely woman both of his daughters fully approved of, while they were growing up it had just been the three of them, depending on each other for both literal help and emotional support. "Well, yeah, we've always been close, but I was kinda hoping for -" "Something a bit more specific? I was getting to that. Remember when I was fourteen and I got sick?" "Of course I do, it's not like it was a cold, Nora, you nearly died." 'Got sick' was rather a bit of an understatement; Eleanor had gotten pneumonia, an especially nasty case, and unforeseen complications had forced her to the hospital, where things had been touch and go for a while. In the present, Nora sighed. "I was pretty out of it for most of it; some of it's just gone, some of it's really hazy... but there's one thing I remember pretty clearly." She looked over at her sister, the tiniest of smiles on her lips. "You, Olive. I remember you, sitting in that ugly yellow chair by the side of my bed, holding my hand and telling me endlessly that I was going to be okay. I remember your eyes were always puffy and red, like you'd been crying, but you never did it in front of me, you always put on a brave face, like there was no other way it could possibly turn out." Olivia returned her smile, and squeezed her shoulder. "I remember. They gave me permission to stay home from school because your case was so serious, and I spent almost all of that time right there. You know, that chair was as uncomfortable as it was ugly, my butt got real sore after a while, so Dad stole a pillow from an unoccupied bed across the hall and let me use it as a cushion." Nora managed to snicker. "I never heard that part before. But it makes sense, you were there so much... I remember they literally had to drag you out at the end of visiting hours a few times." Olivia was surprised to find herself blushing now, but didn't dwell on it. "You needed me. I didn't want to be anywhere except at your side." Shivering, the older sister looked away again, studying her hooves. "Don't you see, Olive? That's where it began. Even Dad had to keep going to work, but you were always there for me, helped keep me from worrying, from being afraid that I might die. I've always admired your strength, your confidence, and you gave them to me when I needed them most. I never forgot that. And, well, I was fourteen, flooded with hormones and new feelings - Hell, I didn't even know I was gay yet - and even though we were so young, even though you were my sister, I - I guess I developed kind of a crush on you... which only grew stronger as you continued to grow up into an amazing woman."

The blush increased, and Olivia couldn't help but show a big, stupid grin at such flattery. "W-well, I don't know if I'd say amazing..." Eleanor looked over without making eye contact, but quickly returned her eyes to the worn grey carpet on the floor. "I've seen you run, Liv, you're probably in the best shape of anyone I know. That takes real dedication. And the way you're never afraid to talk to people, how you're so outgoing, I've always admired how brave you are. And of course, you're so beauti-" Startled, she let out an 'aah!' and buried her face in her hands, moaning pitifully. "Oh - oh God, I'm so sorry... I - I kinda got carried away... I know it's wrong, that it's sick, but I've never been able to make it stop. I - I understand if you don't want to be roommates anymore." It occurred to Olivia to re-consider all those times Nora had seemed put off when her sister had changed in front of her, even a few times she'd gone as far as teasing Nora for being prudish by shaking various parts of her anatomy in the other zebra's direction. But Nora had never leered at her, or tried to cop a feel, she'd seemed genuinely uncomfortable about it, and now she knew the real reason. As she began to think about the past, something else occurred to her as well, and though she wanted to help her sister with her fragile emotional state... she just had to know. Her voice was quiet, but once again, enormously loud in their ears. "Eleanor... is this why you badmouth the people I date?" Letting out a snort, somewhere between indignation and humiliation, Nora quickly sat back up, looking alarmed, shaking her hands in protest. "No, no, no, no, no! I - I... Well, sort of, but it's not what you think! I..." The equine whimpered, blushing even harder than before. "It's not like it's just because I'm jealous or something... I know we can't be together, I'm not an idiot... but..." She forced herself to look up into her sister's eyes, even as she trembled. "You're such a good person, Olive, you have such a good heart. You deserve someone who will treat you like royalty and never, ever take you for granted. You deserve the best! Dammit Liv, that's why I'm so disappointed whenever you bring home a sketchy guy or a sleazy girl, I meant it when I said they weren't good enough for you. You should be with a knight in freaking shining armour, and none of them lived up to that." Sighing, she sagged down a little. "Hell, even if I wasn't your sister, you deserve better than me, too. That's why I'm not jealous of them... because I'm not good enough for you either."

Olivia felt - actually she wasn't sure what she felt, she was touched by the heartfelt praise she'd just received, but seeing her sister in such obvious pain... sighing, she shook her head. "Oh, Nora..." Before she could come up with anything else, Eleanor pushed her arm off and stood up, facing away from the other equine. "Don't, Olivia! I - I know my own failings. I'm shy to a fault, afraid to even talk to my profs if I have a problem. I'm too afraid to even try new things, the only reason I ever ate at that fish place was because the rest of my study group was going and I wouldn't dare speak up against the group. I'm awkward and clumsy, and even if I was_half_ as interested in sports as you, I'm too out of shape to actually try any of them. All I've got is my books, and you deserve better than that." Still sitting on the bed, Olivia crossed her arms and frowned at her sister's back. "Oh, stop, you make it sound like being shy is worse than leprosy. Okay, so you're an introvert. Once you actually open up to people, you're witty, you're charming, hell, you're so easy to get along with, I don't think there's anyone out there who actually doesn't like you. I know I can be kind of abrasive sometimes, so I kind of admire that about you. And don't write off your books like it's nothing, I hear you going on about the deep philosophical metaphors and stuff that writers apparently love to hide in their stories, and it's all stuff that goes way over my head that I would never notice in a million years, even if I was looking for it; you may not be as athletic as me, but sometimes when you're talking about your lit studies, I feel like a dumb jock meathead."

As she spoke, Olivia found herself smiling, remembering the times that Nora had helped her along the way when she was struggling with her studies, never once giving her that feeling of stupidity then. And with that thought came memories of a dozen more instances where the elder equine had shown some form of tenderness. "You... you get this light in your eyes when you're really enjoying a good book, or you've just had some epiphany about where a philosopher was going in one of those ancient-timey speeches... I can tell that when you're really getting down to it, you're just as much in the zone as I am when I run, we aren't that different." Memories danced before her eyes, of time spent together making matching Halloween costumes as kids, of Nora more recently helping her figure out how her new computer worked when the shiny new operating system had baffled her. Of her big sister literally letting Olivia cry on her shoulder after each and every one of those break-ups, even if she did disapprove of the people who'd made her feel that way. Even after she'd exploded at the quieter zebra on her poorly thought-out comment following Amanda's infidelity, Olivia had returned to her when it felt like she was about to be crushed with the weight of her pain, and Eleanor hadn't said a word about their argument earlier, just held her close. In fact... thinking back to the nights right after Scott had left her, she remembered the warmth of Nora's embrace, her sweet, understated natural scent, and the hand gently rubbing her back while her big sister told her she would get through it, that everything would be okay... and how much she'd wanted to stay in that moment forever. She'd thought it had just been because it was more comforting than the pain that surrounded the memory, but Olivia hadn't enjoyed a hug that much since... well, since she hugged Eleanor the day she was released from the hospital after the pneumonia scare. Without entirely understanding why, she began to blush. Just as she became aware that her heart was beating faster than it had been, a thought occurred to her, and that blush intensified as her eyes widened. What if... Though, as surprising as that idea had been, it had nothing on the shock that danced up and down her spine as she realized that she had part of an answer. 'Maybe.' Across the room, Eleanor was standing facing the wall, holding on to her upper arms as though she was cold, head hanging low, feeling miserable. She was sure Olivia was just saying those things because it was in her nature to want to comfort her sister. Once she had time to think about it, Nora was certain the younger zebra would be too uncomfortable with the truth to ever want to be near her deviant sister again. "Umm... Nora?" Reluctantly turning to face the younger equine, Eleanor asked the obvious question with her eyes. Olivia, who was blushing like a neon sign, probably from imagining the sick thoughts in her sister's head, stood up, and walked across the room towards her sister, looking apprehensive. "I - I... um, there's something I wanted to try... to see if I could confirm this idea I had." Feeling rather put off, Nora wondered what Olivia could possibly find more important than what they'd just been talking about. "What? I - oh, whatever, fine, try out your stupid thing, whatever it is." "O-okay..." It suddenly occurred to Nora that her sister was very, very nervous, which was hardly like her, and she had just begun to wonder why when Olivia suddenly stepped forward, wrapped her arms around her sister, and leaned in to press her lips against Eleanor's.

The elder of the two equines stiffened, crying out wordlessly in shock and alarm as her sister kissed her tenderly, but almost instantly relaxed, closing her eyes and letting out a muffled moan as the thing she'd desired for so long, the forbidden embrace that had tantalized her dreams, was literally pushed upon her. Shivering from head to hoof, she reached up and gently took hold of Olivia's shoulders as she parted her lips, to allow access to her younger sister's tongue. She shuddered again when they made contact for the first time, mind reeling at all these sensations, familiar, yet somehow different with her current partner. She was currently focused on Olivia's lips, so, so soft, but somewhat rough from her athletically-focused lifestyle. The random thought popped into Nora's head that she should get her sister some chapstick, and she nearly giggled, feeling lightheaded from the excitement of the moment. Her attention then moved to Olivia's nimble tongue, teasing along the sides of her own, entwining and stroking in a way that would have made Eleanor's toes curl up, if the equine had possessed any. Time seemed to stand still as the siblings kissed in the silence of the room, but it still felt all too soon when Olivia broke off and stepped back, Eleanor reluctantly releasing her and awkwardly holding her hands together in front of her, actively aware of them but not sure what else to do with them. Blushing like she never had before, she beamed at the younger equine with a wider smile than she'd thought she'd ever wear again. "Well... that was, uh, that was..." Slowly, that smile began to fade, until it slipped off her face entirely and she seemed crushed, looking away before continuing. "...Entirely for my benefit, wasn't it?" "Oh, Nora, I -" "No!" Turning on her sister, the older equine suddenly showed a lot more fire than her bookish exterior would suggest. "That is not fair, Olivia, I can't believe you'd do that! That was a pity kiss, and you know it! Trying to make me feel better by giving me a glimpse of what I want, huh? The one thing I can never have? I don't need your charity! Now I - I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about that kiss, and I really am going to turn into a pervert freak!" Hands now clenched into fists, tears in her eyes, she turned her back on the sister she loved. The fire seemed to have left as quickly as it arrived, and she now sounded more despondent than angry, though there were still embers burning in her words. "Damn you, Olivia... I've been trying to forget this for years, how am I ever going to be able to think of you as just my little sister now?

Eleanor tensed up as she felt a hand take hold of hers, gently tugging and turning her around. Reluctantly looking into Olivia's eyes, she was rather taken aback by what she found. The other zebra was smiling softly despite the outburst, and the look in her eyes was downright warm. "Maybe... maybe you don't have to, Nora." Pulling back, not sure what was going on, feeling outrageously conflicted, Eleanor stammered as she tried to deny what her senses were telling her. "No, I - you - we can't - what - what are you saying?" Beginning to blush herself, Olivia looked away shyly, somewhat out of character for her - at least for her behaviour around Eleanor. "Nora, when you were talking earlier about why you - why you feel that way... I... I began to think maybe there's - that there's something there." "Wh-what do you mean, something there?" "I mean, I never thought about it before, never even considered the idea, but once you got me thinking about it... I think... I think..." Eleanor felt her legs trembling and her heart beating faster, swallowing to cure her suddenly dry mouth so she could utter a single word. "...What?" Reaching forward and taking her sister's other hand in her own, Olivia squeezed them gently, but left her eyes downcast, blushing even harder, matching her sibling now. "...When you were in the hospital, when the doctor told us there was a chance you could die, I - I felt like my whole universe was coming to an end. I remember asking if there was a way they could take the pneumonia out of you and put it in me instead." Nora bit her lip. She'd never heard that part before, either. "I... I promised that I'd be right there, that there was no way you were going to - to go on my watch, that I'd be with you even if I got expelled from school for truancy. I would have run away from school every day if they hadn't given me the time off, Nora, I mean it. Later on, I sort of wrote it all off as being concerned for my sister, afraid because our family was already so small, I figured anyone would be that scared at my age. But I've always felt so close to you, sis, I've always been able to tell you secrets and come to you for advice, you were always the first person I come to when someone leaves me..." There was an audible gulp; apparently Nora wasn't the only one with a dry mouth problem. "And I've always enjoyed it when you hug me maybe a little more than I let on." Finally looking up into Eleanor's eyes, Olivia finished the thought with a quaver to her voice. "Nora, I think... I think at least on some level... I've been in love with you, too."

There was a long, pregnant pause, a moment of silence in which Nora simply couldn't think, her mind couldn't function, and then Olivia reached up and touched a finger to her cheek, catching a single tear Nora didn't realize she had shed. Shivering at the touch, the elder zebra whimpered and tore her gaze away from that soft happiness in her sister's eyes. "...N-no, Olive, we c-can't, we just can't... I - I'm your sister, it would be - it would be incest." As she felt Olivia press her warm palm against her cheek, Eleanor embarrassed herself by whispering 'oh God' loudly enough for her sister to hear, wanting this so badly she could taste it, fighting it with everything she had. "I'm okay with that, Nor'." Unable to bring herself to push that hand away or wrench her face away from that soft touch, Eleanor just shuddered again, clenching her eyes shut as tight as possible, trying to focus on the Right Thing. But damn if it wasn't getting hard to remember that. "B-but I'm not, I can't be... W-we can't just pretend it's not incest, Liv, it would be sick, it would be wrong!" She bit her tongue to keep from whimpering again as Olivia began to gently stroke her cheek with her thumb, quietly nickering as she did so, a uniquely equine sound indicating great affection. "Someone told me the same thing about being bisexual, once. I didn't pay any attention to that, either." Groaning with frustration, Eleanor dared to look her sister in the eye. "Dammit, Liv, I've been fighting this for years, you can't do this to me on the same night you find out, you'll get scared and change your mind, I'm sure of it!" Sighing, Olivia cocked her head and gave her sibling a Look. "What are you so afraid of, Nora? It's not like I could accidentally knock you up with a mutant baby. If you're afraid of what people will think, we can, I don't know, just move and tell people we're married. That is legal here, you know. Well, not if you're sisters, but you know what I mean." Feeling herself tearing up again, Nora started to resent being put in this situation. "It would make me happy, so happy, to - to be with you, Liv, but we can't - because you deserve better! You're Princess Charming, sis, you're way out of my league. At least Cinderella was hot." Olivia reached over and placed her other hand on the opposite cheek, leaning in closer and speaking more softly. "I appreciate your concern, sis, but I'm a big girl, now. I can make my own choices. And I'm choosing you. I think I deserve you. At least... that's what I want. What do you want?" Eleanor began a sputtered response, mostly consisting of the word 'but' quickly and repeatedly, but Olivia hushed her. "And as long as we're dropping fairy tale references... sounds like you and the Ugly Duckling have the same problem. You only think you're ugly. Because Nora? You're one of the prettiest girls I know, and I thought that long before today." Another moment of silence. "...Really?" "Mmm-hmm. Glasses are sexy." Eleanor couldn't help but smile, feeling her resistance melt away. Olivia slid her hands down to her sister's shoulders, the way Eleanor had held her a few minutes earlier. "Nora?" "Yes?" "I, uh, I want to kiss you again. Can we...?" "Oh God, Liv, you don't have to ask." And then, as before, there were no words.

As Nora leaned in to kiss her sister, the physical sensations were very much the same as last time; soft, rough lips, a nimble clever tongue, and the warmth of another body pressed against hers. But this time, the wonderful physical experience of the moment was improved by the feeling of hope running through it, the idea that this might not be an isolated incident to be savoured before it was gone forever, but the beginning of something wonderful. Groaning with a deep relief, feeling all the stress and worry melting away, practically tearing up as joy and love rushed to take their place, she pulled Olivia tight against her, moving one hand to gently cup the back of her sister's head, toying with one of Liv's pigtails as she did so. The other moved down to the small of the zebra's back, holding the younger girl close. Giggling at Nora's obvious eagerness, Olivia suddenly began to push, leading her sister around the end of her own messy bed, until her back gently bumped into the wall. Nora almost whimpered when Olivia withdrew her mouth, but the sporty zebra stayed firmly in her sister's personal space, inches away, a hand raised up to stroke her cheek, careful not to dislodge those sexy glasses. "Sorry about that, Nora, I just love making out against the wall. Not sure why." "I - I remember, you mentioned it after a few d-dates..." An indistinct noise of surprise escaped Eleanor's lips as her sister - her lover - playfully licked her wide nose, causing the nostrils to flare instinctively. "Do you now? Tell me, sis, were you imagining this when I was telling you?" She moved her muzzle down and kissed twice along Nora's sensitive throat. "Were you fantasizing about kissing your sweet little sister?" The bookish equine couldn't contain the moan, but was too turned on to be embarrassed. "Oh God... yesss..." That last sibilant syllable trailed off into a hiss, fueled by pure need. "Mmmmm, then come here, baby." Nora eagerly leaned in to meet Olivia's lips once again, and then all that mattered was the kiss. As they continued to explore this new facet of their relationship, Nora felt her sister's hands gently press against her stomach, which she barely noticed, finding that warm, wet mouth infinitely more worthy of her attention. Lost in the kiss, Eleanor didn't even realize Olivia was moving a hand northwards, at least not until she felt it gently squeeze one of her breasts through her shirt. Eyes snapping open, surprised but not wanting to break off the kiss, she ended up making a confused noise, muffled by her lover's mouth, something like 'mmmmm?!' Again, Olivia was the one to lean back, her fingers beginning to squeeze and knead at the soft flesh, separated from her touch by a thin shirt and a somewhat sturdier bra. "Relax, Nora, I know it's the first date and all, but... one of the other things I just love is big boobs. Always been kinda jealous of yours, honestly." For a moment, her smile faltered, and her hand slipped away. "Uh, if that's okay, I mean, I wouldn't want to push things... if you just wanna kiss tonight, that's totally okay..." Reaching out with a shaking hand, Eleanor took hold of her sister's wrist, and guided it back to her chest. "N-no, please... I - I've wanted this for so long, that..." Swallowing a whimper, she closed her eyes, trying to work up the courage to continue, but Olivia apparently didn't need her to, chastely kissing her on the cheek, and giving her breast a most delightful squeeze. Moaning, Eleanor leaned back against the wall, allowing her sister's hands to roam freely across her chest, eagerly accepting her kiss. This continued for a few minutes, with Olivia massaging her sister's mounds through her shirt, lifting them in her hands and squeezing tightly. It didn't surprise Nora at all when she felt one of Liv's hands move inward to the buttons on her shirt, working them open one by one. Soon, the garment hung open, exposing her striped abdomen to the room, and without breaking off the liplock, Olivia's probing hand slipped under the shirt, resting on her chest for a moment before sliding down to cup her sister's breast inside the bra. Eleanor groaned into the kiss as she felt her sibling's fingers tease over the aching flesh of her nipple, knew that she wanted more, so much more.

She wasn't sure how much time passed, with Olivia's hand on her skin and her tongue in her mouth, but Eleanor opened her eyes again as Olivia moved her hands once more, shrugging to help the sportier equine slip the shirt off her shoulders. A moment passed as Nora awkwardly tried to get her bra off without breaking off the kiss, but soon the garment fell to the floor with her shirt, and she felt gloriously free, if a little exposed, in front of her sister, who was clearly enjoying touching Eleanor's body. After a few minutes, Olivia leaned back with a grin and looked down, placing her hands under the other equine's teats. "Damn, big sister... these are nice, have a good weight to them." Nora blushed and giggled as her sibling gently lifted her breasts in each hand, as if estimating the weight of fruit. Suddenly, Eleanor found a reason in the back of her mind to fret, and her smile faltered. "Do you really like them, Liv? I kinda thought they were too big, you always hear that 'anything more than a handful is a waste'..." Glancing up at Nora's face, Olivia put on a faux-angry look. "Who says that? I certainly don't, and I'll thank you not to call these gorgeous things 'wasted' in my presence, thank you very much. As her lover beamed back at her, the younger sister winked and gave both teats a squeeze at once. "I guess I won't have to be jealous anymore, if I get to play with them like this whenever I want..." Immediately seeing where the girl was going as she leaned in, Eleanor bit her tongue pre-emptively - and still couldn't contain the quiet 'ohhhhhh' as Olivia closed her lips around her nipple, licking at the achingly stiff flesh with the tip of that heavenly tongue. Cradling her lover's head against her chest, the elder zebra closed her eyes to just savour the sensations, when something happened to snap them right back open again; her eyes widened as she took in the sight of Olivia's hand, having drifted to the south, where it was currently cupping Nora's mound through her panties, rubbing oh-so-gently against her. It was hard for the equine to know which turned her on more; the glorious sensation, or the warm look in her sister's eyes which told her Olivia was enjoying touching her just as much as Nora enjoyed being touched. Soon the pretense was gone, and Olivia had pulled her palm away, running her fingers up and down along Nora's slit through the thin fabric that was quickly becoming damp from the strength of her arousal. After a few moments, Nora began to roll her hips, pressing harder against her sister's hand. Finally, those fingers curled ever so slightly under the edge of her underwear, and began to tug - but stopped almost immediately. Looking down into Olivia's eyes, Nora finally saw doubt and nervousness there, and felt reassured that she wasn't the only one for whom crossing this line was a big deal. It looked like Olivia had run out of bravado, and wasn't willing to take this step without at least silently asking permission. The look in her eyes said it all. Shuddering in anticipation, Eleanor nodded, and her sister tugged the panties to the side, exposing the glistening black flesh of her vulva, which Olivia ever-so-lightly ran her fingers along, acting with a decided reverence before she probed her sister's wet warmth, pushing a pair of fingers between her folds and inside, eliciting a quiet gasp from the bookish zebra. Tilting her head back and closing her eyes again, Nora couldn't help but sigh happily, every nerve ending dancing as they'd finally come to this. "Oh, Olive..."

A few minutes passed, and the room began to feel very warm to both of the Whitfields, as well as very quiet. These walls weren't as isolating as they'd maybe like, Lisa's visit was a reminder that they had to keep their voices down. Eleanor was particularly aware of this, as the sound fingering she was receiving from her little sister, combined with the gentle suckling on her nipples, was making her want to moan, loud and long, until the whole world knew. So she had the back of her hand in her mouth, and the only things breaking the silence were soft gasps and sighs. At least until Olivia felt a hand tugging at her shoulder, and reluctantly released her sister's teat to look up at her face. "Nora?" "Umm... Olive, I'm feeling awfully naked right now..." The younger equine snickered. "That's probably because you are naked, sis." "I know, it's just that... you're not." Eleanor's eyes roamned up and down her sister's form rather unsubtly, sending the message clearly. "Ohhhhh, I gotcha. You'd feel better if we were on the same footing, right?" "I am the one who's been waiting for this night, after all..." Olivia stepped back and stood up straight, waiting for Nora to make eye contact before she began to lick her fingers. Then, teasing completed, she took hold of the hem of her shirt and drew it over her head, baring her chest to the room again. She was much smaller than Eleanor in that department, but the way that the older zebra girl stared at her sister's chest bordered on genuine worship. Pulling her loose sweatpants down, Olivia walked back over to her sister in just her panties, swinging her hips seductively. "You like what you see, big sister? I know you've looked before. Well, this time, look as much as you'd like..." Reaching forward, she gently took one of Eleanor's hands and moved it to her chest, letting her sister squeeze one of her perky mounds. Nora bit her lip, shivering again. "I - I never thought I'd get to do this..." "Then don't stop. Take as long as you want, and meanwhile..." Returning her fingers to the other girl's cleft, Olivia leaned in and laid a trail of kisses along her lover's neck. "Ohhhh, God..." Entirely of its own accord, Nora's free hand moved up to Olivia's other breast, and she began groping in earnest. "That's it, big sister, you just enjoy it..." Eleanor was extremely turned on by now, her sensitive, aching clitoris having come out of hiding, causing her to twitch when the slightest stimulation was granted to it. She could feel that the fur on her thighs was getting quite damp, her juices running down her legs as Olivia kept exploring her love tunnel, teasing her inner walls. Nora clenched down on her sister's fingers and moaned quietly. She could only keep this up for a short time, though, and then felt a dull ache that distracted her from the pleasure. Trying not to whine, she got her sister's attention again, blushing. "Oh Liv. it's been a long time since anyone's... since anyone's gotten me this hot and bothered. I - I'm so turned on, you're driving me crazy, but it's making me weak in the knees... literally. My legs are starting to hurt, can we, you know, move to a bed?" Kissing her sister on the cheek, the younger equine grinned. "Of course, Nora. Let's get to your bed, your special night and all." Discarding her sodden panties, uncharacteristically leaving them there on the floor next to Olivia's bed, Nora got off the wall, took Olivia's hand, and lead her the short distance across the room to the neater of the two beds, disturbing the well-made covers to pull the sheets aside and sit down. But as Olivia moved to join her, Nora stopped her. "Wait a second, you don't think you're getting in here with those on, do you?" She raised her hands to her standing sister's hips, hooking her fingers under the waistband of her panties. Olivia giggled happily, glad to see her sister taking a more active role. "Well, if there's a dress code, I certainly wouldn't want to break it..."

The zebra stood there, watching, as her sister gently slid the panties down her thighs, eyes locking on the treasures within as soon as they came into view. "Ohh, Liv, you've got such a pretty pussy... I never had the courage to take a good look when we were changing." Without saying a word, Olivia spread her legs a little wider, silently giving her lover permission to explore. Leaning forward, Nora brought her hands around, placing a thumb on either side of her sister's glistening slit, spreading them wide to get a good view of the wonders within. Boldly leaning forward, the bookish equine pressed her lips against Olivia's wet warmth, shivering with indecent joy as she finally, finally got to taste her. Sighing in pleasure, Olivia leaned forward and placed her hands on her sister's head, stroking her fingers along Nora's neatly kept mane and scratching in all the sensitive spots. For her part, Eleanor was taking her time and enjoying herself, burying that thick equine tongue deep in her sister's love tunnel, shuddering as she felt Olivia's warm, wet walls clenching down, squeezing along the length of her tongue. As the younger zebra squirmed, happy to the point of giggling with this intimate encounter, she understood what her sister had meant about getting weak in the knees. "N-Nora - little to the left, maybe push a bit har - oh fuck, yes, yes, right there, just like that..." As she trembled at her sister's touch, she couldn't help but shake her head, genuinely impressed. "God, Nora, you were n-never all that, you know, active when it came to this kinda thing... I didn't think you'd be this g-good..." Eleanor was blushing, but smiling, as she pulled back for a moment to look up at her sister. "I may not have the numbers, sis, but whenever I was with a girl..." Eyes locked on Olivia's, she exaggeratedly licked her lips and winked. "...I made sure she would remember me." Reaching around Olivia's back, Eleanor pulled the other girl closer, and nuzzled her cheek against her lover's soft stomach. "Mmmm, I love your flavour, sis, I've never been with a girl who tasted this good." Olivia looked down and winked at her sister. "I'm told it's like Chinese food. You just know you'll be ready to eat again in half an hour." Wincing and chuckling at the same time, Nora shook her head. "Ohhhh, Liv, that's awful." She was expecting the other zebra to say something along the lines of 'you know you love it', but instead Olivia just blushed and shrugged. "Sorry. I'm still really nervous about this, and I tend to make bad jokes when I'm nervous." Eleanor reached up and took her sister's hands, squeezing them and smiling in what she hoped was a reassuring manner. "Well, if it helps, you're definitely not the only one." Olivia smiled back and looked a bit more relaxed, so Nora leaned back in to nuzzle her smooth, taut belly. There was a moment of blissful silence, and then Eleanor ran her tongue over her lips, tasting the residue of her sister's lust and shivering all over again. "Ohh, Olive, I've dreamed about doing that... is that creepy?" "Hmmm... Yesterday, I might have had a different answer, but tonight... I look at how happy you look, and I just think it's sweet. So tell me, big sister... How did it measure up?" Turning her sister, Eleanor gently pulled Olivia down onto her lap, and then nuzzled her affectionately. "You're so much better than any dream, Olive. It's very hard to cuddle with a dream the morning after." This time, the Whitfields did not kiss. This time, they merely held each other for a moment, enjoying the warmth and the closeness.

After savouring the moment properly, Olivia got off her sister's lap (receiving a playful swat to one of her firm, toned buttocks as she did so) and moved to the head of the bed, leaning against Eleanor's collection of wonderfully soft pillows and spreading her legs so her sister could make herself comfortable between them and pick up where she'd left off. Walking her fingers up her lover's thighs, white to black to white, Nora smiled. "You know, it's funny, when I was dreaming about these sorts of moments, this stripe was over here." Grinning back, Olivia tilted her head to the side and shrugged theatrically. "I move them sometimes, shake things up a little. You like it?" Pushing her hands under her lover's seated rear, gripping her butt from behind, Eleanor leaned forward, eager to get back to work. "I adore it, honey." Nuzzling against her sister's wet folds, Nora began to lick and tease at Olivia's sensitive lips, before returning her tongue to her lover's welcoming depths, running it along those slick, quivering walls. As she teased against a particularly sensitive spot, Olivia tensed up, breath coming out in a hiss. "Ahh, fuck..." Eleanor said nothing, of course, but the corners of her mouth turned up the tiniest bit as she returned to her task, moving a hand to rest gently on her sister's pelvis, where she could reach down from time to time and just graze a finger over Olivia's clit, getting the shapely zebra more and more worked up. As Eleanor eagerly continued her tender ministrations, the younger equine began to moan and shiver, raising her hands to her own chest, to squeeze and stimulate her breasts and add to the experience. As time passed and her arousal level grew, Olivia began to squirm on the bed, unable to keep her legs still, her ropey tail lashing lightly against the mattress. Nora silently took note of this, finding it entirely appropriate that her sister just couldn't sit still when she was feeling good. Bringing her other hand into play, Eleanor began to run a finger along the gap between Olivia's inner and outer lips, then switched out, fingering her sister while her tongue teased at her love button and labia. Groaning at a lingering caress of her throbbing clit, Olivia arched her back a little, then settled back down against the pillows, making herself more comfortable. As she did this, Nora leaned back to give her room before leaning back in, but she couldn't help but notice something. Olivia was now angled more on her back, as opposed to just sitting up, and her legs were spread wide. As she leaned in to continue tonguing her sister, the elder zebra got a good view of Olivia's anus. This brought her mind back to a previous girlfriend, and a particular act she'd deeply enjoyed, positively revelled in, both giving and receiving. Running the tip of her tongue along Olivia's inner walls, tracing the creases in the walls, Nora casually looked up and saw that her sister's eyes were closed as she groped herself, focusing on the sensations, not the sight, of the act. Gently, slowly easing back, she replaced her tongue with her fingers, pushing into her sister's love tunnel and rubbing against the walls. This did not go unnoticed; Olivia lifted her hips towards Eleanor's face and groaned in frustration. "Awww, come on, Nora, you should know fingers aren't as good as your TONGUE!?"

The reason for the younger sibling suddenly raising her voice was that Eleanor hadn't pulled back because her mouth was tired, she'd done it to switch from Olivia's 'main entrance' to her 'back door', extending her tongue for a curious lick of her sister's anus. "Ohhh God, what are you doing?!" Olivia pulled her butt away from her sister, blushing fiercely. Nora couldn't help but giggle. "You're not used to fooling around back here, are you, Liv?" Frowning with embarrassment, the younger sister looked to the side and crossed her arms, sniffing dismissively. "Can't say it's ever come up before, no." Olivia fully expected a bit more teasing, but Nora just nodded, still smiling, and began to gently stroke the inside of her sister's thigh, beginning to slowly lean towards her sibling's parts again. "Just lie back and relax, Olive, it feels so nice, I promise. It's a little weird at first, but once you get used to it..." Every muscle in Olivia's body tensed up as she felt Nora licking at her rear again, and she shivered. "C-can't we just stick to the other lickings? Those were awesome..." "Shhh, don't worry about it, we'll be going back to those soon enough. Just expanding your horizons, little sister." Unable to prevent the shudder as that hot, wet, flexible tongue teased at her back entrance, Olivia blushed even harder and gripped the sheets, needing something to do with her hands, suppressing the urge to whinny in agitation. "Haven't w-we expanded enough horizons tonight? Maybe save the butt love for another night, eh?" Eleanor did not answer, busy pressing her tongue against the stubborn ring of muscle, working back and forth to wear down its defences until finally, it reluctantly parted as Olivia moaned quietly, allowing Nora access to her sister's virgin back entrance. As she continued to lick and tease at the uncharted regions of Olivia's anatomy, Eleanor left her fingers in place back at her dripping slit, giving her a solid fingering while gently stroking her clit now and then so it wouldn't feel neglected. Olivia, meanwhile, gradually began to relax, sagging back against the pillows as she got used to the unusual sensations. Of course, she had no reason to doubt that she would; she trusted Eleanor completely. And the reverse was also true, Nora would never do anything that made her sister uncomfortable; if Olivia had actually said 'no' or indicated anything stronger than general reluctance, Nora never would have made her try this. "Oh, God, this is so weird... please don't stop." On either side of Eleanor, Olivia's legs began to shift and twitch. She was finally getting past the sheer oddness of this new form of stimulation, and beginning to enjoy herself. As her older sister licked and rubbed along her inner walls, Liv began to writhe on the mattress, extending her legs and wrapping them lightly around her sister, tapping her hooves together behind Nora's back, beginning to push her hips towards the other equine's face, letting herself drift away in the pleasure. Returning a hand to her breast to tweak at the nipple, Liv slid the other one down her smooth abdomen, joining Nora's hand at her cleft. The sisters briefly made eye contact, then Eleanor wordlessly re-positioned her hand, focusing on fingering her slick opening, leaving Olivia to take care of her own aching love button, rubbing and squeezing gratefully.

The sisters continued like this for a short time, working together to bring Olivia pleasure while Nora licked and teased at her butt. Liv had pressed her hooves hard against the mattress, lifting her rear in the air, pushing back towards her sister's flexible tongue, moaning like it was going out of fashion. "Nnnngh, oh God, Nora, it - I'm getting close, but I want, umm... can you please just go back to the other thing to finish me off? Please?" For the briefest of instants, Eleanor toyed with the idea of making Olivia beg, but she would never inflict even this mild an indignity on her beloved younger sister, so she just reached forward and placed her hand over Olivia's, feeling her warm around their fingers, and then gave her sister's hand a nice squeeze before she pulled back a little to change positions for the grateful girl. Olivia let go of her own nethers so that her big sister could move her muzzle into position; instead of waiting to tease along Olivia's lips - the time for foreplay had passed - Nora immediately buried her tongue between her sister's folds, causing the slender zebra to arch her back and moan. Pushing as deep as she could, Eleanor lapped at the slick walls of her sister's inner channel, while her fingers teased at Liv's labia, teasing and stroking along her dripping lips while the zebra's own shaking fingers rubbed feverishly at her aching clitoris, whimpering to herself as she murmured incoherently. "Jesus... oh fuck me, yes, yes! Ohhhh, I'm s-so close, Nora, please..." Shivering herself from the sheer audacity of the moment, taking a second to savour the taste of her sister's juices, Eleanor redoubled her efforts, working hard to bring Olivia the release they both so desperately wanted for her, until finally, the younger zebra let go of her breast in order to clamp that hand over her mouth and contain her cries, arching her back one more time as she was overtaken by her orgasm. Olivia moaned and thrashed on the bed, her vagina going into spasms, her inner walls clenching down on her sister's probing tongue as pleasure exploded outward from her core, burning along every muscle, every nerve, leaving tingling pleasure briefly behind. As Olivia desperately frigged her aching love button, Nora did a little moaning of her own, overtaken by lust as she was suddenly treated to a gush of her sister's flavourful honey, and did her best not to waste any as she licked frantically, wanting to prolong her lover's climax as long as possible.

When Olivia finally did flop down to the mattress with an ohhhhh, tired limbs splaying to the sides, she was huffing like a feral equine who'd been running all day, and she was rather messy, her pelt flecked with sweat and juice, but the enormous smile on her face told her sister that it was more than worth it. Taking off her glasses, which now bore the liquid evidence of their passion, Eleanor returned that smile and crawled up the bed, lying down next to her sister and holding her tight, kissing her on the cheek. "Sounded like you liked it, Olive." Stretching out on the mattress with a satisfied groan, the younger equine threw her arm around her sister, smile even stronger now, giggling as she responded. "Oh... oh my God, Nora, that was... God, no one's ever eaten me like that before! Have you been a firecracker in the sack all this time, or is this a new development?" Clicking her tongue, Eleanor gave a faux-disapproving look. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. A proper lady doesn't kiss and tell." "A proper lady doesn't go down on family members, either." Straight face intact, Nora nodded, as though having been persuaded by sage wisdom. "Ah, fair point. Well, I really like doing it, so I guess I got practice, and the girls usually said I was great at it, but with you, well, I've been wanting this for so long that I guess I just felt I had to do my absolute best. After all..." Leaning in, she slowly, very deliberately placed a kiss on her sister's lips, obviously savouring the moment, before pulling back, now blushing fiercely. "...I love you, Olive." Olivia could feel the other zebra shudder. "Oh God, it feels so good to say that..." Turning on her side to face the other girl, and nuzzling against her cheek, Olivia smirked. "Then how good does it feel to hear this?" Leaning in still further, she whispered her next words sensually, directly into Eleanor's ear, which began to twitch from the gentle stimulation of her sibling's breath. "I love you too, Nora." The laugh that followed was the most relaxed, carefree sound Eleanor had made in weeks. Leaning over to kiss Olivia, she seemed thoroughly, genuinely happy, which was a nice change of pace from the fretting and worrying she did over everything from tests to strangers' opinions of her. The Whitfields cuddled for a few seconds, and then Olivia leaned back, a sly grin on her face. "Say... I was so caught up in your skills that I almost forgot..." Eleanor shivered silently; her sister's hand had crept down their bodies before nestling between Nora's legs, cupping over her still-drenched mound. "You haven't gotten off yet, have you, big sister?" "N-no, but that's okay, I don't mind... oh!" She began to tremble as one of Olivia's fingers pushed inside her, lingering near her entrance, teasing her. "After you made me come that hard? No, I insist. This is supposed to be your night, remember?" Embarrassed from the direct attention, Nora's first instinct was to protest, but she found it hard to argue with her sister's fingers so expertly teasing along her labia, while that first one wiggled around inside her, probing deeper. "But I... We... Ohhh my, that feels so good... Alright, alright, you win, Olive, just b-be careful, okay?" Laughing softly, Olivia snuggled closer and kissed her lover on the nose. "Careful? You afraid your rough, tough little sister's gonna break your puss, Nora? Don't worry, I'll treat it as carefully as I treat my own." Removing her hand from her sister's vulva, Olivia planted a kiss on her fingertips, then returned to that wet warmth and patted Nora's lower lips gently, as if passing the sentiment along. Eleanor smiled, but looked a little nervous, blushing with a slightly different kind of embarrassment than she had been all night.

As Eleanor spread her legs slightly to accommodate her lover, Olivia leaned in to kiss her once again, pushing her tongue into the other zebra's mouth just as she pushed her fingers into Nora's vagina. Feeling nervous for the first time since they'd started, the elder sibling tried to distract herself (or at least give her hands something to do) by tracing the black stripes on her sister's pelt, though it wasn't very effective, given that she was on the receiving end of a very thorough fingering. Inside her slick channel, Olivia's fingers rubbed along the wrinkles and folds along her inner walls, rubbing and pressing, searching for sensitive areas and lingering when Eleanor reacted positively to her touch. As Nora began to quiver and tremble under her ministrations, her embrace becoming just a bit tighter, Olivia, feeling playful, extended her thumb and flicked it across her sister's clitoris. Arching her back, pressing her impressive breasts against Olivia's chest, the elder zebra broke off the kiss with a wordless cry of surprise, tinged heavily with arousal, and then blushed fiercely. "Oh - oh God, Liv, this is..." "The first time someone else has touched you in two years? Shhh, just relax, close your eyes and enjoy it, love." Moving in closer, she kissed her sister's neck, playfully licking for a moment or two. "...After all, I know that I'm really enjoying playing with you, so it's only fair." A shudder ran from Eleanor's randomly flicking ears all the way down to the tip of her tail. "Ohhh..." In truth, though all the attention was of course wonderful, the reason she had just shuddered was simply hearing the object of her affection address her as 'love' after so many nights dreaming about it. Reaching a hand around to the back of her beloved's head, she gently trailed a finger along her mane, toying with the pigtails tied with ribbons, lingering on the blue one for no reason in particular. "I - I always thought these were really cute, Liv, I don't think I ever mentioned that. I - " Here she stopped to grimace as she suppressed the sudden urge to moan, Olivia having inconveniently chosen that moment to slowly rub her thumb across Nora's clit. "...I was worried you would just instantly know how I really felt." After briefly kissing her sibling again, Olivia smiled, the warmth in her eyes silently filling Nora with joy. "That didn't turn out so bad, though, did it?" Suddenly nervous, Eleanor looked away, though that didn't seem to discourage the other equine in the slightest, continuing to rub and tease at her sensitive walls as she kissed and nuzzled at her cheek and neck. "I - I don't know, Olivia... it seems so impossible. Are - do you really want to..." Whimpering for reasons entirely unrelated to her vagina, she didn't want to finish. Her sister's free hand came up and gently turned her head so she could make eye contact again. "Will I want to stay with you after tonight?" Trembling, not sure she wanted to hear the answer, the other zebra forced herself to nod. "Well, it wouldn't be terribly polite of me to have a one-night-stand with my own sister, now, would it?" Eleanor desperately wanted to grab onto that sliver of hope and hang on for dear life, but it was kind of a joke and she wasn't sure if Olivia was kidding and - and, seeing the conflicting emotions playing out on her face, the younger sibling pulled her hand away from Eleanor's pussy for a moment, reaching up with its drier twin to trace her fingers across her lover's cheek, speaking from the heart in a quieter, more serious tone. "Nora... you're my sister. One way or another, we're always going to be together. Whether it's in the same bed, I can't say for sure... though I think I've made it clear that I'm not really against the idea." Suddenly choked up, the first time she'd ever experienced that in an intimate embrace, Eleanor forced her voice to sound steady. "You mean... you mean you really want to try this? Try us?" Olivia's first instinct was to make a joke, but this was not the time to be flippant. "Yes, Nora. I do." Letting out a squeal of excitement, Eleanor threw her arms around her sister again, squeezing her so tight she couldn't breathe for a moment, before suddenly kissing her with an enthusiasm previously unseen between them. Just as quickly as it had started, though, the kiss abruptly ended, so that the overjoyed equine could express her devotion. "Oh God, Olive, that makes me so happy! I love you so much, I really do, and I've wanted to say that for so long that I -" Olivia brought her back down to earth by clearing her throat and holding up a hand still glistening with feminine juices, licking a finger and smiling. "I love you too, sis, and I'm sure I'm going to mean that in more ways than one soon, but I believe we were in the middle of something." Blushing hard enough to put her cheeks' previous efforts to shame, Eleanor grinned sheepishly. "Oh, s-sorry, Liv, didn't mean to interrupt, I guess I got kind of carried away in the moment..." Rolling her sister onto her back, Olivia got on all fours above her and returned her hand down between her thighs. "Well, then allow me to return the favor and get carried away with this."

Wasting no time, Olivia got back into the swing of things, leaning down to kiss her lover as her fingers plunged into her wet channel once more, probing as deep as they could go while the fingers remaining outside played with her lust-swollen labia and her throbbing love button. Eleanor began to twitch and tremble beneath her, gripping the sheets tightly in her fists, writhing as her sister expertly sought out and stroked without mercy her most sensitive spots. Breaking off the kiss, Nora whimpered with desire. Now that her emotional fears had been laid to rest, she was able to more fully concentrate on the needs of her body, and marvel at the skill of her sister's dextrous fingers. "Ohh... oh, Olive, yes... Nnngh! God, that's good..." Squirming underneath her lover, Nora began to roll her hips, pushing back against Olivia's hand. Leaking juice somewhat more than usual, she was making a bit of a mess of the sheets, but absolutely did not care; she couldn't remember the last time she'd been this turned on, if indeed she'd ever reached these heights before. Whimpering, she resisted the instinct to cling to her lover, given that Olivia was already putting most of her weight on one hand in order to remain in that position while continuing her dalliances. Liv didn't seem the least bit put off by this, though, which just reminded Nora how much focus her sister had put into physical training. The thought slipped from her mind, though, when the younger zebra tweaked her lover's clitoris between two fingers, tugging slightly on the sensitive nub and coaxing a moan from Nora just before Olivia leaned down to kiss her, a little more roughly than before. Releasing the deathgrip she had on the sheets, Eleanor slid a hand between them, briefly toying with one of her sister's dangling breasts, getting a contented sigh for her efforts, before giving in to temptation and moving it to her own chest, squeezing and kneading one of her impressive teats, trying not to moan into her lover's mouth. Nora was enthralled by the movements of Olivia's tongue, not quite as aggressive or forward as she would have thought; she'd been expecting the other zebra to push into her mouth as though trying to lay claim to it for a foreign nation. Instead, the slender equine was being just as tender as Nora herself, pressing against the sides of her tongue and pulling back to change positions now and then. Sometimes, she would cheekily time the movements of her tongue to coincide with the movements of her fingers, driving Eleanor absolutely crazy with the need for release. The sororal lovers kept this up for some time, the movements of the dance getting faster as Nora moved closer and closer to the edge. Breaking the kiss, the bookish sibling shuddered and groaned lustily, by now rubbing her legs against those of her lover, having already wormed the hand that wasn't groping herself underneath Olivia's supporting arm, wanting as much physical contact as possible. As she began to writhe and twitch more energetically, her lover kissed her on the cheek and whispered to her. "You getting close, baby?" They both knew the answer, but hearing this voice ask her that question pushed her even closer to the release she wanted so desperately, the release she was paradoxically fighting with all of her strength, to make this joining last. Moaning, long past the point of being embarrassed by her vocalizations, Eleanor nodded frantically. "Nnnngh... O-Olive... oh, Olive, it f-feels so good... don't s-stop, I'm - I'm begging you..." For a moment, though, Olivia did stop, halting the movements of her digits, but before her lover could decry the injustice of this treatment, the younger sibling eased herself down, carefully laying on top of her sister, their body heat mingling along with their scents, and sat herself down comfortably on one of Nora's thighs, continuing to support herself with a single arm, now curled around behind Eleanor's head, so she could get right in her face and nuzzle her with ease before she continued the fingering, no longer searching, just focusing on the sensitive zones and teasing her sister's clit as she kissed and nipped along her neck. "Then just relax, Nora, just close your eyes and let it all out... Come for me, big sister." And that was that. As she was overtaken by her climax, Eleanor arched her back - which was impressive given that there was another girl her size on top of her - and cried out passionately, loud enough that half the rooms on the floor heard her in her ecstasy. Or at least she would have if her sister hadn't seen the problem coming and kissed her just as she came, muffling the sound to an indistinct moan that only they were able to hear. As Nora thrashed on the bed, Olivia pushed her fingers hard into her lover's pussy, timing her thrusts with the rhythmic spasms of pleasure, loving the sensation of her own sister's vagina clenching down on her fingers like she didn't want to let them leave. For her part, Eleanor was squeezing and groping her breasts like there was no tomorrow, fingers anxiously stroking and teasing over her nipples, and pushing back against Olivia's hand as waves of joy radiated through her, the psychological aspect of who was giving her this orgasm making it at least ten times as satisfying as any of the ones she'd had on her own recently. Breaking off the kiss with a whimper, she sent a hand between her legs, taking hold of Olivia's wrist and pushing down, preventing her from removing her fingers, and holding it there as she let out a shuddery gasp. Nora then felt Olivia lift her supporting arm to hold them close together, so that Eleanor could ride out the last few surges of bliss in her sister's arms.

As her climax died out, Eleanor went limp in her lover's embrace, breathing hard and seeing spots. She let go of Olivia's hand, and though her sportier sister gently lowered her to the bed, she kept her other hand where it was, gently massaging Nora's swollen black lips as though she were reluctant to make the deed end. Finally, she lay back down next to the tired equine, kissing a sweaty cheek as she snuggled against her sister, feeling the need to ask the classic clichéd question. "So... was it good for you?" Snickering, lacking the energy to laugh at the moment, Eleanor smiled back. "Well, gosh, little sister, if you need to ask, maybe you've been doing it wrong all this time." Not having that problem herself, Olivia laughed happily, before raising a glistening hand and wiggling her damp fingers, a teasing, sisterly tone to her voice. "Well, gosh, big sister. And here I thought you nearly passed out just there." Giggling as her sibling began to lick her fingers clean (quite thoroughly, at that), Eleanor nodded, conceding the point. "Touche." The Whitfields briefly kissed, softer, less urgently, without the burning hunger that marked their recent coupling, and then simply lay there, silently holding each other, each savouring the body heat, the togetherness, the sound of her lover's breathing, and of course, each thinking about the implications this had for their futures. Olivia broke the silence first. "Hey, Nora?" "Mmm?" "Ummm, there's something I like to do when I'm, uh, seeing a girl... I was wondering if..." She blushed, hesitating and Eleanor smiled. "Come on, Liv, we just had sex, you can tell me anything." Grinning almost shyly, the younger sister reached forward, placing her hands on her sister's chest. "Well, um... you're nice and big, right? So I was wondering... if I could use your boobs as a pillow while we cuddle." Laughing softly, not hurtful, just delighted, Eleanor spread her arms wide. "Come on, I'd love that." Olivia eagerly moved down the bed and laid down again, spooning against Nora's side. Her big sister's smile slightly faltered, though, when her head actually made contact; she'd gone a bit overboard on that nipple during her climax, and the pressure sent a dull ache through her. "Oooh, Olive, that pillow's still a little sensitive. You mind switching to the other one?" Snickering, Olivia got up again, shaking her head. "Well, it's super comfy, but if you insist..." She got up onto her knees, but instead of straightforwardly stepping over her sister's body, she raised her far leg first and slowly drew it over Nora, so that she turned away as she straddled the zebra's legs... and her bent-over posture and spread legs gave her sister a suspiciously good view of her tight rear and the treasures between her thighs. She even lingered there a moment, enjoying showing off for her new lover, before she lifted her other leg and turned the other way as she crossed Nora's body completely, an innocent smile on her face. Lying back down on Eleanor's other side, Olivia snuggled in close, resting her head on a supple teat, and sighed happily. "Mmmm, it's so soft, and I can even hear your heartbeat. Thanks, Nora." Raising a hand and resting it on her sister's head, gently stroking along her mane, Eleanor quietly answered as she let Olivia's pigtails slip through her fingers. "My pleasure... sweetheart." As her sister nuzzled against her chest, Eleanor tried to remember the last time she'd felt this happy, and wasn't at all let down when she failed.

A few minutes had passed with the sisters just holding each other, basking in afterglow, quietly talking about their feelings for each other. "...I gotta say, Liv, whenever I saw you when Scott had stood you up, that disappointment in your eyes... it broke my heart. You - you were right, I was glad when you broke up. I'm sorry." Looking as far upwards as she could manage without removing her head from her fleshy pillow, Olivia raised an eyebrow. "For what? Doesn't that make you right?" "Well, yeah, but I don't want to rub it in... and I was thinking about it, and you were right. Even if I thought your exes weren't good enough for you... I should have been supportive of your choices." Olivia snorted in amusement, and the sudden warm breath over her pelt made Nora shiver pleasantly. "You say this now, when you've finally got me?" "Only because you chose to be here... and I was something of a wreck earlier. But how can I respect that choice if I said that all the ones before weren't very good?" The sporty zebra idly nuzzled against her sister's breast, gathering her thoughts before she replied. "You know, sis, I don't know that I'd ever be able to take the high road like that. Another one of the things I admire about you." Finally lifting her head, she looked up into her lover's eyes, and reached northward, placing her hand on Eleanor's cheek and just holding it there, making a connection. "Nora... you've wanted to be with me for years now, and you kept it all inside, you never gave anyone so much as a hint." "Olive, I..." "No, no, I mean... You did it because you thought that was the right thing to do. You could have confessed at any time, could have tried to coerce me into something I wasn't ready for, hell, you could have gotten me drunk and copped a feel. But you didn't, you resisted all temptation and treated me like a sister. That took strength, Eleanor. And not the kind I've been training for. If I can be even half as strong as you've silently been all these years... I don't think you have anything to worry about." As she finished, Olivia laid her head back down on her sister's breast, confident that her point had been made. "So... maybe I've made some bad choices before... but don't look at me like this choice isn't informed or at least considered." Eleanor didn't say anything, wasn't sure what to say, but the delighted smile on her face wrapped all the way around the front of her muzzle.

A little while later, Olivia got up and stretched out, and for the first time, Eleanor stared to her heart's content, eyes roaming up and down her sister's naked body, admiring each and every supple curve, following each previously forbidden stripe as it travelled along her pelt. The younger zebra turned around and put a hand on her hip at a jaunty angle, totally unbothered by her nudity - although to be fair, she had never really been uncomfortable about stripping in front of Eleanor. "Ahhh, that's better... Damn, Nora. I would never have guessed it, but you are awesome in the sack!" Giggling and making a dismissive gesture, Eleanor shook her head. "Nooo, you're just saying that." "The hell I am. God, I'd almost forgotten what being with another girl is like, the last couple exes have been guys. And you know, Joseph never wanted to go down on me at all? I mean he wasn't a dick about it or anything, didn't expect me to suck him off - sorry, TMI tangent - I was just trying to say, I don't think any of the people I've dated have been that good at eating me out!" The blunt talk had made a hint of the earlier blush return to Eleanor's cheeks, but she just smiled bashfully. Sitting down on the bed, turning to face her, Olivia smirked. "You know, I find it really endearing that even after all that, you still blush when I talk about things like, oh, I don't know, how incredible your tongue felt in my pussy." Before Eleanor could respond, Olivia lifted a finger, pointing towards her lover's face. "See! Just like that!" The younger sister laughed delightedly, without a trace of mockery. "You're cute when you blush, too... Hey Nora? What's black and white and red all over?" Nora joined her laughter even as she groaned, tossing a pillow at her sibling for the very, very old joke she'd just used. The sporty equine deflected the soft projectile with a forearm, lunged toward Eleanor, and wrapped her arms around her sister's neck, kissing her on the nose. As they separated again, giggling, Olivia moved to lean against the wall, relaxing and crossing her legs over each other. "Ahhh, good times." She paused for a moment, then sent a sideways glance Nora's way. "You know, that reminds me. Quality of the experience aside, none of my exes ever did the, uh, the butt thing." "Oh really?" "Yeah, I never figured I'd even be into that, honestly, but... it was kinda nice. Weird, at first... but nice." Crossing her arms, Nora smiled and narrowed her eyes, seeing a chance for revenge. "You know, sis, I was squeezing and touching your butt kind of a lot. Could you be a bit more specific?" Not seeing her doom, Olivia just looked surprised. "Wh - come on, Nor', you know what I'm talking about, it was, umm, pretty significant..." Shrugging exaggeratedly, dumbfounded expression on her face, Nora frowned. "Well, I've never been with you before, Olive, I don't know what's new for you." Finally, the younger Whitfield saw what was going on, and sagged down, turning beet red. "...Oh. Ummm... Ah, hell, I liked the part where you were licking my ass, okay?" Beaming, the bookish zebra clapped her hands together in delight. "Ohhhhh, the rimjob! You liked the rimjob! Why didn't you just say so, Olive?" Olivia crossed her arms as her sibling giggled. "Satisfied?" Nora nodded. "Very. You know, sis, if I'm cute when I blush, it looks like it runs in the family."

Olivia chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck self-consciously, but Nora's glee was interrupted by a stray thought. Her face didn't quite fall, but it did 'trip', showing the sudden drop in her happiness. "Nora? You okay?" Eleanor started slightly. Olivia had always been good at reading her, which was why she'd had to work so hard to hide her feelings. Which lead her to her problem... "I was just thinking... you're my sister, Olive. I never thought I'd actually get to be with you. I've literally had dreams about being with you, not just about being in bed, but about getting to tell you how I feel, hearing you say you love me too... I'm... this is gonna sound stupid, but I'm kind of afraid that this is a dream and I'm going to wake up alone in my bed again any second." Olivia tried not to smile too widely. "Awww, come on, Nora." The older sibling, clearly uncomfortable, threw her hands up dismissively, avoiding eye contact. "I know! I know, it's the dumbest thing, but maybe I'm paranoid when it comes to this." Reaching over, Olivia put a hand on her sister's hoof. "Well, I can assure you that I'm real." A second passed, and then an odd look came over her face. "Although I guess that's exactly what I would say if I were a dream, so that doesn't help very much, does it?" "Olive, it's okay..." The sporty zebra winked at her lover, clearly enjoying herself. "No, no, we just need to find a way to prove it's real. Now, I could just pinch you, but that's no fun. No, we need to... we need to do something new, something you wouldn't dream about since you've never done it." "Liv, I dreamed I was the captain of the Enterprise last week, and I've never done that." Olivia frowned, putting her hands on her hips and acting stern for a moment. "Awww, come on, sis, play along. I'm trying to ask you if there's anything you've never tried in bed that you were interested in. You know, like how I'd never tried - th-that thing you did for me." Finishing lamely, she gestured in the direction of her rear end, and Nora couldn't help but smirk. Suddenly, something occurred to her, and she immediately began to blush, an odd look on her face. Before she could compose herself, Olivia chuckled. "Oooh, is that a yes?" Crossing her arms and pouting, Nora sent her sibling a stern Look. "Damn it, Olive, I kept my biggest secret from you for years, how are you still so good at reading me?" "Come on, Eleanor, you can tell me, I promise it won't leave this room." Olivia seemed surprised when the other equine was still extremely hesitant, rubbing the back of her neck and staring at a patch on the wall where the paint was cracked. "W-well... I don't know... It's, um, it's kind of embarrassing, to be honest." That seemed to put the younger zebra on her guard. "Embarrassing how? Like, uh, bathroom stuff embarrassing or nerdy roleplay embarrassing?" Eyes wide, Eleanor finally looked up at her sister, shaking her hands defensively. "No, no, no! Nothing like that! It isn't gross or anything, it's just, um... promise me you won't laugh?" Now Olivia was really interested, leaning forward on the bed as if sharing confidential state secrets. "I promise." Sighing, Eleanor began to nervously twiddle her fingers in front of her, just to give her hands something to do. "O-okay, so, uh, here goes... I know I've been in plenty of relationships, but they were all with girls, right? And, ah, I've never been much into, you know, those toys girls get for playing with themselves." Sensing that she was waiting for some kind of acknowledgement, Olivia nodded. "Alright." "So, um, I've - I've had sex plenty of times, and of course I play with myself as often as any other girl, but, uh... I've never had anything inside me... except for fingers and tongues. So, er... my hymen is still intact."

There was a moment of silence while it sank in, and then Olivia blinked, surprised. "So, wait, the seal isn't broken? You never once put a dildo inside? Never found a conveniently-shaped bottle of shampoo or something and..." Blushing at least as furiously as she had been earlier in the night, Eleanor nodded. There was another moment of silence, while Nora wondered if it was literally possible to die of embarrassment, and Olivia stared blankly at her sister. Then the younger zebra tilted her head to the side ever so slightly, and began to grin rather deviously, beaming from ear to ear, an absolutely delighted look in her eyes. "...So let me get this straight. You've never tried penetration before at all, and if I do that with you... I'll get to pop my big sister's cherry?" Feeling awfully self-conscious, unconsciously moving a hand down to cover her mound, Eleanor frowned. "I'm not a virgin or anything! I just... never did that." Olivia walked on her knees across the bed and took hold of her sibling's cheeks, still grinning. "Aww, sweetie, I didn't mean that in a bad way... I wouldn't think any less of you if you were a virgin. But, uh, I don't think there's actually a phrase for breaking someone's hymen after she's already had lesbian sex." Nora nodded silently, still looking uncomfortable, but she'd visibly relaxed a little bit at her sister's use of the word 'sweetie'. "I - I'm just nervous, you know, the pain and all... and I don't wanna jump right into, uh, fisting or anything." Chuckling, Olivia picked up her sister's hand, the one that wasn't protecting her maidenhood, and patted it gently, reassuringly. "You know, just because a girl's into penetration doesn't mean she's all the way into it. I'm hardly a size queen, sis." "I just meant, if you don't have a toy or anything handy here, I don't want to improvise, you know?" Bringing that hand up to her lips and kissing it, bringing a weak smile back to her lover's face, Olivia tried to sound less playful and more reassuring this time. "Don't worry, I've got just the thing."

Getting up off the bed, enjoying the sensation of her sister's eyes on her rear end, Olivia walked over to the single closet in the room, where they'd stored the stuff they didn't need on a daily basis. Nora spoke up from the bed, clearly still nervous, though Olivia didn't blame her, given the circumstances. "S-so how does this work? We're gonna cuddle, and you're gonna, um, d-do me with the toy? Or do I lie back so you can get between my... Oh jeez, I'm even more nervous than I was after you kissed me." Crouching on the floor, Olivia looked through her stuff, going directly to an inconspicuous cardboard box on the bottom of the pile, its contents individually wrapped in small towels. "Actually, I had something in mind other than just holding the thing for you, something a bit more, ah, natural." Frowning just slightly, Eleanor tried to lean to the side and see what Olivia was doing, but she was on the other side of the room, blocking all view of the box, so she had no idea. "What do you mean 'natural'?" At this point, Olivia giggled triumphantly. Whether she was ignoring that question or it was just handy timing for her, only she could say. "Aha! There you are! The last few of my significant others have all been guys, so I haven't gotten the chance to use this in a while now. I thought Stuart might have been interested, but we broke up before I got the chance to ask him." The elder sister had repositioned herself on the bed as Olivia went to the closet, but hearing this vague description had her hand sliding right back down to cover her slit, wary of whatever it was Olivia had there. She didn't have to wait long, though, as her lover stood up and turned around, holding her prize in both hands. "There we go! What do you think, sis?" It was a series of leather straps and metal buckles, all focused around a central ring, though that was hardly the centre of attention; jutting proudly out of that ring was a dildo, made in the image of a male equine's erection, every contour and vein faithfully recreated, as was the very impressive size that the men of the genus were known for. If it weren't bright blue, it might have passed for the genuine article. As Nora stared in shock, Olivia giggled and held it up like a trophy, clearly very pleased with herself. "You like it, Nora? Say hello to my little friend!" Close to horrified by the sight, Eleanor was now covering her vulva with both hands, and pulled her legs up in front of herself for extra protection. "Little?! Jeez, Liv, that thing is huge! I thought you said you weren't a size queen! God, that thing would probably kill me." Clearly not at all surprised by this reaction, Olivia shook her head and clicked her tongue. "Tsk, tsk. You know, nature says we're supposed to have our first times with something this size. You're letting the species down, sis." When she received only a glare in response, she chuckled and lowered the toy, the head of the false penis bumping into the ground as she held the device by her side. "I'm just kidding, Nor'. I would never make you take something this huge your first time out. This isn't the only toy that fits in the harness. And I'm really not a size queen, honest. I've never used this toy, Caitlin had me use it on her. Now she really was a size queen, but they say that's not exactly unusual for bovines. She just never came to pick it up after we broke up, and it didn't quite feel right throwing the thing out. God, has it really been that long since I've used this thing? I guess so, since this one was still in the harness. Wow. Time flies." Eleanor didn't move from her defensive position, eyes still locked on the artificial phallus as though it might try to get her of its own volition. "I - I dunno, Olive, a strap-on? Isn't that kind of much?" This time it was the sportier zebra whose face fell. "Oh, no, baby, I didn't mean to make you lose your nerve! I'm sorry, it was just a dumb joke. I just wanted to use this because I've always found it to be more intimate, like I'm actually, you know, making love to you instead of just playing with you." Eleanor found the way she seemed embarrassed to be saying the words 'making love' oddly adorable, and felt a little better. While she mulled this over, Olivia bent down and reached back into the box. "I've also got a nice red canine-shaped one, but I don't think you'll want to start off with the knot, so I've got just the thing right here." Standing back up, she held up another sex toy for her sister's approval. This one was white, and slightly less than half the length of the equine dildo. It was made in the image of a human's penis, and had just as much attention to detail as the more imposing one in the harness. "See? Much nicer. I'll just swap these out and change the batteries." "Batteries?" "Lemme show you."

Soon, Olivia sat next to her sister on the bed, showing off the different parts of the harness. At the moment she was pointing out a small dildo built into the inside of the frame, where it went between her legs. It wasn't nearly as detailed as the others, but as Olivia explained, it got the job done nicely. "This one goes inside me, curves right against my G-spot. It's not as good as having it thrust in and out, of course, but the friction as I work my hips is great." Eleanor nodded, taking in the sight but still feeling a little bit in over her head. "I've never found my G-spot... well, I guess that's obvious, if my - my cherry is still intact." Coughing, she quickly changed the subject. "So, uh, how do those batteries come into it?" Olivia grinned and pointed to the front of the harness. "Oh, there's a vibrator here, goes right over my clit. Good stuff." "Do I get one?" The younger zebra reached over and rubbed her sister's shoulder, grinning. "No, sweetie, I'm gonna be playing with you, remember?" She was still nervous, but Eleanor couldn't help but smile back. She thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. "...Alright, I want to do this." Giving that shoulder a comforting squeeze, Olivia leaned in closer. "Are you sure, Nora? I don't wanna rush you or anything." She shrugged, her intimacy with the other girl making her comfortable in being honest. "I - I'm sure. Nervous as hell, but sure." Standing up, Olivia picked up the apparatus, but paused to look her sister in the eye and smile reassuringly. "Don't worry, sweetie, if you change your mind, you just say the word and we drop it right there... though I'd kind of appreciate you not doing it if I'm really really close." She winked, and then chuckled as Nora blushed.

As Eleanor watched silently from the bed, Olivia swapped out the equine dildo for the human one and got the harness set up, stepping into it and briefly looking up at her lover with a smirk. As she pulled the thing up her smooth, striped thighs, she let out a quiet aaaah as the dildo inside the harness pressed between her labia and pushed within her, grunting as she settled comfortably into position before tightening the straps. Then she stood up straight, fists on her hips, the silicone penis proudly jutting forth as she posed for her sister. "There we are, sis, how do I look?" "...I don't know, like you have a boner?" Despite herself, Nora giggled nervously. "Sorry, I'm just a little overwhelmed." "That's fine, big sister, you just lie back and let me take care of you." Eleanor did just that, moving to the head of the bed and leaning back against the same pillows Olivia had been resting on earlier, when Nora had been showing off her nimble tongue. Now, the younger sister walked forward, enjoying the way her lover was staring directly at her new equipment, only to pause just before sitting down. "...Nora? Could you put your glasses back on? You look super sexy in them." "Aww, when you ask like that, how can I say no?" As she gave the lenses a quick wipe with the cloth in their case, Olivia knelt down on the mattress, crawling up to her sister on all fours, reaching her as she lay back down, glasses in place. "Mmmm, very nice." To Nora's surprise, instead of immediately moving into position, Olivia leaned in and kissed her, one hand moving to her sister's vulva after a few moments. Eleanor leaned back, confused. "Umm, aren't you gonna..." "This is more about you than me, sis, remember? I know you've never been with a guy before, but trust me, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that you don't just stick it in right away, gotta get nice and warmed up first." Not finding a fault with that logic, Eleanor got comfortable again and allowed her sister to keep fingering her as they kissed tenderly. This time, though, Olivia was very careful to only give slight, grazing attention to Eleanor's clitoris, teasing her mercilessly. Eventually, her need growing, Nora began to push back up against her lover's hand, wanting more - at which point, Olivia pulled her hand away entirely, much to her disappointment. She let out a whimper, even though she'd known that it wasn't the main attraction this time. Now, she watched as her little sister placed herself between her legs, reaching down and carefully lining up the head of the replica erection with the slick entrance to Eleanor's pussy. The elder zebra couldn't help moaning, half in excitement, half in stress. Taking Nora's hand, Olivia leaned in, careful not to move her hips. "Okay, sis, you ready? This part's gonna suck, not gonna sugar-coat it, but it passes, and you only have to do it once." Swallowing, Eleanor squeezed her sister's hand, felt her squeeze back. "Alright, Olive." Without releasing her grip, Olivia adjusted the way she was sitting to make what she had to do easier, and then spoke softly. "Okay then, here... we... go!" With that, Olivia pushed her hips forward, the dildo easily sliding into Eleanor's technically-virgin entrance, tearing through her hymen without difficulty as the younger zebra buried it inside her sister's body to the hilt.

"Aaaahh! Oh God!" Grabbing hold of her sister and holding her tight, Eleanor trembled from the sudden flare of pain, letting out a series of whimpers that had nothing whatsoever to do with arousal. Olivia, for her part, stayed right where she was, letting Nora get used to the new sensation, rubbing her back and cooing in her ear soothingly. "That's it, you did it sis, you popped your cherry. I know, I know, it hurts like a bitch, but just hang on, it gets better soon, shhhh." As she had promised, it wasn't long before the pain began to fade and Eleanor's limbs ceased their trembling. As she sagged against the bed, still whimpering with residual pain, she shook her head and frowned. "Owww... Jesus, that stings... Damn, Olive, it looks like I was right to put that off as long as possible." As she reached up to stick a finger behind her glasses, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes, Olivia clicked her tongue. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, ye of little faith. Just give your little sister a chance to dazzle you." She leaned in and planted a kiss on Eleanor's forehead. "Though, since holding off this long let me be your first, I can't argue with you there." Feeling slightly more like herself, Nora managed a weak smile. "Olive? I'm glad you were the one to do this. Even if - even if it doesn't work out, I'm glad we got to share this." "Hey, none of that talk in bed, missy. But... me too. This is really special to me." They shared a glance and a smile for a few seconds, and then Eleanor glanced down between them, noting that when they were leaned in close like this, it was hard to see anything past two pairs of breasts. "So, um... am I bleeding bad or anything? Maybe we should have put a towel dow- oh!" That 'oh' came as Olivia suddenly pulled back for the first time, in order to make a visual inspection. There was no visible blood, although the juice coating the white dildo had a distinctly pinkish tinge to it. "Nah, you're fine, don't worry about it. We both got lucky that way, although I'll spare you the details of mine." There was that grin again. "So, Nora, you ready to keep going or should I give you a bit longer?" "No, we've waited long enough, sis..." Leaning in close, she kissed Olivia on the cheek and whispered directly into her ear, knowing her uncharacteristically blunt words would send a shiver down her lover's spine. "...Fuck me, Olive."

Giving an impressively toothy grin for a prey species, Olivia pulled back just a bit more, until only the head of her toy was still inside Nora's slick channel. Then, in one smooth motion, she once again pushed forward, filling her sister's tight passage with the soft silicone flesh. Reaching up, Eleanor laced her fingers together behind her sister's shoulders, keeping her within easy kissing range. "Ohhhh, Olive, I feel so - so full..." "Mmmm, you like it, Nora?" As she asked, one of her hands teased down her lover's abdomen, lingering in the vicinity of their joining, but maddeningly avoiding any and all contact with Eleanor's neglected clit. Just as the elder sibling was thinking about grabbing the other equine's hand and forcing the issue, Olivia pulled her hand away entirely for a moment. "Oh, I almost forgot." With a sharp click she turned on the vibrator over her own love button, then sighed happily as it began buzzing away. "Awww, come on, Liv, that's not fair... Ah!" Olivia's hand had darted right back to where it was, this time tugging and toying with the aching nub of flesh. "Oh, alright, I was just having some fun." "Ahhh, that's good... Yeah, I'm liking this already." Giggling softly, Olivia pulled back again, and this time she kept the motion going in a rhythm, thrusting and withdrawing into her sister's wet embrace again and again, the movement causing her hooves to tap against Eleanor's on one side in time with their lovemaking. Meanwhile, Nora was loving this experience; the toy was stimulating the zebra in a way she'd never felt before, while her sister's fingers teased at her sensitive clit to complete the feeling. A few minutes passed before Eleanor shivered, and began pushing back against each thrust, wanting to feel it deeper inside. "Ohh... God, Olive, I - I can't believe we're doing this. I never even dreamed we'd try anything like this... but it's so good... ohhh, Liv, don't ever stop." Smiling, her lover leaned in for a kiss, and their tongues rubbed and slid against each other, no complicated manoeuvres this time, as their attention was focused elsewhere. Now more comfortable with the act, Eleanor extended her legs out behind her sister, wrapping them loosely around Olivia's waist and hooking her ankles together behind her back, holding the other zebra in place, as if preventing her from escaping. For her part, seeing how much her lover was obviously enjoying herself, Olivia was deeply happy right where she was. She began to sigh and grunt in time with her thrusts; each one made that dildo rub right against her G-spot, as well as pressing the vibrator tighter against her clitoris for a moment. Moving a hand to Nora's chest, she began to squeeze and grope at her sister's soft breasts as they continued coupling. In response, one of Eleanor's hands began roaming her lover's back, rubbing softly, while the other returned the favour in kind, moving down to Olivia's breasts, gently swaying beneath her in time with her thrusts. The elder sibling inhaled sharply and broke off the kiss, muscles stiffening for a fraction of a second, as Olivia tweaked one of her nipples. "Oh, sorry, sweetie, that was the sensitive side, wasn't it? Here, lemme make that better..." Slowing her thrusts for a moment, Olivia leaned down as far as she could go, lifting her sister's breast up with a hand to close the gap, Eleanor arching her back to try and help once she realized her lover's intentions. She couldn't help but moan as her sister's lips closed around her nipple, the tip of her tongue very gently caressing it, careful not to press too hard on the sore flesh. The younger sibling briefly looked up, making eye contact for a moment, and all those emotions threatened to come rushing back to Eleanor. "Oh, Olive..." She trailed off, too many forms of stimulation coming in to focus on talking. It was okay, though, Olivia was feeling much the same. She didn't need to say anything else.

After she'd 'kissed away the pain,' Olivia straightened out her back, as the angle was starting to give her a crick in her neck. She reluctantly moved her hand away from Eleanor's breasts, to lean it against the bed and support herself, to help her put more energy into her thrusts. She began to become very aware of her own growing level of arousal, feeling her juice begin to soak into the pelt on her thighs as the dildo worked back and forth within her, and that merciless vibrator continued its delicious assault on her aching clit. "H-how are you doing, Nora? I - I can feel it, it's building up..." Whimpering with need, Eleanor shuddered as her sister's fingers danced across her own love button, her vagina instinctively clenching down on the dildo as pleasure spread within her, feeling its textures rubbing deliciously against her inner walls. As she looked up at her lover again, she squeezed Olivia closer, scissoring her legs to keep her trapped with the toy hilted in the elder zebra's body. "M-me too, Liv, but... I - I don't want this to end yet, I want to stay with you like this..." Moving her hand from Eleanor's groin to her face, Olivia placed a hand on the side of her sister's jaw, stroking her cheek with an outstretched thumb, and smiled. "Don't fight it, big sister, I'm... I'm doing this for you, after all. I want you to relax and just let it happen, share this with me... because it won't be the last time. I'm not going anywhere, remember?" "Well... okay, but... but I want you to come too." Even prevented from withdrawing from her sister's slick channel, Olivia was grinding against her, wiggling on that dildo and pressing against that vibrator. "That... that's not gonna be a problem, baby. Damn, this thing is better than I remembered... or maybe it's because it's you." Smiling at that, pushing back against her sister's hand like an affectionate feral, Nora nodded wordlessly, and then, with a hand on the back of Olivia's neck, encouraged her sister to lean in for another kiss, to take them to the end.

Honouring her sister's wishes, Olivia slowed her assault on her sister's sensitive nub, increasing her efforts as she pushed into her sister's warm wetness again and again, the silicone of the dildo now having warmed up to the point where it would be difficult for someone to tell the difference between it and a real penis, not that Nora had any experience doing so. All she knew was that it felt incredible as it rubbed against the walls of her vagina again and again, teasing against sensitive spots she never knew she had, much deeper than the ones she'd found with probing fingers. As she kissed her sibling, deeply enjoying this togetherness, she observed Olivia as her pleasure built and built inside her. The sporty zebra's pelt glistened with sweat, and her supporting arm was trembling slightly with the strength of her arousal, and every few thrusts Nora felt Olivia sighing through her nostrils, the warm breath rolling across her nose, tickling the hairs on top of her muzzle. Soon, her movements becoming needier, more desperate, she began pushing harder against Eleanor at the end of every thrust, grinding her clit against that vibrator, wanting that extra bit of stimulation. Finally, she broke off the kiss, to look into her lover's eyes with desperation. "Oh God, Nora... I'm so close... I - I can't hold off for long... Please, I want you to come with me, are you...?" Taking hold of her sister's hand, Eleanor guided Olivia's fingers back down to her love button and closed her eyes. "So close I can taste it. Let's finish this, little sister." Olivia showed her usual ladylike demeanour as a shudder of pleasure ran through her and she leaned in to capture Nora's lips again. "Oh, fuck yes..." With that, she began to rut against her sister with all of her might, her fingers absolutely merciless in their quest to pull Eleanor over the edge with her as the vibe in her harness pushed her closer and closer to the climax she wanted so badly. Below her, Nora began to tremble, her muscles beginning to tighten in anticipation as she moaned shamelessly, directly into their kiss. Olivia didn't mind, though, because she was doing the same thing. Finally, without warning, Nora arched her back and stiffened, her orgasm exploding through her with even more force than she'd been expecting. Although her efforts were wasted on the unfeeling silicone, she found she rather enjoyed the sensation of her vagina clenching rhythmically on the dildo buried within her. More importantly, as she pushed up against Olivia, helping her hilt the toy one last time, this pressed the toys assisting the younger zebra directly against her erogenous zones, the extra bit of pleasure surprising her into release along with her sister. With the dildo completely buried in Eleanor's eager flesh, the Whitfields grabbed hold of each other, sharing a kiss as waves of pleasure burned throughout their bodies, moaning and grinding against each other as they came and came, muffling each other's cries and keeping their love a secret from prying ears. As her eyes fluttered open, Eleanor caught sight of her sister's face, and was reminded of who exactly she was making love to. She was so overcome by her emotions that a single tear of joy formed in the corner of her eye, as the quiet zebra found she wanted to stay in that moment for all eternity. Before her climax died down, she tightened her grip on Olivia, holding her sister, her true love, tight against her chest, freeing her lips from the embrace and managing to croak out a single coherent thought amongst the cries of pleasure she forced down. "I love you, Olive!"

When the fire that danced along their nerves had finally burned down, Eleanor and Olivia Whitfield just stayed where they were, in that same position, panting heavily, each thinking the other looked absolutely radiant in afterglow. Nora's legs were still wrapped around her sister's hips, though now they rested lazily, instead of flexing to keep her lover in close. For her part, Olivia had embraced her sister, lying her head down on Eleanor's chest, just holding her and being held, as they waited for their heartbeats to come back down to normal. Finally, after a few minutes had passed in breathy silence, Olivia reluctantly pushed off her sister, getting back onto her knees, and pulling back gently, the well-loved dildo sliding out of Eleanor's tired body, her vagina clenching down on it instinctively as it left, like she didn't want it to go. There was a silence that was only a little awkward as Olivia stood up and began opening the buckles on her harness, freeing herself from the sex toy and dropping it unceremoniously to the floor. "Ahh, that's better... oh wow, I really did like that, it's soaked... We'll have to figure out where and how to clean that, but for now..." Stepping out of the leather straps, she climbed back onto the bed and wordlessly crawled back up to her sister, lying on her side to cuddle with her. Accepting her embrace eagerly, Eleanor still put on a dissatisfied face and looked pointedly at the strap-on as she shook her head and tried not to smile. "Are you really going to just leave that there? No wonder your side is such a mess..." Kissing Nora on the cheek, Olivia grinned. "Absolutely. I think it looks nice there, don't you?" "Well, it's a little more convenient than a shoebox at the bottom of the closet, I'll give you that, but I'd really rather not have it lying around in case someone comes in." "Awww, fine, fine, but can't we please just relax for a bit first?" Her facade finally slipping, Eleanor pushed her glasses back up and then smirked. "Nice compromise." Leaning in, she nuzzled against Olivia's cheek, smiling warmly at the other zebra, soaking in the moment. The younger sister glanced back at the toy, sticking proudly out of the front of the harness, still glistening with Eleanor's juices. Nodding towards it, she winked at her lover. "You know, that there's an important difference between toys and boys. The harness is always ready for a good time." The sisters giggled at the bad joke, snuggling in close together and enjoying the warmth only shared body heat can provide. They lay side by side, facing each other, currently exploring the depths of each other's eyes, having laced the fingers on their lower hands together, Eleanor currently letting her free hand wander along Olivia's side, tracing her fingers along her sister's pelt. Olivia was the first one to finally break the silence. "So... tell me, big sister; was it good for you?" Nora smiled even as she blushed. "That's a bit of a cliché, don't you think?" "Aww, come on, you can tell me, can't you? I'm really curious what you thought, Nora, how was I?" Giggling again, Eleanor gave her lover a little squeeze before answering. "Okay, okay... it was... it was great, actually. I don't want to sound like a cliché myself, but being with you was on a whole 'nother level above my exes. God, just the idea that it was you touching me, it made me so hot... and that toy, Jesus, Liv, I've been missing out!" Olivia blinked, her mouth suddenly dry. "...Whoa, Nora, I'm not used to you being so... candid about details like that." The elder equine smiled bashfully and reached up to scratch at the back of her head. "W-well, you are my girlfriend, now, after all, I might as well share that stuff... right?" Her lover smiled back at her. "I hadn't really thought about it that way, but, yeah, I guess I am your girlfriend. Heh, might take a little getting used to but, uh..." Olivia's gaze wandered down their bodies, naked and sweaty and pressed together. "...Judging by other recent events that I am totally cool with, I don't think it'll take long." A thoughtful look crossed her face, an ear flicking above, and she looked back at her lover, grinning. "But now that you mention it... when you were, you know, going down on me, it seemed like you had a map to all my good spots, like you already knew how to make me feel great, I've never felt that with anyone else." Leaning in, Eleanor kissed the younger zebra on the forehead. "Well, Olive, maybe it's like you said to Lisa earlier..." "So you were listening! ...Wait, which part? It's not like we talked about, uh, technique or anything..." Snuggling in close to her sister, Nora finished the thought with a smile. "You know how it is, living with family... You know exactly how to push each other's buttons."

The two zebras shared a warm laugh at this for a while, and then kissed, slowly, unhurriedly, enjoying each other's company and warmth, basking in their afterglow for the second time in one night. Before long, the simple dorm room once again became a place of calm and tranquility. All was quiet. All was peaceful. But this time, the room was silent not because it was empty, but because the lovers who dwelled within had drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

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