Story by Alan Auch on SoFurry

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Sedric gets rudely awoken on his birthday by a caller. He quickly discovers someone at the door who he never thought he might meet, and a mystery he just might never solve

"Alright alright, I'm coming!"

Sedric was nowhere near to the door whose bell was disturbing his sleep. He was still in bed in fact. Even though he didn't usually make much of a fuss of them, he considered his birthday to be the one day of the year when nobody had the right to get him out of bed early. However the doorbell was still ringing at very regular intervals, the kind of ringing that sounded like it came from someone who really didn't want to be impolite but was very impatient to get the householder's attention all the same. Climbing groggily out of bed and checking the time - 8:14am, amplifying the dragon's annoyance at being woken up - he told himself there had to be something questionable about having as many thoughts as he did about what doorbell technique said about a person

The dragon stumbled downstairs, regretting living in a three-storey house and trying to adjust the bright yellow rainsuit and purple wellies he'd slept in (as he always slept in gear; he was that sort of fetishist) to hide his morning wood. "I'm coming!" he called again, trying to sound a little more affable than his grumpy morning self allowed. By now he was sure it couldn't be a package at least; they would never hold out for so long. He hoped it wasn't religous or political in nature

"Oh! Hi! I thought you might not be in!"

Sedric didn't reply to his caller's question. He was too preoccupied staring at the embarrassed-looking white mouse stood in front of him. Cute, innocent-looking if anything. Yellow raincoat with a hood pulled up that was fitted precisely over his large mousey ears, plus blue denim jeans and green wellies. "You're... are you?"

"Stuart Little, pleased to meet you," the mouse replied sheepishly. "Can I come in? I feel kinda weird stood out here like this"

"Oh, shit, yes, please do!" Sedric immediately felt bad for swearing in front of the mouse, who he figured was much too nice for that sort of thing. He stepped aside and let him pass through, closing the door behind them. "So um, wow. You're Stuart Little?"

"I am!" the mouse replied, pushing himself to be cheerful and friendly despite his obvious nervousness at the situation. "I guess you're wondering why I'm here huh?"

Sedric nodded in response, suddenly feeling rude for obliging his unexpected guest to stand about in the hall and gesturing for him to follow into the living room where, settled on the couch with his draconic host, the mouse continued:

"It's kind of a long story. Some friends of yours, I mean I guess they must be your friends, they didn't..." the mouse was fidgeting constantly as he spoke, looking about the dragon's living room with its excessive racks of CDs and its ornate stained glass window depicting the Holy Spirit. The dragon wondered if the converted chalmistry bothered him at all; he didn't exactly know what, if any, religion the mouse practised. Sedric hoped at least the obscuring of the room from the eyes of passersby might help his discomfort about being seen by people

"Er, would you like a coffee or anything?" the dragon interrupted, unsurprised as the mouse sighed in relief and agreed to one. It was obvious he needed a moment to collect his thoughts, and the dragon was in want of the same. In the kitchen as he went through the rituals of coffeemaking he tried to figure out exactly what was happening. Having a very famous mouse turn up on his doorstep was not something Sedric experienced a lot of. And Stuart wasn't exactly dressed normally either. Whoever had sent him here had obviously convinced him to dress up like that, which meant they obviously knew about the dragon's particular crush, the resulting erection of which he'd been trying to fight whilst in the nervous Little's presence. He paused a minute, staring into the garden and trying to decide who amongst his friends might've set this up. "Who the fuck has the money for something like that?" he whispered to himself. He supposed neither of his Service Year Masters, His Lordship or the Admiral, were exactly poor, but wasn't convinced they would be willing to hire a cinematic personality to turn up at his house, let alone the price-hike that had to come with such an awkward wardrobe. Especially if he knew why he was supposed to be dressed like that

"Coffee!" the dragon called brightly as he returned, setting them down on the glass table. Stuart took it gratefully, still hooded, glad to have something to occupy his hands. "So, you were telling me why you're here?" He carefully avoided asking about the costume

"Well... your friends said you'd..." the mouse was avoiding eye contact again, finally taking a deep breath and blurting it out: "They said you wanted to have sex with me wearing this, and um, you'd really enjoy 'corrupting' me, in a good way, they said. They paid a lot, I mean up front, and they said there was more if I did it." He fished something from the pocket of his raincoat and held it up for the dragon to see. "They gave me this too." He looked more sheepish about it than disgusted or distressed. Sedric stared, amazed, at the plump bag of weed the mouse had been supplied with. "...And I'm not wearing anything under this outfit," Stuart concluded with a bashful smile

"Huh." Sedric replied

They finished the coffee in silence

"So... do you want to do it?" the dragon asked. Stuart's nervous expression remained, though the dragon could tell he was curious

"Maybe. I've never done this before. I feel so bad!"

"You've never smoked pot before, or uh, never done it with a guy before?" Sedric wasn't sure why he didn't ask if he meant serving as a prostitute

"Both!" Stuart chimed in reply, cheeks almost glowing pink through his white fur as Sedric took the bag and opened it to smell the pungent weed. Definitely excellent kush. "Or behind my girlfriend's back, or..." he looked down at his outfit. "Never dressed like this!"

The grey dragon set the weed down on the coffeetable, concern crossing his face. "We really don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable," he reassured him, "You're not obliged just because of my friends-" he still wasn't sure which friends to blame "-or we can ditch the costumes or just smoke or-"

"No no no," Stuart cut him off hurriedly. "No, it's okay, I want to do this. I know I shouldn't but, geez, I want to like you wouldn't believe! I've been wondering about it ever since I got the offer. Is that bad? I mean I never do anything bad, kinda feels like I'd like to try it a little." He looked away awkwardly. "Promise you won't tell Margalo I cheated, right?"

"I promise," Sedric replied, putting a reassuring arm around the mouse who turned his head back to face him. The dragon had absolutely no idea how he would even go about contacting the mouse's girlfriend had he wanted to expose his infidelity. "So you ever think about doing it with a guy before?"

Stuart laughed at that, tension breaking up. "Once or twice, yeah. Doesn't everybody? Did um... you jerk off when you watched my movie?"

The dragon grinned, bringing his snout to the mouse's hood-obscured ear. "Lots and lots," he whispered, hoping he might help further tickle the mouse's fancy. He could tell he was getting a hint of pride at his confession from the mouse of his passion, edging it further still with a playful peck on the cheek. He could feel their warmth from the mouse's self-consciousness, but he knew the mouse wasn't complaining about it. "Stuart," he said, obeying what his pecker told him to say, "may I introduce you to cannabis?"

The mouse's mouth hung open instinctively at the dragon's words, eyes snapping in his direction. "Yes! I mean, yes please..."

Sedric grinned, kissing the mouse again and trotting upstairs for the equipment required. He had a lot of reasons to be concerned about his visitor, mostly about the morality of knowingly doing this behind Margalo's back. But his brain had far more counter-reasons why he shouldn't, and they all began: "Stuart Little is in your house in raingear on your birthday, don't be so ungrateful." He was soon back with the vaporiser in his shaky hands, laying it out on the coffeetable before the oh-so-sweet mouse politely observing. The weed was ground up generously and loaded quickly into the vaporiser, Sedric glancing over at his guest and giving him the nervous grin for once

"Last chance out chief," he said. Stuart shook his head. Sedric grinned more cheekily and handed him the mouthpiece of the vape

Sedric settled down beside his pupil, arm around him again as reassurance. "Just hold it in your mouth, inhale gently. No need to go crazy, just inhale a little and hold it a little, then let go"

The mouse nodded cautiously through all his words, eyes on the vaporiser unit rather than on the dragon. He held the glass tip of the tube in his mouth for a long time, the dragon not wanting to pressure him, then finally Sedric heard the intake of air and watched as the smoke forming inside the glass bulb swirled towards the outlet. A moment later the toker spluttered messily, exhaling his take and coughing for several seconds. Sedric bit his lip trying to stifle the giggles as the mouse cleared his throat

"Oh wow, that's rough!" Stuart croaked. Sedric grinned and nodded

"It will at first, but you get the hang of it quickly." He took the pipe by way of demonstration, inhaling his own hit of weed, feeling it irritate his throat a little but managing comfortably to retain it. Moments later he let go of the warm smoke, coiling and dissipating in the air before them. Stuart looked impressed, and reluctant as the dragon passed the mouthpiece back. "Go on, you'll get the hang of it"

Sedric was pleased to see the mouse kept his second smoke down better, inhaling and exhaling and only then rasping in response. He learned quickly, and soon enough each had managed half a dozen decent tokes, the dragon feeling increasingly hot and humid under his raingear, relishing the drops of sweat beginning to creep down his scales. Stuart's eyes were getting as pink as his nose, also to the dragon's delight. Whatever lingering guilt he might have about the rectitude of getting the mouse smoked up and amenable to the dragon's fantasies, his guest was obviously enjoying himself. "Like being high?" he asked with a devious smile and an inquisitive hand on the mouse's knee. Stuart nodded, a faraway look in his eyes and a very silly grin crossing his face. The dragon continued:

"And you're nice and hard"

Sedric's hand groped Stuart's crotch casually, feeling the undeniable arousal underneath and making its owner squeak reflexively. "That means you definitely do want this"

The mouse gasped at the touch, looking away again bashfully and giggling. "I guess," he said, hesitantly stroking his hand up the inside of the dragon's slick-covered thigh in turn and lightly gripping his host's hard cock. The dragon hummed in approval, wondering if the mouse was thinking about the size of his cock at all. From the feel of it, the famous rodent was a hell of a lot better hung than he was, which was how Sedric liked it. Taking another chance, he tugged the pink-eyed mouse's muzzle his way to draw him into a full-on french kiss, pushing down the raincoat's hood in what he hoped was a sensuous manner to someone not sharing his fetish and finally freeing his guest's ears

Breaking apart, Sedric had the sudden very strong, very wicked and very appealing notion that he was acting as his murine crush's trainer. The idea was even more intoxicating than the pot in his system. "Hey Stuart," he probed, "what sort of stuff are you up for? Anything?"

The mouse nodded, distracted by the hand still squeezing and tickling his cock through his jeans, then hesitantly added, "I'm... I don't think I want it up my butt..."

Sedric grinned to himself at the mouse's cute choice of words, kissing his cheek. "No problem, I like it up my butt better. But you'd give me a blowjob right?"

"Yes, yeah," the mouse panted, "I really wanna try that!"

"And would you let me cum on your face?"

More nodding from the excited mouse

"And could I film it?"

Stuart paused at that, looking the dragon awkwardly in the eye. Sedric could tell he wasn't necessarily appalled, though perhaps it was just the THC screwing up the mouse's judgement. He himself was likewise too high to mind even if it was. "You wouldn't show it to anyone, right?"

"It'll be just for me and my busy hand," Sedric replied with a smile. That was reassurance enough for the mouse, and before long they were upstairs in the dragon's bedroom, Sedric hazily glad the first-time stoner hadn't tripped down the stairs given how soundly blazed he was. The last thing he wanted was to explain a broken-necked celebrity dressed like that in his house

Stuart plumped himself down on the bed as he observed the dragon setting up the camera excitedly. "Boy this is pretty different to my normal film sets," he giggled. "Is that an inflatable pig?"

Sedric looked over in the corner of the bedroom and laughed, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "Oh yeah, her," he grinned, finishing toying with the camera and going to pick up the toy and toss it above himself like a beachball. "I like blowup sex toys," he confessed, as if confession were needed at that point. "You're not put off sucking my cock are you? Knowing I've knobbed a plastic pig?"

The mouse nodded and shook his head, holding his arms out for the dragon to toss him the pig. "It's weird but it's pretty cute," Stuart said, nuzzling the pig's snout as Sedric scurried back to actually start the camera running. He was getting so many ideas for things he wanted to do to the mouse, before he'd even gotten that thick cock out of the tight blue jeans

"Here, put these on," the dragon said as he handed the mouse a pair of oldschool motoring goggles, "I'm not kidding about wanting to cum on your face. I want to cum all over you. And I want to fill your boots with shaving cream"


"Take 'em off, you'll like it I promise"

Stuart did as he was told, tugging the goggles over his head and tugging off his boots to offer to the dragon. "Sedric, you're the weirdest person I've ever met," he said as the dragon grabbed a can of shaving cream out of his bedside drawer. Sedric grinned at him as he shook it up, thinking how cute he looked wearing those goggles and swinging his barefooted legs like a kid

"At least you're getting paid well to make my acquaintance," the dragon ventured, feeling brave thanks to weed and lust. He was glad Stuart wasn't offended by the suggestion, bursting out laughing and flopping back on the bed

"Yeah, you're right! Being a prostitute isn't too bad. Fill 'em up!"

Sedric obeyed, emptying the entire can between the two boots and handing them back for the mouse to experimentally stuff one foot inside, jeans tucked in too, both of them listening to the squelch and giggling. "Oh wow, that is weird!" Stuart cooed, squishing his foot all the way in and then repeating the process before finally standing. "That is so weird," he continued, taking a few steps and slipping slightly inside his boots, the dragon making to catch him lest his stoned and now WAMmy guest actually lose his balance. Sure of his safety, he repeated the process for his own wellies. He kept a lot of shaving foam on hand for this purpose

"And now, at last," the dragon proclaimed dramatically with his hands on his hips, wriggling his toes inside his boots and enjoying how the shaving foam oozed between them, "we are ready for the best film ever made!" And he pulled the mouse into another deep French kiss, feeling Stuart's arms wrap around him in turn. I'm kissing Stuart Little, he thought to himself giddily, grinding his crotch against the mouse's. "Now who's going to whip it out first?"

"I uhm, guess I should," Stuart said, hot-cheeked and red-eared again. Sedric stepped back a pace, watching excitedly as the mouse fumbled with his jeans and unzipped them, exposing a hard dick that had to be nine inches long. The dragon's cheeks flushed hot at that, impressed by actually seeing it as opposed to mere groping, mind flashing with thoughts of the mouse's cock in his snout or pounding his arse. Instinctively he stroked it again as he unbuttoned his own raintrousers, freeing his much smaller cock and playfully pressing them together. If Stuart was concerned with the much smaller pecker on offer, he didn't show it. Instead he just moaned and kissed the dragon again, the two of them frotting for a moment

"I'm sweating so much under this raincoat," Stuart grinned as they parted, experimentally fondling the dragon's tool. Sedric nodded, repeating the gesture

"It gets you like that," he said. "I love it though. I love how sticky and hot I get under this gear, and how musky I get. Go on and sniff my cock"

The mouse giggled and coyly got down to comply, huffing the dragon's dick and immediately bursting out laughing. "Oh wow! Yeah that smells strong!"

"Mmm-hmm," Sedric replied, stroking his headfur. "I totally slept in this gear so I'm pretty much reeking. Smells good though right? God I'm so hard for you Stuart"

The mouse got his fanboy's implications, cautiously running his tongue around the offered dick. When that didn't repulse him, he gently wrapped his lips around it, sucking the whole short length easily into his muzzle. Garbled and cock-gagged speech sounded like "I never did this before," to the dragon, who hummed and stroked his head. "It's not difficult," he sighed, "just... suck it, use your tongue, and don't bite me"

Stuart quickly proved capable with his mouth, the dragon shuddering with pleasure as his cock was teased and suckled and he in turn offered words of encouragement, stroking and caressing the mouse's ears, fucking his muzzle slowly. He felt wicked and transgressive as hell for it, knowing how furtive it was especially considering whatever unknown but surely princely sum had been paid to get the mouse on his knees like this. Those things only turned him on more though, especially combined with having thoroughly corrupted the sweet-natured mouse and having seen first-hand just how much he loved it. Stuart's paws were on his arse as well, kneading his buttcheeks as he sucked and bobbed on the dragon's dick. "Stuart," he panted, "I'm about to cum, I want to cum all over your face..."

The mouse got the point, letting go of Sedric's cock and quickly grabbing it instead, wanking him furiously, eyes trained on the tip of the dragon's schlong. With a shaky gasp of pleasure the dragon came, cum splattering and soaking the white fur and dribbling all over the goggles' lenses. And they both cracked up again

"Wow, that was...!" Stuart struggled through ripples of laughter. Sedric couldn't say anything, still floating from his orgasm and bewitched by the sight of his pearly cum matting the snow-white fur. He helped the mouse up so that the two could kiss again, feeling his guest's cock still hard as iron between them. His own spooged pecker was easily coaxed up again by the promise of getting the mouse's rocks off

"Why don't you settle down on the bed?" the dragon murmured, "I want to lick every inch of your boots and cock until you cum all over that rainjacket"

The giggling, excited mouse was laid out on the bed in a flash at that, nervously fidgeting - this time, Sedric suspected, to keep from masturbating - whilst the dragon's tongue glided subserviently over the green rubber. Even the soles of the mouse's boots were appealing to him, eager even in his "training" role to totally worship those wellies. He didn't care how much practical work they might have seen, it only made them sexier to submit to. "If you wanna talk dirty to me you can do," he slurred between mouthfuls of rubber

"Okay, um," the mouse paused and giggled, "um, you're a... bootlicking faggot- oh! No I'm sorry! That's a horrible thing to say"

"No no!" Sedric retorted quickly, giving him a keen smile and eager to reassure him, "seriously, call me a faggot, it's uh," he paused and blushed, "actually one of my favourites. That and being called 'Tiny' because of my small cock"

"Okay," the mouse replied, still sounding concerned. "I don't know thought, I don't want to be homophobic or anything..."

Sedric smiled, crawling up the bed and lowering his snout to the mouse's cock. "I know you're not," he said, circling the stiff member with his tongue, "but pretend you are while I give you a nice, faggy blowjob"

With that the dragon slowly enveloped the mouse's dick, sucking lovingly whilst Stuart trembled and stroked his ears. "Okay," he sighed, "okay then Tiny you faggot, suck my big cock." He was so polite even when he was abusing the dragon, it made his host tremble with pleasure as he savoured the musky, heavy taste of mouseflesh. He wanted to make his crush cum so hard, harder even than he'd just done. Above him Stuart giggled, paws audibly squeaking against the blowup pig

"Hey Sedric, um, Tiny," Stuart interrupted, "I know you... oh wow that feels so good... I know you want to make me cum on my jacket but..." he giggled and moaned at once, "...what if I humped your blowup pig?"

The dragon's head shot up at that, mouth agape and grinning. "Do it," he squeaked, "that would be so hot! But," Sedric climbed off the bed, giving the mouse's pecker a final kiss and fishing out the more conventional lube to offer to the inquisitive visitor, "you should still get cum all over your rainjacket"

"What do you want me to do?" came the reply, breathy and excited as he uncapped the bottle and quickly dumped a considerable amount all over his dick. Sedric smiled as he watched it oozing down to the mouse's crotch, imagining him enjoying the cool sensation. He kissed the mouse again

"You just fuck that pig until you cum," he said softly again before climbing onto the bed over the mouse's head, knees straddling him, cock and balls resting a little above his subject's face, "and I'll just have one off the wrist while I watch, and if I happen to shoot my load all over your jacket, so much the better"

A nose nuzzling his balls told Sedric the mouse was game, fumbling again for the pig and hoisting it above his cock. Sedric watched, amused as the wasted rodent struggled at first to find its plastic pussy, but after a moment the pig sank down onto his guest's cock with a sloppy squeak, Stuart gasping at the feeling and the dragon beginning to stroke himself. "That is so good to watch," he muttered, eyes on the inflatable toy and the mouse's pistoning arms and hips pounding it like there was no tomorrow. "How do you feel?" he asked, his own cock aching in his hands as he masturbated

"I feel really good Tiny," Stuart panted into the dragon's crotch, almost drowned out by the racket from the toy, "wow... I can't believe I'm doing this!"

"Keep on though," the dragon replied. "Really fuck that pig!"

"I'm not going to last... oh god Sedric..."

The dragon sighed in pleasure, speeding up his own jerking. "Cum however soon you want to," he grunted, keen to match his guest. The mouse didn't last long, a violent flurry of pig-pumping and moaning assuring Sedric he'd already lost it. The dragon followed suit, and a moment afterwards ropes of sticky dragon jizz sprayed the slick yellow chest in front of him. Fighting to keep upright, the dragon decided to flop down on all fours instead and proceed to lick his jizm off Stuart's mac, mumbling in pleasure as he felt the mouse's muzzle find his cock to nibble in turn

"I want to give you another blowjob," he heard below him. The dragon grinned to himself

"Mmm, a little bit of one maybe... just until your cock's ready to go again." He tugged the pig free of the mouse's groin, where it was held up entirely by the cock it was impaled on. "You've still got to bend me over!"

* * *

The new friends fucked for some time, egged on by pot and adventurism, before shakily retiring back to the dragon's living room to imbibe more of the mouse's exotic weed and watch the tape they'd made together, the morning fading into the afternoon in a fog of cannabis smoke and sudden bouts of licking, sucking and jerking. Under the dragon's encouragement Stuart was getting more and more comfortable playing abuser, still remaining as polite and sweet-sounding as ever but learning it was okay to tease his host, to call him an underendowed cocksucker and to simply direct him to another blowjob that the dragon happily gave

"Thanks Sedric," Stuart mumbled, hood pulled back up, somewhat lost in his weedy haze. The dragon glanced up from his guest's cock, waiting to hear if there was more. "I really needed some time being bad, huh?"

"Who doesn't?" Sedric replied in between flickering his tongue over the hard shaft in front of him. "You've no idea who paid for you to come here then?"

Stuart shook his head. "Do you think..." he began, Sedric bracing himself for some kind of clue as to which of his friends had set this up, " you think I could have a copy of this video?"

"For your busy hands?"

Stuart nodded. "I'd kind of... like to run the idea past Margalo, if she'd let me do this again... are you bi?"

Sedric grinned and nodded. "Anyone, anything, anytime," he chuckled at the mouse's implicit suggest, swallowing his pole whole

Golden Age

GOLDEN AGE The dragon in the green slicker and waders edged fearfully up against the desk, its sturdy and unmoving form lacking comfort to him in the face of the gorilla now advancing. Like the cowering dragon at his mercy he wore similar...

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Nucleus Accumbens

The tinny speakers were struggling fizzily through "Kokomo". They'd been playing the same esoteric radio station throughout the building; all the big radio-friendly hits from any mainstream station, but interspersed with mad animal chitterings that...

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Hoppy And Dart in... "A Night On the Town"

The frogs knew they were getting stares. They didn't care if the stares were of the 'fucking queer' or 'girl you look FINE' or just plain baffled variety. They were on the town to enjoy the evening feeling beautiful and flamboyant and kinky and all...

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