Getting to know each other

Story by Kittehpowr on SoFurry

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Getting to know each other

By Kittehpowr

It was the day after Sona and Brian had coupled, they still slept on the couch. Brian hadn't bothered to get dressed, because he was just too beat from the time that Sona and himself had spent together. He woke up slowly, to the sound of the telephone ringing. He stumbled off the couch, leaving Sona to flop down onto it's soft surface. Sona didn't wake up from the sudden jostling of motion, but continued to sleep. Brian picked up the phone, then put the reciever to his ear.

"Hello?" he said groggily.

"Where are you!" said the voice on the other end. Brian held the phone away from his ear a little bit, as the voice continued. "Do you know that the trashcans are overflowing? And their's also the bathrooms, they need to be cleaned!"

"Yes, Mr. Morris. I'm sorry," said Brian. "I'll be down there as soon as...."

He was cut off by Mr. Morris' voice yelling, "No, you'll be here now!" Brian sighed, then hung up the phone.

Surprisingly, it was the person on the other end of Brian's phone conversation that woke Sona up. She turned to Brian, confused to what was happening. "What was that?" she asked, still somewhat confused. "I just got a phonecall from Mr. Morris," said Brian. "He's pretty angry about me not getting to my job, and I'm already fifteen minutes late." He was already mostly dressed, while Sona just looked up to him:

"There's no need to get dressed, you know. We can spend all the time we want right here." Brian shook his head, which led Sona to pull her brows up in confusion.

"No no," said Brian. "It isn't something that I can just stay home for, I wish I could." Brian could tell that Sona was concerned, so he went on a quick little explanation about how humans had to work jobs to keep the houses they have.

"So, it's servitude?" asked Sona. "That's just terrible."

Brian shook his head. "No, not servitude," said Brian. "Look. Whenever a human reaches the age I'm at, they've got to start working to earn a living." Sona nodded, then looked to Brian.

"So, it's a necesarry thing?" asked Sona.

This time, it was Brian's turn to nod. "Yeah, kinda." He was about to leave the house, when he turned back to Sona and asked. "Yeah... that thing last night.... It was just because you were in heat. Right?" Sona nodded slowly, her brows knitted together. She wasn't at all comfortable that she had mated with Brian now, but it was needed. She was kinda glad it was him though, not some strange dog she had just met on the street. She turned to Brian. "What about me?" asked Sona.

"Huh?" asked Brian, confused. "Well, you mean when I'm at work?" Sona nodded. "Well, just stay in the house. I'll be home...." Brian was cut off by a sharp growl.

"Oh no, I'm not staying in here," said Sona. "It was bad enough that I already had to stay in those human made prisons, for animals wrenched from their homes!"

Brian sighed, then kneeled down beside Sona. "It's okay," said Brian. "Look, you can go outside. Just... please keep out of sight of anyone, there are people from the zoo looking for you." Sona whined, at the mention of the zoo. Brian placed a hand behind her ears, scratching lightly. "Don't worry, just stay by the woods around my house and you shouldn't be noticed." Sona nodded. Brian had one of those doors with a doorhandle and not a doorknob, so Sona was able to open the door and close it if she wished. He showed her how to work it a few times, then asked her to try it. Sona placed her paws on the doorhandle, leaning down into it. The doorhandle gave away, allowing the door to swing open. Sona looked to Brian, the look on her face one of victory. "Please stay around the house," said Brian. "For your own safety." There was an unusual amount of care in his words, which would lead one to believe that they cared for each other more than they were letting on. Sona nodded though, promising to what he had said. Before Brian left, he tied a rag to the doorhandle. Telling Sona that when she came in, she could pull the door closed by grabbing that. As Sona watched Brian walk out the front door, she parted her muzzle and let out a light yawn. 'Well, it's not like he really cares for me,' thought the grey wolf. She leapt onto the couch, placing her head on her forepaws. She raised her brows to her own statement, then began to question it, as well as her feelings towards him, and vice versa. 'Does he?' she thought. She shook her head, then looked to the big box in front of the couch. 'I wonder what that does,' she thought to herself. She stood up, then trotted over to the box. She placed her nose against a few of the buttons, pushing into them. Nothing happened at first, but she pressed one button and a flash of light blinded her eyes. She jumped back, hiding behind the couch. She heard voices now, as well as music of a kind she had never heard before. She peeked around the couch, and saw that the front of the box had pictures on it, as well as a person speaking. Little did she know that the box was actually a television, and that she had accidentally turned it on. 'Wow, what an amazing device,' she thought. She leapt on the couch, watching the television for a time. Eventually, she had figured out how to adjust how loud the "box" was, as well as how to turn it to the different stations. Currently, she was in the middle of watching an episode of Tom & Jerry. 'Really. How in the world can humans stomach this kind of entertainment?' she asked herself; though she herself felt drawn to continue watching it. Eventually, she had grown tired of watching the television and pressed the off button. 'Now it's time to see exactly where I am,' thought Sona. She went to the front door, placing her paws on the front of the door and leaning down into it. Eventually, the doorhandle gave away and the door swung open. She went out of the house, nosing the door shut afterwards. From there, she began to explore the area. She had never had a chance to actually look around, because of her stomach forcing her to divert her attention from such things. But now that she was able to look around and see exactly where she was; it was a place with farming lands that dotted the roadways, as well as some dense forests around Brian's house. He had told her to stay out of sight, so she saw nothing wrong with going around and looking through the forest. Eventually, she had gotten to the borders of the forest and looked around; there was a small stream that ran behind Brian's house, which had a large rock in the middle of it. She leapt on the rock lying down, then placing her head on her forepaws. 'Hm, this place isn't as bad as I first thought it would be,' she thought. Eventually, the scent of her heat had drawn a few male dogs to her location; She wasn't aware of them there at first, though. But eventually, their scent had filled the air. Her eyes had grown wide, and she began running back to Brian's house. Eventually, she reached the front door; She pressed her paws on the doorhandle, opening it. She ran in, grabbing the rag around the inside doorhandle and pulling it shut. She flopped down by the front door, hearing the dogs whining and barking outside. 'Maybe... Maybe it's best if I stay inside, until my heat is over,' she thought, a bit winded. Brian was by now wearing his Maintenance Assoc. jacket, outside in the parking lot and cleaning up an oil spill; he had a white painters mask on, to filter out the harmful chemicals within the air. 'Boy, I blew it,' thought Brian. 'Now my pay is gonna be cut, I bet that's it.' He was still a bit upset because of the phone call, thinking that he was in trouble. When he had gotten there, his boss just told him to get to work. He was about done mopping up the oil spill. By now, the mop stank with the thick smell of the oil all over it. He brought the mop back to the wash closet, emptying out the contents into the sink and washing out the mop bucket and mop thoroughly. As the day went on, questions began to surface about the grey wolf that escaped from the zoo. When they asked Brian, he feigned innocence and told them he didn't have a clue about it; he only told them he had heard it on the radio, and that was about it. He eventually got around to doing the trashcans around the store, as well as the ones by the gas pumps. The manager had told him that the pumps needed some extra reciept paper too, so that was his next stop after the trashcan. While he was doing the trashcans however, he came across a few guys in white jackets. He heard something that caught his interest. "We need to get that wolf back," said one of the men; Brian kept busy by hanging out at one of the trashcans, pretending that he was having trouble with pulling the bag out from the trashcan. It did the trick, because they just kept along with their conversation.

The second one put in, "But we don't even know where to start looking." The second man went about with pulling a flask from his jacket, then uncapping the opening. "And besides," continued the second man. "Aren't we supposed to be asking people, instead of staying here?"

The first man shrugged: "Who knows? All I know is that we get paid, whether we look for that wolf or not."

They were looking for some wolf. Could they be talking about Sona, or was it someone else they were talking about? Whatever the case, he knew that he would have to be alert. Now that these guys were around, he couldn't let Sona back outside. He continued with his work; going through the trash cans, the reciept paper and the bathrooms; which by that time were in need of some serious attention. After all that was done, he decided to go on his lunch break. His boss was the cashier today, so when he got his bag of Dorito's and bottle of orange juice he sighed. "Look, sorry about making it late man," said Brian. "I overslept, and I've been kinda...." He was cut off by Mr. Morris waving his hand. "Don't worry about it," he said. "I'm just glad you actually made it here, but don't let it happen again," he said, half joking with that end part of the statement; though Brian knew that he was actually serious about it, he knew that Mr. Morris was a good guy; He just liked to keep a good business. He went back and had his lunch, then came back out. "Isn't it about time you were out of here?" asked Mr. Morris.

Brian turned back to Mr. Morris, raising his eyebrows in question.

"Well, it's just that it's around the time for you to leave," said Mr. Morris.

"Yeah... but I was gonna stay and continue working, to make up for the time that I missed," said Brian.

Mr. Morris just shook his head. "Don't even worry about it," he said. "All that I'm worried about is that you don't overwork yourself. You came in late today, and I'm beginning to wonder if you've been working yourself too hard." Brian was amazed by the statement. He widened his eyes, then exhaled a slow breath. "Well, thanks," said Brian. "I guess I'll see you later, boss." Mr. Morris nodded, then let Brian leave. As he left, his thoughts drived to Sona. How had she been? Did anyone come around his house while he was gone? Was she alright? All these questions bothered her, and he continued on his drive home. He kept to the speed limit, even though there weren't that many people on the road. And don't get him wrong about taking his time, but he was just a law biding siticen. When he got home, he went inside and looked to where Sona lie on the couch. He closed the front door, then went over to Sona. "How you doing?" he asked.

Sona woke up, lifting up her head and turning to look at Brian. "I hate dogs," said Sona. Brian raised his brows in question, wondering what she meant by that. Sona went on, explaining. "Well," she started. "I'm still in heat, and these dogs came around me while I was resting on a rock. I ran back here and shut the door." She sighed, then placed her muzzle back on top of her forepaws. "I'm gonna have to stay inside, at least until my heats over," she finished. She sighed again, then looked to Brian. "It's probably a good thing you're staying inside," said Brian.

Sona looked back to Brian. "What do you mean by that?" she asked.

Brian went on. "Well, you see. It's kinda that there were some guys looking for you at my job today, and I don't want you getting captured."

Sona shivered, then nodded. "I don't want that either," she said. She thought that it was about time she take an interest in the humans life, so she started up. "How do they make those noisy picture boxes?" asked Sona. Brian raised a brow.

"You mean the television?" asked Brian. This time it was Sona's turn to raise her brows, so he went on explaining. "Well, the picture box that you're talking about is what we call a television." Sona nodded her head, listening intently. "You see, when we can't go and see what's happening in the world, we turn on the television. We can also broadcast fake shows, just for pure entertaimnent purposes.

"You mean like Tom and Jerry?" asked Sona.

Brian laughed, then nodded. "You've been doing your homework, I see," said Brian. Sona just panted happilly, then lie there. The hours passed, and eventually it was time for Brian to go to his other job. It was around eight in the afternoon, so Brian had to get ready. "I'll be home later, but don't worry. Okay?" asked Brian. "What are you doing this time?" asked Sona, placing her head on her forepaws and lying on the couch where she usually lie.

"Well, I also work at a bar. It's this place where...."

"I know what a bar is," said Sona, shaking her head. "Enough of the humans that work at the... "place" I was kept at usually went there after work." Brian just nodded, then gave her a light pat on the head. "I'll be back in a few hours."

"And I'll be here," said Sona. "I don't want one of those dogs trying to mate with me." She shivered at the thought, then exhaled slightly. Both Brian and Sona were secretly hoping that that wouldn't happen, so they quickly dismissed the issue.

"Anyway, I'll see you later." Brian left for his job.

It was about two in the morning when Brian had finally gotten home from his job at the bar, and he flopped down in the chair. Sona moved over, offering the spot to share. Brian shook his head, then just lie in his chair. Sona was a bit dissapointed that she didn't come over, but didn't fuss over the matter; because Brian seemed to be out of it enough as it was, and she didn't want to risk bothering her any more than was necesarry. The next day, Sona was the first one to wake up. She saw that it was light out, so thought it best to wake up Brian. "Brian, wake up." she said. The mental door was shut tight, and he was still asleep. She sighed, then leapt off the couch and placed her muzzle on the side of the chair. "Brian, don' t you have to get up?" Brian woke up, then eventually looked down to Sona.

"What is it," asked Brian in a groggy tone.

"Well, I just thought that it was time for you to get up," said Sona. "You said that you have to work during the day. Right?"

Brian sighed, then shook his head. "No, no. That's only on days that we DO work," said Brian. Sona shrugged, then placed her head on Brian's lap.

"I've got something that can help wake you up," said Sona. She nuzzled Brian's hands off from away from his crotch, then began to nuzzle into it lightly. He felt her nose into his crotch, reacting immediately with his cockhead beginning to stiffen. He smiled, then patted Sona's head with his left hand. The other hand unzipped his fly, allowing his member to emerge from the opening of his pants. Sona's tongue went to work, licking lightly at his pulsating member. Brian resisted the urge to thrust, because of Sona's muzzle and sharp fangs. Eventually, Sona brought her muzzle overtop his member and began suckling at it like a wolf cub at her mothers teet. Her tongue went in swirling motions over his cock head, suckling lovingly and her own vaginal surface beginning to moisten from what she was doing. She brought her muzzle off Brian's member, then let out a whine of pleasure. Brian got up, trying to get at Sona's backside. He was cut off, when Sona kept her forepaws on his shoulders; pushing him back to the chair, which he sat in. "Did I say you could get up?" she asked, in an angelic sort of voice. Brian gasped, then later moaned when Sona once again consumed his thick member within her open muzzle. Because of the length of her muzzle, she could take his hot cock all the way in. Her tongue licked at the bottom of his member, while the top of her muzzle lightly grazed at the top of his cock head. Soon, his member was shooting shots of pre into her open muzzle. She swallowed it all more than willingly, moaning as she swallowed the precum that shot out. Eventually, she backed off from his member; and it was at the point of where he was going to cum too, which earned her a bit of a glare from Brian. "What are you doing?" he asked, in a bit of a breathless tone.

Sona smirked, then turned her back to him. Her tail was raised, with her pussy lips throbbing and her pussy juices already flowing a little bit. "It's your turn to serve me, but no sex yet," said Sona. Brian got up, then knelt down behind Sona. His tongue went to Sona's throbbing vaginal surface, slowly licking around her opening. Eventually, he plunged his tongue deep into her pussy. Sona pushed back against Brian's tongue, reveling in the feeling of his tongue sliding into her pussy. He ran his fingers overtop her nipples. She wriggled a little bit, pushing her canine pussy back against his tongue and rocking back and forth slowly. Her pussy muscles were beginning to contract around his tongue, pushing it out.

"Put it in me, Brian," said Sona; Brian was more than happy to comply. He lifted his member to her vaginal opening, then lightly pushed his cockhead into her pussy. The vaginal muscles of the grey wolf constricted tightly around the head of Brian, the very moment his head entered; he let out a soft moan from his lips. He pushed in, already panting and moaning. By now, Sona was releasing whines of pleasure and riding back into Brian's gentle thrusts. His fingers gently grazed the nipples of Sona, while he continued to thrust into her tight cunt. The muscles were constricting, and he had reached the back of her pussy walls. He twitched inside Sona, his member hitting an awkward angle and once again hitting that sensetive spot that he had gotten before. Sona let out a sharp whine of pleasure, then continued to whine. She rode back on Brian's member, matching him thrust for thrust. Her pussy muscles tightened tightly around his cock head, which released shot after shot of precum within her vaginal walls; which slicked up those inner walls, allowing him to enter within her easily. Each thrust was like heaven on earth, and it wouldn't be long for either one of them. A few more thrusts, then Brian locked his hips with Sona's. Brian shot jet after jet of his hot cum into her constricting and wanting pussy. The squirts of cum into her throbbing pussy was enough to make her cum, and boy did she cum? Her pussy muscles squeezed tightly around Brian's cock, forcing him to fall to the ground exhausted. Sona wasn't done, though. She continued to ride Brian, growling out and arching her lower back into each thrust.. The squeezing of Sona's strong pussy around his member was exhausting, and all Brian could do was lie there. Eventually, she stopped riding Brian and pulled away. The mixture of their juices spilled out from Sona's throbbing pussy. Brian's manhood was already limp, glistening with the juices that covered it. "I think we both need a morning shower," said Brian. Sona just smiled, then turned to Brian.

"Lead the way, lover," said Sona. That day, they committed themselves to one another.

((Another one hot off the presses, whoo hoo!! I never write a story like this, unless I enjoy reading it myself. Enjoy ppl, more to cum/come.))

First Meetings and Night Matings

Wolf tales First Meetings and Night Matings By Kittehpowr Our story starts in a cottage in the suberbs of Pennsylvania, where the everyday is unextraordinary and the people are completely normal. In the cottage lived a brown haired kid, who worked two...

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