Twelve Wishes of Christmas (QCP: BG-Eps10)

Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#10 of Q.C.P. Book of Gerard series

When Zecma's magic ring arrives early, Gerard gives the devil mouse an offer to earn it back once and for all by granting twelve Christmas wishes to deserving, needy toons and anime characters. Gifts that have to come from the heart. Can he do it? Stay tuned. (Tenth of Eleven in the series.) Disclaimer: I do not own the mainstream cartoon and anime characters mentioned herein; they are used as reference as backdrop for the actual story. Made up characters are owned by me. This series contains adult situations. Enjoy the story.

**Terryville - Q.C. Planet

QCP: BG-10 Twelve Wishes of Christmas By Darrel James Vanwinkle (Writing as Ratseye) 06/01/2008

Chapter 01**

The Autumn leaves of Fall had covered the grounds of Q.C. Planet and Thanksgiving soon came and went in the Prince household, which brought all of the Princes back together again for a holiday feast. Lupa-Vega was still attending college with Spike, who was also at the dinner with her. Spike had given Lupa-Vega an engagement ring and it was apparent that the two were truly in love. Rianne Prince was also attending college with Lupa-Vega, though the two lived separately on campus. Leon Prince was still dating Oslo Otter, much to Gerard's appalling distaste and it was getting too weird in the Otter studio apartment to wake up mornings to catch Oslo and Leon in bed together. And yes, Oslo was also at the dinner.

Thankfully, Thanksgiving was over with and surprisingly Leon had put their home up for sale. That was a shame because Gerard actually liked that side of town. But no one was really living over there now and another family from Coolsville was looking for a house to call their own.

December was upon them and for Zecma it was his first snowfall.

"The sky is falling," said Zecma. "It's really falling. And I always thought Chicken Little was crazy."

Gerard just slyly grinned, for he knew that Zecma would be out in the stuff soon enough. Which was fine by him because he had more homework from AniSapien High School to complete. True, it was still his Junior High year, he was already missing those who were no longer attending the school who he first got to know really well. Fenmire Rat was off at college studying to be a banker. Jack Kangaroo was in college studying physical therapy along with being engaged to that demon kangaroo named Quell who was given permission to marry the cartoon kangaroo. And just as Gerard was starting to get along with Teddy Wallowson, that male cartoon warthog, Teddy's family up and moved back to Jaded Shadow. So it was yet another potential good friend that Gerard was deprived of through circumstance.

It was December 14th. A good twelve days before Christmas. And Gerard knew that Zecma had been counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds for the ring with all of his powers in it to arrive. In fact, Zecma had been watching Oslo's post office box like a hawk. He wanted to be there the instant the ring arrived.

Gerard wasn't concerned about the ring any more, because whoever made him a VIP in 'THAT PLACE' had also set him up with his own mega powers account. And now, Gerard literally had as much power as any one of the Hell Council members in the Chaosmire. And he had chosen to use this power sparingly. True, he had already used it once to grant Zecma's wish at Impcon without the Devil Mouse knowing about it, which technically meant that Zecma had up to one year to pay him back or be forced to work for Gerard for as many years as a Wish cost in Favors.

At that moment, Leon walked up to Gerard and said, "Son? Will you come take a walk with me? I need to talk to you about something both important for you and private for me."

After putting on their coats and caps, father and son departed the studio apartment and were soon walking along the north side of Terryville, an area Gerard had not had a reason to be in as yet.

Gerard said, "So what's on your mind, dad?"

Leon replied, "I know how appalled you get whenever you see Oslo and I together, especially in bed. And I wanted you to know that I will be moving in with Oslo after New Years. Because I know that you really don't like the arrangement of my activities with Oslo in the same place you have to live, I have decided to allow you a rare privilege almost no one ever gets. And that privilege is... the opportunity to live where ever you want on Q.C. Planet, as long as you continue to attend high school."

End of Chapter 01

Chapter 02

Gerard blinked his eyes. "Are you serious, dad? You're going to let me live on my own?"

Leon nodded his head. "Councilman Simba was telling me the other day that most citizens on Q.C. Planet usually have their own places by the time they hit teen aged status. And he thought it was rather strange that I wasn't allowing that with you. Then he quoted one of our real world sayings. 'When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do.' And because Councilman Simba is probably the only one on council who has an ounce of sense, unlike the others, I have decided to heed his advice and give you that privilege. Provided that you continue to attend school."

Gerard hummed. "Does that also mean that I can live with whoever I want to live with, too? Or do I have to prove I can make it on my own first?"

Leon smiled. "Frankly I don't care who you live with, Gerard, as long as it doesn't mess up your schooling. Once you graduate Senior High, if you wanted to live inside a cartoon dragon's slit, you could." He then winked with a grin.

Gerard grinned back. "I think you're just trying to get rid of me now. So should I be looking for a place to move into right now? Or is there something here on the north side of Terryville that you're wanting me to see?"

Leon grinned again. "As a matter of fact, there is. A cartoon gargoyle from Spooky Harbor named Talis owns a building here in Terryville called Hayley Labs. Anyway, Talis informed the Terryville Council that a studio apartment directly over the labs will be available for a tenant just after New Years. In other words, he really wants someone to be living there. Not to mention, Councilman Simba would like to inspect the building for structural flaws and the only way he can do that legally would be if someone were living there. So you see, this option does have an ulterior motive. If you would rather not go along with it, then you may freely choose any where else you would like to live."

Gerard hummed. "If it's the same with you, dad, I think I shouldn't jump at the first apartment opportunity that comes along. I mean, I don't want to get my hopes up and then find out that the building doesn't meet the council's zoning codes or some such." He slyly smirked. "I get that side from mom."

Leon chuckled. "Sounded just like her, too. Very well, Gerard. You be shopping around for a place to live. We need to get you moved out of the Otter's Lair before I officially move in there. Simba thinks I am the man who can tame the lustiest cartoon otter in Terryville." He paused, then pulled out a small box from his coat pocket. "By the way, Gerard... this arrived at our other house a few days ago. It is marked as Infernal Delivery Services. Are you expecting something from 'THAT PLACE'?"

Gerard grinned as he accepted the small box. "It's finally here. Now I just have to make sure Zecma doesn't find out that I have it until December 25th. Because once he gets the contents of this box, we will likely never see him again. And I can't say that I would be sorry to see him go. He has been helpful in some things."

Leon blushed. "Um, yes. Oslo told me about the body swap accident involving Zecma."

Gerard giggled. "So you know that it was me in Oslo's body during that date, don't you?"

Leon said, "When I asked you on that date if we should unground you, you were hoping I would turn down sex with Oslo. Right?"

Gerard nodded his head. "That was the general idea. And now you're about to move in with him. Boy, was I duped."

End of Chapter 02

Chapter 03

Back at Oslo's Studio Apartment, Gerard finally finished up the last of his pre-Winter Break homework, then he grabbed his coat and hat. "Come on, Zecma. Let's go for a walk. There are some deeds I want you to help me with."

Zecma glanced up from his bowl of chocolate pudding. "Huh? Now?"

Gerard grinned. "Don't make me call the contract imp back. You have to help me with whatever I want done from the moment of your hiring up until Christmas. And Christmas isn't for another two weeks. So you have to keep helping me. Besides... this time its not really for me. I want you to learn something from this outing."

Zecma hummed, then finished eating his pudding, tossing the bowl and spoon into the sink. Then he cleaned himself really good and wrapped a scarf around his neck as he teleported over to land on Gerard's neck. "Ok, I'm ready to go." (What could Gerard be up to now? He knows I am waiting for my ring to get here.)

Later, after leaving the studio apartment, Gerard and Zecma were walking along the same street where Gerard and his dad had been earlier. "Zecma... when you get your powers back, your job with me will be over and I assume you will head back home. But tell me something and be honest... have I been a good friend?"

Zecma irked, as that was NOT the question he was expecting Gerard to ask. "Well, I have gotten to know you, Gerard, and well, times are hard and mistakes are made... but... I think you've been as good a friend as you could be."

Gerard smiled a little and gave Zecma a kiss on his muzzle. "Thanks, Zecma. You're O.K. And now, to make you a little happier..." He then looked upward and said, "Contract Imp!"

The Contract Imp appeared instantly. "I am present, Gerard. Brr, it's cold here!"

Gerard wanted to giggle, but this was business. "Contract Imp. As you may recall, Zecma agreed to a contract with me to work under my employ until December 25th, which is Christmas Day, by which time he would receive the ring that had all of his powers in it."

The Contract Imp was shivering, but he nodded his head. "Go on..."

Gerard then pulled out the small box from his pocket and opened it, revealing the ring. "His ring arrived three days ago at my former living address on the East side of Terryville. I would like to alter the contract with Zecma where he can gain his ring back sooner than the 25th. Is this alteration possible?"

Zecma's eyes were on that ring! It was the ring with all of his powers in it!

The Contract Imp pulled out a rule book and read some information, then he replied, "It is within the rules - provided that any alterations are made in front of the employee of the contract. And Zecma is indeed here, therefore, you may make alterations to the contract. But an altered contract is only valid if Zecma agrees to the new terms."

Gerard said, "Let this be stricken to the record, should Zecma agree to these terms... he may now earn his ring back early by simply granting the wishes of twelve deserving toons who may be living anywhere throughout Q.C. Planet. He may have the temporary ownership and use of his ring while he is granting these wishes, but should he try to renege on granting any of these wishes, he will immediately have his powers removed by council and he will share Leaper's punishment."

End of Chapter 03

Chapter 04

Gerard quickly continued. "The rules on granting these wishes are as follows... the wish cannot produce harmful ending effects upon the wisher. He cannot grant the wishes of evil hearted nor evil minded toons nor anime. His wish subjects must be happy and remain happy up to December 25th. He may take as long or as short a time as he needs to accomplish these tasks, but as stated, all of his chosen twelve must be happy and satisfied with what they have wished for. And finally, in no way, shape, nor form must Zecma allow his chosen wishing subjects to see him. He has to grant these wishes as if he were one of Santa Claus' Christmas elves. Distasteful, but necessary. Zecma may speak to them, being heard, and may lie about who he is, if he chooses to lie, but the end results must obey the new contract. What do you say, Zecma? Yes or no?"

Zecma was still looking at his ring. His powers. But then he heard the question aimed at him. "I'll do it, Gerard. If that is all you want, I'll do it. But how will you know if I have done this right?"

Gerard smiled at the Contract Imp. "Zecma agreed. You heard him. And to make sure he does these tasks right, all of the Imp Union may jointly keep an eye on Zecma, without his knowledge, at all times. I, myself, will not be present. Zecma must do these things on his own. Solo."

The Contract Imp smiled. "The new contract is recorded. Good luck, Zecma. And now, if you will both excuse me... I AM FREEZING HERE!" POOF! And he was gone.

Zecma looked excited. "You are really going to give me my ring? Really? All I have to do is grant twelve wishes and make sure the toons are deserving and happy at the end? That's all?"

Gerard couldn't remember ever seeing Zecma happier. He took Zecma's ring and placed it on Zecma's finger. And the moment it was on his finger, Gerard could see a huge difference in Zecma's stature and his overall presence. "Remember, Zecma... you agreed to the new contract. So no funny business. I'll see you tonight. You better run off and get started."

And Zecma shouted, "Yeah!" POOF! He was gone in a flash.

Gerard side-stepped using his new powers into a warm restaurant booth in Lord Ric Pendragon's Dragon Restaurant in 'THAT PLACE'. "Records Imp, please!" POOF! A Records Imp appeared in the warm booth with him. Then Gerard said, "Do you recall a certain wish during Impcon that I granted to Zecma. It was my first wish that I have ever granted. I would like to register that wish officially into the charter, please. I get the feeling that Zecma is going to try to weasel his way out of paying for it."

The Records Imp pulled out a clipboard and a form and prepared the official document. "Don't feel bad that you are having to do this, Lord Prince. Any other Lord would be doing the same thing. It is your right. There, it's all recorded." POOF! And the Records Imp then vanished.

Gerard then got out of the booth and left the restaurant. "I need to go over to Pets R U and claim an enclosure to convert into a studio apartment for my mortal self. Then when I officially move into my own place on Q.C. Planet, I can link the two together and cross over, back and forth, whenever I like."

Gerard entered Pets R U and proceeded down to the level with the demon otterbois in it and informed them of what his decision was going to be and how they could come visit him whenever they liked, as long as they didn't track mud all over his studio apartment. Then he, along with the demon otterboi's help, selected a perfect cul-de-sac enclosure at the end of the corridor that contained the demon otterboi's enclosure. Gerard smiled as he began to convert the enclosure into just the kind of place he wanted to live in. In a way, he was glad to have gotten permission to live on his own.

End of Chapter 04

Chapter 05

Zecma was a devil mouse on a mission. All he had to do was grant twelve wishes to twelve needy and deserving toons and anime. No one evil could benefit from these wishes. Yet Zecma was sure there was a catch to all of this. Gerard had said that he had to learn something from this outing. And Zecma was sure that WAS the catch. He wasn't just granting wishes; he had to learn from every activity involving the wishes.

It was honestly like a Devil Mouse School project. And he wasn't about to fail this test, either!

Finding truly deserving people wasn't as hard as Gerard had made it out to be. All Zecma had to do was to read people's minds and scan their spirits and auras. The aura would reveal whether someone was good or evil. And their minds would reveal their intentions and desires. Unfortunately, almost every toon Zecma would focus on all had pre-Christmas ulterior motives. And Gerard was very specific on that matter. Perhaps this task was not as easy as it sounded.

Zecma sighed. "This is harder than I thought it would be. Dammit, I don't want to fail Gerard. It's the last task he's asked me to do and I am honestly having problems finding deserving people."

Zecma then made a last minute decision. He needed advice from someone local who knew what it meant to grant wishes to people. And that meant going to the Pink. The Pink Panther, in other words.

Soon, Zecma was sitting on Mr. Pink's desk, having just explained his dilemma. " you see, Mr. Pink. Gerard gave me this Christmas task and I can't find any deserving and needy toons and anime. I hate to admit this, but I need help."

The Pink Panther leaned back in his chair thoughtfully. "That is quite a dilemma, Zecma. Fortunately, I do know a few deserving and needy people, but unfortunately, there are only eleven. You will simply have to use your best judgment for the last person and hope that Gerard is understanding enough to see that he gave you a near impossible task."

Zecma sighed. "I have no choice, Mr. Pink, sir. I am desperate. I don't want to fail this test. I'll take the list of eleven you know who deserve a wish."

The Pink Panther prepared the list and handed it over to Zecma. "I would suggest you focus on a toon fan for the twelfth deserving person. And that is likely to be a young male real human teenager like Gerard once was. If you need any further advice, Zecma, please drop by. I enjoy getting visits from Gerard and his friends."

Zecma was once again on the move. He hated to admit that he needed help and he was sure that wasn't what Gerard was implying. (Strike one on me. I can't let myself have any more strikes. I can't fail Gerard.)

Surprisingly to Zecma, the first cartoon boy on the list was no longer a cartoon boy. He was a full donkey who worked for Lord Lampwick on Pleasure Island. It was Brent Knight. And finding the working class donkey wasn't hard at all. He was tending to Lampwick's estate on the back side. And he looked miserable.

Zecma felt really sorry for Brent. No one deserved to look that miserable. He invisibly floated over close to Brent's long donkey ears and whispered, "If you could have any one wish with no-strings attached for Christmas, what would you ask for?"

Brent glanced up at that point and looked around. Of course, he saw no one. "Now I'm hearing things. But if I could have just one wish for Christmas... I would like to be able to be human for one day so I can go see my mom who is dying in the Meta-Star City hospital. I don't want my mom to pass away without seeing me again. I loved her."

End of Chapter 05

Chapter 06

Zecma now knew why Gerard asked him to do these wishes. To see just what fulfilling a wish from the heart meant. And Zecma felt as bad as Brent when he heard Brent's unselfish reason behind his wish. (I gotta help him. I just gotta help him.) And helping Brent meant talking to Lord Lampwick. So Zecma went to find and speak to the head donkey.

In Lord Lampwick's office, Zecma explained to Lampwick about Gerard's task and of Brent's one-day desire to see his mother. "Is there any way at all you can give permission for Brent to go see his mother before she passes away? Please?"

Lampwick replied, "I had no idea Brent felt that way about his mother, Zecma. Of course I'll grant him permission. But I'll extend it to two days for Brent. He is an extremely good person and he has worked so hard around here to make up for how he first started before coming here."

Zecma smiled. "Thank you, sir. Gerard was right about you. You're the best."

And with that, Zecma was off to find the second cartoon boy on the list. This time, he appeared in Coolsville at the home of Norville and Mary-Jane Rogers. Norville was none other than Shaggy, council member Scooby Doo's best friend. Within the home, sitting in a wheelchair in a back bedroom, there was a boy who looked like a younger clean cut version of Norville. The boy's name was Sammy.

And he was completely blind.

Zecma was getting that sinking feeling in his stomach again as he approached the boy. "What is your fondest wish for Christmas, Sammy?"

Sammy tilted his head at the voice. It was a voice he didn't know. "To be able to see again. Not even the Pink Panther could restore my vision. He said it would take a power greater than Toonium by itself in order to restore my eyesight."

Zecma used his powers on Sammy then said, "On Christmas Eve, just before you go to bed, ask Santa Claus to restore your vision and I promise that on Christmas morning, you will be able to see once again."

Sammy sighed. "Are you an angel?"

Zecma was afraid someone would ask that question. "In a way, but primarily, I am a mouse. And I have connections to Santa Claus. Ask Santa for your vision and you will get your wish." Then Zecma departed the residence.

Zecma sighed. (These wishes don't get any easier. The old me would trick people into wishes and laugh about it. I must have truly changed if I am actually doing these twelve wishes of Christmas just so I can keep my powers.)

Zecma's next stop was at the home of Popeye the Sailor and Olive Oyl over in a very small harbor town on the other side of Jaded Shadow. The famous sailor had a very depressed daughter named Penelope Oyl.

Zecma was once again invisible as he approached her. "If you could have but one wish for Christmas, no matter what, what would you ask for?"

Penelope quietly replied, "I want to perform in the Christmas Day play at school, but the lead part was given to a very selfish girl who made sure I couldn't be there on time for the part rehearsals. I want to play that part."

End of Chapter 06

Chapter 07

Zecma nodded his head and could understand the request. This sort of thing happened all the time in Chaosmire, otherwise known as 'THAT PLACE'. Normally Zecma would charge a fee for this sort of request, but her name was on the wish list. So instead, he said, "Continue to practice the part and on the day of the play, go to the play early and I promise that you will get the lead part due to a circumstance that is beyond anyone's control. They will have no choice but to give you the part so the play doesn't flop."

Penelope smiled. "I don't know who you are, spirit, but if I get that part, I'll praise you for the rest of my life."

Zecma left the home feeling sick to his stomach. Being praised was actually undesirable to a Devil mouse.

That night in the Otter Studio Apartment, Oslo was setting the table for Gerard, Leon, Simba, and Zecma. Zecma was tired and ready for a good meal. Gerard and the others were looking over the list that Zecma had acquired.

Simba hummed. "This is quite the pink list, Zecma. I recognize Mr. Pink's handwriting."

Zecma sighed. "After I tried to find people to grant wishes to on my own, I had to admit that I needed help. So I went to the Pink Panther because he grants wishes to people at the Grand Wish Show. He gave me the list."

Gerard smiled at Zecma. "Mr. Pink is one of the coolest guys I know, Zecma. If you had to go to him, then I think you did the right thing. I won't hold this against you... but..."

Zecma lifted his head. "But...?"

Leon finished for Gerard. "...There are only eleven names on this list, Zecma. Not twelve. What were you going to do for the twelfth person? You already admitted you had problems finding even one deserving person by yourself."

Zecma sighed again. "Mr. Pink suggested that I go find a real human boy, a toon fan, and see about granting his Christmas Wish in place of finding a twelfth cartoon boy or girl and hope that Gerard would see that he gave me a near impossible task."

Simba said, "I think that is a fine idea, Zecma. A toon fan would never suspect getting a Christmas Wish. And if I may make a suggestion... start your search in Dullton. A lot of deserving boys and girls live there. Surely one of them will fit your instructions for the deserving person list."

And so, the next day found Zecma resumed on his mission. Granting Christmas wishes to deserving toon people and one non-toon real boy who was a toon fan. Zecma was actually looking forward toward meeting whoever the real boy was because real boys were fun to play with, not to mention fun to get into situations, whether naughty or nice.

Zecma's second day out went a little better, as he checked off another four people from the list before heading back to the studio apartment. It was a long day and he was asleep when the others came in from their tasks. Gerard checked the devil mouse's name list and smiled at the progress. Then he secretly used his powers to add another name to the list in Mr. Pink's handwriting, then replaced the list where Zecma had it.

Zecma's third day out was perhaps even better and faster, for he got done with all of the names on the list before 2 PM. He was ecstatic, to be honest. He took the list back to the studio apartment and stamped a big red FINISHED stamp diagonally over the sheet, then immediately headed out again to find a real boy. He obviously didn't notice that he already did twelve people.

End of Chapter 07

Chapter 08

When Zecma arrived in Dullton in the real world, he immediately saw why Simba suggested that he start his search there. All of the kids in town did not look very happy, even though Christmas was only a week away. Zecma began his search by checking father's employment situations, mother's public life, children's lives, what kind of homes they lived in, and how any pets were treated.

He had the search narrowed down to three families, as he was sitting on a tree branch wearing little gloves, ear muffs, and a parka. The temperatures in the real world were apparently colder than on Q.C. Planet.

While he sat there, he saw a sad little young teen aged boy carrying a laundry bag over his shoulder and shivering. Thing was, he was obviously not heading to a laundry mat. He was leaving town. Zecma KNEW that boy wouldn't get far in the snow and cold, and he knew he had to do something. He was no longer under the rules of the toon boy list, so Zecma chose to simply appear directly in front of the boy and try to find out what was going on.

"Hi kid. Where you going?" Zecma was floating in mid-air in typical Devil mouse fashion.

The boy looked up at the obviously unreal sight before him. "I'm running away from home."

Zecma arched an eye. "And why are you doing that on the coldest night of the year? You'll freeze and die out there."

The boy sighed. "Then I will freeze and die. My dad lost his job, mom says that the bank is going to foreclose the mortgages on the house and we're going to be homeless anyway. So... I chose to run away... so they don't have to feed me anymore."

Zecma felt that familiar pain inside his chest. The feeling when he knew he had to help people for free. (Damn Gerard... why did he make me have to learn from my wish granting? This hurts.) He then said to the boy, "Suppose I get your dad a new job before Christmas."

The boy leaned against a cold stone wall. "We're still losing the house. We'll be homeless and then the welfare people will take Unice away from us. She can't talk and the only companion she has is Ahab, the sheepdog. Mom got Unice Ahab for Christmas a long time ago. Welfare is going to split us up. And rather than be placed in a foster home, I'm running away to join the circus."

Zecma folded his arms over his chest. "So you would rather be a donkey rather than possibly being the boy who saved his family. Is that it? What's your name, kid?"

The boy was surprised that the mouse said he wanted to be a donkey for running away from home. But instead of getting mad, he said, "Then I'm a donkey. Where's my harness? My name? Felix Kornel, like it matters. After Christmas, I'll be Felix some other name and I'll never see my family again, so if being a donkey is better than that, I'll take it."

Zecma floated closer to Felix and said, "Let me find your dad a new job AND a new house for your family to live in, Felix. But you have to return home right now. I will return just before Christmas to tell you how I did. If I fail, I promise to take you to the circus, personally. Do we have a deal?"

Felix couldn't believe his ears. "Promise by everything that is holy?"

Zecma hated that question, but he replied, "I promise by everything that is holey." (As in full of holes! *snickers*)

End of Chapter 08

Chapter 09

After being shown where the Kornel house was located, and making sure Felix did actually go back into the house, Zecma immediately teleported back to Terryville and into the studio apartment where it was a LOT warmer! "BRRRR!!!"

Gerard and his father Leon were the only ones there. Oslo was off with Simba discussing a land development project.

"If you're that cold, Zecma, come on over and get some hot cocoa with us," Leon said. "How did your outing go?"

Zecma was immediately back over with the others sitting on the table, with his head nearly IN the HOT cocoa cup! "I found the perfect family to help in Dullton. The boy's father lost his job and the bank is about to foreclose on the mortgages on their home. But they are not going to be immediate scrooges about it... the bank is giving the family until the day after Christmas to pay off the mortgages. Its still bad. Welfare is like buzzards and can't wait to split the family up. We gotta help them, Gerard. What can I do? I promised the boy I would help him."

Gerard hummed. "Sounds to me like you bit off more than you could chew this time, Zecma. I thought for sure you would have noticed what you did on the toon boys list by now. Instead, you immediately headed back out to find a twelfth boy toon fan. But you didn't have to. Mr. Pink thought of another toon to add to the list and I added it while you were asleep last night. You completed your 12 wishes before you headed to Dullton. You're a free mouse, Zecma."

Zecma's complexion drained slowly when he heard those words from Gerard. "I'm free? But what about Felix Kornel? I promised him that I'd help him. He was on the verge of running away from home. If I hadn't stopped him, he would have frozen to death. Please, Gerard... help me out this one last time. Please? Pretty please?" He was then on his knees performing the standard begging routine.

Gerard said, "Do you know what a Clause Writ Condition is, Zecma?"

Zecma arched an eye. "Yes, but you're not supposed to know what they are. What's going on, Gerard?"

Gerard looked Zecma right in the eyes and said mentally, (Don't you mean... Lord Prince? You already owe me for the wish I granted you at Impcon) See Impcon (QCP: BG-09) (and you haven't tried to make any payments on that yet at all. If I help you now, Zecma, you will owe me an additional value of 1 favor. Agreed?)

Zecma suddenly put two and two together and felt as if he was flea sized. (So that is what is going on. Someone granted you Lord status back home and your first wish granting attempt was to grant the wish that I made to undo that trap at Impcon. I forgot all about it, Lord Gerard. I'm sorry. But I am begging you to help me... as a friend. For Christmas. Please don't tell me that now you're a Lord... you don't have any feelings anymore.)

Gerard resumed normal speaking at that point. "Okay Zecma. One last time for old times sake." (And I'll go you one further... if you promise me on the loss of your powers that you will help a surface person for FREE once a year from now on, say... around Christmas time... I will cancel every debt you owe me. Do we have a deal? I have a Law Imp listening.)

Zecma smiled, a tear actually leaking from his eye. (We have a deal, Lord Gerard. I promise. You'll see. I'll do good.)

Gerard smiled, pouring Zecma some more Cocoa. "Make yourself warm, Zecma. I need to go talk to Simba now. I actually learned something myself today. And its time to blackmail me a Lion King. I just hope I have enough stamps." And Gerard got up, grabbed his hat and coat, then headed out of the studio apartment.

End of Chapter 09

Chapter 10

Simba had just barely gotten rid of Oslo Otter, sending the lusty otter off to pounce another council member at their own home, when suddenly...

...Simba found himself strapped down in a bizarre toilet seat like throne in an upright position with a phantom audience to the left and right applauding. "What in the world?" Then he found out that he couldn't move. "Why am I stuck in this chair? What's going on?"

Then Hellish game show music began to play as the spotlights struck Simba from three sides and an ominous announcer like voice began to speak. "Ladies and Gentle Demons! Welcome to another fun filled show of Truth or Dragon Slitting!"

Simba was now fighting to free himself from the chair, as the voice continued...

"And here's the star of Truth or Dragon Slitting... Lord Gerard Prince!" And the demon crowd went wild, as Gerard strode out on stage and made some theatrical bows toward the audience.

"Thank you, thank you, my friends," said Gerard. "Johnny? Who is our contestant in the hot seat tonight?"

"All the way from Terryville on Q.C. Planet... Council member and all around favorite Disney family movie Lion King himself... Simba!"

Gerard walked over to stand beside Simba. "The rules of this game show are very simple, Simba... as long as you continue to answer my questions correctly, your anal cavity will remain free. BUT...! Every time you lie about the answer to a question, you will hear this sound..." And at that point, there came the sound of a dragon laughing! "...and an inch of the dragon's pride and joy will poke you up the rump! But if you can get through a majority of the questions before the dragon's final knot enters you, then you will be freed and you will win this prize! Tell Simba about the prize, Johnny!"

"Simba will be freed and he will be given Leon Prince as a play toy to do with as he sees fit. Leon Prince comes anatomically equipped with the finest attractive features and can be dressed and stripped like any of the finest Ken dolls! And now, back to you, Lord Gerard!"

Gerard grinned as he pulled out a deck of questions from his coat pocket. "Do you have anything to say before we get started, Simba?"

Simba growled in a very fierce and loud manner, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!"

And the crowd went wild, applauding like mad!

Gerard laughed evilly! "Always a kidder, folks! You gotta love Simba! He is such a good sport! And if he's honest tonight... he won't be permanently STUCK in a dragon's slit... HINT HINT!" He stressed that last part directly at Simba.

Simba was very afraid now. Leon Prince's son had him stuck in some location with a horny dragon and an audience of demons.

Gerard smiled slyly at Simba. "Kovu broke off an engagement with you a little over a year ago, right?"

Simba was sweating now. Somehow Gerard had found out some events before the Princes moved into Terryville. "Er, True."

End of Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Gerard then said, "And when Nala found out that you were cheating on her behind her back, she left you and eventually hitched up with your old buddy Timon. Correct?"

Simba sighed. "...yes..."

"In your desperation for a suitable mate," began Gerard, "you chanced across a councilman's name in a real world newspaper. And because you liked that name so much, you fantasized about yourself having that man in your home. Am I wrong?"

Simba was trembling. It was obvious that Gerard seemed to know everything then. "No, you are right." He couldn't even lift his head to look at Gerard now. He was feeling ashamed.

Gerard continued. "The name was George Burley, wasn't it?"

Simba said, "Yes..." then he pause. "I mean, NO!"

At that point the dragon chuckling was heard and Simba felt something poking his butt. It was hot and slick. And Simba was very afraid now.

Gerard chuckled. "The name was Leon Prince, wasn't it?"

Simba was looking directly at Gerard now with wide eyes. "YES! GET ME OUT OF THIS CHAIR! PLEASE!"

Gerard continued without emotion. "Terryville's city council had an opening, didn't it?"

Simba growled, "YES!" Then he paused with a feared look on his muzzle. "NO! I MADE IT UP!"

The dragon laughter was heard again as more of something Simba didn't want forced itself into Simba's bottom.

Gerard grinned again. He was enjoying this a lot. "When you heard that his city's council was preparing to cut his pay, you sent Leon an invitation to join your council. Right?"

Simba growled, "YOU KNOW THAT'S RIGH-" He stopped again as he realized the wording of the question. He was tricked again. And the dragon's laugh was heard again and he felt more of the punishment entering him. "PLEASE, GERARD! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK IF YOU GET ME OUT OF THIS CHAIR! I'M BEGGING YOU!!"

Gerard turned to look at Simba with an upset look on his face. "Bribery. Just like you did with Mr. Luthor when you found out that he was researching why Terryville suddenly needed a real human on Council. Right?"

Simba went completely white at that point. No one should have known that part at all. "...if you have all the answers, then what is the point of all this? Yes, I bribed Mr. Luthor and Superman to come up with another reason for Leon to be on Council. I did it by poking their union and reminding them of my position."

Gerard said, "My father's name... literally means Lion Prince. And you wanted him to live with you. But when he wrote back to tell you that he and his family would gladly accept your offer, you knew you were in trouble. You had to get a home for the family FAST. So you purchased that beautiful place on the East side and then you bide your... time... time.. time."

End of Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Simba suddenly opened his eyes and he was covered in his own sweat and he was in his own bathroom sitting on his own toilet. He apparently had dreamed the whole thing. But then he found the plunger's handle stuck partly up his rump.

From out in his own bedroom, he heard Gerard's voice saying, "I've always respected how honest you have been with my family and I, Simba. Are you going to be much longer in that bathroom? All I know is that you said you felt like you had the runs."

Simba sighed, as he pulled the plunger's handle out of himself and took a quick shower. "Gerard...? Could you remind me why you came over this afternoon?"

Gerard smiled, mentally knowing the agony that he had just put Simba through. Aren't ILLUSIONS fun? "Zecma's last wish has to do with a real human family in Dullton. The father was laid off and they are about to lose their home. Welfare is on the verge of breaking them up, and the boy was on the verge, that day, of running away from home to go join the circus. Zecma promised the boy he would help the whole family with Job and House. My request to you, Simba, is for you to allow the Kornel family in Dullton to move to Q.C. Planet into a house so they don't end up homeless and for you to find the man a job. He was doing wharf master work before. And I know there are no wharfs in Terryville."

Simba slowly emerged from the bathroom. "Gerard... we can't allow another real human family to live on Q.C. Planet."

Gerard made a face then said, "So you want your toilet dream to become a reality, you're saying? I know the truth, Simba. Leon Prince aka Lion Prince. You have been wanting to change my dad into a toon lion like yourself since he arrived on council, just so you and he can get married and live together in your home. You hate living alone, which is why you've been hitting Oslo's studio apartment a lot lately. When you heard that my dad was dating Oslo, you knew you had to get involved in Leon's life so you didn't lose him. I know the whole story, Simba. I didn't want to blackmail you, but you're forcing my hand. You help Zecma and me get the Kornels to Q.C. Planet for Christmas and in exchange, I'll help you get my dad once and for all. I can be reasonable, you know. As for Oslo, we'll just tell him that Scooby Doo has a secret crush on him. However, if you refuse to help me, I'll teleport straight back to my father and tell him the truth. Everything." Of course, he had already told his father the truth earlier before Zecma came in from Dullton.

Simba began to realize just how serious things were now. "You're a Lord of 'THAT PLACE' , aren't you?"

Gerard nodded his head. "I didn't ask for it, but it was given to me for free. I used my powers to find out what was going on between you and the Prince family. Simba... dad is... a fickle man. I know you want him more than anything, but unless Oslo starts showing more attention to someone other than him, then dad won't drop the otter for the lion. I'm willing to help you with dad, if you help me... a last request, if you will. Truce?" He held out his hand.

Simba sighed, as he reached out and shook Gerard's hand. "You're right. I'm desperate. I have to have a lion boyfriend. If not your father... then someone who is willing to take his place."

Gerard smiled and hugged Simba gently around the neck. Then he kissed the big lion on the muzzle deeply. "Right after Christmas... Either I or my dad will be your lion. I promise, Simba. Now come on... we have to find the Kornels a place to live on Q.C. Planet."

Simba had tears of joy in his eyes. "Thank you, Gerard. And I think I know a good place to move that real family to. There are moderate farms with land available just south of Japanopolis. And I can arrange for the father to work in Mythos Bay at the wharfs there. I will make the arrangements immediately. You need to go now and keep your part of the bargain, Gerard. Thanks for keeping my secret. I would have died of embarrassment had you made that dream a reality."

**End of Chapter 12 End of Episode Ten: Twelve Wishes of Christmas

Stay tuned for Episode Eleven: To Sponsor A Prince**

Impcon (QCP: BG-Eps09)

**_Terryville - Q.C. Planet_ QCP: BG-09 Impcon By Darrel James Vanwinkle (Writing as Ratseye) 01/01/2008 Chapter 01** With the play behind him, his grounding lifted, and Autumn in full swing, Gerard Prince was biding his time while...

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Play Me, Play You (QCP: BG-Eps08)

**_Terryville - Q.C. Planet_ QCP: BG-08 Play Me, Play You By Darrel James Vanwinkle (Writing as Ratseye) 09/25/2007 Chapter 01** Mrs. Leghorn handed out copies of the play to each person in her class room. "Auditions are this coming...

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The Back Way Out - Part 2 of 2 (QCP: BG-Eps07)

**_Terryville - Q.C. Planet_ QCP: BG-07 The Back Way Out By Darrel James Vanwinkle (Writing as Ratseye) 09/20/2007 Chapter 01** Gerard Prince was starting to get tired of standing in the posed position he had been standing in. The Devil...

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