The Naughty Puppet

Story by Desert Mutt on SoFurry

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#5 of Furverted Fairy Tales

(The following is a work of fiction inspired by various media. Ginny and Collin are fictional characters not based on any actual individuals living or dead.. This story contains female sex with a plush toy.)

Ginny looked out through the glass as she locked the door, turning the lights off. Her long feline tail flicked behind her as she turned to head toward the back of the shop. The albino leopardess looked along the shelves as she walked, looking at the toys she had made by hand and that she had ordered from toy companies to sell. One of the white furred paws reached out to stroke the stomach of a stuffed toy as the other reached out to grip the doorknob and push it open.

The light was turned on as the white leopard fem stepped into the back, where she made her home and set up her workshop. There were figures of wood, plastic and ceramic in various stages of being built. Several plush figures laid on one table in different points of being sewn together and filled with stuffing.

She sat down at her work station, taking up her pencil. Her free paw reached out to idly play with the top she still needed to sand down more, making sure there were no burrs in the wood. The soft pad stroked along the wood as she took the pencil to the sheet of paper, working to continue the sketches she had been working on. She smiled as she drew, the feline arm moving rapidly to make the lines.

The feline smiled as she looked at the idea she had been drawing. The idea was a bit excessive and would take a lot of work. If she did though, it would kind of be the greatest toy she had ever made. A paw finger pad ran over the image gently as she smiled. She leaned back, grabbing a piece of sandpaper to start smoothing the top.

Early the next morning, the sound of a rapid and insistent knocking came from the front door, rousing Ginny from her sleep. She let out a growl as she climbed out of bed, pulling a robe up around her. The white feline ears pulled back as she stalked out of her room and into the store front. Her red eyes were narrowed in irritation and with the want to return to sleep.

She pulled the door open, ready to growl and snap at whoever was there for waking her up and coming so early instead of waiting. It was a toy store for crying out loud. No one would die or be hurt if they had to wait to get something to play with. Granted there were times when some spoiled child would act like it, but still.

She stopped as she opened the door, the anger quickly melting away. Standing before her was a blue furred fox woman. Her body was slouched slightly and she had put on some weight. The edges of her muzzle was gray with streaks in her head fur and around her eyes. Something about her seemed very grandmotherly.

"I'm so sorry for waking you," the elderly vixen said with a scratch of age in her voice, "but today is my granddaughter's birthday and her present hasn't arrived. We're going to leave on a picnic out in the country for her birthday as soon as she wakes up. You make such wonderful toys and I'm told you're such a nice young lady. I was hoping that there would be someone you would be willing to help me get something. I don't have money on me, so all I have to offer is this." She held up a very aged black leather bound book for the albino leopardess to see. "It's quite old and rare. A wonderful antiquity. I'd take it to the used bookstore but they're closed as well and the owner doesn't live there. So can you help me, please?"

Ginny looked at the blue vixen grandmother, then down at the book being held out to her. She did not find it in her heart to refuse. She did start to do this so as to make others happy. Some times some of the toys left when she was overstocked would be taken to where some of the less fortunate would be able to get them.

"I guess I could help you out," the female feline said with a small smile, her tail flicking. She shut the door and turns the lights on in the shop. The two of them started walking through, talking about the various toys, what the granddaughter liked and what kind of stuff she might want.

When a gift was finally picked out, the two of them walked to the door, the elderly vixen constantly thanking the albino leopard woman. The blue furred fox fem smiled as she was led out then started down along the sidewalk. Ginny watched her go a moment before shutting the door and going to get dressed.

As the blue fox walked along the sidewalk, she moved a paw down, handing the toy to a passing by cub with a smile. The cub smiled back and hugged the toy before running off. The vixen moved to take her cloak jacket off as she walked down along an alley. A pair of fairy wings fluttered as they were released, bits of blue fluttering in the air. The vixen then shifted, turning into a speck of blue light and flying away.

Ginny went back through the building, setting the book down on her work table as she went by. The feline returned to her room, going to change into some proper clothes. As she did, she froze, ears perking and shifting as she caught the sound of a thump as something fell to the floor in her workroom.

The albino female came back out, finding the two books on the floor open. She reached down to pick them up, stopping at the sight. Her notebook had fallen up to the page where she had been drawing out her idea. The image of the large feline plush stood there before her.

The other book had fallen open to something else. It looked like some sort of spell that was made to help create the greatest toy ever. It also looked like it would need to take more work than she expected. If she did use it though, it would guarantee that this was her greatest creation ever.

And so it was that Ginny now knew what she had to make what she wanted to. First came the ordering of what she did not have yet already. Everything had to be just right for this to be something so incredible as she wanted this to be. So she ordered the highest quality of clay that would make the best ceramic, the most consistent and wear resistant enamel paint, and the softest, most durable stuffing material.

The wait for the materials to arrive seemed to last much longer than it should. Ginny found herself walking around the shop anxiously, tail and ears flicking as she waited when there were no customers about.

The albino leopardess was thrilled when the clay finally arrived, a purr rumbling her chest as she opened the shipping box. The excited feline checked her sculpting tools, letting out a small cry as the knife cut into the finger pad. She moved to bandage the small injury, unaware that several of droplets fell to the clay then slid down to seep deeper into the material.

And so the process began. The clay started to be shaped and sculpted, bits of the excess being cut away. Ginny worked slowly, having to run the store and eat, although on a few occasions she would skip a meal or two when she was thoroughly entranced by her work. When the main shapes were finished, the more meticulous part came into play. With the sharp edge of the sculpting knife, she carefully dug into the soft surface and started to cut the symbols from the book into it.

With the clay sculpted parts being solidly built instead of hollow, they would need time to set and dry out some before they could be heated in the kiln or else they could shatter. So the clay was left to cure before it could be heated. In the meantime, the female toy maker had to focus on other things.

The holiday rush of Halloween to Valentine's day was about to start, and of course, Christmas was there in between which was the time she would be busiest. Hopefully she would be able to keep up with shoppers and not have to defer them to other toy stores. As such, she would have to order greater numbers of toys and also work on more of her own that she sold.

Between the sales and the toys for the holidays, Ginny found enough time to continue working on her project. She would make some stuffed toys, then cut the fabric of her special creation. After carving a few wooden whistles, she would carve some wooden spheres for the toy.

Soon the clay was dry enough that it could be set into the kiln to cook. As the heat started to bake the earthen material, the symbols etched into the surface started to glow. Bright orange red energy flowed through each mark, starting to slowly undulate until it seemed to pulse in time to a heartbeat.

Ginny was unaware of what was going on in the kiln, working on the last of a series of wood trains. As she set it down she turned to the paints, working to start on two of the larger wooden spheres she had carved. The feline tongue was sucked upon as the deft paws worked the brushed, covering most of the surface in a layer of white before painting on a golden brown eye and the slit of the feline pupil.

As the clay turned to ceramic and the eyes dried, the albino leopardess continued to build, order and sell toys as well as sleeping. She was at a point where she could not continue until the kiln was finished.

That night as she slept, she had a dream that was incredibly vivid. In it, she was naked, standing in her toy shop which was empty save for herself...and someone or something else.

She did not really see who or what for the most part. The other was a large black shadow behind her, but something about it made her shiver, and not with fear. She twitched as she felt the warm breath on the back of her neck, soft fur pressing against the back of her own body. A moan escaped her as something hard pressed against her, teasing slightly, and a pair of large black paws reached around to grip her chest, giving a squeeze to the soft mounds and teasing the nipples.

The leopardess moaned out in pleasure, her body rumbling with a purr. The feline tail hiked up as the legs spread, raising and pushing back. The feeling of a hard male shaft soon pressed against the feminine lips, moving to tease the opening while trying to line up.

Just as she was about to be penetrated, Ginny awoke to the feel of gravity pulling her down. She grunted out as her back hit the floor, knocking the air out of her for a moment. She moved to pull away from the bed more, finding that the sheets had wrapped themselves around her legs which took her a while to get untangled from.

As she climbed back into the bed, the albino leopard woman stretched out, finding it hard to get to sleep just yet. Her mind continued to think about what she had just dreamt, and it had her so worked up that she finally had to do something about it.

She reached down between her legs, slipping a paw into her panties. The fingers spread the nether lips apart and lifted up as she pressed a finger against her clit. Her eyes closed as she let out a moan, rubbing at herself. Her hips rocked and shifted, grinding against the strokes. Her body stretched out as she pumped and stroked quickly, rapidly working herself toward orgasm. She was tempted to do more, but did not want to tear her hymen yet. She was still a virgin after all.

Ginny closed her eyes, biting on her lip and moaning in pleasure. Her other paw reached down between her legs, gripping her tail and stroking base. The feline toes curled as pleasured flowed through her, the soft finger pad teasing the sensitive folds rapidly working her to her release.

The female toy maker cried out as she reached her climax. Her body tensed and thrashed as she clenched and unclenched in pleasure. The thick feline tail flicked and lashed in her grip. Thick feminine fluids escaped from her depths, drenching her paw and the inside of her panties. As it subsided, she found herself falling right back to sleep, feeling quite satisfied.

When the ceramic pieces were done, Ginny got her drill and several metal connectors and joints. She put on a pair of goggles and a face mask to keep the dust out. She sat down, tail curling up on itself some to keep safe. The hard bit came on with a whine as she got ready to start drilling.

The carbon steel bit spun rapidly as it pressed into the hardened clay, creating small bits of dust as it worked to bore the holes into the hard stone like surface. As one was finished, another would be started, sometimes the bits being switched out to create a different size and depth as needed.

Once all the holes had been drilled, slightly smaller then needed, she started to insert the steel connectors. As the metal was inserted into the ceramic, she was then able to push them together, attaching the parts together with moveable joints until she had what was a very basic skeleton like framework from her greatest toy creation yet.

Once the frame was assembled, Ginny worked to insert the wood eyes, rolling them so the golden brown was looking out. She stopped for a moment, feeling as though he was looking right at her. A small shiver of excitement fluttered through her body. She opened the mouth and started to paint the ceramic teeth with a layer of white enamel paint, giving him a glistening grin.

As the paint was drying, bits of padding were carefully wrapped around several of the ceramic and metal portions, keeping it from being to hard to touch and giving the form a bit more of a filled out look in some parts.

Ginny smiled at the sight before her, moving to have the figure sit upright on her worktable. The pure white teeth glistened in a massive grin as the golden brown eyes seemed to watch her. She felt her face heat up, the white fur taking on a pink hint as the skin underneath turned dark red with her blushing.

A few days passed to let the albino leopardess take a break, finding herself working on some special orders for a very large birthday celebration instead. She found it hard to concentrate on her work though. The dreams of the mysterious male continued to haunt her, the masculine form coming back to her again night after night, but the dream would always end just before she was penetrated. She had not masturbated so much since she was just a teenager.

Also, she felt strange around the unfinished figure that sat on her worktable. Every time she went by, she had the strange feeling that he was watching her, smiling. Sometimes she imagined that were he able, his ears would twitch or tail twitch slightly. She found herself blushing and looking away when she was near it, like she was a teenage girl and it was a cute boy that she was crushing on but was too shy to approach or such.

She was able to get back to work, working to trace the lines then cut them. Chalk and scissors moved across black velvet, outlining then cutting the shapes from the material that would make up the outer layer of her creation. She smiled as she worked, stroking a finger pad over the soft fabric. As each part was cut out, it was set aside to wait for the others. When the velvet was done, several other pieces were selected to be used for other parts that would be necessary.

Now came for a very embarrassing part. Ginny slouched down, blushing heavily to herself as she went out and to an adult entertainment store. Hers pulled back against her head and tail tried to tuck itself down against her as she walked over toward the dildos. A part of her was kicking herself for the idea. She could not believe she was planning on making the toy anatomically correct like this.

"Can I help you with something miss?" a feminine voice asked, causing the feline to jump slightly and fight the urge to dart.

"Uhm..well," Ginny mumbled, "I'm... I'm looking for a..." She looked down as she blushed more and made a waving motion toward the dildos. The leopard fem felt herself growing increasingly embarrassed. She wanted to run, but she could not. She had started work on her creation and she damn well was going to do her best to make certain she finished it.

The employee smiled gently and gave her a pat on the back. The two talked gently a moment as they looked through the various toys. The albino leopardess slowly felt herself relax, getting comfortable with talking to the young female assisting her about the subject at hand.

The two of them finally decided on one called The Blue Fairy. Ginny paid quickly, in cash so there would be no paper trail as paranoid as it sounds. She grabbed the brown paper bag, carried it out, and hid it under her shirt as soon as she stepped outside so no one would see it. She moved as quickly as she could without drawing attention to herself as she headed home.

Now everything was here and she was ready. The feline grabbed a needle and some thread and got to work. She chewed on her lip as the small need wove the fine thread through the edges of the material, pulling them together, though a bit loosely, around the framework of her creation. Once the material was sewn around the part, she would fill it with stuffing to fill it out and give it shape, then move on to the next piece.

One part needed some extra work then the rest. Ginny moved to lean back as she took the needle thread and two pieces of the black velvet. She sewed them together carefully, creating a pouch. The leopardess reached out to her work table, grabbing the two remaining wooden spheres and dropping them into the bag, which was now a sac.

The albino leopardess continued to work on the artificial genitals. She took the blue fairy out of the bag and box, sewing to attach the velvet sac with wooden testicles around the base of the length. She smiled to herself, thinking that maybe she should have given him a large pair of brass ones instead. She made a few adjustments as she worked to attach the length to the crotch of the large toy, adjusting some fabric around the rubbery shaft, working to create a sheath.

For about the same hours everyday, Ginny would work, sewing, stitching, stuffing and tying. The more she worked the more the form took shape and the more excited she got. Then one day, it happened. As she tied off the last bits of threads into micro sized, almost invisible knot, she cut the needle free, and was finished.

The feline female toymaker looked at the creation with a smile as she studied it. There he sat before her, a large male black panther toy. His golden brown eyes looked at her as he leaned back on the wall by the table. The arms rested by his sides with the whiskers glistening slightly and black vinyl nose reflecting slight. The head of the of the blue dildo stuck out of the black sheath, looking as though he were already partially aroused in excitement.

Ginny felt herself blush heavily, the heat of her face causing the white fur to take on a slight tinge of pink. Her tail flicked in excitement as she suddenly came to a decision. The female feline reached out, pulling the toy off the table and into the chair she normally sat on.

"I should warn you," she said with embarrassedly, "This is kind of my first time. I've never done anything like this with anyone before, so I need you to be gentle." She shifted as she took a small step back and started to take her clothes off.

As the garments fell to the floor in a pile, Ginny suddenly felt the need to cover herself, embarrassed by her nudity. One arm reached up to cover the nipples of her breasts as the other reached down to cover the crotch. The thick feline tail flicked slightly as it moved to wrap around her leg in shyness.

The pink pads of the white foot paws padded against the bare concrete floor as she moved toward the figure. The tail slowly unwrapped from the leg, shifting behind her as she started to relax. The paws moved out of the way, exposing the breasts and pink nipples as well as the bare white furred sex and virgin nether lips.

Ginny bent down slightly, her paws reaching out to grip the knees of the plush male and stroke up along the thighs. She gave a squeeze to the toy, being careful to keep her claws retracted so as not to tear the black velvet. She stroked her paws up to the hips then reached out, letting the thumbs press against the sheath and stroke along it, pushing to expose the rest of the dildo shaft and lifting the length up as though he were becoming aroused more.

The albino leopardess leaned down and moved forward, slowing bringing her head toward the plush crotch. She ran her whiskers of the velvet sac, tickling the tips slightly. She pushed forward more, pressing the pad of nose against the soft fuzzy fabric and running up along it.

The feline moved up, reaching the base of the blue sex toy. She looked at it a moment before opening her mouth. The tip of her tongue touched the rubber toy then pressed against it, running along the underside as she licked her way up along the length to the tip.

Ginny pulled back, nose wrinkling slightly at the taste of the toy in her mouth which was somewhat unpleasant. She gripped the hips and moved forward, pressing her cheek against the stomach then slowly stroked her way up along the body. A purr emanated from her throat as she rubbed up along the front of the figure, moving to sit in his lap.

The white furred leopard girl looked at the shiny golden brown eyes in the black velvety face, then leaned forward and kissed it on the mouth. One arm moved to brace herself against the figure as the other slid down between her legs. She gave her feminine lips one last stroke before reaching to grip the base of the shaft, holding it there as she gave a squeeze.

Ginny moved to shift herself, getting into position better. She looked down as the tip of the dildo touched her nether lips, stroking along the opening, untouched and unexplored by anyone other then herself. She bit her lips slightly as she made sure she was lined up, then closed her eyes and started to push down.

Muscles tensed and a low growl emanated from the white furred throat. The long white tail flicked as the paws clenched, gripping tightly as the claws came out and started to dig into the surfaces that was being held. Teeth clenched, eyes closed, and the feline ears pulled back to pin against the top of her head.

The feminine sex resisted at first, sinking into her slightly before parting around the rubber tip and letting the dildo into her body. A noise that was a mix of pleasure and pain as the thick hard shaft pressed against her virgin walls, forcing them to stretch wider and accommodate the toy filling it.

Ginny stopped as she felt the tip touching the thin membrane of her virginity, holding still and taking a long slow breath. She shifted her position and started to pull up. The toy gripped at her walls, not letting go a moment from the tightness of her depths before slowly slipping free as the friction stroked over every tight inch.

The feline moved to position herself better as she slid the toy out of her, stopping just before it slipped all the way, which was difficult because her extremely tight depths tried to squeeze back in position and push the toy out. She rocked her hips back and forth, rubbing the head against her opening and coating it in her juices more while giving herself more pleasure.

Ginny finally pushed back down, taking the artificial male hood back into her body. Closed her eyes and braced herself as she pushed down hard, letting the tip pierce her virginity. A sharp yowl of pain escaped her as she gave herself to the manufactured male, taking the shaft into her as deep as it could reach and stopping as the tip pressed against the back of her previously unfilled depths.

The feline held stilly, eyes closed as she rested her head on the shoulder. She took long slow deep breaths, resting on the figure as she let herself get used to the feeling and letting the pain of losing her virginity pass.

As the pain subsided, the hips started to rock, shifting back and forth to make the length inside her move slightly, teasing at her walls. She pushed forward more, pressing her nipples against the velvet to tease them as well as pressing her hood against the form to grind against her clit slightly.

Soon all the pain had subsided from Ginny's depths. She shifted to pull back, tugging on the toy as it tugged her walls. She slowly worked to slide out until just the tip remains inside her body. She shifts slightly to tease her opening before pushing back down. She gave a moan of pleasure as the toy sank back into her body once more.

The albino feline shifted again, moving to get more comfortable as she started to get into a rhythm. She held the soft velvety figure tightly as she pulled back, sliding the length out of her previously unfilled depths to just the tip, then slowly pushing down until the opening of the sheath touched the nether lips. She would grind gently, teasing the opening along the soft fabric before pulling back again.

The white furred leopardess continued her movement, letting out small noises as she pleasured herself on the hard rubbery plastic buried inside her. She stopped, tensing in sudden surprise as she felt something grab one of her rump cheeks, giving a squeeze. Another paw reached up, gripping the back of her neck and stroking from the base of her skull to just above her shoulders.

Ginny pulled back slightly, looking into the golden brown eyes of the plush figure whose lap she was sitting on. She looked at it curiously a moment as she was pulled back toward him, feeling the enamel painted ceramic teeth nibble at her jaw. The soft paws gripped firmly as they could. The masculine designed hips shifted to rock back, moving to match her own strokes.

The stuffed male held onto the white furred female form as firmly as he was able, the soft surfaces of his fingers stroking the back of her neck and under her tail as the palm pressed against her hip. He shifted his own form as much as he could while sitting in the seat, shifting some as he pushed in and pulled back to change the angle of the stroke as the blue plastic shaft slid in and out of the warm wet folds.

The albino leopardess looked at the suddenly moving plushy underneath her, before her eyes closed as she moaned in pleasure. Her head tilted back, exposing her neck more to the teeth nibbling on her. Her hips started to shift and rock more as the pleasure grew stronger. Some part of her was wondering why the male was not being more aggressive. Despite his paws on her back, she seemed to be the one in control.

The two continued their movement, the bodies, flesh and fabric, pressing against each other. Hips pulled back and forth, real and artificial genitals pulling apart until just barely being connected, then pushing together to press together and grind before pulling back again.

Soon, Ginny finally reached the peak and went into her first orgasm brought on by such sexual contact. She moved down one more time, sinking the shaft in as deep as she could before stopping. The walls contracted, squeezing the blue plastic and trying to milk the length of the non existent fluid. She gripped the plush tightly, head tilting as she yowled out in carnal pleasure. The event was so intense and new, everything became a blinding white light of pleasure before going black.

The albino leopardess woke up in her bed, completely naked under the sheets that laid on top of her. She smiled to herself, still feeling pleasure from the dream she was having. It was strange to dream about sex with her toy, but if felt so good. The feline yawned and stretched out, stopping as she felt a sting in her crotch and ache in her thighs.

The feline sat up in surprise at the sensation, reaching down between her legs and finding a little bit of blood still. The leopard fem shot out of bed and ran to the work room. She stopped as she saw the figure sitting in the chair where it had been last night, the head turning to face her.

" wasn't a dream," she mumbled to herself, "Who are you? What are you? Why are you here?" She moved closer to the figure, the feline tail flickering behind her as she moved closer.

"I have no actual name yet," the male figure responded, "you have not given me one. I am what you made, by you, for you, marked with your virgin blood and claimed by you. As such, I'm here for you as you need and want me." He looked up at her better, his golden brown wood eyes focused on her pink living pair as he tried to smile.

Ginny stood there a moment, just staring at him. She continued to stand there watching the male figure she had worked so hard to build. The long feline tail shifted slowly as her mind worked through what she had just been told.

The male figure continued to sit where he was, not really moving. He continued to watch the female who had made him. His entire body was relaxed, though how such a thing would or would not be possible is not quite known.

"Okay," she finally said, "What happened after I passed out?" She shifted, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes to slits.

"I picked you up, carried you to bed, put the blankets on you, then came back here," he replied in a factual manner. The male shifted again, moving one arm to rest on the work table.

"That's it?" Ginny asked curiously, "I passed out and you put me to bed? You didn't try to continue for your own pleasure or anything?" Her head shifted to look at him curiously, the feline ears shifting to try and listen better.

"I can do no such thing," the plush male responded as he leaned back, "I am not a living male and my genitals are artificial. I can take no actual pleasure from what I do and am unable to achieve any sort of orgasm." He shifted one shoulder to shrug.

The albino leopardess looked at the black panther-shaped figure sitting before her, then down at the floor as she thought about all that had been said. She slowly moved over, walking toward the seat, then shifted to sit down in his lap. She pulled her knees up slightly as she leaned against the chest. One arm reached out to wrap around the shoulders as she moved to lean against him.

"So I'm going to have to come up with a name for you and something for you to do," she mumbled softly. "How is this even possible? How did I bring you to life?" She cuddled into the soft velvety skin, feeling it against her fur and the skin underneath it.

"I don't know," the plush replied, "I came to find you on top of me and knew that you were the one who made me and that I was here to do what you needed or wanted." He leaned forward and licked at her nose. The soft silk fabric ran over the pink triangle of skin before pulling away.

Ginny smiled as she started to purr, moving to press herself closer against the plushy male. She nuzzled against him some, rubbing her body against his. After a long moment, she slowly pulled away, moving to get up off his lap and get dressed.

So things started in a new way for the female toy maker and her new toy and friend. She worked on trying to come up with a name of him, while showing him around her place. She taught him how to help out around the shop, running the register, sweeping up and so on.

Eventually she dubbed him Collin. During the day, the two would work the toy shop, though with him staying out of sight despite being able to work the register. Ginny liked him, and as such did not want customers to just gawk at him, or worse yet, have someone try to steal him.

The nights became full of passion. The albino leopardess would have the stuffed panther come to bed with her. The two would explore each other, caressing and stroking., sometimes experimenting with new things. Collin would pleasure Ginny to climax after climax, until she either told him to stop or passed out from exhaustion and pleasure. On several occasions, the feminine toy maker would have to patch up the panther plush, her passions getting the better of her and the claws piercing the velvet that made his skin.

One night the two of them laid in bed, cuddled up with one smiling as best he could and the other purring rapidly with her eyes closed. The moment stopped as Ginny suddenly pushed up, the feline ears shifting as she turned her head, seeming to listen.

"Something's wrong," she stated suddenly then rolled out of bed. The feline grabbed her robe, wrapping it around her. She turned to Collin who was already up and heading for the door.

The two moved through the building with the quietness any feline can achieve, their foot pads pressing to the floor noiselessly as they sneak through toward the front with Collin leading the way. They would stop at each corner and door way, peaking through to check and see if their was anyone who should not be there.

Finally they reached the door between the work room and the store front. The two of them got low as they pushed the door open, peaking through the gap so as to look into the store without being noticed.

A figure stood in the shop, head down as the register stood open, the money being taken out and stuffed into a bag. Whoever it was, they were caught up in their theft, not looking up or paying attention to the rest of the shop.

Before Ginny could do any thing, Collin was already slipping into the room. He kept low to the floor, almost walking on all fours. His golden brown wood eyes kept locked on the thief he was slowly approaching. He moved quietly, sneaking up behind the robber.

The stuffed panther stood up and reached out suddenly, grabbing a shoulder with one paw and wrist with the other, trying to pull it behind the criminal's back. Unfortunately, he did not quite have enough strength. The thief was able to pull his arm free. He turned around fast, slashing out.

The claws hit the stomach, cutting through the black velvet and leaving several large claw marks on the stomach with the stuffing starting to slip out. The sight was enough to cause the criminal to freeze for a moment in shock.

"Wha... what are you?" a squeaky male voice asked in a shocked tone, staring a moment. The plush panther made a fist and punched, managing to hit the other in the nose. It did not do much damage, if any, but was enough to sting and send the already stunned thief reeling back for a moment.

Ginny managed to come to her senses and moved quickly. She grabbed a piece of wood from the back and swung. The piece of pine struck the back of the thief's head, cracking slightly. The impact was loud, causing the criminal to tense before collapsing as he fell into unconsciousness. She turned to Collin, glaring down at him.

"Go back to the bedroom and wait for me," she growled out. The albino leopardess watched him go then went to the phone and called the police. She reported the breaking and entering as well as attempted robbery.

When the police arrived, the white feline fem gave a modified version of events, claiming that one of the larger toys had fallen onto the thief and startled him. While he was distracted, she was able sneak up and hit him with the piece of wood. It was enough that when the criminal came too before being taken away, the claims of the toys being alive and attacking him were put to the blow to the head, shock of a toy falling on him, and hysterics.

Once the police had left, Ginny turned and stormed back through the building. She grabbed her sewing kit as she went through, slamming her way through the house as she worked her way back into the bedroom.

Collin sat at the foot of the bed, looking of blankly into nothing. When he heard her come in, he turned to look, then move to look away at the anger in her features. He did not struggle as he was pushed back roughly, laying back down on the bed. He shifted slightly, watching as she started to sew the large tears across his stomach close.

"What were you thinking?" she growled as she worked, "He tore you pretty badly. He could have done worse. He could have killed you... Well, not kill. You could have been so badly damaged I couldn't fix you though. I don't...." She stopped her growling and yelling as she drifted off slightly in thought as she considered losing him. Her eyes started to well up as she continued working to stitch the stomach close.

"If I had not tried to stop him, you would have," the panther responded softly. "I can be repaired by you, but if you were hurt, I would feel bad and you would need to go to the hospital."

"I wouldn't have gotten hurt like this," she snapped, "I would have been more careful then to get hurt like this. You are such..." she paused a moment, looking at him, then started to laugh.

Collin shifted at the laughter, moving to look at her curiously. He blinked in confusion, wondering what it was that she had found so funny all of a sudden.

"I was going to say 'you are such a typical male,'" Ginny finally said between giggles, "I mean you run out and put yourself in danger thinking you're protecting me when I can take care of myself..." She looked down at the stitches then back up at him. "I can take care of myself Collin. I don't know you getting hurt trying to protect. I don't want you ending up so badly damaged that I can't fix you."

"I'm sorry," the plush panther said softly, "I will try to be more careful in the future." One of his velvety paws reached up, gripping the back of hers. He gave a squeeze as best he could, smiling at her.

The albino feline looked at him a moment then smiled back. She turned back to work on the wounds of his stomach. The few tears that had welled up earlier finally fell, landing on the black velvet and sinking in. A small blue glow emanated them for a moment before vanishing.

All of the wounds were patched up and things were peaceful. Strangely, something odd did start to happen. There were times when the rips that were stitched together would eventually mend, the fabric becoming whole once more.

The peace and quiet did not last however. Because one day, Ginny felt a burning need start to build up. She shifted as she realized that she was coming into heat. Her heart started to beat faster and her pupils widened as she felt herself growing aroused slightly. Her mouth opened, panting slightly.

The feline walked toward the front door, her legs wobbling as she moved to lock the door and put up the closed sign. She turned, running through the shop, workshop and her home as quickly as she could to get to her room.

Collin turned his head at the sound of the running, looking up from the book he was reading to see her coming in. His head tilted slightly as he looked at her a long moment.

"Are you al-" the question was cut off as the female feline lunged hard, pouncing the panther and pinning him to the bed. She moved to pin him as she sat up, pulling at her shirt to pull it off and expose her breasts to him.

Ginny moved forward, kissing him on the mouth. She gripped at him, growling and purring as she pressed her face and chest against his. The legs shifted to lift up as her paws reached down. She grabbed the front of her pants, rapidly working to pull them off.

"Gi-Ginny?" the panther finally asked as the leopardess got off him a moment, "What's gotten into you?" He moved to sit up, watching her as she took the pants and panties as quickly as she could. The panties had a large wet spot in the middle and as they came off, they revealed her nether lips swollen with need and the fur of her crotch drenched to the point of them being wet and slick with her fluid.

"I'm in heat," Ginny yowled out as she moved toward him, "It's bad Collin. I've never felt it so badly before." She gripped his thighs, stroking up. "I need you. I need you badly." Her eyes looked at him pleadingly as she gripped the shaft, pushing it out of the sheath. "Please. Fill me. Put the fire out." She gripped his body with her own as she climbed onto his lap, then rolled, shifting to lay on the bed while also pulling him on top of her.

Collin looked down on her a moment then moved to adjust himself. He placed one stuffed paw on her hip as the other moved to line the head of his blue plastic shaft up with the swollen nether lips the were leaking copious amounts of feminine fluid. He held onto her partly as he pushed forward, working to sink in.

The albino leopardess closed her eyes, yowling out in pleasure as she felt the length sinking into her heated and fertile depths. She wrapped her legs around his waist, digging the back of her feet into the small of his back and trying to pull him in more. She moved to rock and push her hips, trying to take more of the length faster.

The black velvet panther plush continued to push forward, working to sink his way into her until the top of his sheath touched her nether lips. He moved one paw to her stomach, fingers splayed as he pressed to rub her clit. The other moved up to her chest, gripping one of her breasts and stroking over the nipple.

The feminine feline looked up at him, letting out a long low growl. She grabbed both his wrists and tugged, pulling them from where they were and bringing his body on top of hers. She wrapped her arms around his back and held him tightly, her hard sensitive nipples rubbing against the velvet, teasing the tips of them. Her tail wrapped around the leg, tip twitching.

The manufactured panther give small rocking pushes, rubbing along the walls and moving just slightly without pulling out. He leaned down, pressing against the female beneath her and took a hold of her shoulder in his mouth. He bit down firmly, the white enamel painted ceramic teeth gripping her skin to dimple but not risking piercing the flesh.

"Stop teasing," Ginny growled at him before nipping on his ear. She tightened her ankles around the back and pushed, trying to get the blue dildo to slide out of her. She shuddered as her walls squeezed, trying to keep it in place while the feline herself tried to slide back and forth.

Collin finally moved as he was told. His paws gripped her rump, squeezing as he pulled back. The blue rubbery plastic tugged at her walls as it slipped free, sliding his way out to the tip. The velvet rubbed along her fur and skin as he pulled out of her. The hips shifted, the shaft stroking along her opening before pushing forward to sink back into her depths.

The albino leopardess cried out in pleasure as she felt the shaft starting to move out of her and back in. She moved to pump her own body, trying to move faster. Her claws unsheathed some, almost piercing into the fabric.

"Faster," she whined, "Please Collin. Faster, harder. More. I want you cum inside me. Fill me with your cubs."

Collin stopped a moment, looking at Ginny in surprise from the statement. He did not have the ability to climax, much less impregnate her. Nonetheless, he moved to do as she asked. He adjust to brace himself some. His hips pulled back, sliding out to the tip then thrusting forward to sink into her as deep as he could. As soon as the base of the shaft touched her nether lips, he pulled back again. The forward movement pushed hard, making the leopardess bounce and jiggle.

She moaned out from each inward thrust, her own body moving to pump and stroke back against him each time he pumped forward. Her eyes were closed and mouth was opened as she cried out in pleasure. The tongue hung out slightly as she panted, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

Soon, Ginny reached her orgasm. She yowled out as her body tensed, muscles clenching hard and squeezing, trying to milk the smooth sides of the shaft as she soaked it in her fluids. Her tail had let go and went rigid as she shuddered and trashed in pleasure.

The panther plush started to slow down as he saw her caught up in her climax. As soon as he started to though, something in the female's body language warned him otherwise. He closed his eyes and resumed his movement. He continued to pump, giving fast strokes as he slid out as far as he could before thrusting in again.

The two of them continued to rock and pumping, stroking against each other again and again for the better part of several hours. Ginny would shudder and cry out as they went, an orgasm building up in her body before being released and soaking the two of them. For some reason, it was not sating her though. She kept having him go, wanting something, needing it.

Collin was starting to be grateful he was not a living being. If he had been he would have been exhausted quite a while ago. All the same, he felt bad a little. Some part of him knew pretty well what the problem was. Ginny wanted him to cum and breed her, but being artificially made, he did not have that ability.

Soon something started to happen. The plastic shaft started to glow, a soft blue light emanating from the length. The glow started to grow stronger, the light working to spread along the sheath and continuing outward to grow toward the hips up the stomach and down the legs. Soon the plush male's entire body was covered in the pale blue light.

Ginny's eyes were closed so she did not notice the light coming off of the plushy male she had created. Something else got her to gasp out and shift as she came to notice something was different. The pleasure of her body was increased as the something changed, the plastic turning flesh. What really made this feel better was the barbs. Small feline barbs started to emerge from the original length, pressing and prickling at her walls and tugging as it continued to stroke back and forth.

The new sensation sent the albino leopardess into another orgasm, clamping down on the shaft and squeezing again. This time something very different did happen. As the shaft pushed into he milking depths as deep as it could reach, it started to swell and twitch. The barbs pressed against the walls more as the tip started spurting thick ropes of warm sticky cum into the waiting and wanting feminine womb, flooding the egg filled chamber.

"Wha...What happened?" a male voiced asked, causing the leopardess to open her eyes and look up. She stopped a moment as she looked at the black panther male a moment. One of her paws slowly reached up, stroking along his cheek.

The large black ears shifted as he leaned into the stroke. His soft purple black fur was soft to the touch, shifting under her grip. His eyes closed slightly as he started to purr, his body giving small vibrations. The skin and muscles shifted as he moved, looking at her.

"You... You're alive," she said, "You've become a living breathing panther." She reached up and hugged him, the shaft still buried in her depths. She smiled and purred, her tail twitching happily. She pulled him with her as she laid back down.

Collin blinked some and moved to lay with her. One of his ears flicked as he cuddled up, wondering how this had been possible. It was hard to keep focused on the question though. He felt something new. Something he had never felt before. He felt tired, worn out, exhausted. He pulled back some, his blue feline shaft slipping free of her depths and glistening with fluids. Soon it was too strong to resist and he fell asleep, his head resting on top of her.

Ginny looked at him a long moment with a smile. She hugged the panther and kissed his nose as she watched him sleep. One paw kept on the male's back as the other reached down, stroking over her stomach. She had a wonderful guy and now, it seemed like she was going to have a family with him. If she ever saw the old blue fox again, she would have to remember to thank the vixen for the book that made all this possible.

In Epilogue

(The following is a work of fiction loosely based on certain ideas. Allester Darkflame and Sheila the Sheila are copyright their players and used with permission. D.E.B.O.R.A.H./Deborah, B.R.H.A.D. Moriarty, and Dr. Borden are fictional characters with...

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Found on The Farm

(The following is a work of fiction loosely based on certain ideas. D.E.B.O.R.A.H./Deborah, B.R.H.A.D. Moriarty, and Dr. Borden are fictional characters with no basis on any actual fur or human living or dead. The name Moriarty is originally copyright...

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The Borden Event

(The following is a work of fiction loosely based on certain ideas. D.E.B.O.R.A.H./Deborah, B.R.H.A.D. Moriarty, and Dr. Borden are fictional characters with no basis on any actual fur or human living or dead. The name Moriarty is originally copyright...

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