Fates of the Unicorns 67 - Drakes and Pets

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#67 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 67 - Drakes and Pets

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_.

Chakal didn't quite leap to attention when she saw her Master round the corner and walk onto the wide ledge that was her home. Making sudden movements like that when you were curled up on a drake as big as a house was NOT a good idea. She doubted he would hurt her, but it might startle or annoy him, and she hated to do anything to disturb the great, lovable beast. She did move with as much speed as she could, climbing off the light blue drake and onto the stone floor of his ledge, getting to her knees, dropping her eyes, but not her head! One never pointed a horn at a dragon, even if it was blunted! He hands went behind her back and she waited for his orders. She spread her knees a bit, hoping THAT wasn't what he was here for today, but not daring to even suggest trying to avoid those duties. However unpleasant that could be, Rahmor had proven time and time again his skill for finding something worse.

Tahet noticed the entrance of MASTER as well. He didn't get on his knees of course, but did lift his head to watch. MASTER might want to go flying again. Or take him to fight another of the big bugs. He LOVED to fight them. And kill them! Maybe he should go find some now! He could just take off and fly... where? His memory of places was as fuzzy as the rest of his thoughts. He snorted and lowered his head again, the little initiative he had blowing away before he could act on it. His thoughts slipped back to the present and the now, happy to see MASTER and PET and content to just watch and see what happened. Maybe he would even get a treat!

"Rise, slave. I will be receiving a visitor shortly."

Putting first one golden hoof on the stone and then the other, Chakal nodded and stood. A visitor arriving here meant another drake, which meant she needed to be here to help calm Tahet if needed. It normally wasn't needed, and Rahmor could freeze the giant beast into immobility with a single word. But with such large, and valuable creatures the dragons did not take chances. So she moved back and gave the big drake's nose a scritch, smiling as it let out a deep rumble that blew hot air against her legs and fetlocks.

"Has Tahet been behaving?" asked Rahmor.

"Yes Master. He has been a very good boy."

Rahmor nodded, giving his drake a quick inspection. He looked him over not simply to make sure he was healthy, but to ensure that Chakal had him well oiled, polished, and groomed. He liked to make a good impression, and having a spotless drake was a big part of that. He of course had other slaves to polish him! He was going to enjoy tonight when he visited his mares. Tamira and Dana were going to be fun to toy with, and Sabeth... he could only imagine how horny she must be. Mindlessly craving cum, and his would be the only possible release. He focused back on matters at hand and said, "Be sure to be VERY attentive to Tahet while the other drake is here. Give him your full attention so he does not get jealous. Drakes are territorial and can be tricky to deal with even in small groups."

"Yes Master," Chakal said, petting the drake as she scanned the sky. There were always drakes flying here and there. Either on patrol or ferrying dragons to the war zone and back, or simply taking their riders to visit. She was sure Rahmor knew all along which one was his visitor, but she had no clue until one began to angle in their direction as it made a lazy circle around the rim of the massive crater the dragon capital was built in. The drakes didn't just fly in random directions either, but flew around the rim in a clockwise direction to avoid a head-on collision.

Chakal watched the drake, recognizing it as a female by subtle differences. The neck slimmer, the belly tighter, smaller. The hips a bit wider, more rounded. Tahet clearly noticed the sex as well, perking up and staring with interest. She murmured to him, "Easy... just a visit. Relax."

Tahet hrmphed at his PET. He didn't understand many commands. Sit. Fly. Dive. No! He knew those, but not many others. When the little things spoke he couldn't hear the words, just noises. But somehow he always knew, at least vaguely what was being said. And right now he knew that he was NOT being told he could fuck that drake bitch! He wanted to make eggs again. And fuck her! Hard!

Chakal stood her ground as she was buffeted by a blast of air, the drake landing on the edge, keeping as far from Tahet as possible while leaving plenty of room to land. Smacking another drake with a wing sometimes set off a fight, especially if both were male. Then the drake was down and was settling down obediently to let off her rider and a collared furry. Chakal backed up so she could watch both of them. She had seen a number of drake interactions now. In many ways they were simple creatures, and their first few moments told how they would deal with each other. In this case she saw both drakes sizing each other up, then shift their postures... ahh! Tahet was cocking his head, showing off his horns. Chakal spent a LOT of time on them, Tahet loved when they were shiny and gleaming. He was showing off. And the female drake was doing the same, preening and nosing at something wrapped around one of her forearms, right above the wrist. She knew the signs, and relaxed, happy they were going to most likely be satisfied with showing off, trying to impress each other. That rarely turned violent.

Rahmor said, "Welcome to my lair. Come, I have a nice lunch ready for us while we discuss the joint operation plans."

A brown and grey dragoness nodded as she followed Rahmor off the ledge, back into the darkness. "Keep Shale out of trouble, slave!"

Chakal heard a, "Yes Mistress! I will obey, Mistress!" from the other side of the golden drake. She jumped in alarm as the female drake let out a hiss and a growl, and the furry scurried away from her to press his back to the wall, moving out of reach. This calmed the drake down and she returned to regard her rival with dark black eyes. Chakal gave the other furry a quick look. It was a male otter. She pitied the poor thing, he probably didn't get to go swimming much around here. There WAS a large lake in the bowl of the city below, but doubted mere slaves got to use it. He had a green gemmed collar much like hers, and met her look with a quick nod before turning warily back to the gold.

Chakal gave the ridges over Tahet's eyes a rubbing, remembering her orders to give him plenty of attention. "He's just her pet, Tahet. You can ignore him." But Tahet wasn't paying much attention to her, or the otter. He was watching the female drake. She was busy nosing and adjusting the thing tied around her wrist. Chakal looked at it closer. It looked like a fur coat of some sort. She had to suddenly walk forward as Tahet lifted his head and stretched it out for a better look. The female drake looked as smug as a drake could, lifting her forepaw and showing off her decoration.

Chakal gasped, freezing as she suddenly saw a face, or what was left of one in the furry rags. They were not rags at all. It was, or had been a furry fox! It was impossible to tell the sex, but it was a furry that had been skinned, and made into some sort of bracelet for the drake! She gulped a bit and let Tahet look on his own, not getting any closer. Did SHE do that to the poor furry? Or did her rider and owner? Chakal shivered, suddenly uneasy.

Tahet eyed the remains of the furry around the gold bitch's arm. He snorted, not liking that she had something he didn't! He eyes his PET and settled back down onto the stone, laying out one forearm on the ground. He reached out with ease, picking up PET and laying her down over his wrist.

Chakal eeeeped in fear as the large paw grabbed her, lifting her off her hooves and laying her out on his wrist. She oofhed as she was dropped, winded but otherwise unharmed. Tahet was usually very careful in his movements, knowing his size was a danger to others, and well trained not to touch or push or step on anyone. Picking her up was unusual, and a bit disturbing, especially as she realized he was imitating what that dragoness had done! She let out a little whine of fear, afraid for the first time since she had really gotten to know the big drake. He wouldn't do... that to her. Would he? Then her fear turned to embarrassment as she heard a giggle, and she glared at the otter who was trying, but not very hard, not to laugh. She suddenly had enough as she felt the large drake trying to press her down against his foreleg. Not wanting to get squished flat she said, "Tahet... no."

Tahet curled a lip back in annoyance as he hard the dreaded word. No. He did not like that word. It was short and ugly and always meant he couldn't have or do something he wanted. He let out a snort of annoyance. Why could that BITCH have her pet on her wrist and he couldn't? His was MUCH prettier! And hers was all flat and squished. Not a proper pet at all! He turned his head to stare at PET and huffed at her with indignation. She didn't use that word often. She was PET! His! But she was also MASTER'S and when she had said it before, MASTER made it clear she was allowed to use it. He snorted hotly at her, and lifted his forepaw off the squirming PET, then pushed at her limbs instead.

Chakal squeezed her eyes shut as the drake lifted his paw from her, then blew his annoyance over her, feeling his breath wash over her body. His taloned fingers carefully pushed and nudged at her now, her soft unicorn fur pressed to the hard scales of the drakes arm, her breasts and belly feeling the heat of the beast, arms and legs wrapped around his wrist. She supposed this was safe.. laying on his arm, hugging it with her arms and legs. She yelped and grabbed tighter as the arm lifted, moving forward closer to the golden drake. He was showing her off to the other dragon! Another giggle from the otter made her smile. Fine. She probably DID look nice, all gold and white on his arm. Chakal continued to hang on tight as the arm was lowered back to the ground.

The golden female at first snorted, looking RIGHT at Chakal and Tahet, then gave a dismissive look and began to gently... pet the skin of the furry on her arm, settling back down and sniffing at it. Chakal frowned, that was... odd behavior, even for a drake! What was she doing?

The otter scooted along the wall slowly, saying, "Don't worry little 'corn, Shale is just a bit touchy." He froze as the gold drake stared at the otter and let out a hiss again. With a nervous look at the gold he said, "I'm Gehan."

Chakal pursed her lips, not liking to be called a "corn". She ignored the insult and said, "I'm Chakal." Her gaze moved back to the furry skin 'bracelet' the gold drake wore and asked with trepidation, "What... what IS that? Is it.. was it?"

Gehan said, "Oh, yes. I'm so used to it I forget it can be a little strange. That's her former pet and handler."

Chakal swallowed again, her suspicions confirmed. The petting and smelling and showing it off.. it's EXACTLY what Tahet did with her! She was afraid to ask, but did. "How... why? Did she... kill her pet?"

Gehan frowned and sighed, moving closer. "Sadly, yes. But it was an accident. Drakes are rather large, and while they are all well trained to be gentle and careful when not in battle, accidents happen. Shale hadn't seen battle in a long time, not since she lost her former captain. Since then she had been very attached to her pet. She loved that little fox, and was inconsolable when... it happened."

Chakal nodded slowly as she watched and listened to Gehan. "How did it happen?"

Gehan gave a little flap of his wide tail and said, "She was startled in the night. Her pet was just... in the way and was crushed. At least it was quick... it was... not pretty."

Chakal winced, looking at the gold and trying to imagine something that big crushing the life out of her. She shuddered and was glad Tahet was always so very careful around her. She gave his arm a tight squeeze with her arms and legs and looked into one of his large eyes, seeming to see an understanding there.

Gehan continued, "She was VERY upset. It had been years since the loss of her captain but she never really got over it, and the new loss hit her very hard indeed. She didn't seem to understand what had happened. Refused to leave her pet. Wouldn't let anyone get near her. Wouldn't go anywhere. Even Mistress couldn't get close. Shale eventually fell asleep, and a brave furry got the body away. But when Shale woke up, she wouldn't do ANYTHING. Just sat and looked around for her pet, even clawing at the door to Mistresses' lair to try and get in. So Mistress got some advice from a trainer and he suggested, well... skinning her. As disturbing as we all found it to be, it did work. The familiar smell calmed her down. But she is still not right. Can't really do much other than fly her Mistress around. And she won't go ANYWHERE without her, well, bracelet I guess. Won't take on a new pet either."

Chakal said, "I thought you were her handler?"

The otter shrugged, "I was just another of Mistresses' slaves when the accident happened. It was thought that she should have someone familiar, someone she had seen before. You can see how she treats me though... hardly lets me get near her. I think she somehow knows I'm her other pet's replacement. I'm worried if she gets worse that Mistress will have no choice but to send her away. Then back to... less pleasant duties for me too."

Chakal winced, imagining what that might be. Her ears twitched at a rumble and she looked behind her, seeing Tahet staring at the gold, an odd look in his eye. She stared, wondering what was going on in that big head of his, then let out a whinny of surprise as Tahet suddenly snatched the otter up off his feet with one large paw.

"Heeeeeyyy.... whaaaaaaa!" shouted the otter in surprise and fear, legs kicking wildly.

Chakal started to push herself off Tahet's wrist, but a heavy otter suddenly landed on her back as Tahet placed him down on top of her. "Whooooof!" she said, turning her head to the side to keep her horn from stabbing the furry. She grunted, the otter squirming on top of her, then stilling as Tahet patted him forcefully. She could feel the blows through his body and imagined he was going to be sore for a few hours.

"What the... errrr... sorry, let me get.... errrrhooof!"

Chakal grunted as Tahet made it VERY clear that the otter was to stay on his wrist. "I think you better stay still... Tahet is trying to make a better bracelet. Guess he figures two is better than one. He should get bored soon and you can get off then. I don't want to try and say no again so soon... he doesn't like that at all."

Gehan grunted, panting against the back of Chakal's neck. "Uhm, ok. Hope I didn't hurt you when he put me on you."

Chakal said, "I'm just glad I didn't stab you with my horn!"

Gehan shifted a bit on top of Chakal and said, "Doesn't look dangerous, it's rounded.. not at all like I expected."

Chakal felt an old anger and pain well up in her as she said, "It's SUPPOSED to be sharp. The dragons... they... dulled it."

Gehan said, "Oh, okay."

"Okay? Would you say 'okay' if a dragon cut off your tail? Or your nose? Or... hey!"

Gehan squirmed, "Ahhh... sorry! Really..."

Chakal squirmed more, feeling something hard pressing against her rear, a hard, warm something laying in between her furry cheeks. "I get MORE than enough of that from my Master! Don't you even DARE..."

Gehan let out a whine of embarrassment, "I'm sorry! I'm not doing it on purpose... it's just... your very beautiful and being pressed against you like this. I can't help it!"

Chakal snorted and said, "Well stop it!"

Gehan squirmed and said, "It doesn't work like that, okay? Thinking about it isn't helping either. I'm not a dragon, I can't just turn it on or off like they can. Plus it's just... been a while..."

"Well.. just don't get any ideas back there! If I scream, Tahet is going to have you for lunch!" Chakal paused then, thinking that he might actually hurt the poor otter! The thought calmed her down and she took a deep, calming breath. It was okay. Just an otter cock touching her. He wasn't going to rape her. It struck her how having a penis pressed to her backside was such a... minor thing when she really thought about it. Before her capture she would have freaked out if some guy touched her there, with that! But compared to what her Master did with HIS, this was just... well... amusing now that she thought about it. Poor guy. "Ah... forget it. Not your fault."

Gehan phewed and relaxed his body, all but the part he WANTED to relax. "Thanks... um. Sorry about your horn. It's still pretty."

Chakal smiled slightly, "Well, it's... eeeeeeeep!"

Gehan and Chakal held on as the arm lifted them both up, again presenting them to the gold dragoness. The two furries held as tightly as they could to the arm, as a fall onto solid rock was going to hurt, even if they were not all that high up.

Chakal gripped tight, tilting her head just in time to see Tahet stick his tongue out at the gold drake. Was he trying to smell or taste her... or...? A loud, annoyed growl from Shale made it clear that the expression meant exactly what it looked like. "Oh shit.. are they going to fight?"

Gehan shakily said, "Ahh... I don't think Tahet would start anything.. not with you here. Tahet wouldn't risk it if he likes you. She might attack HIM though! You better get him to back down."

Chakal wondered just how to do that when the gold got to her feet, hissing. She cringed, and felt Tahet's paw petting the otter on top of her. With every pet his cock pressed even harder against her rear and she tried to push it away with her tail. Then the arm pulled back, Tahet retreating and cradling the both of them, preening. What was that big oaf DOING? Did he want them both as his pets now?

Shale snarled suddenly, lifting a forepaw and smacking it onto the floor and dragging her claws along it.

Chakal tensed and then froze as she heard a strange sound from Tahet, a high pitched, almost squeak. Was it... a whine? Or a whimper? That was NOT like him. She grunted as the arm she was on lowered to the ground, and felt Gehan lifted off her.

"Woah... easy boy... don't drop... ahh.. wait... no...!"

Chakal gasped as Tahet stretched out his arm, and tossed the otter rightly down at Shale's feet. "Gehan!"

The otter grunted as he bounced before coming to a stop, winded, and stared up at a growling golden muzzle. "NNn... nice drakie..." he stammered.

Chakal bit her lower lip worriedly, having seen how the gold had snarled and growled at the otter before when he got to close. Expecting the worse, she watched in surprise as the gold simply nudged Gehan with her nose, pushing him to her fur-wrapped wrist.

Gehan gulped, letting himself be moved, then leaned against the drake's arm, reaching out cautiously to pat it. "Easy girl... don't eat me, okay?"

Shale didn't react to his words, but nudged the otter more until he was cuddling her arm, and the furry skin around it. Only then did she stare at Tahet and hissssssss angrily at him.

Tahet snorted and pulled his arm in closer to him, protecting Chakal with his other. Then the two dragons purposefully ignored each other and nosed at their furry caretakers.

Chakal blinked as she watched the gold drake fussing over her pet, no, her two pets, only relaxing when the otter gave the skinned furs a hug. She let out a breath and relaxed, eying Tahet with curiosity who seemed to have a smug expression. Clearing her throat she asked Tahet, "Did you do that... on purpose?"

Tahet didn't answer of course, but Gehan did. "I think he did... I think he knew exactly what he was doing. He made her jealous. Made her think of me as her pet, not just an annoyance. Maybe even put the two of us together on purpose, so she could accept the idea of me as an addition to her former handler, not as a replacement. Clever!"

Chakal spoke as quietly as she could and still be heard, not wanting to disturb the gold too much. "But... how? I mean, I didn't think they could really understand much of what goes on around them. I thought, you know, their minds were gone?"

Gehan said, "No, not gone. Just... missing. They come back sometimes. Usually in battle, or times of stress. But sometimes, just for a moment... they seem to regain themselves. Not very often thankfully, but I've seen it happen before with other drakes. Turning from lazy, confused beasts into clever and intelligent creatures."

Chakal nodded, recalling Master Rahmor having mentioned they were not as dumb as they seemed to be. "I thought I saw something before. His eyes were, just, I don't know... different." She looked up at the drake again, watching a large eye lazily angle down to look back at her, then back up to watch drakes soaring across the blue sky. She had to admit she rather liked how his eyes looked. Calm, peaceful, simple. There was something unsettling with the look she had seen. More than just intelligence, but power. She shivered and patted his great nose and smiled at his normal happy expression. Then saw it shift once more, into his OTHER normal expression, mischief.

Tahet peered at his PET and decided he liked having her as a decoration. However, his arm was a silly place for her. Nobody would see THAT. He had a much better spot for her.

Chakal eeped as Tahet lowered his head to the stone, and his tail curled around and around her, lifting her into the air. She nggghed a bit from the tight grip, but Tahet was careful as he set her down on his head. She squirmed to avoid the fins that ran along the top of his head. They were flexible but would still hurt if she fell on one, especially if she landed on something sensitive! She Crouched just behind Tahet's head, resting between his large horns, then ooofed as the tail gentle, for Tahet, pushed her to lay down. "All right you big silly boy, I get it," she said and patted the blue giant.

Tahet snorted in pleasure, and was about to stick his tongue out at the gold, but a vague memory of recent events told him that wouldn't be good right now. He grumbled to himself, he wanted to tease the BITCH but relented and simply relaxed, enjoying his PET being displayed. She was so PRETTY and was HIS! All nice and warm and moving and NOT flat! Not like the BITCH's other pet. His PET would never be flat! Never!

"Looks like Shale gave your drake some ideas," said an amused otter.

"If I can distract him he will soon forget all about it. They don't remember well unless you repeat things or it's something they consider extremely important. Like who their owner and pet is. I doubt even after living here for who knows how many years that Tahet could find his way back here from the other side of the city."

Gehan said, "I hope I'm as lucky with Shale's memory, but somehow I think she will remember because she was so attached to her former pet."

Chakal rubbed Tahet's head as his eyes slowly closed. "What do you want to her forget?"

"Well, ahem. I'm not sure if your drake has shown any, well, special interest in you?"

Chakal suspected she knew exactly where this was going. She blushed a bit, still embarrassed at what the drake did to her, and made her do to him. "Well... he does, umm... get naughty."

Gehan said, "Well, so did Shale. Her pet, well, kind of encouraged it even. He liked it, the poor perv."

Chakal bit her lip and said, "I try and think of it as just another place to, umm, polish."

"Lucky you. Shale liked to, well, USE her pet if you know what I mean."

"I'm not sure I do."

He sighed. "She used him like a dildo. Put him inside her."

Chakal stared at the otter with wide eyes. "You're joking!"

Gehan shook his head, watching the female drake as her eyes half lidded, and keeping his voice calm and soothing. He continued to give her soft strokes, running a hand along the sensitive part of her nose. He wasn't sure she was ready for a serious rubdown from him yet, and he didn't have the tools to do so here. A hand-massage simply didn't cut it for something the size of a drake. He realised he was avoiding thinking about the subject and answered, "No. I never saw her do it, but saw her former pet heading to the washrooms many times, fur all slimy. Head to toe."

Chakal shook her head, "That sounds unpleasant."

Gehan said, "I can only imagine.. and just hope it stays that way! But with her remembering her former pet for so long, it may have stuck in her memory."

"Former pet... is that what they are called? No names?" asked Chakal. She was slightly disturbed by the fact that Gehan never said a name, and now that she thought about it, Rahmor never mentioned it either.

Gehan nodded violently, "Oh yes. She gets very upset and distraught if she hears it. Gets all mopey and even MORE pissy. It's fairly common not to mention former pet names around drakes, no matter what the reason. I heard a story once of a drake that got annoyed with his handler who was doing a bad job and ate him. Then ate the NEXT one when he was foolish to talk about it and name drop. Apparently that made the drake remember and get annoyed all over again. Snapped him up in one bite!"

"Oh my! That's terrible! Master never said anything bad happened to Tahet's former pet... just that she didn't work out. He... he wouldn't have eaten her?"

Gehan said, "I doubt it. That drake wasn't a warriors drake like Tahet is. To be a fighting drake they have to be VERY well trained and even tempered. They are expected to fight among insects and dragons, getting hurt and in pain and still know who to kill and who not too. Now... he might eat ME if he thought I was hurting you. Always be careful of other drakes. I can see yours is very well trained and you trust him, but not all are as well behaved. They all have something dark and terrible inside them. Part of being a drake's pet is to give them something to love. Or whatever emotion they have that is close to love."

Footsteps and voices interrupted the two, and both quieted down as their respective Master and Mistress emerged from the lair entrance.

Rahmor took a look at the otter cuddling up with the drake and said, "I though you said she hated the otter?"

Shale's Mistress said, "She does, or did anyway. What did you do, slave?" She gave the otter a curious and appraising look.

Gehan gulped and said, "I, err, it was Tahet!" He related recent events to his Mistress, leaving out the part about nearly fucking another Master's slave in the ass.

Rahmor hrrrmed, "Well. That is indeed interesting. Good boy Tahet."

Tahet beamed at the praise, unsure what he did to get it, but he WAS a good boy and surely deserved it!

"Quite," said the dragoness. "Does Tahet show such sparks of intelligence often?"

"Usually happens at some point in a queen or hive battle, but it's uncommon to happen otherwise. Happens more than most drakes I have seen, but still somewhat rare."

"I've never seen Shale do it. I of course have never had her in battle, but she rarely does ANYTHING, let alone show a spark. Maybe she is finally getting over her loss and will be useful again. I do hope so. She's a pretty thing, and was a good fighter from the accounts I read."

"Well, I hope she takes to her new pet" said Rahmor.

The dragoness nodded, "It is about time... he has been with her for AGES and has not managed to win her over until now. You do your BEST to keep her happy, slave. Understand?"

Gehan nodded, then grimaced. "I guess I'm going to need a snorkel..."

The dragoness laughed at this, letting out loud barking sounds as she shook her head. "That can be arranged. Now it's time to leave. This drake has an important duty to attend to and we should not keep him waiting. Shale, time to FLY!"

Shale looked at the dragoness, then grudgingly shifted into mounting position to let her owner and pet climb aboard. She turned her head, watching carefully, paying much more attention to them than when she had first arrived.

Rahmor nodded, "I wish you luck." He stood back, giving the drake room and watched as her wings stretched, the gold doing a backward leap off the ledge, wings snapping out to spin her around before gliding down and out of sight. Rahmor gave a whistle at the expertly performed launch. That old girl certainly could fly! That was an impressive maneuver. He turned his head to Chakal and smiled, "Well, sounds like you had quite the adventure."

Chakal nodded, "Yes Master."

Rahmor looked up at his drake, "Such a good boy. You never cease to amaze me."

Tahet looked down at BLUE and smiled. MASTER! His tail gave a twitch and thump. The way MASTER held himself just screamed TREAT. He was about to get something good. He could just tell! Was it because he helped the gold? He wasn't sure what he had done anymore. For a moment.. he just had known EXACTLY what to do, but it was all so confusing now. He shrugged. The BITCH was BROKEN. But he mostly fixed her. Somehow. Maybe the next time he could FUCK her. She was pretty. But not as pretty as his PET! His mind wandered, finally focusing back on BLUE. TREAT? NOW?

Rahmor said, "Get him ready for flight. We have a situation that needs dealing with, and it seems Tahet is considered the best suited."

Chakal got to her feet and nodded, "Yes, Master!" She began to get the big drake ready for flying. There was not much to do, he was never out of at least the basic harness, and often had his saddle on. None of it seemed to bother his scales, and in fact one of her duties was to keep his hide well oiled so it didn't get rough and damage the straps. Dried or ill-maintained dragonhide was like sandpaper and could tear flesh as well as rip apart even the toughest straps and buckles.

Rahmor nodded with approval before mounting his drake. Chakal was becoming an expert at handling Tahet, and he was very attached to her. She was a much better Pet than his previous choice, and would most likely outlive one, if not the both of them. "Come, slave! I'll have need of you where we are going."

Chakal climbed aboard, helped up by a hand and settling in in front of her Master. For the second time that day she felt a male behind her, and a cock poking her in the ass. She hoped all it was going to do was poke, but steadied herself for an in-flight fuck. She squirmed, a huge drake between her legs, and a huge cock behind her. Why did everything in the dragon world have to be so darn big? She held tight as they took off and she wondered what was in store for them. What was Tahet needed for, and what was SHE going to do to help? She knew better than to ask. Questions like 'what are you going to do to me?' or 'where are you taking me?" rarely had good answers. She thought of another instead.

"Master... I know why you never say her name, but... what happened to the girl before me?"

Rahmor said, "I see you were talking to Shale's pet. Yes, it's custom not to speak the others names. I doubt Tahet would mind at all, but some drakes would react badly so it's a habit we all get into. As to why she left, Tahet can be a difficult drake to handle."

"He seems pretty easy to work with, Master. Well, other than how hard it is to polish his entire body!"

Rahmor let out a chuckle, "Yes, that is an all day task, isn't it. Well, he seems to be a bit smarter than most drakes. It gets him into trouble. He has ideas now and then that need to be discouraged. So it takes a slave with a good instinct for dealing with animals, and people to give him the positive attention he needs, as well as keep him in line when he gets the wrong idea. His former pet... she just didn't have the right temperament for Tahet."

"I see, Master."

Rahmor continued, "She did at first, but eventually it became clear she just was not a good fit. She tried her best but sadly it just did not work out. Tahet was becoming more and more annoyed with her and that can be dangerous so I had to cut her loose."

"What.. if I may ask, Master, did you do to her?"

Rahmor said, "I sold her to another dragon. It confused drakes to be around former pets or handlers. Not often an issue as they tend to kill ones they REALLY dislike, but even when they don't care one way or the other it's a good idea to keep things simple with them. Not to worry, she is with another drake now. She was skilled, but just didn't fit with Tahet.

Chakal nodded, and gave Tahet a squeeze with her legs. She hoped that would never happen to her! She really liked the big beast and would be sad at having to leave him, and leave the rest of the mares too! She thought about what it would be like to be sent away, frowning, then eeeeeping as that cock behind her began to poke more insistently. "Nnnnnnghh...!"

Fates of the Unicorns 68 - More Food

## Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 68 - More Food _ **SPOILER WARNING** : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the...

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Fates of the Unicorns 66 - Good Morning

## Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 66 - Good Morning _ **SPOILER WARNING** : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know...

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Fates of the Unicorns 65 - Revenge

## Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 65 - Revenge _ **SPOILER WARNING** : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the...

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