For My Love Vibration

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#43 of Hockey Hunk Season 3

It's the evening, and Rory's got a few social obligations to handle.

_ Fun far/cover art provided by the generous and playful avatar?user=73499&character=0&clevel=2 kensukethecat !Thank you, ken!_

Hehhey, everyone, and welcome to The Hockey Hunk! I know I'm late, sorry, but it was worth it, I hope! Surprise guests threw me off-balance in my revising schedule...*snuffle*

The season 3 finale will be posted on WEDNESDAY 26TH OF SEPTEMBER - that's right, folks, it's coming out early, so that the wait won't be too horrible after today's chapter! *smiles*

It's been a great season, and I am amazed at how the story, and the readership, have grown over this part of the story. I am very proud to be providing this story for so many people, and your feedback is always very important to me. Thank you, everyone!

Have a nice read now!


We'd been crashed on the couch for quite some time after the belly-bursting dinner, when the time was approaching eight pm, and I started to feel the need to speak up. At least I didn't do the whole awkward throat-clearing thing before that.

"Peter?" I said to the cougar sitting sprawled next to me on his side of the couch.

"Yes, sexy stranger?" Peter murmured in a luxurious reply.

I snuffled and batted his leg with my tail.

"I think I'll pop to the bedroom now," I spoke in much more level voice than Peter's 'lonely mistress in her boudoir' drawl.

The cougar winked and flicked an ear at me.

"Well it's the time, isn't it?" he shrugged.

My ears perked a little.

"The time?" I stated.

Peter flapped his own tail against my legs and smirked.

"The same time on each night since Friday when you've withdrawn to your chamber, with your computer," he said.

I felt my cheeks grow pink-tinted under my furs while Peter kept looking at me. I felt oddly like having been caught red-pawed doing something embarrassing, even though...well...there wasn't anything embarrassing about it. Just a new habit, I thought. A rather nice habit, too.

"Well..." I rubbed my thigh, "I thought I'd pop by to say hello to Victor on Facebook..."

Peter chuckled and elbowed me gently.

"It's not like you're taking the family telephone into the broom closet to chat with your secret sweetheart," he mused. "You don't need to have excuses, Rowreeh."

I flicked my ears at him and smiled a little, and felt a shy tremble in my stomach, too, both for his reaction and the...implications.

"How quaint," I mused dryly.

"Go chat with your Doberman, Rowreeh, before I'm really going to start saying things to embarrass you," Peter flicked an ear in reply.

I grabbed my crutches and began to arduous process of getting up to my two personal and two spare paws. Peter's eyes moved over to the TV screen again, where the CSI team had uncovered yet another cadaver.

"Thanks, sister," I mused, giving him my softest smile.

"Get your ass off my face before I borrow one of those crutches and make it move," the cougar snuffled.

I made sure to paint a number 8 with my tail across his field of vision before I hobbled over to the direction of the bedroom. My own scent intensified as I approached the guest room, since Peter had left me in charge of cleaning it due to the masses of Gliese body hair he envisioned to be sprinkled over the floor, it was obvious that things got quite Rory-like by the time I reached the bed and settled myself comfortably with the help of a few pillows.

It took a minute for the computer to come alive and the Wi-Fi to connect. I spent the time by thrumming my fingers against the grey plastic surface. I made a couple of flexing motions with my right paw, especially, since that was the one still receiving physiotherapy for my broken fingers, and I was glad to see the movements of my left paw mirrored properly. No need to hiss, either, unlike during the couple of first days without my splint on.

That was a reason enough to smile, even before I clicked the browser open with a flick of my dainty thumb, and logged in. The little clock in the corner of the screen was saying five minutes past eight, and I sure hoped that I wasn't late yet.

Well, not late late yet, because it was only five minutes but...

Victor Holden says: Hi there! : )

_ _

Hahah. Looks like Victor had the same idea that I did. I smiled, flexed my fingers a little more, and let them fly.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: That was quick!

_ _

I imagined the big Dobie sitting on his computer, probably with his cute glasses on, and just waiting for the first signs of life from me. That sounded nice.

_ _

Victor Holden says: My computer and I are practically sleeping together nowadays.

I snuffled.

Rory Gliese says: Should I feel jealous?

_ _

It seemed like an alright a joke. At least Victor could joke about it now, huh? Maybe that was a good sign. I wasn't exactly poking thin ice with a crutch here. Just trying my best. My tail jumped pleasantly.

_ _

Victor Holden says: I wasn't browsing on hot lion sites or anything.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Hahah.

_ _

Victor Holden says: Cobb makes sure of that anyway.

_ _

I let out a small snuffle. It was a bit hard to judge whether that meant a relapse in the Victor-Jacob relations as of recent, or if this was another of the Dobie's little jokes.

Rory Gliese says: He does?

_ _

Victor Holden says: Despite my best efforts, he still has trouble remembering to knock.

_ _

My ears drooped a little, but I was still smiling. _ _

Rory Gliese says: Well, you can't housetrain a puppy overnight huh?

_ _

Victor Holden says: One big pup alright.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Well I suppose it's his most enduring quality?

_ _

Victor Holden says: In small doses and usually over the phone for me.

_ _

I couldn't help but chuckle aloud. That seemed like such a long-suffering and accurate description of things, at least to me, based on my own sporadic Cobb exposure.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Sounds like it.

_ _

Victor Holden says: Just wait until you hear what he did today...

_ _

I couldn't help the little twinge of nervousness in my belly as I stared at those words before I quickly typed...

Rory Gliese says: Yeah?

_ _

I braced myself.

_ _

Victor Holden says: He had one of his apologetic moods again today. Took me about an hour to make him stop moping.

_ _

I made a small face. Sounded like the brother Dobie had really given his name's worth for Victor again. I wished I could give him a big hug right there.

Rory Gliese says: I thought it was his duty to stop you from moping.

_ _

Victor Holden says: I try not to give him reasons to.

_ _

My tail flipped about on that, but I stayed calm and mannered.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: I can see why.

_ _

Victor Holden says: It gets worse.

_ _

Now I seriously started to feel worried for my Victor's wellbeing.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Dare I?

_ _

Victor Holden says: He wants to do something nice for us.

_ _

Now my tail jumped up so powerfully that it was practically sporting a boner, going up in an angle like that. Even my leg reminded me of itself with a small twinge of pain that was caused by my lower body tensing and my ankles pressing against the bed. Seemed that a bit of Cobb was as effective in training my hip muscles as a bit of physiotherapy.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Shouldn't have dared.

_ _

I hoped Victor could read the wryness.

_ _

Victor Holden says: I've already talked him out of taking us to the movies, to a romantic Lake Ontario cruise or a weekend getaway in Toronto.

_ _

I snuffled.

Rory Gliese says: Sounds great to me, but did he plan to come along to our romantic Lake Ontario cruise?

_ _

Victor Holden says: I didn't dare to ask. I just told him that neither of us needs any surprises at the moment.

_ _

I snuffled and shook my head gently. I hoped that the brother Dobie hadn't caused a scene with Victor. I didn't want any extra unpleasantness to creep into his life, not from me, or himself, or his brother. I'd done enough.

Rory Gliese says: Wise.

_ _

Victor Holden says: And then he started apologizing again and...

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Oops!

_ _

Victor Holden says: He's watching CSI now so he's calmed down a bit. : )

_ _

I smiled at the sight of that little emoticon.

Rory Gliese says: So is Peter

_ _

Victor Holden says: Heheh. How's your friend doing?

_ _

Rory Gliese says: As usual, I guess.

_ _

I guess I could tell him about Peter's sudden email wooing by one Dr. Nicholas Faye, but that was a bit of a long story to abruptly introduce into the conversation, so I decided to keep that back for later, for a lull. It'd probably be funnier that way.

_ _

Victor Holden says: That's nice to hear! How about you?

_ _

Well, this one I could answer!

Rory Gliese says: I'm doing alright, thanks! And I'm even going back to work soon!

_ _

Victor Holden says: Oh?

_ _

Rory Gliese says: My boss Marge called today and asked if I could come over for a few hours on Wednesday and I said yes. Felt like it was the right thing to do.

_ _

Victor Holden says: Well that's great!

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Yeah, it feels like it, too. I've been sitting on my ass long enough, I think.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Evening, Rory!

_ _

My eyes widened in surprise when the second chat box appeared on my screen, complete with the miniature picture of a very much bespectacled, tuff-tipped-pierced-eared, goofily smiling lynx hailing from the land of herring and fjords. I hadn't seen the boy in a while, not even with my nightly Facebook stalking, so it was a bit of a surprise to have him open up a conversation now.

_ _

Victor Holden says: Yeah, I know how that feels. Don't even want to begin to imagine the chaos back at the company. Toby Williams has been covering for me. I shudder.

_ _

The name sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't really connect it to any face. I was a bit surprised over my new Haakon debacle, too, so that couldn't have helped. I typed quickly... _ _

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Hi, Haakon!

_ _

And then i went on to answer to my Dobie.

Rory Gliese says: Not your first choice for covering for you?

_ _

Victor Holden says: He's strict as shit when it comes to bookkeeping but he only gets excited about staplers. I'm more of a copy machine kind of a guy myself.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Hahhah.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Wassup Rory?

_ _

Hmm. I kinda liked that he talked to me like a frat boy did to another, or so I felt, rather than addressing me in a weird way. Let alone because...yes. He was the only fur in my immediate everyday life - by proxy, of course, for most part - but still...the only one besides COBB of all furs who knew about me and Victor. And Haakon knew Victor, too...and I hadn't told Victor...hmmm. I scratched my chin a little and contemplated the side by side chat boxes on the computer screen. I might have to tell Victor soon, about Haakon knowing about us. He did know that I kinda knew Haakon, so at least that wouldn't be an issue...I hoped.

I still felt a bit nervous when I began to type again.

Rory Gliese says: Relaxing after a meal, actually. My friend Peter is a really great cook.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Cool! I had some great chicken parmesan today! Yummm!

_ _

Now he was making me hungry too besides feeling extremely self-conscious about the state of my own glutes when compared to his? What a cheeky cat.

Victor Holden says: I've been trying to call there every week to check things out but I don't know...might be a bit of a mess.

Rory Gliese says: I'm sure it all sorts itself out eventually! I bet they can't wait to have you back!

_ _

And now for that damn tongue-tease...

Rory Gliese says: Sounds delicious! Didn't know that university cafeteria makes that kind of a dish. Must've improved a bit since my times.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Maybe : )

_ _

And smileys, too. Probably almost licking his chops and still imagining that delicious meal. My stomach rumbled a little, despite myself being chock full with Peter's vegetarian lasagna.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Lucky you!

_ _

Victor Holden says: Well I'm not too happy about just sitting around all day, either. I'm starting to feel flabby all over. Need to get back to shape soon.


Rory Gliese says: Maybe we could do something about that together, huh? Go out for a walk or something, or maybe the gym? My physiotherapist says I might be ditching the crutches in a while, if everything goes well.

_ _

Victor Holden says: That's great news!

_ _

Rory Gliese says: It damn sure is. They're making my shoulders ache in the evenings.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Hey Rory! I heard some funny news from Mason!

_ _

Ohhhh damn. Had the news of me coming back to work reached the lynx, too? I was sure that Marge had went hollering it all around the shop once we were done with the phone call, but I hadn't imagined that it would reach the ears of Haakon, let alone be interesting enough to warrant a chat. Kinda nice, though, I had to smile to myself. This Haakon wasn't just all hunky muscles and silky fur and easy intellect, it seemed.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Oh you did?

_ _

Victor Holden says: I'm sure it won't be too long now!

_ _

I smiled at my Victor and gazed at his mugshot of a profile picture for a moment, simply because I could.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Yeah, hahah, he said that he ran into Mr. Faye at the university and he was standing around with you and some other guy and said that he'd studied together with you!

_ _

My ears jumped with surprise.

I felt like facepalming. Of course. Of course Mason would have told Haakon, and now it seemed that the lynx knew of the lion and his enormous ego, too...and now he also knew of my sordid connection with the very Faye. A real "GUESS WHAT!" opportunity for Mason, too, surely, for tackling the lynx with a funny fact about his good old co-worker Rory. Should've thought about that.

I decided to answer to Victor to stall for time before going into the issue with Haakon.

Rory Gliese says: Yeah, I hope so. I'm starting to be fed up with feeling crippled.

_ _

The lynx, now...hmm. Well, what could I say but the truth? It's not like Mason would've heard much more than the fact that I used to go to the university with Nicholas, and that was it. It's not like anything ever happened...nothing to speak of, at least.

Rory Gliese says: Oh you heard about that?

_ _

Maybe that'd bait him to tell a bit more about what he knew.

Haakon Kjerulf says: Yeah! He said that Mr. Faye told that while he and Aiden and Megan ran into him and you at the hallway.

_ _

So that was it...not too complicated, I thought. Innocent, too.

Rory Gliese says: Yeah, that was me and Peter, he's my friend, and he sometimes does some work for the university. I kinda tagged along, and happened to run into Faye. I had no idea he was working there!

_ _

Victor Holden says: Ditto

_ _

Poor Victor...still obviously in need of a big hug, and possibly some other kind of gentle rubbing, too. I tried not to think about that too much now, however. The idea was nice, though. Slow, soft paws over that nice, smooth arm, perhaps...his chest, too, maybe, but gently...he was still healing in many ways.

Rory Gliese says: Hopefully we can do something about that soon, eh?

_ _

That sounded nice, I hoped. Suggesting something we could do together, without the possible chaperone of a Cobb in presence...despite Victor quite explicitly telling him that it was about time that Cobb believed that Victor could handle his own relationships quite well without his brother's supervision. It had been damn hilarious to watch, for all the wrong reasons, I suppose.

Haakon Kjerulf says: Well he only stared a couple of months ago but he's doing so much! He's kinda fun, too.

_ _

Damn. It seemed that Dr. Gaye was already wooing his way through the student population. I sure hoped that he hadn't tried to get into the lynx's pants.

Victor Holden says: I hope so too : )

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Maybe I could come by some day...or we could go somewhere...somewhere Cobb-free, maybe?

_ _

Victor Holden says: That Lake Ontario cruise is starting to sound more and more attractive to me by the hour.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: As long as we make sure Cobb won't manage to stow himself onboard. We might have to man the lifeboats if that happens.

_ _

Victor Holden says: Haha!

_ _

I snuffled a little, and hoped that the smile was genuine in Victor's end. At least we were chatting lightly, and having a lot of fun doing that, too. But then there was Haakon, too, fawning over Mr. Faye...brrrrr.

Rory Gliese says: Well, I guess he's got a lot of character.

That was about as diplomatically put as I could.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Sure, lol.

_ _

Hmmm. Fratboy indeed.

Victor Holden says: But don't you worry about it, though, Rory. I've told Cobb to behave, so whenever we want to do something together, I'll just tell him not to barge in and we should be fine.

_ _

My belly twinged a little as I thought back to all the interventions I had experienced from the said Dobie brother so far, and hoped that Victor's conviction would stand firm on that. I didn't want to cause any trouble, after all.

Haakon Kjerulf says: Oh, I also heard from Mason that you're coming back to work! Woot!

_ _

And there was the frat lynx again...finally coming up with the news I had expected him to being up before he started talking about Nicholas.

Rory Gliese says: Yeah, that's true.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Hah, Mason's been really busy because he's had to cover a few of your shifts too, and then there's practice and homework and all, hehe. Busy wolf!

_ _

Hmm...he did have a point. I really had caused things to become a bit more complicated back at the bookstore, too. Everyone had to jump in to fill the Rory-shaped void. The thought made me smile a little, too, but very gently so. It could've been very easy to start feeling like I'd let them down, somehow. I didn't want to go there.

_ _

Rory Gliese says: Well I hope to be easing up his workload soon. I hope to be back to doing normal shifts in a while.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: Heheh : ) Hey, did you see his new video he put up on his profile?

_ _


Rory Gliese says: Can't say I did.

_ _

Haakon Kjerulf says: It's awesome :)

_ _


I clicked myself over to Victor's box and typed:

Rory Gliese says: Well, let's hope that Cobb sticks to what he promised to us, eh?

_ _

With my Dobie's hunger for attention satisfied, I turned my attention to my profile. I only had to scroll down a little to see an update from one Mason Stephens on my wall, and it was some sort of a video clip. Acting on Haakon's prompting, I clicked on it, expecting a YouTube clip to pop up. Instead, the screen shifted, and a bigger video window opened, and suddenly I was seeing a very much live Mason, sitting on a chair in front of what must've been his computer, and he also had a guitar resting over his lap.

My ears perked curiously at this sight, and I turned on the clip.

Victor Holden says: If he doesn't, I'll kick his ass.

_ _

I snuffled and kept my curious eyes on the now animated video, where Mason was looking at the screen, paws resting over his guitar, as he simply stared at the camera for a moment before he cleared his throat.

"Well, guys, my buddy Haakon's been bugging me to upload something, so I thought, alright...if he agreed to join me, hahah..."

_ _

A paw appeared suddenly in front of the camera, blocking out my view briefly before the moving blotch of darkness disappeared and instead, a very much shirtless Haakon appeared in the frame, standing to Haakon's left. My eyes widened again. The lynx was smiling, showing off his torso that was almost complete bare but for a pair of suspenders going over his shoulders. He was wearing black pants that seemed to be fitting rather well, too, and I couldn't help but look a little, even while he just stood there, waved a silly "Hello!" , and remained to the wolf's side while Mason tilted the guitar up and was now obviously gearing it up for proper strumming posture.

", that crazy cat here did..."

_ _

Haakon chuckled and patted Mason's shoulder with his paw and grinned widely, while Mason gave the strings a quick run before he cleared his throat again and looked directly at the camera again.

" here's little something...sorry Billy Idol, this is the Nouvelle Vague version...but I think it's kinda cool so...well...enjoy me and Haakon..."

_ _

Oh my...

The wolf began to strum his guitar, setting up a tone, while the lynx wriggled his athletic upper body and but a proper swing to his shoulder. Mason's knuckle rapped a rhythm while he played.

"...On the floor of Tokyo...or down in London town to go, go..."

_ _

That slightly raspy voice...deeper than when he spoke, because this was obviously his singing voice...quivering through my little computer speakers.

"...with the record selection, with the mirror reflection...I'm dancing with myself..."

_ _

And Haakon was dancing, too, making all sorts of gentle, beautiful motions with his toned body, his tail swaying, too, while he put his sleek shoulders into use and jigged along to the tone and tune Mason was setting with his guitar and his song.

"...when there's no-one else in the crowded lonely night..."

_ _

The lynx kept his head down and kept it cool, while his smooth gyrations captivated my eyes.

"...well I wait so long for my love vibration...and I'm dancing with myself..."

_ _

I didn't mind the crappy lighting or the slightly grainy video, or the way how Mason's voice sometime broke because of the poor microphone or my poor speakers.

"...oh dancing with myself..."

_ _

Oh, damn...

_ _

_ _

_ _

_ _

_ _

_ _

_ _


_ _

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Thank you for reading!

Don't forget to comment!

See you on Wednesday with the exciting season finale of The Hockey Hunk!

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