Don't Spend Your Love on Me

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Don't Spend Your Love on Me ©MMVIII Whyte Yoté

I will say I love you when I don't mean it

I will smile and blush when I'd rather reject you

I will listen to your sadness, grateful it's not mine

Don't spend your love on me

I will give you a ring and keep the receipt

I will keep my feelings to myself

I will make a commitment I know I will not keep

Don't spend your love on me

I will spend on frivolities and make you pay for gas

I will stay at work for free so I don't have to come home

I will not tell you where I'm going if you don't need to know

Don't spend your love on me

I will search out other men because you don't excite me

I will flirt with people right in front of your face

I will make plans with them over our arrangements

Don't spend your love on me

I will ask some daddy over when we're already cuddling

I will push and push and push until you relent

I will make you do homework while he's buried to the hilt

Don't spend your love on me

I will go to bed and avoid a goodnight kiss

I will go out of my way to exterminate our sex life

I will drive two hours for an anonymous fuck

Don't spend your love on me

I will invest in fetishes I know will turn you off

I will never be satisfied unless the danger is high

I will risk my health and yours and you'll never know the difference

Don't spend your love on me

I will walk down the aisle only with a pre-nup

I will be strung out on powder I got from a stranger

I will hold only your one hand because my fingers are crossed

Don't spend your love on me

I will pretend to be aloof on our honeymoon

I will take my ring off at the bar

I will fake a headache and ride the bellboy

Don't spend your love on me

I will spend my life in search of moments

I will never have my fill of cum

I will always be looking for the next penis

Don't spend your love on me.

I will use your love and trust until it's gone

I will never respect you but you will respect me

I will find lovers the night you pass away

Don't spend your love on me


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