The essance of life part 2

Story by delete341 on SoFurry

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#2 of Essance of life story

Part two of three for this story. Part three I need to modify but it will be up shortly. No major sex scenes but, the method used for keeping silence is very barbaric. That is your warning.

Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak, BBC (Toby Whithouse, Rob Pursey, Touchpaper Television, and Eleanor Moran, for BBC Cymru Wales) and anyone else I do not know. Character are mine (Delete341) Initial concept belongs to GryphonWings

Moving day Most of the staff was early and this was time and a half pay. Jezebel was given the job of checking the crates when her water broke. The medical staff was nearby and helped her give birth. Kyle got wind of this and she was rushed home. He had to rework the schedule for two weeks and still move. Alice was stressed enough to hear the news was a quick break but, now they were understaffed to move. Kyle stepped in and filled Jezebels' role. First the heavy equipment was moved, then a shipping container that only the upper staff and the kitchen knew what was in it. It was the milking room. A week earlier the staff got a tour of the new facility. It was huge and looked like a warehouse. The interior was well decorticated and some of the furniture was in place. The move took six hours and four hours to set up the computer network. There was a truckload of new computers for the all digital club. The clients and members got notices about the move and the new location. The next day, most of the members came that night and looked at the new map. There were two new sections: The ice spa and rooftop parlor with live music. Inventory was a mess as many of the boxes were just opened. The kitchen was slammed with orders and the new equipment was still covered in blue film. After the day shift was over, Most of the kitchen staff came to see Jezebel and her new pups. Most of them were vampires and a few immortals. Jezebel was one of the few mortals that worked there. She was given gifts and a picture was taken for the kitchen staff. She was embarrassed and the landlord came because of the noise complaints. He soon figured out what was going on and left. It was a new pup party. The new members of a family party were not much of a party. Jezebel was liked in the club and she felt safe. She had money and could put some away. They were twelve hour shifts and two weeks went fast. After her leave she bathed her pups and got clean. Then, she fed them and took them to work. Kyle showed her the day care and there were two females to provide care. The room was brightly light and only Kyle did not have a reflection. By now she was use to the menu and filled in as a waitress that day. It was a busy day as several cooperate meetings had lunch at the same time. After three hours she got a chance to sit and check on her pups. They were fine and dinner was going to be a rush. Jack was ordering since Isaac paid for his one year membership as a joke. Jack asked for a coffee with semen and a medium steak. She left the room and entered the kitchen. She knew whom she wanted the semen from; the raichu was weak as she tasted then, filled the cup. His eyes were looking at her and he was scared. He could not speak and she knew it. "Kyle. (She called her manager) When does the raichu get time to recharge. His output is small today." She asked. His reply, "Mid summer is when they produce the least amount all year round. He is scheduled for two days rest starting tomorrow. I think you earned a promotion to master milker. We have a little competition coming up and it is for the new menu item for the winter solstice. The winner gets their item on the menu for that night as a special." She returned with his coffee and then his steak was done. His coffee sparked a little and the steak was decent. She returned and asked, "What would you like for desert ser.?" Jack replied, "A piece of triple chocolate cake." He was thinking why the fee was so high when he realized they never gave him a bill. Food was prepaid up to a point and the other services were put on his account if he reached his limit. She came back with the piece of cake and left to look in the pantry. It was her second break and she saw what she wanted to make. It was a recipe that she made at home. Her old job as head chef at a fancy restaurant gave her a chance to master it. The item was too extreme and never sold. At the end of the day she came home with her pups. The daycare was also a preschool. Jezebel was four years old and knew one of her parents were immortal but she never met her mother. Jezebel was tired and pulled out a book then, went to bed. A few days past when the contest started, all the staff in the kitchen had one hour to make a sample for all to taste. She gathered the ingredient and started to cook. With a lift she put a pot on the stove and simmered chop meat in beer. Then, she added spices and tie peppers. The kitchen was loud as they competed. After, she had the meat cooked and she made the souse. Mashed potatoes were next and she added bits of bacon and a pie pan. She made a pie and added the souse on top with the gravy inside. The others were surprised how simple it was. The souse was a family secret and it did look tasty. The staff loved the souse and she had to revel the recipe to them. "There is a dash of zebstrika semen, brandy, berries, egg whites, tomatoes, olive oil, and a das fire type blood in it. The souse is stirred with the chop meat to keep the taste but not the sharpness. Her pie lost but her souse won. The kitchen staff were all pokémon and human blood could be substituted. First, she had some day old soup and reheated it. Then, rolled the cart to the milking room and the prisoners looked at her. With a cup on a stick she gave them a treat and the raichu enjoyed the treat and wished he was in a real prison. They rarely ever ate real food. She knew there were controls for every milking unit and never was taught how to use them. They needed a manager's code to operate, so she ignored them. As a prize she got to leave early that day and her pups wanted to see where she worked. Jezebel opened the door to the kitchen and they got a look. Then, they went home for her three-day weekend. That night she figured out why the staff liked the souse; it contained some blood in it. The next day she took her pups to the park and they were playing and she saw Alice on her day off she was painting the park. Jezebel saw that Alice was really good. Alice just had some saddlebags on. Usually she had a vest with her name tag, earrings, and a gilded collar. She had a mate. Jezebel sat next to her and she was focused. When the paining was done, Jezebel asked, "Why do the staff love to see my pups. Do they get them?" Alice told her, "I am a vampire and all non mortals get to have kids every bi century or so. I know your mother and she is the secretary at the records office. She loves you but had to leave. The town's pokémon population is populated by half vampires and a quarter is immortal. The rest are mortals. We envy mortals for having kids every year and they actually die. Living forever makes' you very rich and this is a port town. Vampires are just really rich and feel safe to live here. Female can get re-supplied with eggs and if barren we can get new ovaries cloned full of eggs. That is expensive and it takes a year to book in advance; you can never mis that appointment. Mortals fear non mortals and we are in hiding elsewhere. The mortals are poor in wealth but, are rich in life style. They have big families and vampires do not, we have done everything and need things to do. Mortals have ambition and drive, it is getting dark and you need to go home, your pups look dead tired. See you Monday." Jezebel went home and put them to bed, and thought about her life. She grew up in this city and never thought anything scary about vampires. They treated her like extended family. She knew she had an immortal father and she was immune to vampires. Her blood made vampires sick. In the morning she went to a diner to treat her pups to a nice breakfast and she had a real meal. After paying the bill she took them to see their new school. Six months of cram school was enough for pokémon. Then, they could read, write, and do math at a reasonable level. After that, they could choose their path for jobs. It was the winter solstice and the souse was made fresh and in large quantity. The guests were varied. Isaac was in a suit for a dinner date with his girlfriend. She thought the place was strange to have pokémon as the staff and no poké balls around. The souse was a gift to the costumers to try. Most of them liked it. Isaac's girl friend hated the souse but, loved the food. That was the night that drinking blood openly was not allowed; it was to attract new customers that could allow the expansion of the club to a more public club and private club. The old club would be the public level club where half the fetishes and menu choices items were taken off. Jezebel was busy making more souse with help. At the end of the night they were out of meat and very little fish was left. The salad makings and produce were almost gone. Kyle knew two truckloads of supplies were coming in the morning and he had an all nighter. When the trucks came in, he was burned out and he double checked the order then, sign for it. He went home tired and thought he needed a new manager under him so he could get a vacation after thirty years he needed one. His lover was a male scepile lover came home and kissed him. He was also a vampire and said, "I know where we can go on vacation if you can where there are very pretty females we can try in a 'three way'? I know you are into males but, you have tried both and I think it would be fun." This had Kyle thinking on whom to promote. He could hire someone but, seniority was a factor. There was a Mr. Mime, arcanine, or kadabra on his staff. The kadabra was short tempered and everyone but Jezebel hated him. Jezebel despised him for not giving her the time of day to check on her pups and he nearly got charged with sexual harassment. One more event like that and he was fired. The arcanine and Mr. Mime everyone liked but had less experience. Kyle could see how well they did tomorrow. His lover picked the volcanic black sands of a beach in the tropical resort town of kraken in the Grand Tower region. It was close by and was cheap in the mid summer. Kyle decided to sleep and worry about it later. Everyone got vacation time but he had actuated three weeks that year, and rarely took a vacation for financial reasons. The next day he had a chance to review the records and look for whom to promote. Larry was a Mr. Mime and had a decent track record but he had to be monitored. Debbie was an immortal arcanine who just let her pups go and needed some more experience and a manager. She had a problem of over thinking and making a collateral disaster of inventory. He had to look somewhere else. He took a coffee break and had an idea. His staff was experienced and knew what to do. Morgan was a vampire, male infernape. He was a bit crazy and funny. He could do for now. Morgan was promoted to manager and had to learn. He was decent at the role and had previous experience. Kyle then, came to Alice's office and requested time off. She approved it since he had a replacement the end of the week he would start his vacation. Jezebel liked Morgan for his consistency but, he was use to the front and not the back with the kitchen. They had to self manage half the time. Three weeks later Jezebels' pups were use to their new school and Kyle came back with an egg. "I thought you were into males Kyle?" Jezebel asked. He replied disgruntled, "I am, but my partner found a pretty immortal female, got drunk, and after a 'three way' she had two eggs and gave me one. Take this to the daycare and let them take care of it. I will pick it up later." His time off was relaxing and he had more stress when he looked in the kitchen. Everything was fine, but the stock room was disorganized. After an hour he was less stressed. The staff missed him and had a cake made for him. Jezebel used the phone in the daycare to call them and set up the surprise. After some cake they went to work. It was a hectic day as the health inspector came in and they passed. The only thing dirty was the skylight that was the janitors' job to clean. Things were going well as the old building was being renovated to fit the new clientele. They did not need as much space for the brothel and made it some offices and cleaning supples storage. Alice was not having a good day. When Kyle was on vacation, things came up that didn't please her. From the kitchen, the kadabra was in trouble again. Kyle controlled him and he inappropriately touched Jezebel and she was going to press charges this time. The first time was probation and a pay cut. He was named Fernando. "Looking at your record Fernando I have no choice but to fire you. Due to seniority you were not fired last time." Alice told him. He replied, "Then I will tell what this place is. I am a vampire and you cannot harm me!" "But, I can." Alice told him and turned on some controls. He could not move and then he started to feel a bone crunching pain. He held his stomach and looked in the mirror. He had a reflection. She told him, "In each shot we have tailored it to the individual. In your nano machine shot we had human immortal blood stored in some of it. That cured you of being a vampire. I have isomorphic controls that can control your body." He was scared and Jezebel was called in with the medical staff. Jezebel was mad and said, "I will not drop the charges, Alice!" Alice replied, "Will you drop them if you get to torture Fernando and remove his genitals?" Jezebel looked intrigued and agreed. The medical staff took him to a room in the back and Jezebel removed his penis. She clamped the base and took a string and tied the tip of his penis. Then, she took the scalpel and cut just before his scrotum. The string was tied to a weight that pulled it way as she cut. She was surprised to hear that he was cured of being a vampire. She did not want the details. His scrotum was next and she cut it off. His testicles were still attached and Alice told her to keep them attached. Alice was watching and pulled a jar of undiluted hydrochloric acid out and put his testicles in the jar with his removed penis. She asked Jezebel, "Care for some popcorn?" Jezebel and Alice watched his genitalia devolve and he looked in the mirror. He was screaming in pain through it all in a sound proof room and it was extremely painful. His nerves were on fire until they were gone. His temper made him threaten to tell the world. But, his punishment fit in Jezebels' mind. He was hooked up to harvest blood for the next batch of nano machines. He was completely drained of blood and died. Jezebel dropped the charges in exchange for his property and giving half the torture. She now lived closer to the club and the school. She now had a house by the water and a pool. He was rich but, the club had to take half his accounts to pay off the banks and county records and soon all records of him disappeared in a locked file near the incinerator. Kyle knew what happened and some of the staff were told he died or was fired. They were both true and they never mentioned him at work. It was a unwritten rule that was never on paper. The club rarely had to do this, the iron clad contract all members and staff had to sign was for this reason. They wanted the individual to read it thoroughly before signing it. Most of the staff did and if they were fired they kept their mouths shut.

Is it real?

Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak, and anyone else I do not know. Characters are mine (Delete341) It was a hot day and a woman in her early 20's just got a house at an auction. After unpacking she filled the pool and sat in it. Soon, her body...

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The Essence of life club

Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak, BBC (Toby Whithouse, Rob Pursey, Touchpaper Television, and Eleanor Moran, for BBC Cymru Wales) and anyone else I do not know. Character are mine (Delete341) Initial concept belongs to GryphonWings Entering a...

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Rivals and lovers

Copyrights -Anyone I do not know -pokémon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak -Characters are mine (Delete341) Waking up from a drunken binge, a flygon woke up next to his rival, a female servine and she smelled of him. He got up and tried to...

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