N'zaar Plains: Chapter Two: The Garden District.

Story by Mk14 on SoFurry

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#9 of N'zaar Plains

Another one I loved writing!

Hope you enjoy it.


Vex quickly accends the stairs out of the B'zaar entering the open garden district. This district provides food for the entire city. Growing vegitables, fruit, livestock, the smell or rich dirt filling the air. Large buildings of resturants line the right side of the stone street. Names ranging from "The T-Bone-R". "New Meat." "Swallow Whole." "Eat it out". Vex facepalms at the names like he normally does everyday. He quickens his pace, the street being much larger and open, not wanting to be late. He looks left, the large field of produce being filled with dogmorph women bent over picking vegitables, their fat rears high in the air through their tight jean shorts. Vex quickly averts his eyes to the street, not wanting his large balls to swell larger. A large, muscled up Siberian Husky standing about 6'4'', being much taller then Vex, who is only 5'11''. He has his huge right arm wrapped around the hip of a short dogmorph female, who is wearing rather reveiling attire, Showing off her large C-cup breast cleavege. The husky not wearing a shirt only a silver medal hanging from his neck, only a speedo with a buldge big enough to show his large, fuzzy sack. It's easy to tell he is excited. Vex flicks his amber eyes to the ground, however over hearing their whispers. "I'll fill you so tight you're going to need Double-D's bras sweetie." The large husky then makes an erotic motion with his pelvis, thrusting it forward, the speedo snaping. His large cock then stands erect, his knot also forming at the base or his girthy member in the open air, his large softball sized gonads within his fuzzy white sack swaying in the air freely. The girl giggles then the two walk into an ally on the right side of the road and proceed with their erotic endeavors. A warm heat envelopes Vex's fuzzy package, he can feel his balls swelling up, filling with his own foxy seed. Vex quickly steps to another ally, crouching behinde a garbage can, pulling down his loose leather pants. His balls have expanded to kiwi size! Vex groans, wanting to rub one out right now, but he doesn't have enough time. He quickly pulls his pants up and walks out of the ally rather awkwardly, his big balls making it hard to walk without them becoming very visible.

Intro To N'zarr Plains

Atra, the largest and most guarded of all the town in the vast plains region. The city is surrounded by thirty feet high thick stone walls. The building of the city are mostly made of wood with straw roofs, except the Equine Embassy and mayors mansion,...

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