How to roleplay with babyfurs.

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A guide on cub role-playing.

How to role-play with baby-furs.

What is a baby-fur?

Essentially, a baby-fur is a furry who role-plays as an exceptionally young character, usually corresponding to the age of an human toddler. Their furry characters, also called "baby-furs", are, most of the time, cubs in nappies.

Role-playing with baby-furs can be tricky, but very funny, reason why some of the members of the community devote some time to be online "caretakers" (or "caregivers"), role-playing as a character that takes care of a cub.

This guide is aimed to non-baby-furs, because some of the furs, when role-playing with cubs for the first time, are clueless on how to act and what to do while baby-furs doesn't need any explanation on what they like. Plus, first-timers are unsure about some of the baby-fur practices and expected elements of the RP that might show up, such as diaper changes.

Why would someone role-play with a baby-fur, let alone be their caretaker? A lot of furs, even not being deeply into it, find the whole baby-fur thing quite attracting, cute or funny. They become friends with baby-furs and, since big part of being a furry is role-playing (even if just casually, a few lines, via comments on submissions), role-play is fated to happen.

This version for Sofurry and Inkbunny also includes a section for sexual situations. Fact is that a lot of baby-furs are also adult babies or diaper lovers, meaning that they either have paraphillic infantilism or diaper fetish. So, role-play may become arousing to them.

What do I need to start?

A few items you will need when role-playing with cubs are listed below. Of course, it's geared towards fantasy, so no need of getting these things in real life, unless you are doing live action (role-playing in real life with a physical partner).

Baby bottle.

Some cubs are too young to drink from cups. A baby bottle can be used for several reasons: cuteness, embarrassment or simply as "license to cuddle".

Baby food.

Totally optional. Very young cubs can eat this. Older cubs tend to reject.


Part of taking care of a baby-fur is putting him or her to sleep. If it's two cubs role-playing with each other without one taking the role of caretaker, the crib is still used for cuteness purposes.


Of course, it's almost a trademark. Younger cubs will need them due to age incontinence (not ready for toilet training). Older cubs might be forced in them due to frequent bed-wetting or for embarrassment purposes.

The next parts of this guide are based on these materials. While reading, you will learn how to bottle-feed a cub, how to spoon-feed, how to put to sleep and how to change nappies.


Bottle-feeding is the act of using a bottle with a "suck-able" rubber nipple to feed oneself with either water, other drinks or liquid food. It's used because of the inability to chew, typical of very young animals. However, even if someone can't chew because of being too young, sucking, the act (in this case, instinctive and basilar) of pulling something inside the mouth or muzzle, triggers the flow of liquid from the bottle. Young cubs aren't supposed to eat anything or drink anything aside of motherly milk, because it contains all necessary nutrients for correct physical development if the cub is normal and the mother is healthy. During transition from the breast of the mother to other liquids and food, the baby bottle may be needed to feed the cub while he learns how to drink from a cup (usually a "sip cup" before the actual cup used by adults).

To "make a bottle", that is, to fill it with the right kind of liquid, you need to check the temperature. Never hand scalding milk to a cub, of course. Extremely cold drinks are also not recommendable. Doesn't matter if it's milk or just plain water, the drink must be potable and must have average temperature, never too cold and, specially, never too hot.

How to bottle-feed.

Get the cub close to your body then stick the nipple of the bottle in the cub's muzzle. If very little, feed the cub with one of your paws, while sustaining his body with the other, putting him close to your chest. Alternatively, you can sit down on a soft and safe place, such as bed or couch, and put the cub on your lap, then feed him. If it's an older cub, sit down and sustain his head on your lap.

You can "coo" him in a soft voice, telling him that he is "cute", "loving" and so on. Could also apply some caressing, specially on the belly, that is exposed while the cub is held in position.

Once the bottle is drained, put the cub against your shoulder, as if hugging him, then pet his back softly until he burps. Beware: a very young cub may release some of the milk he just drank! But that's part of the job.

Older cubs who are in transition phase, can have the bottle, drink and burp by themselves. All you need to do is to fill a bottle and give them it.

"Normal" feeding.

Is bottle-feeding too complicated? You can try "normal" feeding, with spoon and the like. It only works with older cubs who chew. Pick the food you want to use to feed. It can be the so called "baby food" or, if the cub is older, something more solid and actually tasty. If we are doing it to older cubs, why not let them feed themselves? Well, when doing the transition from bottle to dish, they don't miraculously learn how to eat with a spoon. Plus, sometimes, it can be used to enforce who is "in control", for cuteness or as a caring act for a cub who is sick and needs to be fed on the bed.

The procedure doesn't need to be detailed, except that you use the spoon to feed the cub, that solid food need to be cut in small pieces and that the cub must be secure (high chairs, for example, sometimes come with straps to hold the cub in place). Feeding doesn't need to happen at the table; it can be on the floor or on the bed with the cub close to the caretaker. It's safer, because you don't need to worry about the cub falling off the chair or worse, the chair falling with the cub on it.

Putting to sleep.

After all that fuss, the cub will eventually need to sleep. A cub is often terrible at hiding when he needs to sleep and usually won't resist and sleep by himself. However, it isn't the right thing to do. The cub should sleep before he reach his limit, because it will give him extra hours of sleep and more disposition on the next day. Plus, a cub who wakes up too early has an unstable mood and it can make any little angel a bratty devil.

Signs the cub show when he needs to sleep:

Yawning, obviously.

Loss of focus.

Eye rubbing.

Difficulty of staying awake.

If forced to stay awake, cranky mood and temper tantrums.

If the cub shows three of these signs (unless he has the number 4, which is enough to testify that he is sleepy) or if he is kind enough to manifest his desire to sleep, then it's bed time. Or even crib time.

A crib is a modified bed designed not only to protect the cub from falling from it, but also to limit his movements if he wakes up before the caretaker (if he wakes up and the caretaker is still asleep and the bars of the crib are low, for example, he might want to have some sort of "adventure" with things that it often can't even touch when it's caretaker is awake, such as kitchen knives or electrical plugs at reach). You put the cub in it and rise the bars of the crib, then stay with the cub until it's asleep, because it might need someone nearby to feel safe. Read a story; it will keep it's focus on something while the sleep takes over.

Older cubs can sleep in normal beds. The caretaker can sleep with the cub if the bound between them is strong (if they are close relatives, for example). Starting from six years old, the cub can sleep in a normal bed without a lot of problems.

Diaper changes.

I know for sure that a lot of furs who are reading this guide skipped straight to this part. Changing nappies isn't that hard. There's no secret, but there's a procedure.

A diaper is an absorbent undergarment. It can be made of cloth or be a factored disposable. A cloth diaper is a piece of cloth tied or pinned or taped around the waist of the cub and pulled between it's legs, it's extremities are then "pinned" together. Often, it isn't enough to contain the waste that the cub can produce, so there can also be absorbent pads stuffed in the cloth and plastic pants to hold whatever that leaks. A disposable diaper is preference for most cubs. It's actually rare, in baby-fur art, to see a cub wearing cloth nappies. A disposable is made of absorbent matter and plastic, mimicking a cloth diaper, except that it isn't washable and absolutely must be trashed after use.

Why use nappies? Most cubs are incontinent due to age. They wet, they mess and it's better in the diaper than on the floor for sure. On the other paw, if the role-play is more of a "who is control" thing, they can be used as embarrassment device or controlling measure. Some cubs use them just for comfort or cuteness even, but this type is rare.

This guide won't provide a procedure to change cloth diapers because of two main reasons:

My English isn't that good and I can't describe the procedure with the English I know, because it involves a whole lot of origami.

Disposables are easier to find, easier to remove, easier to put and most cubs use them rather than cloth, even if cloth is cuter (in my opinion) and even if cloth can be reused.

Removal of the diaper, cleaning of the privates, taping a new.


If the cub is just wet, you can just pull him to your lap and undo his diaper tapes. It's recommendable to do it over a soft place. As long the cub is comfortable and safe, it's okay.

Get baby wipes or humid cloth, then clean the cub's crotch. Beware; weak sphincters and minds that are too susceptible to suggestion may release urine when cool air hit the cub's private parts.

Apply baby oil, just a bit, and massage the cub with it, on it's thighs, underbelly and crotch. "Stiffening" may happen in boys, but it will go if ignored.

Apply baby powder and re-do the massage, over the same spots.

Apply rash cream over rash-sensitive spots and actual rashes if there's any.

Tape a new diaper on the cub.


Now, we got a problem. If the cub is messy, it needs to be changed in a proper place, like the change table or change mat, because, if the cub misbehaves, nothing important will get dirty.

Open the diaper and pull up the cub's legs. It's when you clean his or her butt from all the messy stuff. Once it's clean, pull the used diaper away and slide a new under the cub, then release the legs, softly and slowly. Clean the front as well, because cubs seldom are just messy. If they mess, they will most likely wet as well.

Do an oil massage and powder massage on the butt and front, as explained on the "wet" section. "Cooing" would be good here too.

Apply rash cream over rashes and rash-sensitive spots.

Tape a new diaper.

Sexual situations.

Isn't it wrong to do sexual stuff in a baby-fur role-play? No. Let's suppose that you, an adult, and your partner, an adult, decide to have a live action baby-fur role-play. That means that one of the participants will dress up like a baby, use nappies, drink from bottles and all the like, physically; you two are doing a live action, which means that you two will role-play in real life, face-to-face.

So, halfway through the game, one of you get aroused. What will you guys do? Stop the role-play so the participants can either masturbate or have sex, then come back? Or ignore and let the arousal bug the participants constantly as it only grows during the game and won't lower unless the participants relieve themselves, to the point where they have to quit role-playing just to deal with the urgency? Both options aren't satisfying, one because it breaks the game and the other because it denies sexual release.

Then, what to do? Simple, deal with the urge while role-playing! Both are adults and are only taking roles in a fantasy setting. Fantasy is supposed to be perfect, it doesn't have to meet all the morals and conducts of real life and, even if it did, there's no real children and no transgression is done.

Majority of the baby-fur players have a condition known as paraphillic infantilism (a sexual deviance that directs the sexual energy to this kind of situation, in which the player acts or is treated like a baby). Another good portion have a diaper fetish (that is more common in those who used disposable nappies in the past and that's why disposables are preference, because, for some reason, it's easier to develop diaper fetish with disposables). So, when role-playing, these people may feel aroused.

But this kind of role-play isn't all about sex, but also care and comfort. Stopping the role-play to relieve oneself from sexual urgency will make things less enjoyable, because the player will temporally leave the role. On the other paw, deny the relief and continue the role-play will cause more and more arousal, taking away the focus from both arousing and non-arousing aspects of the game.

Since it's fantasy and no real children are involved, but just adults taking roles, why not give it a sexual dimension? It doesn't need to be a main aspect of the role-play, but will certainly enhance it. And, if the participants are "adult babies" or "diaper lovers", why not base this dimension on their desires? What I'm saying is that the role-play can have a sexual aspect without dropping the cuteness and comfort of game, which will please those who prefer things to be "innocent", because it doesn't have to be shamelessly sexual and can more of a caring act from the caregiver. The arousal is a fact and we can deal with it in a constructive way. After all, isn't because we take the role of a child that our adult body will regress as well.

The same is valid for online text-based role-play; it's still acting according to a role and picturing yourself as a cub when you actually are not.

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