Experimental Breeding

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#6 of GenderShifting

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kalan+Anarahttp://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Kalan+Anara&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.http://www.thedragonsstorm.com/#/trilogy

"I'm sorry, Sir, but the humans are in high demand and they aren't found easily. Especially the females. They're slow to breed, you see, and with the long gestation period the ones that are out there are well prized." McCoy spoke regretfully as the shepherd regarded his employer with a flick of the pale white ears.

Mace resisted the urge to growl in annoyance. The ebony wolf leaned back in his chair until it squeaked a protest at the movement. He had placed an order ages ago to have two female humans delivered to his lab, but the order hadn't come through. It wasn't easy getting test subjects and it was even harder to get ones that were healthy and filled with complications from other trials. Especially when it came to humans. There were rumors that in the earlier years, just after the uprising, humans had been so plentiful they had been used as common work slaves. There were even several accounts that they had had to castrate the males in an effort to prevent overpopulation, but the wolf didn't buy into it. He had never seen anything that would indicate that the humans had ever been that densely populated.

"How many females have been sold in the last few years?" He spoke without annoyance, it wasn't McCoy's fault he hadn't located one. The white shepherd glanced down at the notes that were neatly clipped onto his bored.

"Only a dozen in public auction, more in private transactions, but those were between aligned companies and were more transfers then actual sales." McCoy spoke slowly as he looked over the numbers. "Currently there are none available. There was rumor of one over in Europe, but it was quickly shut down."

"Damnit." The wolf cursed and pinned his ears down flat against his head. "There's no hope of gaining volunteers from the general populous is there?"

"Sir, that's not going to happen." The white canine dropped back against his chair. "You'd have to get them to sign a release and explain what was going on in detail. It's never been tested so we can't promise that they'll be unharmed in it or that we could reverse it."

"True.." Mace looked down at his computer screen and grimaced. "I've put five years worth of experimenting and testing to try and come up with this, and now it's going to be ruined because people have mismanaged the naked apes! How hard would it be to simply put together a group venture to breed them up proper?"

"Many people have projects in need of testing. And nearly all of those are perfectly willing to work with the males. We have males by the dozens. The females drop at least five males to one female." McCoy quirked his head to one side. "You know, I've never really understood why that is. It's always seemed like that though."

"Oh there's always been speculation on it. Some think it's due to temperature during gestation like the reptiles eggs. Others think it's a result of an early experiment. And another theory is that the species grew inbred after it died off and that's the reason for it." Mace settled into a lecturing tone. "There are some people concerned that they're going extinct, but that's always been said. If the damned creatures would at least drop litters instead of one or two at a time we wouldn't have this problem."

"Horses and most of the herbivores are the same way, sir." McCoy sounded amused. "They barely drop more then one or two at a time. Just the way it is."

"Too true." Mace murmured as an idea started to pull at the back of his mind. He glanced down at the project notes he had been working on earlier in the day. "How many males are on sale?"

"Males? Many, sir. They're always being shuffled about, after all. I believe there's an auction coming up near Boston of several specimens." McCoy didn't even have to glance down at his notes. The white shepherd was always meticulously organized.

"Good, I think when it comes available I'll make an appearance." The wolf's tail wagged lightly behind him so the tip brushed the floor. "After all, if we can't purchase a female, there are other ways to see about ensuring our success. It'll just take a bit more.. effort and hard work."

"Of course, Sir." McCoy's eyes were bright with an unasked question, but the canine didn't press the issue. Mace simply smiled and exposed bright white teeth from beneath smooth dark fur.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"SOLD!" The announcement came in a ringing tone that sent a tremor of fear running down Cory's spine and all the way to his soul.

A light spark of electricity burst through his collar and made him jerk, but he didn't fight it. The young man stepped forward and away from the stage where he'd been placed on display for the ones that had come to make purchases. It was his first auction, his first time being sold, and it grated his pride that he was being handed off to the person that gave the highest bid. That was his life. That was the life of every human in a world ruled by animals. He fought off the anger as he was led down the stairs towards where his new owner waited. He had been told and trained a hundred times that his role was to be subservient to his masters.

He was here to be learned from and as such he was granted very few rights and privileges. But if he behaved and obeyed, he would be able to have a chance at a soft easy job. The best of the best became breeders and were allowed to eat and relax as much as they wanted. They were chosen from those few males that exhibited a calm demeanor and certain qualities that could be passed on to offspring. It was what every man was taught growing up and being trained. They were no longer used as slaves, but would be called upon to be test subjects or light servants or even learn crafts that the anthro's felt their nimble fingers could work well at. The latter was what everyone hoped for. Craftsmen were treated highly and prized among the rest.

"Come along, boy." The dark wolf drawled out as Cory came down to the last step.

His hopes of being trained to weave or embroider or cook were dashed as he saw the signature medallion that most of the scientists and doctors wore. The creature was large, far larger than most of the canine's he'd seen. The fur was a deep dark obsidian that gleamed with blue highlights in the fur. The large curved white fangs glinted slightly and were offset by a flash of white fangs and a dark red tongue. The thick fur made the doctor seem larger and heavier bodied with all the heavy thick fur that was fluffed up along the rise of the neck and just behind the ears. It flashed a bit of white when it twitched backwards.

"Cory, Sir." He gave a low bow as the wolf glanced at him and then gestured for him to start walking beside him.

"Yes, Cory." The wolf started beside him as they began to push their way through the crowd and the man tried not to feel a wave of outrage at dismissal when the doctor didn't seem ready to exchange names.

"May I have my new owner's name, Sir?" He spoke softly and the wolf's white splashed ear twitched backwards for a brief flicker.

"You may call me Master Mace, human." There was a slight pause as they pushed through along the last edge of those yelling out prices. "I hope you're as sturdy as you appear to be. Your history shows that there are no major genetic flaws or issues?"

"No, S-Master Mace, none. I was bred from the best." Cory tried to place pride in his speech, but it was hard when he felt the broiling outrage just beneath the surface. No matter what his keepers said, he didn't feel that he was inferior to these beasts.

"Excellent!" There was satisfaction in the single word. "After all, I wanted the best to ensure I'd have a prime breeder. And young enough to have many years ahead of him as well. Never held with having the older ones as breeders. Better to be young and strong for years to go."

"B-Breeder?" Cory's angry thoughts were tapered off at the announcement. A breeder? A BREEDER?! He hadn't even been trained for anything in specific!

Hell, he wasn't even that large or powerfully built. Most of the breeders he had seen had been mountainous and covered in muscles. They had worked for years to get to the point where they could become breeders and that showed in how they had been toned and trained. He was just coming on his twentieth year and most male breeders didn't get tagged for it until they were at least twice that age!

"Of course. Pick up the pace, human. I'm already far behind my schedule and setting you up for breeding will take even more time!" Mace snapped out and Cory stumbled forward at a faster pace. Him? A breeder?! He'd landed himself in the cream!

~ ~ * ~ ~

It didn't take long to settle the human in his lab and Mace felt a surge of pleasure at the male he'd managed to score. Many had gone for the brawny looking fellows who radiated energy and power, but he hadn't been looking for them. He had no use for the hulking creatures. Instead he had looked over the lot and started to look at the younger ones. Many of them weren't heavily muscled yet, but still retained a softness from youth. He could see where that softness was being shed away and he'd gone human to human until he found one that appealed to him. A slender looking lad with a hint of effeminate curves that spread along the edges of the hips and a soft plush looking rump. There was just enough softness to him that one might mistake him for a female if they saw him from behind. And perfect.

The wolf set his newest acquisition into a small comfortable room with a relatively large bed and food that he knew humans weren't often given. Of course, he had already worked hard to lace the food thinly enough with a certain drug that it wouldn't be tasted by an eager mouth. That was his plan after all. He had little use for keeping the male intact and quite a bit of use for making sure that the creature could be turned into something that he would need. And he had great faith in a fresh faced man being sold to his first owner would take any kindness eagerly and without pause as to what it might be mixed with.

It wasn't unheard of for a male to become a female. Even in the time when the humans were ruling the world there had been males that wanted to become female. Mace believed his people were far more opening and they had perfected the art to something that had less to do with using scalpels and knives and more to do with altering the basic chromosomes that made them up. It wasn't painful, though it could be disconcerting to some. It was a common practice to heavily dose a person with a sleeping compound before they were given the changing drug to keep them from panicking to see themselves change. Granted, they had only ever been used on the anthros.

A shame they don't use it on the humans. We'd have far more females if we just changed the males. Mace thought in annoyance and stretched his legs out before leaning back in his chair.

He brought his computer alive with a few taps of the keys so the light flashed on with the program he wanted already on. He tilted his head to one side and started to type out some changes in what he'd developed. He'd designed the program with an idea of having an actual female, but some designs would have to be changed because he would be using a changed male. He wanted to make sure that it was a success and that meant he had to make sure that everything was calibrated properly. It meant that he had to triple check everything he could. So much rested on his first try being positive.

It would be the greatest discovery the world had ever known. A way to ensure that endangered species could be preserved and continued on even if they were at critical numbers. All it would take would be the ability to ensure that a womb and sufficient ova from that species could be safely introduced into another body. Even another species type. And that they were able to be inseminated by sperm that was close enough in origin to them that it didn't exactly require a male of that species. The anthro's rarely thought of themselves akin to animals, but they did have certain shared DNA. If that DNA could be overridden by the what was donated by the ova, it could produce feral viable animals that could be released and even be self producing after the initial few generations had been birthed.

It all hinged on if he could use a test subject to carry a litter of creatures not their own young. He tapped up the next screen and frowned slightly as he began to double check what he had coded for the change and what would be needed. He had chosen a relatively common animal for the first trial. Wolves. It should be easy to convert a female body to allow for multiple births and cubs were far smaller then human babes. The real challenge was to make sure that the ova were going to produce what he wanted and be able to be impregnated by an anthro's sperm.

"Sir, the new acquisition is asleep, I assume the drugs have kicked in and started the changes." McCoy leaned in through the door with his brows furrowed slightly. "Were you going to administer the rest of the needed medication now? Or later?"

"Later, I want to make sure the changes we've already placed there are similar enough to a human female before we go mucking about with the reproductive tract." Mace leaned back and yawned with a flick of his tongue.

"Do you think it'll work, sir?" The shepherd's tone was anxious. "I've never heard trying the gender assignment drugs on anything that wasn't animalistic. Most of it is coded to certain species' after all..."

"I think it'll be alright, I made a few adjustments for a human." Mace glanced over and hooded his eyes slightly. "Don't worry, it'll all work out. Why don't you get the camera's set up in Bay 2 so when he wakes up we can record the second change?"

Yes, this would work. It had to work.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Cory came awake with his arms aching and his entire body flushed to the point it felt as if he were feverish. His eyes snapped open and he let out a short cry of shock as he felt as if he had been jarred awake by cold water. It wasn't like waking up in his bed, it was just a sudden jerking sensation and he was suddenly aware of the cold air pressing around him and the uncomfortable position of his body. He blinked rapidly and shifted, but he could only wiggle down a few inches before his upraised arms stopped his progress. The restraints bit down around his wrists and he tried to pull them free, but he could barely stir an inch before the leather tugged taut.

"Mmmwhaaat?" He mumbled and lifted his head to find himself naked and stretched out on a thinly padded bed, but not the one that had been in his room.

He struggled to remember what had been going on before. He could sort of recall what he had been doing before he'd been asleep, but he could only remember sitting down to eat the food that was left out for him. Fresh cut fruit, veggies and even a sandwich that had smelled of bacon. He hadn't had anything but scraps in the quarters he had been in before and mostly thick porridges. He had savored it all and been unashamed to eat until his belly was nearly too full. That's when things went black and he had only a vague recollection of heat and strange fever dreams as he tossed and turned. Had the food been bad or poisoned?

He wasn't sure, but his body still felt strangely feverish and a faint sheen of sweat formed along his forehead as he turned his head back and forth. He pulled his hands into fists as he shifted upwards and swallowed as he scooted himself upwards along the sheets and was able to almost raise himself to his elbows. He looked around and the room gave him no other answers. It was plain, white and tiled so that it looked like it was nothing more than a hospital room. The only thing that wasn't white and clean, were dark globes in each corner. Cameras?

It wasn't until he was nearly sitting all the way up that he realized that he hadn't come out of his 'dreaming' unscathed. He let out a muffled scream as he stared down his lower body where normally his flaccid shaft would be laying along his belly or between his thighs. But it wasn't. His belly was smooth and softer then he expected it to be, but that wasn't what made his eyes bulge in fear. Between his legs was a perfectly smooth and hairless mound. The lips were pursed together snugly and it looked like nothing more than a normal female sex. He stifled a whimper and spread his legs, but he didn't feel his bally between his legs and spreading them open parted the snug outer lips so he saw a flash of the pale pink inner folds and a hint of the nub of a clit.

"Oh god..." He rasped out the word and balled his fists together. Cory couldn't stop himself from staring at the feminine lips.

It was only after several minutes that he realized that his entire body was slightly changed. His body was smooth and curved with hints of soft fat that his hips were slightly spread and there was a curve of his waist. His legs were softer and rounder. It was still undeniably his body, but it was just a touch more feminine looking. The only way he realized he had changed was the way he looked along his hips closely or moved himself. He was still examining himself when the door was pulled open and the dark wolf stepped into the room with a sharp click of claws on tile.

"What did you do to me?!" The word's left Cory's mouth before he could stop them. "What did you do?"

"Ah, awake, very good. The video feed showed you moving about." The midnight black lupine grinned down at him without answering a single question. "Oh dear, I don't think you got changed all the way through, did you?"

"I didn't want to be changed at all! You said I was to be a breeder!" The human's words cracked as he snapped out the words.

"And so you are, my dear...err boy." One of the heavy paws locked around his ankle and gave a sudden yank forward. Cory yelped out as he was forced to lie back on the bed again despite his protests. "I never said you'd be the one at stud, now did I? You're a part of a new experiment. Now please hold still. If I have to, I will restrain your legs as well. And, yes, gag you if I have to."

Cory came to a stop as he swallowed roughly and tensed up in reaction to the paw that gripped higher up on his leg and gave a firm tug. The movements made him whimper, but there was nothing he could do as a pair of short padded digits moved down to probe against what had once held his proud cock and orbs. They curled upwards right against his outer lips and gave a slight tug to force them outwards. The wolf leaned forward and peered down at him closely. The intensity of the gaze made his cheeks flush hotly while a middle finger rubbed between them. He squirmed backwards and tried to avoid the probing touch, but instead only felt the finger nudging a bit more firmly until it caught right against the nub of the clit.

He sucked in a short breath and let out a soft whimper as the fingers pushed up a bit more firmly to rub right along the inner lips and brushed right over his clit. The touch wasn't anything like the touch of his own hand against his penis, instead it was gentle as it slipped back and forth and sparked out a sense of confused pleasure. He pulled his hips away, but the fingers squeezed and pushed forward a bit harder so that the blunt black talon started to push against an opening. He tensed up and let out a short squeal as he tried to twist his hips away. Except the powerful grip of the paw against his leg kept him in place. The finger pad rubbed and grazed along the nub of his clit again with a flickering brush back and forth.

"Stop that!" He tried to put force behind his words, but he was ignored when the pad rubbed forward and then back along the swollen nub.

A tremor of pleasure ran down along his back and he pushed himself up into the touch without thinking about it. He didn't want to react that way, he struggled to stop himself, but it didn't seem to matter. His body was grinding and pushing against the finger that left a pleasant tremor running right along the line of his spine. It wasn't until he felt the talon probing against the opening again that he realized he wasn't just outwardly female. He tried to stammer out a plea for the wolf to stop trying to touch him there, but the molestation continued. The finger curled forward and started to press so the talon sank into the snug passage. He tired to brace himself, tried to pull his hips away, but no matter how he squirmed Mace continued to push inwards.

He felt the pressure growing and growing in a spot he had never experienced sensations like it before. Muscles he had never possessed before started to flex and contract within his passage. He pulled and squeezed so that parts within him rippled before the pressure gave way. The finger pushed forward roughly and there was a moment of sparking pain before he was clutching down tightly around the digit. His eyes snapped open wide while he lets out a shallow whimper as another thick inch started to wedge itself inwards. His hips started to pull backwards, but inch by inch the finger sank into his body and rubbed right along the smooth silken walls.

"Hmm not what I feared." Mace spoke just before the digit pulled out. Cory looked down fearfully to see the finger dragging its way out and thin strands of wetness clung to the tip as it pulled its way out. "Actually, better then I thought. Fully formed it seems."

"I don't want to be female!" His voice sounded harsh even to his own ears. "I didn't want this!"

"You're a human. I don't believe I had to ask." The wolf murmured drolly before wiping his slippery finger along one of Cory's legs. "I think you're ready for the next part."

"Wh-what next part?" He couldn't stop the stutter as the wolf stood up and reached into one of his pockets to pull out something that looked like a small hand gun.

"I promised you were to be a breeder and so you shall. Of course, that will mean taking a few changes in hand to make sure you are properly able to be bred." Was his only response and he tried to follow the hand that moved the 'gun' about.

"Please.." He tried to plead, but it was cut off as the opening of the barrel pushed down right against his belly with almost bruising force.

It was just below his belly button and he tried to suck in his stomach to get away from it, but it only dug in harder. "Now this might sting for a moment, but from the few times I've tried smaller doses on the rats it shouldn't be painful."

With that reassurance the trigger was pressed with a sudden hiss and needles jabbed out into his skin. It burned and Cory cursed as the sting was soon followed with a flush of near painful cold that spread out from the edges and tickled over his skin. He strained his head up to watch the barrel of the 'gun' and something pale blue was being depressed into him. The plunger was slow as the drug was pumped into him and he couldn't do anything about it. The warmth blossomed soon after the coldness and by the time the plunger reached the bottom the heat had started to burn deep within his lower belly. He was barely able to start protesting before the gun was yanked backwards and the needles tugged free. All that remained was a red patch against his pale lower skin.

"Now, I think I'll let that take in effect as I... prepare for the test run." The wolf's lolling grin was no comfort as the dark form padded back out of the room.

As the first hot flush of heat that ran through his body Cory felt fear spreading through him. What was the next part? What was going to happen? That was his last coherent thought before liquid fire seemed to pour through his veins and his hoarse scream echoed in the small room.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Mace's tail stiffened and flicked upwards as he stalked out of the room and tried to ignore the first hot brush of scent on the air. It would take more then an hour for the drug to coarse through the human and by that time it would start to change into exactly what the wolf wanted him to be. It was a shock to find the human still looking more male then female, but it certainly didn't matter to him. The soft lips were still female enough and his finger had sank easily into her tight flexing passage. Even the barrier of her hymen had been there before he'd been forced to press through it to ensure that she was at least functional. Even if the first drug hadn't created a uterus, the second drug would help. Oh yes, it would help.

Granted, it was almost trying on his will to taste the hot thick estrus scent the depressed drug had released when he'd administered it. It was an essence of quite a few different compounds, but most of it was created with pheromones from a wild wolf's estrus that it pricked his nose and made him tense up. No matter that he was more intelligent than any wild wolf, their scent could still affect him and he was all but quivering with the desire to shove his muzzle down to snuff the gun. He wanted no more then to lick and suck in that sweet scent. Even to roll in it if he could. Oh it was heavenly and making it had caused him quite a few problems.

And quite a few wasted tissues.. Mace licked his jaws before stepping into his office and glanced at the screen that showed the writhing human in the next room.

It was evening, late evening even, and he was grateful for that. On the one hand, he planned on being able to record the first breeding once the human was rich and hot with estrus. On the other hand, his first idea had been dismissed the moment he'd felt his finger clutched and suckled oh so greedily. He was going to allow a neutral subject who had proven virile enough breed his human, but now. Now he couldn't think about even calling someone else. There was no need to wake someone else, not when he was able to provide that service and claim her body. He could only imagine the powerful walls wrapped around his cock and the idea of him being fertile. It made a shiver run down right along the curve of his spine before he started to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt.

His paws were steady as he stripped off the cloth to reveal the perfect diamond patch of fur against his chest. He draped his tie over the chair before reaching down to unhook his pants. They were slightly harder to manage, mostly due to the fact his body was letting him know quite keenly exactly what it thought of the idea of taking the changing human. As he wrestled his pants down he exposed the dark crimson tip of his cock that was already well out of his heavy sheath. The inches pushed upwards as he bent down and dropped his pants down around his ankles and kicked them off. The heavy black furred orbs bumped against his inner thighs as he shook himself out to fluff up his flattened fur.

Better make sure I record it securely. The last thing I need is for random people to see me acting in my own.. err interests. He grinned to himself and glanced at the screen to see the human squirming and arching in the bed. His sharp amber eyes picked out the folds already thickening and swelling as they changed. Within a short time they would be spade shaped just as a bitch's would be and then..

The wolf dropped his paw to curl his fingers along his cock tip as it inched higher in the air. This would be glorious. It had been far too long since he'd had this much fun and the first time he'd ever bred a bitch in heat. Well human, but close enough. Simply glorious.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Cory squeezed his eyes shut as the heat grew. It made his body feel swollen and flushed and it was growing harder to concentrate as whatever had been injected into him took hold. His stomach clenched and cramped oddly while he struggled against the restraints on his wrists. His lower belly was flushed so hot that it nearly burned. It ached all the way down along the inner passage that had been so recently fingered and the muscles rippled and quivered. They tried to squeeze around each other as his breath came in short hard pants. It felt horrible, but at the same time there was a tinge of pleasure to it as well. Some part deep inside of him felt as if it were being rubbed and caressed in ways nothing should ever touch or reach. He drew in a shuddering breath and let it out in a rush as he arched upwards and tried to push into the strange sensations.

It seemed like minutes or even hours as time lost all meaning to him. He couldn't concentrate past the pounding of his own heart beat that throbbed along his cheeks and flushed his neck. He drew in his lower lip and whimpered softly to himself. He squeezed his eyes shut as much as he could before pulling backwards and he tried to twist his hips again. Whatever was happening to him changed him, shifted him, made him into something that he wasn't. His outer lips ached and the skin felt as if it itched and were on fire. It wasn't until the twitching and jerking of the muscles along his belly stopped that he was able to look down and find out what was happening. And even then his eyes only saw the shape of his lips changing. Shifting. Rippling.

_Oh god, what is happening. D-did he change me back? Was it all talk? _ His mind clung to that idea desperately. He wanted to believe that it had all been bluster and talk and he was going back to normal. But it couldn't be.

"Oh my..." The voice made Cory jerk his head up to find Mace standing at the door and his head lifted up as he took in a deep breath. "I see that it's working well, mm?"

"Wh-what are you doing to me?" He managed the words between gasps, but his eyes refused to focus on the wolf's face.

His eyes drifted down to something bright red against the darkness. The heavy dark pouch was gathered up nearly half way down the tapered boned shaft. The glistening crimson violet shaft was exposed and pushed upwards higher by the moment as blood pulsed and flexed along the cock. The tip glistened with a hot dollop of precum that was oozing out and rolling downwards along the glassy smooth shaft. The orbs were heavy just beneath it and the skin drawn taut over them. Cory couldn't look away, he couldn't keep himself from gaping at it. The doctor was nude from nose to paw tip. Even as he watched the next few inches pushed outwards to the point that something round at the base bulged and strained the sheath open wider and wider as it threatened to pop free.

"A rousing success.." The wolf's voice was breathy before he stepped in to let the door close behind him. "Of course, I'm going to have to make sure of that."

"K-Keep away from me." The human stuttered and shrank back as the massive form came in closer.

The response came with a sudden push of the fingers between his legs, much as the wolf had done earlier, but this time a simple brush of the digits made him cry out in pleasure. His body arched up off the bed and tried to push into the touch as the digits stroked lightly along his outer lips and stroked inwards. It was an intimate touch that made his heart start to pound faster and his breath catch in his throat. He squirmed backwards and awkwardly got his arms beneath him in time to see one digit slipping inwards to run a claw just between his sex. His sex, which had changed again, but this time he was even more mortified to see how. Instead of snug soft lips that had looked at least human, they had turned into a glossy set of swollen folds that formed a spade shape. The dark lips were snugged together and shifted beneath the rubbing of the finger that trailed back and forth.

"I look like a dog." He whimpered before his voice turned into a low groan when the finger curled inwards again.

"A wolf actually." Mace murred and pulled his finger back with the tip already glistening wetly. "A fertile little bitch already in heat by the smell of it."

The lupine lifted his finger to his lips before a long red tongue swept out and gathered up the glistening strands on the tip of his tongue. Cory couldn't think, his mind was blank and refused to do more than feel the panic washing over him. He stared up at the large black shape and only had a moment to try and move back before the hand paws dropped and gripped his legs. He cried out as he was yanked back down on the bed and claws bit down against his upper legs and pulled them apart. He didn't even have time to fight back as the bed groaned at the added weight as Mace kneeled down and the long powerful muzzle peered down at him.

Oh god.. no no no no... he can't be doing this.. no no..

_ _

~ ~ * ~ ~

Mace felt parts of his mind flare to life that he had never experienced before. Hot lust and desire flowed through him to the point that it was impossible to think of anything else. He didn't want to think of anything else. He wanted to mount this prize bitch and breed him. He wanted to knot the virgin sex and empty every last drop of his rich seed into that fertile womb. No matter that he knew that these reactions were likely caused by the scent of the drug and wild scent of estrus. He stopped caring. He even stopped caring about his experiment.. Not when his tongue still tasted of the glistening arousal that beaded along the puffy heat ridden folds. He would be tight, his body enflamed just like a she-wolf's would be. So tight.

Before he could control himself he gripped the hips and slipped onto the bed. His cock pulsed against his belly and sent out a splatter of thick clear liquid hitting out right against Cory's inner thigh as he loomed over the pale human. He saw a flash of the white eyes before he moved his paws down along the legs all the way to the knees. He felt a brief moment of regret he hadn't shackled the human on all fours like a true she-wolf, but he wasn't about to take the time now. His shaft nearly ached with need as he dropped his hips and deliberately rubbed himself against the smooth expanse of the belly. The precum marking the skin as he did so and his orbs nearly bumped right up against the puffy eager lips.

"P-please... oh god..." The human panted and stared down the line of his chest. "That's too big, you c-can't.."

"Ahh but can't you feel how good it will feel?" Mace murred and shifted his hips so the glistening girth briefly rubbed along the overly sensitive folds. "How achingly empty you are... how terribly unsatisfied you are?"

"I-I.." The human stammered as Mace rolled his hips again, this time hard enough that his girth partially spread the outer lips and Cory's body rocked beneath him in reaction.

"All that aching emptiness can be cured, and I'll take care of it personally.. After all, I promised you'd be a breeder and you shall. World famous."

The wolf licked his long muzzle so that the tip of his tongue nearly curled up and over the bridge of his nose. He pulled his hips back again until his tapered tip dragged right over that puffy mound and he could feel the heat radiating from it. It made him tremble as he flicked his tail upwards behind him and moved one of his paws down to cup just beneath his swollen cock. The touch of his own paw forced up a glistening drop of precum that splashed down against the outer lips before he guided his tip just between the folds and nudged right up against the tender virginal opening. He hissed out in pure heated desire at the wetness that clung to him before he pushed forward slowly. With a sharp groan he sank the first inch of his shaft into the gloriously hot tunnel as the walls began to strain open and wrapped around him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Cory's panic reached a crescendo just as the tip of the wolf's cock pushed right up against his opening and started push inside of her. The panic that should have made it easy to struggle to scream and to fight was washed away as the first hot inch wedged into his achingly empty body. His walls clamped down painfully tight around it and quivered as the wolf's paw returned to his other hip. The claws scraped against skin as the powerful body surged forward and strained his walls open wider and wider. The inner muscles clamped down as he muffled a sharp scream when the hips drove forward again and another slippery inch wedged itself. His outer lips felt as if they were going to be torn as the animalistic cock violated him. And through it all he felt pleasure building deep inside of his stomach.

His walls clamped down and suckled hotly until something slippery and thick splattered out of the tip. The glassy smooth cock rubbed and pulled along him as the furred weight pressed down against him and pinned him in place. His lips were shoved against the shoulder as another in wedged itself in. It was too much, it was over whelming, it was terrifying and all he could think about was arching his hips upwards into it. His body was afire with desires that he had never felt and it overwhelmed every other instinct except the desire to feel more of the cock claiming him. His walls contracted and squeezed before the next thrust shoved the thickened bulb right against his outer lips and the tip wedged up against his cervix.

The wolf growled before a pair of sharp fangs gripped Cory's shoulder and the anthro pulled backwards nearly yanking the tip free of him before driving forward again. He was rocked against the bed as the powerful thrust nearly forced the air out of his lungs and he bucked upwards. Oh god why did it have to feel so good? Why was his body betraying him? He could hear a wet squelching sound as arousal was forced out around the canine lips and dribbled downwards along the curve of his thigh. He couldn't do anything to get away and he felt lost in the building need that threatened to overwhelm him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Mace gritted his teeth and snarled out as he battled through the exquisitely tight passage and felt the virginal muscles quivering around him. He gripped down against the furless shoulder to stop from howling out as it was almost painfully tight. He had to force his shaft inwards before pulling back. His cock tip pulsed and spilled out hot dribbles of precum that mingled with the human's arousal. It was hot, so terribly hot as it clutched and suckled around him and the only disappointment came when his tip crammed up against the spongy cervix with his knot still outside of those glorious folds. He stifled a snarl of rage that he couldn't hilt, but drew back before thrusting forward again.

Instincts that had been suppressed by generations of civilized society and careful training were ripped away as he slammed forward before yanking out again. He wasn't a doctor, he wasn't an educated wolf, he was need and lust and the primal urge to pass on his jeans. His boned length stabbed in deep all the way to cramming his knot against the outer lips and dimpling them in before he yanked out again. The human squealed beneath him, but still the boy lifted his hips up and tried to meet the thrusts that hammered into him and started to shake the bed back and forth. He didn't even care when his teeth bit down hard enough to taste coppery blood, nothing mattered but breeding the bitch.

He drew out and nearly popped his tip free only to hear Cory's short squealing cry before the walls clamped down almost too tight. He battled through the contraction until his tip slammed up against the cervix before he pulled back. That fertile womb lay just beyond that gate. And as the human orgasmed beneath him he started to thrust in brutal short strikes. He used every muscle along his body as the viscous strands of his precum were forced outwards by his sheer girth. His knot pushed and ground itself right along her lips and started to force them apart to rub along the exposed clit and opening before he was forced to drag back. He would breed the bitch, oh he would breed him. Fill him with cubs, a litter of them.

The thoughts flowed through the pheromone maddened wolf's mind as his claws dug in hard and yanked the human back against his hips forcing her open just that much more.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The pleasure that hit Cory's body started to rock through his entire body. It built on itself with each and every stroke that forced his hips upwards. He wanted to stop it, but he couldn't. His fingers balled up into fists before he bucked his hips upwards in a short buck and the walls started to strain open wider and wider. The outer lips were forced open to the point that they were almost being torn apart, but he couldn't stop it. His powerful inner walls contracted as he screamed out and tried to milk around the cock that continued to hammer harder and harder. The pressure growing deep inside of him, but all he knew was the flush of need that rose upwards and demanded his attention.

He was so wet, so hot and he could feel the slippery precum splattering out into his vulnerable body while he pushed upwards and felt the knot grinding harder against him. Suddenly the short fingers gripped against his hips and Mace yanked him backwards hard enough that the tip started to wedge and stretch the slender opening of his cervix. It sent a spasm of pain through him, but it was nothing compared to the suddenly slam of the furred hips and the knot that spread his outer folds open too wide. The tightness of his passage held as he arched his back with a rough cry and his eyes squeezed shut. One of his legs moved up to wrap around the furred haunches just before the knot sank in with a hot wet sound. The wet squelching noise seemed horrifyingly loud before the thickened bulb popped into his passage.

The knot sank home and the human's inner walls stretched open wide to wrap around in a tight clutching squeeze to lock it in place. The tip of the cock speared right into her fertile uterus before letting out a goopy splash of precum that oozed into him. He didn't care that the cock tip was near it's destination, all he knew was the building heat and pounding of his own heart beat that rang in his ears. The wolf lurched forward with a final stroke as the knot started to swell open wider and wider. Cory's walls were forced to strain as each pulse along the shaft forced it open to the point that he could barely hope to keep it. A pair of furred orbs shoved right up along his upturned rump cheeks as they drew up taut.

"OH GOD!" Cory screamed out just as the wolf's jaws released his aching shoulders and Mace snarled out with pleasure.

The cock pulsed and throbbed inside of the human's suckling folds and pulled from the base all the way to the tip. His body shuddered when the first hot thick rope of pearly cum erupted from the tip and flooded deep within him. The next splash and the next continued and flowed deeper and deeper into his fertile womb. He could almost feel the goopy strands splattering inwards as he jerked his hips, but couldn't lower him. The swollen knot kept him securely joined to the beast as the billions of sperm began to flow and wriggle into his body. The virile seed twisted and pushed deeper to seek out and overrun the ova that had forcibly ovulated within him. Cory could only whimper as his own body betrayed him and oh so eagerly milked and pulled more and more into him.

After several minutes the wolf's panting subsided, but the shaft still flung out gooey dribbles of cum into him. Cory whimpered as he felt it overfilling him and he squirmed back and forth, but the knot wouldn't let him go. Nor would it allow even one drop of the thick semen from escaping his well bred body. Oh god, he couldn't get pregnant. He couldn't! His only answer came with another throb and the, now, familiar splash of seed added to the sperm that already ravaged him womb. Sparking life deep within him.

After nearly twenty minutes the knot shrank to the point that the wolf yanked his hips back and the glistening crimson cock pulled free. There was a lewd popping noise before the tip yanked itself out and splattered a final rope of cum right against Cory's belly. Already he could feel some of the warm semen dribbling out between his gaping folds and the ache of a well fucked body starting along his loins. And still.. still he wanted more. He wanted to feel the cock back inside his aching body no matter how horrified he was at what had happened.

"A.. most.. successful start.. We'll try again tomorrow." The wolf patted his side roughly and gave a wicked smile. "I'll be sure to get ya on all fours then, like a true bitch."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Five Weeks Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Sir! Sir the ultrasound results are back." McCoy nearly tripped as the white shepherd scrambled into the room waving the sheets.

Mace glanced up and blinked his eyes a bit lazily while he tilted his head to one side from his paper work. It had been weeks ago that he had had three days of unadulterated lust that he almost felt bad about. He had fucked, bred, pinned and used the human every night to the point Cory had begun whimpering and presenting himself. It was endearing to see a human so lost at the feel of being in heat when canines had to do it all the time. It stirred him and roused him. He had no regrets for what he had done, only a smug satisfaction that came with feeling the too small boy writhing on his knot and trying to push more in. And oh those hot silken folds...

"Sir?" Mace jerked his head up and realized he had been day dreaming again. Damn it all. He still spent some nights rubbing his swollen cock in memory of breeding his experiment. Unbecoming of a scientist.

"Yes, yes, sorry I was off in another world." He leaned forward and opened his paw. "Let's see them then. I hope the breedings took."

"Of course, sir, you never did let me see the tapes as you said...?" McCoy trailed off as he held out the papers. The shepherd had been curious about how the breedings had gone, but Mace still wasn't ready to release those tapes just yet.

"Yes yes, of course. I promise I'll get them cleaned up for you." Mace growled irritably and made a mental note to see about blurring certain defining aspects of himself.

He spread the black and white photos out in front of him and scanned over the readings. At first he only saw the normal blurs of any ultrasound, but as he leaned back to see the whole of the picture his lips quirked up in a grin. He hadn't had any doubts about the state of the boy. In fact, he had recently watched the belly starting to show a bit of a swell to it. Yet now, he stared down at the first photographs of the cubs he had forced into his experiment. Cubs! The small bodies were curled on the flat sheets, just forming and in another few weeks...

"Call the press, McCoy, I want to make an announcement." He kept his voice steady even as his paws started to shake.

He had done it! Perhaps... before the pups grew TOO big, he could make another visit to Cory and see how the human felt about it. Of course, it would be helpful to ease any lingering itches the boy might have for his cock. Those thoughts lingered on his mind as he lifted his eyes up and flashed a sharp fanged smile to his assistant. A glorious start to a most magnificent experiment.

In Sithen's Harem: Chapter 5

The songs of the birds were bright and golden on the dawn. They sang out as they called to one another and trilled to their mates or defended their territory. The sun rose to send golden beams spilling through the high placed windows so that they...

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Creole's Justice

There are many beautiful places in the world, but there are few that make one feel brave enough to step out into the humidity and clinging heat and remain on foot. New Orleans was one of those places where a person could get lost as they walked along...

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A Night to Remember

The night air teased the edges of FD's shirt as she huddled into it and stepped out of the humid air of the French Quarter and into the front of the hotel room. The AC blasted around her and only made her shiver a bit more as she licked her lips. She...

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