Slick Negotiations

Story by GerShark on SoFurry

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#3 of Deep Ties

Deep Ties - Chapter 2 - Slick Negotiations

This is a direct continuation of chapter 1 in this series. If you have not yet read that one, please do so first.

Story by Gerik and Cealan as a co-authored piece.

The sun was just about to set as Cealan's vessel made port. The maiden voyage with its new owner hadn't gone quite as expected, although any fisherman with the load of fish this boat carried would be more than happy. Cealan's initial estimation of 200 fish seemed about right, and with how large and succulent this batch seemed, there was no way they were going to get anything less than thirty dollars for each. For one day of 'work', Cealan was going to be taking home a sizable sum of money - even after the sharks took their cut.

As the bow of the ship finally nudged up against the dock, the boat rocked and made little waves of its own as the two occupants inside finished up their voyage-long romp. Anyone passing by could probably see the outline of an orca's face pressed up against the wind-shield and the rest of the body bent over the steering wheel getting plowed from behind by a more-than-eager shark. Cealan had an iron-grip on the wheel while trying to steer even though the vessel was already in port, and likewise the shark behind had an iron-grip on the whale's sides while eagerly fucking the new community cow.

It wasn't long before a loud grunt escaped the cabin which was followed by a low, lewd groan, and the engine to the vessel was cut shortly after. The orca's head brushed downwards against the windshield in submission and his weight was just left to press against the creaking wooden wheel while the shark forcefully tugged his claspers out of the tribe's fucktoy.

The nude shark soon emerged from the cabin to begin unloading fish casually with dripping claspers, and Cealan stepped out a few moments later with a stream of the shark's seed still seeping from between his legs. The shark was just a bit taller then Cealan, and carried the generic markings of a tiger-shark with black stripes and an eggshell-white front contrasting with the darker coloring of his back. He also carried an intricate tattoo drawn all over his chest and belly given by his tribe that made this male stand out even more than usual. The orca's own dark-green and white coloring became nicely visible in the dim light of the evening, and as the red-tinted light reflected from the whale's front, it was easy to see the marks left by the dominant sharks during their underwater escapade in the kelp forest.

Cealan was still slightly uncomfortable around these sharks, and his voice came out a bit shaky as he asked one of his masters some questions.

"Um.. Gerik, who will we be selling these to?" Cealan asked of the shark who'd so recently used his ass all the way home and was now measuring fish.

Gerik tossed the day's catch into a cart which seemed like it had seen better days, since the wood was noticeably worn all around. It looked nice and light for the most part, although it would have to be pulled along manually by someone in the front.

"We found a group of rhinos that have a pretty good operation set up to distribute and sell these fish discreetly and efficiently. They don't know that we're your source, which is why you'll be making the sale alone as our front-man." The shark replied without missing a beat from his measuring, marking and tossing.

"Why can't they know that you're the source? These fish aren't exactly an easy find these days, they'll have to get suspicious of one orca bringing in a boat-load of them." Cealan replied, feeling a bit uneasy about the whole situation he was being thrust into.

"These fish need to be sold as quickly as possible to people that either don't know any better, or know better than to be caught having them. Plus as long as supply stays low, the price stays high, so we need to make sure no-one figures out our little secret." Gerik replied with a playful, reassuring wink. The toothy smirk that accompanied the wink worked to calm the orca some, and Cealan soon smiled to himself once again knowing he had the support of some very muscular, sexy sharks.

Cealan joined in helping unload the fish, but Gerik was obviously much more at home measuring and tossing caught fish than the whale was. It wasn't long before the entire cart was filled and overflowing, and with a pat on the back to the whale, Gerik smiled his congratulations on his first catch.

"Alright, you're set. I'm sure you know where the fish market is, so I'll give you directions to the rhinos' place starting from the north entrance. It's in a small building called the 'Blue Savanna' on the northwest outskirts of the market and looks somewhat run-down at first glance." Gerik said with a casual tone, although the shark's eyes soon lowered to the whale's nether regions. "You may want to clean up a bit... You're still leaking."

Cealan's eyes went wide and he looked down to see his thighs coated in the sticky, white mess the shark had left earlier. He reached down to try and wipe some of it off, but it just smeared and now got on his hand as well.

"Very unprofessional..." Cealan said in a sarcastic tone before he looked around for a shower or source of water to clean up with. Gerik had a better plan though, and thwapped the orca's ass with his tail so the whale plunged over the side of his boat and face-first into the water.

Cealan surfaced a few moments later and glared up at Gerik playfully, knowing he already smelled of saltwater after the kelp-forest initiation. With a few swipes of his hands over himself to try and brush off the leftover seed, Cealan emerged from the cool water with a shiver. He looked around for the shark and soon felt Gerik's hands wrap around his toned belly from behind to swipe a towel up and down his front. The tiger-shark sure took his time while circling firmly and slowly all over the whale's smooth body.

A warm *churr* escaped the whale while he got his much appreciated rub-down with the towel, and the unexpected peck of an affectionate kiss to the side of his neck afterwards made an eye-ridge raise up questioningly. The whale didn't say anything, but his neck and chest reddened some in a blush that he tried to hide by stepping back onto the boat to get his spare pair of clothes.

Cealan grabbed his shorts and was stepping off the boat in his casual clothing, which for an orca of this day and age was a skin-tight pair of spandex, black shorts that went down to just under the whale's knees. His bulgy chest was left bare, making for one extremely handsome looking killer whale. Gerik took notice with a playful smirk, but it seemed he'd gotten his fill of cow-ass for a while since he let the orca walk right by with only a slap on the ass with his tail.

Cealan chirped playfully and then clicked a few times towards Gerik, obviously enjoying the attention from his shark master. He may not have been a slut before the sharks took him in, but they were sure turning him into one quickly. The worst part about it was that the whale was loving it. Every time the sharks looked at him they saw their fuck-toy. They didn't see Cealan the whale, they saw the community cow whose sole purpose was to please any desires of his masters.

The whale's new-found confidence showed in both his step and the light limp he'd attained from the hard fucking the sharks had given him that same day, and the smile his beak showed just didn't seem to go away. The sloshing inside his belly wouldn't be going away either since the shark had plugged and seeded him at least three times already.

Gerik was soon going over the directions to the rhinos' shop, and with scribbled directions in hand Cealan set out wheeling the cart-full of fish towards his first sale. The cart wasn't too hard to guide thankfully, and due to his muscled physique he was able to stride confidently to his destination. The shark hadn't gone over much on what he had to do, but it was made clear that the bottom price he could accept was thirty dollars per fish. Any less, and he would have to either convince the rhino of the right price, or return with the fish.

The orca looked around as he stepped into a thin and dark alleyway, the buildings on either side climbing a few stories up above his head. Cealan began to feel a bit uneasy with the grungy, rundown surroundings, but when he saw a sign pointing towards 'Blue Savanna', he at least knew he was almost there.

After turning a notoriously dark corner, a blue neon sign caught his attention that signified his final destination. Two rather burly looking rhinoceroses stood at the front door casually talking to each other, although their ears perked and muzzles turned in unison to gaze at the newcomer. One was the usual gray while the other carried a pure white coloring, and both had glares that could make a German Shepherd's tail drop between its legs in a heartbeat.

Cealan walked confidently forward though, and let the front of his cart lower before reaching out to shake a hand with one of the studly males.

"Hey, my name's Cealan and I'm here to sell some fish." The whale said in a casual and cheerful tone, trying his best to hide his uneasiness. It seemed to work at first, at least until the white rhino turned the rest of his body to face the orca and grunted in a displeased manner.

"Boss doesn't have you on his list of appointments. No appointment, no selling." The creamy rhino stated simply and gruffly. From this angle the orca could see that this bouncer had a gold ring drilled through his largest horn that hung down in front of his nostrils. Each heavy, silent breath shot out the land-mammal's steamy breath into the quickly-cooling night air.

Cealan quirked a brow at the response and turned to pick up one of his smaller fish. He lifted it so the two rhinos could see the extinct species, and the land mammals quickly turned to give each other a questioning gaze. They spoke privately to each other in a deep tone, lips barely moving as they pretty much grunted their conversation to each other.

After a few moments, they both faced the orca again with menacing grins.

"A slot just opened up. You can leave that cart here if you like." The darker of the rhinos stated, "Bring an example fish inside, along with a headcount." He continued, all the while glaring at the fish that still rested in the whale's hands. Cealan glanced back at his cart and then back at the rhinos to speak.

"And if any of these fish should go missing?" He asked cautiously, not wanting to offend but obviously being concerned about their safety in such a neighborhood. The rhinos could easily see the hesitant look in Cealan's eyes and they wanted those fish for themselves. Needless to say, a single whale wasn't going to keep them from their prize.

The creamy white rhino's long snout soon began to show a widening smirk and he stepped in front of the whale to tower over the shorter mammal while flexing an impressive set of pecs in front of Cealan.

"That's the least of your worries now, Cealan. Get inside without a fuss and we won't tape your mouth shut." The white rhino said in a gruff but casual tone before a hand reached out to the whale.

Cealan tried to turn and avoid the hand, but with the cart behind him there was nothing he could do but watch as that strong mitt grabbed him and pulled him towards the two burly rhinos. The darker one was equally strong but much quicker, and Cealan's arms were soon held behind his back before the lighter colored one picked up the whale's legs to place them at either of the rhino's sides.

No matter how much he squirmed he couldn't break free and the rhinos carried him right into the Blue Savannah. His mouth was free and he yelled out for help, but as soon as the heavy door slammed shut behind the rhinos, the sounds of his resistance fell only on deaf ears.

The whale was carried down a short hallway, although as Cealan's gaze wandered upwards and to his sides, he noticed the place was much cleaner and well-maintained on the inside. The smell of fish was always noticeable in this part of the wharf though and no amount of cleaning could get the stench off of the walls.

A short hallway opened up into a large cutting room where there was no-one around since the workday had ended at least a few hours ago. This only made the whale more frightened and he practically whimpered as he was unceremoniously laid out onto one of the flat tables used for cleaning a catch. The surface was oily and slick, and still wreaked of saltwater and fish as the whale tried to squirm.

The gray rhino stood behind Cealan and slid his arms beneath the orca's shoulders before pressing those strong mitts against either of the whale's pecs. He then tugged Cealan upwards just enough to press the back of the killer whale's head right against the rhino's chest so he was forced to gaze at the white rhino standing across the table from the other two.

The table was just a bit shorter than Cealan and his calves dangled over the edge in front of the muscled land mammal that was gazing over him and his fish that he still clung to. The rhino reached for the whale's catch and grabbed it forcefully before tugging it out from Cealan's grasp.

"Where did you get this fish from, Cealan? If you tell me, Kliph here will escort you safely back home without a mark on ya." The white rhino asked pretty courteously while holding the fish up in front of the whale's face.

He still hadn't lost his confidence entirely, and he knew his shark masters wouldn't approve of him giving away their secret. He just kept his mouth shut and glared at the rhino defiantly, occasionally giving a tug of his shoulders to try and maneuver out of the other rhino's grasp. With the oil slickening up his skin, Cealan could maneuver just a bit before the gray rhino's grasp would tighten again around the sides of his upper chest.

"It's alright, boy, just give us a coordinate... or even a name." Commanded the gray rhino in a quiet, gruff tone while keeping the whale held down.

The white rhino suddenly glared down at the orca's legs, noticing just how tightly they were being held together by Cealan.

"What's wrong, little boy? Didn't your mother ever teach you to go before long trips?" Clomp said with a smirk, watching the whale's eyes furrow while thinking about what the rhino meant. When Cealan figured it out a moment later, he just retorted by clicking his distaste out at the burly male in front of him. The moment of hesitation tipped off Clomp though, and his eyes narrowed while glaring at the orca's legs.

The curious land-mammal reached forward to grab the whale's suit and ripped the stretchy fabric with a grunt. The whale's knees were then tugged apart forcefully before Clomp's eyes caught a glimpse of a white trail of what looked like semen leaking from Cealan's ass.

"Hey Kliph, this whale's leaking worse than a broken faucet." The white rhino said with a snort before one of his hands took a blatant swipe over the cum streaked across the surface of the orca's inner thighs. The whale had been trying to hide it ever since his squirming had made him leak out his sharkmaster's gift, and the pressure from his thighs clenching together only made it more noticeable to the males abducting him now.

The gray rhino laughed and tightened his grip around the whale's sides before he leaned forwards to take a glance at the mess that was slowly growing now that the orca's legs were held spread.

"He must be a good fuck to have that much cum left in him..." The grey rhino, Kliph, responded. "Or at least be so easy that any male passing by can take a turn. Maybe he's not talking much because his throat and belly are full of the same mess his ass is, Clomp."

Cealan responded by trying to tug his legs closed with a silent whimper, giving a good bit of resistance suddenly as the rhinos toyed with him. Seeing the strong reaction from this sort of attention, the white rhino just grinned to himself and reached down to undo the button of his cargo pants. The fabric fell to the ground around his ankles just a moment later, and the now-nude mammal stepped against the side of the table. Strong, white arms gripped around either of Cealan's calves to tug the whale flat on his back. His face was left in front of Kliph's clothed groin and his ass pressed right up against a soft rhino dick that belonged to Clomp.

Kliph's paws moved to rest heavily on Cealan's shoulders, keeping him pinned with his weight while smirking his amusement.

"Looks like we won't even need to tie this bitch up, we'll keep him impaled from both ends far enough to spin him like a kabob over a fire." Kliph said with a menacing grin while glaring down at the whale's face from either side of his larger horn.

As Clomp began to grow hard, it was obvious these two males weren't kidding. The burly, white rhino was well over a foot long and four inches wide, and the sight of that dick was even more impressive as Clomp smeared some used cum from Cealan's ass over the tip and shaft of that meaty rhino-cock.

"Well since he's not going to talk, it looks like I'll have to fuck the answer out of him." Clomp said as he started to lewdly jerk himself from base to tip, the shark-seed leftover on his cock making lewd slurping and squelching noises as he aimed straight for Cealan's drooling tail-slit.

The whale's shoulders were soon freed, and he assumed the other rhino was just dropping his own pants to take his mouth. Even if he could slip away now, there was nowhere for him to go and no one to help him. Had his shark-masters abandoned him to be raped and used by some mindless rhinos? His eyes closed and a tear ran down the side of his beak as he felt the warm tip of Clomp's cock press to his rump, but the sudden sound of a muffled cry shook him from his defeated and submissive state.

Cealan looked straight up to see a shark-maw trapped around the shoulder and neck of the gray rhino. Due to the thick skin of the land-mammal, the shark's teeth could barely pierce the tough armor, leaving the rhino just squirming helplessly while he was held still. The markings and muscle of the shark made it obvious it was Darktide, who had jumped on the back of Kliph, cupped his mouth, and bit down with all his might into the rhino's shoulder.

The scent of kelp hit Cealan's nose next and he could see Kliph had been bound with those strong hands palm to palm where they'd been undoing the button to the gray rhino's pants. The snorts and grunts coming from the male made it obvious he was uncomfortable, but thanks to his thick hide he could probably barely feel the piercing teeth pressed through his flesh and keeping him from squirming too much.

The white rhino was no better off as the orca saw next, and the cock that was placed at his aft-slit stood still while Lurk immobilized the larger, white rhino. The tall, muscled shark didn't even need to bite this one, having no problem forcing Clomp's arms to his back before shoving his face downwards. Clomp's snout pressed right against the surprised whale's belly showing a sneer of displeasure as he snorted and squirmed against the kelp being tied around his wrists.

Lurk grabbed the back of Clomp's head and pressed it down against Cealan's belly, the force keeping the whale pinned down as well while another strand of kelp was wrapped from the rhino's wrists to neck. The shark let out a grunt as he tugged back hard, forcing Clomp's neck to lift up and back while the rhino gagged and struggled against his overly tight bonds. The sharks certainly knew how to do this sort of thing.

The familiar voice of Gerik was a soothing sound to be heard, and a palm reached to the side of Cealan's beak so a claw-tip could soothingly brush away the tear that had run down the whale's cheek.

"I told you not to worry, didn't I?" Gerik said down to the community cow before planting a soft kiss on Cealan's lips.

The whale returned that kiss deeply and passionately, and his eyes showed both his thanks and love for the shark as he just laid still. The tattooed shark winked and then stood up fully once again as he got back to the task at hand. He glanced over towards Lurk who was still keeping Clomp from struggling.

"Teach him why mammals shouldn't mess with shark property." Gerik told the tall shark while stepping closer and leaning over to rest a paw on the back of Clomps head. Lurk just smirked menacingly back towards his tribal brother.

"My pleasure..." Lurk growled into the side of Clomp's ear that twitched and moved about frantically trying to avoid the teeth grazing over his neck while the shark spoke. The rhino was growing uneasy, and Lurk knew it was due to the feeling of both his massive claspers lining themselves up right at the other male's ass.

The rhino's eyes went wide and he tried to struggle against his binds and captor, but his thighs were pinned against the table by Lurk's own, and his face was resting right over Cealan's belly with Gerik's paw keeping him held down securely.

"We were only kidding, man. I wasn't gonna do nothing to him, I swear!" Clomp cried out in protest. Neither Gerik nor Lurk were going to have any of that whining while the muscular shark was using this male's ass, and the land-mammal's snout was aimed straight for Cealan's leaking tail-slit by Gerik.

"Oh you're going to do something, bitch. Eat out the cow's ass and taste the cum you were going to dislodge with that puny fuck-tool you call a cock while Lurk shows you what a real pair of fuck-rods feel like." Gerik hissed into the side of Clomp's head, the rows of sharp teeth visible out of the corner of the rhino's eye. The sight made him cringe and try to turn his head away, but Gerik pressed the white rhino's lips hard right against Cealan's ass to forcefully smear the tribe's seed against the horn and face of the bound male.

Clomp's eyes then suddenly shot open as his ass was forcefully penetrated from behind. Lurk was rarely one for words, so he slid all fifteen inches of both claspers into the white rhino's ass in one smooth motion without more than a pleasured grunt.

The rhino was big, but even two girths of this size stretching him out made him cry out into the whale's ass. The pain from his rear was soon accompanied by a sharp sensation at the back of his head, reminding him of his task to tongue-fuck the used sharkcum right out of the orca's ass. Licking his recent prey's aft-slit was the last thing Clomp wanted to do, but with Gerik's palm pressed to the back of his head there was little choice. The rhino's smooth, red tongue slowly slid free from between his lips and traced over the little bit of shark-cum that had escaped. The flavor of that seed made him cringe, although he could tell it was a mixture of quite a few sharks.

Darktide, in the meantime, had been keeping his rhino still and forcing Kliph to watch as his fellow co-worker was being raped right in front of him. This smaller shark was obviously more sinister than the others and he whispered teasingly into Kliph's ear.

"You're just lucky you didn't get Lurk fucking you instead. Those dicks make even a good little cockslut like me swim crooked for days. That white rhino's ass will be stretched and seeping for some time once we're done with him. Not that yours will be any better off if you resist..." Darktide whispered demeaningly to Kliph, and the remarks made him cringe and open his mouth to retort.

As it turned out, Darktide had just been trying to get the gray rhino's mouth open without using his hands that were busy keeping him in place, and as soon as those lips parted to protest, the fish that Cealan carried in with him was jammed into the land-mammal's mouth. The fish made a surprisingly effective gag and the rhino was unable to do anything but muffle out his protests from then on.

Gerik turned to look as he heard the muffled sounds escaping Kliph, and with a smirk he helped Darktide drag the burly rhino around to the same side of the table Lurk and Clomp were on. Both sharks lightly kicked the back of the Kliph's knees so he was forced to kneel beside Lurk on the ground, and a strand of kelp placed around his neck and snout kelp him silent while also making the fish practically impossible to spit out. Kliph was now getting a close-up view of the other rhino's ass being painfully stretched by Lurk's dual endowments.

Another strand of kelp wrapped around Kliph's knees kept him from standing up, and he just bowed his head as much as he could to try and avoid the sight of his friend getting fucked so ruthlessly by Lurk's massive claspers. The suckling sounds being emitted from Clomp's tonguing were growing louder by the moment as well, most likely because Lurk had started thrusting base to tip, which in turn was grinding Clomp's face right up to Cealan's stretched, seed-soaked aft-slit.

Lurk was just getting warmed up as he pounded slowly and powerfully up against the undertail of the rhino, the muscular shark's claws holding tight to either of Clomp's sides while his pace slowly built up. He pierced right through the protective barrier of the thick, leathery white skin with his grip, and the tips of his claws held tightly within the other male's flesh while his claspers reamed out the constricting depths of the white rhino.

"Rrng... Feels as tight as your first time, Gerik..." Lurk said with a grunt of pleasure afterwards, and the rhino's struggling and tightness while getting assraped made it even more obvious that this was, in fact, Clomp's first time on bottom. Gerik walked around to get a good look at the rhino's face, and the twisted look of pained pleasure only made the punishment that much more satisfying.

"It's about time a stud like him was put in his place too." The sight had gotten Gerik quite aroused, but he was saving himself for the real prize after these two had gotten their just rewards. He was more than happy just watching the rhino eat the shark's own cum out from within their clasper-slut, and judging by the seed smeared all over Clomp's face, there were quite a few loads left inside the whale for him to devour.

Without the palm of the shark on his neck anymore, Clomp had tilted his head and forced his tongue within the whale. He'd obviously grown used to the flavor of the shark's fluid, but he still grunted and cringed while trying to focus on anything other then the claspers rearranging his bowels. The whale's dick began to slip free from its fore-slit, and the thick appendage bobbed against the top of Clomp's head alongside his horns while Cealan was tongue-fucked so thoroughly by the white rhino. The continuous and hard pace taken by Lurk into Clomp's ass was being felt on the orca's as well, and when Gerik stepped in to press his palm down against the whale's belly, a gush of shark-fluid poured out into Clomp's open maw. The rhino's mouth overfilled almost instantly, but thanks to a quick swallow that was more impulsive than wanted, Clomp took in a good bit more of fluid before having to swallow once again.

Each time the rhino did guzzle down a mouthful of sharkspunk, he cringed and tightened up his ass around Lurk by reflex which the shark definitely enjoyed. Lurk's claws sank in deeper while the claspers seemed to do likewise, always hitting the sensitive depths of Clomp's tunnel while he was used right in front of his gray friend. The grunts and moans of pleasure grew louder and more intense like the crashing of hips, and the shark eagerly impaled the burly rhino's ass with everything he had.

It'd been a while since the muscular shark had taken an ass this tight on land and with the extra grip a good foot-hold allowed, he was able to fuck harder and faster than usual. The increased pleasure was working its magic though, and Lurk's stamina was being eaten away quicker than usual while watching some of his brother's cum get eaten out from within the well-used whale.

The ferocity of Lurk's fucking grew intense right as one of Gerik's paws reached out to press down on Cealan's lower belly once again, forcing another gush of shark-sperm to splash out from within the whale's rump onto Clomp's face. A broad grin spread over the muscular shark's snout and he eagerly hammered his hips up to the white rhino's rear while the sharp tips of his claspers dragged along the tight inner walls of the virgin male he was defiling.

"Rrng... Twenty bucks says this cock-slut cums right as I do..." Lurk said finally, panting heavily between thrusts.

"That bitch's already popping." Darktide said with a smirk, watching as the white rhino's dick began to flex and slap against the underside of the table. It was embarrassingly clear to everyone both that Clomp couldn't take this anymore, but also that he was aroused beyond reason at being buttfucked so rough and quick that he couldn't even control it himself. There was no arguing with the fact that a male bulkier, stronger, and twice as hung as himself, ramming his cocks up the rhino's rearhole was about to make him orgasm right in front of everybody.

Darktide grabbed Kliph's head and kept it pointed towards the action, and Gerik leaned over to watch as well as that large rod of rhinoceros flesh suddenly exploded in a mess of male fluid splattering against the underside of the table, with his strangling gurgling as the only accompanying noise. Lurk could feel Clomp tighten up and he snapped his jaws into the air in a sign of dominance while fucking the climaxing male beneath him.

Lurks dual endowments were forcefully shoved right through the extreme tightness and with a final ramming, the muscular shark claimed the white rhino's guts. Clomp's entire body went tense, and his tongue shot as deep as possible into Cealan's ass while he was seeded forcefully from behind. The strength of each jet in his ass only made him gag and squirm messily since the cum soaking his throat and face was like a complete coating of paint. The pain from the sharp clasper-tips digging into his flesh and tying him to the dominant male made him shudder from head to toe in defeat, and his tongue finally receded from the whale while he let his head and neck sink in submission between Cealan's thighs.

The large shark just grinned menacingly while staying hilted within the rhino, and his snout angled down to watch Clomp squirm while his bowels were filled far beyond capacity. With both claspers keeping the land-mammal plugged, there was nowhere for the seed to go but deeper, and Lurk's face showed a sneer of discomfort from the pressure building within the burly rhino. It soon became too much for even the muscled shark, and a paw pressed down against Clomp's back to keep the land-mammal from shifting while Lurk unsheathed himself

Lurk quickly tugged both claspers out of Clomp's ass with a grunt and the pressurized cum poured out over the shark's groin and thighs like a tidal wave of viscous fluid. The rhino's ass felt the sharp sensation of the claspertips sliding backwards out of his canal and getting raked all along his inner walls, although that feeling was soon soothed by the pints of seed splashing through his visibly-distended tailhole. The discomfort in Clomp's eyes showed clearly, as a tear of both pleasure and pain ran down the side of his snout, having been defiled so easily right at his own work-place.

Kliph had just been forced to watch his friend get raped right in front of him, pretty much the fate they had planned for the whale in the first place. Gerik used the opportunity to speak to the second 'prisoner'. His words were relaxed and casual, although his tone was deep and strongly accented due to his underwater heritage.

"I'm sure neither you nor your friend here want to be left bound, gagged, and well-fucked all night for the morning crew to find tomorrow. How about you cooperate and avoid that very demeaning experience?" Gerik asked of Kliph with a smirk.

The bound rhino's eyes were wide as he watched his friend in such an arousing but forced predicament, and when Gerik spoke he could only nod his head and comply. He knew the sharks were in control and if his boss found out what had happened, there was a good chance both of them would be kept bound while the rest of the rhino pack got a chance to teach them a lesson.

"Good..." Replied Gerik and soon both him and Darktide lifted up Kliph onto the table. They rolled the male over onto his back and the rhino's hands stayed bound right over his very bulged pants.

"Looks like he enjoyed the show. We should give him a chance on stage for his buddy." Darktide said while gazing over towards Gerik, although Lurk shoved Gerik aside to step over to where Kliph's bound snout lay.

Without a word, the muscled shark grabbed a clasper and cock-slapped the side of Kliph's snout. He only said one word, but it was obvious Lurk was far from finished with these two as a single claw of his ripped the strand of kelp keeping the grey rhino's snout bound. Another cock-slap helped dislodge the fish in the gray rhino's mouth and he spat it out on the floor between Lurks feet.

"Open." Lurk said, the command clear and demanding as he glared down at the rhino. Kliph thought their own species had a pretty good, intimidating gaze, but this one made even him whimper and immediately open his mouth. Lurk shoved one of his dicks into the waiting maw, but he left just the tip resting on Kliph's tongue so the rhino could get a good taste of the seed that had claimed his friend's ass so recently.

Kliph seemed much more accustomed to taking cock than the other rhinoceros and he eagerly closed his lips around the cock to begin suckling. Lurk's eyes lidded and he stepped forwards to slide that clasper right in to the hilt. The large shark's groin mashed up against Kliph's lips, and the suckling didn't slow one bit as the rhino's throat was filled with solid shark-cock.

"Mm... This one's a bit more eager than his tight friend..." Lurk commented, smirking to himself as he let the bound rhino work him over with a talented tongue and deep throat.

Clomp's eyes were open, but they were unfocused as he just laid with his head between the orca's thighs. His brain seemed to have been overwhelmed when he was used by the shark, and he laid awake but motionless during his forced afterglow. With his arms bound, his ass distended and pouring out sharkcum, and his face soaked in used sharkcum, there wasn't much for him to do but lay still and hear his friend eagerly taking one of the cocks that had fucked him.

With Kliph on his back on the fish-cutting table sucking away at Lurk, Darktide stepped around to the rhino's rump, and with a few ripping slashes of his claws through the fabric of the rhino's clothes to get him naked, he prepared to take a turn in the land-mammals fuck-canal. He tugged Kliph's legs over his shoulders and began grinding his groin lewdly up against that warm, rugged hide while his claspers positioned themselves to enter.

Kliph gave a contented 'mmm' of lust while guzzling down Lurk's sharkdick through his throat, and it was obvious he was enjoying himself as Darktide's manageable claspers began sinking into his ass. Since the rhino was complying, the youngest shark took his time entering and using the gray rhino, and the sensation was made even more enjoyable by the fact he'd used some of Lurk's cum from Clomp's ass to lube up his shafts first.

The gray rhino's gaze was locked onto Lurk's thighs as they stayed pressed against the tip of his upside-down snout, and the largest horn nuzzled along the inside of the large shark's legs while he swallowed and suckled on the cock like a professional clasper-sheath. His eyes even lidded while being used from both ends, and he made no attempt to undo his binds while being used so lewdly at his own workplace.

The three fucking on the table barely noticed as Gerik brushed his paw along Cealan's chest and belly, and before long the shark and orca were making out lustfully while watching Lurk, Kliph, and Darktide romping right next to them out of the corner of their eyes. The subtle sounds of wet lips together mixed well with the sound of Darktide's hips grinding right up against Kliph's rear, and both claspers slurped extremely lewdly thanks to Lurk's viscous fluid smearing along the rhino's hot insides.

"This one's guts are practically made for claspers... It's.. Perfect...!" Darktide said to his brothers with a loud groan. Broad grins spread over his audience while he began thrusting smoothly and demandingly right through Kliph's passage. Gerik's younger brother didn't have the stamina Lurk did, so he kept his pace slow at first while he watched the rhino's throat tense and squeeze around the massive rod of flesh pressing through it.

Darktide could even feel the rhino trying to squeeze and milk his claspers while using him. This wasn't as forced as it looked at first sight, since Kliph would probably be begging for Darktide to go faster if his mouth wasn't so full of cock. Kliph loved taking it up the tail for his co-workers and friends, having a good reputation for his natural 'abilities' among the entire work-force. He knew what the sharks wanted, and that they would go much easier on him if he pleased them like a good cock-slut should. The youngest shark loved watching the burly male squirm beneath him while his cocks were both worked over in unison by that muscled ass, and his jaws hung open while he fucked the larger male smoothly and rhythmically.

Lurk was obviously enjoying the rhino's throat too, but he needed more. His hands reached down to grasp either side of Kliph's head with his thumbs pressed to the front of the rhino's neck while his fingers wrapped around beneath that thick snout to the bridge of Kliph's muzzle. He squeezed just enough to keep those jaws tight before he began muzzle-fucking the just-as-eager, upside-down rhinoceros snout, the slurping noises growing louder while the muscular shark's body grew tense. His other clasper rubbed wetly against the male's snout and smeared its cum-coating off on the side of his face while Lurk went at it.

Gerik smirked at the sight of his two tribal brothers impaling the slutty rhino on both ends, and he leaned in to whisper to their community cow.

"Since our prey's being a good sport, use your ass to show how we reward sluttiness..." He whispered to the orca, whose eyes suddenly went wide. The grin that spread over Cealan's eager beak made it impossible to hide his excitement, and he carefully moved his legs to avoid nudging Clomp from his climactic haze.

Cealan reached over with both hands to brush away the tattered remains of the rhino's pants, although it was a bit tough with the rhino always getting nudged back and forth between the two eager males. The massive rhino-dick flopping around soon grabbed the whale's full attention, though, practically hypnotizing him while pre-fluid drooled down onto the rugged hide of the dick's owner. The whale's hands slowly reached out for that monster, and he unconsciously licked his lips as he grasped the meaty appendage and stroked it slowly and lewdly. Cealan's slutty side couldn't withstand temptation much longer, and he eagerly stood up on the table with a foot resting on either side of the rhino's waist.

Due to the slickness of the fish-oil staining the table, Cealan slipped while lining himself up and that massive cock suddenly sank balls-deep in his distended, saliva-soaked aft-slit. The orca cried out his pleasure as he was filled to the brim with rhino-cock. The feeling of this species' cock was new to him, and his paws reached down to grip the rugged, smooth pecs of the male he was impaled upon. The texture felt less slick and smooth than a shark's clasper, almost like a leather coated rock getting shoved up into his guts with how hard the rhino was.

Cealan could only try to keep from moaning lewdly while the male beneath him rocked from front to back with Lurk's and Darktide's incessant fucking, but he failed miserably every few seconds. It felt like he was riding a mechanical bull as he tried to lift and lower himself, although his moans were soon silenced by Gerik's claspers that were forcefully shoved right down the whale's beak.

Gerik had climbed up onto the table in front of the whale and unceremoniously slid his dicks right into the community cow's throat. Standing on top of the table this way made it easy for the tattooed shark to grab Cealan's head and begin face-fucking the whale, and the contented moans of pleasure were drowned out with the rest escaping the 5-male orgy going down on the cutting table.

When Lurk's eyes opened to see what was going on, all he saw was Gerik's tail lifted up in front of his face to give him a good view of Cealan's beak and throat getting fucked while the orca rode the rhino's impressive erection. The sight made him groan, and he tensed up to fight off the climax that almost overwhelmed him. The large, muscular shark quickly recovered, but his thrusting grew extremely vigorous and quick while muzzle-fucking the bound rhinoceros. He couldn't help but lean forward and press his snout between Gerik's thighs, partially to get a close-up view of the action, but also to slide his tongue along his tribal brother's taint to tease and taste the sensitive flesh covering his fellow shark's internal scrotum.

Darktide was busy keeping his steady, consistent pace in Kliph's ass, but his eyes couldn't help but wander downwards right where Cealan's ass was getting spread by that massive, ebony rhino-dick. His grin spread even wider as his breath grew deep, and he couldn't hold back from all-out fucking that warm, tight ass surrounding his claspers after seeing their community cow servicing Kliph like this.

The intense pounding against Kliph's ass had the rhino letting out muffled groans into the muscular shark's groin. He couldn't take the constant pleasure being forced upon him, and that dick impaling Cealan soon began to shudder and flex. There was no way for the rhino to hold back the impending climax and he just squirmed in his bonds while his eyes shut tightly. With a massively hung shark-dick plowing his throat, two good-sized claspers claiming his ass, and now an orca bouncing on his groin while undulating back and forth, the rhino's body convulsed and quivered before his own gargantuan member swelled and burst forth with a wave of his hot essence.

Cealan's eyes went wide just prior to a loud groan of pleasure escaping into the tattooed shark's groin, and the sensation of being filled so thoroughly in his recently tongue-fucked guts had him tense up and go still instantly. The rhino's dick crammed up his ass fired off what seemed like gallons of seed, filling him way past full which made his belly noticeably swell out from the massive amount of cum.

Kliph's climax triggered Darktide's within moments as well and the younger shark's stamina broke away completely as he cried out his lust. Darktide's claspers kept getting hammered back and forth through that clenching rhino-ass while the young shark seeded the warm tunnel. This shark may have been small, yet his load was anything but, as Kliph soon felt. His guts were practically flushed with that warm, viscous fluid. The insistent thrusting kept any pressure from building though, and as soon as the rhino filled up, the leftover fluid began gushing out over Darktide's groin and thighs.

The youngest shark swiftly pulled out completely from Kliph's ass and let the rest of his release splash over Cealan's back all the way up to the dorsal fin. He felt compelled to mark their seabitch once again with a lot of sharkspooge. Darktide grinned at the sight and reached forward to rub it onto the whale's rubbery flesh a bit before stepping around to watch Gerik and Lurk continue working over their respective maws.

Lurk's pace had stayed insistent and demanding, but even he was beginning to approach his peak. Darktide always knew when his oldest brother was going to cum, although anyone probably could with as much experience as this shark had underneath his siblings. The younger shark stayed silent while watching though, silently egging on the muscular shark so he could watch the rhino's throat bulge with seed.

Darktide's wish soon came true as Lurk grunted out finally, and Kliph's throat suddenly swelled and then contracted as he swallowed down the first shot of shark-cum. The rhino's swallowing couldn't keep up though, and after only the third shot, white fluid began pouring out from the gray male's lips about as fast as it was being injected.

Even Lurk's second climax was literally enough to choke a rhino, although judging by the look on both Lurk's and Kliph's faces, neither wanted it any other way. The muscled shark just pressed his groin right up to the grey rhino's lips and stayed hilted while jet after jet force-fed the viscous warmth.

Lurk's climax had hit especially hard and like all sharks, he needed something to bite in this feral state. He looked forward at Gerik's shapely rump with blood-shot eyes and opened his jaws to snap at his brother's ass, the sharp teeth gripping tightly to one of his rump-cheeks. Gerik's eyes shot open and the intense sensation made him growl out in both pleasure and pain, although the slightly delayed effect became apparent as soon as Cealan's beak bulged with the tattooed shark's sperm.

Pint after pint of Gerik's cum shot into the orca's beak, although the community cow didn't lose a drop; he just swallowed like a pro. He made sure the tips of the claspers sank into his throat and stayed there so all he had to do was help plunge his master's essence down into his belly. Gerik looked down to watch the cow guzzle down his milk, and the sight of every last drop shooting right into the whale's throat made him grin nice and wide, even if his ass was being nibbled upon by his demanding, older brother.

Lurk finally let out a sigh of release as his climax faded and he slowly slid his dick out from the rhino's throat. Kliph's eagerness to please was shown when his tongue flicked out to pick up the last few drops of seed that were still dripping from that massive shark-cock, although the rhino's entire body soon went limp as the ordeal eventually came to an end. He was lost in a daze similar to his fellow bouncer who was still deep in an afterglow coma, bound, on his knees and with his head on the table. Although contrary to him, Kliph was wearing a grin plastered all over his messy lips that showed just how much he had enjoyed it as he lay out in a relaxed state on the table.

Gerik's climax lasted for quite a bit longer and when Lurk's teeth finally let go of his ass, the tattooed shark slowly pulled both of his claspers back to rest the tips against Cealan's tongue. The orca could handle the fading flow easily and he licked right over the sensitive tips of Gerik's claspers to get the seed fresh from the source. When the shark finally drew away completely, Cealan let out some lewd slurps as he swallowed down every last bit of cum that was left in his beak. He then grinned upwards and opened his beak wide for Gerik to show it was clean.

Gerik reached down to cup the side of Cealan's beak affectionately, brushing his claws along the rubbery flesh while inspecting inside the whale's maw.

"Well done, Cow. You learn quickly..." he said in a congratulatory tone down towards the whale.

Cealan was about to respond, but the rhino's softening dick suddenly popped audibly from his ass with a gush of seed spilled free afterwards. The whale was left speechless and just grinned sheepishly while he tried to close up his distended aft-slit.

Gerik just smirked and stepped down from the table to leave the two rhinos bound and fucked, although from the looks of Cealan, he wouldn't be going anywhere for a while either. The tattooed shark looked around for a clock and saw it was almost 10 PM, so no-one would be around for a while yet.

"We will unbind the gray one and let him go. The white one needs a little lesson in humility..." Gerik said to his fellow sharks.

Darktide was already stepping over towards the front of Clomp while eagerly stroking his recently spent claspers, although judging by how hard they were, he still had a few romps left in him.

In the meantime, Gerik undid Kliph's binds and gave the exhausted rhino a pat on the rump.

"You're free to go, but you're also free to stay a little while longer..." He said in a seductive and soothing tone to the gray rhino.

Kliph's maw showed a broad smirk and his dick hardened swiftly once again as he slowly sat up. He glanced over at his bound co-worker and grabbed his own hefty erection after he slid off the table and stood on his feet again.

"I've wanted to fuck the boss' son into next week for ages..." Kliph said, and the sharks all smirked just as menacingly as the gray rhino did.

Cealan's dick bounced in arousal, having been fucked by a tongue and a massive rhino-cock already he was looking around for some release of his own. Gerik's presence was soon felt behind the orca, and the whale began to turn before two arms grabbed around his chest and held him close.

"Don't worry, dear... I didn't forget you. I've got something special in mind for you. Follow me..." Gerik whispered into the side of Cealan's head from over his shoulder and then let him go again. He didn't know what Gerik had in mind, but he wasn't about to ask any questions. As the whale turned, he saw Gerik's tail disappear into a pitch-black room, and he shot one last glance over the others getting into position for their own fun before he dutifully followed the shark.

One thing was for sure - it was going to be a long night for all of them.

The End.

Cealan's character is (C) Cealan. The orca's ass has been used with permission... once again.

Shady Entanglement

Deep Ties - Chapter 1 - Shady Entanglement Story by Gerik and Cealan as a co-authored piece. * * * Cealan was a bit nervous about the first day of work as an independent fisherman, and he hoped he'd get his sea-legs rather quickly as...

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Squeaky clean (Part IV)

/\* A somewhat short continuation right after part III. Lots of sex, and as always, feedback(Or constructive criticism) is appreciated. I really enjoyed writing this one, and tried to make it enjoyable and fun to read.\*/ * * * "Now it's your...

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Meet the Orca's (Part III)

/\* A continuation directly after part 2, should be good fun. As always, I appreciate your comments or critiquing, so please leave feedback after you clean up. This one does have sex, and I hope you enjoy. /\* I slid my snout lightly along the...

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