A Heart from the Shadows #1

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#1 of A Heart from the Shadows


Comments are Always Welcomed.

The year is 1385 AD a great war has ravaged the land for the last forty years. All that remains of the resistance is a company of rouge men, deserters, mercenaries, and seasoned veterans. They're the only ones who stand in the way of the Flame King's reign. This war has cost so many innocents to lose their lives. Those who have survived tunneled underground to await the end of this unholy war.

I'm the captain of the Shroud Fang Platoon it consists of me and twelve others. Each member possesses a unique skill along with special fighting styles. It's been hard on my troops and I but, we continue to push forward. Hoping that our battles will help bring an end to this war. I'm wishing I can send them home to their awaiting families. The way things have been lately it doesn't look like we're going anywhere. Over the course of the night we were on patrol of the local area. Making sure nothing was out of the ordinary.

So I had my platoon split into squads of three then had them scout around the town. They stationed themselves at each of the town's entrances as lookouts. While I remained at the city center watching the comings and goings of the townsfolk. Until the mayor approached me he didn't say anything just acknowledged me and left. It seemed strange but, giving this mess I can't say that I blame his suspicions. As the day went on things seemed very calm something told me that would change. The only thought going through my head was when.

"Captain Sai, here's my report for you, sir." Janis said approaching me. "Thank, you ensign is there anything unusual to report since you're here?" I replied turning to face her. "Nothing sir but, it has me worried though." She stated. "You're not the only one go check on the others before returning to your post understood." I ordered. "Yes, sir at once." She said, taking her leave. After a while she returned with the rest of the platoon reports then left for her post.

"Captain, I have news from headquarters." Draco informed running over. After he gave it to me I quickly looked over what was written on the scroll. Once I finished it I was relieved with the fact we would be going home. "Tell, everyone to fall in at the center of town." I commanded. "Yes, sir." He replied running to carry out my order. Ten minutes later my whole platoon arrived per my orders. They quickly formed rank and eagerly awaited what news I received.

"What's the good news sir?" Yaneri asked stepping forward. "Relax, give me a moment to finish reading. Well, it looks like we're going home for but, we have to wait for our relief. They should be here shortly we'll move out the second they're situated. I don't want the enemy coming here to say hello so stay on the lookout." I stated. "Yes, Sir!" They replied returning to their posts. Once they returned to their stations I waited for the platoon sent to permanently guard the town.

"I see everything is in order here Captain. Care to fill me in on everything?" The mayor wondered as he stopped next to me. "Its orders mayor we will be returning home. Though another platoon should be arriving shortly to protect this town for a good while. Please, show them the same respect you have shown my troops and I." I replied. "Of course Captain you have my word. Well, I hope the gods grant you safe passage home." He smiled, as he walked away. The noon time sun had passed and still no sign of our relief.

"Captain, the platoon has been spotted they should be here within the hour, sir." Fig reported. "Thank you corporal anything else to report?" I replied. "No, sir that's it." He said. "Hold on have, Sergeant Draco and Ensign Janis meet them half way you go with them. I'll gather everyone else here at the center of town for when they arrive." I ordered. "Sir." He said, and then went right to work. "The boy is so eager to prove his worth. It does my heart good to see such devotion. If he keeps that up he'll make a great officer then an amazing leader one day." I mumbled as a smiled came to my face.

It only took them forty five minutes to enter the town square where I was waiting. "Sorry, we're so late getting here we ran into a bit of trouble along way." Lieutenant Jonas reported. "What kind of trouble Lt.?" I asked. "It was a small scout troop which we handled, sir." He replied. "Did you scout the surrounding areas for additional enemy troops?" I wondered. "Yes, sir we didn't see anyone but, we hung back for a few hours to make sure." He stated. "Good, then I leave these townsfolk in your hands don't let, Calieo down, Shroud Fangs let's move out." I ordered as I saluted him. The lieutenant saluted back then my platoon headed home.

We spent the next four days traveling back to the Calieo fortress. It's a most impressive sight from the outside. It's one of the last great fortresses left besides the one belonging to the Flame Legion. Halfway from home I decided to let my troops rest and get something to eat. I went to find a secluded spot for myself but, stayed within earshot. This was something I always did most great leaders can observe more when left alone. While my troops were relaxing I spent my time wondering how much longer will this war continue. I'm know that I can't be the only one thinking this very notion.

(Meanwhile in the world of death.)

"Morning, father how are you?" Nepheri asked entering the throne room. "Daughter where have you been, it's not like you to go out without telling me. So what are you up to my dear child?" He wondered looking directly at her. "I was just watching the mortals father that's all." She replied with a smile. "When are you going to realize you can't lie to me, now telling me the truth?" He stated smiling back.

"Father, I have fallen in love with a special mortal." She said. "Really, who is it, now that you've perked my curiosity." He remarked. She walked over picked up a crystal ball then brought it over to her father. Once she cast the spell to activate the ball it began glowing. The image of the man she had fallen for appeared before them.

"Is this him daughter he's got quite the reputation?" He wondered glancing at her. "Yes, father I know all about him he's a true gentlemen, never done anything wrong." She replied. "I take you want me to end his life so you can be together." He stated. "No, his life will end soon I was hoping instead of allowing him to enter the heavens. Have him brought here I feel he can be of great use in the future." She said.

"You maybe onto something he does seem to have great potential. Very well, when his time comes his soul will be brought here along with his body. This way you can have him as a personal guard or whatever your heart decides." He smiled. She jumped into her fathers arms then went to get her self all groomed for his arrival.

(Back at the campsite)

"Captain here's some fresh cooked meat for you, sir." Willits said, handing it to me. "Thanks, go return to camp I would like some privacy." I replied, as he walked away. After about three hours we packed up and continued home. Everyone was excited at the fact we're headed home after being away for two years. I couldn't wait to be in the arms of my loving, Ephrael. She must be thrilled to know that I was returning home. I have a feeling she might be waiting at the main gates.

The rest of the way home was rather quiet despite what's going on elsewhere in the world. After the next three days the fortress came into sight. Naturally everyone was giddy being so close to home. Including myself but, there was still a day's trip left until we reached the gates. I decided to travel nonstop which would take us twelve hours to get there. That was all the motivation they needed to pick up the pace.

It took us about ten hours to arrive at the main gates before the order guards stopped us. "State, your business here or turn back." He replied stepping forward. "I am Captain Sai Reid, commander of the Shroud Fang Platoon. We have orders from command and we are request safe passage inside." I replied, showing my crest. "Forgive, me Captain just me a moment to send word." He said flagging the master gate guard. The gatekeepers began to open the gates which takes time to open. So we waited patiently after twenty minutes the gates opened completely.

As we walked inside the walls the gates began closing behind us. My troops were getting antsy but, they couldn't leave until I said so. "Sadly, I can't allow you to leave just yet. We need to report in first before doing anything else." I pointed out. I could see that everyone was upset but, they understood. It wouldn't take me long to report to our superiors. Once we got to the main tent I ordered my troops wait outside. On the off chance we had to report elsewhere in the country. I would wait a couple of days before leaving this way we could spend time with loved ones.

While I went inside to report, my team sat outside. "Captain Sai, welcome home first off. Things have been quite interesting for us while you've been away." General Oliver said, as I saluted him. "How so general it can't have been all that bad?" I replied. "Let me bring you up to speed, captain. Before I say anything first, please go dismiss your troops." He ordered. "Yes, General." I said as I walked back outside. The second I did they scattered like I've never seen before. Though I couldn't help but, smile as they all went home.

"You have my full attention, general what's going on?" I wondered standing back in front of him. "Nothing, good I'm afraid the legion has pushed south from its last known position. They seem to be concentrating their forces the council has come up with the idea that they may be heading here. The only thing that concerns me is when they plan on striking." He stated, rubbing his brow. "Have you prepared a counter offensive yet, general?" I wondered. "I'm not sure how to handle this it's hard given the situations all over." He replied.

"If I can make a suggestion, sir." I said. "Please, I'll take any ideas right now so go ahead, captain." He stated. "How many people are currently living here?" I asked. "About 2,575 women and children are living Most of men that live here are stationed at our borders. There are about 1,460 permanent soldiers here not including your platoon." He informed. "That might be enough if I know the size of the enemy. If my hunch is correct about them they prefer fighting on equal terms. Especially when they learn of the enemy's actually size and strength. So I think if my platoon were to go fight them on our own. They might send the same amount of troops to fight us." I stated.

"Granted, your troops just got here give them some time to rest. They deserve it after being away for two years. If I'm not mistaken there's someone waiting to see you as well. Why don't you spend a few days resting then I'll call the council to order. This way you can discuss this idea with them. Until then I'll keep my ears open for any change from the enemy, dismissed captain." He stated. I saluted him then went on my way hoping she was waiting up.

When I got to my home, as I walked into the living room. To my surprise she was fast asleep in her chair, so left her alone. I went into the living room to remove my armor without making noise. After awhile I cleaned up, made myself some food then sat down. I fell asleep in the chair it wasn't until I felt someone watching me. "Hello, my dear how long have you been there?" I wondered opening my eyes. "Not long my love when did you get home?" Ephrael replied sitting in my lap. "Five hours ago when I came in you were sleeping." I smiled hugging her.

That made everything I've been through the last two years vanish. "How long will you be home for love? I'd like to have you around for a while. There's something only you can give me I'd like to have that if you're up for it." She smiled. She didn't have to ask me twice it was normal for an engaged couple. We decided to wait until the war had ended to get married. Just to avoid any bad omens or in case something happened to me in the field.. Besides it would be something I had to look forward to once this war was over.

A couple of hours went by suddenly there was a knock at the door. Neither of us were dressed, so I threw something on quick and answered the door. "Hello, captain your presence is needed at the council hall." The courier replied then he left. "Who was that my love? Please don't tell me you're leaving again." She replied as I closed the door. "Nothing, just the council wants to speak with me. They probably want to know what's been going on. I had better put something proper clothes on before I leave. Relax I'll be home in a few hours okay. I love you." I said kissing her.

This was going to be the first time if ever gone there normally I just speak with my commanders. I wonder if my idea made any kind of sense to them. The only thing I can do right now is hope for the best. As I arrived at the craftsmanship of the doors and it was impressive. Pushing the doors open I proceeded to walk inside. Sentries on the other side closed the door quietly behind me. There was no turning back now lets get this over with before they change their minds. I took a deep breath, held it and kindly found a place to sit.

"Captain Sai, first off welcome home I hope your time away was pleasant." Councilman Creed said as I saluted them. "It was difficult for me and my troops to be away from home, sir. Is this a briefing for a new assignment that's my troops and I need to travel to?" I replied curiously. "No, captain the reason why you're summoned is you mentioned an idea to the general. Is that true Captain Sai?" Councilwoman Evelyn stated. "Yes, I do is there recent info on the enemy's recent movements?" I asked.

"As you wish captain have someone bring the latest reports." She replied. A short time later a squire came in with a scroll with this morning's reports. As I began reading the scroll about halfway through it the scroll hit the floor. "This Can't Be! The king sent him oh, great they're not playing around this time." I replied. "I take it you know who leading their forces." Councilman Foley remarked. "Yes, I do his name is, Commander Marcus Helios. We've crossed paths several times since I joined the service. He's a brilliant tactician along with a master swordsman. I've hoped for another chance to settle the score once and for all." I pointed out.

"You'll get your chance Captain but, before you leave to get ready. There's one other matter that needs to be addressed. Please, come stand before us, we have something to reward your years of service and valor." Councilwoman Tamara said. I got up from my seat to approach the council members. General Oliver walked over to me holding a sword and handed it to me. Naturally I pulled it from the sheath and inspected it closely. The sword was extremely light but, this sword felt familiar to me. Almost as if I held this weapon before.

"I take it this sword is familiar to you?" Creed wondered noticing my reaction to it. "Yes, sir it is I can't explain why but, I've held this weapon before. I know the sword is a broadsword these are usually used by swordsman who've mastered dual blades." I replied, placing it back into the sheath. "Now the time has come for the rest of your reward." Evelyn said. "Yes, please give us your captain's crest first and take this. You are here by promoted to, Major. You're also being put in charge of the counter offensive against our enemy." Foley replied.

I took everything they gave me saluted then left to go spend time with my love. Tomorrow I would begin making preparations against the advancing enemy. When I arrived home a squire was packing up my old armor. Another was assembling the new armor given to me by the council. "Leave my old armor alone and put new away please. Store the new armor in the closet by the kitchen. If I'm going into battle I'll do so in an armor that I'm familiar with." I ordered. "Of course major we were only following orders sent by, General Oliver." They stated.

"I'm aware of that but, he should know better that I built this armor myself I won't part with it." I pointed out. Once my old armor was placed back on its stand the squires left peacefully. "I like the new armor from what they said it was made from a special metal. They feel it would serve you just as well as this one has over the years dear." Ephrael smiled. "I know being away for so long this armor is a part of me so its tough parting with it." I replied.

"As you wish my dear but, at least try it on to see if it fits. Unless you're planning on wearing it for our wedding." She said. "That's what I was planning on besides it's too formal for combat anyway. So I'll wear it on the day of our wedding my love." I said. "When did you get that sword did it come with the promotion?" She wondered pointing at it. "Yes, the funny thing is I've used something like this just can't recall from where. Though I can't explain from where." I replied, placing it near my armor.

She walked over picked the sword and looked over carefully. "This sword it's a two into one isn't it?" She asked placing back down. "Yes, it's quite rare if I'm not mistaken. It leaves me with a lot of unanswered questions." I pointed out. "What ever the reasons you deserve it my love. Let's go for a pleasant walk it'll do us some good. She insisted. We spent the entire day together arm in arm. Until she dragged me to the bazaar for things we needed at home.

Normally, she'd ask one of our friends to help her carry everything. Since I was home I was given that job as long as she's happy I didn't mind. Once she got everything she needed we went home. When we got there one my soldiers was waiting patiently for me. From the look on her face she must have had quite the fight with her spouse. So we walked over to see what exactly happened.

"Janis, what's wrong is everything alright?" I asked placing my hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry for coming over announced but, I needed to get away." She replied. "Come on in and tell us everything." I said. She helped me put everything we bought away and sat down with me in the study. "Where do I begin so much has happened since we've been away? When I walked in my husband married my sister. I couldn't believe he'd do that it's not right I was needed by, Calieo. He promised that he'd wait for me but, I guess two years was too much." She informed.

"Than he doesn't deserve you if he can't keep his word. Let it go Janis he's not worth getting upset over. If he can't be faithful to you than you're a lot better off without him." Ephrael replied. "Stay here as long as you like until you get back on your feet. You're welcome to the guest room I'll go with you later on. This way you can gather all of your belongings, alright." I stated. "Thank you, I don't know how to repay you for kindness." She said. While she relaxed inside I stepped out to get the carriage ready for later on.

(Elsewhere at the Flame Legion's current base of operations.)

"Commander Helios, I bring news that you might like to know." A soldier replied entering the tent. "Hand it to me then leave." He ordered. After him the scroll the soldier quickly took his leave. As he read the scroll the info written on it made him smile. It was the one thing that's kept him up most nights. Waiting for the opportunity to face his rival on the battle field one last time. "Captain, come in here at once." He stated with a loud tone. "Yes, sir what is it?" He asked entering the tent.

"Prepare, to move out in two days time, we're going to strike at our enemy's heart." He stated. The captain left to do as he was told. Helios got his best weapons and armor ready for the upcoming battle. This battle will be a great one considering his extensive military career. His rival would be the only threat to his plans. So he needed to get rid of him but, it wasn't an easy task. That wouldn't easy considering his each time they faced each they were equal.

For the next two days he had to come up with some kind of plan. To not only crush his rival but, the enemy forces. It was going to take everything he had to win this. So he had to make sure this plan would have to be flawless. The enemy was crafty so he needed to take that into account given his rival's own experiences. So he spent a good while coming up with several plans. Before he had a stroke of genius and set to work writing it out step by step.

"Commander, everything is being prepared as you ordered, sir. Is there anything else you need me to do?" The captain wondered reentering the tent. "Nothing right this moment go tell the soldiers to get plenty of rest. I want them at full strength for when we move out, understood." He replied. "Sir." He said taking his leave. "Now, my rival let this be our final battle." He smiled. The rest of night went peacefully, at daybreak they marched towards, Calieo.

(In the world of death)

"Things are finally coming to fruition father, is everything ready for his arrival?" Nepheri wondered entering the study. "Yes, my dear I finished just a while ago now. All you have to do is watch and wait now, daughter." He replied. "Do you think he'll approve of this arrangement?" She wondered. "Only time will tell my daughter so, please be patient. I'm sure he'll understand when he arrives so relax." He said. As she went to leave then stopped to ask one more question. "Before I forget do you think he'll change or stay human?" She asked.

"To my knowledge he should remain human though I can stand corrected. Considering it has happened twice since I was put in charge down here. I don't think it will happen to him but, if does it'll mean he has a higher purpose. My brothers and sisters don't think he's anything special but, you believe. That's all that matters to me now go get his room ready, okay. This way when he comes he'll be brought there." He replied. Nepheri, trotted away trying contain her excitement as she left the study. He couldn't help but, smile to see her so happy.

"Which room should I get ready, maybe the room across from mine. This way he's close by I can go right over without going all over the place. I wonder what he's like in person, I hope he likes me. It's not going to be easy telling him what happened after his death. He does have the right to know everything that happened after his passing." She muttered. She began cleaning the room hoping nothing changed in the living world. It was going to be torture if she had to wait for any longer.

While she got the room ready for him she knew things would be tough at first. She already knew he wasn't going to accept her at least right away. She figured if she's patient just taking the time to talk with him. He would permit her to bond with him then get closer. It might take some time which they would have plenty of here. The only she hoped for that it wouldn't backfire. This is the first person she has ever felt this way about since she came of age. So it's been hard trying finding the right man that her dad would approve of.

Her father knew that she'd fall in love but, not this soon. So he was going to make sure that everything went smoothly. Knowing that his daughter doesn't understand the concept of courting but, she'll learn. Hoping he could convince her to sit still long enough to be taught everything. She reminded him so much of her mother it was scary. Before she unfortunately disappeared one night many centuries ago when she was little. He understands the position she's in all to well. So it was fun to be around to see it happen for his daughter.

To be Continued.

A Heart from the Shadows #2

(Back at the Calieo stronghold) During the course of the night things were rather restless for everyone. This battle might decide the very fate of the war and a lot folks could feel it. The rest of the people had mixed feelings about this whole war....

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