My Anubis

Story by Zer0DarkPheonix on SoFurry

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My Anubis

Chapter 1

My Anubis


A/N: Well, pretty much I just wanted to write a generic yiff story. Nothing special, it is just something to pass the time and try to improve my skills. Originally I was gonna make a joke about how female hyenas genitals are so enlarged that they look like guys, but it didn't look any good when it came out so I dropped that and extended the story.

Please comment on this one, if you decide to read it.



Anubis. That's my name. My nickname, at least. I got this name when I was the only kid in school who was a Jackal; a black one at that. It started in the sixth grade when we learned a little bit about ancient Egyptian civilization. Ever since then everybody expected a lot from me. They expected me to be large and strong, like how the war stories depict him: A juggernaut of a beast who welds a dagger and a cane, who would slaughter all who opposed him and not think twice about it. They expected me to be smart, with the potential to unite a broken nation. Also, and I never liked this part about the real Anubis, they all thought I would share his strange fixation with the deceased. Fuck them; I may be skinny and short, afraid of death, but I am the best light-weight wrestler in our county.

Doesn't sound like a big accomplishment, but I think it is. Right now I'm in the wrestling room with my other light weight buds. It's the beginning of the season and I am stuck with the joy of tenderizing the fresh meat. Class hasn't started yet but Jackie, the only female wrestler in the state and a really ugly mutt, Taji, my closest friend and the only snake in the city, and I were in our singlet uniforms and standing at the mirror end of the thin rectangular room, our game faces on. Well, Taji was coiled up, considering he doesn't have any legs. Still, though, with our game faces on we stared down the entire squad of freshmen who were goofing around on the other side of the room. We left out a couple of volley-balls for them to hit one another with, which they did with very childish glee. Looking up at the clock told me it was 3:00pm. I blew my whistle and startled the freshmen.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? It's three, line up around the circle!" It took a second for a few of the intelligent kids to get everybody lined-up around the circle, facing in. The three of us varsity wrestlers maneuvered our way into the center. "Remember, when I say circle up I want you all to line up on one half of the circle. When I said go to the circle I want you to line up around the entire circle. When I say hit the wall I want you all to line up against the wall by weight. When I yell lines I want you all to line up in four lines on that side of the room for when we do agilities." I pointed toward the opposite wall from the mirrors.

"From now on," says Taji in his deep yet slightly raspy voice, "If you do not make it to the circle in three seconds everybody does ten push-ups. That means if I call circle and you are outside having a circle-jerk with your fag friends you have three seconds to get inside and around the circle." This, of course, made some of the kids laugh. Jackie's turn.

"HIT THE WALL!" I had to resists rubbing my ear. She always knew how to project her voice, and it certainly got the kids scrambling to the wall. It was starting to take too long for them to figure out where they should be in the line. She didn't wait for them to finish before yelling again.

"CIRCLE!" Of course, only the few intelligent ones rushed back to the circle. Everybody else stood there dumbfounded. I blew my whistle.

"Everybody, ten push-ups, now!" I yelled, and they obeyed, getting down onto their arms. I didn't start counting yet. In fact I decided to wait, let them suffer a little. Ten seconds later I spoke up. "Down!" and everybody, more or less, went down and back up. Not good enough.

"What a poor fucking excuse for your first push-up. When I yell down, you go down and touch your chest to the mat. The second you extend you yell out how many pushups we have done and we yell in unison. DOWN!" Finally, everybody fell to their chests and pushed back up, more or less yelling in unison 'one!' This had always been the hardest part for new recruits. Those who came from football were obviously arrogant because they could do push-ups easily. After all, they had to do twenty in pads for their warm-up. Soon, though, they will find out that the relaxing so long between push-ups eats away at one's strength, especially the ones who are use to using their momentum.

I had only gotten up to three when one of the heavier people did not complete a push-up. Looking down at him I already knew the gerbil would not make it. He was all fat and no muscle, obviously no endurance. It wasn't my job to make him quit, though; it was my job to make him want to do more. Getting down right next to him I spoke loudly.

"Come on; give me another push-up, this time for real!" He fell down with a thud, and barely struggled to push himself back up. "What? No number? I don't want you to fall on your face; I want you to push yourself down. Don't let me see you fall on your face, now another, DOWN!" Which he did finally go again. Meanwhile a few of the other kids decided to get onto their knees. Luckily Taji caught this.

"We did not give you permission to relax or to sit on your knees, everybody get into push-up position now!" which they quickly did. I walked back out to the center and listed off a few more announcements to the groans even a few of the jocks were spewing out now. 'Great, four minutes into practice and they are already complaining. Not good,' I thought to myself.

"The schedule for every single day will start off with stretching and agilities, after that we'll work on your skill and coordination, and then technique. Every Wednesday and Friday we'll work on your endurance only. HIT THE WALL!" and at the end of the scramble I find that everybody finally got it right. "Good. Take roll," Which Jackie was more than obliged to do.

"When I call out your name you say here sir," A couple of kids laughed "Push-up position. Ashley," And throughout the entire roll-call she had them sitting in the push-up position. After the roll was done, we told them to relax.

"Since this is our first day we will not work you as hard as normal, as long as you don't goof-off or mess-up. We will go over the basics. First off, whatever you see on the television, disregard that. None of that will ever happen unless someone wants to get penalized or really hurt. When I say really hurt I mean concussions, broken bones, dislocations, pulled muscles, and lost teeth. There are rules set to prevent such things from happening so if you follow the rules you'll never get seriously injured." I knew this was a lie, I have gotten a minor concussion even though the move was legal, and just last season one of the heavy-weights dislocated someone else's shoulder because his opponent was simply too heavy for an arm throw.

"Now we have our stance. Everybody stand up, get in four lines and face the mirror." And the rest of the practice, though not as harsh, was still very difficult for some of the students. I had barely broken a sweat even though I started to do push-ups and running with the other kids. At around 6:00 pm the other varsity kids started to show up. Normally they fool around just as much as the freshmen, but since the freshmen were on their first day they went in and kept absolutely serious as the other kids packed their stuff and followed me out to the locker room. I felt sorry for one of the freshmen who had to leave early, the gerbil. He was crying because he had never been pushed so hard in his life.

I tried my best to rescue him from the situation. When in high school, if you were caught crying, you'll face hell the next day. At my request he left, and once gone I told the other kids that this has happens more often than they think and should respect him for putting up with what his body simply could not handle. Which was a lie from my standpoint; he was the only kid who I had ever seen cry from something like this. As sorry as I felt for him, though, we were on a tight schedule and I continued the practice. Discipline and unity within the team will be established after most of the people leave. They will leave, and for the same reason as the fat kid, leaving behind only the students with any potential.

"Now that each of you has a locker, remember to get a towel and a bar of soap from Jackie and shower off. We don't want to see any fucking ring-worms. Tomorrow you'll have practice with the real coach." There was plenty of groaning, but that is to be expected. Most of them have never worked as hard before, even in football. I tried football once, I couldn't stand how the kids were so egotistical and how much each kid wanted to be a hero, not to mention how the practice were on and off easy and slightly more difficult. One session of wrestling left me wheezing on the way home; just like some of the other freshmen are doing now.

"Taji, I'm gonna shower up, I'll catch you tomorrow," Taji and I embraced. That is how all my friendships are, were we can hug, guy or girl.

"Aye, although I wanna stay here and makes sure none of those kids drop the soap around you," he winked.

"Fuck off," I laughed and punched his arm. He laughed and slithered out of the locker room. Jackie rarely took showers unless she worked hard, so we gave a small embrace and she left. With a small sigh I grabbed myself a towel and some soap and went over to my locker. Since my body was small I was able to slip out of my shirt easily. My frame was very thin, it runs in the family, but every single time I strip I can feel the eyes of guys and girls on me. Strong calves, tight butt, packed abs and pecs; everything is chiseled and easily identifiable through my thin fur. With my tight bicycle shorts now off, the kids can now see something else to gawk at. Gawk they did once I stepped over and into the showers.

I took a shower head between a very cute and thin hyena and one of the meat-heads from football named Skylar LeCompte, the last 'e' being silent. Sure, Skylar had a lot of weight and muscle on him, but he was also the guy who said he could take me down when I explained that weight makes a big difference between wrestlers. Probably he thought that was his cue to volunteer for a demonstration. He has been giving me that evil eye ever since he wrestled me and I took him down within a few seconds. A little trick we light-weight guys figured worked well against taller guys was using a duck-under and lifting our legs.

We pressed our heads together; I grabbed the back of his neck with my right hand and his right elbow with my left hand, pressed down hard for a second so he would fling his elbow back in response. As he did, I used his movement and pushed up on his elbow hard, throwing him off-balance and flinging his arm into the air. Experienced wrestlers would never give me a chance to try that. Since Skylar was big enough, all I had to do was lift my legs, sink my weight, and swing on his neck with my right hand to pull myself onto his back. While behind him I kicked out his knees. From there I simply jumped back around for a front head-lock and squeezed until he turned onto his back. Didn't even have to run around him, just squeezed.

His pride could have seriously hurt him. I told him I wouldn't let go until he tapped out or I pinned him. He wouldn't tap out and since he is so much bigger than me I had to squeeze my hardest and press down on a pressure point in his shoulder with my chin to get him pinned. I left a note on the roster, after I let Skylar up, that he had discipline issues and pride.

It wasn't long before there weren't many of us left in the shower. The Hyena kid was blushing profusely the entire time since I stood next to him. Damn he was cute when he acted all coy! With everybody else behind us, either rinsing or leaving, I turned to the Hyena and spoke softly.

"Wait for me in the office." I don't know how to describe the noise he emitted, I had never heard it before, but let me just say it was a for-sure meep. It brought us some attention but not enough for me to worry. 'This should be fun,' I thought to myself.

Ten minutes had passed, I ushered the stragglers out of the locker room and went into the coach's office. There he was, sitting in the chair next to the coach's desk and looking very embarrassed.

"Well hello there. What was your name again?" I asked as I sat down behind the desk in the coach's chair. He'll yell at me for getting it wet again, but I don't mind.

"M-muller," he said. Odd name, especially how he said it like 'mule-er'. I gave a small nod.

"I was impressed with your work today. You're the only 125lb. weight class, correct?" To which he gave a small nod. "Alright then, since we are the same weight class I will be your varsity trainer. I will also train the other light-weights. Coach likes the freshmen and sophomores to practice against the varsity." I saw the way he winced a bit at the news. Well, I would be lying if I said I am surprised he isn't too fond of the idea.

"I do have a question for you, though." I stand up and walk around to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I noticed you were looking at my body." He turned to me and looked up with panic on his face.

"N-no! It wasn't - I mean it isn't what you think! I never took a shower in front of other guys before and I have never-seen-anybody-else-either. It was just so weird, I mean-" I used my hands to clamp his muzzle shut, chuckling a little.

"Slow down there speedy. I just want you to shake your head yes, or no, and please tell me the truth." I waited a few second, searching his eyes for compliance. "Did you enjoy what you saw?" And his ears lit up like a Christmas tree. Even though I kept repeating to myself how much I hoped I wasn't being too intimidating, somewhere in the recess of my mind I kind of liked the idea that he feared me a little. His muzzle moved up and down a bit. Without a word I leaned down and took his lips.

It was fun, really, the way he sort of sat there completely numb but for his inexperienced lips. I opened my mouth slightly to let my tongue to lightly dance across his lips. He then opened his mouth, and being a little more daring that I thought he was he tried to push his tongue into my muzzle. Of course I stopped him by closing my lips, but as his tongue retreats I open my lips again and let my tongue lightly tap against his before I pull away a little. Then another kiss, this time letting our tongues touch right off the bat. It was amazing how quickly he caught on as he followed suite and only tapped my tongue. We did this again and again, just tapping our tongues together as we kissed. Finally I pulled away from the breathless hyena and his completely dazed face.

"Now that, Muller, is what a real kiss is like." To which he responded with a very cute, stupid grin. I hefted one leg over his and straddled his lap while facing him. His boner I could feel through his heavy pants and my skin-tight black jeans, which the seams that once were splitting and the gaping holes are now being held together by band patches and safety-pins.

"Anubis... why are you doing this to me?" He asked. I had to suppress a giggle.

"Because I am horny, and you are very cute and obviously horny as well." It was an awkward moment for him, I guess. For me, though, this was normal, and I used the situation to my advantage. Slowly I peeled his shirt from his slightly damp fur, and then wrapped my arms around his neck and touched my nose to his, my conveniently bare chest to his own. Once his shirt hit the ground a slight zipping sound could be heard as he fumbles with my pants. I had to smile at his trouble with disrobing me, but not to prolong the moment because of the short time we had I stood up from his lap and stepped out of my pants. He did the same, standing up and removing his garment to reveal his entire black spotted pelt and erect cock. It was kind of a shame that he was not fully grown yet, being a total of five inches. Maybe it was fully grown, but for his sake I hope not.

While he was standing I walked over to him and gripped his cock. My hand instantly reached down to his balls to grip them firmly. An 'eep' pushed its way out of his lungs, a small cry of discomfort yet I knew he enjoyed the attention. A couple fingers reached underneath and behind his balls to rub gently against the small area there. I grinned as he began to squirm a bit.

Purposely I didn't dry myself off completely, and let some soap remain unwashed. I let go of his familiars and turned around, going over to the desk and leaning over it. Looking back at him, I gave a wink and a beckoning with my tail. He stood up and slowly walked over to me. He was having a lot of trouble figuring out what to do, so I reached back and took his hands, placing them against my hips.

I could feel him shivering a bit, but he still pulled forward. Even though I couldn't see him, I didn't need to. There was a small prodding against my soaped tailhole. And then a spreading sensation, with a shock of pleasure as his cock reached in and touches areas begging to be touched. It felt wonderful to be spread open like this. He started to pump against me quite irregularly, but I let him. Sure enough he found a rhythm, and I felt my own pleasure beginning to mount. While he yipped and groaned in pleasure I simply smiled and gave small moans now and then.

There was something missing, though. I couldn't explain it, how it simply did not feel complete. With females it was worse, like it was never meant to be. Ten years old is when I yiffed my first femme, and I yiffed a few others since. But it never felt like it was meant to be. Eventually I could not even get a stiffy when I was with femmes. This felt more complete, though, and I enjoy it much more than the fairer sex.

He gave a loud yip and a whimper, and I felt a warm sensation filling me. 'Whelp, so much for that,' I think to myself, upset. Being a virgin he wouldn't keep going. Sure enough, he did pull out slowly, then sat back in the chair. Silently I toweled off, making sure to get all the cum which deliciously dribbled from my tailhole, and slipped into my clothes. Like usual my bag of clothes I brought into the office before I messed around with a willing subject.

"This does not leave this room. Don't expect it to happen again." I stated as I slipped my rancid shirt over my head. "Better get dressed and leave before others start to get ideas."

"B-but why?" He asked. I quirked and eyebrow and looked over to him. There was a slight amount of panic in his face.

"Why what?"

Well, I mean, I thought you liked me. Why else would you do this? And why are you afraid of getting caught?" This erked me a little, but it happens from time to time.

"I like you because you are cute, not because you are my type. I would never go on a date with you; I would never consider you my significant other. And I am not afraid of getting caught. Everybody knows I am a faggot that gives good head and is a good fuck, even a few teachers. I just don't want to be expelled for having sex in a teachers' office and getting caught by a nark who happens to be sitting just outside the locker room."

As I say all this I place my several earrings up and down my ears, and place my combat boots onto my feet.

"So, I'm nothing to you?" He asked. Heaving a sigh I look up to him.

"Look, shrimp, it is nothing personal, but in a nutshell yes. Don't be getting all Emo on me." It didn't stop him from sniffling a little. 'Damn-it,' I think to myself 'what a fucking pussy.'

"Y-Yer a real dickhead, ya know?" Did he just call me that?

Whatever. Not my problem." This was starting to turn into a soap-opera, and I wanted to leave as soon as I could. Luckily he seemed to be too stunned to say anything else as I tied up my boots. "Make sure to hit the lights when you leave. Doors are always unlocked from the inside so be sure that you leave the front door open. Oh yeah, might want to leave in the next five minutes, varsity will be coming through here in ten."

Wordlessly, I leave the kid alone in the room to stare at his own feet and sob. Already I had forgotten his name.


Ending note: Now I've gone and done it. I might just HAVE to expand on this story in some form or another. Anywho, the main character was not meant to be a likable character. If I do expand this to other chapters then yes, Muller will be a key character, and yes Anubis will probably be more of an asshole.

By The Pool

A/N: I wrote this late night, being really tired and all. Not even on paper, just had an urge to write something. Influenced by a real experience, but if you are wondering no it never got that far, despite how much I wish it were so. Names have been...

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Night of Dark

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