Guild Relations, Part 3

Story by Maskopatol on SoFurry

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Hetroth woke to the feeling of overwhelming aching all over. His back, arms, legs, and in particular his shoulder and testicles, all sending signals of discomfort to his brain. Only now did his injuries and exertion get to him, making him regret his decision to pursue the deer further. Almost as much as his bindings did.

The sun was still barely visible, a few gentle rays shining past the tall pine trees. The bleaker of the two moons was still visible just above the forest canopy. It was a clear day, not a cloud in sight, and while still relatively cool on account of the morning dew, it would most likely grow hot as the day went on.

The fireplace had all but burnt out, a final few sparks flickering among the ashes. Their belongings had remained where they had fallen the previous evening. Varikas had remained pressed to the hyena's back, one arm slung over his chest, the other now in areas unknown, no longer intertwined with his bindings. He could try and sneak away right there and then, he considered. But decided not to. He felt too battered to try and run, and who knows what the buck would do if he noticed. Furthermore, he found that he rather enjoyed the stag's warmth and embrace.

He thought about going back to sleep, hopefully making the ache die down a bit, when a stray thought ran through his head. Twisting and shifting himself downwards, he brought his hands to level with the cervine's crotch. Reaching back with one hand, he cupped the buck's impressive genitals. He had always wondered what another male's private parts felt like to the touch, and while he did get to grasp the deer's nuts during their first encounter, he wanted to inspect them more closely. He started off with those heavy, saggy balls, taking both in his grip and tenderly rolling them around. While having his own pair to play it, it felt different and intriguing, not feeling the touch on his scrotum. It let him get a better feel for their shape as well as the fuzz on the buck's sac. And there was something exciting about gripping a male by his testicles, them being the essence of what made him big, muscular and virile. For a pair of organs so vital, they were very much exposed, only a thin, leathery sac protecting them from the outside world.

Letting the two gonads flop back down to their original position, he then moved on to the still limp cock above. Gripping it at the shaft, he got a feel for its girth and length. It was certainly bigger than his own unimpressive member. He found it almost amazing how it managed to fit inside him last night. He pulled back on the skin, revealing the buck's glans. He fondled it gently, careful not to irritate the sensitive skin. He gave its underside a gentle caress, inciting a surprisingly loud, lustful groan that nearly made Hetroth jump. The sleeping stag had apparently really enjoyed it, but Het dared not continue, and instead scrambled back to his original position, accidentally brushing the deer's semi-hard dick with his tail.

Pressing up against Varik, he felt that his attentions had apparently woken something else. The buck's now even larger cock prodded at Het's ass, throbbing as if demanding further attention. Hetroth decided to ignore it, however, having gotten close enough to waking the larger male already. His own manhood stirred at the very thought of pleasuring the cervine. It somewhat worried him how eager he was.

He had always been surrounded by people who frowned upon those who'd lay with others of their own gender. They didn't disapprove in any particularly violent manner, but simply viewed them as lessers, unable to carry on their family legacy. Hetroth had always kept his less reputable thoughts to himself, hoping to go through life without ever needing to bring them to light, as frustrating as it sometimes was. And yet, by some twist of fate, the battle with this stag had brought it all out. The seers must've known by now, quite possibly his family as well. He shuddered to think what his homecoming would look like, and he was all but certain his chances of advancement were buried.

But at the same time, he saw a positive side to his current situation. Despite being enemies, the stag felt like more of a kindred soul to him than anyone else he knew, as strange is it was. He felt like he could talk about anything with Varikas, not needing to keep any secrets, even though they had shared little thus far. He hoped that perhaps, if his situation within his guild turned out really bad, he could seek comfort and maybe employment with the deer.

His mind drifted, thinking over every aspect of his situation, anxiety preventing him from sleep. He eventually managed to clear his mind again and closed his eyes, sleep retaking him within minutes.


He woke again, this time absent the deer next to him. He sat up and looked around, scanning for the buck. Their previously scattered belongings had found order near the fallen log, no doubt gathered there by the stag. The sun was now nearly at its zenith, its warmth caressing all within the clearing. The cervine was nowhere to be seen, however, and Het now looked out towards the forest and river bank.

Eventually, he noticed a shape approach, and as it quickly turned out, it was Varikas, fully dressed in his limb-protecting armour and carrying Het's backpack. The hyena was surprised to see his belongings found. Had the stag spent so much time seeking it out?

"How did you find it?", he echoed his thoughts as the deer neared him. Smirking, he simply pointed at his nose in response and proceeded to put the backpack next to his own before beginning to rummage through its contents. He dug out the substances and bracelets the hyena had used earlier and moved them over to his own pack.

"Almost forgot.", he said and removed the two remaining bracelets off of Hetroth, stowing them in his own pack.

"So you're robbing me of valuables now?", Het asked, sounding annoyed.

"To the victor go the spoils.", the deer replied in a matter of fact way. He pulled out the hyena's spell book and started shuffling through the pages, looking for something of interest.

"If you could find it by smell, then why didn't you last night?", he pried.

"Didn't feel like it.", he answered dryly, closing the book and stowing it back in Het's backpack. "Nothing I haven't memorized.", he commented on the book. He gave the backpack one last ruffle, verifying that all that remained was rations and some cloth. "Well, then...", he began as he moved up next to the hyena, sat down and spread his legs, giving Het a good look at the outline of his manhood over his loincloth. "Before we set off, you have something to do.", he said, flicking his loincloth aside, fully revealing his maleness.

"You want me to...", the hyena trailed off, looking at Varik's crotch as though mesmerized. His hidden fascination could only be more apparent if his tongue had been hanging out.

"Suck.", he finished for the hyena. "You know how to do it, right?", he asked teasingly. Hetroth couldn't say for certain that he did, his face giving away his puzzlement. He did once see a female do it to a male at the public baths, albeit briefly.

Uncertainly, he wobbled up on his knees towards the buck, and leaned in. He almost recoiled at the intensity of the cervine's musk, but quickly became accustomed to it, finding it somewhat stimulating. The stag took hold of his head, gripping it by the sides under his ears. "Go on. Lick.", the deer encouraged, gently guiding him towards his balls and soft penis. The buck's scent only got stronger as his nose neared Varik's sac. He gave it a testing lick, nudging those plump nuts softly. It lightly tasted of sweat, no doubt as a result of the day's heat, but he found it enjoyable enough. He continued to lick the deer's nuts for a while, eventually widening his mouth and taking the two orbs in.

As he occupied himself with rolling the cervine's pair in his maw, he noticed the cock resting on top of his muzzle was slowly starting to throb, rising to hardness. Meanwhile, the buck stroked the hyena's head, pulling him closer. Hetroth closed his eyes, letting the intoxicating scent and taste flood his senses. His thoughts trailed off again, this time considering how this would be a perfect chance to resist... if he wanted to harm the cervine. He needed only to slam his jaws shut and Varikas would be violently rendered a eunuch, helpless to stop him from breaking his binds with his sword and taking the artefact. Yet he couldn't imagine being able to hurt the stag like that. He shook the unpleasant thought from his mind and pulled away, reluctantly letting Varik's jewels droop down now that the deer's rod was fully rigid and pulsing.

He lifted his head, positioning his muzzle over the tip of the buck's length. Het flicked his tongue over it, licking off a bead of pre that had formed over it. It was somewhat less salty than the deer's scrotum, and was rather gooey, a string forming between the stag's tip and the hyena's muzzle. He gave it a few more testing licks and then dipped his head further, engulfing the glans. He found it tricky to keep his teeth off and use his lips and tongue instead, but managed somehow. Remembering what he saw in the bath house, he tried to envelop more of it, but found himself unable to progress much further than half-way as it reached his throat. He began to bob his head up and down the length, inciting low groans from the tall male.

Continuing to pleasure the deer, he managed to take more and more in his maw, getting used to the feeling of something prodding at his throat. Never quite getting it all in, however. "I'm close.", the buck panted out, his eyes closed, sweat forming on his brow. His body jerked suddenly, his hips beginning to thrust gently, pulling his manhood in and out of the Hetroth's maw while keeping the hyena steady with his hands. Het futilely tried to pull away as the first spurt hit, covering his tongue in warm, gooey liquid. It tasted somewhat sweet, but also salty and unique in its own way. He didn't really like the taste, and couldn't bring himself to swallow, letting it accumulate in the following dozen or so squirts. Once the deer was finished, Hetroth pulled away, the semen still in his mouth. He was debating whether to spit it out or not.

"Swallow.", Varik whispered, leaning in and affectionately gripping the underside of the hyena's jaw with one hand. Hetroth obeyed, taking it down in two gulps. It made him feel slightly nauseous, and he let his tongue hang out, making the deer chuckle. "You'll learn to like it.", he said with a smile. "Now, lick it clean.", he added, pointing at his slowly softening member. Het leaned back down and began to lap at it, wiping away any remaining traces of spunk, enduring the taste. Yet despite his apparent dislike, he noticed he'd become hard himself, his manhood peeking out from between his folded legs. Once finished with his task, he leaned back, giving the cervine clear access to his nethers. But to his surprise, the stag simply got up. "Well, time to eat.", he said and moved to sit on the log.

"What?... What about me?", Hetroth asked in disbelief.

"What about you? You're my prisoner.", the buck said with a devious smile. For a moment, Het regretted not biting when he had the chance, but quickly shook the thought.

"Bastard.", he murmured under his breath as Varikas dug around their backpacks, pulling out food. The deer threw him a piece of dried meat from the hyena's own supplies. He tried to catch it with his teeth but failed, letting the piece drop onto the cloth roll. "Could you at least loosen my binds? My arms feel numb.", he asked, remembering his ache as he instinctively tried to use his arms.

"Oh, all right.", the deer said and went up behind him. He lowered the bindings to his wrists, giving the hyena slightly more mobility, as well as the ability to outstretch his arms. As a reward for his lack of struggle, Varik took the fallen ration and put it in Hetroth's mouth before retreating to his own food. Het reacted with further annoyance, feeling like a feral animal being rewarded for a trick, but began to chew and tear at his meat soon after.


Having finished their meal, they took care of their urinary needs and prepared to move out. Varikas gathered up their bed roll and put the second backpack on the hyena's shoulders. They set off as the sun was at its zenith.

They moved along the river, their journey largely uneventful, only the occasional splash of fish to break the monotony. Eventually they reached a stone bridge and crossed it, now travelling along a dirt road. Along the way they encountered a few groups of travellers, thankfully no one the hyena knew. Most of them gave Hetroth strange looks, no doubt because he was strolling through the forest completely naked.

"Could you give me something to cover myself with?", he asked, giving the deer pleading looks.

"No.", he said without breaking pace.

"W-Why?", Het asked, now sounding nervous.

"I like you naked better.", he answered.

"But this is embarrassing!", he insisted.

"Good. You're cute when you're embarrassed.", the deer answered. Hetroth's heart was now pounding. He realized something.

"You're not going to take me into the city like this... are you?", he asked. The deer simply gave him that sly smile Het had seen a number of times now. "You can't make me go in like this! Please!", he almost screamed, pleading.

"Oh, calm down. I'm displaying you as a prisoner, not flailing you alive.", the deer said, rolling his eyes. "I think the whole part about fucking your enemy has done more to your reputation than this.", he added. The words did little to calm the hyena.

Hetroth protested several times more along the way, but Varik remained unmoved. He could only hang his head in shame as passers by gave him mocking glances or looks of amusement. It would only get much worse once they reached the city. At least for now he didn't recognize any of the gawkers. Although Varikas seemed to recognize one of passing wolves, trading bows with the fellow All Knowing. While the canine gave a fairly low bow, the deer seemed to simply nod, as though the senior in rank. Het found it hard to believe, considering the deer's attire, that he could be a high ranking member of the All Knowing. But then again, Hetroth had little knowledge of who occupied the higher positions in that guild. Contemplations of this briefly took his mind off his blatant nudity, but another group of travellers instantly turned his thoughts back to his shame.

The road eventually turned from rocky dirt to paved with light stone, making the journey onward easier for Het's paws. He could hardly appreciate it, though, as it simply reminded him they were nearing the city. The forest was now clearing, giving way to vast fields of farmland, stretching off to the horizon. Soon after, they could see the city of Tertium in the distance.

"Couldn't you at least tie my hands at the front?", Hetroth tried again.

"No, I think this is sufficient.", the deer answered, now somewhat tired of the hyena's pleas. Het simply sighed and hanged his head in resignation. He would soon learn the meaning of humility the hard way.


They crossed the city gate free of hindrance other than a minor toll. One of the guards threw an off-hand remark about Varik's new "lady friend" and how he should buy "her" a new dress, reasserting the hyena's deep red blush. Hetroth now altered between looking away in shame and scanning his surroundings for people he knew. Thus far he'd recognized no one, and couldn't help but turn away each time he noticed the number of people staring at him.

Tertium was the third largest among the canine cities. The naming had been established nearly a century ago, when the canine nations were brought together under the rule of the lupine king, Salius I. The sizes of the cities had remained relatively the same, leaving little need for considerations of what to do with their name designations. Or perhaps they'd remained as such because of the naming and how funds flowed into them appropriately.

The city was largely a trade city, located near the borders of 3 other nations. The small vulpine kingdom of Fosfar in the North-East, the joint cervine and bovine kingdom of Hestik in the East, and the caprine dominated empire in the South-East. Due to this, members of these respective lands were a relatively common sight among the canines.

The street they were travelling along was one of the less busy ones, and Het was thankful for that much. Yet he still felt the piercing gazes of others on his person, primarily on his lower parts. The household windows peering out towards the wide street didn't help matters either. Even small merchants peddling their wares seemed to pause in their efforts momentarily upon witnessing them, but other than a snicker or outright laugh, they quickly resumed their routines. Less easily distracted from the sight of the nude hyena was their daily clientele.

As they continued their journey, Hetroth noticed a familiar face pass by. He quickly turned his head away, cursing under his breath and hoping he went unnoticed, but a quick glance revealed otherwise. It was a fellow guild member and friend of his, a slightly younger female ferret named Ivid. She seemed to have frozen in place, her mouth slightly agape at the sight. Hetroth couldn't see whether she turned to follow, but hoped she didn't. The few seconds they saw each other were enough embarrassment for him.

Eventually, they reached the front of the All Knowing's guild. It was 3 storeys tall, placed atop a slightly sloped base. A set of stairs led up to its entrance, where simple round columns melded into the flat walls, seemingly supporting the pediment above. The pediment was adorned with the All Knowing's sigil, moulded in gold - 3 eyes aligned vertically, contained within a circle. The top and bottom eyes were smaller and peered off upwards and downwards respectively. The largest eye in the centre looked straight ahead. Barring the religious looking insignia, it looked like a university or grand library.

Despite his fears of what awaited him in the rival guild, Hetroth wanted to get in-doors as soon as possible. Unfortunately for him, a pair of rats, quite visibly male and bearing the All Knowing's markings, approached them at the base of the steps. They looked like twins, and very likely were just that, their facial features and shade of grey on their fur near identical. They both wore similar sets of clothes - a brown, high-collared, long-sleeved tunic, black pants and brown boots, their insignia adorned upon a thin, azure, silken tabard running from their neck lines down between their knees. Their only notable differences were in their hair and small details. The one on the left had a short set of hair, the same colour as his fur, and a pair of golden earrings on his right ear. The other had a somewhat longer and darker set of hair, with no apparent bodily modifications. In a way, they reminded the hyena of certain feline twins in his own guild, although those were of opposite genders.

"Brought something extra, Varik?", the one on the left asked, a smile painted over his face. This only prompted Hetroth to try and hide his masculinity with his legs, quite failingly, to the amusement of the two rodents.

"Yeah. Cute one, isn't he?", the deer responded, giving the hyena a pat on the butt, to which he jumped and glared at the buck. Varik ignored his scorn and leaned in between the rats. "This one even likes men.", he whispered, making the two share knowing glances. Hetroth really wanted to turn around and just knee the stag right where it hurt, but found it quite impossible and not particularly prudent considering his surroundings. Instead he decided to take the moment to look around for any other familiar faces, but thankfully none were to be seen, and Ivid apparently hadn't followed either.

"Don't suppose you'd lend him to us later?", the other rat asked, his tone betraying their intentions with the "rental". Hetroth shuddered at the thought of being handed out like that. Although he also found it peculiar with what ease they spoke of such matters. Seeing his sudden terror, the cervine gave him a bemused yet reassuring look, calming him almost instantly.

"No, I think I prefer to keep him to myself. You've already got two cocks to play with.", he said, his sly smile never leaving his lips. "Now, excuse us.", he added, moving onward into the building, his hand on a speechless Hetroth's back.


The inside led to a big, open hall, as tall as the building, a stairway at its back leading to higher levels. At every storey there was a corridor along the walls, barring the front wall, supported by columns not dissimilar to those outside. A series of doors decorated nearly every wall, and at every level on the sides of the back wall, corridors led off deeper into the building, to parts illuminated by fire. For the most part, this area was illuminated by natural light from a skylight on the ceiling, made of milky white glass and secured by iron bars. At every column, for every level, there was a bronze brazier, currently unlit, leaving parts of the hall dim.

They climbed the steps onto the 3rd floor and went into one of the doors on the side, along the way seeing only some robed, female mutt walking off into the depths of the building. The room inside was rather large, with multiple windows letting sunlight in, a large bed, a cabinet, chest, table and 3 chairs. As far as Hetroth had gotten within his own guild, his quarters were much more modest. Then again, he suspected Varikas was much higher within his, but wasn't sure whether to bring up the subject.

"Sit.", the deer said, gesturing towards the bed as he pulled Hetroth's backpack off and placed it up against a wall. The hyena obeyed, looking downtrodden. "Stay here. I need to do something first.", Varik added and left, leaving Het quite alone.

Hetroth sighed and laid back on the bed, soon after turning onto his side with the discomfort of trying to lay on his bound hands. He felt exhausted, both by the journey, and by the stress of his public humiliation. He would probably never hear the end of all the jests at his expense, no doubt concerning his endowment, whether they were true or not. Het was bitter to no end at the buck. He was beginning to like him, but the events of the day reverted his opinion.

He started dozing, nonsensical imagery flooding his dreams. He was climbing the stairs of a place he quickly recognized as the All Knowing's guild hall. Except the stairs seemed to continue on indefinitely. Eventually it turned into a stairway not dissimilar to one he often travelled along within the Artificer's guild. He looked down to see the All Knowing's guild hall still there. It was strange to see the much thicker walled guild above the more decorative looking one. He shrugged off the oddity of it and continued upwards.

The sound of the door opening again brought him back to consciousness. He clumsily scrambled back to a sitting position, sleepily eyeing the cervine. Varik dumped his visibly lighter backpack next to Hetroth's and walked up to the hyena. As the stag leaned in, Het considered kicking him where it hurt, but quickly reminded himself that he would be open to retaliation. Much to his surprise, however, the deer reached behind him and undid his restraints.

"What are you doing?", Hetroth asked as the buck straightened out and went towards his chest, beginning to unstrap his armour.

"I don't think I have to keep you tied up. You've been rather docile thus far.", he said, stripping off his armguards.

"But-", he began, only to be cut off.

"Your seers cannot see within here. We have wards in place that make this building and its vicinity a blind spot to such abilities. I guess your seers never told you that.", he said. Shortly afterwards, he turned around, completely naked, his hands on his sides. "Now, then. I think I owe you something.", he said, referring to the events of that morning. "Do what you like.", he added, extruding his crotch forward.

The suddenness of it all dazed Hetroth somewhat. Eventually he snapped out of it and got up. He began to slowly circle the cervine, getting a better look at his body now that he was placed in charge. He got to see a few faint scars under the buck's fur he hadn't noticed before. One across the left shoulder blade, one over his inner thigh, surprisingly close to his goods. Strangely enough, none such scars were to be seen where Hetroth had struck, apparently the healing salves helping even cosmetically when applied early enough.

The next thing to attract Hetroth's attention was the stag's maleness. He wasn't exactly sure if the intoxicating scent he smelled was from his previously smeared muzzle, or emanating strongly from the male's loins, but it sent small, pleasant jolts through his own groin. The buck's genitals hung low in the humid, hot air of the chamber, their size even more pronounced than in the also hot but breezy forest.

Having sated his need to explore the deer's body with his eyes, he considered what to actually do with the cervine. He felt somewhat horny after their little act by the river that day, but could find little he wanted to do other than harm the stag, remembering his forced exhibition through the streets of the city. He decided to try and please both his needs.

He stopped a few paces behind Varik and looked over his targets. The deer stood with his legs spread, his testicles and cock hanging limply in open view. Following two quick strides towards the buck, his leg shot upwards, planting his paw between the stag's legs and nearly lifting Varikas off his hooves. The deer gave out a sound reminiscent to a bleat and immediately dropped to his knees, grasping his unexpectedly assaulted manhood, his muzzle hanging just above the floor.

"That's for parading me around naked.", Hetroth said as he circled around to the front of the downed male. He took a moment to think of what to do with his "captor" of sorts, thinking how best to exercise his position, and thought of just the right thing. The buck was just about to drop to foetal position when the hyena took hold of his antlers, holding him steady and dragging him towards the bed. Het sat down on the bed, his modesty just barely seated near the edge. "Now you. Suck.", he added clumsily, pulling the deer towards his crotch.

"That was harsh.", Varik finally managed as he was brought to face the hyena's genitals, still clutching his own.

"That was barely enough.", Hetroth retorted, sounding unamused after his embarrassment.

"Aren't you afraid I might bite?", he asked, peering at the hyena from behind his own cock and balls with a pained but sincerely amused smile. This gave the hyena some pause.

"No. Suck.", he responded briskly, giving the stag a tug by the antlers. Without further protest, the buck began to lick Hetroth's testicles, nudging them about with his tongue while trying to ignore the heavy pain in his gut. The thought that the cervine could castrate him with a bite at any time sent a shiver up Het's spine, but at the same time it felt thrilling, a risk that made it all the more exciting. The cervine went on to take his whole ball sac into his maw, bathing the hyena's eggs in saliva and rolling them around.

Just as Het began to ease up a bit, they heard a knock on the door. Afraid that someone would enter, Hetroth released the stag's antlers and wanted to try and cover up with sheets, but Varik continued what he was doing. The door swung open, a young, brown, long-haired female wolf, dressed in somewhat mundane looking dark robes, standing at the entrance. Both she and Hetroth looked stunned at each other. Varikas, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind and continued what he was doing. "Oh, damn. Sorry!", she said nervously and hurriedly shut the door closed again. Cold sweat ran down the hyena's back at that moment, nearly making him go soft.

"Wh-... don't you-...? Aren't you afraid of this getting out?", Het blurted out, looking in shock at the buck. Varikas let the hyena's gonads slip out of his mouth to answer.

"In case you haven't surmised from our talk with the rats, it's not exactly a secret.", he said, somewhat irritated by the break in focus. Wanting to return Hetroth's mind to the matter at hand, he moved up over the hyena's cock with a long, wet lick. Het gave out a stifled gasp and gripped the deer's antlers once more, overwhelmed with pleasure as the stag took the hyena's rod into his mouth, caressing its underside with his tongue. Varik began to bob his head up and down the hyena's length, now bracing himself against Het's thighs and occasionally fondling his nuggets. He went deeper and deeper until finally, he took Hetroth's full length down his throat, his nose pressing against the hyena's musky crotch fuzz.

Within a few minutes, Hetroth was nearing climax, beginning to pant in rhythm with the buck's motions. Suddenly, spasms overtook his body, his cock hardening even more before beginning to spill his seed. He gripped the deer's antlers hard, impaling the cervine face-first on his heavily throbbing dick. His spunk flooded Varik's throat, and the stag swallowed without much trouble. As his orgasm passed, Hetroth fell back panting while the stag lingered still, licking the hyena's penis clean. For a moment, Varikas remained there, considering whether to retaliate at the targets right in front of him, but decided against it and climbed on top of the hyena.

"I ought to punch you in the balls for that.", he said, now faking irritation.

"That was merely revenge for forcing me into the city nude.", Hetroth replied, although with less conviction than before, still breathing heavily.

"You're supposed to be my prisoner. You're not in a position to be enacting vengeance.", he added, gently pressing his knee up against the hyena's crotch for emphasis.

"Fine.", Het said with a sigh, somewhat concerned with the obvious threat to his gonads. "You deserved it, though.", he added cautiously. Varikas chuckled at that.

"Maybe.", he said and began to move up. "But you're still going to have to lick them in apology.", he added and pressed his crotch up against the hyena's muzzle.

Hetroth was spent, and as such, felt much less inclined to service the other male, but decided it was best to comply. He opened his mouth, allowing the deer's recently battered grapes to slide in onto his tongue. He gave them a single soft lick, getting a reminder of what the buck's musky smelling sac tasted like, before beginning to lap at them more vigorously. As he did so, the stag took hold of his stiff maleness and began to stroke it softly. Steadily he gained in pace, eventually ending up jerking his manhood furiously. He pulled his balls away from the hyena and quickly presented his cock instead, just as it began to twitch and spurt his seed. Hetroth kept his mouth open, but while most of the buck's spunk landed on his tongue, some of it flew farther, landing on top of his muzzle and even forehead.

As Varik's orgasm died down, Het closed his mouth and only now began to swallow, getting a better taste. He still didn't like it, and without his own excitement it seemed to taste worse. In addition, his face was now coated in the liquid.

Varikas shifted position back to level with the hyena, then leaned in and locked lips with him. Varik's kiss tasted different this time, the after flavour of the hyena's own semen still prominent. Het couldn't help but think it tasted somewhat better than the stag's.

"Your seed tastes awful.", he said as they broke their kiss.

Varik simply rolled his eyes in response. He moved up and began to lick off what remained on the hyena's face. It felt strange to Hetroth, but he didn't protest, wanting to get clean as quick as possible. "Tastes fine to me.", the buck said as he finished. "Now, get some sleep. I still have something to attend to.", he said as he slid off the bed. Het lazily slid under the covers, his eye lids heavy with exhaustion. Varikas pulled his loincloth back on and left through the door.

As the door closed shut again, Hetroth began to close his eyes, beginning to doze again. He couldn't quite fully drift off into dreams yet for some reason. His mind raced with strange visions where he returned to his own guild, only to find everyone within naked. No one, himself included, seemed to mind, however. He met Ivid, and they walked together, speaking apparently, but inaudibly to Hetroth's perception. They crossed a door way, entering what should've been the training hall, only to find themselves within a barren ash land, with no visible point of origin. Still acting as though this was something normal, they walked into a river that seemed not to have been there moments earlier, crossing it as swiftly as a puddle, and revealing a forest at the other side. Just as Het came to recognize the site, his eyes shot open to see the stag's bulk laying down in front of him.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you.", Varikas said. Het simply murmured something and wrapped one hand around the buck and closed his eyes again, pressing his face up against the deer's chest and neck. This somewhat surprised the stag, but he returned the sign of affection, putting an arm over the hyena. Hetroth drifted off to sleep almost instantly, and Varik followed soon after.

Guild Relations, Part 4

Hetroth woke by himself, barely a sound around to stir his sleep. He felt around himself for the deer, but found nothing. The ruffle of paper perked his ears up and made him open his eyes. The mid-morning sun shone through the clear glass windows,...

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Guild Relations, Part 2

Hetroth moved through the forest at a brisk pace, desperate to track down the bastard that had all but robbed him of his advancement among the Artificers and used him for his own pleasure. He had dozed and fallen asleep at the ruins, and he was mad at...

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Guild Relations

The sun was setting, shafts of dim light piercing the dense pine forest surrounding the overgrown ruins. It would soon be night, but Hetroth needed to locate what he was looking for fast. It was reckless of him to keep searching at so late an hour....

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