
Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#1 of Tipsy

Princess Luna invites Twilight Sparkle to her palace with the specific intent of seducing the young unicorn. Little does Luna know that a certain purple unicorn gets very amorous when tipsy...

Twilight stood at the front gates of a very imposing-looking castle. Rather than the white stone of the Canterlot castle where Celestia lived, this castle was black. Its pointed spires stretched towards the moon overhead, even though on the other side of the hill she had traversed to get there, it had been broad daylight.

As she stood, staring up at this imposing black castle, Twilight used her magic to open her bag, and slide out the letter she had received, neatly opening it so she could re-read the contents. The envelope was pink, with a black crest on the front of the royal family. The letter inside was meticulously neat, just like the writing spaced perfectly across its surface.

The reading hadn't changed at all since the last three times Twilight had read it:

Dear Twilight Sparkle

We wish to invite thou to our castle for a discussion over beverages.

We wish to beg thy patience in answering questions pertaining to our sister and the studies thou has undergone with her tutelage.

Please present thyself at our castle if thou agrees to our terms.

It was stamped with a hoof-mark from Princess Luna.

Twilight was curious enough as to what Princess Luna would want from her to show up for the mentioned beverages in the letter. But it was such a strange request that she had to make absolutely sure she hadn't misconstrued the meaning of the letter.

Deciding that she had, indeed been invited for drinks with Princess Luna, Twilight folded the letter away, and then took a deep breath to steady her nerves, before walking through the front gates and towards the main doors. The last time she had interacted with Princess Luna had been Nightmare Night. And that was months ago.

A pair of Dark Guards stood at the front entrance of the castle, staring down their noses as she approached. When she was close enough, they neatly stepped aside and pushed the large double doors open with their hindhooves for her. Smiling nervously, Twilight slipped between them and into the castle proper.

Purple velvet lined the walls and the seating arrangements, with plush coverings and soft cushions on the seats. A small golden bell sat on a pedestal besides the door leading further into the castle, with a card resting against it saying 'Ring Me'.

Levitating the bell with magic, Twilight shook it gently, making it create a clear chiming sound which carried throughout the castle.

Awkwardly, she set the bell back down and then moved over to a couch, drawing herself up onto it and splaying out to wait for attention. It was a couple of long, long minutes before the door clicked and unlocked, swinging open to allow Princess Luna to step through.

"Ahhh, Twilight, how good of thou to accept our invitation," Princess Luna said with a smile, raising a brow at the purple unicorn, before turning about and waving a hoof, motioning for Twilight to follow.

The walk up to Princess Luna's private rooms were punctuated by a series of searching questions by Twilight, and mildly evasive and vague answers from the princess.

"So, uhm...what did you want to talk to me about, Princess?"

"We are merely curious as to what thy lessons with our sister consist of, and any subjects that she may have...glossed over."

"Glossed over?" Twilight asked, confused, as they walked down a long hallway towards the Princess's rooms. "Whatever do you mean by 'glossed over'?"

"We merely mean to imply that both our sister, and ourself can offer you tutelage. Given the nature of our sisters work, there are certain things that she does not teach that we know a great deal about," Luna said, as she pushed open the door to her private rooms, motioning for Twilight to enter.

Twilight stepped through uncertainly, sidestepping to stand besides the doorway as the princess stepped in and closed the door after her.

"Please Twilight, be at ease. We do not wish to make you uneasy. We wish to be friends," Luna said, as she stepped over to a strange device in the centre of the room. A funnel lay underneath a small hose in the ceiling, and a droplet of clear liquid fell from it every few seconds, apparently being collected in the large basin underneath. A generous amount of oily liquid rested in the basin.

Nodding in response, Twilight tried to relax, stepping over to the strange set up and peering up at the hose in the ceiling. "Princess...may I ask what this is?"

"This, is moonshine," Luna said, waving a hoof up at the hose in the ceiling. "It is distilled from moonlight itself and fed through a tube to the hose thou sees, and then drips down into this basin so that we may partake of it whenever we wish."

"Moonshine? I've never heard of that," Twilight observed, looking from the basin, to the hose. "It seems as though it would be a fascinating mechanic to learn."

"Perhaps I could teach thou the intricacies of its distillation if thou is to enlist in our lessons?" Luna offered with a smile.

Twilight pondered on this for a long moment, looking down at the odd liquid and then up at the Princess, before nodding. "I'd like that."

"But, to the business at hoof," Luna said brusquely, as she picked up a pair of glasses and levitated them over to the basin, dipping them inside and offering one to Twilight. "So tell us, what are the lessons that our sister teaches thou?"

Twilight gingerly accepted the cup with a touch of magic, bringing it in close to sniff delicately at the edge of it, finding that it had a strong, sharp scent that instantly cleared her sinuses. She recoiled slightly, blinking the sudden tears from her eyes. "'s got a strong scent..."

Luna nodded in response to that. "Indeed. We find that mixing it with certain other drinks can soften the strength of its flavour or smell."

"Well, Princess Celestia has me learning about Friendship, mainly. I'm not sure why. I think she's curious about how the Elements of Harmony work?" Twilight offered, as she took a very small sip of the drink. It had a strong, stinging flavour, and she quickly shuffled it to the back of her mouth, and swallowed. A burning warmth filled her throat and chest as the liquid travelled down to her core, and she stifled a cough of surprise at the intense sensation. After several long moments, it faded. Intrigued, Twilight took another sip, and another.

"The Elements of Harmony?" Luna asked, giving a thoughtful nod as she took a guarded sip of her own glass. "That makes sense. Our sister and we lost control of the Elements of Harmony when we...well..."

Twilight gave a hasty nod as the princess trailed off, lifting a hoof to gently reassure Luna, resting it on her foreleg. "I know, Luna. It wasn't your fault."

Luna shook her head for a moment, taking a larger sip of her moonshine before continuing, smiling at the unicorn, "Let us talk of cheerier things. What have you learned of friendship?"

"Ohhhh, I've learned of so much!" Twilight said enthusiastically, looking up at the ceiling for a moment to collect her thoughts, before starting to list the letters she had sent to the princess.

Before Twilight knew it, her drink was gone, finished.

Luna flippantly refilled her glass, urging her to continue with her monologue, watching and listening with interest.

"And recently, I learned that it's important to respect your friends decisions, because what you think will make them happy isn't always what will actually make them happy-" Twilight said, before Luna lifted a hoof to halt her.

"But what of the lessons that Celestia gives to thou in private?" Luna enquired, raising a brow.

"Priiivate lessons?" Twilight asked, blinking several times, her words slurring just slightly.

Luna nodded slowly. "Indeed, private lessons. We know that thou hast been visiting the castle to meet with Celestia. Sometimes for several hours at a time. Alone."

"Ohhhrrr....been watching me, huh?" Twilight asked with a faint, muffled giggle, swaying slightly from side-to-side.

The princess paused at that question, and then looked down at her glass, and then back up at the unicorn, carefully phrasing her next sentence. "We find it hard not to watch such an attractive mare."

Twilight mulled on this for several long moment, sipping at her drink and blinking once or twice before seeming to come to a sudden realisation. She lifted a hoof at Luna, and then accused, "You're flirting with me!"

Luna recoiled at that, her own ears splaying back and her cheeks flushing with warmth. "W-we were merely complementing thy sense of fashion and thy naturally attractive hue."

The unicorn stared at Luna for a long moment, leaning closer and staring into her eyes searchingly, her own eyes narrowing accusingly, before she said suddenly, "I don't wear clothes! So you were only commenting on my attractiveness, huh?"

The princess blinked at that, her ears splaying back at the sudden increase in Twilight's aggressiveness. "U-uhm...t-that could be an accurate assessment of our words, y-yes."

Twilight stared at the princess for a long moment, gazing into her eyes with a hard expression, her tail giving a slow flick back and forth. Her horn glowed as she carefully set aside her glass. "You're trying to seduce me, aren't you, Luna?"

Luna's eyes widened, and her breathing picked up. Swallowing down the sudden lump in her throat, she shook her head firmly. "We were doing no such thing. We were merely seeking a discourse with thou on subjects of tutelage..."

The unicorn narrowed her eyes mischievously as the alicorn trailed off like that.

"W-why is thou looking at us like that, Twilight?" Luna asked nervously, backing away a step.

Twilight giggled softly under her breath, her eyes seeming to sparkle as she took a step closer to the alicorn, letting their noses bump. "You know...if you really wanted to develop a...relationship with me, you could have just asked..."

Luna seemed to gag a moment at that, spluttering. "A-A princess does not just ask for-"

The princess was cut off as Twilight pressed in close and kissed her quite suddenly, pressing their lips together in a firm, eager kiss.

Princess Luna shuddered faintly for a moment, form tensing as she tried to decide how to react, freezing in place in indecision as the unicorn kissed her so eagerly.

Twilight hummed in the back of her throat as she twisted her muzzle to the side and parted her lips, her tongue pressing against Luna's soft lips and worming between them, pressing into her mouth in an eager, lustful kiss, pressing against the princess's own limp muscle.

Slowly, Luna began to reciprocate, gently lifting her own tongue to press against the other mares, letting the soft, slick muscles lightly play against eachother as she enjoyed the faint taste of the unicorns saliva, feeling her heartrate increasing.

Twilight drew back with a grin, eyes still narrowed at the Princess, while Luna herself closed her mouth quite suddenly and tried to keep her face as straight as possible. There was no stopping the blush blooming on her cheeks, though.

"Seeeee?" Twilight sing-songed with a happy hum, swaying back and forth a little bit. "You do want to seduce me!"

Luna spluttered once more, unsure how to respond to that. Denying it would be pointless, but she couldn't just come out and say it!

Opting for silence, Luna sat back on her haunches, and looked to the side, cheeks flushed. She hadn't had enough moonshine to be comfortable with this conversation.

"You're not going to seduce me?" Twilight asked, and then gave a faint harrumph, pouting up at the princess. "Fiiiine. I'll do all the work then."

Luna barely had time to register what Twilight had said and the implications, before the unicorn was on her, pushing her rather firmly down with a surprisingly strong push of her forehooves. The princess splayed on her side and squirming for just a moment, about to roll back to her hooves when Twilight landed on her stomach, pouncing on her and pinning her there with a clasp of hooves around the princess's middle.

Twilight grinned up at her for a moment, resting her chin on the princess's dark chest, her eyes sparkling and her tail giving a slow swirl as her ears pricked up at Luna, seemingly waiting for her reaction.

"W-what is thy intention, Twilight?" Luna asked, squirming impotently under the unicorn for a moment. For all that she was an alicorn, luna was only a little bit larger than Twilight, and not quite strong enough to be able to comfortably throw the unicorn off without magical aid.

"I'm giving you what you want!" Twilight declared with a hazy grin, stepping up Luna's form until she was standing over the princess properly, and then leaning in to kiss her eagerly, basically laying atop the dark alicorn, a hoof lifting to twine with the silky blue mane, stroking through it slowly.

Luna stiffened slightly at Twilight's forwardness, but then relaxed into the kiss with a faint sound of nervousness. She had never really thought of what she would do if she did manage to seduce the unicorn. She hadn't planned that far ahead! But Twilight was giving her no room for choice at all, basically railroading the princess into accepting her affections, not that Luna was complaining in any way.

A hindleg shifted, and Luna stiffened and gasped into the kiss as she felt the leg pressing between her own hindlegs, beginning to grind slowly between them, and directly against her soft flesh. The princess's hooves wrapped around Twilights shoulders in a reflexive grasp as her back arched in surprise and her cheeks flushed violently red. Luna's tone was scandalised as she gasped, "T-twilight!"

"Shush," Twilight said shortly, pulling back from the kiss just long enough to utter the rebuke before pressing back into the kiss, forcing the princess to accept her tongue as she passionately pressed their mouths together, grinding her hindleg back and forth against the alicorns sex.

A soft, breathless groan left the alicorns throat as her back arched, her wings splaying out, stiffening a little bit as she shuddered and pressed a hoof against the unicorns chest, stiffening her press as a soft whimper joined her groan.

"You like that, don't you?" Twilight asked, not because she was curious at all. She knew the princess was enjoying it, but her words were designed to tease and tempt, rather than extract information.

"We m-might-o-oh!" she was cut off mid-sentence as Twilight ground her hindleg in against her all the more firmly, pulling back from the kiss and then beginning to kiss gently at the alicorn's throat and chin.

"A-ah, Twilight!" Luna gasped, wrapping her hooves around the unicorn all the more firmly as she felt the grinding against her all the more intensely, the increase in pressure increasing the friction and driving her pleasure upwards rapidly.

With a grin, the tipsy Unicorn swirled her tongue gently against Luna's lips, and then kissed a trail up her face towards her horn.

"I've always wanted to try this on somepony...My books say that it's quite enjoyable..." Twilight admitted breathily against Luna's ear, before diving up and taking the long horn into her muzzle, sinking down it and beginning to suckle around it firmly.

Luna stiffened, her muzzle parting in a gasp of surprise, the alicorn slowly writhing under Twilight as she stuttered out a surprised groan, a breathy exhalation leaving her mingled with a low moan. Luna's hindlegs kicked at the air reflexively as her horntip bagan to glow faintly, lighting up Twilight's mouth from inside.

Twilight grinned and suckled all the harder, twisting her muzzle from side-to-side a few times while bobbing her head for maximum stimulation, grinding her hindleg in between the princess's legs in a firm rhythm to bring her pleasure to a peak as rapidly as possibly.

The alicorn writhed and arched heavily under the unicorn in reflexive spasms, crying out in surprise and pleasure, so much so that Twilight lifted a hoof to rest on the princess's cheek, helping hold her still as she swirled her tongue all around the glowing horn, humming happily.

Luna tensed and shuddered, her horn glowing bright and strong in an intermittent fashion, growing brighter and brighter, to the point where it would have been blinding had it not been in Twilight's mouth, even as the alicorn herself cried out to the ceiling and bucked against Twilight's muzzle and hindleg helplessly.

Hot liquids began to spill from Luna's trembling, clenching sex as the alicorn ground her hips down against the unicorns hindleg helplessly, gasping and shuddering in delight. The magical glow in Twilight's mouth filled her maw with warmth and exploded with a radiating light, the magical intensity so strong that Twilight could taste it on her tongue, like liquid sunlight. Or, more aptly, liquid moonlight.

Twilight grinned as the lightshow tapered off, and she gently removed her mouth from the panting princess's horn, licking her lips innocently for a moment. "So tingly..."

Luna panted heavily, splayed out on her back, groaning faintly in the aftermath of her orgasm, entire form shuddering a little bit as her wings fluttering and flared, before folding slowly back to her sides.

The unicorn began to extricate herself from the princess, grinning and kissing Luna's nose once as she stepped away.

"My work here is done," Twilight said with a grin, peering down at her handiwork and canting her head a little bit to one side, blowing a kiss to the unresponsive princess and humming happily to herself as she turned around and began to head for the door.

Twilight was just lifting a hoof to press down on the door handle, when she heard a loud exclamation from behind her.

"Did thou think that thou could deliver such actions unto us and not expect reciprocance, whelp?!" came the exclamation from Princess Luna, who was advancing on the unicorn with firm, rapid steps.

Twilight cast her gaze about uncertainly for a moment, her eyes widening at the sudden change in attitude in the princess.

Luna tossed her mane for a moment, and then pounced on Twilight, pinning her to the door with her body weight and then pressing an eager, lustful kiss onto her muzzle, wrapping her hooves around the unicorns neck and grinding up against her heatedly.

The unicorn fairly purred in delight, her ears splaying happily as she returned the kiss with interest, parting her muzzle as Luna did the same, allowing their tongues to meet and press together in a moist embrace.

Powerful forelimbs pulled the unicorn down onto the floor, and Twilight giggled a little bit at the marehandling, squirming to get comfortably, peering up at the alicorn coquettishly, batting her eyes, and then spreading her hindlegs suggestively, revealing to the princess the area where purple furred flesh became exposed, soft pink.

Luna stared for a long, long moment, blinking once and looking from Twilight's face, to the obvious invitation of her splayed hindlimbs, before suddenly swooping down, laying a kiss on her; but not to her lips.

Twilight gasped and arched, giving a low moan as Luna kissed between her legs lewdly, the princess's eyes closed as she pressed her lips to Twilight's nethers and then extended her tongue to swirl gently against the exposed sex.

The unicorn bit her lower lip, stifling the groan that bubbled up out of her throat as a hoof lifted to rest on Luna's head, entwining with her lovely mane as her hindlegs splayed further to give the alicorn full access to her body.

Luna took the offer eagerly, pressing in closer and laving her tongue against the soft outer lips of Twilight's sex again and again. A hoof lifted to press against the unicorn's inner thigh, which in turn spread her purple sex to reveal the soft pink flesh inside, lightly moist with her own internal liquids, which Luna began to eagerly lap at, deliberately letting her tongue slip partway into the spread sex.

Twilight stuffed a hoof in her mouth, giving a high-pitched squeal of delight and bucking her hips slightly at the feel of Luna pressing her tongue in like that, her breathing rapid and intense.

Grinning up at Twilight for a long moment, Luna paused, and then attacked her clit with a rapid swirl of tongue and touch of lips, latching onto the hard-to-find little nub of flesh and suckling around it hard and deep.

Twilight stiffened, her eyes widening, her entire form tensing up, her back arching as a soft, high-pitched cry of delight escaped her clenched muzzle. Her hindlegs quivered and then shook heavily as a sudden wash of her liquids began to spill from her convulsing sex, drooling from the clenching, convulsing purple nethers, wetting her tail and inner thighs with their exit.

Luna gave a low rumble of delight, releasing the unicorns clit to lean down and lave her tongue slowly against the unicorns drooling sex, getting her muzzle splashed with liquids for her troubles.

The grinnined princess drew back, licking her lips for a moment, and then crawling up the unicorns form to peer down at her, raising a brow.

"Did thou enjoy that?" Luna asked innocently, watching her.

Twilight gave a low groan, opening an eye and peering up at her for a long moment, before nodding mutely.

Luna giggled, and then gently laid next to the limp unicorn, leaning in to kiss her.

Twilight blinked her eyes open at the taste of her own liquids on Luna's lips and tongue, pausing for a few moments, before returning the kiss in a content, tired sort of way.

The princess gathered Twilight against her chest, and curled around her slightly smaller form, snuggling up with her to rest.

It wouldn't be until the next morning that Twilight was seen again; and that was at the Royal Palace, knocking on Celestia's door with a bottle of moonshine floating gently besides her.

Celestia opened the door and peered down at her student, raising a brow. "Oh Twilight, how nice to see you. Why are you here?"

Twilight smiled up at her teacher, and then pressed past her into the room, closing the door behind her with a touch of magic.

The unicorn rounded on the surprised Celestia, and Twilight gently shook the bottle of moonshine in front of the princess's nose. "All these years, you've taught me things, Princess. It's time for me to teach you one or two things."


Luna hiccupped faintly as she stared up at the moon, swaying slowly from side-to-side in time with a ditty she was humming to herself in a tuneless way. It was night, and the princess was staring up at what was her domain, her duty, and, for a very,...

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Vindicated Depravity

Shining Armor stretched and arched slightly with the faintest of groans, before beginning to walk down the long hallway to the rooms he and Cadance shared. He had just returned from a lunchdate with Twilight Sparkle. Over the past month, he had been...

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Rainbows in the Night

A soft rapping at the door of Sugar Cube Corner had Pinkie Pie bolting out of bed and tumbling down the stairs from her attic bedroom. The violently pink pony bounced over to the front door, and pulled it open, grinning cheerily out into the gloom. ...

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