A gryphon's tale

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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I'm using google docs now, forgive mistakes.

A gryphon's tale

The gryphon's heart beat against her throat in a violent tattoo, her talons clenching against the flagstones as she stared, and stared, and stared. It was her, finally, her!

It was Christmas, and soft snowflakes were falling through the air, swirling in the eddies and currents of the wind as the gryphon's eye's narrowed, taking in the human who was standing just inside the large iron gates that opened into the castle's main courtyard.

"Is anyone here?" The human called out, looking around, hands holding her arms, puffs of steam billowing from her mouth as she walked uncertainly towards the closed door leading off from the castles courtyard.

She was wearing a blue top and matching tracksuits, which fit her form rather nicely, and white sneakers, which were encrusted with snow from the short hike to the castle on the hill.

The human had taken a trip from her home town in England the relatively short distance to the town on the moor that was nestled nicely against the base of the hill. She was here for Christmas, after her online friend had suggested it, and even paid the bill for her to catch the bus to the town. Her backpack was sitting against the wall dividing the dry moat and the inner courtyard, where she had left it while going looking for any occupants.

Sure she had the right place, she strode right up to the door and knocked on it, calling out in a loud, yet uncertain voice, "I'm here! Open up!"

The door, already slightly opened, clicked as it swung forwards, as if an invisible servant had unlocked and opened it, and the human stumbled forwards in surprise, hand still poised for another knock. "Um...hello?"

Kylthiere stared down at the human and sighed softly. All inside was ready for Christmas. She would be spending it alone, but at least now she could put a face and body to the name she saw on her computer nearly every day. It wouldn't take long for her to enter the castle and find the food laid out, and the note telling her that she would have to spend the eve alone, because her host had to leave for a 'family emergency'.

The gryphon stood and watched, up until the human got her bags and nonchalantly walked into through the doorway and down into the darkness of the stair-well, lit up only by the torch sitting in a sconce on the wall.

She sighed, a whistling sound that escaped her beak as a breathy trill, and then turned, shaking the snow loose from her feathers and walking the battlements until she got to the door on the opposite side of the castle to where the human now sat, nosing it open with her beak and slipping through and up the stairs until she reached the tower, her eyrie. It was filled with plush cushions, the larger the better, as far as the gryphon was concerned. The large animal dropped into the centre of the pile of cushions, where several blankets were draped over them to create a crude sort of nest, a wing lifting so that she could place her beak under it before drifting off to sleep.

* * *

Kylthiere jerked awake with the sound of feet coming up the steps. It was the day after Christmas, and her visitor was about to open her door!

The gryphon jerked herself out of bed and threw herself out the window, flipping as she went and grabbing the window-sill with her talons, her back feet hitting the smooth, rounded wall and scrabbling for purchase, her wings half-opened and her eyes wide-open as the door to her eyrie opened and the human entered.

Luckily, the window was set to one side, and it would be impossible to see the gryphon unless she noticed the talon or stood at the window and looked straight downwards. The human gave a 'harumph' of thoughtfullness as she stared at all the cushions, and noticed the lived-in feel of the place, and the burning candle that the gryphon had forgotten to put out the night before!

The human went over to the candle and stared at it for a second, and then just stood there, watching it, eyes narrowed, arms crossed, shivering slightly with the breeze coming in through the window. She watched the candle until she was satisfied it wasn't the type of candle that wouldn't go out for days, and then gave a soft 'harumph' again and blew it out as she watched it burn down a few millimetres in the short time she watched it.

"Where are you..." She said to herself as she left again, and the gryphon let out a sigh of relief, front legs straining with the effort of holding her body weight. She scrambled back into the eyrie and huffed softly, waiting a full ten minutes before going downstairs and then into the catacomb of the castles passages. She wouldn't be found down here.

* * *

The human was persistent though, walking back and forth through the castle, knowing there was someone else there and wanting to see if they knew where her host was supposed to be, or when she would be back. She wasn't leaving without answers.

* * *

Kyltheire froze, her eyes wide, her ruffs extended and inflamed as she tried not to make a whisper of sound, wing's half spread as if to facilitate a quick escape, though they wouldn't help down here.

She was right there! The gryphon could have literally reached out and touched her in passing.

The human continued on, not noticing the shadow in the darkness, and the gryphon relaxed slightly, one of her talons scraping across the stone floor audibly.

She cringed as the human spun, one of the knives from the table in her right hand, her eyes searching the darkness for what had made the sound. "Damn rats..." She murmured, taking down a torch from the wall sconce and starting to walk towards the gryphon, the ever-expanding globe of light coming closer and closer.

There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, she was caught!

"No! Don't come any...back! not any..." Kylthiere tried to find a word that didn't have any r's or s's in it, but failed. She couldn't say those letters properly, as they were quite distinctive.

But the human stopped, confused by the sudden speech.

"Um...hello?" She asked, leaning down and peering into the darkness, about to take a step forwards and bring the firelight from the torch to the darkness when she paused to listen.

"Hello...why...have you gone..ssseeking within...the keep?" She asked falteringly, it was hard for her to talk without using r's and s's, and especially when she had to think on the fly, and thinking up words that didn't have an 'r' or an 's' in them was pretty hard for her, even though she had good practice. She almost cursed when she let out the hissing 's' in 'seeking', but the human didn't seem to notice, thankfully.

"Who are you?" The human asked suddenly, stepping forwards, swinging the torch to bring the darkness into light.

The gryphon gave a shriek as her face was suddenly visible for the merest second, and humans face registered shock and surprise, before a wing came up and covered the beak and face from the humans gaze, the other wing slapping the torch away, which spiralled out of her hand and against the wall, the flame spluttering, and going out. The human could only watch as the gryphon fled up the stairs behind her, the torch at the top lighting up her form for just a second as she sprinted away at the highest speed her talons could make her go, looking back over her shoulder for half a second, her form framed by the stairway walls and roof, one wide eye visible as she stared at her, and then she was gone.

* * *

Kylthiere entered her eyrie two days later, and froze. She had been out flying, trying to think, sad. She had lost her best friend. It was only ever an online friendship, and it could never be truly real, because she was a gryphon and she a human...but she had still held out some hope...but the look on her face when she had seen who the gryphon really was...

That was why she was so surprised to find the human lying in her eyrie, curled up on the cushions, in the centre of her 'nest', a few drawing spread around her. They all looked familiar, and she realised with a start that they were her, right down to the colouration and details. The human had a very sharp eye by the looks of it.

She was about to turn and retreat again when the human opened her eyes and looked straight at her. "...you came back..." She murmured, looking straight at her.

"Why arrre you ssstill herrre?" Kylthiere asked without answering the question, eyes narrowed, nares flushed. She wanted to retreat, so the human wouldn't have to stair at her ugly body, but she wouldn't allow herself to run this time.

"I wanted to see you..." She said, reaching up a hand to touch the gryphon's beak.

She stiffened and went still, eyes wide as the hand rested on her beak, wondering what the human was doing. perhaps she was checking to see if it was real? "Why arrre you touching my beak?..." She asked a little nervously, wings fluttering a little as her eyes widened.

"Because i want to..." The human said simply, lifting her other hand and pulling the gryphons rather larger head close to her own. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I...um..." The gryphon faltered, unsure what to say, looking at the windows and the door as if contemplating escape.

"No pretty bird, you're stuck in here with me, I'm not letting you get away this time." The human said firmly.

Kylthiere's eyes widened and she struggled slightly, but the human had a rather firm grip on her, hands wrapped around her beak, holding her there. "So why were you avoiding me?"

Her nares flushed furiously and she turned her head to the side as far as it would go, "I didn't want you to hate me..."

"Why would i hate you?...you're beautiful."The human murmured, running a hand through the feathers of her neck and through her ruffs.

"B-beautiful?" The gryphon asked, eyes wide, as if for conformation.

"Yeah..." The human murmured back, smiling slightly, tossing the sheet aside, scrunching it under her weight a little by accident.

"You'rrre rrruining yourrr picturrre." Kylthiere pointed out.

"I don't need it any more." The human said simply.

"Why not?" The gryphon asked, bewildered.

"Because i have the real thing right here." She murmured in return, wrapping her arms around the gryphon's neck and smiling, hugging her.

The gryphon was stiff at first, tense, unsure what to do, but then gradually relaxed, letting the human hug her.

"You do know if you're just some sick weirdo in a suit I'm going to tear you pieces right?" The human said, dead pan.

Kylthiere gulped softly, but then said defensively, "I am quite rrreal thank you." In a slightly huffy tone.

"Just making sure...You don't see gryphons everywhere you know." The human replied, laying her head on the gryphons neck and sighing happily at the feel of feathers against her cheek. "You have to be real, i can feel your heartbeat." She murmured.

"Did you think i would not have a hearrrt?" The gryphon asked a little stonily.

"Well no, but i must admit...Wen i first saw you, i thought you were just some sort of animatronic...But when i saw you look back at me for that moment, just before you went around that corner, i could see the fear in your eyes, and i knew you must be real. even though everyone says gryphons don't exist, i was sure. and I'm right." She said triumphantly.

"I guessss you arrre." The gryphon murmured.

"so..." The human stroked a hand through Kylthiere's feathers, "If you're all real...why don't we know about you?" She asked.

"We tend not to let people find out...and i think therrre arrre verrry few of usss left...i have not ssseen another grrryphon everrr..." she replied, a little sadly.

"Then what were you doing on a furry chat like the one i met you on? why weren't you out searching the world for other gryphons?"

The gryphon sighed softly and settled down onto the cushions next to the human, resting her head on her front legs. "Because people would have found out about me and wanted to do all sssorrrtsss of thingsss to me orrr jussst hated me becaussse i am differrrrent."

"So...you think that it would be something like a guy walking through the New York Bronx wearing a purple tuxedo and a sign saying 'I'm gay'?" The human.

The gryphon gave her a long stare, and then a soft chuckle. "It would be sssomething like that yesss, except he can change hisss clothesss....i cannot."

The human ran a hand from her neck to her wings, smiling. "I think i like you just the way you are..."

The gryphon looked at her with big, round eyes and the best approximation of a pout her facial features could make. "You rrreally do?"

"Well...i wouldn't have spent 3 hours trying to draw you if i didn't." She replied, smiling slightly.

"Why would you want to drrraw me?" Kylthiere asked, eyes narrowed in perplexion.

"You'rrre beautiful." She replied with a shrug, picking up a picture. "Plus i thought it might look good in your profile, you know. You always did play as a gryphon...but i never would have guessed why."

"I do not have a ssscannerrr...i cannot jussst go to town and buy one, forrr obviousss rrreasssonsss..." The gryphon sad sadly.

"So...your one and only form of social interaction is a furry chat?" The human asked with a raised eyebrow and a soft laugh.

"Yesss..." The gryphon said, more than a little sadly this time. "What isss yourrr name?" She asked suddenly.

"Debbie," She replied, on reflex, "why?"

"well...i have only ssseen yourrr online name...i did not know if yourrr rrreal name isss the sssame asss the one you ussse online..." She sighed.

"Don't tell me you're real name is Kylthiere?" Debbie asked with surprise and a soft laugh.

"It isss..." She murmured softly, her nares flushing.

"You do know that the first rule of internet safety is to never use your real name...right?" Debbie asked, peering at the gryphon speculatively.

Kylthiere frowned. "I know..." She said, sighing. "But I'm not worrrth trrracking down, and it wouldn't be easssy..."

"If i had of known you were a real gryphon i would have tracked you down a lot earlier." Debbie said candidly.

"Why?" The gryphon asked, peering at her. "Grrryphonsss arrren't all that ssspecial."

"Oh yesss they are." Debbie replied, imitating her speech. "You're really quite pretty."

Kylthiere tilted her head and blinked, thinking. "You can't mean prrretty in as in...um...like on the chat...asss if..." She searched for the right words and failed miserably.

"Do I mean that I find you attractive? Quite." Debbie said matter-of-factly.

The gryphon's eyes went wide and her nares flushed deep red. "You find me attrrractive?"

"I just said that didn't I...are you a relative of a parrot?"The human asked, rubbing the gryphon's head feathers affectionately.

"I am no rrrelative of a parrrrot!" She replied, affronted, hackles raised.

"Just kidding, settle down." She murmured, rubbing the gryphon's neck soothingly.

"I thought that people only found grrryphonsss attrrractive in chat rrroomsss...." She said, eyes wide.

"No silly gryphon, I like gryphons in real life too." Debbie murmured, rubbing at the gryphons neck feathers gently.

"You like grrryphonsss..." Kylthiere said, frowning slightly to herself.

"Yes. Very much so." Debbie replied, pulling the gryphon a little closer.

"How much?" She asked curiously.

"Do you want me to show you?" Debbie asked with a slight smile.

"I-if you rrreally want to..." She replied, looking up at the human with a slight gulp of trepidation.

"Do you trust me?" Debbie asked with a smile.

"Um...asss much asss i trrrussst anyone..." Kylthiere murmured in return.

"Good." Debbie replied with a smile. She moved away from the gryphon a little bit, lying down on the nest of cushions. "Come over here." She said, patting the cushion besides her and smiling reassuringly.

The gryphon stood for a few seconds, undecided, but then moved over closer, lying down hesitantly next to the human. A soft, involuntary churl escaped her beak as she felt gentle hands on her wings, rubbing at her feathered body in a soothing way.

"Just relax." Debbie murmured, laying her head on the gryphons soft-feathered neck and smiling, running her hands back and forth over her wings and sides gently.

"That feelsss good..." Kylthiere said in a relaxed voice, unused to the feel of anyone touching her in any way, and quite enjoying the feeling.

"I'm glad." Debbie murmured in response, moving a hand down lower onto the gryphons belly and starting to rub her palm back and forth in little circles, smiling.

"Ahhh...." The gryphon murmured, eyes slowly closing and wings relaxing from their tightly-folded position, her body consigning itself to the gentle rubbing and caressing. It felt nice to be stroked by a friend.

"Relax..." The voice in the gryphon's ear soothed and lulled her until she almost felt herself slipping into sleep, before her eyes suddenly shot open and her breathing intensified to harsh pants, her eyes wide and wings tense again. The humans hand was between her legs, slowly moving back and forth, the soft flesh touching at her own flesh, making her give a soft gasp and arch her back a little, lifting her rear leg and laying her head down, nares flushing furiously as she closed her eyes, finding it hard to swallow.

"Just relax..." The voice murmured, and she relaxed as best she could, giving slight starts every time she felt those smooth, talented fingers slide across her body.

"I-i thought thisss only happened...I-in chat rrroomsss..." She said, eyes closed and head stretched out, her free wing twitching slowly in time with the runs from the humans fingers.

"Well not this time." The voice whispered as a sudden finger found its way into her body, making the gryphons eyes shoot open and a sudden gasp to escape her beak as she panted heavily and shivered, lying back down shakily, wings quivering.

Her leg began to twitch slowly as the finger moved back and forth inside her, gently, softly, slowly, but very noticably, the gryphon giving a soft gasp every time she felt the finger move within her, churling softly on reflex and moaning softly, keeping one leg lifted to make it as easy as possible for the human.

"I-I...I-I'm going...to..." The gryphon panted heavily, screwing her eyes closed, her talons clenching on the cushions, tearing some of them, as she gave a sudden cry, like the piercing cry of an eagle, only deeper and more resonant, a sudden gush of her liquids spilling back to moisten her feathers and the humans hand as she shuddered through her first orgasm, eyes wide in shock.

She heard gentle laughter in her ear, but her swirling mind couldn't comprehend the onslaught of sound properly, her thought process slow and hazy as she struggled to understand.

"T-that...wasss...." She tried to speak but found her words slurred more than usual, her wing quivering weakly as she shuddered softly in the aftershocks.

The gryphon rolled over, trying to lie facing the human as close as she could, though her legs made it awkward. "I want to...do the sssame to you..." She said a little nervously, heart pounding as she leaned in and rubbed her beak affectionately over the humans chin and neck.

"Are you sure?" Debbie asked gently, a fingertip lightly tracing the gryphon's beak.

"Yesss." Kylthiere replied firmly, nodding, eyes wide.

Debbie started to shrug out of her clothes, the top first, and then her shoes and pants, tossing them in a dishevelled heap, and then snuggling close to the gryphons deliciously warm body.

"W-what do i do? I..My talonsss arrre too sssharrrp..." She murmured, a little worriedly, scared that she couldn't return the favour the human had so generously given her.

"You...could try using your beak." Debbie replied uncertainly, staring at the rather intimidating head and beak.

Kylthiere blinked a few times, as though envisioning what she was about to do, head slowly cocking to one side, before she suddenly moved downwards to the humans legs, nervously pressing her beak into the thatch of hair between her thighs.

Debbie gasped and arched a little at the play of breath over her sensitive flesh, her legs spreading reflexively, revealing her body to the gryphon.

The gryphons eyes went wide and she stared, breathing heavily through her nose, leaning in and pressing her beak against the revealed flesh, her short tongue lapping at it as best as she could.

The human arched her back a little further, hands finding the gryphons beak and rubbing at it affectionately as she groaned softly.

The beak moved closer, pressing firmly against the soft sex as the tongue lapped repeatedly at it, Kylthiere rubbing her beak up and down gently, caressing the human with it, churling softly at the taste flooding contacting her tongue.

Her eyes widened and she stiffened as the human suddenly gave something almost like a scream, her body tensing up and her legs wrapping about the gryphons head, holding it firmly in place as the taste of her arousal intensified through the act of her feminine liquids splashing against the gryphons tongue.

Debbie laughed softly as she came down from the heady heights of orgasm, to see the gryphon standing between her legs as if shocked, beak dripping slowly dripping liquids and eyes wide.

"That wasss...fun." The gryphon murmured, looking at the human with wide, innocent eyes.

"Yes. It was." Debbie replied, reaching over and pulling the gryphon closer, kissing her beak gently and stroke the feathers of her neck and chest, forcing her to lie down next to her.

Kylthiere didn't protest, snuggling up to the human as best she could, letting Debbie's naked skin press against her feathers and giving a soft churl at the sensation, grinning in the way of gryphons, a slightly open beak.

A soft, happy sigh escaped the human as she curled up to the gryphon, content to sleep next to her new lover.

"Debbie?..." The gryphon asked, just before sleep took them both.

"Yes?" She replied, less than half awake.

"Will you ssstay herrre with me?..." She asked, her own eyes closed and wings furled happily against her back, a contented churl in her throat.

The human reached over and laid a hand on the gryphon's neck, patting it gently. "As long as you want, Kylthiere."

To gain a pokemon...to lose your heart part 13

And to clarify my earlier comment, they're collecting gym _badges_ not _leaders_ which some people may have thought now that Faulkner is joining their little group. And I forgot the Ecruteak gym leader's name...\*sigh\* too many different pokemon...

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A night in Paradise

A night in Paradise The wolf walked with one paw resting idly on the hilt of his sabre. It wasn't a threatening motion, or even a defensive one; it was merely a custom for him. His boot heels clicked smartly on the stone road and the hilt of his...

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A whispered promise

Just remember when you finish reading this story, that the only plot line I got was "a female anthro collie gets reunited with a male human after she was separated from her armed unit." So there you go, if you do a request, don't give me a bloody six...

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