Brotherly Love: Chapter 13

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#31 of A New Venture

There were many places that Richter wanted to be at the moment and none of them involved sitting in the den with his brother's on either side of him. The young stallion glanced over to look at Grant who looked just as uncomfortable as he did, perhaps even more as the lion was looking down at his hands and picking at the base of one nail attentively. There was certainly an expression of being nervous in the tense features, but the lion kept his muzzle shut and his gaze fixed on his paws rather then looking around. It was obvious that he was doing his best to ignore the elephant in the room as it were. Richter had a harder time ignoring it when he was leaning right against Kierlan who was struggling into a shirt awkwardly.

"Maybe they won't notice?" Richter broke the silence awkwardly as he glanced at the tawny lion and immediately flattened his ears down.

"I think it's a little late for that, Rich." Grant sighed beside him, but his brother didn't look up from his nail picking. "Someone has to tell them."

"I can.." Kierlan's voice was soft as the young lion finally forced his shirt down over his chest and grimaced down at himself.

Richter didn't know what had happened. The colt was a bit afraid by the sudden change in his slender brother and how it had seemed to happen so suddenly and for no reason. Kierland had gained nearly half a foot of height to himself and the muscles had grown more defined along his chest and stomach. He didn't look like a dancer now, he looked more like an athlete who played the heavier sports. His chest was even broader so that the edge of his mane thinned down to a strip that ran just behind his pectoral muscles and towards his belly. The shirt that he had struggled into strained over his enlarged chest and Kierlan sighed before using one sharp claw to gut the neck of the shirt so it didn't wrap so tightly around him. He looked so guilty, so vulnerable as he refused to look at either of his brothers.

"God, Kierlan, this isn't your fault!" Richter finally snapped out and gave his head a shake. "You had better not be thinking that it is."

"Oh, not really." Their brother looked a bit guilty. "I just.. I dunno. What are we gonna say that happened?"

"I don't know." Grant finally looked up from picking at his claw and bounced up onto his feet with a snap his tail. "I don't even know what happened. You shouldn't just.. yanno... grow like that! No one should! If we can just keep them out of the house or you outta there sight for a few days we might be able to say it was a growth spurt."

"Grant, look at him! I couldn't put on that sort of definition in a month of hard work. Our Dads are not going to believe that it happened in just a few days." Richter gestured one broad hand. "We gotta say something."

"We can tell them, I dunno.. that we don't know? We were just all hanging out when it happened?" Grant gave a wave of his paw.

"Grant, don't be stupid!" Kierlan cut in and looked up from trying to adjust his too tight shorts. "What if what we did caused this? If it did, it could do other things or even hurt us. You know that they had to use experimental methods for us. How often has Doc Lupe come over to examine us because he wanted to make sure that we were healthy from it?"

The arguments slipped away into silence that wrapped around them and left Richter fidgeting with the edge of his cut off shorts nervously. It was an accepted fact that they had been the first children born from a revolutionary new method. It was common now, though Dr. Lupe had told them it was tweaked. That's why they had so many doctor appointments when they'd been younger. It seemed like every few weeks they were being pocked, prodded and measured. The appointments had gradually tapered off as they grew past their early teens and it hadn't been that long ago that Skarlath had told him that Doc Lupe didn't think they were going to be displaying any sorts of problems now they were passing puberty and sexual maturity.

"We haven't gone to see him in nearly a year." The young stallion murmured to himself and gave his head a shake. "I mean, he said that we were old enough that we should have already displayed any real problems, right?"

"Yeah, but we're still seeing him twice a year, aren't we?" Kierlan gave his head a shake and glanced down at himself. "I don't know what's causing this, but we gotta tell someone."

"Do we really have to tell our Dads?" Grant turned to face them. "I mean, we've been going to Doc Lupe for years! We don't we just, um... I dunno, call and ask him if we can see him? We're nearly adults and you know he's always saying that if we have issues to let him know right away. Hell, remember when we were gettin' told about sex."

"Oh man, I thought Da' was going to lose it. Roan wasn't any better." Kierlan giggled a little. "They did tell us that we could always talk to Doc Lupe if we didn't feel comfy talking to them."

"Yeah, they did." Richter lifted his head and pricked his ears forward. "And this is a question about it, isn't it? This is definitely a question! And he might even be able to get Kierlan to umm.. normal size."

"Yeah!" The tawny young lion wrapped an arm over the colt and squeezed. "This is a lot better then talking to the parents."

"Heh, yeah it is." The colt agreed and then eyed his sibling consideringly. "But we gotta get you better clothes. You look like you're about to rip at the seams in those. Grant, you call the doc, I'm gonna go raid your closet to try and find something that'll fit Kierlan."

"Gotcha. See? It's all gonna work out just fine!"

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kierlan tried not to squirm too much in the middle of the doctor's office. He never enjoyed being here and every time that he had to come in for an appointment he was afraid that their doctor would announce that something was wrong with him. Or worse, ask about certain parts of him. Doc Lupe had been shocked at his hybrid form, but had only remarked that if it caused him any difficulties or problems that he should report them. Thankfully, the lion had a perfectly working member and he hadn't had to ask any questions or bring up any issues that he didn't want to. Still, sitting in the sterile office always made him want to squirm.

"Stop moving, Kier." Grant leaned over and patted his leg with a white gold paw. "You're gonna knock me off my chair."

"Sorry, just nervous." Kierlan managed a weak smile and went back to staring at his lap and his borrowed pants. Even Grant's sweats were a bit snug on him, but at least they weren't uncomfortable.

Grant had been quite enthused to report that their family doctor would see them that afternoon as the last appointment of the day. Kierlan had been half convinced that he'd be stored at Siber's house or somewhere else to try and hide his growth. They hadn't even had to bump into their parents on the way out the door so they'd had a smooth run of it so far. It was just hard to remain calm when every time he looked down he saw his slender arms hardened with a layer of muscle that hadn't been there before. They looked like an athlete's arms, not like an artists. It was distinctly disturbing for him and he sighed out a little bit.

"Good lord, Kierlan, what has happened to you?" The gruff voice brought his head up with a jerk to find their family doctor standing in the door way staring at him.

Doc Lupe was old enough that he should have retired years ago. The aged bull was more silver furred then the original dark black and he had lost most of his muscle tone from a soft life behind a desk and his own age. The broad horns were the only testament that he had once been a powerful bull in his prime and looked like polished wood at the base before darkening to black. As always, Lupe wore a set of glasses perched on his muzzle and the ever present white jacket that marked his profession. The only thing that was different was the shocked look on the elderly features and the way the ears had twitched back against his head.

"Ah.. a problem." Kierlan managed weakly and felt Richter's arm wrap around him and squeeze down firmly.

"I'll say. Well, let's go back into the back room so we can sort this out, hmm? What on earth were you doing that caused this?" The last sentence seemed more a question to himself then to Kierlan, but even still he felt his cheeks darken in a flush. How was he possibly going to explain all of this?

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".. and uh... well that's what happened." Richter finished the story up lamely and tried to keep his ears from pinning back against his head in embarrassment.

The colt had always been honest with their doctor, all of them had. They didn't want to leave out some important bit of information and cause problems, after all. And they certainly didn't want to risk health issues cropping up because they were embarrassed. Their parents had been teaching them from the time they could talk that they could be honest with their doctor. They had only ever had one or two really embarrassing questions and even then it had been about trivial things. This was far beyond trivial and it exercised every bit of his trust to be the one to tell the story of what they had been doing together and how it had all happened. By the end of it Richter's cheeks flamed bright red beneath his fur and he could feel his brothers squirming now and then in embarrassment at what he was revealing.

"Please.. don't tell our parents." Kierlan spoke up for the first time since they'd started being questioned and his voice sound quivering and a bit scared.

"Calm down, Kierlan. I'm not in a habit of revealing patients' secrets unless there is a real reason to do so. Right now we don't know what really happened or why." The old doctor gave them the same reassuring smile they had grown up with. "I will have to tell them if there is something wrong and your.. ah.. activities are the cause, but I'll agree to do so with you present. For now, we need to figure out what caused Kierlan to suddenly grow as he did."

"It might not have been.. um.. us fooling around?" Grant lifted his ears and Richter felt hope leap up in his chest. He would be mortified if his fathers ever found out about this!

"I believe it might be the cause." The old doctor leaned back on the stool and looped his stethoscope back around his neck. "The drugs that were used to allow you to be conceived originally had some strange properties. Many of them were unforeseen, but as you hadn't demonstrated anything of the kind when you hit sexual maturity I dismissed that it could still affect you."

"What? Like getting bigger? I mean, how would you have known? We're always growing!" Richter complained and glanced over at his tawny brother.

"You were growing at a natural rate. Kierlan obviously is not. So now we need to figure out if what you were doing was in fact the trigger or if it was simply coincidence and this is the natural progression of your growing into adulthood." The old bull tilted his head a little bit.

Richter blinked at the last part of the sentence and flushed. "You mean, we might all start growing like that?" He glanced down at his already large form. Horses were not small creatures and he had Roan's stature in so many ways already! He didn't want to think about what it would be like if he kept growing.

"It's quite possible, but for now, I'm going to have to test you and Grant to see if there's a trigger being presented. If there is an anomaly I will test Kierlan and see if that is what is causing it." Doc Lupe stood up with a stretch. "I can send the tests out tonight and them by tomorrow afternoon at the earliest."

"Oh.. okay." Richter flicked his ears back with a sigh. "But.. you aren't going to tell our parents about this right?"

The bull flicked his fingers in a wave. "Right now you are no danger and I'd do more harm then good telling them about it. I won't lie to them, so if they call and ask why you came here I'll tell them why, but I won't seek them out to tell them."

"Oh." Richter wilted a bit and hoped that Grant would have a good idea about what to do about covering up where they'd been. As he tried to come up with an idea on his own the bull had taken the chance to open up a few drawers and dropped two plastic cups with twist on lids down onto the counter.

"I'll need a sample from Grant and Richter to send out for testing. You're the last appointment of the day so you can use the other rooms for privacy. I'm going to put in a few calls to see about pushing up the results to get them in earlier." The bull gave them a reassuring smile that made Richter feel like a colt again. "Kierlan, I'll need to ask you a few questions as well if you don't mind. I'm sure they'll just be standard, but it'll take away... temptation."

The look that their doctor gave them made Richter flush hotly. He almost asked what sort of samples that Doc Lupe needed, but he was pretty sure he knew exactly what was needed. As the elderly bull slipped out of the door with their large brother behind them the young stallion was lift grinning at his remaining brother with a wink.

"I think he's hinting we should um, take care of business alone." He teased and gave the lion a light shove. "Get outta here so I don't get performance anxiety!"

"Uh-huh, you just don't want me to know about the porn on your phone." Grant wrinkled his lips back before laughing. Richter aimed a kick at him, but the lion dodged it easily on his way out. Well, it wasn't like he hid the fact that he had certain pictures on his phone...

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Kierlan felt awkward as he followed his doctor down the hall and he tried his best to keep his ears up instead of pinning them flat back like he wanted too. Richter and Grant seemed to be more at ease then he was, but they hadn't ended up like him. It was making him uncomfortable that the young stallion had so easily spilled their secrets and in such detail, while he was lift blushing and squirming between his siblings. It also made him feel anxious about being asked to come with the doctor out of the rooms and to be on his own. It could only mean that there were questions that were going to be asked that he would be forced to answer.

"Come on, lad, I'm not going to bite you." Lupe gave him a look and held the door to his main office open. "Come in and have a seat, alright?"

"Alright." Kierlan stepped into the cool and professional looking office and glanced at the chairs.

They had always seemed so massive when he'd been younger, but now they seemed fragile looking. He took a moment to find the chair that Roan normally perched on and settled down gingerly on it. The bull merely made a nod of approval before settling behind the desk and brought his computer to life with a few pecks at the keyboard. For the first time in the young lion's life he realized just how quiet the office was. The only sound was his own restless shifting in the seat as he tried to get comfortable and the ticking of the large clock that was situated on one of the walls.

"So, Kierlan." Dr. Lupe's voice nearly made him jerk out of his chair. "Why don't you tell me about what has been going on with you three?"

"Uh... R-richter told you." He stumbled over the words, but at least he was able to get them out. "I mean, it just sorta happened. I know it's not right, but it just happened and now this happened and.." He trailed of lamely and couldn't think clearly enough to even make his own thoughts sound intelligent.

"I understand." The bull leaned back in his chair. "You have to understand, I want to know what's going on as much as you do. The problem is you are a unique group of young men and that makes it especially hard for me to find the source. Your parents told you how you were conceived yes?"

"Yeah, we were told it wasn't exactly on the books at the time.." He relaxed a little as the conversation took on a safer tone. "I mean, I know that it was the first treatment of its kind."

"Yes it was and there were certain side effects that I didn't predict. One of which is an increase in size in both Artemis and Roan, another one was the... ahem.. virility of those involved. You certainly surprised all of us when triplets were born." The doctor gave him a smile. "I was always slightly concerned that the after effects might inhibit you and your brothers or affect you as you grew older."

"So.. you think that I'm growing bigger just because of that. Not because.." He trailed off a little bit and flushed.

"Actually, I think that's the reason. There would be certain genetic differences in you then other young men. Now, I assumed when you hit sexual age that you would naturally display any sort of issues, but is seems I was wrong. I believe that..." The bull paused and seemed to think for a word. "I think that you're all in stasis for those changes as long as certain factors weren't introduced. Those factors could be the similar genetics of your brothers. You say that this didn't happen when it was only Richter?"

"No.. I would have noticed and why didn't they get any larger? And why am I-" He started to ask the questions as fast he could get them, but Dr. Lupe held up a hand.

"I think that there's something going on with both of them. The introduction of their chromosomes helped to trigger that change in you." Kierlan watched as the bull pecked out something on the keyboard. "Or it could simply be because you and Grant are so similar to each other that it was triggered with him. You said that Richter was not, ah... actively involved?"

"No, just a kiss.." Kierlan squirmed a bit and tried to stop the heat from rising any further along his cheeks.

"Well, I'll test both of them. I don't know if there would be lingering effects or not that built up over time with you and him or if it is only Grant." Lupe lifted his head and gave Kierlan a long look. "And I have one more warning for you, Kierlan."

"Ah... oh.. Yeah.. we won't do it any more." The young lion felt like he wanted to shrink all the way back in his seat. The bull snorted out hotly and gave his head a shake.

"I know better then to get that out of you. All of you start using condoms, understand me?" Lupe's brows furrowed slightly. "I don't know how you're going to be affected by this and I don't want to risk some extending effects of the fertility drugs being spread to each of you. Go buy some and use them. And I'll tell both of your brothers the same thing."

"Yes, sir." Kierlan ducked his head a bit and folded his ears back. Was the doctor trying to say he could end up getting pregnant without having a medical procedure done? It was almost unbelievable.

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Heh, this is the best doctor's visit I've had in a while. Richter thought as he shifted his bands down and dropped his hand down to cup just beneath the heavy pouch of his sheath.

He'd had his share of physicals and normally dreaded the part about having to pee in a cup, but this was far more his style. He had moved the door shut and found the little latch to lock it before settling down on the table. It had taken longer to get his cell phone propped up and even longer to flip through the files until he found a particularly hot video he'd taken of Grant being taken by Siber. At least he had enough 'material' to ensure that he would be able to perform. Not that he had any trouble masturbating. He was a virile stallion after all and it was just a part of being a young man. The colt grinned and leaned back before hitting play so that the small rectangular screen blossomed to life to a pair of moving bodies.

His eyes lidded and he moved his fingers down to lightly squeeze at his cock tip as it slipped out of his sheath and his other hand pushed his pants open wider so that he could give his weighty orbs a gentle squeeze. He kept his gaze on the intimate close up of Grant's pucker being spread by the tapered canine shaft and he hissed softly as his cock started to thicken up in answer to the natural thoughts. He flared his nostrils and worked the palm of his hand in slow circles around his tip before pushing downwards towards his base. The slow movement coaxed a slow ooze of precum out of him as he let his mind drift into fantasies with the first thrust of the husky's hips on the screen.

It wasn't Siber he was thinking about on Grant's back. Not at all. The colt pushed his back firmly against the wall as he worked his fingers around in circles so that he rubbed the precum around his tip and all the way down towards his base. The sight of his brother's together had made his heart pound against his chest and he had nearly managed to go off inside of his pants just watching Grant's first thrust. The idea of seeing them together with Kierlan on top and feeling Grant's muzzle around his mouth as he experienced the unique sensation of the barbs and knots together made him squirm. He worked his fingers along his orbs and gave them a squeeze as his palm started to work up and down along the inky black length of his spire.

The belled tip oozed out a hot drooling spill of precum that dribbled down along the back of his hand until he could gather it up to make his girth look slick in the light. He let his eyes linger on the thick knot that pounded up against his brother's pucker on the video and could vividly recall the whimpering cries of pleasure that had come out. It made his nostrils flare and he gave his hips a short buck upwards into his hand as his hand slipped away from his leathery dark orbs. He was large enough that one hand only managed to cover the upper portion of his cock, but his power hand was able to wrap securely around the base and engulf the sensitive medial ring.

Richter moved his upper hand up and down so that his sensitive glans continually pushed out and was engulfed by his touch. He flicked his ears back a little and let out a low groan before shifting his thumb up to move in circles right around the drooling opening of his cock. The dribbles of precum clung to his finger as he squirmed and gave a short buck up of his hips before pulling backwards again. He squeezed his eyes shut and drew in a trembling breath before whickering it out again and started to lose himself in a fantasy half made up by his video and half on his own desires and memories. His hand pumped up and down faster with lewd slick noises as the viscous precum oozed out around the edges of his fingers.

He shifted his hips and felt the paper beneath his rump crinkle slightly as he leaned away from the wall to hunch forward a bit as he moved his hand faster. He squeezed his eyes shut and flared his nostrils in short breaths as he concentrated his movements right along the very tip of his cock. He pulled and tugged along the sensitive glans. The edges started to flare out and grow more sensitive as he clenched his teeth together and stifled a moan just under his breath. His body tensed and his hips gave short little jerks as the flare grew against the palm of his hand and pushed out his urethra. His balls grew taut and drew upwards between his legs as he worked himself up into a fever pitch.

"SHIT!" He moaned out the word as his balls pulsed and the hand that had been gripping the base of his cock moved to grope for the cup the doctor had left.

He was barely in time as his cock throbbed and a hot goopy rope of cum erupted out of his tip to splatter against his hands and he leaned forward to catch the thick strands in the plastic cup. His breathing came out in harsh pants as rope after thick rope splattered into the specimen container and his tail jerked and tried to flag up behind him as he let out a groan of relief. His ears flicked to either side as the oozing semen filled the cup rapidly. Too rapidly. He was barely aware of anything past his own relief at having grabbed the cup in time, but the equine cum soon overran the cup. He only realized the problem when the first pearly drop rolled over his fingers and splattered to the floor.

"Oh damnitall to hell." He cursed and shivered as another rope bubbled up from his cock, thicker then the rest and coated his fingers with the sticky strands. "Don't these come in bigger sizes."

The young stallion looked around the examination room a bit abashed and fumbled with his messy hand for the lid to the cup so he could seal it up. At least he could clean it up so that the doctor didn't get upset that he'd overfilled the cup. The thought of seeing how much Grant managed to produce perked up his competitive side as he grabbed for some paper towels and gingerly cleaned up his softening cock. Hopefully Dr. Lupe would find the answers in some tests and everything could go back to normal. Well, as normal as it had ever been for his family..

Brotherly Love: Chapter 14

Grant sprawled out on his back with his book propped up on his belly so that he could easily read over it and his legs thrown over the arm of the couch. He tried to read the words that were scratched out. He tried to concentrate on what they said, but...

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In Love With The Stars

The night air was pierced through by fat yellow fire flies that danced through the night air and moved back and forth through the trees that created pockets of darker shadows. They echoed the stars above, but unlike the stars their constellations shift...

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Starting a Family

Nick stared down at his bare feet and sighed a bit as he tried to ignore the sound of the ticking clock overhead. It seemed as if he had been sitting in this small office for hours and he didn't even have a magazine to read or look at it. The only...

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