Icebound - Chapter 19

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#21 of Icebound

Chapter 19 of Icebound.

NOTICE: <Insert standard adult-content disclaimer here>. Please see tags before you continue reading.

Thunder Peaks, 1372 DR. 21st day of The Fading.

It seemed like hours had passed before the boy began to warm up. The rain and hail had long since stopped falling when his constant shaking ceased. Silvia's arms began to warm up again as she held him, listening to his soft breathing, and the occasional half-muttered words. It sounded like he was dreaming. At least he didn't snore.

He did smell though. It wasn't a bad smell, just strong. She would definitely recommend that he take a bath when they reached Tilverton, or before if they had the chance. Did all boys smell like this, she wondered?

The guards had smelled terrible, especially after drinking. The one and only time she'd tried drinking the disgusting beverage called ale, she'd spit it out, much to the amusement of the guards at the campfire that offered it to her in the first place. Daddy had smelled bad at the end of a long day, but he always made sure to bath every day, twice a day in the summer.

Her throat swelled up again and she wanted to cry, thinking of daddy. No, she told herself, she'd cried all day. She didn't want to be a baby, crying all the time. Being called a cry-baby was humiliating, especially by children younger than she was, and she'd promised herself years ago that she wouldn't cry ever again. Today had been the first day that she'd cried since she made that promise...but she couldn't stop it; she missed daddy so much. It felt like her heart had been cut out of her chest.

Going over the merchant's guild rules calmed her somewhat. It was an easy way to distract herself, especially since there were so many of them.

Silvia found herself idly running her hands over his chest, rubbing the soft hair that was growing there. It felt faintly like peach fuzz, or the hair that grew between her legs. Finding that she was growing hair down there had given her quite a start when she'd discovered it two years ago. Daddy had said it was a sign that she was growing up, and told her not to worry about it.

She idly ran a hand down his chest and toward his waist, wondering if the hair between his legs felt like hers did. It was a little thicker, and definitely not as soft. Her hand jerked back as she accidentally touched something that she hadn't intended to.

Silvia blushed when she realized what she had touched. A feeling, something like guilt, ran through her. Here she was, touching an sleeping boy without his permission, and in a place that she'd never touched anyone else before. It was faintly naughty, like snatching an inexpensive sweet from a vendor's stall without paying for it.

He'd looked so untidy when she'd taken his loincloth off. Bits of flesh poked out between his legs, so very different from the thin line between her own.

Silvia pulled her other arm out from underneath the boy and gently ran it through the soft hair between her legs, and felt between her legs. Her fingers gently ran over the soft skin there, and she felt herself grow somewhat warmer. The soft folds of skin were so different from the fleshy sacks she'd seen earlier. Did they feel different as well, she wondered?

Her hand moved back down below his waist, and she gently ran her fingers through the soft hair on his groin until she encountered the soft skin that she'd felt moments ago. The tips of her fingertips slid over over it again as she tried to figure out the shape of it. It felt no different than someone's finger, except at the tip. A gentle squeeze told her that it was much softer than a finger.

Another protrusion was further down, a small bulge or sack. It was covered in ridges and more fur, and felt like it had something, two somethings, and they were definitely squishy. He was getting warmer too.

Something was wrong with her chest. Her heart started to beat faster, and it felt weird, like there was a tightness in her lungs that even deep breaths didn't help. The folds between her legs grew warmer, and she felt something slick and wet on her fingers.

It didn't feel like pee. It was thin and slippery, and didn't feel like anything she had felt before. She pulled her hand up to her face, but it was far too dark to see. It certainly didn't smell like blood, and it wasn't that time of the month anyway. It didn't have that faint salmon smell that always made her want to take a bath. It didn't smell like much of anything actually, except sweat and a faint hint of the tangerines that she loved so much. She dabbed it to her tongue, and was reassured that it didn't have any coppery taste to it. It didn't taste like much of anything, actually.

Something brushed her other hand, startling her. The boy hadn't moved, yet...he had. At least, part of him had. She gently felt around, and realized that he'd gotten bigger. Much bigger. The topmost part had been no more than the size of her thumb. Now it was huge, and hot. She could barely touch her fingers to her thumb when she wrapped her hand around it. As she held it, it throbbed slightly, and she realized she could feel his heartbeat.

She moved the hand at her mouth back between her legs, gently rubbing the folds of skin there. Everything was slick now with that smooth, slippery stuff. It actually felt somewhat pleasant now, and the nub at the center tingled when she rubbed it.

The skin on the boy's thing, whatever it was, was still smooth and soft, but underneath the skin it was firm, even harder than tense muscles. As she felt it, she realized the skin on it slid easily, almost as if it wasn't attached.

The boy moaned, and she jerked her hand back yet again, afraid that she had hurt him this time. Silvia hadn't wanted to hurt him at all. So far he'd been nothing but nice to her. She was greatly regretting this entire thing when he moaned again. This time he mumbled again in his sleep, " don't stop... plea.. sss..."

His moans hadn't sounded like he was in pain. Maybe it felt good? It certainly didn't hurt when she rubbed herself between the legs. It definitely felt pretty good right now.

Silvia put her fingers around that hot, hard thing between his legs again. This time she noticed that there were definite bumps or ridges on it at certain points, like near the end, where it felt like a big grape. It was getting wet near the end too, with some slippery substance...just like the stuff between her own legs. Something in the pit of her stomach felt strange, just like her chest did. Her heart was pounding, so loud in her ears that it was hard to hear anything else.

Figuring that it probably felt good to him to rub it, just like she was rubbing herself, she began to gently slide her hand along it. Feeling the skin slide over the top of that firm rod was disconcerting. It stayed more with her hand than with the hard flesh it covered.

The boy moaned again, this time obviously in pleasure, and she smiled to herself. The weird feeling in the pit of her stomach fluttered around. It felt strange, but good. The tingling in the nub between her legs was getting stronger; almost too strong, but felt too good to stop rubbing it.

Suddenly the boy let out a loud moan and began moving his hips. She froze, suddenly afraid that she had done something terribly wrong. The thick rod began to slide quickly between her fist. Over and over, and then he pushed his hips far forward and stopped. She felt the thing begin to throb, but slower than his heartbeat. His entire body seemed to twitch against hers in time with the throbbing. She felt something hit the blanket, and then some hot liquid splashed across her hand. The wolf suddenly rolled off the blanket.

Every time he shook, that warm liquid splashed against the blanket and over her hand. It went on and on, and she was terrified that she'd hurt him somehow, that he was bleeding to death in her arms.

Finally the horrible shudders stopped shaking him, and he fell still. Silvia pulled her hand away from between his legs, quickly pulling it up to her face. Her entire hand was covered with the warm fluid.

Just as before, it was too dark to see. It didn't smell like blood at all. It smelled very...mmm...she wasn't sure what it smelled like. It had the faint musky scent that the boy did, and it smelled hot and sweet as well.

Something pushed underneath the blanket, and she nearly peed herself before she realized that it was the boy's pet wolf. He was snuffling all over her face, and then her hand. Then he was licking her hand all over.

She prayed he wouldn't eat her hand, holding very very still. Those two inch fangs she'd seen were frighteningly sharp looking, and would probably tear her to pieces. But the wolf simply licked and licked, until her hand was merely damp and sticky with wolf spit.

The wolf sniffed all over yet again, looking for more, she realized. Perhaps it tasted good, she thought. Finding none, the wolf padded around a bit, before laying down on the edge of the blanket. The faint light of the waxing moon from outside cast just enough light that she could see him bend over and begin licking himself between the legs. Ugh, she thought. Disgusting dogs.

The thought wouldn't leave her mind though. Maybe whatever it was did taste good. It clearly wasn't blood. She ran her hand over his chest again and down to between his legs. The hard thing had shrunk, apparently. It now felt like nothing but limp flesh, kind of like someones finger, but bigger and without any bones inside it. Most of it was covered with the slippery warm fluid she'd felt.

Silvia pulled her hand back up to her mouth, sniffing it again. It wasn't as hot now, but it still smelled almost sickly sweet, like fruit just going bad, overlaid with the scent of the boy himself. She dabbed a bit on the tip of her tongue.

It wasn't bad, actually. It had a very strong, yet complex flavor. Simultaneously sweet and salty, with a flavor that was a cross between milk and eggs, a hint of parsley, and a musky aftertaste like some exotic spice. She decided she kind of liked it.

Icebound - Chapter 17

**Thunder Peaks, 1372 DR. 21st day of The Fading.** The air in front of them turned brighter than the sun for the barest moment. It was accompanied by a sound like tearing paper or crashing cymbals, louder than anything he'd ever heard before. For a...

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Icebound - Chapter 16

**Thunder Peaks, 1372 DR. 21st day of The Fading.** His feet were starting to get sore. He'd have thought that the last week or so of travel on foot would have toughened his feet at least somewhat, but that clearly wasn't the case. Over the last few...

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Icebound - Chapter 15

**Thunder Peaks, 1372 DR. 21st day of The Fading ~ Autumn Equinox.** The next morning, Aiden came to with a kink in his neck. His face felt strange as he sat up and he reached up with one hand to brush dry pine needles off. His legs and face were...

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