Blackie and Zilla Have Fun!

Story by Blacksnip on SoFurry

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Blackie and Zilla Have Fun! Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred.

Blackie was dozing peacefully, left hindleg flexed, thinking of his favourite stallion friend. As he remembered the chestnut's huge cock plunging through his anus, the Thoroughbred stallion felt his sheath stretching slightly, followed by the pleasant feeling of his cockhead squeezing out of the opening, and his penis beginning to descend. He blew down his nose making a happy and relaxed 'hrrrmph', and his tail lifted slightly clear of his anus as his arousal increased. Abruptly, his eyes snapped open wide, as he felt the unmistakable sensation of a wet tongue sweeping over his bulging, sperm-filled balls, then probing the gap between the two pendulous organs. He looked round, and saw a chestnut standing with its muzzle in his groin, but this wasn't a stallion, it was one of his favourite mares! He whickered eagerly at the unmistakable look in her eye as she met his gaze. She wanted sex- badly! Blackie's cock rapidly increased it's rate of descent, the black sheath skin quickly unrolling round the shaft, as he thought of what this meant. Twenty-four hours of humping, umpteen ecstatic ejaculations, sensational spurting orgasms. He had had this mare, Zilla, before, and she was an incredibly enthusiastic sex partner, welcoming the penetration of her hindquarters by his massive cock with hefty humps into his thrusting groin, and squeezing his swollen glans hard with her tight vaginal muscles in her own climax as he blasted his gushing hot stallion cream into her receptive body. He had thought he had smelled a mare coming into oestrus yesterday, and she must have entered full season overnight. Now the pungency of her vaginal secretions was strong, and the stallion wondered how he could have missed it previously. Perhaps that's what had started him daydreaming earlier.

As if to emphasise her lust for him and the urgency of her need to mate, Zilla opened her mouth, and grasped the stallion's dangling, fully extended penis at the prepucial ring, halfway down the shaft, and gently chewed it in the gap between her incisors and her molars. Feeling the sensation deep within the core of his cock, Blackie emitted a guttural grunt, and flexed his hips, lowering his cock into the mare's grasp, causing it to kink above her mouth. Almost immediately afterwards, the mare felt the organ pulse as the stallion's erection started. She whickered in anticipation at the humping to come, and let go of the now jerking penis, pulsing with each beat of the stallion's powerful and accelerating heart as the cock engorged with blood. Stepping forward, she mischievously grasped Blackie's expanding glans, and sucked hard. The stallion squealed in surprised pleasure at this treatment of his sensitive cockhead, and the mare found her mouth filled with the musky taste of piss, smegma and the first trickles of Blackie's pre-ejaculatory fluid. The taste was not unpleasant. She whickered, let go of the horse's now violently jerking cock and strode purposely forward, to present herself directly in front of his nose, her tail flying up in the air exposing her perineum for the stallion's inspection.

Blackie whickered hornily and his long thick and now rigid penis slapped hard against his belly, spraying pre-cum liberally over the hair as he examined the mare's freely-exposed entrances. What a perineum! The tightly-clenched anus protruding invitingly directly under the smooth, velvety black underskin of the mare's raised tail, and just below, the vulva, slightly swollen in oestrus, wet with vaginal fluids, yet the slit tightly shut. It didn't stay shut under his inspection for long, though. Zilla whickered lustily as she lowered her hips to squat slightly. Her vulval lips sprang open, flashing the bright pink interior of her opening enticingly, and the large pink knob of the swollen clitoris poked out, accompanied by a gush of vaginal juices. Blackie reached forward, opening his mouth and extending his long pink tongue, and licked the open wet slit from the clitoris to it's top directly under the protruding asshole. A gush of thin pre-cum burst from the stallion's pulsing cock as it slapped up hard against his belly, soaking his forelegs. The mare whickered, flexed her hocks to squat down further, and raised her tail even higher. Her vulva gaped as a stream of cloudy piss started gushing out of her body, splashing against Blackie's chest, the urine running down his forelegs and over his hooves.

His nostrils filled with the mare's lust for him, the stallion couldn't contain himself any longer. He reached forward and gently bit the tight protruding anus; the mare squealed in pleasure and lust and barged her hindquarters back into him, still pissing, the fluid splashing all over the stallion's forequarters. Blackie whickered lustily, deep in his throat, and with the ease resulting from practice with many mares and stallions, reared up on his haunches, his long black tail billowing out behind him like a flag, and mounted the mare's hindquarters. His long rigid penis swung in an arc through the Zilla's gushing piss, causing the warm fluid to splatter all over his belly, before the already-swelling cockhead lodged under the root of the mare's tail, pressing on the tight anus. Feeling the delightful sensation of Zilla's warm flesh pressing against his sensitive glans the stallion grunted and thrust his hips forward. Lubricated by the resulting gush of pre-cum, the horse's glans actually penetrated the central hole, and lodged in the tight muscular ring of the anus. The mare flinched under the stallion's heavy body and squealed in surprise. The penetration of her asshole felt good, and she half hoped her mate would thrust again and drive his cock right up her rectum. But Blackie had penetrated enough stallions and mares to know the difference between the feel of an anus and a vagina. He grunted in mild frustration and drew his hips back. Zilla squealed quietly as the swollen cockhead was plucked from her asshole, only to grunt in pleasure and longing as Blackie gave a mighty thrust of his hips which resulted in his big glans smacking into her vulval lips. Desperate for penetration she squatted and pushed her vulva against the stallion's long hard pole, spurting piss and vaginal juices over his glans, which mixed with the copious pre-ejaculatory fluid squirting from the horse's urethra.

Feeling the warm wetness of vulva against his cockhead, Blackie grunted and gave a mighty thrust of his hips, which drove his engorged glans through the mare's stretched vulval lips and several inches into her vagina. Zilla's pleasured squeal was followed by a squelch and an explosive fart as the stallion, feeling the wonderful warmth and wetness of the mare's opening enveloping his cockhead, emitted a guttural grunt and thrust his hips violently forward, driving his penis up the vagina until two-thirds of the shaft was buried within. Feeling Blackie's huge glans and cock opening up and stretching her, Zilla grunted and humped her dick-skewered ass back into her stallion's groin. He immediately responded by reaching forwards with mouth agape, grabbing her crest and mane in his teeth, and delivering a huge thrust which drove his massive rigid penis fully up her vagina, pushing his unrolled, inverted sheath skin at the base of his cock through her stretched and gaping vulval lips. The mare grunted at the intense sensation of the horse's cock rocketing deep into her hindquarters; the pressure on her rectum exerted by the rapid passage of Blackie's huge glans in the depths of the vagina below resulted in the expulsion of a blast of rectal gas through the clenched anus in another huge fart. This was followed by a pleasured squeal as the stallion's already-expanding glans smacked against her relaxed and open cervix.

Blackie grunted, re-took his grasp on Zilla's stallion-saliva slobbered mane, and started delivering enormous, powerful jackhammer thrusts into his mare's hindquarters like the true stud he was. Each thrust drove his massive cock so deep into Zilla's vagina that his sheath-skin penetrated half a dozen inches beyond the hugely-dilated vulval lips and yanked down on the stretched ligaments at the base of his sheath opening, the pounding of the mare's cervix by the swelling glans causing her to grunt at the inward extent of each of Blackie's thrusts. Each backward jerk of the stallion's hindquarters drew a foot of thick, bulging-veined horse-cock base from the reamed vulva with a loud squelch, the hot black skin glistening with Zilla's vaginal fluids, before it was violently plunged back deep into the vagina, accompanied by loud vulval and anal farts as air and gas was rapidly expelled from both of the mare's passages. Blackie's balls, swelling as they prepared to violently expel their teeming load of life-creating sperm, drew up tight to the base of the penis, emptying his scrotum as the horse drew closer to ejaculation. The chorus of earnest grunts he had been keeping up became deeper and more urgent as he felt the tightening deep in his hindquarters, at the root of his rock-hard penis, which signalled the approach of his cumming. The stallion threw another, and another, huge thrust of his hindquarters into the backside of his mare, before pausing at the extent of his last draw-out of his cock, the thick base glistening with vaginal juice, before slamming his tool back up the vagina with such force that his hind hooves nearly left the ground, and Zilla had to take a step forward to avoid losing her balance. She gasped as she felt Blackie's glans slam into her cervix. The stallion's entire body convulsed then became very still.

He groaned very quietly as he felt a violent spasm in his hindquarters as balls and sex glands contracted, expelling their contents into his urethra. Underneath him, Zilla grunted in sudden maregasm as the stallion's glans rapidly expanded, stretching her upper reproductive tract, the urethra poking through her gaping cervix. The cock stuffing her vagina jerked violently and Blackie gasped as a huge gush of sperm exploded from his gaping urethra to splatter against the walls of her uterus. The stallion groaned in utter ecstasy as his long black tail flagged, whipping his clenching anus, from which a huge fart erupted, as the inside of the horse's hindquarters spasmed, and blasted a second huge jet of sperm-rich stallion spunk out of his pisshole. The mare, lost in orgasm at the sensation of her stallion's hot cum splashing into her insides, began to emit the constant chorus of quiet grunts characteristic of the cumming female horse. Blackie gasped, his brain filled with intense pleasure as he felt the entire length of his penis jerk, and a third huge fountain of his hot foal-making juice explode from his cockhead. His brown eyes glazed and his tight black anus clenched under his violently flagging tail as his urethra pulsed as more semen, teeming with the millions of sperm that defined his handsome equine frame spewed under high pressure into his mare's uterus. Zilla, her vagina in spasm as it milked her mate's cock for his precious juices, pushed her arse hard against Blackie's jerking groin, maximising her penetration by the spurting penis. She groaned in grateful pleasure as the horse's cock kicked inside her, and spewed another huge gush of sperm against her uterine walls, bathing them in hot stallion juice. Blackie grunted, lost in ecstasy as he felt his urethra contract hard then dilate as a thicker bolus of ejaculate was swept from deep within his hindquarters and through his shaft to spew from his pisshole. This jet of cum, more viscous than the previous jets of jism, thickened with seminal gel emitted from the stallion's accessory sex glands, was quickly followed by another even thicker, copious gush of semen. Blackie grunted as his ejaculation continued, his powerful urethral contractions pumping load after load of thick, almost lumpy seminal gel through his penis to spew into the mare in thick ropes of horse cum. The power of the orgasmic spasms in his hindquarters was such that his rectum was repeatedly squeezed, causing loud farts as gas erupted through the anus. All the while, Blackie's long tail flagged above his clenching hole like some magnificent banner, each flip signalling another spurt of thick spunk into the orgasming mare.

Totally lost in the pleasure of spewing his cum into his mare, her vaginal muscles repeatedly squeezing his shaft and massively bloated cockhead in violent climactic spasms, the stud slowly let his head and neck droop until his head was resting on Zilla's shoulders. His dilated, glazed eyes were unfocussed, but his ears were directed back at the source of his intense pleasure, his hindquarters. Powerful, long-lasting contractions in the root of his cock were causing huge streams of thick, gel rich spunk to surge through his shaft and pour from his gaping urethral opening to join the huge pool of semen he had deposited in Zilla's uterus. As his cock began to soften as Blackie eventually approached the end of his orgasm, this final, thick and copious portion of ejaculate began to flood the mare's vagina, in the space between the stallion's softening yet still hugely swollen cockhead and her gaping, semen-slicked cervix. Blackie lay draped over his mare, still and quiet, as he ejaculated these final jelly-like, sticky portions of jism, their evolutionary function being to seal the vagina closed so that no other stallion's cum should fertilise the mare's precious ovum. After what seemed to Blackie to be an age of ejaculatory ecstasy, the copious flow slowed to a dribble, then eventually ceased. He lay quietly on his mate, bathing in an incredibly intense post-ejaculation glow, having spurted what felt like half his hindquarters up his mare. His now relaxed arsehole, prominent under his flowing black tail, still slightly elevated in arousal, could have accommodated any huge raging horny horse's cock with no bother.

Eventually, the stallion-cum filled mare's maregasm grunts subsided. Snorting, she regained her senses, and took several steps forward. The orgasm-racked stallion atop her passively slid off her hindquarters, his long flaccid penis being withdrawn from her vagina with a loud squelch. The distended glans, pulled through the vulva with a wet plop, was followed by a sheet-like mass of seminal gel, the lower portion splattering onto Zilla's hind fetlocks and the ground, the upper part slicking her chestnut tail with thick, glistening stallion cum. As Blackie's huge flaccid cock swung between his hindlegs in recoil, a huge rope of seminal gel splattered to the ground. Blackie pulled flehmen, his curled upper lip exposing his white upper incisors as he analysed the pungent musky odour of his own spunk mixed with mare cum. Strings of thick semen drooling from the urethral process poking from the centre of his enormously-distended, flared glans as his flaccid penis was drawn up into his sheath, Blackie stepped forward to examine Zilla's perineum, her vulva glistening and the crevice of her buttocks slicked with thick stallion-spunk. A thick string of his semen drooled from the ventral portion of the tight slit of her vulva. Blackie snorted in satisfaction. A well-mated mare, he thought.

Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred.

Blackie's Latest Mare

Blackie's latest mare. Copyright, Blacksnip the Thoroughbred. Blackie raised his head as the gate to his field clicked. A brown mare with white socks and a white stripe was being released into his paddock. He raised his head and whinnied at her....

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