Spirit Bound: Chapter Eighty-Two

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#84 of Spirit Bound

Liam was sitting in Den's living room, talking to his family after giving his children their gifts. His children excluding his eldest daughter, Muireann. Above ground, Nathanial and Geoff were in Geoff's living room talking to Avery and Gwen.

Chapter 82: Planning For Parenthood

Faelen heard Liam whisper, "Muiry." The rottweiler's paw was resting on the bag where the last gift lay.

Ciaran turned his head to look up at his former father. "Da, I'm sorry. She just refused to talk about this any more than to say she didn't want to see you. She's refused to talk to anyone for days. Only a pawful of people are allowed to see her, and Aedan and I aren't on the list." His tone became wry, "Probably wise since she blames us for the whole thing."

Liam shrugged. "That is her choice, there is naught I can do to alter it. May I have a cup of tea and a biscuit? I should take the opportunity to have one, lest I not get another." Faelen could still smell Liam's pain, and feel its echo.

Ciaran poured a cup and put a biscuit on the saucer before passing it to Liam. "I don't think they've changed at all, but I've been having them every so often. They may have changed gradually without me noticing."

Liam took a small bite of his biscuit, it crunched loudly in the quiet room, and nearly spat it out. Faelen stifled his laughter, but at the same time he felt bad for the feeling of sharp disappointment that surged through Liam. It was like the biscuit had been signifying all the hopes and dreams Liam had for reclaiming some of the happiness he'd had with his family, then when he finally had a chance to taste it...

Faelen wrapped his arm around Liam. "I'm sorry. I can only eat them when I dunk them in my tea; I actually really like them, then, but otherwise... ick."

Liam's voice shook slightly, and he gazed at the biscuit with an absolutely woebegone look, "That may be true, I have always eaten her cookies dunked in my tea. I..." He exhaled slowly, his breath quivering as it went. "Why can I not see my daughter? Have I treated her so poorly that she now despises me? Is it so selfish of me that I cannot properly enjoy a reunion with the rest of you while she languishes in prison and turns her face from me? Though I may never have a chance to see her again? Surely she knows that her thread of fate lies between the Atropos' shears." He morosely dunked the biscuit into his cup and waited a second before he bit into it again.

His ears sprang up, causing the ends to wiggle. Faelen smiled and nipped at the closest one, causing Aedan to look away with a very uncomfortable expression. Aoife looked like she'd just seen the cutest thing in her life. Faelen nuzzled Liam's ear before sitting back a bit to spare his great-grandda. "Better?"

Liam's eyes remained downcast, but he had a small smile as he nodded. His voice was soft, "Y-yes. Much. They are as I remember; it is pleasing, and betrays my foolishness as it also gives me hope. I will beseech the Alpha and seek intervener status with Muireann. Perhaps I can cause her to turn to the pragmatic solution for once."

Aedan couldn't stop from snorting in derision, but he just said, "I hope so. We don't agree very often, but she's still my sister. I don't have much hope, but I hope so."

Aoife's eyes shone. "You two look so cute together! I don't know why it's so... horrific to some people," She shot a dark glare at her eldest brother. "When you look so in love. The way you sit together, hold each other, it's..." She sighed, sounding like a young teenaged girl waxing poetic about the latest heartthrob. "I can't recall you ever loo..." She cut herself off before saying 'Looking like that with Mama.' She seemed embarrassed and a little shocked at what she almost said.

Liam's ears drooped, again. "It is to my shame. However, it must also be noted that in that era it was most unseemly to engage in any form of public affection, even so far as to hold another's paw overlong. I believe the balance has swung too far in the other direction, wherein people are too open, but simple gestures harm no one."

Aedan still sounded uncomfortable, "What one person considers 'simple' is different than another person's idea."

Aoife huffed as she said, "Oh, be quiet, you old fuddy duddy. There's nothing wrong with two people cuddling like that, even if it's Daddy and your great-grand... wow, that sounds so wrong."

Faelen chuckled, but Liam sounded a little offended, "It is why I stress that I am not Lowell. I am physically fourteen, Faelen is sixteen. By the strict definition of law, he is pushing the bounds of the permitted age difference for relationships involving sexual intercourse, all the more so given it is homosexual in nature."

Aedan looked like he wanted to find an excuse, any excuse to get away. "I, uh, I need the bathroom. Too much tea. Excuse me." He beat a hasty retreat.

Aoife's laughter rang out, echoing off the walls. Faelen could feel Liam's heart soar at the sound, and a delighted smile crossed the rottweiler's face. Aoife slid her legs off the loveseat and moved over to sit by Liam on the couch. "He can be so childish. And so old, too. I don't mean this to be taken the wrong way, but doesn't Faelen seem really young for you? Or Daddy seem too old for you, Faelen? I know physically you're fourteen but you must be old, even for a Spirit."

Liam's voice was wry, but Faelen could hear the laughter underneath it. "Indeed, whippersnapper. I am old, even for a Spirit. If I did not have these gaps between my lives, I would be old even for a Fey. I believe I am over five hundred years old, perhaps between five hundred and five hundred fifty. I have never bothered to count, not in any of the memories I have accessed of any of my lives. I know I was born well over two thousand years ago." The laughter faded and was replaced by a growing warmth, "However, to your question, no, Faelen does not seem over young. He is more mature than some adults, and I find his relative inexperience helps me to... see things as new, once again. He is precisely what I needed to find purpose in my existence after the loses that have been accumulating. He has given me hope and a reason to dream. He is... the love I had not found across eight lives. A literal soul mate." Liam's paw sought out Faelen's and gave it a squeeze.

Faelen tried to surreptitiously wipe a tear from his eye, but he could tell Aoife saw it by the heartfelt sigh and the sudden increase in emotional scents. There was a huge jumble of them, so much that he couldn't begin to sort through it, but it was primarily that scent he picked up from girls reading romance novels. Whatever that scent was.

Poppy Faeden was looking uncomfortable again. "Okay, yes, you two are in love. We get it. While I hope I get more grandchildren and hope they fall in love, hells, I hope Hera blesses me with more kids, never mind grandkids, it's still uncomfortable to watch. It's like seeing your parents being affectionate, guys."

Liam chuckled. "Which is something I have seen and did not over mind in many of my previous lives, most of which did not have privacy the way we do now, Den. It is something you learn to accept as normal and healthy." He tilted his head, thinking. "As a note on children, if I have the opportunity to stop by with some frequency, I can determine what the fertility cycle is for you and Tuathla. Once you know that, it is much easier to become pregnant." Ciaran froze; he looked very surprised and hopeful. Liam noticed, nudged Ciaran with his hindpaw, and smiled as he added, "I can also study the four of you and try to formulate a medication to further increase your chances. Both would require time and frequent visits."

Ciaran sounded awestruck. "You could do that, Da? It took my wife and I sixty years to have Draighean. We were pretty much resigned to having only one child. Just a reasonable chance of having another child is the best gift you could've given me. Please, Da. What do you need? How long does it take? If it's an odd ingredient for the medicine, I can track it down for you." Den was nodding in emphatic agreement; the mixed smell of pain and hope burned Faelen's nose.

Liam put his paw on Aiofe's back and rubbed it as he smiled and answered, "Peace, you two. It is not a fast nor simple process. First off it takes repeated examinations of the couple, over an extended time... such as a year, mayhap more."

Den sounded a little resigned, "You said Granny Lorena was only fertile once or twice a year? And we, the guys, aren't always fertile either. You can't go popping back and forth that often, this can't be good for Nathanial and the teleporter isn't that safe."

Ciaran asked, "Who's Nathanial? What does he have to do with this?"

Liam answered, "With fertility? Nothing. However, he is a Mage that Conor-san has brought over to look at the teleporter; he is a friend and able to open tears in space to create portals to... anywhere, it appears. Even the Elemental Planes. He is quite fond of the Plane of Darkness; he is the only individual that has been recorded to have travelled to the Plane of Darkness and return, under his own power." He paused, then added, "Correction, we are friends with a Planar entity that frequently travels between them, and Geoff has also gone there using his own power, though I believe Nathanial had to bring him back. To further answer the relevance of Nathanial to the subject, he is the one who brought us over, and Den is saying that having him open a portal to Ireland daily or every other day would be too taxing on him. I agree, however, if the teleporter is made safe, we could alternate trips, so no group of people is over taxed. The medication that may increase fertility is a long shot, it would have to be formulated to match each individual's unique nature, and it may not even be possible for Spirits."

Aedan walked back into the room, cautiously, and took a quick look at them before moving to sit on the loveseat. "So, are we off of romance, yet?"

Aoife smiled sweetly. "Sort of. Daddy was just telling Ciar how he might be able to help him have more children."

Aedan's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in confusion, then his face twisted in disgust, back to confusion, and stopped on a blank 'error message'. "Huh?"

Everyone started laughing, but Aoife managed to say, "He's a healer, remember. He can help determine when we're fertile and might be able to make a medication to increase our chances of getting pregnant, dummy. What were you thinking?"

"Da? Really? I might be able to have another child? Or two? I was really lucky with Faeden, but Roisin is almost the same age as Dirk."

Den sighed despondently, "I think most Spirits have a similar tale, Da. You remember how long it took to have Dirk, it makes the sixteen years between him and Kiera nothing." He smiled a little sadly. "It'll take time, regardless. It's not like Poppy can wave his paws and make us all perfectly fertile. There's a reason we have low birthrates, and it's to offset our long lives."

Aedan didn't seem quite so ready to drop the subject. "How did you manage to have the four of us so close together, Da? Did you make that medication for Mama?"

Liam shook his head. "No. I could tell when she was fertile, and my sperm counts did, and still do, not fluctuate as a Spirit's does. I did ensure she remained in good health while pregnant and could aid in making your delivery safe for both her and the four of you." His smile grew wide. "Ah, the way she virtually glowed while pregnant; her fur took on such a sheen. The sound of your first breath, Danny. 'Twas a very faint cry to start, but you soon found your lungs." Liam chuckled. "You were a good weight, but you seemed so tiny and fragile in my arms. Just like Den must've seemed to you."

Aedan had started to blush under Liam's loving gaze, but at the mention of his own son Aedan turned the same look onto Den. "Yeah. Being a da isn't all fun and games, but... heh. I'm not done, Da. I want the chance to hold my own newborn, again. I want to look into his or her tiny face, to see the world laying before them, full of opportunity. My child. I... Da, please."

Faelen hadn't really considered becoming a da. He'd known he was gay for a long time, and had known that as Geoff's bodyguard he wouldn't really have time to explore other ways of siring a pup. Really, he'd never put much thought into it, but to hear Poppy Aedan and Faeden talk, and to hear the anguish in Ciaran's voice when he spoke of how long he'd waited before Aunt Eirne became pregnant, it made him think. It seemed to be making Aunt Aoife think too. She reeked of pain, even some despair and self-hatred.

"Aunt Aoife?" Aoife looked up, surprised. "I'm putting the kettle on, and I was thinking of making some sandwiches, do you want to help?"

She sighed and nodded. They went into the kitchen while the baby talk continued.

Faelen put the kettle on and began cutting the bread, while Aoife looked for toppings. "You want pups, don't you? But you aren't into guys, so you don't know how to have one."

Aoife was shocked but recovered quickly. She glanced fearfully out to the living room as she nodded shortly.

"Liam suspects it already. So does Granny Lorena. I... may have a solution, and one that'd solve a huge problem for the Clan. Can I swear you to secrecy?"

She opened her mouth to answer when a dawning realization hit her. Her jaw dropped further before she whispered, horrified, "Geoff? Oh... gods. Is this Nathanial his," Her voice became even more quiet, "Boyfriend?"

Faelen nodded and grabbed the butter. "Yeah. He's a good guy... but he's a guy. No pups. We were thinking, that's Conor and I, well, others too, that you could do what Da did. Geoff could give you his semen and you could, um, use it. No sex required, but he'd fulfill his duty to the Clan and you'd get to be a mother. Talk to Conor when you make up your mind. You're both still pretty young, and Liam can help like he plans on helping the others."

Aoife shook her head. She sounded completely certain, and smelt elated. "I don't need to think. This... today is the answer to so many dreams. Daddy is back, he's happier than I've ever seen him, um, mostly, and I can be a mom. Conor is back tomorrow, isn't he? I'll talk to him then."

Ciaran slipped into the kitchen. "Faelen? I overheard. Geoff? The Dark Spirit? By Cheiron's blood." He leaned against the fridge door. "Oh, I'm happy for you, Aoife. I was wondering when, well I guess you didn't really tell anyone, but I'm glad you have a chance at something you wanted. But, gods above and below, Faelen. For the Clan, this is worse than last week's news. You and Dirk are one thing, then for all of us to be half Spirits, more or less, is troubling to the Clan's self image, but for the Dark Spirit to be...?" He snorted. "The bigots will have fits. Dirk is one of the most powerful non-Elementals we have. You've got great potential. Aedan and I are highly ranked. Even Aoife, your powers aren't really combat oriented, I guess like Faelen's, but you're very strong. All of Lowell's descendants are in the top ten, no, five percent of the Clan, even Muireann. To have us be... less than pure and a third of us be gay. Damn." He began laughing. "How would they handle that? Toss this new bit of info in there, and their whole world view would be shattered." He began laughing harder, a little hysterically, but mostly out of genuine amusement.

Geoff sat listening to his mother and Nathanial talk for a long time, but he didn't really hear them. His mind was jumping from topic to topic and his emotions were a complete tangle. He was worried about his Da and Dirk; they were going to a meeting of 'chiefs', a group that had already been targeted by Templar assassins. If these guys knew what airplane they were going to be on, wouldn't they know where the meeting was going to be? If the Knights were so set on stopping this meeting and the results that may come of it, whatever that might be, would they give up that easily? Dirk could stop a direct physical attack, but not missiles. Even concentrated gunfire would eventually overwhelm him. What about Da? Could he withstand a direct assault from the Knights using heavy weaponry?

Then what about the Alpha? Why was he so hard on Nathanial? Did he know? Was he really hoping that Nathanial would be strong enough to force the Clan to accept him, like Liam said? That was the traditional way of dealing with things, the whole 'might makes right' mentality, but things had started to change over the last hundred years, even if it was slow. Was Grandda actually on his side, in his own way, or were there ulterior motives to this?

Uncle Rolph. Geoff felt his eyes roll at the very thought of his uncle. Why was he so... jealous of Da? It was completely obvious why Da was the Alpha's advisor and went to these meetings. Grandda sent Da because Grandda didn't trust himself to keep his temper, and Uncle Rolph was way worse at keeping his cool. That's the same reason Da was his advisor. Uncle Rolph never seemed to care to do the work necessary to hold any position in the Clan, he just wanted the prestige. But things were getting close to violence out there, not that Nathanial helped. Would Rolph actually look to provoke something if Geoff took Nathanial out for a walk? Would Nathanial provoke something? He seemed to be taking things almost personally, like he did when Lara May threatened Micah during Nathanial's birthday. Geoff felt himself shiver. Nathanial was at that point, again. He wasn't... all there. Geoff stole a glance at Nathanial; he seemed perfectly fine as he was saying something about looking at the cliffs with Gwen tomorrow. Gwen looked almost excited, but Geoff wasn't too sure; his sister was really hard to read. She wasn't actually smiling or wagging her tail, but she was talking a lot.

Geoff returned to his brooding. Meeting, Grandda, Rolph, Nathanial... Liam. Liam was a really good guy, if annoying. Today, hells, this week seemed to really be putting more strain on him than the rest of the month, in some ways. Sure, he hadn't passed out, um, yet, from lack of 'chi', but he knew Faelen and Dirk had been 'putting in' a lot of extra time to prevent it. He was kind of jealous; it wasn't like Nathanial was holding out, far from it, but... Geoff mentally shrugged, he didn't really know why, he just knew he wished he could be there, involved somehow. It just didn't make sense, he loved Nathanial, he didn't want anyone else or need anyone else. Only Nathanial, no matter what Faelen's delusions said.

Geoff couldn't stop a sigh, Faelen. What was he doing now? He was probably at Mrs. O'Conall's cave, now. Was he going to be all right? This whole boyfriend/great-great-grandfather thing was rough on him, too. Faelen really loved Liam, but maybe he'd be better off with someone he could actually have a reasonable chance of knowing better, someone less complicated, that'd cause less problems. Someone he could be around more, maybe someone like...

Geoff quickly switched gears; there just wasn't any reason to interfere in Faelen's love life. Kiera, yeah, she was being weird. She was still standing in the hall, not saying a thing. Those O'Conalls could be really strange, and that included Liam, too. Did Faelen tell her about him and Nathanial? Was he allowed getting close to Nathanial while she was around? Probably safer not to, there were always people poking about. He was pretty used to no privacy and having to be 'on display', as it were, not that it made it any easier to take. Why did he have to be a Dark Spirit? His whole life would be a lot simpler if he wasn't, but then he wouldn't have gone to Nova Scotia and met Nathanial. He wouldn't have had Faelen as a bodyguard, either. He still kinda wished Faelen shared his room. They got separate rooms when they turned twelve; Geoff knew better than to complain, but he'd wanted to. It really was better for Faelen; getting to have a fog bath each night was really good for him. How'd he get back on to Faelen, again?

Kiera, she was being weird. Geoff heard his name. "Huh? What?" He sat up and looked around.

Nathanial was looking at him, amused. "I asked if you wanted to take a walk. Conor said I couldn't go outside without you and Ms. O'Conall, and I wanted to take a quick walk to try to get some fresh air before I go look at the teleporter. Gwen is heading off to bed."

"Oh, um, night, Gwen." His sister just waved her paw over her shoulder as she walked off to the stairs. Geoff looked around the room, still half sunk in his thoughts. His mom was sipping her tea, looking a little amused and concerned. She was used to his funks, but she always worried about him. "I'm fine, Mom. Just a little..." He didn't want to make anyone else worry about Da, so he changed what he was going to say. "Liam seems to be drained; this whole thing's taking a toll on him."

Nathanial nodded. "I noticed, too, but I don't want to invade his privacy, so I'm keeping my distance. Faelen will make sure he doesn't go overboard. About that walk?"

It looked like Nathanial was thinking about something, too. Geoff knew they wouldn't really get a chance to talk with Kiera there, unless Nathanial used his telepathy thing. His pup probably wouldn't, though, in order to conserve his magic. "Sure."

Nathanial smiled and stood up, his tail was wagging happily. "Great!" He turned to Avery. "We shouldn't be long. Do you want to come with us?"

Avery glanced at the two of them, then saw Nathanial tip his head toward Kiera and shrug. Avery smiled and said, "No, thank you. I don't want to leave Gwen alone. She seems very mature, but she's too young to leave unsupervised for any length of time. You two go ahead, just stay close to Kiera."

They nodded and went to the hall. Kiera moved ahead of them to the front door, silently, and opened it. The night was a little cooler, and the remnants of Nathanial's fog was pretty thin and only chest high. It looked like a really nice night for a walk. He just wished Faelen was here. Instead of Kiera, of course... so he could be closer to Nathanial. Speaking of, she poked her head out of the door before walking down the front steps, then turned to nod to Geoff.

Geoff stifled a sigh and followed, with Nathanial right behind him. Nathanial was practically bouncing like Micah, and his tail was wagging hard enough to make his hips rock. Geoff wished Nathanial was walking in front of him; the thought made a small smile cross his face.

Nathanial grinned happily. "That's better. You were looking really gloomy. Now, where are we going first? I want to see it all. Where was the school you went to? Where did you play soc... um, football, I guess, since we aren't in North America, right now." The thought seemed to excite Nathanial even more, which made Kiera try to smother a smile. "Hey!" Nathanial...chirped. Geoff had never heard Nathanial actually chirp. He really was Micah's brother. Nathanial kept going, "You smiled! Good, I was afraid you were going to be completely serious the whole time." Nathanial stuck out his paw. "You heard my name, but we weren't actually introduced. I'm Nathanial."

Kiera looked a little discomfited; this wasn't proper guest/bodyguard behaviour. She took his paw and shook it. "Kiera."

"Great to meet you. So, you're Faelen's aunt, eh? It must be neat to have family like this, everyone all so close by. You're really lucky." He just got a shrug in response, which made his shoulders and ears droop in disappointment. "What type of Spirit are you?" They began walking along the lane toward the Fur's village and harbour.

Kiera gave Geoff a beseeching look, so he answered, "It's not polite to ask that, Nathanial. It's also not proper protocol to talk to a servant or bodyguard when they're on duty."

Nathanial responded, "Oh. This counts? Um, sorry. But, don't I need to know? How am I supposed to work on strategies if I don't know what she can do? When we're with Faelen, I know I drop darkness to power you up, Geoff, and hide you, then I summon fog for Faelen. I know how dark I can make it and still let Faelen see, and how much fog I can make yet still let you see. Is she more like Faelen or Dirk?"

Geoff glanced at the very uncomfortable young woman. She was two paces behind him, on the left side, where he knew she would be. Her shoulders were hunched and her ears flat. He had an idea, but he was going to let her answer. "I don't know. I wasn't told. I know nothing of her skills and powers. Remember the O'Conall's say they serve my family, which means most of them don't talk to us, except on business. Our families are supposed to be inextricably tied together, but we rarely mingle. She's as much of a stranger to me as the leader of the Knights Templar is." That was a bit of an exaggeration, since he knew her family, but she might get the point.

Kiera was practically curled up in a ball as she followed along. Her tail was tucked up firmly between her legs, head held very low with ears flattened, and her arms held tight to her chest with paws clenched into fists.

Nathanial looked like he was really feeling sorry for her but had no idea of how to help without possibly making things worse. "Um, but isn't it a bodyguard's duty to organize strategies with their ward and escort so everyone knows what to do before trouble..." He broke off with a growl and moved into a Kung Fu stance in front of Geoff, paws raised in front of him. He was staring ahead and to the left toward a cluster of trees, where another lane joined this one.

Kiera slipped up and beside Nathanial, bouncing on her hindpaws like a boxer. "What is it?"

Geoff couldn't resist. "Now you're talking? Isn't that against your self-imposed code of conduct?"

Nathanial's tone was a little sharp as Kiera's ears flattened again, "Geoff. This isn't the time for that. There's six guys heading this way, like they know we're here. They're drinking and are acting like I've seen many bullies act. We should go the other way... crap. Rolph's that way and he's got some friends, too. Is he after me or...?" Nathanial glanced at Geoff, then suddenly giggled. "Dancing lights, draw away from fights. Lead and twist, through the dark and mist. Into bogs and glens, woods and fens, the wolves shall fall prey, to spells fey, and ne'er be heard again." The fog began rising again, spreading out across the entire Clan lands, from what Geoff could see, for the few seconds he could still see. Dozens of lights appeared and went out into groups of threes. Nathanial cackled, "Fly, my pretties, fly! Fly!"

Geoff felt something large and cool brush by him. Snow, probably, but it was too foggy to tell. Geoff put a paw on the beast's back to make sure. Judging by the height, it had to be Snow; he didn't know any other four legged creature that would be in the area that stood that tall, except for horses and cows, and it wasn't one of those. So, unless it was a tiger escaped from a zoo, it had to be Snow.

"Wow, it's foggy." Nathanial sounded normal, if surprised. "I suppose that's a good thing, since now they can't see us." Snow grumbled something and Nathanial chuckled, "Yeah, I guess they can't see either. Well, maybe. I have no idea if Kiera can see through fog, she could be a Mist Spirit, for all I know."

Kiera sounded very nervous, "Wh-who is he talking to, Geoff? You?"

Snow grumbled and growled, then Kiera let out a shriek. Nathanial laughed, then tried to control it as he apologized, "Sorry, Kiera. No, I'm not talking to Geoff; I'm talking to my friend whose nose just bumped yours. He's a four legged canid from the Elemental Plane of Darkness, a Shadow Mastiff. I named him Snow." Some more grumbles followed, so Nathanial added, "A name that's under review."

There was a pause, then Nathanial asked, "Those lights that are moving through the fog, are those will-o'-wisps? I sense some magic from them, but they don't match any spells I know."

Geoff felt an icy paw grip his stomach, figuratively. He cautiously said, "Um... that was your spell. I thought it was, anyway. Should, um, we go home?"

"Oooh, that had to hurt. Some guy just fell off a half wall into a rosebush. It seems these wisps managed to lead everyone away and separate them up, too. I should thank the wisps, it was very nice of them to help us like this. Oh, right. Don't thank Fey, it's rude." Nathanial didn't seem to have heard Geoff. "Anyway, which way to your school?"

Geoff made his voice very dry, "I have no idea. It's foggy. I can't see. There are my uncle's thugs wandering around, drinking. Apparently you also summoned a bunch of sadistic Fey, too. Is it safe to go on a tour?" He manifested and could see Kiera shivering as she looked around blindly. Snow was circling her and breathing on the back of her neck every so often, then dancing back when the wolf spun to try to find him. "Snow, stop tormenting her." He walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Nathanial gave a small start. "Oh, um, what did you say? This way?" He hummed as he began walking toward the lane that intersected this one.

Kiera whispered to Geoff, "I'm scared. Please, can we go back, or even get him to get rid of some of this fog, if he can? He's scaring me more than the Alpha ever has. He's almost as bad as Old Gráinne, you remember, she was that really old Spider Spirit? She always seemed to have a few dozen spiders crawling over her?" Kiera tried to snuggle in closer to Geoff as they walked, following Nathanial. She must be far more scared than he thought for her to be violating protocol like this.

Geoff shivered violently. He used to have nightmares about Old Gráinne; the first time he met her a few really big spiders crawled out from under her sleeves when they shook paws and began creeping up his arm. Rolph had seen it and kept dropping spiders on or around him for months after. Geoff was certain that his uncle even managed to sneak into his bedroom because he found a tarantula on his pillow a week after that first meeting. Dirk wasn't amused when he had run in to see what made Geoff scream.

Geoff said, "Nathanial, I don't think it's safe. We should go back."

Nathanial spun around and skipped backwards as he kept going. "Aw, come on. Rolph isn't even on Clan lands, anymore. He's crossing the main road going through the village between us and the harbour. He's pretty fast. In another minute he'll be out of my range. I'll get rid of some of this fog, so we can look at the scenery a bit more easily." Geoff caught the dark look his boyfriend gave Kiera, and saw Snow begin to prowl around her, again.

"Snow, back off. Leave her alone." Geoff's nerves were fraying. Between everything going through his mind, then what just happened, and now Snow pestering Kiera, he was feeling very tense.

Nathanial's voice was overly sweet and danced in a sing-song way, "So the bodyguard needs her ward to protect her? Who is guarding whom? She's deciding when our walk ends? Who is serving whom? She's cuddled into you? Who is the guest and who is the employee?"

Kiera quickly pulled away, stammering apologies. Geoff growled at Nathanial, "What the hells has gotten into you? She was scared, and so was I. Scared of you. Nathanial, what's happening to you? The least little thing and you devolve into rhyme and really scary and vicious behaviour."

Nathanial twitched. "Me?" He sounded incredulous and angry. "Gotten into me?" A globe of purple light suddenly surrounded Kiera. "I thought you loved me, and the second Faelen walks off with his boyfriend, you go into a deep funk. I convince you to go on a walk with me and you spend most of it with your arms around a girl you admit you know nothing about. That's when you're not trying to make up an excuse to go back and get away from me."

Kiera banged her paws against the globe and seemed to shout something, but Geoff couldn't hear a sound. "Let her go, Nathanial."

Nathanial twitched, again. "Fine. You can have her, since that's what you want." A portal suddenly appeared between them and Nathanial walked through as the light around Kiera vanished. Geoff had no idea where Nathanial went; the backside of a portal only showed a distorted view of what was beyond it, not through it. He looked for Snow, but the Mastiff was gone, too.

Kiera was close to tears as she knelt on the ground, Geoff went and hugged her tightly, trying to get comfort from her as much as give her comfort. She tried to keep her emotions in control as she asked, "Where is he? Will he be back? Gods, sir, he's terrifying. He seemed so nice at your house, but the minute he..." She stood and stepped away, but kept a paw on his arm, even as her eyes narrowed. "A threat. He was really sweet and kind, but the second he detected a threat to you he changed. It wasn't when he sensed the six Spirits ahead of us, because he just wanted to avoid them, but when he sensed Rolph, that he became... different. Why Rolph? He knows Rolph is Conor's brother, and Faelen said there was already a run in with him this evening. So he knows Rolph and your father don't get along, and that extends to you, too. He didn't act afraid of Rolph in the slightest, and if he can do what he just did, then he could easily get away from him. But he was acting protective... and possessive." Her eyes went wide. "He's in love with you."

Geoff backed up, looking wildly around for a place to run.

Kiera held her arms blindly out in front of her. "Sir, where are you? I can't see, the fog is still too thick. Please, don't leave me here, say something."

"I..." Geoff turned and ran.

Her voice was nearly a scream, "Geoff! Please! Don't leave me here!" Three small lights zipped past Geoff as he ran, heading toward the terrified young woman.

Nathanial stepped out of the portal onto the top of the cliffs by Weaver's Point; the name of the village by the Clan lands according to a small sign. He looked out over the water, to the left was the harbour, to the right was the ocean. He howled in rage, then began pacing angrily back and forth along the cliff edge, creating swirls in the fog as it flowed toward the edge and spilt over the side. What was with Geoff? Why couldn't he be happy with what he had with Nathanial and just accept that Faelen wasn't in love with him? Nathanial was feeling sick and tired of looking at Geoff and seeing his eyes turned elsewhere.

Nathanial felt Snow lean against his side. *Alpha, you are upset. Why? The Fog One doesn't care for the Dark One as you do. He is troubled by this, too. The Ancient One is also troubled. We don't understand your courtship; you claimed the Dark One, the Fog One has given him to you. There is no one to fight, no dispute, no challengers. If the Dark One will not submit, can't you force him to?*

The audacity of the question made Nathanial laugh, breaking him out of his angry spell. *No, you can't make someone love you. This isn't about mating, I don't really care if he has sex with Faelen, it's about the emotions. Sex might amplify the feelings he already has for Faelen, which is why we object to the idea.*

*What of the female?*

*Damn. I'm not supposed to leave them alone, I promised Conor.* He went to open a portal, but stopped as he felt his blood start to boil, again, as he thought of Geoff with his arms around Kiera. *How dare he?* He took some deep breaths. *He doesn't like women. It wasn't sexual, he must've been genuinely trying to comfort her, calm her down. But why? I chased all the bullies away.*

*You. They feared you, Alpha. The Dark One said so. The female said so. You heard them.*

*Really?* Nathanial thought back, but the sound of the ocean distracted him. *I really like the sound of the waves on the rocks. So, what name do you want if you don't like Snow?*

*Tiger Festival. We find the image of tigers evoke thoughts of strength and a powerful beauty in your mind. Festivals are times of eating and enjoyment, like we have around you and all the fear that occurs. The female was tasty.* Snow must have noticed Nathanial was trying not to laugh, because he sounded more and more offended as he went, before asking, *We can tell you don't approve. Why?*

Nathanial tried to put the laughter out of his mind, even though he knew Snow could still feel it. *It's not a good name. Only pets have the name 'Tiger', unless it's a pet name like 'pup', 'sprite', and so on. Festival, well, that's an event, not a name. It's not a name that suits you, it's even worse than 'Snow', not that I dislike Snow. Liam knows lots of names, in many languages, why not tell him the meaning or intent of the name you're going for and see what he suggests?*

*We approve of the suggestion. If your reaction was the common one for the name we chose, some advice may be wise. You are avoiding thoughts of the female, of the place we left her, and the Dark One. Of their fear. They are both now very scared.*

Nathanial jumped. "Crap!" He opened a portal and stepped through, with Snow at his heels.

He saw Kiera crawling blindly along the lane, sobbing in fear, hoarsely whispering, "Geoff? Geoff? Please, someone, help me."

Nathanial stepped over and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He helped her up into a sitting position and held her close as he pushed away a bunch of the fog. She gave a muffled yelp as she smelt who it was, and then saw him, but Nathanial just shushed her and hugged her close. "Kiera? What happened?" Three wisps danced around them, but Nathanial ignored them. "Where's Geoff? Are you all right?" Nathanial sent his mind out to look for the errant Spirit.

Kiera was still shaking, but she didn't struggle to get out of his arms. "He... he ran off." She looked up at Nathanial. "I-I said that it looked like you loved him and he just... ran."

Nathanial blushed. "I do love him. I... owe you an apology. Snow was saying that I did something to scare you; I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I seem to be scaring people a lot, but it isn't intentional. I'm sorry."

Kiera struggled to stand up. "That doesn't matter. We have to find Geoff. I'm supposed to be watching him."

Nathanial saw Geoff much farther up the lane; he was slowing to a stop, and muttering, "Geoff, get a grip. You promised Faelen you wouldn't do this. You said you wouldn't run blindly away. You owe it to him." Geoff turned and began running back. Nathanial's heart felt like it was going to break before Geoff added, "Besides, if you can't help one scared woman, how can you rescue a 'Nathanial in distress'? I'll be damned if I'm going to be the princess."

Nathanial laughed. He could feel his heart swell with happiness. "He's on his way back, Kiera. Let's go meet him, if you can stand." He stood up and held a paw out to Kiera, who cautiously took it and stood. He decided Snow was right; Faelen didn't want a romantic relationship with Geoff, and there was no way Nathanial could or would force anything, so all he could do was to prove to Geoff that he was better for Geoff than Faelen was. And to do that he'd need to get this strange temper of his under control, well Geoff wasn't the only reason to do that.

Geoff came running up, then suppressed his powers and slowed as he saw Nathanial. He looked a little cautious, but relaxed when he noticed Kiera looking a little calmer. "You came back?"

Nathanial nodded. "Um, yeah. I'm sorry. I was getting jealous and said things I shouldn't have. You didn't deserve it."

"Are you okay, Kiera? I... shouldn't have run off. Well, for a couple of reasons. I apologize for all of them."

Nathanial felt himself stiffening up as Geoff ignored him, again.

Kiera shook her head and tipped her muzzle aside to gesture at Nathanial. "I think it's polite to acknowledge someone else's apology before making your own, sir."

"Um, right." Geoff scratched the back of his neck. "Okay, then. Thanks, Nathanial." Geoff sounded nervous, uncomfortable, almost like he didn't want to acknowledge Nathanial.

Nathanial felt himself shrinking up, but he couldn't stop his tail from curling up between his legs. He heard his voice quaver, "Geoff?"

Kiera slid aside and half turned so she wasn't directly looking at them, as Geoff's expression softened as he looked at Nathanial. The white wolf quickly closed the distance between them and grabbed Nathanial in a big hug. "Damn, you always get me when you look like that. You're just too cute for your own good." Geoff must have forgotten Kiera was there for a second because he put his paw on the back of Nathanial's head and growled dominantly as he gave him a deep kiss.

Nathanial felt his knees get weak and whimpered needily as he kissed Geoff back. Nathanial felt like he needed Geoff like he needed air.

Kiera cleared her throat quietly, and Geoff jumped back, guiltily. She sounded amused, "While it isn't my place to comment on a McDougal's private life, it is my place to comment on matters of safety and the Clan. Both of them say you shouldn't be kissing a male Mage in the middle of the lane."

Geoff scratched the back of his neck nervously. "You, heh, don't sound upset. And, uh, sorry."

Kiera's was perfectly professional. "I go to university, I study psychology. I've met many gay men, you aren't the first guys I've seen kissing, and I know homosexuality isn't a 'disease'. I also know that if you're seen it'll cause far too many problems to risk casually. Anything you do is a political statement, sir, and a kiss is one of the most heavily charged statements possible."

Geoff looked a little grouchy, so Nathanial put his paw on Geoff's chest and smiled up at him, before turning to Kiera. "You're right, we'll be more careful." Behind him he could see that Geoff's tail was wagging and he had a slightly besotted look on his face.

Kiera nodded and went to stand aside, but stopped and said, "Tar." Nathanial and Geoff looked at her blankly, so she added, "A Tar Spirit. It's a sub-type of Death and Earth." A small smile crossed her muzzle before she hid it. "It's not much help in the wild, but all the asphalt roads make me a great bodyguard in a city. I have a black belt in judo and I'm on the university's team for it and the biathlon. Now you should have a little information to start making strategies, and you know me better than the leader of the Knights." She stepped back and assumed her professional demeanour.

Nathanial and Geoff exchanged glances, with half smiles, before turning and walking up the lane together.

Spirit Bound: Chapter Eighty-Three

**Chapter 83: Wisps and Spirits** Geoff walked beside Nathanial, with Kiera and some of those odd lights following behind. Nathanial was back to normal, thankfully, and was carrying on a light-hearted conversation, as if nothing unusual had ever...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Eighty-One

**Chapter 81: After One Hundred Years** Liam lay in his son's arms for a minute, thinking. He looked up at Ciaran and wryly said, "This was, perhaps, not a wise thing to do. I am at very low levels of chi and my meeting will cause Lowell to...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Eighty

**Chapter 80: Checking His Power** Nathanial followed Conor numbly until they reached the front steps, before he sank down onto the stones and buried his head in his arms. Conor sat to one side of him while Snow sat on his other, on the ground...

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