A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 6: Out of the Kettle

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#6 of A Lion's Healing Love

A Lion's Healing Love

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 6: Out of the Kettle

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Zeblend followed Randall in, and slowly sat on the stool behind him.

"Alpha, you're intimidated by me. How come?"

"...I..." Randall didn't really have a good answer for that. The stallion was big, much too big for Randall to fight back, but then again, there was the shock collar.

Zeblend grabbed the soap and started washing the wolf's back, who seemed to remain oblivion to the process, deep in thought.

He's already clean... Zeblend thought. Maybe Master Georgio just knew this was a good way for him to relax.

As he moved lower with the soap, Zeblend noticed something.

"Alpha...you're still wearing your loincloth."

Randall whimpered, loathe to remove his clothing and be completely naked in the presence of the much larger fur. It was like Master, all over again, before he knew that Master was Good. He paused a moment, then got up to remove, it tossing it just outside the shower door. He trembled on his way back, but managed to sit - albeit with his tail between his legs.

"B-bigger furs have controlled me all my life..." he finally said, answering the stallion's original question. "M-master...master sh-showed me they can be different. But...b-but...I still get scared..." he trailed off. This topic of conversation was quite uncomfortable for him.

Zeblend chuckled. "I can see why master chose you as his mate, you're quite adorable when you're nervous, Alpha." The stallion worked the lather into the wolf's back more. "So...scared because I'm hung like a horse, huh? Heh, or is it..."

Zeblend trailed off as Randall began to tremble more fiercely. Zeblend gave him a quick hug from behind, and an apology.

"Sorry, Alpha. I'm still learning what's okay to talk about around you. How about this, let's change topics. What do you want to know about me?"

That one was easy, there was something the wolf had been wondering for quite some time. "So...um...wh-why did you...y'know, choose life?" Randall asked, not understanding how anyone could choose to live their entire life like this. Randall wouldn't change what he had for anything at all, but that still didn't erase the fact that he was forced into this life, and that his life as a slave was a living hell until Master had rescued him.

"The only way to get the loan I needed to start my business was to put myself on as collateral with the bank. I thought I had everything planned out perfectly, but things just went belly up. It was either this or...hmm, well, there really wasn't any other choice. I was hoping my domestic and cooking skills would go to use for some nice family or an older lady going on in years needing some help around the kitchen...so, well, I didn't really choose this."

"I guess that's a good skill, yeah. You should ask Master about the first time I tried cooking for him," Randall said, beginning to warm up ever so slightly. There was even a small hint of a grin on his muzzle.

"I'll have to...didn't go so well I assume, huh?" Randall just blushed again, and shook his head.

By this time Zeblend was working his way back up toward Randall's shoulder, when he noticed the small patch on his shoulder again.

"Alpha, did you get hurt?" he asked, gently touching a spot near it.

Randall blushed, looking away. "Um...n-not exactly. M-master...uh...m-mated me." He was a bit embarrassed talking about it - even being the Omega that he was, and removed from his family at such a young age, he'd been instilled with enough proud Alpha propaganda to have stereotypical, chauvinistic wolf stigmas. It was difficult enough to be an Omega, but a male omega had it worst.

But there was still a glow he got when was speaking - clearly, this was something that made him proud, not ashamed.

"Really? That's great! He must really love you. You're lucky to be loved at all," he said, seemingly a bit upset at some distant past memory. Zeblend handed off the soap to Randall, then turned around. "Here, Alpha, help me out, please." Randall turned around in short order, much more pleased with this positioning. He didn't feel nearly as vulnerable. He had to reach up a bit to get Zeblend's shoulders, but, he managed. The few fox genes in his ancestry had shown up in his breeding, bringing his species normal height of a respectable six feet down several notches, to just barely over five.

"It wasn't always like this for me...," Randall said, abruptly. "...you're very lucky that Master is your first. I used to be...normal. Now, it's hard...it's hard thinking, sometimes. I get frustrated so easily, and..." Randall squinted his eyes, trying to hide tears.

"Hey, it's okay, Alpha, let's talk about...well, I'll tell you a bit more about me, okay?"

Randall nodded, still fighting back frustrated tears at the treatment he'd endured, that had stolen so much of what he was from him.

"I know I'm really lucky. I don't have what you and Master share, but, I can tell he likes me to some extent. Maybe love? I mean, I...well, after all that, he still bought me. I never really had anyone love me unconditionally before. My parents hated and disowned me when I came out. I had to put myself through college, and, well, being a stallion...sometimes I wondered if everyone was into me just for my cock, not for me."

Randall nodded, beginning to feel some connection with Zeblend. Maybe he wasn't a fellow tortured soul, but he'd clearly endured some emotional hardships, just as he had.

"I know what that's like. I don't know if my parents hated me or not...I don't remember them very well, but I know they weren't ever there. They didn't approve of what I was. Master...Master is the first person in a very long time who has been interested in me for more than...my m-muzzle, or my ass."

Zeblend smiled back at him over his shoulder. "We're not that different you and me, huh? I...I know you still hate me, but-"

"I don't hate you..." Randall interrupted. "I...I just...I'm not able to trust other furs very easily," which was quite true, and it was worse for the stallion, since he had hurt Master. He wrung his paws together, having finished Zeblend's back. Randall was beginning to...well, actually like the stallion. He wasn't evil or anything, as the wolf had thought, and he was right - they were more alike than Randall would ever be willing to fully admit to himself.

Zeblend beamed, quite happy to hear he wasn't hated. "Well, I understand, you've barely known me, how can you trust me? Well, how about I show you how to cook sometime, hmm? I thought you might be jealous when you heard how I used to be a chef...so, maybe I can help you out with that? I mean, it's something of an art, I can only go so far showing you how to do it. It's a talent you're born with, or not. But I know you could learn to make quite a few things, you're very sharp, you know."

Randall nodded. "I don't now if I could learn to even do that," he said, shaking his head, "but I'd like to." He accentuated his acceptance with a small wag of his tail.

"Okay, but in return, could you should me how to make Master happy? Nothing big, just little things - favorite meals, things he likes done around the house, the best way to give him a massage..." I just want him, and you, to like me, is all...

Randall thought a moment - he was pretty jealous of master, but he understand Zeblend's desire to be liked. That's all Randall had ever wanted for the past several years - someone to like him, to make him feel like he had worth.

But, in the end, he decided he could help Zeblend out, some.

"I know he always tells me not to push myself doing anything I'm not comfortable with...so, y'know, don't do anything just because you think it will make Mater happy. You have to want it too. And Master is really smart, he can tell when I'm trying to push myself. But then again, canines aren't very well known for our ability to hide our emotions," Randall added, flattening his ears and tucking his tail between his legs ever-so-slightly.

"Well, I think most of you learn to suppress those kinds of reactions, no? But with your past...I can see why it's harder for you."

The stallion stood up in the shower spray, washing the suds off him. "Well, thanks, that helps, I think. I think we can make you into an impressive little cook, as long as you're willing to learn." He stood in the spray a few moments later, before sighing loudly.

"Gods, I feel like I haven't bathed in a month...you have no idea how good this feels."

Randall shook his head with a small, sad, smile.

"I wasn't allowed to bathe for almost five years before Master saved me. The only time I got a bath...w-was when...i-it was just my head, when my second master would try to half-drown me." He gave a small involuntary shudder at the memory. "It's very nice to be clean," he said, looking over his fur coat.

"Heh, yes it is," Zeblend said, not addressing Randall's memories. He didn't want the wolf to dwell on them too much, it seemed to be bad for him. "So, Alpha...are you supposed to clean every inch of me, or just inspect me when I'm done, or what?"

"Uh-um...I'd-I'd-I'd...it'd be easier for m-me, i-i-if, if...you...d-did it yourself," he stuttered, instantly losing his already weak nerves.

Zeblend chuckled and leaned down, scratching his ears. "Hey, Randall, you're not still scared I'm going to try and hurt you, are you? You know I couldn't do that..." He had to resist the urge to tell the trembling wolf how cute he was.

"I-I know...I know you aren't gonna, but my mind and body don't always agree," he explained, hunkering down a little.

"Hmm...or maybe, maybe," Zeblend said, hoping some teasing might cheer up the wolf, "it's really that you're scared you'll be tempted to use me! Master said it was okay if you want, and it's okay with me, too, I am the lowest rung in the house ladder, after all."

Randall looked up, flushing red, and not from the heat of the water. "N-no! Of course not," he said, indignantly. "I...I spent years...l-like hat, I couldn't do that to you!"

"Heh, it's okay, Alpha, I'm just teasing. I didn't mean anything by it," the stallion apologized.

Randall swallowed. "I'm more of a...natural bottom, anyway," he said, with a small smile.

Zeblend blushed, the got down on his knees so he could look Randall in the eyes. "Alpha...I think you're really attractive...I'd...I'd really like to make you happy. I'll do whatever you want to you, or you to me..." He rubbed Randall's knees slightly. "I'll stop though if you don't want it, I wouldn't try anything you don't want, Alpha..."

It took Randall a moment to realize what was going on - and when he did, he let out a quiet yelp, scooting backward and upending the stool.

"I-I-I...um, th-thanks, y-you're good looking too, and all, b-b-but-but, but, but...I, I...i-it's s-so...it's soon, and....and, and..."

"Shh, Randall, it's okay, I'm sorry," Zeblend said, seeing Randall wasn't hurt from his tumble. "I'm being stupid, I'm just...uh, well, a very tactile person. It's been...hard, going so long without being with anyone. Not in a sexual way, but...just a comfortable way, y'know? I miss it. Do you think Master will let me lay with you guys when you nap? Even at the foot of the bed would be okay. Just...something."

"Um...m-maybe if you asked. He's a really nice Master." Randall knew he'd be really nervous about that, but, excepting the fact that he'd put Master in the hospital, Zeblend seemed to be an alright-sort-of-guy. And really, it was kind of hypocritical to keep holding that against the stallion - it was just a screw-up, and Randall had had plenty of those in the past couple weeks.

"You...y-you probably don't have to be at the foot, if you don't want to...it's really scary." Randall didn't really want Zeblend up with them so soon, but, all he could remember was the previous night when he'd lain awake for hours upon end, pining for Master's touch. Of course, Randall couldn't conceptualize what a healthy attachment to his master was like, one where he could tolerate distance better, so he simply thought it would be terrifying for Zeblend, too.

"That would be nice...okay, well, you finish bathing, while I dry off."

Randall didn't have much else to do, as he was already pretty clean, so once done, he shook off, then stepped out, accepting a towel from Zeblend. He yawned - the hot water had been quite relaxing, resulting in a very sleepy wolf.


Georgio looked up at the two as they re-entered the room, smiling. They seemed to have bonded in a short time, which was what he had been hoping for.

"Um...Master, may I...sleep with you both?" Zeblend asked.

Georgio seemed surprised. "Sure you can, of course. I can't really cuddle much like this, but, the bed is big enough for us three."

Randall quickly darted into bed and under the covers so he could have his favorite spot right next to his master. He didn't press in as hard as he usually did, knowing that any pressure might be painful to the lion. He whimpered as he saw Zeblend getting in; the idea of the giant stallion right next to him was still scary. The two were getting along, but Randall still didn't trust him, as Randall had truthfully admitted.

Zeblend curled up at their feet, knowing how being right next to the wolf would make him feel. He didn't want to push him too fast. "Down here is fine, Master. I don't mind being curled up next to a set of foot paws." He nuzzled against one of Randall's feet, and gave them a soft affectionate lick.

Randall whined and withdrew his feet as they were licked. He wasn't sure why he did it, it was just a...reaction. He slowly returned them, though, to their original position as his Master asked him if he was okay with it...he really wanted to be fine with it, to make Master happy. Close contact with another fur was only recently something he really craved, and that was just with Master because he viewed him as a protector and savior.

Georgio chuckled at Randall's response. "Well, if that's fine with you, Zeblend. You can always come up here with us if you change your mind. Are you comfortable, Randall?"

"I'll be fine..." he said, trying to stop shaking. It felt weird having another fur in Master's bed, but Randall supposed it would have to be something to get used to...he couldn't hardly ask Zeblend to sleep on the floor or something like that if he wanted to sleep next to Master...Randall knew how it felt to be separated from the lion. He yawned and tried to fall asleep, which wasn't too hard since he'd had only a few hours sleep earlier this morning.


It wasn't until around two o'clock when the trio began to rouse - initiated by Georgio, who shook both his slaves awake. "Come on, you two, we can't sleep like this all day. He licked Randall's nose, and poked the stallion's with his sole. Neither of them moved.

Randall didn't want to get out of bed at all; it was so warm, comfortable. He let out a huge yawn, and moved around so he could bring his head up, resting it on Georgio's stomach. "Why can't we just lay here..." he pouted.

Georgio laughed, and stroked Randall's ears. "Well, I can lay here, and I quite intend to. You, however, cannot, as there is a very messy house to clean, and you have to be a good alpha and do your chores, okay?

"I can help Randa-um, I mean, Alpha, I don't mind."

"Good. You two get to work."

Randall laid his ears back.

"Okay, Master..."

He reluctantly - very reluctantly - got out of bed, shucking the bed covers. "Thanks," he said quietly to Zeblend, who followed him out. Randall went downstairs, took a look around, trying to remember everything he was supposed to do.

"Um...I, uh...if there's any dishes, you can clean those, I guess, and I'll start dusting things off." He didn't sound very sure of himself - giving orders was quite foreign to him.

Zeblend nodded, and went into the kitchen. He started filling up the sink, the noticed a note on the counter. "Hey, Alpha - there's a list on the table, with chores written on it."

Randall darted out to the kitchen, grabbing the edge of the countertop, his tail wagging excitedly behind him, looking quite like the puppy he always insisted he was not.

"Yeah, both those things are on there! Let's do that." He seemed much happier now that he had direction.

It wasn't long before the two had gotten the living area dusted, and the dishes clean. Randall even got some polish on the wood furniture. "Alpha, I'm gonna start the laundry, okay?"

"Okay, and I'll, um...I'll rake some leaves. Master says the fresh air does me good." Randall made sure to dress himself, first, then went outside and rummaged through the garage, finding a rake that was comically large for him.

Zeblend was still in the house when Randall finished, so he stared at the pile he'd made for awhile, wondering what on earth to do with it. He suddenly got a huge smile on his face, then ran and jumped right into it, rolling around, loving the sounds it made, and how it felt against his fur.

The stallion had just finished up the laundry, finding it a rather calming and simple task. Between loads he also cleaned the floor, and took out the trash - closing the lid on the can just as Randall jumped into the pile. "Alpha, you should probably bag those up before someone sees you playing outside like that, we don't want the slave police stopping you," he said, laughing.

"Why would they do that?" he asked, his ears falling back. The simple mention of the terrifying police entity had sent him out of his playful mood and into a working one, however, so his fun was spoiled for now.

"They'd think it was suspicious behavior," he said, shrugging. "Dunno why. They like to harass slaves sometimes, though."

"Oh, yeah..." Randall mumbled, as Zeblend went back indoors. He went back into the garage to bring out some large garbage bags.

Ooo...but, I wanna burn them so bad, too...

Randall's first master had burnt his raked leaves, and he'd always adored the smell of it. With his canine-endowed nose he could usually distinguish the different types of tree leaves being burned, too - the sweet maples, the thick, heady oaks, the dark, heavy walnuts...even the more simple elms and birch leaves. He looked around suspiciously, trying to make sure nobody saw him, as he was sure somebody would want to put a stop to his fun. He palmed some matches from a workbench in the garage, then went outside, crouching down beside the bagged leaves, ready to light it.

He managed to get them alight, although it was slow going - the leaves were just a little bit wet, meaning they wouldn't burn easily until the fire had dried them out. It also meant they would make a lot of smoke.


Meanwhile, inside, the stallion was working on the last load. He went back to the kitchen table to start folding, when Georgio called for him.


He dropped what he was doing, and ran upstairs.

"Yes, Master? Are you alright?"

"Oh, I'm fine, I just wanted an update is all." Georgio didn't say it, because he didn't want to impart his concerns on the wolf to the stallion - who was technically the wolf's inferior - but he was worried about Randall getting into trouble.

"Well, I'm just finishing up laundry, Randall got everything dusted and polished, and the kitchen floors are are cleaned. Randall's doing leaves," he said, omitting the fact that he'd had to dust a few spots Randall had missed.

"Wait, did he...is he bagging them, or burning them? Burning is illegal in town limits," he said, although he was sure Randall wasn't dumb enough to go around starting fires.

"I told him to grab a couple ba-"

Georgio put his paw up, stopping him.

"But, did you tell him burning was actually illegal?"

"No, Master, I didn't even think about it, where I'm from, we-"

Gerogio sighed. "Go out, and tell Randall, NOW."

The stallion nodded, running out and seeing Randall, matches in paw, and smoldering leaves in front of him.

"RANDALL!" He ran up as fast as he could, panicking, stomping out the embers as quickly as he could.

"H-hey!" the wolf said, having just begun to enjoy the heat. He was confused, too - Zeblend's voice sounded almost...fearful?

He soon found out why - a slave police cruiser was driving down the street, unfortunately, and witnessed the event. They pulled to the curb, and stepped out, approaching the two.

Randall's breath caught in his chest, and his eyes got as big as dinner plates. He tried to say something, but his mouth wouldn't work. He looked at Zeblend, pleading for him to cover. He had no idea what to do, and even if he did, he was too paralyzed with fear to do anything about it.

"Something going on here, slaves?" one said, tilting his glasses down at them. He was a rather large-statured avian - Zeblend thought maybe a sparrow. Randall was too terrified to make any guesses. The sun glinted off his beak, giving the bird a much more threatening composure. The other officer stood silent - a lanky bat. He shrugged his shoulders back, shifting his wings about in the uniform sleeves designed to allow his wings better comfort. The avian cleared his throat, his hand moving down to his whip in case things got out of control - or, at least, his definition of that.

Zeblend, suddenly brought aware of the silence by the sparrow's impatience, immediately let his head fall, staring at the ground.

"N-no, sir..."

"You were trying to burn those leaves out here, weren't you boy? That's illegal, you know."

"Y-yes, sir, I know, um, but, no, not burning...my subordinate slave was playing with them, and I was stomping on them, a-and...and telling him not to play, slaves aren't meant to play in leaves, sir," Zeblend said, thankful he'd stomped the fire out so quickly, and that neither cop was a species particularly well known for their sense of smell.

"Well, very good...maybe your subordinate slave, though, needs to learn a lesson right now. What do you think?" He unclipped the whip on his duty belt, giving it a firm lash at the air.

Randall had already begun slowly backing up at this point, his heart rate climbing dangerously high, his body shaking furiously. At the crack of the whip, however, he helped, falling over to his side on the ground, holding his head in his paws, and bringing his knees in.

I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything! he tried to plead, but the words wouldn't leave his head.


Georgio, meanwhile - not having heard the commotion outside, was starting to get out of bed.

He's burning them...gods in heaven, I just know he's burning them, he's so fucking lucky I don't chain him to a wall sometimes, he's so freaking...simple, sometimes, I always forget he needs to be constantly supervised. It's my own damn thought for not saying something to Zeblend first," he thought, gritting his teeth, the pain making him more cranky than usual. He got to the window, his eyes bulging as he saw the scene before him. Fortunately, he kept his cool.

Georgio opened the window and peered down at the scene below. He took a deep breath, and called out. "I'm sorry, officers, is there a problem with my slaves?" he called down.

Randall relaxed, slightly. Master would make everything right. He always did. He tensed again, though, as the voice of the cop called back up.

"I think these slaves of yours were going to burn some leaves...least your wolf was. I think it needs a good whipping to set it straight."

Georgio gripped the window sill hard enough to leave marks, starting down at Randall.

Fuck, fuck, he really was going to burn them...I love that little wolf to bits but he is going to give me a friggin' heart attack some day from all his shenanigans...he knows better than to start fires, or, at least...he should have...

"I think you're right, I'll be sure to WHIP his ass hard, later."

"Well, we have a moment, we can do it for you if you like..."

"No, no, that's fine, I have a brand new bull whip I've been looking to try out."

The officer smirked at the wolf. "Well, you're gonna be in for it now, mutt. We'll let you off for now, but, if I see either of you two pulling shit like that again, your master won't save you, ya hear? You either, pony."

Zeblend watched them get into the cruiser and drive off, finally allowing himself to exhale.

"Tha-" Randall started to call up to Georgio.


Randall yipped, then came inside, bottom lip trembling. He was trying not to cry. Back with the doctor, even in the beginning, in the back of his head somewhere, he understood at least why he could have been wrong - he had acted violent, and that was bad. But here, he was just trying to have some fun...and his first master had done it, so it shouldn't have been a problem, right? He felt very, very confused, and very hurt. Randall knew he didn't always make smart decisions, but he couldn't understand why this one was bad.

He was abruptly shaken out of his thoughts as he found himself at the bedroom doorway.

"M-master...I don't understand," he said, voice shaking.

Georgio was about to start yelling, but instead, seeing how scared and hurt his wolf was - he took a deep breath, and placed his head in his paws, trying to collect himself.

Okay, calm down, Georgio...he's basically just a kid in an adult's body...I can't yell at him, but he has to know, with that collar, there's a hell of a difference in consequences to his actions...I just...I just...god, I don't know what to do with him anymore...

"Randall...," he said, finally looking up. "That's...that was...I think the stupidest thing you've ever done. I'm very upset with you. It's illegal around here to burn leaves. You could easily be taken or beaten by the slave police for it. You know things are different around here, Randall. You can't just go around playing with fire like that anyway, you ought to know better than to be playing with matches. If you're going to be acting like a child, I may just start treating you like one."

Randall looked downward, feeling crushed the more he was berated. He didn't even protest at being called a child. Randall felt like all he was able to do lately was let his master down and disappoint him.

"I...I didn't know..." he tried to explain.

The stallion, meanwhile, had cleaned up Randall's mess and returned upstairs.

The lion heard the door and called over the wolf's head. "Zeblend!"

"Yes, Master?"

"Get in here," he said. Zeblend quickly came through the doorway, standing next to the lion's bedside.

"You're in charge from now on. I'm trusting you to look after the house, and especially him as well, understand?" he said, pointing at Randall. "You're clearly more familiar with things, so from now on, Randall is not allowed to leave your side, not even piss without your okay."

"Um...yes, Master," Zeblend said, tilting his head curiously. "But...what about Alph...uh, I mean Randall? He was in charge, before."

"Randall isn't capable of managing that kind of position right now, that was my mistake. I should have seen that. He will be in time, but he needs guidance from someone who knows how to run a house. At the moment, that is you, since I'm not able to move around much."

Georgio sighed again.

"Randall, please come here." The wolf shuffled forward, and Georgio could tell he was trying to keep from crying - and failing miserably.

"Randall, I'm not disappointed in you...I'm disappointed in myself, okay?" That wasn't entirely true, he was feeling much differently, but, he couldn't let the wolf know that. And besides, it was true, he was disappointed in himself. "I'm upset you almost got your ass whipped, but you're damned lucky, and you better thank Zeblend for what he did. I just...I clearly put you up on a pedestal that you're not ready for. My expectations were too high."

Randall remained silent.

He didn't even care that Zeblend was in charge of him from now on - that didn't bother him, what did was that he had let Master down and Master had to put Ze-

Alpha... he corrected himself.

...in charge of him. Suddenly another thought struck him. If Zebl-

_Alpha..._he corrected himself, again.

...was the head slave in the house, did that mean...that he and Master weren't mates anymore? He let out a loud sniff, and wiped his eyes clean, tears running already. Randall understood, of course...he had simply screwed up too many times to be trusted anymore. He rubbed his scarred shoulder.

At least I still have this...

The poor slave didn't separate things very easily - when one part of his relationship with Master was compromised, he felt as though all of it was gone. In this case, as he was no longer the head slave, he felt that also meant he could no longer be Master's mate.

"I'm...I'm sorry I'm not...good enough...for you, Master..." Randall choked out between sobs. Being berated was something he could handle, although he didn't like it. However, he'd had a constant string of events over the past several hours where he felt he had repeatedly failed his master, and since he wanted to please him so badly, it was affecting his self esteem worse every time.

"And...thank you...Alpha...for covering for me..."

Georgio's anger almost immediately melted away when his mate began crying. He reached over and pulled him into bed, hugging him intensely.

"Shh, Randall, it's okay...I love you, you know that? Even with all this...you're still my beloved mate, and the only one for me, I promise that. You're...just not in charge of Zeblend anymore, okay? That's all that's different. I promise." He rubbed Randall's back a bit, before pulling back, and wiping the tears darkening his muzzle.

"I love you very, very much Randall...and this is all my fault, okay? You haven't had a chance to live in a normal home or do anything at all like this before. It was too much for me to expect of you, and that's not your fault. You need someone to teach you...but, despite that, you kept trying, for me, and...even though it got you in trouble, I still appreciate the thought."

He gave Randall a tight hug, nuzzling him softly. Randall's spirits lifted - he didn't know that Master had seen how hard he tried to do things right. Knowing that he noticed...felt very good. He soaked up the praise like an attention-starved pet.

"I love you dearly, Randall, and I'm sorry I yelled at you, but it has to be this way. For now, you need to learn the basics. I don't want you taken away. All you have to do is be Zeblend's student, okay? Do as he says, and don't leave him without permission. I want you to learn as much as you can and learn as hard as you can so that you can be the perfect slave for me that I know you want to be. Do you...do you understand that, Randall? Can you forgive me for being so cruel?"

"M-master! You've never been cruel to me!" he said, recoiling in shock. Of course, even if the lion had, it's doubtful Randall would have been able to tell, comparing his actions to his old life.

"I suppose I do spoil you, don't I? Well," Georgio said, clearing his throat and kissing his wolf.

"Like I said, you're never to leave Z's side, or mine, without asking permission. Everything needs permission now. Ask if you need to wash your paws, ask if you need to sit down, ask if you need to piss, whatever, okay? You need to learn everything from the beginning, pup, alright?"

"Wha-what?" Randall said. He wasn't sure he had heard him right, that sounded pretty ridiculous to him. Surely he couldn't get into trouble with such mundane tasks like that, right? But then again, he hadn't thought he could get into trouble making breakfast for master...or raking leaves...

He looked at Randall sternly. "Randall, I know it's a bit strict, but you've proven to me that the most mundane tasks are...well, tricky, for you. I think the best thing to do is to take things from rock bottom and work up again until we're sure you can do them without any...um, spills, or anything like that. Once we know, we'll leave you to it, and trust you, and then work onto the next one. I just want to avoid you being taken away, or...burning or blowing something up, or tearing down a building..." Georgio may have just been listing random disasters to make a point, but everyone in the room, including Randall, knew the wolf had something of a superpower for causing a rather disproportionate amount of chaos for his size.

"That reminds me, Randall, show Z what your morning punishment is."

Randall felt crestfallen that Master couldn't trust him with such things, but he understood why.

"Yes, Master," he said sadly, head hung low, and leaving the bedroom for the laundry room, Zeblend in tow.

Georgio laid back, and sighed, depressed. "I hate being so damnedly hard on him, but he needs it..."

When he got down to the laundry room, he stepped in and knelt before the wall. It took him a solid ten minutes before he was even able to say anything since he felt so terrible. The first couple, however, were in a very determined voice.

"I will be better for Master and for myself."

By the tenth repetition, he was in tears, as usual, and barely able to say the phrase. He didn't know why but this got harder every time he did it, and today was easily the worst. However, these tears didn't make him feel like dirt, as the ones shed earlier in the day had. They reminded him that he had failed Master, yes, but it also reminded him that he had a goal to work towards, and that he would be doing everything he could to make Master happy.

Zeblend, having watched in silence, knelt down and gave him a hug - which Randall accepted with no hesitance. He held him a bit, until the tears stopped flowing. He let go, and leaned back against the door frame, looking up at the wall, wondering why it appeared to have been mauled.

"Randall...if you're able to tell me, what's with the wall?"

"I...I was trying to do the laundry for Master...Kana was helping me, but she had to leave for a second. One of Master's shirts got caught because I loaded it too full, and I tried to get it out, but it ripped instead...I got mad, and..." he finished, gesturing toward the wall. He let out a long sigh, and wiped his nose on his arm.

"I feel like every time I try to help Master, I just end up disappointing him. I don't know why he still wants me. I'm just glad he does," Randall said dejectedly, staring at the floor.

"Randall, I think he sees great potential in you, and I think he loves you...that's why, and you know what? I think you're just a little over-eager to please him. That's not all bad...but, maybe you should start small instead of big, y'know? And this...punishment thing, it's a good reminder of that and to ask for help with things."

"Yeah, well, I sure haven't shown any potential."

"That's not true!" Zeblend said, trying to search fast for something. "You polished the furniture today, even though dusting was the only thing on the list. You did that without even being asked to."

"Y-yeah...that's true," Randall said, cheering up. "Master is the only fur I've ever been able to truly trust...I mean, like, really trust. I'd say and do anything for him, no matter what it was. I know he's got my best interest in mind...even if I can't always see it." The wolf paused a moment, before continuing.

"So...what are we supposed to do next...Alpha?" He paused a bit before adding the honorific, the word sounding strange to him. But Randall supposed that Zeblend had a hard time thinking of the tiny, unstable, submissive wolf as an alpha, too.

A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 7: Don't Rage Over Spilled Milk

# A Lion's Healing Love ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 7: Don't Rage Over Spilled Milk * * * [![Creative Commons License](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/3.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) This work...

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A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 5: Not Like Them

# A Lion's Healing Love ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 5: Not Like Them * * * [![Creative Commons License](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/3.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) This work is licensed...

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A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 4: The Penitent Wolf

# A Lion's Healing Love ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 4: The Penitent Wolf * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * It...

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