
Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A big bad Pred shows off his natural power... but maybe for the wrong eyes...

Audition... the snare

The big jock pushed the faded green door of the park restrooms open, and trotted slowly over to the nasty urinals hanging on the tiled wall. He'd been told that a horny young stud could get a blow job here, no questions asked and with no reciprocation. He sensed the shadowy figure coming up behind him, but is unprepared when he's shoved up against the wall. A hard strong body pinning his arms behind his back, the big jock bucked and struggled a moment until he saw the glittering blades of those sharp claws. "Don't you move a fuckin' inch..." A low dangerous voice purred into his ear, as those glittering claws vanished behind him. "Or I'll cut ya long, wide and deep." Suddenly those razor like edges slit the back of his tight jeans, and then a single finger was jabbed forceful up that tight equine hole. Even as strong jaws bite down or the ridge of that long equine neck growling lustfully.

A tremble of terror raced through big jocks strong body, as the feline slashed at the back of his jeans quickly exposing that sexy round ass. The stud was wearing only his jock strap under his jeans, and as the denim was cut he whimpered... "Be careful please!" As the bulging pouch, with it's mighty equine balls were exposed to the cool damp air in the deserted park restroom. "WWWEEEHEHEEE." Roan squealed as that finger was forced up his tightly clenched tail hole, even as those needle like teeth bite down on his long slender equine neck. "No PL... Please I'm not... I don't take it up there."

"Do you now." That soft sadistic voice snarled angrily, the lusty Lion grinned as he through the big horse onto the hard cold tile floor. Roans nose burned from the scent of old urine and cum that littered the floor, but his young athletic body was well trained. And tried to leap back up, when a huge foot paw slammed down on his exposed ass. His attacker stepping down hard, crushing that cotton pouch with it's firm orbs against the dirty tile.

"WwehEEEE!" Roan screamed as his stomped testes swelled with blood, even as those deadly claws rip his sweat stained jock strap off. The big feline lifting it to his broad nose inhaling the musky male scents contained within the damp clothe. "I was just looking for a whore." The big stallion grunts loudly as he lands on his bulging sheath, forcing his quickly hardening cock out of its home. Quickly the horse begins to get up, but is forced back down by that brutal paw stomp and as he's struggling feels the icy cold claw spear into his anus. "IEIEIEEEEE... OH GODS OHO GODS." The big horse screams as that sharp claw makes his clenched hole burn with agony, and leaves the strong male laying helpless on the piss stained tile floor.

"Ammm I love the smell of a grass eating bitch!" The big feline purred darkly as the trapped horse struggled weakly. Grabbing the jocks bright red mane he yanks back hard, while thrusting a single claw tipped finger repeatedly into that clenching tail hole. "You like that you little bitch?" The Lion demands as his knee ram into the jocks ribs, knocking the wind out of the horses lungs. And then using those huge floppy nuts as a handle, the Lion flips his prey over onto his back. Quickly pushing those long dangerous equine legs up, while punching Roan's long narrow equine muzzle. Pinning that flowing tail down with one knee the big Pred forces his big barbed cock in that helpless tail hole. Brutally spreading that soft anal ring, ever as he dragged his claws down the shaft of that huge pink and brown marbled equine cock. Those deadly claws raking towards the big jocks bruised orbs, as the feline snarled. "Come on little slut... I wanna hear ya scream."

"Please... please STOP I... I'M DO WHATEVER YOU SAY." Roan whimpered as he's rolled over and looks up at his attacker for the first time. Just as that hard fist smashes into his handsome muzzle knocking him senseless for a moment. And then that hard barbed cock is within his already bleed tail hole, even as that cold claw traces down the length of his big hot erection... "Oho gods pleeEEEAESSSSSSSSEEEEE!" The once proud straight jock screamed as that razor edge moved lower down against the soft skin of his ball sac.

"Ummm that's a bit better... but I bet I can get even better out of you bitch!" The Lion snarled, brutally throwing himself against those sleek sexy buttocks rape that tight, gory tail hole while he continued to bludgeon the jocks handsome muzzle. While his other huge paw slow drags those claws down that soft velvety male flesh. Needle like claws hooking into the studs soft scrotum, slicing it open revealing the jocks pale orbs hanging by thin organic strings no longer being supported by their velvety pouch of skin.

"No... Noooo please Owww... Owww!" The handsome jock begged and whimpered as that sharp blade sliced his scrotum open, the cold air on his naked orbs making that long pink and brown marbled cock throb to full erection.

"Well... well lookee what we have here." The mighty feline smirks, as he forces the big horse to look down at his own testicles laid bare.

"Ohooo Gods... Ohooo Gods." Roan whimpered, panicking as he see's his big fat ball's dangling free. "Wha... what are you going to... to do?" The red stallion moaned as he watched the big cat bend down.

The Lion leaned down and sucked one of those fat orbs into his mouth, tasting the warm blood on his big rough tongue. And then he curled his tongue pushing that fat ball between his teeth 'Crunch'.

"Ummmmm that feels sooooooo..." The pleasure instantly mixed with a flood of pain as that big potent male organ is 'Crunched' between those sharp teeth. "Owhowwww Gods Please." The jock stud screamed bucking and humping wildly, actually feeding his second ball into that hot maw. Even as his long equine cock tensed harder and harder... the big blunt head flaring out wide. "WWWEEEHEHEHE!" The young jock screamed as his fat nugget popping, gushing hot sweet seed into the big predators muzzle.

"Ammm Humm..." The wicked feline groans in orgiastic pleasure, at the sweet taste and sounds of his prey's frantic cry's. The handsome equine bucks and screams, as that rough spiny cock is sawed in and out of his bloody clenching tail hole ripping the cuts open even wider. His sleek roan red fur quickly getting covered with frothy equine sweat, as the wide eyed stallion looked up at his attacker in terror. The wicked predator pausing to roll that second orb around in his maw, swirling his broad rough tongue around it. As he sniffed that hard throbbing stud stick, the sweet scents of equine pre-cum and blood making the feline high. Even while his hard feline cock smashes in and out of that bleeding ass like a saw, the barbs along the shaft and head accomplishing about the same function. As they shred the delicate insides of that once virgin tail hole riddling the big jock with agony. Reaching up with one grisly blood stained claw the Lion started carving 'Gelding' across the handsome jocks forehead where it couldn't be missed. Hot salty pre-cum rushing inside that ravished hole, at first seeming to relieve a little of the pain. But when it mixes in with those wounds it only makes them burn and sting even more. salty pre-cum burning like liquid fire in the raw wound of his ruined asshole, even as it contracts around the felines hard fucking cock. That hot bloody flesh feeling delightful on his ravishers aroused organ even as it destroys that once virgin orifice even more lustfully. The big feline smiles with that warm testicle in his mouth, the tubes and cords dangling over from between his sharp white teeth. He murrs as they pinch it between those teeth, using just enough pressure to pinch then painfully for a moment. Sending searing pain rushing through that big athletic body, but not enough to cut those nerve endings just yet. The other big paw wrapped its claws around that marbled equine cock, digging and cutting along the shaft. Opening that thick distended urethra wide, releasing hot dribbles of pre-cum.

Mouth gaping open as a icy chill runs through his massive stud stick, those cool claws opening it up covering the Lion in shivery pre-cum and hot sticky blood. "N... NOT MA COCK!" Begs far to late as that handsome organ is butchered in for of those wide horrified eyes... the jock stud seeing his big male hood being taken away from him slowly piece by piece... "No... No Please don't take my last... I don't wanta be a gelding." Roan begged weakly, as he watched those shiny white teeth close tighter. But then open back up wide, so the young stallion could see his nut sitting on that dark red tongue. Watching as it is pushed over between sharp deadly teeth, jaws slowly closing then fangs puncturing and shearing.

"Oho Gods... Ohooo please... No... No more... don't hurt me anymoOOOOORRRRRRRR!" The big jock squeals in agony, as those sharp teeth press hard on his last testicle. Gritting his big flat equine teeth as they punch through the outer membrane of his orb.

The sound of the jocks begging ringing in the big Lion's stubby ears like a symphony. His long cock growing harder causing his barbs to raise doing even more damage to that aching butt hole. While the lustful predator purrs loudly like a steam engine.

"Good little whore... scream for daddy struggle on his big dick and make him cum." And with than he crunched that big orb between his teeth, savoring the sweet taste before gulping that meat down. Roan screamed once more, as his eyes rolled back in his head. Passing out much to the big predators displeasure, he rutted hard a few moments longer. As he chewed that mighty stud muscle loose, and gulped it down as well. Standing up he kicked the unconscious once more, and then looked around at their watcher leaning in a dark back corner. "Satisfied?" The big Lion growled, to the amused Tiger who was leaning back in the corner.

"Anyone can take a grass eater..." Charn snorted derisively as he watched his competition through slitted eye lids. "But can ya do a pred?" The Tiger asked leadingly, as he tossed the Lion a bottle of healing ointment. This was a no kill sport after all, the Lion snorted but grudgingly smeared it on the horses wounds.

"I can do anyone!" The big Lion bragged as he threw the bottle back to the smirking Tiger.

"Oh really... well I know where some young preds hang out... Wanta break the taboo?" Charn asked with a big bright smirk as he watched the other feline look uncomfortable.

"It wouldn't be my first time... Sure what the hell... I could go for some Wolf meat."

"We'll see what we can find." Charn snickered as he joined the Lion walking out the door, leading the way deeper into the park. "I'd like some fe-lion myself." The naughty Tiger muttered under his breath, as he through about the scene he'd just watched.


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